Millionaire's Family Mansion in Belgium Left Abandoned - FOUND VALUABLES!

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What, no way! (♫ Official Explomo Opener - Intro title) - Welcome back to Explomo, right now we are sitting in this beautiful, abandoned millionaire's mansion, and actually, this mansion was once owned by the family Mowbray they were a very wealthy family, and just take a look where I'm sitting right now. The sofa and all the seats and all the glasses over here. This just looks so royal. It's so neat, still, in so good condition man is just unbelievable that this is left behind that in Belgium. - Just how shiny everything early is and look where you're standing literally behind this small bar Yeah, just imagine I'm standing behind this bar, and almost looks like this was maybe a better breakfast or something but this was an actual villa and these people used to invite guests of course to their mansion. Yeah, they used to serve them on some liquor, some drinks. Used to stand there and literally, oh I gotta be careful there. All these liquor bottles. All these glasses. Little crystal glasses but also for wine and everything. Whisky. Has all just been left in this cabinet. -Currently still standing between all the beautiful chairs and the sofas and when I did not mention yet is over here the beautiful ceiling. Look at the pattern of it and actually the colors it really gives me this bar vibe. Yeah, it's pretty neat how they made it's pretty unique as well. -And also, this is pretty cool. Look. This was a very special find, actually. It's still in a really good condition I think this used to be the owners the actual owners in the latter days when they were having dinner this is an actual dining table, we are about to find in a minute this little tree -And also, over here. Look, it's real silver platters. Unbelievable. -Actually, there is a pretty big one and yes this is a real silver You can tell it's handcrafted as well, wow! -Currently next to the bar area was actually their living room over here they had these two really powerful chairs and then right over there. Yep, this huge sofa. Was definitely their lounging area, where they would watch television, look at the cozy fireplace right over there. -right over there. Actually, I need to say this is a pretty modern one like most of the times we find these really old ones with beautiful architecture but this, this looks simple but still, it gives some good vibe to the room Yeah, and then not to get the mansion their beautiful wedding pictures. Take a look they were happily in love with each other. Very romantic, so beautiful to see and I'm hoping they are okay and if they passed away in peace because the thing about this location is it has been abandoned now for five years and the problem is that there are issues concerning the inheritance of the relatives about this mansion but the interior but who's gonna get what and that is the actual reason that this place is abandoned the actual story behind it -is really sad to hear, it's unbelievable. Yeah, that we are just living in a society where people tend to be very materialistic, and they are just having troubles and arguments within the family about money about belongings. -Yeah, bro. Everything is about money these days. It’s so sad to hear. Man, I just love doing this. I just love having a hobby and this “urbexing” makes me forget everything between the society. That is beautiful That's right. This is what we love doing this our passion -Okay and I'm right over here in the living room we have this beautiful painting but it's so sad to see you can definitely tell that people demolished it. Yeah, that's just been ripped by people probably by a knife, such a shame. -Yeah People tend to have no respect for such a beautiful, abandoned place -this is why I already told you the fireplace also looks really modern but all this equipment over here. And this is probably a cassette record from maximally 20 years ago -Yeah, yeah, and then right over here we actually have this Philips DVD recorder those look very modern, not longer than 10 years ago that they have been bought. -Can I open it? No, no, it needs to be attached electricity All the broadcast TV channels -Look actually a blu-ray DVD over here Yeah, and this is a pretty popular child movie it's called "The Bass in the old forest" (Open Season) maybe someone knows in another country -Well, I saw it I know it And then there is this kind of bonsai tree with his Japanese let just chilling so many little cool artifacts and displays and these people we are in Belgium at the moment but these people we're not Belgian these people are actually from a Dutch origin and it's funny because you can tell the windmills is a very difficult thing for the Netherlands and it's just been left here like a souvenir. And this lamp, this lamp is not typical Dutch with this lamp is typical Belgian style from the 1920s we have found it so many times before in abandoned houses. Yeah, it’s a real vintage one indeed. Actually, in the middle of the living room, there are all these stories on the ground, and look what I just found there's an old PlayStation controller. I used to have a similar one. Just an RC and you can tell that it gets kids, children of this family “Malbrain” probably also have very spoiled they had that many toys. -and I just offered them from my own childhood. All these Marvel figures are some old pictures. Yeah. -Probably from the ancestors. Okay and also in the living room we have this wood cupboard and it's filled with old pictures from the family that used to live here. Over there the children. Oh, you can tell they love traveling as well. This picture, this plate