The Abandoned Mansion of Curtains in a French city | Story of a Cotton Textile Family Business

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so there we are again welcome back everyone today we have a beautiful place for you again in france and this mansion with its ground entry doors holds many mysteries it's abandoned for around six years now and this place features so many historic items architectural aspects a lot of antiques to be short and make a long story short it's actually the perfect combination for a video and you're gonna love it so enjoy watching this video in this historic french manner [Music] so there we start in the main corridor and actually the first thing we see over here this is building statue it's a night yeah also this one right next to it pretty decades it is well and this is actually newspaper it was from 2015 do you think the place got abandoned in 2005 i think it got abandoned 2015 year yeah so that's around six years now have a look over here actually the hangars for all their jackets and clothes and then right next to it i think they used to stand in the chapel or church wow we think that the owners also collected antiques and maybe they even sold them because have a look at the antique ram over here the wheels from iron imagine that this is probable well we always love finding prams but i've never seen a piece like this i also look with the straw how they made like the part where the child would lay in and what is that actually it's a tulip from iron like some decoration again one of those beautiful pillars religious also look at the entry all over here we're gonna show the mansion to you itself in a minute but first we really want to pan out everything here in the corridor well this is closed yeah all right look close on my other side oh all these giant bottles to store the wine have a look they might even had a wine business because these are actually a lot of bottles to store wine another wooden religious artifact lamp i think this was like also a hangar dress war yeah i think this was also like one of those hangers hanging on the wall but first i was also thinking maybe a chair and just the back part of it yeah well let's first see what's in here some ropes yeah just parts of the furniture i'm done all this all this antique stuff some bells over there what's this what is it it's a part of something but i don't know what well if you know leave it down in the comment section because i really don't know there's plenty well what a noise all the trucks driving by on the road have a look on top this was also part of a jackal and then the two spinning wheels have a look over here some pictures on the walls and actually i think you really like this raymond looks like some medicines some chemical stuff wow very old stove it actually says american number two american might have been in america where they made it yeah this is where they actually would put the coal and everything in and eventually over here down beneath you could just take it out again you see the little pan over here that's actually where the cools and everything would land in man this corridor is so cool also the tiles we were walking on yeah true and look over here those were other hangers some magazines on the ground over there a broom and actually this secretary desk we have not checked yet maybe this was even one of those old school desk mute you can't lift it out i think it's locked on this side because this is like one of those desks you can lift up that's odd but it's filled with dust i was actually looking right over there yeah again some taxonomy spinning wheel oh i love these chairs we have found a one time before in the mansion of malediction and if you have not seen that video check it out right over here wow that's probably all over there man over there too behind the spinning wheel look the wires for the spinning wheel they are so dirty a lot of tools and appliances there are some pots again a huge iron plate on top and even over there wow another piece of [Music] taxidermy [Music] all right over here i guess we actually have a kitchen part well kitchen a very old one look still all the dishes are there they are so rusty and dusty do you think the butter is still on it i don't think so would be a miracle look here that's this one yeah it's also uh oh no it's a water pump actually oh for real yeah look this is a water pump i guess that one is not connected with the water anymore right no no that would have been really cool that we just pumped water out of the ground over here the dishing rack it's actually quite strange don't you think six years and then these dishes yeah well i think um like some parts haven't been touched for several more years but like to mean you know that they were just unused yeah true true because you see a lot of fronts like just good buildings and you see oh that's not abandoned but then literally half of it is abandoned yeah or at least go webs or they just only use parts of the house indeed what's it saying here de la reception or perception okay perception man the reception and the crucifix here what do you think this was that perception i don't know maybe it was the company's name with the antiques yeah it could have been could have been i know i was actually expecting a store then don't you think so yeah but maybe they had a store somewhere else and this was their kind of storage i bet for real yeah for real during daytime yeah during daytime he was i think i think it's not happy no it's not happy but it went