Giant Quality Street Purple One made...using a Giant Quality Street Purple One

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- Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Oh no! (upbeat music) Hello everybody, welcome to a very murky day here in the kitchen. I'm sorry, it's quite miserable and raining outside but it doesn't matter. We've got some fun today. Now you might remember the other day I did a giant Lindor. - Oh wow. - I think some of you were saying, it's not a giant Lindor, it's a giant Lindt ball or something. Basically there's a company called Quality Street here in the UK, very popular around Christmas time. They make a tin of sweets. There's so many ones, there's a green one, there's a yellow one. They do giant ones of those as well and indeed inside it's just small ones. So I went on a quest to find it. (upbeat music) Come on, it's gotta be down this aisle somewhere. - Sorry about that. I don't think we've got it off the top of our head. - That's right, my little old hometown supermarket did not have it even though it's a fairly good size store. Disappointment, we ordered it online and. I actually ordered two purple ones just in case we make any fails like last time. So Quality Street it's not just them, remember they're not sponsoring this video. It's like celebrations, roses, just a really legendary thing most people have at Christmas time just sort of to munch on and just put on a lot of weight. Inside the Quality Street, oh these are good, the orange ones. There's a green triangle. They do a giant green triangle I think so maybe I can do that one as well. I don't want to really do all of them but, oh I've noticed this recently as well. The purple ones, my favourite ones there seem to be less of them. Ah, there we go. This is what we're scaling up. Let me show you the anatomy. Alright, so you've got your purple one like this, apologies for the lighting in here today it's a little bit dim. Oh, why has it got purple? I've never seen that before, what? It doesn't normally have that wrapper around it but there we go. It's kind of like, why do I want to call it like a Sydney Opera House shape? It's nothing like the Sydney Opera House at all just lowers a little bit of it. Like an armadillo isn't it? Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. Chocolate coating, inside is a nut and it's surrounded by caramel. That is it we've got three different parts. Why have one that size when you can have one this size? But it just contains lots of little ones. And I do just totally wanna check is that, oh my gosh no, this is new. I swear that was never there. Are there any Quality Street experts watching this? Maybe it's like an additional... Doesn't matter. So the purple one has got three key elements. The tempered chocolate outer shell, a gooey caramel centre and a massive nut. But before we crack on we actually need to check that the shape is gonna be okay otherwise I'll need to go to a hardware store. (laughing) Yeah, there it is. Like a little hedgehog. Okay, cool. Wow, I am suddenly very, very hungry. This is perfect, this is the right size although there's a little bit of a divot here. We might have to level the chocolate off in there. I think we're gonna be alright guys. If we can get this all to flow as I'm hoping for right now it might all seal and cool down together as one and effectively potentially not take a massive amount of time. Let's do it! When I made the giant Lindt I got this chocolate which was really good the couverture stuff that tempers really well and gives it that amazing shine. So luckily I have some of that leftover. If you temper normal chocolate it will still do good but this stuff is donking, right boy? No? (upbeat music) We got our selves a pan. A bit of water in the pan, get that warming up. Grab our bowl. Make sure the bottom of the bowl never touches the water, alright? Just as an aside it was fire at night here the other night and Phoebe saw something on telly about how your dogs, you can make them better and more safer with fireworks because it scares them by building them their own den, effectively a box with a blanket in and Boston absolutely loves it in there. In fact he sleeps in there now. I think Amy and Boston have had a bit of a falling out. So that water is gonna come to a simmer. Oh, in they go. Oh look at this already, beautiful. Alright so remember we wanna get up to 45 degrees at first. Alright, that's good 45. And leave to cool, right the nut. When it comes to the nuts you know that I am a bit of a movie nut for Star Wars. Who remembers the video I did where I made a chocolate edible salted caramel death star with a Ferrero Rocher inside? (laughing) This is pretty much a Death Star mould, right but, it's gonna make a nut. Chocolate's still got 10 degrees to go so we've