Getting Started with Midjourney V5.2 - Beginner's Essential Tutorial || We Teach AI Designs

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what's going on beautiful people welcome to we teach AI designs and in this video we're going to get you started as a beginner all the way to an advanced user of mid Journey let's get right into it I'm not making YouTube videos I am a photographer so some of the AI art that I create is images that I would love to see that I could only imagine so I want to kind of take you through a journey of some of the AI art that I've created you know something like this uh this seems like something straight out of a magazine you know um but who how many people that was would be scrolling through like their Instagram news feed would could tell hey this is actually not even a real person um your influences is going to really affect the type of designs and images you create so feel encouraged feel inspired feel empowered to create whatever your heart has on um on its um on its sleeve to create okay so after you've created an account on Mid you're going to be presented with four different payment options I like to go with the monthly plan just in case I need to go ahead cancel it at any given time um it's up to you in terms of what you want to do the basic plan starts at $10 there's the middle plan $30 I currently have the $60 plan plan that works best for me I can create uh images as often or as many as I want or at least what works for me so this is how I use it um these are the um these are the subscription plans and the last one just to show showcase it is the $120 plan so you know whatever works for you if you want to just try it out maybe the $10 plan is best for you um but if you're a little bit more of an advanced user um I would definitely uh suggest the $60 plan as well okay so let's talk about work flow anytime I'm creating anything in mid journey I always have two tabs open I have the mid Journey website which allows me to go through the homepage be able to explore the Community Feed take a look at what other people are designing I can rank I can manage my subscriptions uh help FAQ the whole ly of of stuff just on um uh the mid Journey website however this isn't how you actually design your uh images you open up Discord you create a Discord account using the same email address that you use for uh creating a mid Journey account and choosing your subscription always have two tabs open and you after you log into Discord you click open your Discord browser always operate in the browser because I like to go from this tab to that tab this is my workflow that's that's how I like to do things so um if you go to the uh side here in Discord then you can see uh the different channels that you may be um subscribed to you can see your friends here um there's really not a way uh that I have found to kind of hide these things so you may have very little to nothing over here but I've been on Discord for close to a year now so I've accumulated quite quite amount of things so the first things first is you have the mid Journey uh bot here and this is very good because this is where you can um everyone that's using mid Journey um is going to be here you can go here for announcements you can go here for Community updates you can go here into the newcomers rooms from 1040 meaning if you've created less than 10 images or 40 images all the way to the advanced users and you could get idea of what other people um are designing you get a chance to see their prompts which means you can uh kind of use their prompts and be like okay bam I want to use it in in my creative way and you can go here to really get inspired um so it's very important that you uh kind of just go here skim it or at least just know how to navigate it so that way you can go through the different channels from image jams to show and tell to uh showcases to be able to get inspired see what other people are creating so that way you could design things uh for yourself so while using the mid Journey server is a great tool and great resource especially when you're starting out when you're creating images sometimes your images can kind of get lost into the shuffle of everyone else designing never fear if you're ever in a Discord uh server and you're using the the mid Journey you know SE section you can always find your images uh inside Discord or you can also go to your homepages why we have two tabs up you always go to your homepage and you can find your images and it'll always be the last right here at the top your images will always be at the top but just to fast forward just to kind of avoid all of that after you've kind of gone through here and you've kind of familiar familiarized yourself with some of the uh dope content they're creating in the mid Journey official site um we want you to go all the way to the top left hand corner and right there it says direct messages we want to go ahead and click it and we want to find mid Journey bot what this allows is it allows you to just see your images the things that you have just created yourself so that way you don't have to feel kind of overwhelmed or inundated with the different things that is um in uh different servers you know cuz you know there's multiple different servers as you see I'm in um This Server I'm in this server I'm in this server so if I want to just go to my own I would go all the way to the left in Discord direct messages click messenger bot and anything I create here will stay here and for me be easily easily able to navigate so use the direct messenger bot uh once you've kind of skimmed over uh all the other servers and how they do things okay so let's talk about settings mid Journey has come a long way it started out at Mid Journey 