I Caught Something CHILLING At the LIZZIE BORDEN House

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[Music] Oh [Music] I'm done dark energy is real or following as a [Music] he looked found based you guys already know Spencer Henry he's a cult leader and he is also my hair stylist colorist dresser cutter what are all things all the things with the hair but this is not my hair so he didn't do this not responsible and my name is Mikey but spelled funny and why can't I II this is exciting we decided to bring on one brand new gadget for you guys on the very last episode of ghost hunting last episode for now last in the Halloween series for this year because you know it's like it's practically Halloween you saw that coming I'll be sad it's okay we'll be back right we'll be back I'll be back anyway I got us a brand new toy for the last episode is a spirit box a spirit box everyone in the comments told me to get this thing and honestly I didn't want to because to me it's like oh yeah you're gonna hear things you're literally flipping through radio frequencies however we're gonna give it a try maybe we'll find some ghosts it honestly if we're gonna find ghosts anywhere or energy or crazy occurrences I would expect it to be here that's not how much sample of ghost sure that's just me you're miked they know what they were getting into that's the other thing if I'm talking quiet it's because this house is super old so it has really thin walls and it's super late already and I don't want to disturb the people that are already in the room however Spencer does not give a thank you I just forget they're not in a hotel tonight technically we're in a bed-and-breakfast which is kind of like go top but it but it's also not we are in a house house like a little bagel house full of ghosts really old house like 175 years old or something like that and as you read in the title it is the house of one Lizzie Borden and if that name sounds familiar to you then you know that shits about to go down Lizzie Borden's house is in over Falls Massachusetts not where we are we're in Fall River wait really yeah [ __ ] and I took the red-eye I haven't slept the part he's okay we're in Fall River Massachusetts just like I said the first time and here that happened to two very grisly murders happened in this house on August 4th 1904 1892 one of them was in the living room and one of them was in an upstairs bedroom guess what upstairs bedroom or in the first murder was Abby Borden and it happened right here not just in this room literally right here right here like right here my my foot is basically where her head was and we know that because this bed-and-breakfast is nice enough to put up crime scene photos right next to where the murder happened this is mrs. Borden here's another one of the head and a giant pool of blood which I know from firsthand experience the head does bleed a lot I bled a lot with like the tiniest of gashes and yet juice matched 17 times with an axe so let's talk about that there are a few key players that you should know about in these events most notably of course Lizzie Borden she's 32 at the time she's a sunday school teacher and she is the daughter of Andrew Borden Andrew Borden is a very wealthy man but he lives very frugally Lizzie's mother Sarah is deceased she died earlier in life and at this time Andrew has remarried to Abby Abby Borden and Lizzie have such a good relationship with the sarcasm that she refers to her stepmother as mrs. Borden Lizzie has a sister Emma who is nine years older than her she is also not a big fan of Abby and there's a live-in maid in the house who is an Irish immigrant by the name of Bridget Sullivan although you may see her called Maggie because they didn't respect her very much and their last maids name was Maggie so they decided to just recycle that name kind of like how if you have a three-year-old who has a goldfish named Edie and then add the goldfish dies wasn't no a toilet good buying your goldfish and you rename a Med so that the kid doesn't know that it ever died in the first place that's kind of what they did with Maggie Bridget it's it's weird and another person you should know about is John Morris we will talk about him more in a little bit because he's an interesting character but what you need to know for now is that John Morris is lazy and Emma's uncle on their actual biological mother's side so he has no relation to Andrew or Abby however he did stay over the night before the murders you should also remember John Morris's name because we are staying in what is now known as the John Morris room since this is the room he slept in according to the people that now own the Lizzie Borden house he also stayed in this room the night after the murders occurred which is an interesting choice of room maybe it's a really comfy bed speaking of the actual day of the murders let's talk about who was home emma is out of town visiting a friend allegedly john morris who had not visited the family a whole lot after his sister's death is for whatever reason there the night before like i said and then the morning of he leaves to go do some stuff visit anis and plans to be back around lunchtime allegedly Lizzie is home her father Andrew is home her stepmother Abby is home and their maid Bridget is home but early in the morning her father Andrew goes out to take his usual morning walk so during the time of the first murder the only people we know are at the house are Lizzie Bridget and Abby a lot of people suspect that Lizzie Borden is the one to commit the murders but as we will find out that is not necessarily proven what we do know is that someone attacks