Abandoned ultra-luxury English millionaire's mansion in a private estate

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somewhere in the richest part of the UK lies in the been mystery [Music] which makes you remind that money can only buy you items but not life I didn't expected this [Music] you [Music] okay so girly we are in the richest part of the complete UK in a billionaires row and we are standing in front of the mansion which is worth three point five million dollars and policy even promises even more in dollars yeah and what's the craziest part about it the reason why it's three point five million pounds is because it's in a decaying state the average house over here is worth sixteen to twenty to thirty million pounds that is an insane amount of money and you will see why so this is it the billion has mesh and probably one of the biggest ones we have ever explored and this is only its garden and it's already so huge yes probably up to a few square kilometers unbelievable I just can't believe this mansion has just been sitting here vacant not being used as such a shame if you will live fair you will live a wealthy life just walking around it it's unbelievable take a look over here yet like around Fontaine some statues in it [Music] [Music] well this would have been the main entrance the main door there are so many beautiful houses in this area it's like a private residence area it's great I call famous people if you can live here yeah maybe even a famous and influential person lives inside of this mansion oh wow take a look at disability around building and over there we can already see some arches there's a friend it's unbelievable that it's already gonna take as a few minutes to only show the outside of a place only it's like 30 seconds and we're done there are many more things to see so this will be just a walk through and the Amaze every single time I mean like right in front of us there is yet another fountain and on our left I don't know what this exactly was I don't know if it's open what's like a little guest house strange that such a small house is just closed but the management's elves just open at all sides all these lanterns as well just magnificent unbelievable even like I don't know how to call it actually but just stand there with a mirror inside of it I really don't know what they did here oh I dare is a mirror inside but Wow like a real property let's just walk on it there's even more arches here but that's all nothing more where Darrell yeah another font in there I think it's the biggest garden we have ever found it's like a complete forest it's unbelievable supposedly there's even a tennis court or friend told us well I think already yeah me too they're like some fans over there you're about to see it that's where the tennis court is located over there even again some Greek arches is a big golf course so we can't walk too close by defenses because yeah they are golfing right now it's like a private estate area so people are very attentive of course if no wrong in tangents but people may think your hair with wrong and tangents yeah like like a maid says there's just a tennis court there well imagine if you have this in your garden and it's actually still a very small part of the garden that just says enough there should also be a tree house in this garden and we thought we had seen something behind these bushes [Applause] yeah there this I made is already inside unbelievable man just three us I've actually never been inside of a triage now an abandoned one yeah they're just broken I think I'm gonna have to do it like this all right you know good yeah I'm good never seen never been as mitrios actually Luke are smaller this was definitely put a children yeah yeah put on a mouse over this is so funny we have to crawl away eventually Oh move over there you have even a bridge yeah be careful yeah this would just be a dream for each get there were another small house it's like hidden between the bushes here probably was just a shed for some storage maybe the gardener's equipment minimally 10 really Wow beautiful stairs going up leading to the actual bag of the mansion and then it's about time you're gonna see the inside you've read long enough but there was just so much to see around displays only that we had to show it to you [Music] [Music] oh wow [Music] yeah they are really gorgeous I was about time we go inside because I think the Sun can go down in about 20 minutes and we want to show you this place with proper daylight so right over there it's one of the most amazing things with this mansion you got up inside and take a look it's the most big swimming pool I ever saw being abandoned in a mansion yeah like a whirlpool it's very deep it's unbelievable and now you can actually see it [ __ ] it's really unbelievable what a pool well [Music] this is how arrest looks like over there even in a private ball like a pool ball people we lifted just we're being served they were million s no that was about that and this I just hate seeing this really why wouldn't you do that to just screw up such a beautiful place I mean then you really have no passion for the hobby anyway right over here this was a small bar and kitchen part I was talking about this looks need well normally as you know we don't film empty places this place however is almost completely empty from the inside but it's just one of the kinds it's one of a kind this that could be the case it's actually a smart one by the recreation side and then also I really yeah I think you made a good point that was definitely not a table or something on earth but just like a game or something because that's why they need to lie yeah well we can't go down there I think it's actually leading us to the basement okay let's walk down this iconic red staircase actually take a loop just like the stone basins pray indeed what does it look like oh this is definitely done by people oh yeah this is definitely traces of familism look at this bathroom it's amazing all these cool artifacts on the wall as well Lux Angus even the soul is still lying there all right nobody we don't short toilets but absolutely even the holder for the toilet