to where i wanted to go damn because there this is a decade dkdk you can see uh oh there it is exploring gone wrong exploring going wrong what that shocked the hell out of me i didn't even saw it i thought it was gone well there are some mainstays and it's actually attached to the shed but the shed is in a very bad state of disrepair and yeah this room is not wow no no it's not interesting but it was actually connected to like another part which i personally haven't seen yet but i don't think we can eventually go there or at least yeah there is a door open right over there but um it's hard huh yeah because right over there those houses are all inhabited so when we came here we need to be very very couches because we literally walk through the people street and it's summer time so all the windows have just been opened and everybody can just take a glimpse outside and they will see you so yeah we are lucky and we are good at being ninjas let's say like yeah and the last rule might not have been that interesting but right now we're going to a very interesting part indeed because this this has definitely still been used until the last date it's very dark all the shutters have been closed but have a look what is this again just some parts of candles this candle holder is just some appliances true or true this chair is so green compared to every other single thing in the room and luxurious too yeah but yeah the rest of the room is all like brown gray black wow these people are very religious the bell over here yeah the bellows oh it's broken as you can tell but it's another very special one just a regular one yeah a regular one i like the nets in front of the fireplace that's not typical french in the uk we found it a lot with the fireplaces what is this a desk yeah like a cardboard or dresswa and the game of chess chest or checkers yeah i know checkers you see the sides oh yeah with the tiles and you i guess they're still in there right yeah you could just lift it off well they're a proper stack but actually what is first what is this what is it isn't it a giant christmas ball oh yeah it is be careful because it's very fragile yeah look over here was like a little bench for your shoes that's luxurious again some people were definitely important i think in town oh some brushes yeah and actually if you lift the brushes away there is like a building cabinet they still filled yeah completely with all their plates and beautiful china on the left well i guess yeah if you can just show it like that have a look that's actually the advantage of our new camera it's with a bright wide angle so we can probably show you things even if we cannot open any everything no true because imagine if i had to take everything away well this is a check but we were hoping to find the name but seems there isn't a name no some other paperwork [Music] okay well let's see how their home look like the sheep on the ground over there yeah is it is this this real taxidermy no i don't think so well it's you know remember um we also in france once the dominoes and there was this dead fox yeah and it also looked like this and that was real okay well because the wool yeah you know it is like sediment but the wool also looks yeah it's real okay well in that case let's treat it with respect and not sit on it like in germany over here what's this like an insurance book oh jesus notebook yes smallmouth oh that's actually a very vintage can i don't know rings inside i don't know what the purpose was for these rings maybe a game like yeah throwing them or something these glasses are very funny i'm very very old i guess yeah all right normally with all the respect all right i'm just going to do it like this to just give you a space station you know i'm not going gonna put it on my head look at by the way how small it is actually i mean me with my big forehead damn this would go wrong yeah let's put it back and let's focus on this beautiful wooden cabinets with other scarvings do you think there is more plates inside of this one i don't know oh again some china and indeed more plates it smells very dusty [Music] then attach to this living part there is actually a bedroom have a look downstairs don't you love like how that wall is made over there and the bed is just made in that part yeah true true but do you understand why there was a door man it doesn't make any sense right or you get out of the bed and immediately can go to that part but it's narrow well then actually look at the decay of the bed you already saw that yeah the mold spores and over there these bars are just coming off oh some family ancestors some others and then this is very sad this has been stolen i think so as everything is just left behind so some things might have been looted well i think those are some very old newspapers yeah it's from the year 1900 have a look the 5th of april 1900 the journal [Applause] imagine this is over a century ago still in such a good state yeah where it's saying it's about politics and literature january to june 1900 paris this one is from 1899. wow louvre heavy can you imagine how long ago that is very long ago okay can you imagine how poorly would have looked back then maybe we can see paris inside of it oh look how the woman we were wearing i think it's like literally like costume from the woman's yeah all right now we can finally actually see like a brew blueprint of how these things look how could you man this was some yeah hand work of course but still you know what i always didn't understand