mrs. Borden Abby between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. and if you know the nursery rhyme then you know that Abby is attacked with an axe and 19 blows into her body one into the side of the head 17 to the back of the head and then one more between the shoulder blades count to 17 real quick oh wait that is what we call a rage killing that's a lot of stuff during this time Lizzy is said to be somewhere else in the house Bridget is most likely cleaning windows it is debatable whether a murder that violent could happen with neither of them hearing it but the house is pretty big and it's possible after Andrew returns home from his walk no one goes up to the second floor to find a be murdered but he does lay down on the couch to take a nap and then her father turns up murdered also with an axe this time it's in his face and straight up the axe like broke his face and to split the eye socket because I was hanging on to his cheek it wasn't cute bridget is supposedly upstairs in the attic where her room was taking a nap we don't know where Lizzy is and it's all highly suspicious Lizzy is the one to discover her father murdered first on the couch she calls for Bridget the maid to come down and check it out and then later Abby is found upstairs and all the [ __ ] starts to go down we got a tour earlier today and the tour guide because you know that we were staying in this room asked me if I wanted to lay down in the exact spot if she was found so that when the rest of the guest came up the stairs they could see how you can see someone lying there as you come up the stairs underneath of the bedroom so that was fun laying in the exact spot that a woman was hacked to death Wow a stranger tells you to just lie down and you go for it there's one thing we've learned is scarier than ghosts it's other people alive people and human people and I will say the one thing that's interesting about staying at this house is multiple people can rent different rooms throughout the house so a lot of the house is a communal space there's one bathroom well there's several bathrooms but we have to share the bathroom that's right here with strangers staying behind us another interesting thing was that when they do the tours they show every single room of the house so even our room that our stuff is in is Shelton yeah in total there's 13 people in this house right now oh by the way guess what day is it's not that all but it is Friday and there are 13 people staying in this house so therefore can't work according to my calculations to be fair that's pretty much as accurate as a horoscope so to know Peters here for peanut gallery comments by the way tell me a spooky story cult leader do I have a story for you here's what we know Abby Borden she had absolutely no defense wounds on her body so chances are whoever approached her in the room was somebody that she trusted number two there was absolutely no blood found anywhere other than the body and on the rug beneath her there wasn't trails leading to anywhere so it could have potentially been somebody that has a history or maybe a profession working in the medical field or a field where they're used to cleaning up bloods like a butcher I never knew that a butcher was a medical failed profession I never knew you were so there's a few people related to the family who knew how to clean up blood one the maid Bridget who lived upstairs and was home at the time of the attack to the Uncle John Morris who formerly had a career as a butcher and butchers know how to clean up blood you don't know good I mean happy new family use tests no bikini come trainings going great by the way thank you for asking also he showed up the night before the murders without a sleepover bag who doesn't burn a sleepover bag to a sleepover a murderer a murderer allegedly so there's a lot of different theories about what actually went down in my honest opinion I feel like most signs point to Lizzie I think it was a collaboration why is there no trail of blood leaving either body who had time to clean up and Lizzie was found a couple minutes after the second murder must have taken place and she had absolutely no blood on her and those dresses back in the day or not that easy to just slip on and off so that actually makes it hard to figure out how she could have done it well especially the way she did it like if you murder somebody with an axe that you are going to be like The Shining I know that from American Psycho yeah yeah you make a mess you got to put on your clear raincoat 30 days but the circumstantial evidence around Lizzie is highly spacious I think because of that she was ultimately tried for the murder of Abby Borden and her father Andrew but do you want to know something you ought to know why she was acquitted there's two reasons really one it was all circumstantial evidence you can't try someone completely on circumstantial evidence - she was a woman and there's absolutely no way that a woman commits the crime says the juror of only men because back in the day only men could be jurors and women couldn't vote or do anything yep so they straight-up didn't want to even come close to admitting that maybe a woman was capable of something so violent or break a man's face or correct me if I'm wrong she was like five four five four hundred thirty pounds of 130 pounds my Ford so small my size and it seems like their attacker attacked them both when they were not suspecting anything or even anticipating an attack Abby was clearly caught off guard and the first blow was on the side of her head and then it was probably all over from there but it is also theorized that Andrew was asleep