got plenty of time to do this. In this mixing bowl I'm adding chopped hazel nuts. Sugar, we're gonna warm this up and not stir it so basically caramelise and it's very hot and dangerous so please be careful. Alright that did not take long at all, this is insanely hot, okay? So take it off the heat, bonk. And we pour that mixture in, mix it all around. You need to do this quite quickly. Can you see how it's forming together? Sort of like clumping? This is good you want clumpage. It's still a little hot. In about 20 seconds or so I should be able to get it into our mould. So what I'm gonna do (laughing) is start to add our nut, our homemade nut. See it's still warm but I can do it to the touch very quickly. I'm just gonna press it in to get its shape. Okay, this is not that hot anymore but it's still warm so I wanna make Michael Jackson noises but there we go, half of our nut is done. I'm gonna repeat that with the other half which annoyingly has a hole so I plugged its bum with some kitchen towel but you get the idea. Ah! Do this with some gloves on, alright? If you're sensible. (grunting) Does it look like it? Well that's gonna be a nut. You see? But, yeah it's not fully bonded so we've got some melted chocolate here. Let's use it, let's use a little bit. A little bit on there, sit this back on top. I'm gonna get this in the fridge just to firm that up and it should pop out easy. It's only dropped by about a degree during that whole process of making the nut there so we should get on with our caramel. So there's a couple of different ways to make caramel sauce. This is quick, it's gonna get very hot a lot like we just did for the nut and it's important it's cooled down so it doesn't destroy the whole thing. For our caramel we need a lot of light brown sugar, pretty much a whole slab of butter and 400 mils of single cream. Let's do it. Low flame, I'm being lazy. I'm literally gonna stick that whole block of butter in like that. I'm basically doing that because you can make yourself look like a magician, look. (grunting) (laughing) Oh no, got butter on my phone didn't I? Alright so it's nearly there now. We are now adding in our light brown sugar. Light brown sugar is really good for fudge and stuff like that so we need to let these guys mingle together. (upbeat music) Obviously if you wanted to make this salted caramel just add a little touch of salt right now would really take it up another notch. Alright so now we add in the cream. I've taken it off the heat, it's gotten a little quieter. Oh look at that I'm making a cake. Back on a low heat and we stir this through. Oh my gosh, I love that marbly effect. Wanna bubble it gently. Uh, I took my eye off it for like one minute and it bubbled. That was what I was looking for folks. Everything is going to plan but I think we can say our caramel's done, okay? It's a nice colour. In chocolate news slightly better. We are nearly there about two more degrees to go, yeah. Just before I tidy that up a bit, look! A nut, that's nuts. As if by magic it's all tidied up. Made a heck of a mess. Anyhow the chocolate back on to heat. Getting up to 32 degrees. Once it's there we'll leave it to cool down and we should have some nice tempered chocolate. Yeah, so this a bit like a dog, if you excuse the pun is gonna be a little rough. Just like when we did the chocolate skull the other day. And again so just an initial layer like that. It's all nice and covered, fairly transparent in places but we'll double that up. Fridge time, it can go in there next to the nut. If you're wondering where the caramel is that's actually out in the garage on top of the pizza van 'cause it's super cold out there. As it cools down it will thicken up. I don't know if it'll thicken up enough. That might be cool 'cause it will be gooey but it it's too runny I'll just make another one. Alright, there we go. So that's been in the fridge for like five minutes and 'cause it's tempered it's firmed up pretty quickly already so I can keep adding these layers. (upbeat music) Alright so this is now the fourth, I'm gonna go for final layer. We're gonna need some to do the bottom anyway and it's fairly holding anyway 'cause it's so cold now the mould. So let's get this in a real good set on it and the nut and the caramel will go in. The caramel's cooled down a bit. I'm gonna do it in little batches and it'll cool with the chocolate alright? And Mrs. Barry's home. - [Becky] Hello. - She's just having some lunch. So here's what we do. We'll take the mould which is nice and firmed up now but what's one big final set with our leftover chocolate for the base. This is where I do need it to be quite level now, okay. Just want to stop it tipping over like it just did. - [Becky] I'll hold it. - No I don't want you to stand here and hold it 'cause you're on your lunch break from work. Why didn't you come back to work Becky? Oh, 'cause I was holding a chocolate mould? (laughing) Nice, so we're gonna get a nice oozy caramel in ours. Once it chills it will firm up a little bit more but I quite like the idea it's spilling out, we'll see. Alright, so I'm gonna spoon some of that caramel into it, oh my gosh. Bear in mind that chocolate is ice cold. It should hopefully cool the caramel down straight away. The nut goes in. Oh it sunk in there, brilliant. I'm like glossing this like giant nut in the caramel. It's like a little nut submarine. (upbeat music) Alright one last chocolate layer to seal this in. Fill it up from the sides. (upbeat music) That's it. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Oh no! Oh no, my thing's spilt. Mrs. B can you help tidy this? I've got like, if I drop let go of this now it's gonna go everywhere and we've got like caramel oozing off the counter. You're a genius. - I know. (laughing) Thanks. - [Barry] Look, we've got it suspending here. Reminds me of the film, Flight of the Navigator for some reason the shape of it now. - [Becky] What? - The spaceship, Flight of the Navigator? You've never seen that film? - No. - Pretend that you're like, 16. Now all we do it is get the chocolate there on top. You can see where some of the chocolate has kind of helped. There we go. What I might do is just quickly firm these up in the fridge, these edges for a few minutes and then I'll just gradually work them in so we can seal that bottom in. Okay this has been like five more minutes but you can see how that has given me a little bit of a surface, that's much more solid than obviously the caramel right there so I can now continue to build up the strength here. So I'm gonna get one sort of basey bit covered joining it onto the existing chocolate kind of like this. It's quite cool to splatter it actually. 'Cause the lighter it is like that rather than dump it on one big mass it won't sink into the caramel, which to be fair is not the worst thing in the world to happen. (upbeat music) We'll let that bond now in the fridge and then do one final layer and set it. Alright, so I've just finished off one final layer. Gonna give that a little gentle tap just to level it off a little bit and we're gonna give it one big old set then we'll find out of if all of this has worked. (laughing) It's time to get out the mould. Hopefully it pops out with an ease. The caramel inside will not be rock solid. I just didn't like the idea of that. It might flow out. If that happens, good. Here we go. Oh, yes. (triumphant music) You know, I swear chocolates are getting smaller these days. Do you remember back in the good old days? (moaning) (laughing) Yes! If anyone from like Nestle is watching and you'd like to team up and do a bigger version like this, maybe a whole giant Quality Street get in touch. Do a sponsored video, maybe do it for charity something like that, something fun. If you guys just wanna reach out to Nestle for me that'd be cool, or anyone else. Anyone else. (crying) Boom! (laughing) The caramel will be runny. I did say that 'cause it's, you know it needs long to set for it to be really firm plus these have been in the garage they're cold anyway. I like it gooey, but how gooey? Let's try and get the nut shall we? (grunting) (laughing) I missed the nut. Yes, hello? Yeah sure. Oh some of the nut's come off. Oh it's amazing. The caramel's so good. Well, another success in the bag. (laughing) Before this spills off the counter don't forget to have a marathon now and check out the rest. Over 1300 videos on the channel. Thank you so much for the support wherever you are in the world and see you next time. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style the kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ So it's moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ (upbeat music) It's just basically five hours later. You can see the caramel is a lot more thicker now. So maybe I should've left it but I can see that Mrs. Barry's been hacking away at this. All good, see you next time.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 503,501
Rating: 4.8730044 out of 5
Keywords: giant purple quality street, giant quality street, giant purple one, quality street, quality street (brand), barry lewis giant food, giant rolo, giant, Giant Quality Street - The Purple One, nestle, the purple one, my virgin kitchen, virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, barry lewis, chocolate, chocolate truffle, super size, worlds biggest, candy, truffle, DIY, chocolate ball, giant food diy, cooking show, food hacks, homemade, giant food, caramel, giant nut, chocolate caramel
Id: AykrvnBFZjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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