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oh it's sharp oh please do you want to see like other things that nobody needs in the house no no no you got to push the button man [Music] we are at another incredible home built by niall nyami who built the one the biggest house in the world this is his personal house and it's not on the market it's a mega mega mansion with lots of toys and incredible things designed by the man should we go see him are you ready for this adam i'm ready let's go [Music] what no not again with the shoe thing that's exactly what i was thinking they're great right let's go find nile horrible person there he is hello wait you're going through the wrong door man i'll do it oh this is cool how are you bro hello mate good to see you how are you doing great oh how are you i'm good this is spectacular you remember adam right hello how are you going hello wow so this is your house it is yeah and of course you designed everything the same way as you did the one yeah with publicly you know paul was the architect but i did all this every other oh that's fine he's stash already shoot us around you know what it's more natural this is absolutely gorgeous so thank you this is all glass our glass and off deal why do you even have a front door well you need to welcome people in if this door is closed that's true that's true yeah that's true but you'd never close it it's just too nice look at that view wow i recognize these lights you had these in one of your other properties that we did which one i don't know um there was 65 million dollars 65 the one with a really long pool yeah the one that had the whole section that we called it pakistan yeah yeah beautiful yeah okay so this house i i built it about six five years ago let's talk about this guy for a second yeah there is a giant soccer ball uh yeah it's whatever you want it to be i call it the black olive the black olive i just made that up that's how good i am it looks like a black piece of cheese doesn't it that's beautiful and again water everywhere a lot of water changing sign gotta have water i have to walk on water look at those i know you're creative he just gave me a hard time about fancy are they nice they're fancy i got i got my first fancy pair look those are nice too but this has a story that you're going to freak when you're here whether it's shoes with this yeah these shoes yeah but we'll save that for later yeah you will i've just remembered what they remind me of what do they remind you of you know when you're a kid you're about here we go four or five years this is not going in the video and you go and you do arts and crafts and you get all like glitter and like little jewels and stuff and you can like stick them on paper that's what they actually have cool design look see it's all sparkly let's see the house yeah let's see the house now i'll lead the way lovely floors thank you does the dining cup oh that's cool yeah can we show that it's a hologram yes and it actually doesn't show anything yeah barbie naked oh that doesn't show anything for the youtube fans i need this where'd you get these i'm selling all the art so if you want i'll have this okay i'll give you i'll give you a price again i just you know i just i thought he was gonna say i'll give it to you did you give me shoot did you give me your ferrari no you didn't know what you did you didn't you didn't you didn't ask if the ferrari was here i'd handed it to you but it's not today but this is here today a range rover okay we'll switch let's go like look at this one i got this one in dubai bicycle chain what am i looking at how cool is this oh wow bicycle chain this is stuff you just don't see i know look at this one this is a korean artist i gotta ask you i gotta because people will want to know what does something like this go for how much is that i paid like 70 grand for it seven years ago the thing with the artist i don't know if this has gone up to millions of dollars or not because i always buy art from unknown artists that's my thing spectacular right bicycle change look at this crazy one this is what about the house let's give it one more thing we'll get to it drinking drinking straws what do you mean drinking strawberries this is drinking straws that they oh i see it yes do you see that will that show on the camera kind of yeah i think you can see it it's drinking straws at different levels and i guess what about the dining room look at the dining room oh all the all the curtains are i know i'm opening it curtains are opening and they're squeaking i've got one of those uh dangly chairs yeah isn't it a bit low what the dangly chair goes i think i sat on it twice i can't because i've got the mic back in my pocket oh okay i guess it could yeah you'd be all right what's the worst that could happen i get quiet yeah people might like that well i've got my i might as well take my phone out so oh it's sharp oh please this is cool it's sharp [Laughter] look blood pouring down my thumb complained of giuseppe look about five what you look like you're about five you're literally nothing but insults so far okay so let's see if we know who these people are michael jackson elvis presley prince how'd i do wow you're good i'm very good i used to be in the music industry you know so this is called uh werewolves let's go back to the dining room