paper is from gold I will feel very royal if I could do my business over here man the shower then actually quite special out there made this with these stones I know where was the room with me rose maybe they're like the private fitness room man yeah but everything is big you know where some other showers okay so over here used to be a sauna with you there's another one of these red iconic staircases and stained glass above Wow yeah unique I love the pattern all right so first thing we see oh wow Luke this was an American bathroom huh indeed just made with the American flag yeah everything is just red and blue yeah unbelievable can you come too I don't think those are all right let's just walk on the corner we can already see the Devon state of decay over here such a shame that is this mansion is in a quite advanced state of disrepair it's probably also the reason why it has been vacant for all these years already and can you imagine that you still have to pay 3.5 million for this yeah now you need to fix it up you'll probably be around 10 million or something for such a big match [Music] there they had a small room like we said everything's empty blood Curtin's since he's some remains of the actual rules yeah go ahead of our green curtains yeah Ashley don't you think that these rooms could have been for service I mean like they look very similar oh I don't know it could be of course but you never know oh wow take a look over here yeah this is the main entrance and the main hallway this is absolutely unique too rounded ceiling over there just a window in it mate this is really unbelievable and then the carpets oh wow and you would have this you it's so pristine so you need ok just continuing through all of these rooms and over here there are so many traces of the game this is yet another room for the huge mirror and this looks like a very royal room in my opinion have a look I hope that these are just traces of decay and no vandalism at all and yep over there some black Mouth that's not good this place needs a lot of repair oh and I guess that this was only a room just to storage that floats just like a walk in water rope man then you know you're rich I mean I myself I think I only have this one of these and that's it Wow look at the pattern on the door over here I really like it it's just it's complete whoa whoa I didn't expected this wow man this pattern and this bathtub slash yeah what it was I guess a hot tub maybe and then Luke this is Golden Swan all the golden artifacts and again very royal toilets something to wash your feet actually we only found this in royal castles in France and in Italy a lot they have it everywhere in Italy over here still some perfume looks very expensive the soap and again it's very good-looking sink and the Swan actually right above the Swan there are a lot of bottles of perfume this looks very good okay just continuing through all of these rooms again such a decayed and so many traces of black mold it's insane I didn't expect this from the outside so sad to see actually over here is a glass table and this s October 2009 Oh first look above me that's a really cool light I never saw something like this actually then again a very special toilet it's only a toilet come on what you need such a royal toilet [Music] bordick pattern on the wall this must have been a room for kids and also this better so cool okay just making my way to the last remains of this mansion the beautiful decay and all the rooms Oh over here you can see but someone wants to take care of this place this room doesn't feel stable at all nursery okay all right look we're have to walk through just gonna pass it yes what there is even grass and plants growing inside of this room I don't think this house will ever be fixed this house this mansion this palace I think it will be just left like this and eventually it will fall apart or they will tear it down there is no choice of fixing this and then over here and not a beautiful bedroom and again very cool-looking bathtub and I think also whirlpool not just a normal bath tube pattern on the wall again okay so I made my way down the pathway we didn't go when we went up and actually the only nicest thing over here is this pattern on the wall look all the trees it's just a forest so details remember a very multi room where I just show to the malt on the wall over there there was a hole and this is the only entrance to this part of the mansion what I found over here was actually pretty cool it seems like this was maintained in one way they tried to do something over here and they were making something aware have a look this is another world pool jacuzzi bathtub Wow it's just never finished as you can tell over here it actually says a paper two tubs master bathroom library bathroom another very good-looking toilet and I think over there yeah I already see it it's a shower so imagine that they just had a shower and a very huge bathtub and their personal toilets okay so that was it for the upper floor right now walking down stairs just have a look how royal this is the pillars over here and then eventually over there what's the main entrance golden Pelin over here and the main door okay let's walk over here see what we can find Oh electricity cables kitchen ah again another toilet something to wash your feet [Music] I have no idea what this actually was I'll just make my way over here this looks pretty cool with the curtains you can never know what view the outside it's very crazy so making my way through and over here not a beautiful bathroom or icy sink oh no it's just only a toilets over there Wow oh is this okay okay this must have been storage for books like a library and another staircase yeah look up oh my god and sing well don't hesitate I will make my way up and again another storage part I think this is library everyday we're talking about on the letter so we also can go down here let's see what can we find what is it oh yeah alright see there's a huge wine basement Oh a huge one Oh what imagine having so much wine and then I think people that this there is this cheap beer and bottles of beer then only wine bottle just one over here ok so I made my way