1 2 3 4 I got introduced in for IG mode IG mode version five and it's already at the latest model as of this video is 5.2 so we want to make sure that we're in the settings to be able to uh change the mode to 5.2 so we can make sure that we're using the latest version now how do we do that we want to click the four SL settings you just beginning beginning starting type in settings it should automatically populate want to go ahead click it you're going to press return or enter and you're going to see your settings pile up um pretty much come up you got the raw mode sty eyes low style Med um I would say copy these settings um these are pretty much standard settings um we don't have to really get into any advanced uh level things but this right here will allow you to be able to go ahead and get started in regards to um some good basic settings to start uh uh crafting your images Okay so let's get right into making your first image first thing we want to do is go down to the uh messages here you want to select it um for slash want to make sure that your imagine prompt uh comes up that's what we're going to design with so let's go ahead and make our first prompt let's say we want to create a zebra and a business suit and click enter it's going to take uh probably less than maybe just a few seconds few minutes depending on the plan that you have to go ahead and generate so as it's generating I'm going to also talk a little bit about different ways you can also create prompts as well what I like to do is okay it looks like it created already so let's go ahead select the four see that was like 30 seconds less than 30 seconds so um we created a zebra in a business suit um I really like the first one and the fourth one but I think for clarity purp that that second one is dope too so let's go ahead and let's goe upscale let's talk about the upscales and variations so with the upscale what that allows is for uh mid journey to uh take that particular image secluded by itself so that way you can then uh download this image to your computer I clicked right click and I pr click save to downloads so that way you can then use that image uploaded to Instagram Facebook or or you know creates any type of um thing that you want to create let's say you even want to just create a print print out now variation V1 makes it that hey you know what I really like this image but I want to kind of create a variation of it um I want to create a variant of it or a zebra in a business suit let's say uh we want to say want to add purple business suit or if we wanted to change it into a lion into a business suit it would do that as well um because we may like kind of just the style that you know this showcases um every time you create a uh uh anything in mid journey and with the Imagine tool is going to come up with four variations you can pick 1 2 3 4 which style you like best so that way you can then um create that so I created my variation um and you see fast it is fast it go right that's what that $60 plan is hitting it um Mid Journey bought a zebra in a purple business suit so bam we got the purple business suit I think I really like that top right one so we go with the top right one and we go ahead and upscale it so that way it could be uh secluded by itself and then we could go ahead and download and upload it to wherever we uh want it want it at and there's a bunch of different uh features we could do a variance and make it really look completely different subtly different vary just a region if I wanted to just adjust his tie vary just his tie we can just do that we can upscale it to twice as quality it'll make it a bigger size upscale four times as quality and the reason why you want to upscale two times or four times is for things like print if you wanted to print it out and um um hang it on your wall or anything like that you want to make sure that you have the highest quality image uh possible so zoom out let's go ahead do the zoom out tool we're going to do zoom out two times 1 point five times or custom zoom we're going to do zoom out as well we're going to see kind of what that does a lot of times with the mid Journey images it's almost kind of like a a medium shot in photography we'll call this like a medium shot so when you do the zoom out tool especially with Landscapes um or really uh really big art pieces uh you want to kind of see more than just a you know just that image you know you want to kind of just see like a background almost uh so what M Journey does is it allows us to be able to um see what like basically make up the other elements Beyond just the image that we see here so we're at 93% we should be at 100% and we'll see what mid Journey kind of comes up with it seems like he's kind of kind of got him Crossing his hands a little bit I like that you know just basically just typical business business stances I don't know what's going on with that hand with the hands it's kind of kind of weird I like this here so let's let's try to upscale that one here upscale one [Music] as matter of fact we're going to click very region as well and we're going to drag and select the area to be changed so if you wanted a particular area to be changed you can this is how you would do it I say I want to just change this area um let's say uh with a a red tie got extra T in there bam I'm going to click enter going to see how that goes going to see how that goes um also too what you can also use is uh two other uh methods and I'm going to show you in the next video of how to do that and as you see um we wanted to just change the tie using the the very Varan tool excuse me the very region tool and something that was just a purple tie we're able to change it to a red tie and it hasn't even uh finished um