was made as a souvenir in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and it's definitely taken in the older days, such a beautiful capture -And then let's see what we can find right over here. I already see some old letters. Let's check. Yes, alright, so the man's name was Francois. Okay now I'm also wondering what was the woman's name but I don't know if we can find it at least if there is a letter which is dedicated to the woman this is to a person in Brussels. -Okay, well actually right over here I see a passport. Let's see. Oh yeah, this was the woman Okay. If you can hide a picture, we can briefly show it to them. Oh, José. Yeah, José is a typical Belgium woman's name actually you still hear it a lot nowadays -I think when I look at their last names. Yeah, she had some Spanish relatives. Really? Wow and a Dutch origin as well and these pictures seem pretty recent, probably were from their daughter. Ten years ago, shows she is in the RH right now. -Yeah, it's pretty insane to think about And also, the passport. It hasn't changed at this time. It's still the same as this. so, there's also this box with knitting tools and equipment that's difficult where all the women in Belgium used to spend their leisure time with just suing all the time make some scars eventually maybe for their grandchildren you find it a lot. And then over there there is a beautiful porch, and the sunlight is just falling through it. It is just a perfect moment to film it. Wow and this looks so modern with only seeing this room you would not even think of this place is abandoned. It looks pretty staged I got a minute I think it's not led in this condition, but it's probably set off on photographers, but it just gives it a really cool look with these three bottles of liquor beautiful golden railing of the chairs and then they were just still made up. Okay, so there are a lot of modern pictures actually left that are telling a story of the family "Family name" which used to live there so let's scan all these pictures they were having the birthday of the woman she was turning 64. This was Susie probably with a grandson. They had a pie it's unbelievable that many memories we're spent inside of this house and this actually not in the house, but this is in a cafe or something and they also had a dog. Probably they love animals this was their dog. This actually made over here you see those are the ties of the room that's here and those are the chairs and those are the chairs unbelievable picture has just been made inside and they don't not only like dogs but also this little fluffy kitten but Is a doll it's fake and then. -Over here is this huge kitchen. It’s completely filled with stuff. I have never seen a design like this in a kitchen -Man, this is a really big one actually. Like an American movie, you know? The kitchen in the American movies. Yeah -Just the size of it, how huge it actually is, and like I told so many stuff left here, look. Still have coffee over here. No way. All are still in the bags. unbelievable -that is just left. Man, right over here, this was a case for all the keys. Oh my gosh, all the keys are also just left in it. I don't know if those are all the keys but got these hangers for the keys as well. There's a jaw still filled with fruit and over here some China plates. -Actually, really beautiful ones, look. What are they saying? Made in France “Porcelain de Cologne” Interesting but I think it's quite modern though. -Yeah, actually. Well, and over here we have some other chinaware. What to find over here, let's see. Some kitchen equipment. Yeah, a lot of kitchen amenities and even those for the ice cubes and even more mark spots like literally everything of the family Mowbray which used to spend all their life and holidays and everything inside this house it's left. Take a look at the design above the furnace all these styles and I know there is a very old-fashioned antique coffee grinder so they used to place a coffee bean in there they ground them and eventually it would fall down here, and they would collect the coffee powder to make coffee of it. -Actually, over here we have this pretty modern microwave, look. Or it was an oven? This was a microwave and underneath it, there was an oven. They are so modern. Unbelievable and I think this was it was a refrigerator, completely emptied tho but man. There is an old calendar here and it's dated from 2010 so that we meet at the place indeed abandoned for 10 years as we said. -Yeah, and that also explains pretty modern stuff that's actually in inside And then behind this door, we actually noticed the hangers for all cloths and everything and also this religious artifact -Literally, everything is still hanging over there. It's really cool to see. And what is this actually? I mean this is a clock. Wow, wait look. That's a beautiful clock from quartz ran from Switzerland then it used to hang there at that nail, but it has fallen down -Well, I guess I'm just gonna leave this over here but the color of that is really cool. Yeah, they are very beautiful and modern clock and I think it was pretty expensive -Yeah, right over here. We have yet another family picture. Man, a lot of grandchildren. It was a big family. -Old currency I guess these were all francs. Yeah, it's the old currency of Belgium, the francs. And in 2004 the euro was invented and all the European countries got the Euro as the modern currency which is still apply nowadays and there are all these old francs. It's like 25 euro cent nowadays around 40 dollar cents. -And over here in this china cabinet, we still have a lot of glasses left. Actually, this is a beer brand, Carlberg. I'm not gonna pick it up because of the moles but