on the couch when whoever murdered him attacked him which means he might not have even known anything was coming so it's not like he was fighting back and you know them fought back so it's very possible that a female could have done that even a small one it's a whole fishy story there's also a lot of theories that it was for inheritance that it was just a passion based on a lot of family feud's Emma was the one that would get the inheritance and then share it with Lizzie and pay her legal fees buy her the best lawyers money could buy they were a very wealthy family that lived very frugally because of the father there's all kinds of messy stuff and honestly you guys could spend hours looking into all the details we had a two-hour tour tonight so we can't cover the whole history but just know doom earners happened here absolutely confirmed and we're not exactly sure who did it but maybe tonight was a little ghost hunting we can get some answers I found blood on this bed already by the way yeah I mean I'm sure it's not from the murder but ain't that blood it's a salt lake city oh shoot oh that's not a Cheeto that's blood that's blood and that's blood let's try to talk to Co Spencer just quit he's just God and I let's do it so we just opened this wardrobe and Peter said that he noticed there must have been a spill in there and it smelled like coffee and thank Spencer that's the culprit and Peter brought this pack back over where there's clearly a coffee stain right here on his bag he sat it down on the bed and when he took it off the bed he knows that there was a stain on the bed and we all thought shoot we got coffee on the bed by accident yeah he insists that he didn't put the wet side of his bag on the bed but I mean obviously he must have right but the back of your backpack is completely dry it's with like wet wet wet but then it's dry and it's just look blocked it and it didn't get near my left side on the left - dry here it's dry on this flat everybody's just dry here it's dry here the reason that I'm telling you guys this so thoroughly is because there's definitely a stain on the bed that was not there before I have on tape every moment that Peters bag is on this bed and I'll put the footage up but Peters bag is always face-up on the bed beside the entire coffee does it smell like coffee has anyone tried smelling it I'm not smelling yet try not what that doesn't not smell like coffee you smell like not coffee I mean I put soap on it oh it smells like soap okay let's do this okay so this is where it happened I'm just gonna set it down where she was her head was right here when that flower as he told me I don't know I turn off the lights and set by it we can do that we just need to set up the night vision yeah night vision go Abby Andrew Lizzie Emma Bridget John Morse if any of you are here tonight can you please come talk to us is anyone here with us tonight Lizzie Borden do you miss Emma they were very close and then they had a falling-out where they never saw each other again in their entire lives but even so they died nine days apart from each other even though they were nine years apart in age I think that's pretty spooky so it was recommended to me that if we want to talk to Lizzie we should mention Emma because she would probably be pretty likely to want to talk about her she was a sign if we're not alone in this room one eternity later she would take it somewhere else in the room and you want to just do everything right here while we set up right here let's put the EMF to the side and let's try those beer bombs [Music] okay so terrible flashlights cool it just doesn't seem responsive to anything I'm doing right now wait well press it press it again it looks like it's moving but it's not like for us it's staying still right now as it says 87.5 but that's rolling right I'm not crazy oh it's fully moving well when I take my light off of it why would that do and it looks like my phone is strobing let's just be a strobe thing with unless just be the shutter speed of this camera that's creepy though weird don't debunk it let it be in the video well there's no way to know if it's recording or not so that sucks but this is supposed to speed up the scam this is supposed to slow down the scam but this doesn't seem irresponsibly anything so the way a spirit box is supposed to work is you let it scan through different radio stations and you ask spirits and they will try to use their energy to give you the answer through your radio frequencies yeah you're incurring actual words on any given radio station but they're supposed to join rekt the words in order to answer your question yeah me I mean I don't see how that's any different than just this is a $90 piece of plastic that is scanning a radio quickly and you're just interpreting whatever you want to have it that's how I see this as a skeptic but if we are to scan the radio and we get a very specific answer right after we ask a very specific question that pertains to this house I guess that would be stranger so let's try it out let's do it let's do it okay so now it's scanning so now we ask questions I'll turn down the volume when I ask the question and I'll turn it up when we want an answer Lizzie did you kill your stepmother Abby [Music] it's a piece of crap that I'll be returning immediately Abby do you know who killed you oh cool did you want Abby Lizzie do you miss Emma Spence how you try Lizzie are you here are we alone [Music] [Applause] Lizzy are you proud of what you did there's a button to this slower ABI what's the name of the person who go play it back play it back I don't know yeah hold on let's stop I literally got a