Midjourney AI Tutorial for Architecture (Complete Midjourney Guide for Architecture)

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mid-journey is an extremely powerful AI tool that moves quickly and it has a slight learning curve until you get the hang of it mid-journey is actually not even a program itself you use mid Journey's AI through another program called Discord in order to run mid-journey we need to download Discord so head over to discord.com and download for Windows if you're on the Mac download it for the Mac after you have Discord installed let's go ahead and open it up when you open up Discord it's going to ask you to log in with your email or phone number and then a password that correlates to that account if you have an account go ahead and log in here and if you don't click register at the bottom here it's going to ask you for your email username password and your date of birth after you've created your Discord account go ahead and sign in next let's head over to midjourney.com in order to use mid-journey you need to link your Discord and mid-journey account click sign in and it's going to ask you to log in sometimes if you've already logged in you can go ahead and skip this step and just click authorize but for now I'm going to log in and now it's asking me to authorize the link between mid-journey and my Discord account click authorize now you're logged in on mid-journey let's go ahead and head back over to Discord and learn how that program works Discord is voice video and chat app it's used by a lot of Gamers and a lot of businesses can use it too on the far left hand side is a list of servers these are like chat rooms when you head into these there'll be people inside of them that you can chat with let's head over to the mid-journey server when you first get into the mid-journey server it's going to look very complicated but over on the left hand side next to the servers list is different rooms so if you go to the newbies room you can see that there's images that people are creating live down at the bottom is a chat box and this is where you type your message so I can type in something like hello world and then it will send it to everybody in the room sometimes when you try to open up Discord it'll open up within your web browser if that happens to you you can go ahead and close it out let's stick with the desktop app for this tutorial I want to talk for a moment about the med Journey subscription plans right now at the time of this video there is four different plans you have free basic standard and pro plans the free is of course free basic is 10 standard is 30 Pro Plan is 60. if you buy an annual subscription it's a little bit cheaper each month so if you know you're going to be using it for a long time then I would recommend doing the annual subscription personally I don't think the free trial is worth it if you're going to be using mid-journey and if you want to learn it go ahead and pay for the basic plan if you want you can do the monthly subscription and if you never use it again you're only out ten dollars also with the basic plan it gives you the rights to use the images that you create commercially meaning you can use them in school or you can use them for your company and you can sell them and make money off of them the free trial will give you about point four hours of Lifetime or fast GPU time which just means that your renders are going to render faster you can have three jobs running at the same time and you can have 10 of them queued up and on the free trial you can only create about 25 images before you have to upgrade to a basic standard or Pro Plan the worst part about the free trial is that you cannot use your images commercially and you have to attribute mid-journey when you do use the images this is why I recommend going with the basic plan this is the plan that I use here you can see the outline for the basic plan the great part about it is you do get 3.3 hours per month I use the basic plan to create content so I actually get a lot of use out of it it may be more than what a lot of people need but in the end if you are in school or if you are using it for a business in my opinion it is a very good deal for ten dollars a month just like the free trial the basic plan gives you three concurrent jobs and 10 jobs waiting in the queue and the standard and Pro Plan you do get unlimited relaxed GPU time which means that it won't put you at the Forefront of the line but it will put you in the back of the line so that your images do get rendered over time it's just a little bit slower essentially the Pro Plan is great because you get 12 concurrent fast jobs three concurrent relaxed jobs and then 10 more jobs waiting in the queue so that's probably more than most people need one thing to note about the basic plan is you can only create about 200 images a month let's head back over to Discord if you are subscribed to a mid-journey plan then you can actually just direct message the mid Journey bot over on the left hand side you'll have an option and I'll get there in just a moment but for now if you did not subscribe to Mid Journey plan where you can do is you can create a server and then invite the mid Journey bot into it so that way you don't have to see all the other images that other people are making it gets kind of messy and sometimes it's hard to find your own images go over to the left hand side on the servers list and click the add a server button click create my own skip this question for now and then let's name it mid-journey images and click create now head back over into the mid Journey server on the top right there's a show member list button if you click that it'll show all the members that are in the mid