Mystifying Abandoned Predator CASTLE in France | 15TH-CENTURY TIME TREASURE

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Today we'll dig back into our archives and showcase one of the oldest chateaus we've found in French lands, two years ago. It was once owned by an important count and after, by successive marriages, the property was passed in turn to the next generations in the family tree. The first written records about this historical landmark were found in the early 1400s. The building suffered from the French Revolution and was remodeled several times. During this key event, the castle was partly looted and eventually burned in the late 18th century by a troop of revolutionaries. In the 19th century, it was restored again and given a new life. With its nickname Chateau Predator, it soon becomes clear to us why it was given this name. Inside we are astonished by the historical treasures that are still present in this dignified building as the day of today. Yet, this might come as no surprise as we promptly find out the property is severely secured by silent alarms, motion sensors, and cameras. Indulge yourself in another tour through a lost hidden treasure, as we venture our way inside one of our riskiest visits to date. Okay, so we are on a quite dodgy mission. We're making our way to a castle, and we need to walk for a pretty long distance in the woods. We're trying to keep a low profile. And this castle is very highly secured, so the thing is, there are 3 cameras in total, and apparently, there's still someone watching the place, like a caretaker. He's supposed to live very close to the property. But he doesn't seem to be friendly. At first sight, we wanted to ask him for permission, but because he's not friendly, and we really want to show you this place, we're just risking it, and we'll see where this adventure ends. But we'll stay safe. Keep on watching, and enjoy this dodgy adventure. Okay, so? (where do we need to go now?) Where do we have to go? This is so dodgy. - Yeah, it is. Luckily, we can keep a low profile by whispering, thanks to our new microphones, you'll be able to hear everything well. So, let's follow the path here going down. I think we have to go there. It's good that we didn't take that way, there's water. - Yeah, indeed. Alright, this is an open field. So, we are still walking, but we are nearing the property after almost 20 minutes of walking. So, yeah, let's hope it works out. After all the effort we've done, we at least, deserve to capture this place. Well, yeah, right, yeah, I need to say it's a hike, but still, you can see that on this pathway they used to work. - I think so far, we're good, man. Yeah. - At least, they did not see us. No, no. - And they did definitely not hear us. No. But, we are nearing the property now, so, that's the point where we need to start being cautious. - Yeah. And keep a low profile. - Damn, I hate that I'm so packed, haha. Right over there you can already see the property. It's oh so beautiful, but again, we gotta be careful and not too enthusiastic, so yeah, let's carefully try to get closer. We are definitely now allowed to be here, but, that's the risk of our hobby. At least, we're not here with any wrong intentions, that's the most important thing. We are just here to document this beautiful historical French castle, completely frozen in time. But the road is getting muddier and muddier. Damn! Stay on this side. Stay on this side, okay?! (out of sight of the cameras) I hear voices inside! No joke! - Really?! So, we literally, hear voices coming from inside. There's a television. Or people, I don't know. - Then, let's quickly return! Hey, did you hear that?! So, you just saw that footage from one month ago. And actually, right now, we're back and we made it inside! - Yeah, damn. It was very hard to actually come inside, but we made it! It was a complicated mission. The window was actually on the first floor, so it was a huge climb. - *Agrees* But luckily, man, we are able to share another magnificent place today with all of you, our dearest Explomo fam. So, have a look: this is actually already a grand room. - Yeah. The fireplace. - And I think this was actually their dining room but the table is quite ordinary, don't you think so? Yeah. - Actually, above you, there's also some taxidermy: this skull. You know what that is? On your right? From a shark? - I think it's from a shark, indeed. Or a whale. *Agrees* It's really special. - Over here they could hang up some jackets. And then, yeah, some kitchen equipment. Haha, some beans. And they are real. - Haha, that's strange. Man. - I think this was used for their gardening and everything around the castle. Yeah, and look over here. Some car keys. - Oh! They actually belong to the car that's standing outside. Yeah, haha. - Oh my gosh! That's pretty crazy, isn't it? - And I think, if you use the keys, the car will even still start. Yeah, yeah. Well, let's see. Yeah, just some gardening equipment. There are actually a lot of things. A lot of random things. Oh, wow! There are so