Jill I definitely heard it get quiet and hear a woman's voice okay yeah it freaked me out though it gave me a chill and that doesn't first child gotten in the whole series really yeah I mean I feel like my whole body is a series of endless chills in the last hour because it's already cold Abby what's the name of the person who killed him then go back a lot of that won him then yep my deep love like to you I know that's super weird I know what I as soon as I saw it I thought of that this is what I thought is weirder than anything I don't know if you can see it on the camera so maybe we should turn on the lights cuz we've got something I guess this is pretty weird wait till you hear this I didn't want to say it because I wanted to see if you'd see it okay so the reason that this is so weird - both Mikey and I is that we're in Salem we think we picked up an EVP you haven't seen this video yet but but anyone watching this video has the potential to have seen Salem by now so if Hughes has seen a Salem video then you guys know what we're talking about here - yes so when his phone started recording on its own his brother asked did you do that and there's a very distinct weird audio signature so we took it into this we isolated it we blew it up and it had that same signature signature and end when we zoomed out to the whole thing there's these little spotty moments throughout the entire time that the EMF meter was going crazy and we tested it we tested the EMF reader after the fact and the EMF meter going off is not what caused that audio signature so it was something on top of the EMF going off that was you know picking up in the audio what was really weird about the sale audio was that we picked up signatures that looked exactly like this which are very unusual you can kind of see them happening but like right here where you ask the question and you think you heard something and you think you heard something that sounds like them to me it sounds like it's answering them play it back it is what I will say is weird about this moment too is that it's very loud and static and that moment dropped out and actually got quieter yes yes so I just increased the gain the volume on this which is why it sounds so much louder I'm gonna get rid of that game so you can hear it comparatively to the other audio right it was very isolated and it stood out for sure Abby what's the name of the person who killed him right here you can kind of see it visually this is silence this this kind of dead space is silence so the only thing in this moment is the answer that audio signature is very similar to what we saw in Salem when he heard something very strange that seemed like an anomaly I told you so you know I'm like a believer you've been with me throughout the whole series I'm not like a hop-on any little thing but I told you I got a chill yeah when I first heard that yeah that's the first time on this trip that I've felt anything if that says then yeah it's almost like she corrected me yeah it's not like the name of the person she's correcting me saying the name of them which is weird yes especially because I can told you so I think it's a collaboration not the act of one person so I think we should sit back down and try to go on that line of who are the people yeah oh my god that don't make father I've now everyone here I think that's excessive I should Spencer I have been shivering for the last five minutes for the record I'm just a little cold and you said you're hot yeah so called your 90 degrees I need the grease that's not a temperature for a human you are less warm than me and I am so cold I'm shivering I'm so I mean yeah I'm pantsless but let's ignore that [Music] because it just died [Music] that just is just the light diamond my eyes are welling up with tears again is it dying what does a battery say on that Spencer sty Oh Oh God and that's all it is oh well it's about to get dark in here yeah oh [ __ ] there's the dead battery we're so great Abbi was it John who killed you gave me the chills out on the wire Abby did John Morse kill you she was the biggest threat yeah that's what I heard too no I don't get any choice all over my body Abby did John kill you what did you hear it was John can you play [Music] okay so we asked did John kill you right I'm gonna increase the game so we can hear it better okay what'd it say what is it it said it was John no it didn't no it says image on what John hey it hold on I'm gonna I'm gonna increase the volume again clear as day that is a scary voice what come on I mean in that's right if I got this you're cheering up to heaven you're tearing up to play the question before I literally go Abby did John kill you come on why it's a shitty piece of plastic that doesn't even record there's no way it picked up a spirit that's extra we because that's also in a dead spot isn't it yeah that's in a dark spot yeah just like the last one don't hurt them yeah it caught out and literally said it was Josh yeah I would appear there's no way that I don't know I'm done you're done it was John I don't want to go to bed I'm here after that let's go downstairs to at least like let it leave the room or something we summoned it let it let it go away and get bored goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye cover that [ __ ] forever returning this to Amazon ASAP because it doesn't record like it's supposed to and it picked up a demon returning possessed that was either Andrew or it was a be 100% it was Andrew or it was it was I think it was that and I'm pretty sure we just solved the case it was John who is this guy this guy and we're in his room we're sleeping in his room tonight