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are you ready why is it between your legs well where else could I put it you'd see it I don't I put mine over my shoulder hi guys we are sat here my house still quarantined and trying to make the most of it so we give you good content remember the events he watches we showed you well we're going to show you a different version of them today and the reason we're going to show you a different version is the first ones we showed you were the prototype watches which I thought were absolutely amazing and this is mine I'm wearing on my on my wrist it's a prototype pre-production model I guess one could say now I have in front of me the production models and the production models are completely different although the same does that make sense I don't think that makes sense well what what I mean to say by that is so there were a few things that I had noticed which I think some other watch enthusiasts had noticed as well which we told them about and I don't know any other manufacturer on the planet that will actually do this but they listen they actually listened and they did it so I'm proud to be able to show you what they did based on some of my recommendations and I'm sure that of others so let's start with this this is the sapphire cased Turbie on which we did show you before and one of my my I don't want to call a complaint but one of my comments was at the base of the the case itself it had two screws here which were very very visible and I didn't understand why they were there obviously they had a purpose probably holding the movement in to inside the case and I mentioned to the guys that you know if there was any way they could get rid of that I thought it would be a great a great idea and a great thing to do well guess what there's no screws in the bottom of the case they fix that another big thing which was to me the biggest thing because I'm half blind I'm not really half behind them maybe a quarter pint when I look at things closely I couldn't see what time it was because the hands were silver their skeleton tile is silver but now we have gold hands and you can see them so there is a huge huge improvement and now it looks fantastic another thing they did was the crown as you can see on mine the pre-production model it's a smaller crown and it's fine but you know this just may so much easier when you wind it because being a to be on hand won't watch you have to wind it and this is very very easy to do so they've made some huge improvements it's pretty cool what do you think Adam it looks so good I love the gold hands now I think that that contrast made a huge difference to the silver hands that weren't it before it really did yeah I know get rid of those two screws has cleaned up that case so much because it's such a cool-looking case but the design is awesome go through the supercar very well yeah and and it yeah it just made a massive difference I did think the same as you want to saw those two screws it sort of spoiled the fact that it was this beautiful you couldn't you can see them on the bottom of that now imagine that on the crystal if you look back at the previous video while back you'll see them but this is just beautiful I don't know how these sapphire crystals are made but I know it's very very difficult because the few manufacturers that actually made them charge a fortune for them and talking of sapphire crystals I have something else it's a surprise would you like to see I would oh you already know what it is I think I'm just trying to make it like exciting people make it more exciting what's the surprise are you ready why is it between your legs well where else could I put it you'd see it I don't put mine over my shoulder here we go Adam look at that Wow a royal blue sapphire crystal case watch there are only two manufacturers that I'm aware of that have a royal blue sapphire crystal watch one of which is Richard Mille and they charge about 2.2 million dollars for that toddles choked on the thoughts in billion dollars I didn't know Richard Mille made watches that expensive yeah they do I don't know why because the reality is I mean if you look at something like this the crystal is exactly the same there's no difference at all I mean crystal is crystal sapphire crystal is sapphire crystal the movement you can't justify two million dollars for a movement so I mean I don't know where they come up with their numbers maybe they add their phone number and their address and multiply by 16 and whatever but this is spectacular isn't it so the other one by the way blow just so I don't know who blow is but it's very expensive also and this is just amazing so a little birdie tells me that the sapphire crystal used in this watch may or may not be allegedly is that all the things I need to say to cover us legally rumor has allegedly rumor has it is very very very similar almost like it's the same very similar as the Sapphire are you trying to say it comes out the same factory is that what you say mr. Blakey I didn't say those words I didn't say that either I'm just spreading the rumors I've heard I don't know if it's true it's not true allegedly who knows the last remark but I don't believe there are too many places that make these sapphire cases and again I don't know should do your own fact check fact-checking oh I think it's that two million something's bobbled my head for the watch anyway long story short this is gorgeous it has white hands which are clearly visible on the black interior doll which is just spectacular that's right blue I think also this black this entire insert would look fantastic in the crystal the clear one as well we're actually going to connect up the electronics here and make it like NASA well basically is going to plug his laptop in and we're going to do a zoom call with Australia to the actual owners of the company and the inventors of these watches and they could give a lot more detail obviously and tell us what really can and cannot be done I want a clear sapphire with this black and I also want a blue one and let me tell you at something else it's pretty funny this watch red