uh kind of processing but already could kind of see how dope um Mid journey is in terms of just secluding just one area you know and this is something that you can do with almost any image you know sometimes the hands are you know it's it's it's um pretty common for the hands to be really bad so we could always um adjust the hands as well um with the variance tool so but as you could kind of see already I'm going just go ahead Zoom it in before it actually uh renders you can change the tie red this one was more like a a pink type uh tie um and this right here is kind of still the same dark purple light purple so um you can you can definitely have a lot of different um uh variations and make super dope things all right dope so let's talk about how to actually get some inspiration and finding the right prompts for you um back on the mid Journey website we're right here in the homepage what I like to always do is just kind of start with the explore page whenever I want to kind of go through um the website just to get some inspiration this is everyone that is using mid Journey you get a chance to see what they're creating uh the different art styles the different uh you know prompts that they're using so that way you can always make sure that you have a place I went [Music] to okay so let's talk about where to get inspiration for your prompts what I always like to do is I like to start on a mid Journey website current Curr we're in the homepage you want to go ahead click explore and there you see the community feed this is everyone that is using mid Journey um you get a chance to see so many dope uh things different art styles different ideas different concepts and what's so cool about this particular um method in terms of just going through to get inspiration is you can see the prompts that people are uh creating right here if I wanted to I could go ahead take a click take a look see what prompts they're using here I can either select and press copy or I could select the copy right here excuse me the prompts right here I can scroll down kind of see what other inspiration um um other basically pieces of uh images that they're creating as well so this is where I like to always start in regards to getting uh concepts of ideas you know this is a community uh driven thing and just because you're let's say using uh this image of uh Jackson poock style dog portrait when you actually put it inside uh IM excuse me Discord and using the Imagine uh Tab and and creating your image it never looks the exact same so it will never be a situation where you feel like like oh man I don't want to copy off of anybody else's concept or idea because AI art is pulling from the internet uh there is a sample version of everybody using something so um let's go ahead and take Adams Family mortician Halloween mask styled by Angelica Houston 3D stylized super dope so let's say we're going to take that prompt here we're going to go right into mid Journey we're going to go into our direct messages feed cuz we want to make sure that we only see our stuff right all right you want to click the forward slash imagine want to paste Adam's Family mortia Halloween mask styled for Angelica Houston and let's say we want to change it from um mortia to let's say we going to change it to [Music] Wednesday Wednesday Adams I think Netflix show just came out where I was just watching it and stuff like that was super cool um you know super cool show so um this is a great way to be able to kind of just go through get inspiration um and just probably figure out how you want to craft your prompts uh so that way you can kind of let uh mid Journey know what you want to uh create and just to let you guys guys know we went to the three tabs here we clicked copy and we clicked prompt so just to kind of showcase um what we did here and this is something that you can do throughout there's uh different ways to filter you can select Rising stuff that's getting a lot of popular popularity new stuff that people have are just creating um you could take look at the top stuff stuff that you uh may have uh liked already so let me me kind of show you how this came about so as you can see four different images of Wednesday atams you know they vary in diff vary in different styles but one thing I want to show you is let me go back to the Community Feed here and let's go back to the uh mortia just to kind of show you why you shouldn't fear uh using any other prompts that other people are using you have this and then you have this you know I think maybe four is probably the most um similar to this uh without the markings on the face but you still don't have to worry about like you know you copying a prompt doesn't mean you're going to actually um uh copy anything verbatim because everything is you know very much random it's a different character it's a different person um and mid Journey created a different style so we're going to click upscale 4 on that and we're going to use that as uh the image mov moving forward so this is what we have so this is the after this is the before you know all we did was click copy copy prompt we put it into the Discord um Mid Journey bot and we were to come up with this right here so we copied the same same prompt but got a completely different result so feel no ways about copying any prompts because it's going to always look different okay so let's talk about resizing images by default mid Journey makes your images Square so let's say we wanted to do a little bit more than that let's say we wanted to create something that had more of a landscape or a portrait uh type of vibe similar to what you see here you know this is something that I designed has more of a portrait uh look while you know something like this some