lead the way you can cut right no okay this is the dining room this doesn't just look like michael like in a funny way how does that look like michael like it's just like your your the colors you wear is that a compliment or an insult i think it's the cobbler look it's got the bedazzled enough of the dining room okay so this is the uh family room which is adorned with musicians beautiful and the kitchen this is cool thank you what are these these are plugs ah i like that subtle do you want to see like other things that nobody needs in the house no no no you gotta push the button man [Laughter] like i realized don't put stuff in houses you don't use like a teppanyaki table well it requires you to get a teppanyaki chef to like you know like benihana explain it you know it like eats and then you're like you know so where's the actual oh there's the grill no there's there's the stove four ovens here but i don't use and then this is actually and i never use this is to grow herbs to grow herbs that's an old legal and illegal but that is awesome so you put it in here and it has a light and it grows your parsley or mint or whatever you want wow but this kitchen i have to excuse myself where's the nearest restroom what have you done i've got something ah oh i think i got it yeah that was stuck on me and it was itching okay i don't need the restaurant white rabbit to come help you yes please only kidding okay um but what's interesting is this it's not interesting it's sad and obnoxious actually because this kitchen like that i've never turned on this i've never turned on like it's ridiculous have you ever grown anything in here one time and then i took it out because it was too much of a pain i used the catering kitchen it's a catering kitchen check that one out this one this was the one i used where's the refrigerator the refrigerator is right there okay gotcha but this is the one i use all the time what is this tv that's the tbr i'm learning you know i'm learning okay so this is the other one to use so this is another kitchen this is a kitchen off the kitchen kitchen it has a rotation around the house very cool bacardi gold you want them no you know what i use that it's eight o'clock in the morning but i use that to make cherries jubilee oh nice and bananas i'll cook for you one day and banana first bananas foster i should do that too let's do it all right we could have a show about cooking with nyla michael where are we going follow this is the living room that's this side of the house right yes you could easily fall in the water here does anybody ever fall in a negative nelly aren't you how about this is like really cool no like you're gonna fall in the water and break your ankle be careful has anybody ever fallen in and drown when we've had not drowned no but when we've had parties i've had a couple girls fall in there there you go see so i wasn't that far out right it was fun but it's i can imagine so over here is the um you can't show that picture i know sounds so ridiculous what is this this is a new zealand artist i bought in mykonos and what is it it's changed it's cool it's big chains made from chains love it yeah this is the office which you'll see resembles uh resembles the one office yeah this is a similar theme because i remember you had the playboys in the one yeah right this is just smaller scaled down version of it yeah that's spectacular do you get bad headaches or something right yeah those are for emergencies break with it with a hammer these are fun aren't they uh did you take these by mouth or uh the big one's from michael okay so last video i'm doing with you that's art it's a swimming pool yeah that's really cool that is really neat yeah in here is amazing absolutely amazing i love it you could sell tickets to come and look at it so this is this there's two pools here and there's one pool on top of each other but look at this you have a full glass bottom that looks down at the lower pool oh that's glass yeah yeah so see all the barbecue stuff that's sick try to get the clean area you know like i don't know what's going on with it but um so spa here this is really long yeah it's got to be what 30 yards something like that yeah incredible and a glass bottom i i didn't realize it was glass until you just pointed it out i just know it's water yeah but yeah there is another pool and i see a kitchen down there kitchen no crazy for the gravy you know how to build a house now yeah check it out over there there's another dining room no yeah the outdoor dining this is like like what we have at the one but this is the first one and this is the original this is my art i created and this is my giraffe skeleton but this one is in the original golden box check this out it's just incredible absolutely incredible so i was talking to nail about echoes in here right yeah i was talking to nile about this earlier because i had to know how much this cost and if i'm not mistaken you said about a million dollars right yeah yeah but but remember it's the first one because it took three guys one year they sculpted this this mold and then they made a mold of this what's it made from well we started with a real anatomically correct giraffe skeleton and then they took that and they sculpted it out of clay and then they made the mold so that's how i make that i can make it so what is this made of