it says Carlsberg, I know it from nowadays. Also, all these telephone numbers here from their friends and everything. I can't show them to you but there are so many small things left. Oh, this actually a famous person from television in Belgium, is called Jean-Marie Pfaff, and he has an older TV partner -It's really cool, actually. There's so much stuff left all over the place and I notice a lot of souvenirs from Lourdes. I think it's in France but I'm not sure and I love this China collections here. They were very specially designed a very detail as well and -then over here we have this printer look. well, it's not that old it's quite modern from Samsung I think it has been bought 15 years ago -Oh yeah but there's a spider right over here And also, a quiet modern television from the brand Philips unbelievable and then all the mess on the ground all the lecture which has just been trolled by people, by vandalists who visit this place with wrong intentions, such a shame. I mean it's so sad. -Yeah, it's really sad to see but what we also notice inside this kitchen, look. The tree trunk, and the wooden, ceiling and everything like this is no Belgian there's, no Dutch, no, this is a German style. -Yeah, and I think this is one of the last pictures of the couple the wealthy couple happily in love and the man went first, Francois, and three years later, José, went to a nursing home and eventually, she passed away there. Right now, all their relatives, their daughters, their grandchildren - everyone. They are just having arguments about inheritance about all the interiors. A letter from 1984, handwritten in Dutch. So fun over here there's a cabinet with some quite cool things look at the dogs all swing equipment, China, handwork of a camel. Probably they also went to Egypt I think these people used to travel a lot maybe even for their company I think he had a company because they were pretty wealthy people but inside these shelves, there's a lot of medicines so probably the people are having a bad health condition in the later days. We feel very unfortunate for that and over there you had a key hangar with an actual wooden key to hang it. -So, nice. These cowbells were actually bottle openers. Yeah, these people travel a lot for sure is he from Ibiza. I think they have traveled the whole world. man, these people love to travel. -And they are very wealthy you can definitely tell that. All these signs of just travel all around the world and just their interior and their house. So maybe you were thinking if somebody is a millionaire this house is still pretty small for that. Well, it's definitely an extraordinarily huge house but I think it's people they're not only owned this house but eventually, they also got, like, more holiday offices all around the globe when he wanted to travel. Maybe Ibiza is very popular for people from the Netherlands and Belgium to buy a holiday house there and then there is another room -Yeah, and this room is fill overfilled with stuff I really don't know what it looks It looks like a horror movie. Oh, this game I used to play when I was a child you had two contestants sitting next to each other and somebody needed to think about who the other person was sure he would ask the other person "do you have white hair?" and if you said no and he would put his down and it's called "who are you?". Probably you also have it in the States with all the different names and eventually, there's one left and then you say, "are you Bernard?" then he says "yes" and then you won the game of the other contestant. girl's story. -Over here another wedding picture Beautiful that's made them the actual staircase inside of the mansion you will see this one this is the window and then take a look right now. -So, this was actually the office parts of the man who definitely use it So, they definitely had a company I think -Yeah, but what is really sad to see is right over there is a pretty mother printer, but it's just thrown over and I only see games. I expected like a big computer still standing over here. Also, all these records besides the covers, unbelievable! - still left over here. and then there is a washroom filled with children's clothes so probably this was not only a purpose for office but also for storage for all the clothes with their grandchildren. I mean I don't know. -Well, this is a guest miniature. I don't know if it's the exact house but no Maybe it was their holiday house, this puppet, Bible, actually a Bible, yeah a real Bible. We come inside of this mess ballroom and there's just a majestic chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling beside this room and honestly, I think it's one of the most beautiful chandeliers that we have a found. I mean such design all the curvatures, the rounds, amazing, and, then to imagine it is just inside of a mansion in Belgium however it looks like the ceiling has burned. I mean there are like traces of an aftermath of burn. I'm not sure maybe it was just the actual color of the wall and to imagine the architecture and the design of the wall, paintings as well. Wow. This wall design there is a similar one slightly different than the other one always, so beautiful as well. Unbelievable that this is being abandoned in Belgium and then the arch is here a Renaissance style and you are standing in the main entrance hall -Yeah, this is a really beautiful one. Actually, is pretty huge over here and. So much space. -Yeah, and yet again I want to first point at this. Look at the ceiling and look at the sides, the details over there. Absolutely amazing, and then to imagine that this grand door where the people came in full of webs now and the first thing you would see it these