Journey server find the mid-journey bot right click the name and click profile when the profile pops up click add to server and then select the mid Journey images server that we just created click continue authorize click I am human hopefully and then allow access and now you have the mid Journey bot within the server that we just created if you can't find the member list button you can simply find the mid Journey bot somewhere within the chat click its name click add to server and then you'll follow the same prompts that we just completed let's head over into the mid Journey images server that we just created at this point in time if you don't have a paid plan for mid-journey you can stay on the screen and just follow along from here but for me I'm going to switch over to my paid account if you do have a paid plan go over into your mid-journey server find the med Journey bot on the member list right click it and click message now you can direct message the mid-journey bot let's imagine our first image do forward slash imagine and then write your prompt a prompt is a set of instructions Concepts phrases descriptors or really whatever you want the AI to create an image of let's start with something simple like a modern home comma colorful and comma and Miami Florida for a family and for fun let's put them on a beach and then press enter to send in your request you can see that your request was sent in and it was sent to the mid Journey bot and it's waiting to start 62 percent and it's using the fast GPU it's at 78 and it's using the fast GPU time 93 and soon 100. all right and there you go that's the image that I created you can maximize it by clicking on it it's very colorful it looks like a modern home it looks like it's in Miami it did miss one part of the prompt which is on the beach but that's okay we can fiddle around with that a little bit later and I'll show you how to get images that are more exact but for now this is our first piece that we've created after your first image is created you have a lot of different ways you can further develop it into whatever you like right below the image grid are three options that we see immediately it really looks like nine but it's three you one two three and four all refer to upscale images one two three and four and V1 to V3 and V4 I'll refer to make a variation of image one two three and four the rerun or refresh button is pretty much self-explanatory it's gonna rerun your prompt and because it's AI it'll create a different image each time the numbers one two three and four for upscale and variations actually correlate to the images that are in the image grid top left will be one top right is two bottom left is three bottom right is four upscale will re-render the image you like in the output will be full resolution at 10 24 by 1024 pixels variation will re-render image one two three or four and it'll create a new image Grid or four new images that are slight variations of it the concept of mid-journey is you want to write a prompt that's going to create an image grid of four images that you can choose from if you don't like any of them then you can click rerun or change your prompt in some way that you'll like it more if you do like one or two of them then you can run a couple variations of it or if you do like one a lot then you can upscale it so let's say that you like image number three but you want to create a slight variation of it or it's not quite what you want but it is your favorite out of these four let's go to V3 to run a variation of image 3. now that it's done all four Images are very similar to image number three that we created before so let's say that I like image number one in this image grid I can click upscale and it's going to create a 1024 by 1024 pixel image of it when you upscale and enlarge the image slightly and it's giving it more detail to save the image to your computer you can right click it within the Discord app and click save image you can click it here in the Discord app and do save image or you can head back over to medjourney.com click sign in after you've signed into your account you can see the images outlined here hover over it click the three dots and then you can click save image I'd like to use the website a lot because it shows you everything that you've created and you can move through it quickly and save the images that you like the most difficult part about mid-journey AI is writing prompts at output images that aren't only what you want but they're also impressive a prompt is very similar to how we would communicate with each other the crazy part is though when we are communicating with AI it actually has the entire knowledge of the internet in its brain this means that you can be very vague and literally ask it to imagine anything the hardest part though is actually knowing what you want it to do and then communicating that in a way that AI will give you what you actually want I like to view the prompt as a description that you're giving the AI a description about your image a description is what we use to convey a character a setting or a scene that puts an image in the ai's mind it's how we bring characters to life and create imaginative settings a well-developed prompt will develop a well what a tongue twister a well-developed prompt will convey a well-developed image in order to do this you can use the tips in this video also to supplement that I have a link in the description below which is the mid Journey cheat sheet it's a reference guide to All Things mid Journey prompting that's made specifically for architecture and the mid Journey cheat sheet you'll notice there are seven powerful prompt producers you should follow to create amazing and impressive architectural