what made this so beautiful back then because the woman had like a small waist you understand yeah yeah true true that was very important for them that they had like well in dutch we say quicksand figure which basically means like this figure of a body this posture yeah that was very cool that was really like going back in time and then this is pretty strange it looks like it has been shut recently you think so yeah it's making a lot of money freaking speaking speaking well old cabinets you can tell how the way it was squeaking [Music] all okay firstly over here you can also already see the staircase we're gonna show you upstairs in a few minutes but right now we're gonna enter i think it's the main room yeah this is the main room this is also the most favorite room to be honest wow over here the wall prints the family ancestors on the wall but also these curtains so much elegance and very very stately whoa this is a beautiful fireplace uh detailed oh these styles yeah that's what you call a fireplace oh my gosh this needs to be proper cleaned real feathers yeah you can see the ceiling over there is slightly collapsing another family ancestor and over here the couch man it's probably still very comfortable like oh yeah it's good yeah it's really comfortable oh oh no no okay let's not go with two persons also look on this table over here this is incredibly designed wow it really took my eye and then the other chair embroidery pattern a fox a bird an excellent look on the table it's copper has been oxidized wow oh look at this this place has so much allergens wow that's amazing [Music] another family ancestor another one right underneath and what is this this you mean yeah michelle sam never saw such a big piece me neither damn i think that is the biggest i will ever see yet now what's this little side part over here it's literally only yeah down the curtains and literally only to hold this cabinet it must feature something very important wow this was their private chapel this was the private chapel need look at this crucifix imagine right now i get the point so over here i'm going to respectfully close it also mosaic tiles yeah the stain class so have a look if you actually would walk underneath the curtains you would enter a very tiny private place to pray and then right next to it this is piano from paris i really like how they decorated it also these little lambs on it and the test [Music] still sounds very good actually not bad at all like okay it's pretty false yeah oh look what it is napoleon the emperor of france of course very important and definitely also an eras people live there a little bit what is that oh it's literally for really thirsty but it's hidden yeah and this is another hidden one just a book it's huge huge mirror looks moved or smashed yeah it's smashed completely that's sad why are these chairs staved in okay it is pretty strange probably to keep in dust free but why not do it with all of them you see this also looted yeah wow look at these candles it's actually electric ones [Music] [Music] okay so on this end of the mansion it's actually again a bedroom and what is on top of it i think it's a stuffed lizard it's pretty terrifying to be honest i'm happy it isn't alive yeah very pink yeah very colorful this wallpaper chair over here and you can tell that has been yeah some things have definitely been loaded and then hard to imagine only six years and it has been doing so much harm to many of the furniture okay well this is as far as we can because [Applause] and what is it wow a lot of names a lot of names maybe from villagers maybe from people important people like in government or politics hmm why are these numbers like the other rating or something well you can definitely tell it one day this was very important information yeah true true oh there's a save over here yeah well it's closed i'm probably also empty yeah all the old leaflets and books actually here on the side they also made like a cabinet well it's empty but still very cool this just was a little chat yep all right poison oh okay one seconds you think you're going to walk a player yeah over here is a stove this is literally like a living game of jenga but look in the corner it's very mysterious poison a bottle of poison and a big bottle also why what did they did with poison i have no clue why would you have poison in your eyes oh this is very very dirty okay so finally we cover this floor and it's about time we're gonna show you the upstairs i guess this is just like oh there's even a little door for wood storage what a setting a vase it's it's like it's broken but what is the style the art style good question i think it's uh japanese or something maybe yeah because of these shapes over here yeah or something african i don't know anyways have a look at the banister we're gonna walk upstairs wow this portrait is probably old looks like somebody with a very important function like a counter or something well have a look it's all the way over here wow that's a beautiful cord yeah yeah so many old photos and that's what i just love because photos like this they do not exist anymore nowadays over there we also have some and this is also from the war what is this in the middle hang ups and jackets above no will be strange huh i think for some pots and decoration maybe yeah wow but i love the staircase actually and the core of the two yeah true all right it's a drone as you can see yeah it's a drawing a sketch oh yeah we found exactly the same one yesterday yesterday in