two beautiful mirrors and then this way -Egypt's, is it? it looks like it. Also, these details over here Yes, looks like an Egyptian style. They definitely loved an Eastern style inside their eyes also influences from the Renaissance and oh my gosh everything is from marble literally everything. -What do you think it was used to be over here? Statue from Jesus. I think -Oh yeah or Maria something religious for sure -And then yet again beautiful wall and the sofa. -is it a comfy one? Oh yeah, it is. Well and looking at the curtains and imagine we were showing the picture of their wedding that was made here on this beautiful staircase and then another majestic chandelier. Can't wait to explore the upstairs. Everything in this house you can tell, again we keep on saying it that these people had a good style for architecture and a good style for design, but they didn't need to worry about their money while designing the house. -Yeah They just did it how they wanted it -they were wealthy And then take a little bit the length of this upstairs hallway there are many bathrooms. let's just walk straight inside of this one. Looks slightly thrashed at first sight again a beautiful artwork also vandalized. I think so at least, such a shame. -So sad to see And this looks like another office spot. Oh and, all these baby clothes here and a children's wardrobe. There's even a globe you can tell these people love traveling. -Yeah But the most beautiful thing inside of this room is definitely -The family picture Wow, the very antique family picture probably from almost eighty years ago. I think this was actually the woman who lived there in the last days and this was her father, her mother and even her grandmother, and there is another shell with books but there are some really cool artworks here, for example, this sword and then take a look. Scorpion, dolphin, all the different symbols in different months you were born also this oak leaf so detailed. Then we gotta walk over a lot of trash again to go to the next bathroom. Remon is already having a look at that oh and take a look at this. This is Brussels the capital of Belgium there's a complete map like a sketch. Wow. -I heard you shouting This is really nice, man. That is crazy all these houses -imagine that this thing was once handmade, unbelievable. On the opposite side a very clean and modern one. I think this was a woman's bathroom, let's take a loop. yeah, this was a woman's bathroom. Uhh, all the dresses and the jackets. Very colorful clothes. A lot of makeup tools, perfume, even more colorful clothes. Then over here they used to iron their clothes and what's really cool is this was the actual iron they would place on top of this plate. It's actually a fish also a little bit of mold on it. It would be placed here if it had to cool down. -I am actually asking myself, there is so many clothes in here, if the woman liked to do something like making cloth, like smithing. Possibly or they just bought whatever they wanted. -Also, could be true. Wow, it's a girl doing a communion you can tell but a bracelet with crucifix another a picture of two girls doing a communion a picture of a boy. Look at him giggling with the airing in it. And then very modern still very clean-looking vanity. Take a look in the corner, there are also Egyptians, a camel. And a see shell there's. So many things which were bought in other countries. -What I really like is. Look at the furry coat. Wow yeah, she had a good style but unfortunately, they didn't need to kill just as a skeptical animal for making this coat. That is a fact I don't like what happens in our society nowadays. What? No way! No, what is this music box? -I just opened it and it started playing This never happened to us. okay, let's check out the bathroom. it was also very modern with all these blue dots and everything a hairdryer they just left. Furthermore, not really interesting, really modern, not very historical what we like to find but then all these red leaves and each side they used to hang lamps everywhere, but they have been stripped they've been looted. -And then right over there we have yet another bathroom but... Wow! Even more wedding pictures and then, the vanity with a picture of a younger girl. And right over there. and a crucifix in the middle. Beautiful wooden vanity however this wardrobe only has some trousers and a lot of blankets laying there. Another souvenir from “Lourdes”, we tend to find it a lot. What I find the coolest is this little desk with a marble tile with all the old pictures. Probably this was the father of José, he woman who lived there in the latter days. Probably also her mother from José with some friends. This denture, this fake denture. Why are these things left? Another purse and again a memory box full of old pictures actually inside the mansion itself. The dining table. Time to go to the next bathroom, that's right over here this is the most luxurious bathroom with mirrors. A lot of DVDs. All these showering equipment and all the washing tools shampoo, deodorant, even toothbrush. This place legit is like people left yesterday. There is only trash here at some points. A scale, a bathtub. And here, with the green dots, a beautiful inbuilt shower. Unbelievable. And then again, another bad room. a lot of comic books so this was definitely a children's bathroom. Huge collection. Unbelievable. Toys. She's still opening her eyes, you see? Stella. Wow this crucifix with this purse, so beautiful, and I love the design actually of this cabinet. Take a look. beautiful with the blue and the white and then these little stripes and it's actually matching the wardrobe which I find also magnificently made. Again, full of