many bullets over here. - Oh, damn! Yeah, they were definitely hunters. I think you don't want an argument with the caretaker. - No, not at all. Look at all these spiders in these old bottles. - Damn! That's a huge one! Yeah, it's a very huge spider. - All the cobwebs are black. Man. - It looks pretty scary, man. Yeah, and disgusting too. - Well, let's close it up again. I gotta admit, out of all the rooms, I think this room is the cleanest one. - Yeah. Or, one of the cleanest ones. - What's this actually over here? It's wow! - I think they did a lot with fishing. It's like a fisherman's trophy or something, man. - Yeah. Like, it was used for the painting, but... There are so many different things displayed over here. It's looking so vintage, you know? That's what actually makes it really cool. - *Agrees* And that looks like a child's painting of a chicken. So, there's actually a name. And let's just say the surname of the family, and that's enough, I think. Uhm, I think it's Jaquis. - Jaquis? Yeah. - Alright. So, family "Jaquis" owned this castle, this grand property, and I think it dates from centuries and centuries ago. So, this property was owned by a noble family and the property dates back centuries and centuries ago. - Yeah, you can tell by the architecture inside. Wow, have you seen this over here?! Look at the washing table. - Washing table? Yeah! It's looking properly ancient with the tiles, too. There's a lot of stuff on top of it, but that's actually crazy! - Damn, I need to say it's actually a big mess. What is this? It's looking so ancient. I think you can't open that thing. - Well, that one maybe? Damn, it's slightly open but I can't open it up further. This thing is very old. Oh, that's cool. Alright, well, let's go to the other room. - Yeah. Oh! I should not forget to mention the stone oven over here as well. - Yeah, I did not even see it, and two... what is it actually? Two busts. But they are actually made inside of the design of the fireplace, to hold the wooden bricks. - Yeah, damn, it's very special. Alright. Well, we can show them this room but it's very modern. They are trying to renovate this place but I think it'll never happen. And this is just, literally, a kitchen. And then, actually, also on the downstairs is this room. It's right next to the other one. - And there are some beautiful things over here. I think this was also sort of a dining room. - Yeah. But it doesn't feel like the main dining room, but just like a little second one. - Yeah. It might've been used by the servants one day. A coffee grinder over here. Some plates. - Actually, they are pretty modern. And... looks like a souvenir. - It's a candle holder, actually. And a lighthouse too. - Haha, a snowboard. Yeah. There's a corner cabinet. - And then, what kind of machinery is this? I really don't know, man. - Nah, me neither. I have no clue what it could've actually been. Well... ...those are some rather modern newspapers. They are dating from 2019. - Okay. I think they are from the caretaker because over here you can see, it's actually dating from my year of birth: 1998. - Have a look in here: bullets, bullets, and bullets. There are so many. And you know, there were also signs everywhere inside that hunters are actually looking after this place. And if they see you, they'll shoot you. Those signs are literally spread everywhere across the castle written in French. Everywhere. Probably all these bullets are from these hunters because you can also see that they are not very dirty. It's probably all used by the hunters. - What?! Wait for a second! What did you just say?! It's written, literally, everywhere throughout the castle. On the first floor, in each window opening, it was written with a sign. - That they see you...? That this is private property and if they see you, they'll shoot you. - Damn! Yeah, I think it's time that you'll start with some French lessons, man. As we explore that many times in France, and this was definitely a loud and clear message. - Damn! But, yeah, let's go on, man. - Damn, that shocks me. Let's go on, please! Let's go on! Because this gramophone over here is such a marvelous and historical musical instrument. Completely covered within a thick layer of dust, have a look. Just one time it was used, wow! It's so beautiful, and I love this musical instrument. It was one of the first radios, I think. - Yeah. It's a beautiful device. Then, over here as well, is a little sink for water. - Just so many old things. Well, you can definitely tell all the cobwebs over here. - It is abandoned for sure. Over here's another religious artifact. - And what's that thing over here? I think it was for water, you could eventually boil water in it or keep it warm, and then pour it down. Well, then I think it's time to go to the most incredible part, and I really hope they are ready for it! - Yeah, because we saw pictures of this part, and it's amazing! Okay, so here's following the first surprise. This room, wow! Just wow! Man, immediately on your left-hand sight... This is incredible! The taxidermy and