Ghastly abandoned house of the Luxembourgish fisherman Hubert (HAUNTED?)

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Mr. Hubert, a man that was always alone, very  withdrawn, and in the village you didn't notice   him. He was like a hermit. Once in a time  he came outside of the house, he was always   nice and friendly though. In his prime, this man  was a farmer and also kept a lot of livestock.   But as he got older, he decided to give up  and could make a living out of retirement.   According to documents inside, we find out  that he occasionally went hunting with friends   and liked to go fishing. In these last years,  the man only used the ground floor of the house   and no longer lived on the other floors. Around  2011, after suddenly being taken to the hospital,   Mr. Hubert passed away. He still has relatives,  but they do sadly enough not care about anything.   The only people who still seem to care are curious  explorers like us, that will give you a glimpse   into the house and life of Mr. Hubert today. Inside we experience strange activity. So, I really hope you enjoyed that  intro story, and right now we're   going to explore this beautiful farmhouse of  Mr. Hubert. Well, this is the main entrance   as you can see there's an old lamp over  here. And then, have a look over here.   It's actually the first room we can enter. - It's a very messy room. There's so much dump.  Yeah, it's all over the place. - Over here are some magazines from   the 21st of July, 1979. (door slamming) And we assume that this man actually was of German  origin because there are a lot of articles and   newspapers written in German. - Actually, it's all German.  There are even still shoes in this box. - Yeah.  Some leather gent shoes. - And actually some old pictures over here.  Oh, wow. - Do you think this was the man himself?  I guess this was Mr. Hubert in his younger days. -   Many many things left behind over here. Some  books, perfume over there still in the box. Damn.   And all the newspapers, by the way. Oh, yeah! There are a lot of newspapers in   that corner and the floor is just gone. - Yeah! Actually, we're walking...  ...on the foundation. - 2011, damn.  2011, so yeah, the story is right. - 10 years of abandonment, yeah.   And it's all written in German,  indeed. The tire over there.  Yeah, there's a tiny heater on the ground too.  It's actually pretty cold inside this house.  - Yeah. Although it might seem like a sunny day...   well, it's very cold inside of this building  and it's actually a pretty huge farmhouse.  - Yeah, this is quite a big house. Over   here are even more newspapers and   there is this old cigar. box. - It's filled with old francs.  Oh, yeah! - "Belgique".  The francs were the old currency of  Belgium and those are still all the coins.   They were all worth 5 francs. - Yeah, not worth much, actually.  It's almost like a penny. - Yeah, one euro is around 40 francs.  Really?! - Yeah.  So, as you can see, there is a staircase  going up. What's actually over here?   Was this like a basement? - Yeah, it is a basement!   But, as you can tell, literally, the  floor, and the wall paint is coming off.  We haven't checked this out, yet. Oh!   It's even continuing, and for a  difference, the basement is not flooded.  What is all of this? - Brick?  Yeah, but it's no wood. - Charcoal?  Maybe. It's strange. - Yeah, very strange.  So, you can clearly tell that perhaps  these basements were also used in farming.  - Yeah, and you know what I'm actually  quite curious about? I see these things   all around the house. What is  it? Is it for air ventilation or?  I think it was leading to the chimney. - Yeah.  We have seen this before in the Da  Vinci Code mansion in France, but...  - Yeah, I think it's indeed  leading to the chimney, but   I don't know why. We   have yet another room. Oh,  this man was collecting a lot!   Wow. - There is plenty of stuff again in this  room. Even so many food products as well.  Cartons of milk. Huh, I don't get why. And  they're all opened. It's very strange. Hmm,   quite some strange stuff, to be honest. What  iis this? Ah, it looks like a bullet but...  -'s actually some spray. They   had many things. - He was definitely a collector of newspapers.  Yeah. - Concerning he was a hermit, he probably   read a lot of newspapers and I also found  some clear indications that this man had cats.  Yeah. - So, he was just living his life here.   It must have been a big family once,  but I. think when his children moved out   they just... - ...left it.  Yeah, and he was living here alone. - I mean, it's a very big place. You   wouldn't say so but it is very big. And right now we come in the kitchen.  - Oh, yeah. Look on the ground. The  thing you were talking about: cats.  Yeah, there's all the cat  food I was talking about.  Well, he also clearly was of older age. - Oh, yeah, these ones   actually still look pretty neat.  There's some bandage. - Hmm, this old watch: "Timex". Damn.   Well, what is in here? Wow.  - Everything left. Yeah. It looks proper old. There   are also plenty of letters. - (agrees)  And as you can see, the sunglasses over there   are clear signs that he had a woman. - Yeah, they definitely look like woman glasses.   Medicines inside, so, yeah, he  was definitely of older age.  And... - ...plenty of tools and a saw.  A hand saw? - Yeah. Pfoe,   that looks kind of dangerous. Let's hope we will not get chased by   a weapon like that. - No!  For entering this private property. - Some cards.  Chalk! - Chalk. And a pocket knife.  Oh, yeah. It's quite an old-fashioned one. - Yeah.  Not many options. - No.  Oh, damn. Look at the cobwebs. - It's crazy, isn't it?  This hasn't been opened for a long time. Wow! - Yeah, this is neglecting, man.  Yeah, but we are, literally, the first  people to open this one in plenty of years.  Well, he definitely liked drinking milk because  over here in the fridge is also again some milk.  - Maybe it was for the kittens. Yeah, maybe for the cats, indeed!   And over there is the calendar again, 2011,  the last date this house was actually occupied.  - 10 years. 10 years, indeed. Plenty of cat food! I mean,  do you think he had like...?  - This was definitely not for one  single cat. Probably like 4 or 5.  Yeah, yeah. And imagine that they   were all running around in this house one day. - And now, nothing anymore. Oh, look, look!  It's so properly traditional, I mean,  this sink. And what have you seen?  - These boots on the ground. Oh, yeah. A pair of moldy shoes.  And even just the nose is gone. These things look  like the original hobo shoes out of the movies   and it's very old-fashioned. Also, a furnace. - Yeah, a very old furnace. Damn,   so many old things. I'm. wondering when the   clock stopped ticking ever since. Yeah.   But look at the ceiling. Doesn't it look  like it's completely burned or something?  - Well, you can tell it in that corner over there  of the furnace it's definitely more black than in   the other parts. - Yeah.  I just think it hasn't been  painted for a very long time.  - That could be the case, yeah. And then there's such a small dining table,   so, yeah. What we assume, is that in his latter  days, this man was literally just living on   the ground floors. - All by himself.  Yeah, and he was neglecting the upper  floors which you are about to see.  Well, now we come to the part  where we can actually start   seeing that this man was  clearly involved in agriculture.  A big water tank. Yeah, all the tools  again. An old jacket over there.  Have a look. - What's behind it? Oh, plenty of tools.  Yeah. Also, for tractors. - Yeah, for tractors.  Well, and then when we actually come  to a huge shed. Wow! It's a giant one.  - And I think he used to have cows over there. Yeah, well, he was definitely having animals.   So many cans of milk, why  couldn't he just make himself   some fresh milk? - Haha. A pitchfork over here.   Still plenty of hay in the shed.  Yeah. -   Oh!  Yeah, on your left man. - There's his tractor still standing.  That's a big one - This shed is of massive size, to be honest.   Damn, it's going all the way through. This is very huge. Haha.   You can go all the way up, man. - It's crazy.   There's still some old machinery over here.  They would put the grains and  the corns right inside of here.  - Yeah. And what is this? Ah, it's also  for the fields, right? For the grains?  Yeah, definitely. - They must have been a   complete farming family but... "International Harvester".  - These things look neglected for  many more years than 10 years only.  Oh, yeah, clearly. But I think when he grew  older he was definitely not doing all these   active jobs anymore. You can clearly tell that  this was also used to harvest on his lands.  - (agrees) Well, bro. Actually,   before we go outside, look. - Oh, yeah. It's huge, man! Those were the mills.  Like the grain mills or something? - Yeah, the grain mill.  Well, yeah, just another part the outside. - Yeah, alright,   and over here is another door.  Yeah, some other machinery.  Whoa! Is that literally an old carriage?! - Yeah, it looks like, isn't it? But no. No, it's   not a carriage. It's also... well, I don't know  what it exactly is but it's a big farming tool.  Damn! - It's also for harvesting grains, yeah.  This is very vintage! - And you would sit over here. Pff, I   literally fall through it. Oh damn,   can I trust this? Haha, be careful, man.  - (agrees) Oh, this thing is so rusty.  Yeah, be very careful! -   Farmville. You see me as a good farmer?  Damn, they had all these handles  actually to control these things.  - Yeah. It was all driven by hands.  Just imagine that you're sitting up here  like... But it was... How does it work? Ah,   the fuel is over here. - Crazy, man.  There's a small can. - This is a proper vintage tool.   Alright, so now we've seen their shed. We've seen  a kitchen, but we haven't seen a living room yet.  - No. And that room is literally trapped in time. So,   yeah, let's go to that one! - Yeah!  And this was it! Wow. - This is such a beautiful living room.  