Courtly Abandoned Mansion of an Italian Wine Lord - Unravelling Family Mysteries

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At the end of a long driveway is a  gracious building that was once occupied   by a generous Italian wine lord  and the many members of his family.  In such buildings, often  locked up under lock and key,   one can unravel many of the mysteries of the  people who once resided here centuries ago.  But sometimes the entrance seems  more complicated than it truly is,   and the door is just open. Curious explorers  as we are, we venture our way inside   and look for the family relics that still  roam around in this impressive building today. Good morning everyone! It's another  day in the beautiful country of Italy.   I've just made my way to the next  destination. You can already see it   right behind me. It is actually a huge mansion and  this mansion is nearly abandoned for 8 years now.   Currently, somebody is trying to save it.  Some rooms have been emptied out as others   are still completely furnished. I'm very  excited to show you this wonderful place.   It is actually located on top of a hill and we  had to make a pretty big hike. But we've made it.   I can not wait to explore it and share it  with you, so enjoy watching this video!  So, to tell you a little bit  about the story before we enter...   There was actually a pretty big family  living here and they had a wine business.   Here on the left, they had a huge shed but it  is completely collapsed. And this shed was once   also used for wine production. But, of course,  we are also going to find a big wine cellar.   So, yeah, this is literally like a  ruin. Look at it. It's a complete ruin.   And then you can clearly tell  all the years of abandonment.   Also, over here at the banisters of the  balcony. They are completely reclaimed by roots.   Oh, look! This was an inner courtyard. Haha,   this is so cozy. Imagine sitting over here in  the morning, drinking your morning coffee or tea.   Over here they also had a little lake.   Well, you can tell by the palm trees  that we are in Italy right now.  Alright, let's try to go and search for  the entrance. I'm really looking forward   to actually see how it looks from the inside.  I've only seen a few pictures but furthermore,   I don't have much information about it. So,  also for me, it is going to be a big surprise.  It looks as if they are  still working in the garden.   Wow! It almost looks like a fortified  building. Everything is built with stones.   There is a little shed part over here.   Oh, look, there's an old stone oven.  What a place. It seems that  it also counts many floors.   I think there used to be a water pump over here.  You can still see the pipes and everything.   Oh, there is also a chapel! Have a look  over there on the roof. There is a crucifix.   We're in such a beautiful landscape today. Again.  Wow, look at the ivy over here. That  is actually very very beautiful.   Well, and then this is the  backside of the property.   I feel so bad because my remote control (RC)  of my drone is actually crashed. It doesn't   work anymore. I love to capture places like  this from an aerial perspective. To give you   a real overview of where it is located.  But, unfortunately, at the moment I can't.   So, that's why I'm just making a tour around  the property, in order to be able to show it   to you in the best perspective I can.  Look at all the eucalyptus plants here.  Alright, time to enter the mansion  now. The door is just straight open.   There we are.   What's this? I think they used this  as a basement part or something.   An antique lamp here, but  furthermore there's nothing.   Oh, wow, look at this.   I think this was one of the main entrances  maybe. It looks like a big door over there.   Oh, wow, this was a bedroom. And  look at the wooden ceiling beams.  A very ordinary room, actually.  Oh, and there are some old photos.   Well, old? They look quite recent.   Oh, look over here at all the women  sitting in the garden of the property.   A lot of books here.   I really like the curtains. And there is  a lot of Italian proverbs on the walls.   It is about democracy, communism, socialism...  I think it is mostly a political statement.   Oh, look over here! This  looks very traditional. It   looks like this was part of a shed.   And over here we can see the corks of them.  Of their wine business. Also a bottle.   I'm really curious about the wine cellar. Oh, look  over here. Brilliant. You can see so many things   that are enough evidence that they had a wine  business. This was a big Italian wine family.  Over here is a tiny toilet.  