everything. And then, have a look at the complete room. - This is extremely beautiful. It's unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. Man, there's a bunny. A stuffed bunny. - I actually really do not like to see that. No. - I'm a bunny lover and a guinea pig lover, and I really do not like this taxidermy, but apart from that, look at all the art. There's even another stuffed animal: a deer. And then, look at the date on the frame: 1793. - Yeah. I, literally, do not know where to look but have a look at these very exclusive wooden chairs. It's incredible, man. - Yeah. This is actually the most beautiful room so far in the complete castle. Look over here. - This... what is it actually? Yeah, I don't know the English word for it, but we've found one before in another place. Man! Also these grand mirrors. - Beautiful, isn't it? Wow! Have a look at this cabinet, and then, on top of it, there's a miniature model ship. - Model ship. You can tell that the roof is collapsing over here. I think this definitely was once the main dining room. It's unbelievable. - Yeah. It's very dark inside of here as well. Wow! Another gorgeous cabinet. - Oh, damn! Such beautiful things. This is actually no real taxidermy,. - No. But this over here is. Have a look: there's a duck, and there's another bird. And you gotta know the nickname of this place as well, it's the predator's castle. - It's very crazy. We're going to find even more impressive stuffed animals, but why is that painting actually turned to the wrong side? - Hmm, I think it has actually fallen out of it. Have a look. You can still see the remains on the left, isn't it? - Yeah. Some other stuffed birds. A lot of different bird species. There's a picture of a boy doing its communion. - And all the candles. Such a strange room, actually. Yeah. And then, actually, after seeing all these cool rooms downstairs, we're going to make our way to the upstairs floors. And there are many clothes over here. I really don't know why, but they are so dusty and very dirty. But why have they all been placed over here in this shopping cart? - Yeah, there are not that old, actually. There's also this little secret room underneath the staircase for some additional storage. And I think, that's also a barn right next to the castle. But we can't enter, man. I mean, it's so narrow here. - No, yeah. Well, I am making my way upstairs, and as you can tell, this is also a very narrow staircase. And then, just have a look at this magnificent hallway. Man, this corridor is so long. Well, we will definitely need some time in order to show them all these rooms. - Yeah. Well, let's first show you this side of the upstairs. - Yeah, and I need to be honest, the rooms and architecture are beautiful, but they are empty. You can definitely tell that all these rooms were built centuries ago. - Yeah, I mean, this castle is very historical. Wow! - Oh, there's an old toilet! Oh, yeah! There's the loo. - Hahaha. This is actually very cool, man! Now, you can really tell this is an old property. - Yeah, and I feel cobwebs everywhere. Yeah, me too! - So, nobody has walked here for a long time. All around my legs I feel them. Man, unbelievable, right?! - Yeah, it's crazy, isn't it? Well... Then, let's check out the other room on the opposite side. - And what I meant with beautiful architecture and decay, just look on the right: I really love this part. I don't know why, but... It's almost looking as if those are roots inside of the walls, but those are little apertures and cobwebs. Those are so dirty. - Yeah, and actually I think it's a combination of mold and spots of mots. Man... Well, oh! What a historical timepiece. - Oh! I just love all these wooden cabinets that they tried to hide inside of the walls, and they are not conspicuous at all. - No. They did it very smoothly. And there's actually also still a lot of stuff inside as well. Well, I can't open this one, but, for example, take a look at these candle holders. Also, these porcelain pots. Man, these cabinets are so huge! - Yeah. It's unbelievable! Well, this was actually the door leading to the corridor. So I want to see this, we have another cabinet. And over here used to hang some clothes, but they're gone. And do you know what's really interesting? This very old letter. Man! I have to turn down my light a little bit, so you can read everything properly, but this is incredible! - Haha. This is so properly old. I'm really thinking that this was even written a century ago. - Yeah. It's looking so ancient. - Definitely. It looks like this was an invoice. - And what was this? Was it a little bed? Well, I think so, yeah. An old box spring. - It definitely belonged to a child. Yeah, you can also tell by the colors. There's another little note here. - Well, and do you know what's actually my favorite thing inside of this room besides the little fireplace? Look at the mirror! - Wow! It has a beautiful cover. Maybe that was even the family coat of arms. Yeah, that definitely could've been the case. This is such a historical place, but you