Have a look at everything. Even their coats are  still hanging here on the coat racks. The old   coats of Mr. Hubert. - Pff.  Unbelievable. Some trousers over here, too. - Yeah, some other clothes.  A   beautiful religious painting over here. - And then, this very old-fashioned radio.   What's the brand? "Siemens"  - Oh, haha! Everything is written in   German. Also, a "Siemens" telephone over here. - Well, yeah, and then. This was the main   dining table, and over here  there's an old picture of the man.  Yeah, that was Mr. Hubert! - With a bottle of wine.  It seems that he was happy, though. - Yeah.  I mean, he liked to drink a  bottle of wine, apparently.  - Everybody's happy when he drinks wine, haha. Well, there are still a few things on the table.   I. can't believe the people  actually left like that, wow.  - Cutlery. Yeah, a wonderful knife set over here. Still,   almost entirely complete. - Silver, or no?  No, I think it's just normal   cutlery. It's containing those types of knives. - Yeah.  They look very plain. -   Oh!  Knitting tools. - I'm wondering if this was   from Mr. Hubert, or maybe from his woman. From his woman, yeah, from his wife.   The television, "Grundig". -   And also still a cuckoo clock and  a wonderful crucifix, actually.  Yeah. - I really like this one, actually.  I haven't seen one in that style before. - And a thermometer. As you can see,   we are in Luxembourg. "La Luxembourgeoise".  Well, what could we find over here? - Wow, this is very cool. I was not expecting   there would be two drawers behind that door. Actually, I think this was like a   safe. Hmm. At least there are personal files. - Plenty of them.  Yeah. - Also, a letter   from "Martin". I haven't seen that name yet. No, no. Yeah, it was a big family, isn't it? Yeah,   some more personal files. What's this?! "Portuguese".   It's about Portugal.   Oh, it's actually a language lesson in Portuguese! - Yeah. This is?  I don't know. - German.  I think it's a dictionary. - Yeah, it's also to Portuguese, yeah.  So, he was trying to learn Portuguese. - Yeah, yeah. Alright.  Some more modern magazines. - 2012.  That's strange! According to the information we  got from our friends who talked with the neighbor,   the man passed away in 2011. - 2011. So, maybe the son or a daughter lived   over here because I've seen one picture  of a lady. A young lady, at least. Well.  - Whoa! Everything. All their personal files.   It's crazy, isn't it? - I think we can still find   some very interesting things  inside these cabinets. Oh,   this is going to fall out. - Oh.  Everything is literally falling out. - It's so overstuffed.  Yeah, it's overstuffed, man. I just want to scan all these   doors. I'm actually so curious now. This  one is filled with some towels and sheaths.  Again, also some old letters, and  this letter was also to "Martin".   Still, with the old postal stamp. - Yeah. What is the date? Actually,   isn't this a box of Adidas? Yeah, but there is nothing   inside. Again, "Martin". - "Martin". There are so many   personal belongings, man. Is   this is still completely unopened?   It's still sealed, man - (agrees)  A secret package.  You thought it was opened? - Hahaha, there is nothing inside anymore.  Because it was already open on the other side! - Okay.  Well, this is actually cool.  I will close this one up.   Look. - Wow.  All the personal pictures. - Let's have a look in this box.   There are so many of them. Damn,   so many. -   Yeah, this is the woman. Wow, it is so beautiful looking   back at all these old photos. - Yeah.  You just really want to go  through all of them, you know?  Once, these people just we're living  like we're doing. Making memories.  And now everything seems less forgotten. - Yeah, it actually goes from modern to   old pictures. Whoa, so many  pictures. Yep, what a time...   Alright, and I think these are the more moderns. - Again, they are drinking in the same spot.  Yeah. - With a friend.  "Weiner eine", haha. Wine, wine, wine. Well, it seems that one day, this man was not   a hermit at all, and he had a  lot of friends and went out.  - Yeah, it's quite strange, actually, that  people from here thought that he was a hermit.  Well, maybe as he grew older, he became one. - You can see he had lots of friends, actually.  Oh! - Cigars.  They are still all in their packaging. - Still in the box, yeah.  Unbelievable. - Haha.  It's left in mint condition.  What's inside of here?   Also a cigar box. Damn, that's even a tiny purse   and a wallet. But yeah, it is all just empty. - Yeah, probably it has already been emptied out.  Well, then the last door to check out is this one.   Just a lot of files are inside again,   and also some knitting tools. - Yep, haha.  There's also a huge stove over here in this room.   A very vintage one, again. - And then the shoe on its left.  Yeah, they're still standing there.  And actually, over here are his passports! Yeah? - Yeah! Those were the passports of Mr. Hubert.   