Oh my gosh! Yes, there it is. We found it. This  is the wine cellar. And have a look at the size of   these barrels. Maybe that barrel was used to press  all the grapes. And those ones were for storage.   Oh, and it is even continuing over there.  Wow! Yep, this was certainly a wine family.   Look at these tanks over here.  They are really really massive.   Everything was made of iron on the inside.  In contrast with all those wooden barrels.   And these bottles are always used to store  the wine for a limited amount of time.   So, these ones were used for long storage  and these ones were just for short storage.   But, hey, this is absolutely amazing!  They even needed stairs because those   tanks are high. In order to put all  the wine inside, the grapes. Over   here you can still see that they were counting  something, so they just striped on it.   Also, notice these massive steel doors  over here with the pattern on them.   They haven't been opened for almost a decade. Over here is a tiny sink, and it is also   going down on the left. Again, one  level down. Let's check it out!  Oh, this is yet another basement. I  see even more wine barrels over there!   It is not finished yet, I guess.   Oh, there is a bat!   Well, this is a dead end. I am not  going to disturb the bat either.   But I think there will definitely be more  bats here, so I am prepared for the worst.   Wow, look at this. It is not ended  yet. Yet, more wine barrels to find.   They produced a lot of wine if they needed  that many barrels to store everything.   Wow! Look at the arches actually on the ceiling.   And over here, all the bottles of wine. These wine families in Italy were very often   very big and wealthy families in general. And most  of the time, the first people started in the 18th,   beginning 19th century, and then, in the end,  there was no inheritance. Or the children wanted   to study and do something else with their lives.  And that's very often how these properties in   Italy and also in Portugal end up being abandoned.  But, you can tell the size of the property and   it is massive. It shows off that  these people had a lot of wealth.   Wow, look over here. I think this was storage  for themselves. This is a wine from 1989.   Still, also some vegetables.   This one is from 1993. At least, the  wine that used to stand here. Ah,   some jam. I think they also could have  sold this and produced it on the lands   and fields around this. So, perhaps  they were also involved in agriculture.   Oh, and there are some bottles of wine  again. I just made my way to the other   part on the ground floor. And over here was  a shed. There is still a lot of wood here.   Yeah, just some tools. I also think  mainly for maintaining their garden.   Because the garden is also enormous.  Alright, time to walk upstairs.   And somehow, this looks very modern  to me. I think it has been renovated.   Not recently, of course.  But maybe 10-20 years ago.   Because I think the original property is way  older. Well, obviously, this was their kitchen.   I think there also used to be a dining table  here. The people were very religious too.   Of course, they had a private church here.  I really hope that church is opened but   I haven't checked it out yet.  Still, their plates here.  Let's see what's inside of here. Oh,  wow! Also, it is entirely filled.   Well, of course, exactly what you would  expect. Just some kitchen products.   Some spices over there in the corner  as well. Some chocolate paste.  And over here, a lot of keys are still  hanging up. And it looks like those were   definitely the first keys of the property when  it was ever built. These massive rusty keys.   All the pots and pans. Still pristinely  left where they were originally left behind.  Oh, and then over here we can actually see the  owner in his suit. He definitely looks like a   happy and also wealthy man. The outside of the  property back in its days. And he is sitting   on a sofa. Again, a religious artifact there.  This might have been his woman, maybe his mother.   Inside of here is some cute chinaware.   I think this is holding cutlery. Yeah,  well, at least a butcher's knife.   Of course, we are in Italy.  Some spaghetti. Can't be missed.   It might sound stereotypical but if  you've been to Italy one time before,   you know what I'm talking about. The bakeries  literally only have pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza.   And the supermarkets have pasta and spaghetti.  Risotto, also a very famous Italian dish.   But, enough about food, I'm pretty hungry.   It is morning and I still did not have  breakfast because I wanted to film this   place first. And afterward, in the camper, I  can have some breakfast. So, let's continue.  