brush this is um steel that's electroplated steel that's electric electroplated gold unbelievable i mean it really is seeing this on camera and seeing it in person is two different things i mean it's huge it is enormous and the box it's in and this is some special glass yeah each side each side is uh two clear two broken clover beautiful you want no secret that's funny yeah they weren't really broken like somebody shot a bullet this one you can see the hole so i broke the other side with a hammer just to match it are you serious where's the bullet oh you can see they're in the middle why did they do that i don't know i came out one day i'm sorry i don't freaking know it came out one day and it was broken so that was shot this direction it something yeah but it looks like a pellet or something you know actually i don't think it was aiming at me i think it's just like a random maybe we should get out of this spot this seems like uh the kill zone yeah maybe this is uh you know a bad area you feel very exposed here we'll go down there afterwards because then you're gonna reverse it you know okay i think the best would go up and then we go down and also i'm always impressed now by the way that you make huge houses feel so warm and like so homely it does feel homework yeah a hundred percent like i mean you don't get it but right it's but nobody's gonna feel too much you know everything feels manageable everything feels comfortable but you could also fill it full of people you wouldn't say that if you were here by yourself i don't know right i'm not here by myself that's true i don't think anyone would buy this to be by themselves right no in fact if you had this house you would never be by yourself this is incredible yeah how they did that i don't know that's a french artist that is absolutely so adam wants that piece yeah right that's are you priceless well that's it for adam how much is it i don't know i that's a problem because i decided i'm gonna sell the art buy new art mix it up because like you know it's always changes the whole house then i don't know i don't know what the values of it i know what i bought it for i it wasn't that much i think we bought it for like 20 000 bucks or something oh not that much well i mean compared to 20 million yeah yeah we're missing a room here you want every room yeah the secondary room it's cool yeah and again great art i love the bamboo outside as well yeah we planted the bamboo before we started construction so we'd all grow in because originally what's interesting about this house is you can see the grade on this uh exterior wall that was the driveway and when we go to the master bedroom you'll see where the original house sat the original house sat way up on the third level and we cut all the dirt down and then built into the mount which you can't do anymore so but i'll show you where the original that's your party trick isn't it you did that with the one yeah chop stuff oh really no they don't let you is that because of you i don't think so everybody blames me for everything so you might as well i love the light yeah these are cool well oh look at this i don't think you'll be able to see that will you yeah how does it work the screen at the top yeah translucent mirror and you're selling that too yeah i'd like that yeah okay it turns into the this is the this is the nile art tour it's brilliant it's brilliant look at this one this one's really cool it's butterflies cut out of hundred dollar bills to make a money sign oh that's sick that's really sick so that was obviously a few hundred dollars so it cost more than a few hundred dollars yeah should we go in here yeah secondary beautiful views from everywhere this is the infamous white rabbit's mom's room even the towels have the house number oh really yeah isn't that cool that's cool never seen that done neither i've seen people's names and you know initials but house number and the balcony oh you can't you could usually see all downtown but it's too foggy today but you can see the pool this would be a good shot of the pool up here that's a great shot of the pool what are they building over there is a office building or a house oh no it's a house but it looks like it's something big there i don't know very strange angles yeah very strange angles but and they've been building that almost as long as i've lived here so they'll be looking directly into that high rise yeah pretty much right this is somebody's driveway i see the gate there yeah and the palm trees are set in the middle of the drive do you see that that's the motor court that's absolutely amazing because you know it's a dense neighborhood so they have that open space is nice and where's the house it's off of sunset plaza right at the bottom see these are things behind the gate you'd never normally see that just looks like you know trees in a in a garden i guess but wow this is like another one yeah there's a mini wow there's a title another one another one i've been creative never mind and these are lights these lights someone should make a sub channel which is just you pointing at things and saying what they are this is the artist from mykonos greek artist same one down below different beautiful this is the master gorgeous room anderson oh i love this that's from um murado italy it's amazing but that obviously you're not selling it's