images first off we have fill in the blanks subject is it a person an animal location or object medium a photo painting illustration sculpture a sketch or maybe a textile environment is that the interior or exterior what's the climate zone is it a fantasy world maybe it's even underwater lighting how's the lighting is it soft ambient Noir overcast Sunny neon is it in a studio or is it very faded is the color vibrant muted bright is it monochromatic black and white colorful or maybe pastel the mood is a sedated calm energetic or maybe mysterious composition is it a portrait an architectural rendering a headshot a close-up are you looking at it from bird's eye view or are you looking at it up from a worm's eye view is it an architectural construction drawing or maybe even an isometric drawing synonyms give your descriptive words more weight by using powerful synonyms instead of saying large say gigantic massive or enormous use strong emotions and very atmospheric qualities five senses it helps to think about your five senses and include a word or phrase for all five sight sound smell touch and taste similes similes are when you use the words like or as for instance a house like a tropical fish or a hallway Like a Star Wars set POV or a point of view choose how the image is perceived and who is perceiving it is it an isometric a bird's eye view worm's eye view or a construction drawing on a computer screen try to include a date and time that the image is in for instance if it should have qualities of a Renaissance painting or a collage from the 1930s collective nouns try not to use plural words and instead use collective nouns if you want six columns say six columns not just columns plural mid Journey has an easier time interpreting the scale and the look you are going for if you have a definitive number of elements style and Aesthetics mid-journey is very good at stylizing an image use words like cartoon diagram Noir graphite shading realistic or architecture rendering maybe ornamental Gothic or any other artistic style you would like to apply to your image it's very helpful to know what type of aesthetic you're going for in your image I've Linked In the description and in the mid Journey cheat sheet a link to a extremely useful wiki page that has a very long list of Aesthetics and different styles that you can use I will typically end my prompt with either a type of building the word architecture or structure so that mid-journey knows that I'm looking specifically for architecture it's better to ask for what you want and not what you don't want use collective nouns like I mentioned before and don't rely on the phrase no columns or no people there are specific parameters that you can use to remove things from your image but that's what I'll go over in the video linked at the top left here and in the description below the hardest part about writing a good prompt is knowing what you want available to patrons and Linked In the description below is the mid Journey cheat sheet it's a complete mid-journey reference guide that's made specifically for our architecture there are two different types of prompts that can be used a basic and an advanced prompt a basic prompt is just a single word or a simple phrase not including anything else Advanced prompts have three parts image URLs The Prompt text and one or more parameters the image URLs go first and the beginning then the prompt text goes right in the middle and then at the end is where we throw all of our parameters parameters are options or settings that you throw at the end of your prompt that will change how mid-journey generates your image mid Journey has a large list of parameters that you can use in many ways to help generate your images parameters are added at the end of a prompt and use two hyphens to add a parameter let's take a look at the parameters that are best suited for architecture images aspect ratios can be changed by using the aspect parameter on version 4 mid Journey the default is one to one and you can choose between one to one which is square one to two which is Portrait and two to one which is landscape on version 5 of mid Journey you can choose higher ratios if you would like for example three to one and one to four the chaos parameter will change how crazy and varied your results will be you can choose any number between 0 and 100 and the default is set to be zero the no parameter will attempt to Omit or remove something specific from your image the quality parameter will determine which quality you want your render to be it does not affect the resolution but it will determine how much time is spent rendering your image lower values are good for low detail images if you are creating architectural images or drawings then a higher quality would likely be better you can use .25 0.5 or 1 and the default is actually set to 1. uplight and up beta parameters are the same options you see after you have upscaled an image but this time it'll output an image grid for you rather than just one image uplight creates images that are slightly softer with less details and a beta creates an image grid that has significantly less detail stylized parameter is useful because mid-journey AI has been trained to favor images that have artistic color composition and form a lower stylized value simply means it'll be less artistic and a higher stylized value is more artistic when using versions 4 and 5 the default style value is set to 100 and my work though I hardly notice the difference of a value over around 250 to 300 even though it can go all the way up to a thousand in mid-journey you can create a short video of your image being created although it's only available in specific model versions one two three