titanium watch I didn't think I was gonna be able to show you because it got sent to the wrong address no right here it arrived this morning really yeah in that funny that's beautiful though yeah it's not really like the rad yeah they're not getting this back I'm stealing it no that's cool let me let me also talk about this because you're probably wondering why it's there it's a strap mm-hmm that's it I talked about it's cool yeah it's just an alternate because it gives this totally totally different look doesn't does right okay totally different look I think that on a that looks really nice yeah do it on a blue one as well a blue one yeah a black rubber strap would look great too yeah how's that that looks cool doesn't it look cool and it's a quilted leather which is really fun and my understanding again my understanding is you can have it like this red one where there's stitching in the color of the watch case which is great this one in each one send me one mr. eventi well I'll tell you what why not plug in my laptop will Canaccord them and we'll ask them you can ask him you got it so if all is going well here we are now connected to Australia are you there guys yeah well these are the guys from eventi they're the ones that have produced these amazing amazing watches would you like to introduce yourself my name is Ryan on the partnership director oh no yeah oh no and yeah I'm super excited and a bit nervous to be chatting to you Michael so it's a great honour all you guys have done an absolutely amazing job as you know I'm a watch enthusiast and when I first heard about these watches I didn't expect this I really didn't I've seen a lot of independence trying to break into the watch market and well you guys shocked me these are spectacular watches I mean these are watches I would wear in fact I do thank you very much for this one so tell me a little bit tell me tell everybody a little bit about how this all happened how it came about and how event E is now making these amazing turban watches with crystal cases etc etc well I hope with the idea holiday and I just I don't know it was just a it was always like a vision I saw this almost like a spaceship type watch and I thought and I sketched it out this was like three or four years ago on a napkin and it was it was that the whole closet was a sapphire crystal watch and I thought man I would love to create this and then I just kind of shoved the idea for awhile and recently we just I just they just hit me again and then I said I can this let's do this let's make this happen and so there we go we sketch it out and then we went on the hunt to make this but not only make it in in a way where you would typically make it luxury high-end watch where you know you're doing a Swiss movement and all these other parts I wanted to kind of approach it from a different angle and bring all of that experience with the other companies that we have into this to make it achievable and so that that's kind of the the whole point of of the product but the brand itself eventi and the reason why we chose that name is because the Italian it means having so was that feeling of having something you could never have before and wearing it and carrying it on your wrist as a symbol so it's it's a greater meaning and and a fantastic product so that was my dream yeah so how did how did you go from you know the concept to actually creating it because you know sapphire crystal watches again my experience with them I don't own any because they're outrageously expensive very few manufacturers made them as you know a couple of million dollars plus by your competitors without mentioning any names I already did previously but how are these so affordable huh it's exactly the same crystal yeah well exactly is exactly the same crystal it's the thing is if you do something the same way as everyone else is doing it you're gonna get the same result so all of these brands doing it the way that they do it in terms of the location the origin of the product and all of these other components that people generally follow and also the markups that companies follow you will have to eventually end up with the same output that million dollar timepiece where as we approach it different yet we're in Australia at the moment ryan travels around States outing of 11 people at the moment are all decentralized so from the core of our brands we are completely challenging the norm of of a watch friends at brand a luxury brand a business how they operate manufacturing everything everything it has been approached from a different angle to enable us to provide such like million-dollar truly million-dollar pieces not just a marketing angle but honestly meaning other pieces for for a fraction of what it is I don't you know Mike we talked about how branding and we say we I don't want to say it fordable it's not it's not about being affordable it's about being achievable and our brand strives to do that to bring the next thing what's next and make it achievable I like that that's evil I like that I might even adopt that so it's what sorry people don't realize - we didn't just come up with this overnight we've been in the watch industry for five years now and we have another watch brand and it took us five years to build these strong relationships with our partners and suppliers and you can get access to be able to make your sapphire crystal cases and to get access and actually what we're doing so it's five years in the making and it was one of his dreams and ideas to always make a full sapphire crystal case watching here we are well it's brilliant but there's another component as well which is totally unique as far as I'm concerned you have some kind of a Conchie concierge when you buy this yes not like you just buy it online click a button tell us about that oh your eyes excited cuz he's he's been having a cold 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. outside just to deal with people in their local timezone but truly the experience and I think a lot of you know a lot of people especially your audience can resonate with the feeling sometimes when they walk into a boutique