a line pamela jigsaw puzzle brilliant very creative and you can see here you're interested is this what you call the distance between here and the bed is that what you call lover's leap so this is where the house was originally where i bought it right here where the house is yeah that's where this house was so it was a smaller lot so we we retained this entire mountain and then took all the dirt out to create create this how long did this take to build four years you can't be impatient building something like this can you well that's the foundation was a year and a half and this is the main thing the foundation was a year and a half and then after that the structural steel was another eight months so you have two years just to get the structure up and then everything else goes up and they won't let you do that anymore you can't do it anymore well not on this side you i mean you can't they don't let you take the dirt out they don't let you no they don't do anything anymore like they used to you know so this is the master cl master raw bath very nice there's a nice skylight in the top does this double up as a tv no this is cool actually because um you know how you don't have any plugs here so this has the plugs inside oh that's very short and it does uh it has a thing that it heats so it doesn't love these things and then someone's obviously been steaming in here yeah that was me steven proves he lives here so is this the infamous white rabbit that you always talk about and this is one yet to come which you'll soon find out this is the matrix white rabbit this is the closet which is another thing i created which was the built-in watch winders so these the they they wind while they while they're in the closet let's see what you got in there yeah i never wear watches ever in fact i don't have the key so i don't even know how to open them that's hilarious i don't have any like super super uh your high high high ed ones you know but i don't wear watches why because i have an iphone yeah that's uh but you bought watches in from abby i didn't buy them yet because we'll talk but i did text them yesterday oh you did a couple days ago yeah [Music] so this is the lower level lower level where are we lower level thank you this is a float tank a what tank this uh gives you equal amounts of room temperature body temperature water and salt so you float it's like a sensory deprivation exactly what it is i would like and the lid closes on you you can do it later what you go in and the lid closes on you you close out it like this yeah don't be claustrophobic no because you just push it up it's big inside look how big it is no i'm not getting it so so it's full of salt water yeah and it's like pounds and pounds and pounds of salt isn't that that you have to put it in it recycles all the time so you know it's like a salt water pool you just replace the salt once a year and that's it so you don't have to load it it's already done it's already all done it's very complicated you know yeah they i've always wanted to have a go in one shower to get the shelter off you yeah because it ruins everything you know and how long do you do that usually you can do it for hour two hours whatever you know what's that i'll say you can't film it though okay oh is that the secret room oh yeah turn it off i do yeah okay leave it behind oh written that secret yeah wow okay oh god i see why hold on tell all right no i guess leave it behind well he can show this part right yeah but that that's it so this is all i can share that's it okay all right no no no we'll be back no i don't know i can't see this part no come in oh my god it's mental come in huh [Laughter] holy it's a secret room you won't show it no why honestly i don't think we could show a lot of no you know what i will show it if you let me can we show this going out i don't care i've never seen anything quite like that in my life secret um maybe you're right we shouldn't show it thoughts at him you wanted to have you ever seen anything like that you look like a changed man have you ever seen you know [Applause] if you lived here you would be so changed go away no that was brilliant this is a theater seriously what's a theater is this normal it's a normal theater yeah what did we just see oh this is gorgeous okay so this is a mini amc like the one yeah i didn't expect that in this house this is huge no because honestly upstairs like i said it's pretty modest you know it's like this is the floor everybody uses right yeah clearly well just just two people really that shocks me said that i thought you'd have like a party hold on i want to go down here and people can see just how big this is wow i'm a bit in shock so i might be quiet for the rest of this video because of the theater or because of the secret room nothing to do with the theater we have seen we have seen i don't know hundreds of houses on our channel i have probably seen in my life around the world thousands i have never seen anything like that now you know what you're going to freak out even more when i tell you the story don't wow and of course a playroom well this is a pla can we show that yeah why not i don't know if we can show that can we uh can't show a bedazzled it's a choice right it's a joy yeah some are real i don't know but you can't they're not usable obviously no this is not a real gun this