Well, some more products on these shelves. Also  some medicine. I really think that the reason   this property is abandoned is that the latest  resident died of old age. Because I've seen   the staircase here and there is a stairlift. I  think that is definitely because of elderness.   Wow, look at this. It might be empty but you can  still see the beauty in it of how it used to be.   Oh, wait a second. This is not empty. Wow!  Yeah, you can clearly see the beauty in it now.   This is such a homely place.   Over here is a rocking chair.   There are some beautiful memories. I think the  man used to be in the war in his younger days when   they were still complied to do this. A photo  of when he was younger and walked in the park.   This must have been him as a child.   An African statue.   And then we have a fireplace over  here. With another religious quote.   This could have been a family ancestor  or maybe the father of the man. Let's   see... I don't see a date, so it is quite  hard to conclude who this man exactly was.   Over here they even used to have their balcony.   They were just waking up and  overviewing the beautiful countryside.   I think the people definitely lived  a happy and peaceful life here.   I can still feel a little  bit of the positive energy   and memories that have been made inside once.   However, it is strange how some furniture has been  removed. I think this was definitely done by an   owner. But things like this are just  pristinely left how it was one day.   God bless our mortgage at home.  There is no place like home.   You see? I was already saying it. It feels so  comfortable. But I think these people loved   to spend their time in their home and they also  spent a lot of time here. It clearly shows off.   I am wondering where this exactly is because  this is not the property where we are now.   Hmm, that's strange. Oh,   look over here. Some Asian symbols on it. These   people also used to travel a lot,  perhaps when they were retired.   Well, the living room was a surprise because  when you see it from this perspective you   just think it is empty and only the  curtains are left and a lamp there.   Well, time to enter the next room. If it  opens at least. Nope, this one is closed.   This was the stairlift I was talking  about. Oh, this is a bathroom.   Another empty room.   Yeah, just very ordinary.  Hmm, this looks strange to me.   We are on the first floor right now but this looks  like a shed. And I think it actually is. This is   another door that is locked.  Oh, no, it is not locked.   Oh, it is very smelly inside of here.  There are still some peppers in that jar. A   fridge, but the smell is  awful here. I'm going out.  Okay, look at this! This is indeed a shed part.  Everything is built of wood. Some stone floors.   There are even still some  onions left to dry here. And   this is empty.   Ah, look over here. Clothing swatters.   Let's see the newspaper for a  date. Yeah, that's very strange,   because this newspaper is dated  from the 15th of February, 2014.   But I think somebody is still coming here on a  regular basis, to check if everything is fine.   Maybe take some stuff here and there. And  I think in one year or maybe a few years,   the property will be emptied out and hopefully  bought by someone else who is willing to invest   in it and restore it back to its former  glory. Haha, what's that bag doing here?   Well, I really like these ones because they are  made of wood and I have never seen anything like   that. And then you could pull the rope like that  and it would open. And you could close it again.  Oh, there are some barrels again over here.  They were maybe used for transport in a truck.   Okay, only some spiders. They  put concrete underneath it.   Well, then it is time to  go another level upstairs.   I really want to see how the view is from here.  But unfortunately, the shutters are blocking   the view. But as you can see,  the view is already beautiful.   Oh, and there is even an attic over  here but let's save that for later.   Wow, look at the paint on the walls already.   Italians do not often use wallpaper but they  always really like to paint their ceilings and   walls. In contrast with the French people, because  they always use a lot of wallpaper. And when the   buildings are left to decay, that wallpaper always  becomes very moldy. So many books over here. It   looks like this mirror was once part of a cabinet.   And again, some curtains.   I was wondering what this actually was used for.   Probably to hang something up, but was it  for an exact item? If anybody knows it,   then leave it down in the comment section  because I would love to learn more about it!  Oh, there is a "Singer" sewing machine over here  and another sewing machine right next to it.   This one is beautiful. Look at  the colorful ornaments, wow.   