clothes and everything. And wow everything in this room has a similar design with the blue and the whites same for the bed. I don't really like the actual blankets it's not matching the interior in my opinion. Almost the last bathroom but we are not going to enter this one because of black mold only showing you a quick overview around because the coolest feature inside of this room is this television from the 1970s 1980s, a pretty vintage one. Then it's time to show in the last bedroom from the actual couple. -Yeah. The grand bedroom, master bedroom. -You can tell that this one is definitely the master bed. And this is one piece of evidence that these people were that wealthy. This is a very expensive cloth brand for Versace and this is the actual shopping bag of it still left here, unbelievable. And Remon also wanted to point out... -What I notice here is some lingerie next to a bottle of liquor. Unbelievable that they spend memories inside these clothes that they have just been left behind, really. - Crazy to think about. Also, these projectors screen. We have found projectors downstairs, so that makes sense actually. Feathers in the pillow. A writing-desk. You find them a lot. Cabinets like these with all these tiny holes to put the pans and everything in. another identity card, this was their actual son. I think he's in the mid-twenties. Unbelievable, he was a student in the year 2007 through 2008 study. More of these old francs, the currency of Belgium before 2004, and then the wardrobes. -With one single piece of clothing and you can see signs of mud. Well, it's disgusting but I think there's also an expansive brand from Canada well I don't know if it is expensive but if you know anything about expansive clothes leave it down in the comment section. -Yeah, especially from the back in the day ones. The mirrored doors, won't open, unfortunately. -No, they are stuck. Well, we already checked the attic and there is nothing over there, so we have one more thing to go, that is the basement, follow us. ok so currently walking down this creepy-looking basement. Uhh, and a lot of cool webs. I don't want to tuck on them again. -That is actually pretty big. Yeah, well at first sight there is a lot of stuff left man. unbelievable -Look over there, that one is pretty cool. The bicycle. Oh my... and also all these shoes are still full of molds by the moisture of the basements any cold temperatures but take a look they're also perfect on the shelf. How is that possible? -Right over here, all the food but I gotta admit, I don't trust with the mold. Yeah, I will be wearing my mask and quickly panning around showing you the highlights. It is another storage room. Another kind of storage. There's a baby chair. All these conserved fruits inside the jars. Another fridge. This was the shelf of the lady. All their pumps and heels of the woman, José, are left. This was a washing area and a power room. There's a washer. All these jackets are still hanging in here, unbelievable. And then we enter a giant room and, oh! What are you doing man?! -Oh yeah, sorry, man. I just saw you filming and was like yeah let's train chest. I mean like there is literally a complete gym over here. These things are still in a really good shape, look. Bro and they are really expensive. I wish I had them at home and they're still working as well. -Yeah Also, all their tools and equipment. I think the man used to be very handy or yet maybe his workers doing in the garden and doing all small jobs inside of this mansion. think of it these old-fashioned glasses. nowadays they're actually pretty popular but they were born around the 1960s. Wow and this radio and there's actually the radio there's a record player all the old frequencies London Brussels Hamburg in Germany, Roma, Paris, Strasbourg... and then there are three crucifixes. This white one of marble. This one is just completely rusty with a headless Jesus. Such a shame must have been vandalized and then another one there. You would almost miss out on it. -Look over here. What must this be? A tractor or something? Mini-tractor. Yeah, a little cart. Such random stuff left also a football table and a giant pile of bricks probably for the fireplace above. Yeah well, I think it's a good point to close the video because I think we showed the highlights of this mansion. We want to try to make this video a little shorter than usual -Yeah definitely, definitely but I wanna show one more thing. A chainsaw. Yeah, be careful don't do it, don't do it. We don't know how to handle these things. Well anyways before we gonna do any dangerous things we do not do it behind the camera. You know the drill. -Well, I hope you liked it as much as we did you saw us definitely having fun and we showed you so many details. It was so nice inside of here. Well, I hope you just like this. I know indeed the drill. like, subscribe, comment down below, ring the bell notification button and then we will see you next time. See ya! (♫ Outro title - Special thanks to all our Patreon supporters)
Channel: Explomo
Views: 679,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, urban exploration, abandoned places, millionaire villa, millionaire mansion, untouched, belgium, in belgium, found valuables, frozen in time, timecapsule, urbex, explomo, steve ronin, exploring with josh, bros of decay, urbex belgium, everything left behind, exploring with, abandoned house, family mansion, millionaire family mansion, in, we found, incredible, abandoned millionaire mansion, untouched for years, left, abandoned, ex, ok, millionaires mansion, abandonné
Id: lJ5H7hpaStQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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