is right one or two are wait there's more yeah this is really something look at this yeah this is really cool this is a korean artist who does it with strings strings oh yeah can i do that yeah yeah but look if you if you've got it you've got to stand back to see it then you you see it's hands grasping it's insane i don't don't know how many times i've said insane or sick but this house is i like this better than the one wow wow what are your thoughts adam i love it the art makes it i mean the art is phenomenal in here phenomenal and this is a wine room yeah here let me open it it looks very chilly in there based on the ice on the inside of the door it's freezing in here yeah oh it feels good at you yeah do you guys know wine or no um somewhat are you gonna show us something special like this one what's that this is my favorite wine of all time and i opened this wine only a few times and one was when universal saw my watcher keanu reeves movie enlightened one time was with white rabbit what's special about this one very very low yield very low production it's a it's a napa valley cabernet they change the owners you can never get this again this one now is probably six thousand bucks is it really yeah screaming eagle is that your most expensive bottle in here no i mean i have others like this is it this is a uh 2004 route on rothschild but i have a lot of 82's so so my question is when buying wine how do you know what it's going to taste like you spend all this money that's the problem based on the hype i know something you read in a magazine right and that is well you know i don't i don't drink like i used to so i don't collect wine anymore but this is no i see that you don't cut mine like this is a uh how many bottles you've been couple thousands oh this is a 75 oh wow that doesn't mean anything to me no so you don't know why well we'll tell us about it there is no well i don't know a lot about wine from overseas kind of collect mainly california cavs but this was given to me and it is i think it's a merlot i think but i don't know expensive yeah super expensive i've never i think this is like seven grand well i've never opened it but the neck is good so in the comments would you spend seven thousand dollars on a bottle of wine would you adam i like sticking that sort of like 5.99 that's 11.99 trader joe's aisle okay so i i go i don't drink wine very rarely yeah but i do indulge for guests i'll spend a hundred to two hundred dollars in a bottle well you know what i said now which is and i'm i i don't want to look cheap so i posted this before i met you because you know everything changed in my life in the past couple of years and i said you know this is my old this is when i was married i was collecting wine and i said from now on if i buy a bottle that's ten thousand dollars which i wouldn't but if i ever did i would make sure i had ten thousand to give that people couldn't eat like that's my thing now like i'm not that's gonna buy a bottle for 10 grand that's lovely that's nice that's really really nice and it is a problem like you said like you buy these bottles like i bought i opened a bottle a couple days ago and it was bad and it was like thousands of dollars you never know i mean it's a really stupid hobby i think yeah yeah i agree how'd you get out of here i'm selling all this too you selling the wine because i don't drink it you might as well sell it to somebody that is going to enjoy it yeah yeah uh-huh secret button secret button my kid got locked in here yesterday like for real yeah he was cleaning and then he uh he didn't know where the button was luckily he called okay so you walk out here and it's already cool out here but what a difference yeah so this is the lower lower level and this is really cool this is um i got this in art basil look at look at this what what others helicopters 3d yeah do you see the light above as well adam yeah fantastic the gold bar whiskies yeah that's just for looks but i think throughout the years people were drinking them because more guns more guns you couldn't even hold this it's full of spikes yeah it doesn't work this is killing even these everything in here is just unique and top-notch i love the pool table do you play pool i'm bad but this has been played a hundred times is this the same company that made the one in the one no it's not okay from italy okay similar shape though right yeah but the other one's not glass right i love this table if you want to get a different pool table yeah i'll buy it i'll let you know if i can do it this is really you can buy these i don't remember what it cost but i mean it's not cheap you can buy them here you can order from italy yeah it takes like a year glass yeah that's a problem you know amazing so this is a wellness it's not like the one this is not like the one but like here and the door was electric it just opens so there's the wellness oh watch out you can fall in here did i ever talk about falling into water in your place so cold plunge massage this is cold cold that's a cryo hold on what now cryotherapy it's freezing cold like minus one can i open it yeah 300 or something yeah yeah 200 and something yeah yeah so you guys really good for muscle recovery that's freaky how'd you turn it on like this that's freaky yeah it doesn't have the oh you have to get the um nitrogen or whatever oh