Over here you can clearly tell that he  was still younger and here he grew older,   and it's funny because we found out that this was  actually like a certification for fishing. So,   this man really liked to go out and fish. He  liked to drink a bottle of wine, occasionally,   with some friends. - Did they need to   have a certification for that? For fishing? Yeah, apparently, back in the days. This was from   1958, so, in 1958 they needed to have this. - Yeah, and then, many many more   pictures. Happy family pictures. Mr. Hubert was, by the way,   born in 1922 so he became pretty old. - Oh, yeah. Indeed. Wow, 90 years.  Yeah, it'ss a beautiful age, and this was  a picture of him when he was still younger,   probably still studying. - Yeah, in his college days.  Okay, it's time to go upstairs! We covered  the entire ground floor. You saw an amazing   time bomb in the living room. And now, let's  go to the upstairs where there are actually   plenty of bedrooms. - And when we mean   plenty, literally, plenty of bedrooms! Yeah, the family must have been huge,   but all of these floors were mostly neglected,  when only Mr. Hubert was still living here in the   last days. Over here is still a coat hanging up. - It's actually so sad that the man lived all   by himself for so long. Yeah, it's a sad story.   I hope he didn't suffer from loneliness too much. - No. This is actually a communion picture.  Yeah, maybe. - Actually, a very beautiful girl.  There is also a handmade painting over  here. A barometer in the shape of a violin.   That definitely looks like communion there. - Yeah, and this says also studio...  Maybe those were his granddaughters. - Yeah.  And maybe this was the bathroom where he slept   when he was still living here alone. - Look over there.  Oh, yeah! - In the corner.  Some taxidermy. A stuffed bird. -   Again, many cobwebs. What the heck?! The violin just fell down of the bed. I was also   slightly shocked! You see? It fell down there, so  let's restore it, and put it back where it was.   Alright. - Alright, stay there!   Doors slamming, that violin that's falling off...  Yeah... - Old clothes.  This was actually a combined suit. - Yeah.  Some belts over there too and some ties. - Ah, and   look: the original tabac perfume. Oh, okay. I've never seen that one.  - No? Tabac? It's after-shave. Okay. Well, the rest of the rooms   are slightly messy. - Yeah.  Especially, this one is a big dump. - This is, literally, a big dump.   And look over here: it's for fishing. Haha. You can tell that just all of this stuff   is just thrown in one room. - Yeah, it's huge storage.  This is a more modern bedroom. - Yeah.  Oh! Still, with a beautiful old vanity  over here. A marble plates. Crucifix.  - I think this room was for  a lady. Maybe their daughter.  Well, let's see... Check, check, check. - Wow!   A vintage radio on the ground  here, again, from "Saba".  Oh, yeah, this was for a lady! -   Yeah? Are there still clothes inside? Yeah, some. You can have a look.  Oh, yeah, like you say,  definitely woman's clothes.  Those shoe boxes are empty, by the way. - Yeah,   overall, stuff is still thrown  over the place, to be honest. Well, as you can see, there are  plenty of doors on each side.  - Huge hallways. There's another bedroom.  - Oh! A wonderful iron bed,   but it's pretty vandalized, I think. - Haha, look on the ground.  Oh, I almost stepped on it. - Plenty of cigars. Are they still in there?   Yeah, all just freshly in  there. Still, in the package.  Yeah, they are still in the plastic. - He loved smoking.  Another vanity. A little bit different   than the other one. - Yeah, more for men.  Haha. - Well, is there still something in here?  Oh, I think if you open the other one,  it actually is pretty interesting.  Oh. - Not that much, but...  No. Not too special. - Ah, it's squeaky.  Let's see what's behind this door.  Oh, a very tiny bedroom again!  - It's so messy. Yeah, it's very messy, bro.   It's not even that neat at all. - No.  Plenty of books again, and  there's an old calendar from 1969.  - There are so many different dates  in here, but, yeah, you can definitely   tell that he neglected the upstairs part. - He especially collected plenty of paperwork,   newspapers, letters, files. - Yes, yes.  He couldn't get rid of it. - No.   This is also a very small room. - I really like this very old bed, yeah.  It's just a very small and simple room.   Is there something in there? Oh, yeah! Not much, still one   coat over here, but... - Okay.  Yeah, as you can tell, I mean, some rooms still  have things in it, some rooms don't. Some rooms   are quite messy. I think, this is, actually, a  very cool one. This was probably the main bedroom.  - Oh, wow! Yeah, pretty large beds.  There are still clothes hanging up here.   There's even a wig on the ground. - Hmm, that's strange.  Very strange. - Look at the hat. An old woman's head.  Oh, yeah. And right behind it  is... Is this is like a police cap?  - Yeah, it looks like, doesn't it?  This is actually very cool. Look.  And also over there! - A costume, or maybe he was in harmony,   playing an instrument. - Or a soldier.  