test and test P model version parameters are useful if you would like to get a very specific type or style of an image niji is best if you would like to create anime style images high definition is best for a landscape and Abstract images you can try to use test P for photorealistic images although I typically just write photorealistic or photorealism in the prompt and it gives me pretty great output and most importantly of all is a version 4 and version five parameters for architecture images at the moment I prefer to use mid Journey version 4 but I would recommend playing around with version 5 to see which one you like more version 5 in my opinion is much more photorealistic whereas version 4 is trained on much more of an artistic style and it produces something more along the lines of an illustration or photorealistic rendering next we're going to take a look at more advanced parameters in settings Like Remix mode seed blend and Image Weight some of these use what is called an image URL simply put it's just a link to an image that you've uploaded to Discord or a link to an image on the internet you can use image URLs as part of a prompt to influence a render composition style and color you can use the image URLs even by themselves or you can combine them with text prompts and other parameters you can even put multiple image URLs in the same prompt remix mode is used to change prompts parameters model versions and aspect ratios between different iterations it will create a new image that resembles your initial image which will help you take away or add anything that you initially forgot on top of that you can change the setting the lighting you can transform the subject or create a more complicated scene it's actually very similar to the seed parameter which we're going to learn in just a moment to use remix we can turn it on in two different ways type in slash prefer remix type enter and Now remix mode is turned on another way to turn it on is by typing slash settings pressing enter here at the bottom is remix mode which you can toggle on and off I'm going to go ahead and dismiss this message now let's try to use remix mode so I'm going to imagine an image Gothic style mid-century home in the middle of the desert let's just have some fun with this one and press enter so this is the image that it output and to initiate remix mode we're going to click one of the variations here at the bottom I like number three the most so I'm going to click variation number three and now you can see a new prompt has come up the remix prompt let's say that I want to add people walking around type it in and click submit it's created an image that is very similar to one that I liked in the beginning but now mid Journey has remixed it so that there's more people walking around you can also remix an upscaled image so my favorite out of these will be number three again so I'm going to click upscale three and now if you click make variations you can now make variations to an upscaled image a seed is a field of visual noise that the AI uses to create the initial 4x4 grid every image that we create is given a seed number by mid-journey the C parameter initially sounds pretty confusing but it's extremely useful and it can be used in many different ways every job you run will be given a seed number by default you can choose a seat number yourself by using the seed parameter and your initial prompt to use the seed parameter do dash dash seat and then type in a number that you would like the seed to be I'm going to just use simply one two three for this it's a mid-century modern home in the style of zaha Hadid located and the Joshua Tree desert with seed number one two three and press enter let's say that you created an image previously but you didn't designate a seed number for it you can scroll up to it and then you're going to emote to the image by hovering over it clicking add reaction and then clicking the envelope scroll down to the bottom mid journey is going to send you a direct message of the image with its seed number and job ID the image that I previously created the mid-century modern home in the Joshua Tree desert remember I gave it the seed number one two three so if I add a reaction to that with the envelope mid-journey will then send me its job ID and seed number and you can see here that it is still one two three if you run a job with the same prompt and the same seed number then it will come out exactly the same if you change the text and the prompt slightly it'll try to adjust the image for you according to what you changed so for instance I ran the same job with the same seed number but I change it to be matte black so you can see this looks very similar to this style this is useful when you create an image of a building that you really like but you don't like certain aspects about it like the color or the weather or maybe you want to add scale people to it it's very similar to the variation command but with this you have control over what is being adjusted rather than mid-journey making random adjustments for you seed is slightly different than remix because a remix can only be applied to an image that you have already made and then it will create a new one off of your adjustments seat adjustment can be applied to an image that you have made in the past present and future meaning you can make callbacks to images that you've made in the past adding an image URL into your prompt is a total Game Changer in order to add an image URL into your prompt you need to First upload the image to Discord you can click plus here and then upload a file find the file and then click open then press enter or you can simply drag and drop it into Discord and then press enter once the image