the mansion exactly the same piece you know i was firstly thinking oh this is a radio no it's a fan and also with this one i thought yeah yeah you said a radio again yeah i guess the third time we find it you know he's a fan yeah that's very very funny and coincidence and a drawing yeah it's like from a winter cottage yeah cigar box yeah senorita fossil okay oh oh it's a rosary it's broken and again some beautiful curtains and a stuffed bird very powerful okay so what will be behind the first door this floor the bedroom makes sense well there is immediately this cabinet squeaking again yeah so many different compartments all still completely filled it's empty i can feel man it's actually very cool yeah this is all still filled huh yeah and to be honest for this room i find the bed a matching design in color but for the rest of the mansion it's completely different how they made this room true true all right we have a door over here well hasn't been wall for a long time wow some jackets and things some butts and everything and actually you gotta be surprised because i checked this door already so if you close that one and you see this one you will get a deja vu from the philosopher's mansion in france can you remember it or steve cracked to the chair yeah yeah yeah okay well have a look oh yeah indeed indeed it's just a bit it's a built-in vest are immediately remembered it's so strange you know can you imagine that sleeping with the doors closed it's literally you the bet and arms yeah that's all no ventilation no fresh air nothing nothing one big joke well i like this fireplace and look on top a lot of tiny ornaments [Applause] again at night oh actually that is right next to it this makes it way more beautiful oh and we fixed that indeed some pictures on the walls the same two persons a shell over there look something with music violin you can still see the old wallpaper right behind it but it's just peeling off so this was the first layer and then later on they used another wallpaper with flowers where do you think this actually dates from because i'm a little bit lost in time right now seeing all these messages yes yeah a lot of matches are of course different and a lot of them are dated from different eras but i mean because i see parts of corset over here televisions well it's pretty old many artifacts are medieval style i'm not saying medieval time because it's way too old but yeah probably baroque or renaissance one of those two and of course it was obvious they loved antiques so probably also some collections yeah true true well there is a door what's behind it oh another bathroom we just entered this is looking very dirty oh a fossil collection and i just stepped into a stone collection too well i'm mostly fascinated about this and us also fossils a lot of them yeah i really like this one reminds me of omenite from pokemon true and a hearthstone collection luke there's a tiny scale over here the shell of a turtle it's a real shell huh from a turtle typical french slave ads there's a store in the box a starring they definitely loved stones fossils and sea creatures it's pretty cool whoa oh this is the cutest singer i've ever seen wow and have a look at the bed this is probably historic oh my gosh and indeed a very tiny sewing machine not a singer but it's a very tiny piece and yeah it's definitely the most tiny one i've ever seen too wow that's special with these bats and then the curtains and these things so probably old man yeah this is very historic i cannot remember having seen this before and looking at the ground there was lots of mess well definitely not in this style over here some this is a detailed value yeah a pair of bellows actually two of them man again they're religious artifacts here and another rosary religion was a very important subject for these days and i'm definitely thinking that many of the things which we see inside are not the remnants of the last life which was inside but even yeah generations before that true true man well what's over there pretty big room to be honest you nearly see a spinning wheel over here oh yeah didn't you recognize there's so many spinning wheels a lot of them and even over here is another one i guess another pram yeah do you think don't you think that the woman will live here she used to make clothings that's possible maybe also the curtains yeah true because i'm slightly getting a feeling i see just a lot of pieces of clothing i think the curtains which we see everywhere and also the pieces from the beds in the curtains were handmade by the owners true true because you see a lot of special things too yeah i think they definitely made a lot of fabric and all just by hand yeah no machinery involved that's actually the best you can get especially back in time yeah a lot of things but also a lot of mess this room was also mainly for storage one day i think you can see all the numbers might have been to label the products exactly the same man oh yeah we saw him in the hallway right i think i've seen him three times already wait it won't focus yeah it's very very tiny tiny faded but yeah get the points although over there that was a cabinet for all the mattresses maybe elsa was a bad ones maybe one day you imagine it you know we have just i think it's loading so here's why yeah see you were correct yeah another stone collection and fossils too and another curtain this is definitely the historic mansion of curtains oh and there's even an attic oh yeah didn't even notice that okay well let's