like more of a portrait look um we have a lot of squares but let's say we wanted to have something that's like landscape okay let's click uh baby Yoda here so this right here kind of fill the screen so uh first thing we want to do is we want to get some type of inspiration you know start with the inspiration and get an idea of what we want to get we're going to go right into Discord move myself right over here go hit the forward slash imagine prompt and let's say we just wanted to kind of just make something um something creative let's say uh black girl standing next to a car in let's say we want to say Brooklyn something that just completely just came out of my head uh something I want to see because hey I'm a photographer I always you know have certain things in my head that I want to see um and there you go so from here we are going to do something very unique we're not going to just leave it there we're going to do two things we're going to hit dash dash we're going to click a r we're going to hit space three semicolon 2 going to click enter what this does is it allows the um it's basically telling mid Journey hey we don't want to just have the square image we want to have a landscape image we want to make sure that it um actually has the opportunity to be able to um fill the screen we can do the exact same thing with the standardized a standardize uh oh I said black girl but it's black man okay so let's do the same thing so let's say black girl standing next to a car in Brooklyn we're going to hit D- a and we're going to do full screen size 16 by 9 and click enter so as you see we have horizontal images and you get a chance to see more of what's on the left and what more of what's on the right right side of of them and let's kind of compare that to if we were to just say hey um we're going to copy that same prompt we're going to leave the landscape out of it remember imagine black man standing next to the black a black guy standing next to the car and then a black girl standing next to the car in Brooklyn and we're not going to actually have the we're not going to actually have the um the extra code in there in terms of 32 and you kind of get a chance to see the differences so as you see with the black girl standing next to the car full horizontal image that we can upscale either one black man upscale either one I love that they put the hands in the pockets because the hands on AI art is always terrible so this allows it you be really great so as compared to the square images so still get a good get a good full screen but it's not the same as let's say I wanted to upload some of this stuff on YouTube or I wanted to create a a PowerPoint presentation um it'll be a whole lot harder to do this on a with a square image which these are dope and it you can see like the whole the whole shot but it'll be nothing like basically seeing um a great great looking wide angle but that's not where it stops let's say we wanted to go ahead and be like you know what I really like this look on number two here um not only only can we go ahead and upscale number two but we can actually modify what we see here so we don't have to just say a man I wish it was there I wish we could do something with it but we can't what we want to do is want to click C custom Zoom we have a 1x one ratio so let's go ahead and let's go ahead and adjust that let's go ahead go three by two this right here gives you the horizontal horizontal landscape uh type of look kind of changes the uh the um resizes the image to uh reflect what you want to see So currently right now we have the square look and once um Mid Journey gets done with it we can see more of the the wide angle personally I like to start with what I'm looking for in mind I like to start with with uh you know instead of kind of having mid Journey kind of remix it or or modify what I already have I kind kind of like to know go in knowing what I want um so that way if M Journey doesn't create something that I I like then I can still um have full control over it and as you see wide angle you see more of the [Music] street see more of the street I don't think cars are usually on the sidewalk like that but you see more of the the the angle to the left and to the right [Music] and you don't have to worry about oh man you know I made it a square image but uh I want to make it horizontal after the fact you can always hit custom Zoom to be able to do that um or you can simply uh kind of just start with what you're looking for and from my experience starting with what you looking for doesn't make it that they're now making up things um in other parts of the image but they're creating it with it it it in mind so always have a plan when you start you know if you want to be like hey you know what I want to create uh this stuff for a presentation so I'm going to need it be landscape I would say go in with that mind frame so let's go ahead and do uh vertical images now so let's go ahead and hit imagine let's say uh a grandmother step standing next to a car do it reflective of what my grandmother would look like a black grandmother standing next to a car and let's say we want to uh make it vertical we want to make it a portrait SI so what we're going to do is we are going to hit our dash dash a space bar and we're going to click nine by 16 oops that's 19 16 or we're going to put that same prompt [Music] in Black grandfather and the reason why I say standing by a car cuz it just adds an extra element to it I love it standing next to a car in Brooklyn and let's do DH Das a space to semicolon three just to show you that um no matter which uh code you use um it will still come up with the same thing whether it's uh 2x3 or it's 9x6 or it's 3x2 or it's 16x9 these are uh standard