Who knows... Also, look at the details  over here on the key. This wardrobe   is pretty unique. - Oh, yeah, that's very special.  They even at their own sink over here in the  bedroom, so I think you were definitely right   that this was the main bedroom, probably. - Yeah.  Well, the last one over here. It's a very plain  bed. I think it's a long time ago since one of his   child's actually slept in here. It might even have  been the first child that actually left the home.   Because there are plenty of things stored  again. Look at this ornament with the birds.  Very funny, yeah, and also  the fishing rod in the corner.  Oh, yeah! that must have been from him! - Yeah.  Amazing! This was his fishing rod. - A very very vintage one. Right now,   they look so different. All newspapers from the 1970s-1980s,   from a Luxembourgish newspaper. - Yeah, he loved to collect.  It's again such a place where you don't know where  to look, you know? Absolutely. Because there is   just so much stuff dumped in one place. - Yeah.  Well, just a toilet over here.  Always at the end of the corridor.  - Always at the end. And then, lastly, we only have one part   left to show you. - And that's the attic.  Exactly! Hopefully, it's a little bit warmer there   because I'm getting quite cold, to be honest. - Yeah, it is quite cold over here, man.  We've been inside this home for one and a half  hour or something now, taking some photos from   everything, and just scanning the place to find  even more about the story. That's what we always   do before starting our video. - Look.  A telephone book from 1963. - And 59.   Yeah, it's better over here. - Wow, it's a very spacious attic.  Very spacious. - There is even a tiny bird's cage over there.  Yeah.  Some old boxes and jars over there. They probably  used all of these ones to preserve their foods   and all can it for the winter seasons. - And what is here in the corner? Oh, look! Again.  They are everywhere. - Yeah.  Yeah, just leave them. Otherwise, you  could maybe not put them back again.  (door slamming) Again, the door is slamming!  - Yeah, man... Bro, honestly,   we are not very often scared about places, but  this is strange! We firmly closed that door!  - Yeah, ssht. I'm shaking now...   What the heck. I'm shaking, literally. Like,  I don't want to overexaggerate stuff, but   I'm not feeling comfortable in this place. It's  the third time something strange happens now.  Let's finish and let's go out! - Yes.  Just some cans over here again.   Freaking slamming doors all the time.   I've always been very  skeptical about paranormal, but   if I have to point out one place where I have a  haunted feeling in, it's this one, actually. Even   though, I'm not believing in it, and this room... - completely burned.  Yeah! It's burned, man. But this... oh!  This was leading to the chimney, of course.  Damn.  Well, let's slowly walk back  down, and see if we are safe.   And if we are safe, then let's just end the  exploration, as we explored this place as a whole.  I literally heard like bells on the ground. Did   you hear it? - No.  Damn. It's so strange in here.  Okay. So, luckily we are safe, and  we are leaving the place right now.  - Yes, closing off the door, and actually,  outside there is still a tractor and a car.  Look: a Chevrolet. - Whoa,   this one is entirely covered in moss. It's very cool, isn't it?  It's a good looking one, man. - Damn. It's entirely green of moss.  And a tractor too. - Yeah.  Well, bro, I think it's time to end the video. - Yeah, well, let's first walk off a little bit.  Let's just do it here because otherwise we  might reveal too much of the house itself.  - Yeah, well, alright. People,  I need to say I really liked it,   except for the end. That was pretty eerie. - Yeah.  That was the third time we  heard very strange things, so,   I want to thank the people that lived over here.  Sorry, if we interrupted, but I want to thank the   people that lived over here. I really enjoyed this  explore. It was a very cool farmhouse, finding two   tractors was also very special, actually, and  I hope you enjoyed it as well. And if you did,   you know drill: LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT right  down below! Ring the BELL NOTIFICATION button   right up there and then we'll see you on our  next adventure! Peace-out from Luxembourg!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 167,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned luxembourg, luxembourg, ghastly, spookie, eerie, haunted, luxembourgish, hubert, of, the, of the, fisherman, fisher man, fishing, urbex, abandoned mansion, everything left behind, untouched, urban exploration, exploration, explore, exploring, urban, urban exploring, exploring with josh, steve ronin, the proper people, mansion, abandoned castle, everything left, explomo, bros of decay, we found, we discovered, explored, haunted house, ghosts, EX
Id: 1VLlLUlxuDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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