where he killed Abby yeah and maybe Lizzie wanted him to but maybe he was the one that actually did it yeah and that's why she never had blood on her clothes yeah he did it and he was just not here at all and he was a butcher it was a butcher who knew had it he showed up the day before and chills yeah well it can't be that could be very convenient Spenser camera hey it's me this is why I like a podcast you just said it could be a very conveniently timed thing do you want to know who it was if you know you know the best thing about Mike is is that she literally this entire series has been talking about how like straight-up answer really literally it wasn't like we heard like a job or something that we made into John that literally sense it was just in a demonic way and in an absent part as if it came through look at strong yeah like look that's a dead space like the last yeah that's a dead space for sure it's dark it's dark Wow dad literally okay so but we Abby said potentially Abby said then you think that that means that that John was the one that did it but yeah children yeah I mean I ascribe to that theory that Emma and maybe Lizzie paid their own gold to show up and kill their stepmom right so the guy downstairs yeah who works here thought and think about it I mean we didn't get in all the theories but John Morse is Sarah's brother Sarah is Lizzie and and was actual biological mom who died and they were worried that Abby Mary their father Andrew for his money yeah and if that's the case John Morris probably didn't like a be either but would he kill his own well his brother not not it was John don't even I see you I see right through you do you want to know what else is freaky what's up this sweater looks like it's like I have like a belly or something but I don it's just the material we'll be sure to keep that in yeah it's not gonna change it's literally not gonna change she keeps here you'd like to be like you know we're just but here's the thing so it picks up like random obviously radio frequencies and the idea is that the spirits can manipulate those frequencies into saying something some of them we hear and it's like he's a politician like things like that where it's like okay that's just an advertisement or something but dot doesn't sound like a no the weirdest part to me is that both things that we thought we got answers on we're dark Dead's news where this is clearly static that is a point yeah we got it yes not good literally the human speech and clue live and the dead speech looks dead yeah like there's there's nothing clearer than that god it's so angry sounding which is what really bothers me goodbye yeah that's that's very I think was that the first question I asked I think it was oh stop it I think I waited that's the question you're a demon and that's why you're so temperature different than the rest of us [Music] you scared me we're gonna go sure that's it Peter brought this backpack over he sat it down on the bed and when he took it off there's a stain on the bed [Music] have you ever noticed in our series that we never actually can touch Peter why your desk second damn that's crazy you know alright guys well let's do let's just go downstairs and do a couple of little things and then call it a night that is plenty stop stop all I do is step in lights lights I'm freaked out that's not the same toys you catch on camera yeah I think so I think I was rolling my lights I think that my key is not as much of a skeptic as we thought no I still don't believe in ghosts my intense skepticism of literally everything on this earth I'm just so skeptical that's how I see this as a skeptic I saw your light off I'm scared you know why that radiator noises extra weird because the tour guide said that that is one of the few things in this house that remain original those were made by Andrew I took a close-up of them went into the b-roll earlier because everything in this house they tried to recreate as close to perfect as possible and they did a really good job with all the furniture and the wallpaper and the carpets because someone owns the house in between the murders and who has it now but the radiators are original and that just made it um loud as noise when you walked past yeah but you didn't hit it and it's weird because of what we're about to try we're here to try the cold spot imminent spot oh I am a skeptic I'm fine I'm a scared he's gonna know it you look like an EU boy that's the scariest thing in here for sure not even a ghost this is the couch where Andrew was murdered his head was up here he was taking a nap and he didn't even know what hit him no pun intended I just started clicking in the back of my head like I had headphones in really yeah so sorry I feel short of breath ever since I heard that clicking it's freaking me out it was like it was right in my ear our tour guide told us that he was in this room once and he's a skeptic and he doesn't really believe but it was with his wife who believes and he basically at the end of the night said look if there's a ghost here I want to know show me something prove it to me that you're real make it 10 degrees colder and he was using one of these digital thermometer and he said he literally watched it drop within a minute over 10 degrees so we wanted to see if we could get a similar result in the same room he said he was raised well first let's get a reading of the whole room 66 degrees okay so oh wait actually look at what it is oh damn you missed it as soon as you came over here it was stuck on 66.6 oh there it is 66.6 too crazy if there's someone here change the temperature a B drop the temperature if you're here Lizzie