or a luxury shop they get the feeling that they're not you know they're not careful or respect it or looked after and I personally have had that have been a number of time at that top you know watch boutiques where you get the feeling that they kind of look down upon you and you know that happens it's a normal thing in the luxury of world and then I thought you know what I want to challenge yeah might be simply their production manufacturing our team everything I wanted to challenge the the experience of buying something online and that that's where I thought and I'm and the team thinks I'm crazy for saying I said no emails no people said what do you mean knowing about they said no email emails isn't that life it doesn't feel real and there's no live chat what do you mean no live chat on the website no no how many times you feel anxiety just when you're gonna click it you know chatbot on it on a site when you're trying to buy something I want it to be real I want it to be like this and I've been taking calls Ryan Ryan being technical but it's more about the knowing learning who the person really is like we know the people that we've been talking to we know who they are what they do what they love what watches that they have we don't keep it as an interaction where we're like okay this is the what here are the specifications here's the order sheet it's it's not not at all like that it's more like hey we want to get to know who you are and what do you think about that watch is what can you tell us what can we improve so yeah we like doing those relationships and we may get one to one and I even like of you guys you can pick up a phone have a chat to you or shoot your message what's that cool except shot rather than emailing back and forth it makes it more personable and we love to share stories too we watch collectors enthusiasts ourselves just like you we might not have the million dollar pieces and whatnot but we enjoy watches just as much as anyone else and we love sharing these stories and if it helps them to figure out what they want they might not be a by now we're happy to just answer their questions and that's totally fine but that one-to-one experience of building that relationship is the best possible boutique experience you can get without actually walking into a boutique I think it's brilliant I think it's absolutely brilliant and I wish more companies would do it I actually I think they probably will after seeing this video because it's a great idea another online experience that's you actually connect with the human being and talk to them and that's pretty cool so let's let's if we may talk about prices a little bit because I know everybody really wants to know what these cost and this spectacular blue sapphire it really is spectacular you're not getting this back love this watch love this watch I want to wear this watch so let's talk about let's talk about pricing yeah we'll just straight off the back the titanium range is from 1999 US dollars the clear sapphire the pure police FIA 11th edition needs for just under five thousand USD and the blue royal blue sapphire which we just launched it's only just come out now is 9800 USD and the reason being for that is someone will say well hey why is the blue sapphire so much more than the clear sapphire and you can see it in other in the watch industry it's so much harder to make and source and it costs us over double to reduce there's a reason is only two other watch companies in the world do we blue sapphire as far as I know what yes yeah but we think mention and don't mention any names do not say it's Richard Mille do not say it's who blow do not say they're two million dollars the same suppliers is some Swiss francs yeah you don't have to I just did honestly I've seen so I'm going I'm on patrol on YouTube comments we've had some amazing people get you know get prototypes and get pieces like yourself and I'm I'm tirelessly working to to check for people who are I feel misinformed and a lot of people say oh this is cheap or this or that and what I'm trying to bring and a lot of our live streams in our Instagram TV and buy on Instagram what we what we try to do is we try to educate everyone about the ins and outs and and even some kind of industry secrets so yeah we talked about the price differences in the materials and the other thing is to realize that we some people can say well the colored sapphire of this brand it's the same price why are you charging different well they've got the margin you know they're charging who knows times maybe more of what they would cost may be much much more and so if you've got that small difference in the price from from the cool materials it's it's not really relevant on the end price so for us because our margins are so low and what we're trying to do is really bring something that's achievable we you know we simply have to do this to have that price at that point and we are completely transparent and completely fair with with our pricing and what we do so talking about pricing and Ryan I know you've seen a lot of my videos I wouldn't be Michael if I didn't do what I'm about to do do you know what well you're in for it because you need now to do something for my audience these watches are truly truly spectacular and I would really appreciate if there's any way that you can do something special pricing wise to allow them to make it easier to obtain it is achievable as you say make it more achievable please it's sorry yeah yeah you know I have to do this nobody scams people people should you know respect our prices you sir but that yeah I'm gonna say that to you you know what I mean I'm not gonna I think that you know we yeah I think Ryan is twisting y-yeah and you can of course - I was thinking in my head previous and form is cool thinking what if he asked us for a discount we didn't get a chance to chat about before but I think that we appreciate all the support a year and when I certify and you know it was so great and thrilling to see you do a video for us and like our watches wearing our watches you know when we call or after we sent you that watches out who loved