back towards the main hall and let's see we can find over here oh yeah this is the part I just talked about where I want to go oh look all these books in the shelf how's Marie laws of England wait a second this is fake are you kidding me for real huh do you see it it just looks like a bookshelf but it's fake I wasn't expecting the Hat alright this is a big fail I'm sorry what is this just some power generators and then I think over here used to be a statue and again a fake bookshelf actually do you see it this was a storage part but unfortunately I can't open it oh yeah this is the room I just said I want to go to over there used to be a fireplace some storage for small artifacts the beautiful curtains and then whoa whoa whoa whoa this is one D King room Oh My yes this place they will just stare it down or just leave it to die there was definitely no other option have a look I'm even scared to walk over here I mean like it can fall apart every single moment what is down here hmm very nice better on the wall a desk over here maybe this was like a bar it looks like and then I'm fairy every mirror I never saw something like this if you know more about just leave it in the comments I'm really curious how does this made it actually and then again this pattern on the wall so beautiful and if you're asking a little bit of rush and where's Murray know he's outside he's flying the drone stealing so good and it's like such a huge complex so what's really really cool to fly to Detroit we're back nobody knows with us again yeah I just showed you the rooms and especially the walls I mean the wallpaper where yeah it's like AZ and science I don't know but take a look the ceiling as well like how it's curved [Music] such a mess there [Music] oh my what it used to be it they make kitchen actually they have sunk it since I already found one also upstairs but imagine all these cabinets like how many plates and everything used to be inside whom they're so big [Music] well another kitchen and this was actually still in a very neat condition I think this to get sandwiches in the best condition of the old mansion yeah they were all I got Nile paintings yeah so sad to actually see that the things of the child's are live I think they had a lot of children in there yeah yeah they must have had like their own cooks and servants this is one empty construction even though oh yeah can use the original color of the ceiling Gus the white paintings just feeling off and then this is actually where we could go up but first I tell the two upstairs quite set to see this I mean you can definitely tell that a child slamming it only by looking at childish they definitely love drinking wine yeah the basement was insane the wine basement was used well aware I guess it was a toilet yeah yeah just small but also for the child alright so an overhead they had two garages which last thing we're gonna show you about this mansion because they're still quite a lot of stuff left away which is also very valuable I mean come take a look over here look take a look on all these bicycles they are even via mixes in between and everything it's probably where around 10,000 yeah definitely men all the stuff that's left over in this garage maybe 20,000 bones 25 unbelievable they should just donate it to charity it's so crazy actually that's only in the garage there is just still some fresh stuff left over here to cut across a lawn mower pumpkin oh there's even this toy moped this is definitely an older bicycle yeah a very old one look compared to the others which were very modern very new looking Mercedes how was it called again storage box like for skis yeah they could just attach it to the top of the car so you can imagine that there was also a Mercedes here standing when you got it and it's definitely definitely yeah fireplace oh wow yeah that one was gorgeous too what was this I was a huge pillow or something yeah hmm I think in Lantern actually looks like right yeah could be and one crazy thing this one just very strange fighter where I lied still blinking yeah it seems like ill Christie is still transmitting it but you saw everything we showed you this place is falling apart I already told there is just two ways or they just tear it down and rebuild something else or they just leave it to die like they do it nowadays so sad yeah alright well that was probably the biggest mansion we ever explored it was absolutely insane I mean such a shame that this unique property is left in this state of disrepair yeah I didn't expect to find this in first place and I didn't expect that it was in such a bad state and I already told just being left left to die there was only two ways to fix this tear it down and rebuild something else or leave it like this hopefully that's not the thing that happened after all the people that lives over here we have no story in them I hope they had a great life actually oh I guess they did yeah I guess they lived well few live on it that's one thing for sure man but we will really want to thank you all for watching again for this episode in the UK this dark right now luckily we could still manage to film everything with a light yeah it was slightly a sort of a rush I still hope you appreciate everything we showing you and if you does so you know what to do guys please leave a big thumbs up you can subscribe to a channel down below also ring that little bell notification button there and after all thanks for watching and we see you in the next [Music] you
Channel: Explomo
Views: 442,146
Rating: 4.8998561 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring with josh, exploring with steve, abandoned, abandoned places, urban exploration, abandoned house, mansion, urbex uk, urbex, steve ronin, urbex france, bros of decay, proper people, millionaire, japan, ultra-luxury, UK, england, united kingdom, brexit, private estate, untouched, decay, everything left behind, explomo, theme park, exploring, we found, English millionaires mansion, china, luxurious, EX, exploration, property, millionaires mansion, urban exploring
Id: XOf_OfjYC5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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