drop the temperature if you're here Jimin drop the temperature if you're here okay well it hasn't gone down at all no this was a nice reprieve though for being in our room I think I literally rather sleep on this couch tonight then in armor honestly I'm fine not sleeping here at all you want to go to a Holiday Inn Express well aside from the literal ghost talking to us I'd say that it was pretty good eventful tonight yeah we're gonna decide where we're sleeping tonight I don't know if we're all fully comfortable sleeping here I think we're gonna try and we'll let you know if we catch anything on the ring overnight and if we hear anything else and we'll update you in the morning like always it smells bad number B did say that we were gonna smell egos by the end of this if that's what I got smells I get it terrible smells like death Hey it literally smells like death in here yeah yeah Spencer creepy Jonah play the Ouija board no person Ouija board in the corner that they literally asked us to please not touch because they think it has dark energy associated with it want to do that one no it was a wooden one that was found here and then someone took it back with them and then they literally sent it back with a note that said please make it stop we should try that stealing no we should play with we down okay let's go baby you're the people who cried no I didn't I wasn't before Spencer this time good morning so two things have happened throughout this series mikey has now become a morning person yeah what Mikey is now much less of a skeptic than she used to be definitely no okay not listen I'm more open-minded than I was before I'll say that and I went into this thinking I was pretty darn open-minded but we made it through the night we didn't sleep a long time because of the spookiest thing about bed and breakfast is that you got to wake up really early and GTFO so it is pretty early right now unfortunately we could not get the ring to connect overnight even though we had it working earlier in the night so we don't know if a ghost was watching over us or anything but we did catch this last night before we went to sleep and as you can see I'm not saying you know these are ghosts however I will say that yet again we didn't see bugs anywhere in this room did you see a bug just one maybe it's just dust that we can't see that the camera is picking up or like Flagstaff is ghosts and it's a lot of them in here and they float different here you know they're kind of creepy here anyway the fan was on in Flagstaff and there's no fan in this room maybe that's the difference is the ghost we're getting churned in Flagstaff turned that turnt up so a few things I want to say then to wrap it up I didn't hear any weird noises once we decided to go to bed however nothing was going to top the very weird noise of like John so I think that'll live on and infamy forever there's something so disturbing about the tone of how that said because we didn't pick up anything else with that like angry tone aggressive or in pain maybe it's in pain maybe it is a be in pain and she's mad or she's pissed I'd be pissed to be fair you know look at that I mean rude oh at one point last night Spencer walked past Abbey's photo and it fell that's true we didn't catch it on camera unfortunately so you're just gonna have to take our word for it but we would never lie to you so you know the human brain is great at doing mental gymnastics to connect the dots that it wants to see or especially throughout the last couple episodes we've found some stuff and maybe dark energy is real or following us or following us at this point great like this video if mikey has a ghost attached to her like this video if mikey has a demon attached and the only other thing to mention I think is check out our 360 video about this little leg of our trip we take you around Salem so you can get a sense of what it's like to be there if you want to see what more of the rooms in this house look like we set up 360 cam in a few of them so you can get a sense of the scale there and the spookiness and thousands and yes at that time if you have not seen the rest of the Halloween series from this year please check it out because we went to a lot of really interesting places and a lot of really weird things happened in every single one so I don't wanna spoil anything for you go watch them and if you want to watch the ones where Spencer's not in them watch the Flagstaff one at Monte Vista yeah and watch Salem I know it that's probably what you're gonna go to first because oh my god good stand if you want to see more ghost hunting let us know in the comments too and let us know where we should go because we can start doing this throughout the year not to this extent in a month but maybe like one a month if you want to see that let us know like this video if we've convinced you that ghosts are real like this video if we've not convinced you that go serve you like this video if this outro is too long if you're new here or lurking please subscribe we do spooky things here and make up sometimes most of the time like this video and happy Halloween [Music] [Music]
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 2,498,084
Rating: 4.9687748 out of 5
Keywords: I Caught Something Chilling At the LIZZIE BORDEN House, lizzie borden, lizzie borden house, lizzie borden case, glam and g, mykie, halloween, ghost hunting, paranormal, ghosts, haunted, haunted house, spencer, henry, john morse, unsolved, solved, mystery, spirit box, evp, ghost hunters, abby borden
Id: v_MbWnZHCmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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