landscape and portrait uh Styles so that way you can kind of uh get an idea of both ways to go about things so as you see we have portrait these will be really good good as far as like if you want to upload these as reals upload these U for Tik Tok and it gives you a really dope um look uh here and we have the grandfather's here let's take a look so yeah grandfather portrait and we have landscape and as we already showed if we wanted to kind of uh modify these and if we wanted to go ahead and let's say uh we want to take U1 let's say you know what I like the better Square I want to go ahead and go back to square we can do that as well uh mid Journey didn't always allow us to be able to do that but um fortunately they are so let's say when to just simply click Square we have that as an option as well you wanted to zoom out see most of the image 1.5 see most of the image I would definitely uh definitely uh experiment with these um what this is is left you see more of the left side right you see more of the right side up you see more of the sky down you may see more of their feet just especially if they're cut off here so and just to kind of show you what it would look like Square this is Portrait this is Portrait and this is square looks like it's done and you see the consistency in the image so with the square look you get more of the side streets you get more of the kind of stoop that it's on and you can always just simply um you know go back and forth n Jour didn't always allow us to do that but shouts out to this version 5.2 that does allow us to do it yeah yeah all right so next let's talk about style in mid Journey um as you see right in front of me I put in the prompt uh Travis Scott as the Joker and it allowed me to be able to get a super dope anime comic book graphic style art type of type of look something that would be completely different if I just had the regular mid Journey settings so let's kind of rewind a little bit what is style mode is an anime specific model with a vast knowled of anime Styles and Aesthetics it especially Adept at creating Dynamic and action-packed shots with excellent focus on characters and composition love this mode uh this is something that you definitely want to have in your repertoire um and it really uh brings um a lot of lot of uniqueness to your Creations this right here is Angelina Jolie as the Joker as you know M Journey gives us four Images probably two out of the you know two or three looks you know close to it fourth just looks like I don't know what that got what that got going on um I put iser as a Joker um I really like the different looks that it gives it's very very um just eye-catching that's you know I think that's the best word for it um The Incredible Hulk drinking tea notice how it's kind of going away from the realistic style of like hyper real istic images and it's just doing more of a anime cartoonish type of style Wolverine drinking tea so this is a couple things that I I created right before um I started this video so you could get an idea of what the style is so let's kind of go into how we actually uh change our settings to style because that's something you want to do you want to hit the for slash settings [Applause] click enter and right now it's in IG mode most of you probably have it in the latest model of 5.2 so you just hit the selection Mark you scroll down to 9g model um version five and as you can see you still have the different settings that um you know we've always had and I definitely uh emplore you guys to um to experiment with stylized low stylized medium stylized High very stylized uh right now we're in the default style of the N mode so uh you kind of got a opportunity to be able to see what the default style uh looks like so let's go ahead and I think I want to go ahead and um uh go into the expressive style so let's go into the expressive style and we'll stick with with Batman uh drinking a cup of tea so we've changed the IG um IG mode version five we clicked expressive style and we want to see what the difference is uh with Batman drinking tea um with the default Style versus the expressive style so let's go ahead click image and let's do Batman drinking a cup of T going to click enter you know what let's go with the let's see what the Cutie style looks like and we're going to put that same image in Batman drinking a cup of tea let's do the scenic Style Batman drinking a cup of tea oh I see one that do not look like it's going to be anything like what I'm looking for um original style I'm going to assume that's theault style but let's just go ahead and put that in there Batman in a cup of tea all right perfect so let's kind of see what the uh generator comes up with here so the default Style is Batman drinking a cup of tea um you know you have various levels of ones I think I would go with number two it seems like the most kind of straightforward but it's very recognizable pretty straightforward it has the style so let's that's the default style so let's go with the expressive style see what the expressive style looks like is this are already rendered [Applause] okay think okay okay expressive style is rendered okay so I'm going to click this this is the expressive style this is really cool because it kind of really gives like a very just very sharp very expressive that's definitely what I would I would definitely um uh Define this I think I like the top right here even though the bottom right is in bad cuz I like the SM um let's see style expressive okay that's that's what we just got on looking at okay cute style I think that was the that was the third one okay cute style and look at that that is very cute so it made him kind of like a baby uh almost you know drinking the tea and stuff