And again the same man.   Maybe this was the first person in the  family tree to start the wine business.   Okay, well, this is very heavy.   The sewing machine is inside of this  box but it is locked on the side,   so I can't open it, unfortunately.   And this used to be one of those hidden doors  where they just continued with their painting.   Wow. It is yet another kitchen.   These people must have been  some other family ancestors.   And just tiny storage with a toilet.   From this perspective, the view is already  getting better. Well, I can dream about the   view each and every minute, but let's show  you the other rooms now. This was a bedroom.   Oh, still their clothes are inside of the  wardrobe as well. This fur jacket. And   just a plain iron bed. And again, the  same picture comes back of this man.   Also, a religious picture over here.  Oh, wow! This was yet another bedroom.  And have a look at the blue colors   and especially the ceiling. Wow, that's  very beautiful! This is so Italian.   Well, I really like how  they have placed the mirror   on top of this simple cabinet. And right  now it even looks way more special.   But again, notice that on the side there  is one of those "hangers" again. It is   empty. Oh, I really like this box! It is like  a memory box. And it is full of old pictures.   A man with a mustache. I think this  was on the outside wall: a woman   with her daughter, and two dogs.  A girl doing her holy communion.   A grump grandmother maybe.  An elderly woman at least.   Oh, a family ancestor for sure.  Where did these people go?  And then let's check out the wardrobes.  Over here are only some old newspapers.   That one is from 1976.   The Italian wooden beds. And look over here: this  place is literally a time capsule. All clothes are   still hanging where they were once left. Okay, time to continue.   Look over here. Another bedroom. But it is quite  simple. It does not have much elegance or majesty.   These people just had a very homely interior but  not something very majestic. At least, so far.  Oh, look over there on the coatrack.   There are still a lot of bags hanging  up. Probably they were from the woman.   Yeah, this is just an empty wardrobe. And  this one? Oh! It is almost falling out!   Let's just leave it like that. Okay, so let's enter the next rooms.   Wow, I like the yellowish style of this room and  look at the ceiling, actually. Very well-detailed.   There are some walking canes over here.   So, I think an older person was definitely  the last resident of this place.   This was a part of a washing table. Some  bottles of liquor in the corner there.   And then over here, there is a huge corridor.  Plenty of rooms on the right and the left.   Oh, there are many bags again. Some hats.  And look: we found this before in Italy.   Women once used to wear these animals  as scarves in a certain time period. It   looks like this was in Egypt. I guess  these people just loved to go on holidays   and just explore the world as I am also doing.  And just document the history of the forgotten.   About what's left after life. Well, right next door there is another room and   it seems that this room is very elegant. Look at  the carpet, and wow! Not only the piano here but   have a look at the ceiling! My gosh.  Wow. Some beautiful Italian artwork.   And also the curtains. This is much more majestic  compared to the other rooms we have seen.   However, I find it strange how  most furniture has been taken out.   Because I definitely do think that this  might have been another bedroom with   the little lights here. And then the  bed maybe right over here or something.  Wow, look at the piano. I think those were  ivory keys and they have just fallen off.   It is not working anymore at all. "Kriegelstein".   Wow! Look at this chair! That's so unique.  I have never seen anything just like that.   Oh, and this is the most recent picture. This was  on the balcony or? Yeah, this was on the balcony.   It is an older woman, so I definitely think  that this was the last resident that lived here.   Some fake flowers. And then here in the corner,  they had a little fireplace to keep this   place nice and warm. I think this is absolutely  fascinating. So, I think that the favorite place   of the woman was the balcony. We can see her  standing over here back in her younger days.   And right now I will go back to  the other picture I have shown you.   It is exactly the same woman in the same  position, but then in her older days.   Look, wow! Well, that must  have been her favorite place   inside of their home. Alright, let's continue  following the corridor, and let's see...   Oh, this is actually a bathroom.  Yeah, just a normal bathroom.   