is in Discord you right click it and select copy link this is an image URL and it will go at the beginning of your prompt so we'll start off our prompt with Slash imagine and then we'll paste in our image URL then you'll do a space and let's do a building on Mars and then press enter so mid Journey will take cues from that image URL or the image that you uploaded and it will create a building on Mars using that image as inspiration the image that it output you can see takes on a lot of cues from the International Space Station in mid Journey 5 you can use the image weight parameter unfortunately Image Weight doesn't work in mid Journey 4. you'll quickly realize that if you have a prompt with an image in it and some text you'll want to choose which one that mid Journey will favor more to use imageway let's first switch over to Mid Journey version 5 by typing slash settings enter and then toggling over to MJ version 5. I'm gonna dismiss the message let's say that you wanted to create a high-rise building in Japan but you really wanted it to look like the Seagram's building by Muse vandro slash imagine and let's pull the Seagram's building into Discord you can do that by the way I showed you previously by dragging it into Discord or you can do a simple Google search for the Seagram's building images find the image that best represents the building that you like I'm going to do this one right click it and select copy image address let's head back over in a Discord paste that image into your prompt do space and then type a building in Tokyo Japan right now mid Journey will probably blend these two together it would blend a building in Tokyo Japan and with the Seagrams building imageway is default at 1 and can be anything between 0.25 to 2. the higher the image weight then the more effective the image will have on the render I'm gonna run three different prompts one is going to be without the image weight two is going to be with the image weight set to its highest value which is two and then I'm going to do one where the image weight is set to zero and let's do a sustainable building and New York City with trees all over it and lastly is the blend command blend is a simplistic way to blend two to five images together and it was developed so that you can easily do it from your phone so you can find a lot of uses there while you're out and about choose two to five images and mid-journey will take the concept and Aesthetics of each image and blend them all into One Singular New Image so right now save them my computer I have the Hadar LEF Center by zaha Hadid and falling water designed by Frank Lloyd Wright I'm going to type in slash blend with blend you can do two to five images but it defaults to two I'm going to show you how to do two if you want to add more you just click down here and select image three and image four but for now we'll just do two click image one and I'm gonna do the Hadar LEF Center by zaha Hadid and then I'm gonna do Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright you can change the dimensions of the output by clicking down in the prompt and selecting Dimensions I want this to be landscape and then hit enter and this is what mid-journey thinks Frank Lloyd Wright and zaha hadid's falling water and the Hadar LEF Center would look like Blended together are you looking to take your architectural images and renders to the next level mid-journey AI can actually help you upgrade and Elevate any architecture images that you have already made including photographs renders isometric drawings anything of the sort head over into your mid-journey server or a direct message in mid-journey bot I'm going to upload an old image that I want to add more life to to click plus upload a file click the image that you want to transform and then click open when you hit enter it's going to upload it to the Discord server right click the image and copy link if you want to transform an image that's already up on the internet go to your web browser right-click the image and select copy image address go back into your mid Journey server type in slash imagine paste in your image URL and I want to add some people hiking around in the foreground so I'm just going to type that exactly people hiking and the foreground I'm going to go ahead and hit enter now I'm going to run a second one imagine PC image URL people hiking and the foreground and this one I'm going to run on version 5. type in dash dash V5 for version 5 parameter and I want to give the image a lot more weight so I'm going to do Dash Dash IW for image weight and set that to its max value at 2. and then press enter this is going to give us two different options to choose from version 5 is a lot more photorealistic and with the image weight being as high as it is it'll give us an image that's the closest that majority can towards our original image with mid-journey version 4 running it's going to be a lot more artistic more so this method is to transform it and to give you a little bit more inspiration and some images that maybe you can pull objects from like the scale figures the foreground or the background or maybe even aspects of the architecture that you like a quick tip here use words like high detail God Rays mysterious bright and really any type of atmospheric word you want to put that at the end of your prompt check out the link in the description for the mid-journey cheat sheet it's a prompting guide with a gigantic list of useful words to elevate and unlock your image's potential it's available to patrons only have you ever had a grand idea or great vision for a building or space but then you struggle to bring your vision to life on paper in this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to