like that I think if we put the prompt in a couple more times we could definitely um uh make that really cool and just to just to you know let you guys know you know you can click this right here to kind of give you four new images as well um just in case you're like you know what um I'm not rocking with any of these I want to do that again so so let's see what the third Style with one two three for our Scenic style so let's see with the scenic style ooo I like this I like this notice I didn't like say in a coffee shop I just said drinking tea I didn't say in a coffee shop I didn't say where it was so with the scenic style it kind of let you know kind of just pick different places of where it it was so I'm pretty interested in knowing if I would have put like in a coffee shop would it like Define that just lot a lot more but I like the fact that I didn't even have to say it and it it created different things so he's like at a table here U it's at night time here he looks like he's in the snow here I think I like that a whole lot more but again if I didn't like any of these images I can go ahead and just roll it with this blue button here um re roll it here and that would have been cool so I think the last style was the original style so um the original style gives me a different you know Vibe I'm not sure how much I'm liking that but you know depending on what you uh are inputting it could definitely work so um IG model please please use that um use it in its default style use it in its stylized High use it in its styze very high um and you're going to be able to create some really dope stuff and I can't wait to see what you guys make feel free to uh comment below let me know where I can follow you at to be able to view your Creations as well and this video was about mode so let me know how you going to use it he yeah Journey continues to grow into new versions a lot of times you know you look at other content older content and you think like man I wish um Mid Journey version 5.2 was out when I was designing this image or that image and you sometimes want to go back and remix content like let's say you were someone like the image and you wanted to wanted to be like hey you have that it's in square but I want to have that in landscape or I wish I could see more of the person's feet or I wish I could see more of the the their arms or their side or their surrounding well with mid Journey you can definitely get that done you can definitely do that uh just to kind of showcase a little bit of the content that I've created in uh mid Journey um I went through this whole thing as far as like creating like a model photo shoots you know and um this is kind of like an example of one but as you see it's in portrait now let's say I wanted to kind of you know make this my thumbnail and I wanted to basically make it completely uh landscape I can always go back into my older content my older images my older generations and be able to access it to be able to modify it so what you want to do is you want to go to your homepage on Mid and and you want to hit go to the image that you that you want to go to um you hit the three dots here and you click open in Discord when you open in Discord what it does is it takes you directly to that image you know sometimes we create a lot of images we doing a lot of work we're creating a lot of stuff and we certain things kind of get lost so that's how you are able to access it I'm going to move that to the side here so let's say I wanted to make a variation of this all right perfect clicking variation we see all of the data here um I have AR 4x7 five version 5.1 we're on 5.2 now so we want to go ahead and um update that [Music] here a r space going to do uh three by two perfect before we do that we want to make sure we check our settings cuz I think last time I was in here I was doing mode so let's go ahead check that those settings before we hit enter go ahead so we're in mode right now so let's go ahead and bring that to version 5.2 cuz want a hyperphoto realistic image okay perfect so we're going to go back into the toab here we're going to go ahead and click enter or submit rather all right perfect so that should be our latest image that is being created right now let's go ahead back to this tab we're going to bottom right we're going to click jump to present it's going to take you all the way into the last thing that you created all right perfect awesome so it looks like we are done with the generation and Bam we got landscape so kind of show you what we had here before and keep in mind you know when it comes to Mid Journey um a lot of times uh we think that we're stuck in kind kind of one way of design when we um are actually uh have the capabilities of just being able to modify remix our own uh Creations so we went from portrait mode here went from portrait so four um four variations of um the same style the same Essence but we did it in landscape so let's say I was really rocking with this one right here in the bottom bottom right or you know what I'm going to do top left I think I think top left is is pretty groovy all of them are dope first of all all of them are dope um so we just click the variation tool for the um older for the older uh image that we had here open in Click open in Discord and because I made this in the later version excuse me in a a earlier version before 5.2 I needed to uh make a variation of this to be able to expand it so this particular image I wasn't able to do um but I was able to um uh create a uh something with the same style and the same Essence and I was able to do that um inside mid Journey but I can show you in the next video how to use this exact same image and be able to kind of expand it out I think y'all know where