And still, all their bathing products  again are left behind. Oh, wait a second!   Look at that room over there. I can capture  a quick glimpse but it looks magnificent!   Wow! Oh my gosh. Look at it. This is  absolutely mesmerizing. What a beauty! Wow.   The bed over here with the curtains.   The old portrait over there too.  Wow! Well, this is really majestic.   A vanity over here. And again, the  same photo of the man comes back.   It seems that he was the most important person  about this property and the complete family tree.   This is a box. A lot of paperwork inside.   My gosh. This was absolutely a surprise.  I was not expecting this. There is even a   bust over here on the table. And then look  at the portrait from a closer perspective.   Unfortunately, there is no date again on  this portrait. That absolutely surprised me.   It was so beautiful. And then again,  look at this ceiling over here.   It seems that this floor is  still the oldest one of all.   There are so many hats over here: look at it.   And then the last room on this floor has beautiful  curtains again and also a marvelous ceiling!   It is so Italian. I don't know what else to  say. Paintings... the Italian knew how to paint   a wonderful ceiling. With the angels on top.   And again I love these curtains over here.   Well, I think it's time to go to the final floor:  the attic. And then I think I covered it all and   I showed you this Italian wine family mansion.  This place was absolutely unbelievable. I was   not expecting this. It turned out  to be way better than I thought.   So, let's go! Even one other staircase is going upstairs. Okay.   Well, over here is not that much left.   Oh, and over here are more barrels again.  And it still smells like wine in here.   2014, 2015 even. The last date. And over  here you can see some drops of red wine   and I think it is still inside of these barrels! Because there is a strong wine smell in this room.   Some tanks over here too. I think this is  a strange place. To imagine a part of their   production was on the attic of your mansion?  But maybe it was normal. What is this?!   I think this is a very old bathtub.   Wow! Look at this antique  TV. That's a proper old one.   Over there a washing table too. Oh,  and this is another very old bathtub!   Wow! There are so many antique items here in the  attic. Ah, I pushed my head on top of there. And   I am wearing my hood because there might be  bats over here and they can get in your hair.   Ah, that was quite clumsy, I really need to  watch the ceiling over here in this part.   Yeah, well, I think that was it. So,  I made my way outside to the church. I   quickly want to check if this one is open.  Otherwise, I think it is time to leave.   Nope, it is fully closed, but it  looks very beautiful from the inside!   Is there really no access point?  Nope, over here there's nothing either.   Well, in that case, I think it is just  time to go. And what an adventure this   was again! Such a huge mansion on top of a  hill. And look at the driveway over here.   This was the front driveway one day. The main  road where they would drive up with their car.   All the trees. So, goodbye!   So, it is time to walk back to my friends. They  are waiting in the camper. They only make photos   so they do not need that much time to actually  finish the things they want to do. Of course,   if you want to make a proper video or documentary  about a place you will need a lot more time. But   I managed to do it and I really hoped you  enjoyed it once again here in Italy! This   is just the start. There are amazing places  just about to follow, so stay tuned for that!   I want to thank you all for watching and if you  enjoyed it, please hit the LIKE button. You can   SUBSCRIBE to our channel down below and also leave  a nice COMMENT down below. And then I want to send   you much love, peace, and blessings from Italy and  we'll see you on our next adventure! Peace-out!
Channel: Explomo
Views: 183,828
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Keywords: abandoned, abandoned mansion, mansion, abandoned places, millionaires mansion, millionaire mansion, millionaire, abandoned house, courtly abandoned mansion, courtly, abandoned italy, italy, italian, abandoned italian mansion, wine lord, italian wine lord, wine mansion, family mansion, abandoned family mansion, exploration, urban exploration, urbex, exploring, urban exploring, family mysteries, mysteries, unravelling, explomo, exploring with josh, steve ronin, the proper people, of, an, EX
Id: TmGejZ8Jo_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 23sec (3143 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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