okay freon right this is hot nitrogen oh nitrogen oh look living hot yoga a living room it's a living room oh this is hot yogurt these real plants yeah so it gives you natural humidity yeah oh yeah they are yeah that's this is incredible any lights in here so we can light it up yeah so are these uh infrared heat lamps that's such a great idea with the uh with the real wires i can turn on the grow lights if you need to you need more bright more sun i don't know i think people would like to see this but the uh put the infrared on so that michael knows what it feels like i know what it feels like not from like the the boat that came in yesterday yeah but this many so what does humidity get up to in here do you know um yeah it it's really humid oh wow i feel the heat that's crazy this is awesome right this is sick i really do i like this better than the one this is so cool this is more livable and it's still enormous but wow sauna that that's a huge influence infrared sauna massage plans not just massage it's like a plastic surgery placement i like plastic surgery they're fat vacuums is that what they are oh just a lou oh yeah it says hello and this is a dry sauna right infrared yeah but infrared is much different than dry sauna yeah what does that mean it it puts infrared rays deeper into your muscles without getting as hot and this is an inversion machine version yeah the beauty salon beauty shot of course little oh how how cool this is more practical right yeah you don't have to invite you know 50 people ever to have the hair done and this is a very unconventional looking shell that's cool how does that even how does that work things are on the inside yeah but the nozzles are pointing towards each other that's sort of no they have all different they have body sprays and yeah and then out here this is a cool shot of the lower pool beautiful you could fall in here now i know you better not move in you ever had anybody fall in you ask that already that's kind of like the reoccurring question this is the uh and then you have the seats in the pool yeah and then we have a bar and a kitchen and then we have the tvs on both sides we have three here and and here you know so you are served while you're sat in the pool your beverages your lunch dinner breakfast and the full kitchen at the back right and then you have um tvs here and tv series you have tv all around you know and i'm sure you have a name for this room what is it this is like this was the mage but it converted into kind of a pool lounge and what are these outdoor heaters so you can stay warm inside it's kind of like an outdoor space still even though it's covered you thought of everything yeah tv three one one one so there's three here and one there and they're all tied together so do you see that item tv tv to it yeah pizza oven i know this is probably my favorite space in the whole house right here this house is seriously incredible check the glass bottom pool we're looking up into the sky through a pool so the thickness of that glass because the weight how thick is the glass where there oh it's the it's the same thing as i showed you once yeah exactly yeah yeah unbelievable well this is special i guess that's the whole house right um yeah this has been an absolute treat that's going to get driveway don't want to do the drive why do we you can pull 40 cars in there i'm sure yeah so question for you yes are you busy no i was just trying to show you how the tvs worked oh oh i thought you were hearing text messages here you think i'd be that rude no i wonder anyway i want to ask you some questions yes so i know there's been all sorts of talk and rumors about what's happened with the one yeah um you want to talk about it yeah i think it's important okay so why don't we do a whole another video we'll just sit down like we did last time and have a chat and you can tell everyone what's going on okay are you up for that i'm good you up for that yeah well all right well guys um this is spectacular i personally think it's better than the one uh i don't know the one's bigger but this has got everything that that house has got and it's really livable it's amazing so thank you so much nyle welcome hit that subscribe button hit the bell ding ding hit the like what else have you got to hit i did it do we know how much this place is worth or are we not talking about it it's worth a lot yeah the last time it was listed it was 30 30 40 i think it was a short was it i don't remember whose house is it who knows i i think this is just incredible and uh whatever the price is worth every penny that was that was that was brilliant man that was did it scare you i wanted to fall in the pool do sign off quick bye ring the bell yeah and tune in to the next video now's gonna tell us about everything bye [Music] you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 1,571,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the one, the one bel air, nile niami, biggest house in the world, largest house in the world, mansion tour, house tour, luxury mansion, luxury home, real estate, luxury, mega mansion, celebrity house, celebrity home, millionaire, billionaire, producer michael, michael blakey, hollywood, hollywood hills, selling sunset
Id: _OQVNtN7lRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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