know, there are mostly empty knows, it's very sad. I want to find out the complete history of this place. - Me too! Let's do that! Okay, well, we're trying to make our way to the attic. But as you can see, these stairs are completely skewed and near to collapse over here, so, we're gonna do it very discrete and carefully. But you can still see a footstep of a human, so, somebody has walked here recently. Okay. Yes! There we are. Oh! Those were definitely the servant quarters. You can still see the old remains of it. All the beds in the attic belonged to the servants. Even a TV antenna. The noble family that once lived here definitely had servants. Centuries ago, though, but this was definitely once a servant's bed. I think this used to be another bedroom. - Yeah, and then what's this? It's a very decaying room, again. You can tell that a lot of pigeons were inside. - Yeah. A very old cabinet. Full of bird poop and droppings. - Yeah, only one bullet is inside. Oh, yeah! Alright, let's check out the rest of the attic. Over here's, actually, still, stuff left. - These old milk cans. Haha. Wow! You can really imagine what this room must've looked like back in its former glory. - You know, I really love the decay in here. There are so many dropping everywhere. Oh! Look over here! This is incredible, man! - Oh! They are also big. That's not bird's poop. No, it looks like those are from cats or dogs even. - Damn! That's so strange. And I think the birds are definitely coming inside through this window over here. Well, then have a look: this is a very old booklet dating from 1950. - 1950. Wow! I love the illustrations. - Yeah, it's cool, isn't it? Well, actually, I was looking for a date on this one. 1914! - Yeah! Yeah, bro! That's one century ago. We were right. The castle is dated from centuries ago. Yeah, I mean, centuries ago, but also people lived inside of here centuries ago. - Unbelievable. And know, it's just all neglected. - It's so sad, I really wish they would restore the property. They should leave the historical things inside, though, but they should renovate it a little and make it livable again. What's this?! There's a hole in the wall. This is just a part of the roof. The castle roof. A chest, too. - Come on, come on! Empty. - Haha. Such a bummer. - One day we'll find gold. Hopefully. - Oh! Two more chests, two more chances. Man, this is such a spacious attic! - Yeah, but I feel the floor cracking. Yeah, you feel and hear the floor squeaking everywhere. - Well, another chance, but I guess it's empty. Yeah, completely empty. I think it's not even worth checking the other one out. - Well, I still want to do it. In such a historical place. Again, there are old newspapers that were used to stuff the inside. - Hmm, no, I can't find a date directly. What's this? Oh, this is a very historical postal card. Have a look. - It looks like... It's dating from 1908. Look, postal card, it is saying. But it has never been sent to someone. - This is such a historical timepiece. There's actually another little part over here. Oh! This was used to ride a horse. Like the seat of it. And this room features a fireplace too. And over here you can tell the leakage damage. The roof leakage right above the ceiling here. Empty again. Wow! Look at this room. - What's this? Marble statues? Yeah, it was used to hold something, I think. - Yeah. And what's that? It's perfume. - It's perfume, isn't it? Yeah. And this is not perfume but ammoniac. - Oh, it's a very beautiful bottle. Yeah, definitely from back in its days. And have a look at the turtle over here too. - Some old decoration. Wow! That's bright. It's a very sunny day. - Yeah. Well... - I think this is the end of the attic, man. Yeah, indeed, I think there's nothing over here, so, I guess... - Let's walk back. Let's walk back, indeed. - That's the room we've just shown on this floor. And there's another one we couldn't access. Well, hand-painted. - It's beautiful. *Agrees* And I actually think people are hearing voices right now, those are no EVPs or ghosts, but the thing is, they are trying to keep explorers or even burglars out of this property. And they are trying to shock people with a radio that is turned. There's nobody inside, but it's just a deterrent to keep people out of the property. - Well, not to keep explorers out, but burglars. Because if they will steal what we are about to find, man, you're a millionaire, for sure! So, have a look at this room over here. It's actually so magnificent. I think this was a flag with the family coat of arms. - Yeah. Wow! And the picture over there too. It's from a girl. It's definitely from a long time ago if you see which clothes she's wearing. - Well, I need to say, we're finally finding out some history of the family. Over here's another picture. It's a little girl. - And there's a book over here: "Maison Rustique des Dames". They all seem short stories, hmm. Well, and what I saw, by the way... Some old coins? - Yeah, this is 20 cents, it is not interesting. But this one is dating from 1945. That's during World War 