it and we appreciate everything you do for us and we love the camaraderie with you and Adam we're trying to do to get ourselves you know it just makes having chats and real with that audio you're doing a fantastic job you really are they and I think people respect us a lot because we are being transparent you know and tell people straight up hey okay we have high quality movement widths from Hong Kong you know we our parts come from all over the world with decentralized this is why we're ever do the things we do we've been to the factories in Switzerland we've been to movement manufacturers who couldn't find anything that was a reasonable price that wasn't exorbitant prices so this is why we did what we did in saying that we don't have margins here to work with but I will make sure I work the deals out with you and we're gonna convince me yeah aside from this he is the greatest partnerships guy and we're getting people on board we never thought we would be interested in just having a look at what we've got you know because there's so much stigma around what we're doing and if anyone's gonna do anything in this with this brand it's it's Ryan so I'm without a doubt I'm sure you'll convince me to give something and say wait wait wait stop stop stop I need a commitment now because you know we won't do a code right we'll offer you a special producer michael discount I think collaboration special price special price are the whole range of the moment right not just one piece we'll do it on the whole range we'll work out what that will be and what they have to do to get though they don't type in the code since we do the concierge system that we'll have to book an appointment through a link I think we can create a link through your site that we can refer people to and they just have to mention your name producer Michael when they talk to us wait a minute a book through that yeah look whether they don't recall a quarter mention your name so I'm gonna hold you to this because when this video goes live that link will be up on the website so if it's not there they're gonna not like you or Adam for not doing it cause that's something I would I heard the stories of people's phones ringing all hours of the night so don't want that maybe we should give a number as well but look we have to we've got no choice now we'll work it out we'll do a special price we'll make it worthwhile - it'll be different across the range we can't do the same discount for example the boy sapphires we would all the titanium range that will make it food for your audience and make sure everyone's happy yeah right but make it make it something this worthwhile I mean that don't give me like 1% or 2% man make you a real discount I think that's really exciting and again I can't even I mean I am astounded when I look at these pieces I originally didn't even want to review this watch because I thought another one there's a lot of people making watches this is truly special my goodness I'm holding a royal blue sapphire case to be on watch that really does feel and look amazing so you did it well done guys super calm in the background I didn't know well I am truly excited and I want to really thank you because this has been fun and again love these pieces look you know can i interject from behind I didn't want to say something tonight sorry guys Michael's making me stand here so that I don't give him the Lurkey yeah he's got to be socially but that's distant and correct see I don't know can you see him there he is there he is okay we can see you well the discount sounds nice but I'll tell you what our audience like more than a discount well lads do you mean I know exactly what you're thinking like what do you do you need these watches back no no we don't like that we don't we are fully production the moment we yeah we work we work incentive you've danced and watches whatever watches you want you let us know let us know your favorite colors so you know beyond that beyond that let's give one of these away that's what yeah I wasn't saying for us yeah I wanna say I want one of these for me goes without question I want one of these for me and I want a red one and then and guess why I don't want to give these away to anyone I'm just going to keep them right and we'll deal with how much later but I want you to give one of these to my audience to win we actually want to celebrate the release of the blue set by Q as possible G we're asked for the rogue blue sapphire a 11 so yeah and this isn't just no five thousand six thousand dollar watch this is retail nine thousand eight hundred US dollars so I think that's a big big price to get for your audience and I tell you what we're happy to do it because we love what you guys do I would love to keep doing videos in the future and you know collaborating or getting your advice on things and we really appreciate it so let's well we'll come up with an idea and we'll post it on Instagram Samuel taneous Li will also put the all the information in the description of the YouTube video and figure out how to do it right Adam perfect I think if part of the condition - thank you follow us on YouTube or Instagram as well that would be greatly appreciated yeah we're happy ability does so so guys this has been amazing and again thank you so so much when you have one of this one of this one of these you've won it but I'm going to say we're in it to win it and you know what to do guys hit that subscribe button hit the bell I raised all of that he'll post it anyway but guys please hit the subscribe button hit the like button hit the bell buy a watch what else can I say enter the composition win a watch buy a watch get a discount they committed we'll see you later bye [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 336,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, aventi, tourbillon, watch, watches, watch collector, horology, rolex, audemars piguet, richard mille, sapphire crystal, sapphire case watch, giveaway, competition, win a watch, hublot, patek phillipe
Id: XP5IvhSc78E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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