I'm going with it but make sure y'all check me out in the next video nonetheless yeah yeah all right so I know what you're thinking what if I created this awesome amazing image and I want that exact image I want to be able to remix that that I want to make it horizontal I want to make it vertical I want to be able to change the aspect ratio of that particular image don't want to create no uh variances of it with the same style I want to create that image so I'm going to show you how to create create this image something that was made in a previous version of mid journey and be able to expand it out so that way you can see a good landscape be able to see the left side and the right side this is where the advaned tutorials come in at uh what we want to do is we want to start off by right clicking saving to downloads so that way it's saved on our computer from there we want to open up Photoshop Photoshop 2024 has a new tool called called um even if you're in 2023 or you're in a beta version as a new tool called generative fill so what this allows us to do is um allows us to be able to fill in through AI the parts that we want uh that may be missing so let's go ahead and open this up here going to click file new and because I know what aspect ratio I want I'm going to click my orientation to um that I'm going to click 19 20 by you know what yep 1920 by 1080 perfect so I want my image to be that size so let's go ahead and file we're going to click Place embedded and go to our downloaded image bam there she is right there snaps right there in the middle now you're probably going to ask okay how do we fill in the left side and the right side it's it's it's currently white right now like how do we how do we do that it's going to be easy going to click the Marquee tool here we're going to select the area that we want to be filled in we're going to do a little bit of the image and we're just going to click generative fill we're not going to select anything else we just simply just click generative fill uh it's going to ask you what would you like to gener generate we're just going to click generate we're not going to um um we're not going to overthink it we're going to let the AI do um its job there so and similar to Mid Journey it it takes pretty quick you know depending on your uh camera excuse me not your camera but your computer speed um so this is what we got and as you see we have three different versions in which we could cycle through we're going to do the other side as well whoops you see how I'm just getting I'm not getting a whole image I'm just getting just the just this part generate [Music] here [Music] perfect oh it looks like I didn't get the whole whole side here so let's go ahead and do that generative generate but as you see the right side is completely filled filled in it uh it's completely filled in um not everything is as as sharp as um you would like it but at the end of the day I think it really does a really good job of filling in what is supposed to be there so just to kind of show you guys where we started here we started here and we end it up here so I'm seeing that the hand and just like with uh any AI tool the hand is just a little bit left you know leaves a little bit to be desired and you can always kind of play around with it again it's not going to be completely perfect but I think it gets us at least 90% there gener right uh hand actual hand CU I don't know what that monstrosity is and we um made sure that we basically zoned in on the area so we'll see what that does but oh my gosh okay okay okay um not not great not great but if I wanted to go back in there and mess with it just uh a little bit more than I could let's go hide the bar and this is where we at so we went from this or this to this right here so I personally think it looks dope it looks good we can definitely do some more work um on on the hand um I probably mess around with it just a little bit more um so that way we could uh you know actually kind of use it um but just to give you guys an idea of how to use the uh generative fill in Photoshop there's a beta version and there's a regular Photoshop version if you currently have Photoshop version trust me using the tools that we have with AI with Photoshop will only make it uh just 10 15 20 times better um as you see here you know so um and just always remember that no matter what section of the photo you use AI the generative fill will allow you to be able to have multiple versions of those things so that way you can always kind of just you know even if you want to just regenerate it again you know you can so um it's a great tool um Adobe Photoshop generative fill it's amazing so make sure you use it with your AI images depending on how you know what you want to use whether you want to make make it uh more of the sky if you wanted to if I wanted to Showcase more of the ground then I can do that as well um so it's just you know it's it's it's um however you want to use it you know it's it's it's it's yours for the taken so till next video y'all
Channel: We Teach AI Designs
Views: 2,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney V5.2 - Beginner's Essential Tutoria, midjourney tutorial, midjourney v5.2 - beginner's essential tutoria, how to use midjourney ai, Midjourney V5.2 - Beginner's Essential Tutorial, midjourney ai, midjourney prompts, Midjourney V5.2 - Beginner's Essential, midjourney v5.2 - beginner's essential tutorial, midjourney, midjourney prompts tutorial, midjourney v5.2 - beginner's essential, midjourney tips, midjourney tricks, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney for beginners
Id: _kKf7BTlFzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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