quickly take a look well this epic is gigantic so to give you an overview we're not going to vlog in the attic i mean some floors down us where near to collapse but look there's many religious stuff some stuff might even be dated from the years 1800s some maybe even 1700 i don't know but it seems that a lot is dated from a long time ago and it's such a mess over here i don't want to fall down of course or injure myself but yeah that's everything a lot of boxes parts of a chandelier right on top let's go down again [Music] so [Music] [Music] door's stuck man was opening very tough have a look it's actually again a kitchen oh this is one of those wardrobes oh yeah yeah yeah we actually zipper no clothes inside what made this actually a fashion piece i still don't get it um no it was more a functional reason okay so the clothes would keep free from moisture all right all right yeah well just a normal room yeah indeed every day oh look this water bottle is uh there's a date from 95. what 95 1995. 1995. wait i really want to show this actually i never found one this is that long dated let's have a look yeah this is very very hard to show but it's saying 1995. it looked a little vanity too it's quite cute yeah sure the last room oh it has a like in between part oh look at the bed over there wow that is amazing this definitely was uh so wonderful yeah i think so too this was definitely the most important person or maybe the child that they just wanted a nice environment for the child but i think we are right about the story that all these curtains were handmade yeah yeah by the past owners and also the clothings because you can see it everywhere all the tiny details and ornaments they implemented all these curtains of them oh yeah it's a map of france do you think our city is also wanted actually that's what i really want to see it says part of belgium well this is an old map so gonna be tough we have a very old sabre so here is mr on um [Music] yeah that's our city and then i also actually want to see what what are the elves the other ones like we have [Music] a stain stain is also on it is stained so old i really don't know but it's not focusing man this map is so faded out yeah true well i want to see a date on it that's what that's last thing i want to see on it i think it's old that's that's one thing for sure i think it's oh yeah it's from 29 it's very small rhythm but it's from 1929 oh man the borders were completely different during that day yeah true there was actually one small thing in the side room as well right that was like a wardrobe or what did you found well that's why i'm telling clothes were definitely handmade this is a beautiful piece oh yeah very traditional too to be honest i never found such a traditional one wow now you nowadays you would see these clothes when you have these medieval costumes you know exactly yeah musicals and stuff wearing wigs yeah true there is also an old glass picture oh that's actually quite cool look the old picture over there again the same man indeed even more family ancestors over there and even how they implemented wallpaper inside of this cabinet yeah just some old files on the ground [Music] okay so we almost came to the endpoint of the video we think we have been spotted and we don't want to get caught but look there is like a giant there is like a secret underground basement over here yeah this door is heavy man this is like a secret dome wow okay let's go down we have to whisper whoa it's full of wine true yeah it's full of wine have a look at this was for all the wine storage a lot of bottles that is actually so cool this is incredible man i didn't expect it wow this probably holds look at the stones here this is so insane so many bottles full of molds it starts to be very smelly in here this was really incredible even some little barrels over here well anyways we explored this mansion as a wall and we really want to thank everyone for making it to this point of the video and what an historic place this was well i need to say you know the only thing that i really want to know right now is i want to just have a time machine go back in time and then imagine how life would be here yeah me too that's literally the only last thing that i really want to do okay so that was the end point of the video we are spotted by people we have to go but we explore this wool we sincerely hope you did enjoy it and if you did you know the drill like always hit that like button for this story please you know it guys also leave your comment opinion down below and also subscribe to our channel ring the bell notification button peace out thanks for watching and we see you on the next adventure let's be safe let's go and there's gun powder on the floor where you left me in my room there's a shell of a man [Music] still a voice tells jump
Channel: Explomo
Views: 174,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, mansion, france, family, family mansion, urbex, explomo, exploring, exploring with josh, abandoned house, house, mansion in france, abandoned mansion in france, mansion of curtains, curtains, the abandoned mansion, the, cotton textile, family business, urban exploration, exploration, story of, cotton textile family business, bros of decay, untouched, history, historic, EX, city, city mansion, french city, explore, abandoned castle
Id: 6VZNcXl6XY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 16sec (3496 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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