2. - Well, at the end of World War 2. Yeah. Wow, look at these three old pictures. - And are those some files? Man, they look properly old, dude. The stamp is so cool. - Yeah, the stamp over here, right? Yeah. I think those were all some hand-written letters to friends, family members, also some business. - All are hand-written, haha! Are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me?! 1812. "Napoleon, l'Empereur de la France". This is dating from the time that Napoleon was ruling France. - For real?! I think only this paperwork... if you just put it against the wall and give it a very beautiful location in a museum... That's history! - This is unbelievable. This is unbelievable. I've never found something like this. 1812, and it's just a letter about Napoleon. "Extrant des Minute de la Secretaire des Etat". This is unbelievable, man, let's put this carefully back where we've found it. Oh! - I was not expecting to find that. It's actually an old picture of the castle. - Yeah? Yes. - Well, yeah, indeed. But then it was in a better state. Way better, and you can also tell this picture was taken a long time ago. Empty. - Well, empty? Look closely. Oh, there's a door! Well, the sun is so bright that I can barely see anything. - This is so cool, man. But I'm not gonna walk through it. I will become a "Spiderman" if I walk through it. Have a look at the beds too. The mattresses are not present anymore but have a look at this picture. It's actually a portrait of a girl dating from 1991. Wow, and this set over here. Oh! It's unbelievable. - Yeah. What do you think they used this for? - Hmm, I don't know, man. Oh, oh! Oh, Maureno! This was a hat holder. - We are finding such beautiful pieces. This is unbelievable, it belonged to a royal. And it is actually in such good condition. - This is in very good condition. By the way, look at what I'm holding. A sunscreen. A fan. - Yeah. Beautiful. - I'm carefully putting this one back in the hat holder, and it's actually the first time ever that I'm seeing a hat holder for a hat like that. Alright, let's close it up again. - Then, over here are some books. Look on the left: 1832. - Yeah, over here, unbelievable. I keep saying the world unbelievable, man, but this is such a piece of history. And I think that in this box over here there's even more. - Well, I think you'll be surprised because this looks like lingerie. Oh, la, la! Dating from that day. - Back then this was fashionable. High-end lingerie. - Yeah, indeed. This was... damn! "Clark & Co's, mending wool". - Okay, well, let's put it back. Look at the cover of this one. "Scenes Historiques". - Historical scenes. All different tales. Yeah. It's very special. - It is. Okay, so, this room upstairs is absolutely beautiful. Oh my gosh! Only this chair over here, this throne. - That's a royal thing, man. The wooden carvings on this throne are so impressive. I really love this piece of wooden furniture. It's one of the most beautiful ones I've ever seen. - Yeah, it's just so detailed. Well, what do you think about the decoration above it? I think it was holding a bouquet of flowers. - Yeah. And what do you think about the way they've made this bed inside of the wall with the carvings and all the ornate details. - It's very beautiful. Over there's a crucifix on the wall. There's actually a portrait behind this I believe, and a mirror. Wow! Oh! - Well, this is very hard. Imagine that this person lived here one day. - That could've been the case, it looks as if he was in a war, you know? He looks like a knight or a very royal person. - Oh! Everything is in such a decaying state over here, man. - Damn, haha! I'm sorry that I'm walking through your field, but I'm very flabbergasted, you know, by everything that's left. Even more pictures of the property are left behind over here. Man, to imagine that all these people have deceased, probably over a century ago, and this was their property. Over here are some more modern pictures of a family that once owned this place, but nowadays it is completely abandoned. There's even a clock over here. And there's a book about all the different French chateaus of 1911 and 1912. It's like a daily book, "annually", it is saying. Man! - These pictures, right? They are so historic. I think this is one of the most historical properties we've ever explored. I really want to know more about the history, about war times, about the noble family, about who lived here. - Me too, man, me too. And also, just all these family relics that are left behind. Yeah, and you know, there's slightly some stuff left. But still, the things that are left behind are very historical. And then, only the idea that this property, literally, was left as if the people left yesterday, you know? This place is so impressive to explore, it literally feels as if we're walking back in history. We're walking in a different time era. What makes it even feel more in a different time era, is the very historical music that we're hearing in the background. - Yeah! It adds something. Well, there's a crucifix over here. And there's another beautiful portrait inside of this cover. - Well, before pointing out that one, first look on top: that's definitely the family emblem. The plate? - Yeah. It looks like. And then, be surprised. Again, there's so much different reading material. Clocks. And also, many cobwebs around me, but I really don't care at this moment. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, to explore and see a place like this. This shot was meant to be very serious, but, probably, because of the music, you can not take us seriously at the moment. - Hahaha. Such a funny moment this is. Have a look at the beautiful staircase over here, and then, down beneath us, there's actually the main hall. And that's the most magnificent part of the complete property. - And, yeah, that's also the part where the sound is coming from, haha. But what is this? - This is actually a globe over here. And the clock over there. Look over there: it's a model ship. - Yeah. What is this?! I really don't know what this is. It might've been used for a game? - I have no clue, man. But it is, literally, an iron pin, and it is pretty sharp, to be honest. I have no clue what this is, but if you know it, leave it down in the comment section. - Yeah. Well, let's slowly walk away from the music because it's quite distracting I think. - Yeah. What's this?! Is this a pocket camera? - Well, I think so. Yeah, it was. I think it's not very old, but it is definitely dating from a few decades ago. - Yeah. Over here's a magazine. 1894. - No way! Yeah! - 1894. Well... - What's this room like? It's just a small storage room I guess. - Oh, yeah! Nothing interesting at all. No. Well, this is actually the last part. It is right next to the bedroom. Look. - Oh, yeah, there were definitely older people living here, I think. Well, this room is completely emptied out, but looking at the architectural aspects is actually very interesting and you can only imagine the beauty of this room when it was all active and being lived in. - Well, what do you think the purpose once was? I guess a bedroom. I think so too, and I think a grand bedroom for a very important family member. - Yeah. Yeah, it's all emptied out. But what I also really like, are the keys. Just the way they look. So, we're nearing the end of this floor. There are two more floors, actually three. Two are connected with each other. Wow! Have a look at this one. Man, this chinaware set over here. - It's very old, isn't it? Yeah, it's gorgeous. It's very gorgeous. - The emblem. Damn, this is a game as well! Oh, yeah! It looks Asian to me. - Yeah. Well, and what shocked me... Oh, this knife! - Look at all the details. Maybe it was a weapon from war times. - Yeah. What's this over here? Is this a little Jesus statue? - Yeah, it's a Jesus statue. There's even more chinaware, and then, have a look at all these tiny domino bricks. Well, watch out with your head, and over here we have an old game, haha! - It's an old puzzle! Yeah. - This is one of the first puzzles. Have a look at the blocks. You could make a puzzle out of it. True, true, but... - You had different puzzles you could make. Don't you see what the puzzle actually was about? - Yeah, it's a fairy tale! It's actually very cool. This was one of the first puzzles, man, with these blocks. - Yeah. And have a look at the rest, wow! This portrait of Jesus Christ is absolutely marvelous. What a piece! This is absolutely incredible. - Yeah. This is another bed over here. You can tell how important religion was in this time era. Over there's also a receptacle for holy water on the wall. Remon has found something beautiful. - Well, beautiful... What is it? I've seen this before in a Belgian collector's house, but I think it was just like a race. You also had a bell in the middle to make some sounds. - Yeah. But what I find more beautiful is the two other portraits on top of the fireplace again. There are so many different family ancestors and family members. It was such a big family tree. - Yeah. Well, and this is just some old furniture, but is there something inside? - Hmm. I think it's filled with files. - I don't know how to open it. I think you should just lift it up on the sides over here. You have two sides and you can probably lift it up like that. - Oh, like that! Hmm. Nothing. Have a look at the wallpaper too. Oh! That was a child's rocking horse. Wow! There's a shell collection inside of this cabinet! - Oh, damn! Actually, let's see if we're not standing in the light. - Well, I'll open it up and then I'll try to show it to you. Damn! Please, open up! I want to see the shell collection! Nope, it's not opening. Have a look, this cabinet is just filled with all these different shells. Also, some stones and books. This was definitely a precious collection once. Furthermore, I really love this chair that was used to pray. You can also see the religious cross. People were sitting with their knees over here and their arms, respectively, over here. And eventually, they were praying - Some paintings, and well, some pretty modern stuff, actually. A lot of boxes. Things they were trying to store. A pair of jeans, children's toys. - I mean, you can tell that there was a modern family living inside of this place. Yeah, they were the last owners. - Yeah. You can also tell, by this note on the mirror, that the family was trying to divide all the different furniture between the family members, but eventually, they never agreed about the shares. That's probably the reason why they are still debating who gets what, and eventually, the castle has been abandoned for a few decades. What might've even made it more complicated, is that some family members have deceased and no rules were made properly once. - Who is this one? "Henry". Wow. I think he was once very important. And this is definitely the coat of arms. - Ah, it's the same emblem, isn't it? Yeah. And this is the last room, at least, on this floor. - Yeah. There's another quite modern camera. - Yeah, but it's still very cool. Wow, look also at the wall over here. - You can think we can pick it up? Nah, just leave it, man, let it hanging, but that was used for fencing, and that's actually a sword. Or maybe, it was used by a farmer to cut his things, and harvest his goods. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. His weeds. Ah, all these toys. It's making me feel quite sad. - Yeah. Sad, but also it is modern again. This all belonged to a child. It should not be laying here. Then, donate it to another child and make that child happy with it. - Yeah, indeed, indeed. Well, then again, let's go back to the old furniture. This is what we love. Wow. Again, the exclusive wooden furniture with very neat carvings. - But it's all emptied out. There are so many crucifixes and artifacts of Jesus Christ. - And then, what's this? Was this for their pencils, maybe? - Hmm. Yeah, this was for an ink blotter, and there's even an old class picture. Or is this a football team? - It looks like a football team, yeah. I'm really wondering what happened with the last owners too. - Yeah, and why it is laying here like that. Is that a bullet? - Hmm. Or is it a letter? I think it's a letter. I think letters back in their days were put in such things. You see? Over there's a letter. - Hmm, I can't pick it out, man. It's stuck. Well, let's just show them the concept of the letter that is inside, but... - And then, what's that? It was for a game of baseball. - Oh, yeah! It's a very old one, isn't it? For sure! A little vanity over here. Imagine that the woman was just sitting here and putting on her make-up. - Yeah. Then looking outside, and she would see the beautiful front garden and lake over there. It's so magical. - Indeed. So, behind this door is actually the highlight of the complete castle, but it's going to be a hit and run because there's an alarm, so, let's do it! This is the main hallway. - Damn! It's incredible. - Yeah, this is incredible, man. Woah! The alligator over there! - Oh! It's an alligator and a bird. Well, the ship over here. - It's unbelievable. And that's the radio. Indeed, that's the radio which is playing over here. Yes, and now the security camera is turned on! This is one other room. - Damn! Well, quickly point everything out. Oh! There's another camera over there. It's right in front of us right now. Be careful. A piano. I'm sorry I'm filming this so quickly, but over there are all the cameras and the alarm. We don't want to get caught. This is it for this room. A beautiful chandelier over there, too. The grand mirror, the pianos... it's absolutely incredible! The most beautiful rooms have the best security. A game of billiards. Wow! Have a look at this! It's unbelievable. - Well, and that's not interesting, only the frames over there. This is not too interesting, no. Do we have everything?! Okay, so what is up! We just did an incredible mission, and especially, props to this guy over here! You can still, see his army wound, and the sweat drops on his forehead. Well, Maureno took the hard way, let's say it like that. Well, let's conclude it for you. We just did an incredible castle, and there was like one room that we were told there was a camera inside, but actually, it was a motion sensor. We triggered it. Of course, we wanted to document it. It was the most beautiful room inside the complete castle. Yeah, castle. And, wow! To be honest, this is a mission that not many people have done, actually. I think there are like, how many people have been inside? 5 people or something? - Yeah. Just a handful. Yeah, just a handful, and we're the lucky ones. We did it, we did it. Currently, Maureno is flying the drone. - I'm searching for it (the castle). He's searching for the castle, well, we're actually, standing pretty far away from it because we don't want to see or encounter anyone (security), of course, we had a little run, but everything is fine right now. And as you can see, I'm going to cook. Well, cook, boil some water and then we have our adventure food. So, right now, you'll see me start cooking. Okay, so, I actually told Maureno that if he'll find the Chateau from here. - It's at a distance of 2 kilometers. Alright, I just told Maureno: "If you find the castle from here, then I'll eat my shoe. And the drone has the capability of flying 5 kilometers far, and right now, how far are you? - Right now I'm getting problems with the transmission signal. And actually, you're 2 kilometers far, and right over there. He's currently flying with the drone around the castle. It's so crazy. Alright, so there we are. I'm sitting in the chair. I have to pour in some water. Well, I'm just going to fill this up. Alright. Let's see. I think I have the Explomo lighter. I just took it out of the car. Where is it? Damn. Yep, there it is! Well, let's check. I'm quickly going to pour something out because we already made something and you can tell that it is a little bit nasty. There we go! Very simple and easy steps. Oh, and by the way, watch out with fire and don't play with it. Lessons from Remon! Well, and what is actually on the menu: we have this "Adventure Food". The only thing that we'll have to do is put some water in it. Some boiling water. And what do we have over here? Mince beef hotpot, okay, haha! Well, I guess this is actually a pretty Dutch dish. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! It's a Dutch dish. And over here we have pasta bolognese, so, I'm pretty curious and by the way, I'm also pretty hungry. I mean, the last time we've eaten was like, uhm, how long was it ago? 5 hours, 6 hours, or something? - 6, I think. Yeah, maybe 6 hours, so, we are hungry and we need some dinner. So, see you! Okay, Maureno is getting the drone back. As you can see, you can see it up in the sky over there. There it is! And yeah, it did its job. I need to say, I'm very happy with this one, man. - Yeah, haha! I mean, if we had to do this with our old one, yeah, that would've been impossible. And by the way, you just saw me preparing the food, and the water is almost boiling, so, that means we are almost prepared. - Dude, what a life we have sometimes, man. - If you start realizing what you've just done, and you're eventually now just enjoying life in this spot. Yeah, yeah, for sure! Alright, so there we are. We're pouring the water in, and yeah... Hahaha, alright, there was the camera lens. It's very fogged because of the boiling water. Well, you'll see the end result of how it eventually looks. Well, as you can see, it was like this powder and they, literally, dried everything that's inside. And if you just add hot water, it is just a meal. Okay, so the food is ready! I'm gonna have the first bite, but it's hot. This is the mince beef hotpot, and this pot is hot! - Hahaha. And what do you think? Man, the beef is really good. Hmm. - It's so strange, isn't it? You know, we did not show the inside because we really wanted to do it quickly, but, well, to give you an overview. You'll definitely see how it looked before you actually make it one day. But it's, literally, powder. You know, it's powder. And what I have over here is pasta bolognese. And I need to say, that the inside looks very good. And yeah, it is indeed pasta bolognese. Alright, it's also very hot. Hmm! - So, the concept is that you actually pour boiling water inside, you wait for around 8-10 minutes, you close the zipper, and after, the food is good! - Yeah, and actually, this is very good, man. This one too. And actually, you haven't tasted it! It's hot. So, what do you think Sarah? - OK. OK?! Oh, oh, oh! OK?! No, no, no! Shame on you! - It's very good. Oh, very good, hahaha! Yeah! So, we're gonna eat something, and we check you guys out later. I actually can't believe we did the castle. It was such a mission. We just had a nice dinner, as you can see. We actually cooked for ourselves. And the good news is also that we just booked our own accommodation for tonight. - Yeah, that's really nice, actually. And, well, about the castle, it was very beautiful, it was just a historic place. And actually, the last rooms we did in a rush but it was just wow! - Yeah, that was insane. We're now going to pack all our stuff and of course, stay tuned for the castle video. Or if it's already online, check it out right over here. Yeah, we're gonna pack up all our stuff back in the car, and then we're gonna drive and get some rest after a successful day of exploring!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 101,396
Rating: 4.9065795 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned castle, chateau, abandoned places, abandoned chateau, castle, abandoned mansion, abandoned france, france, in france, in, the, 15th century, 15th century castle, castle abandoned, urbex, urban exploration, exploration, explore, urban exploring, exploring, explomo, mistyfing, time treasure, time capsule, everything left behind, history, discovery, exploring with josh, steve ronin, predator, predator castle, century, treasure, the proper people, abandoned predator castle
Id: gW6_3_XWx-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 34sec (4654 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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