use mid journey to add texture depth detail and so much life into your rough architectural sketches upload your sketch in a Discord by pressing this plus button here upload a file navigate to where you saved your sketch and then click open press enter to upload it to Discord I would recommend taking it into Photoshop before you upload it into Discord and changing it so that it's completely black and white and the background is white it just helps mid journey to read your image a little bit better now as you can see this is not a very good sketch it's something very rough that I've made but I just want to see what mid-journey can do with it right click the image that you uploaded and do copy link type in slash imagine paste in the image URL and do a space so I found the best words to use initially are sunny day sky with clouds pedestrians walking around trees architectural rendering so let's do that sunny day sky with clouds pedestrians walking around trees architectural rendering then we're going to add our aspect ratio parameters so do Dash Dash AR space this one is somewhat in landscape so I'm going to do two to one which is landscape portrait is one to two and if your sketch is a square do one to one and then hit enter after your image is done rendering I would go ahead and run it two more times using the redo button or the refresh button this will give you a total of 12 images to choose from because it's so Random each time it's really nice to have a larger selection so I'm going to go ahead and run it two more times once and then twice so this is what our output looks like so far there's our first one and then we re-rain it again and then our third rerun there's a lot more work to be done but don't worry we're going to put it through a couple more steps if mid-journey is rendering your sketch over to the left or to the right too much or it's in the sky or something like that I recommend just redrawing your sketch or repositioning it in Photoshop so that your building or the sketch of your building is directly in the center of the image that way mid-journey knows to focus on it the next step is we want to turn remix on so type slash settings press enter at the bottom there's a toggle for remix mode make sure that's turned on now find the top images that you really like so I like number one for this image I'm going to hit variation one delete the entire image URL that is if you don't like the line work if you do like the line work being present you can go ahead and leave it otherwise for this example I'm going to go ahead and delete it also we're going to delete everything except for architectural rendering if you would like you can replace architectural rendering or do a comma and then add in other new style words or Aesthetics at this point like high detail hyper realistic photorealistic abstract or any strongly weighted style word check out the mid Journey cheat sheet for more examples make sure not to delete the aspect ratio parameter I'm going to leave mine as is like this without any more heavily weighted style words and just click submit now because I want to increase my chances of having an image that I like in the end I'm going to run that same process for more of these images I like the bottom right for this one so I'm going to do variation 4. delete everything but architectural rendering and then click submit and for this image grid I like the first one because it looks like it has constellations in the sky here so I'm going to run with that a little bit see if mid Journey picks that up click V1 to make a variation of the first image then I'm going to delete everything except for architectural rendering again and then click submit check out what it made it's looking more and more like an architectural rendering and now that we have the general form of the building and a shaping composition that we like let's go ahead and upscale three images that we love and this image grid I really like the bottom left one so I'm going to upscale number three and our second remix I love the I really like the bottom left one again so I'm going to upscale number three and then our last remix because it brings back in a lot more of that original diagrammatic or sketched and like graphite charcoal type qualities so I'm going to upscale number one if you're completely unhappy with the results from the remix then I recommend drawing a new sketch with Bolder lines for the edges of the buildings or other important elements you can also go back to step one and keep running the job over and over again with different prompts until you get something that you like after your images are done being upscaled click it and then click save image and we're going to do that for all three of them if you're happy with any of the results then that's awesome you can take one of those images and run for it otherwise one last step that I kind of like to do is I like to blend all three of them together and just see what I get sometimes it comes out looking really nice so type in slash blend space click at the end of The Prompt and it'll give you the option to add in image three click at the end again click dimensions and click landscape now for image one where it says drag and drop or click to upload a file let's go ahead and add in image one two and three so there's number one number two and number three and then hit enter and now we have our final images figure out which one you like the most I really like the bottom left image the most and the top right I don't know they're all pretty cool it's hard to choose but I'm just gonna run with the bottom left then you just simply upscale it say you are on your final image grid here and you don't really like any of these and you want it to look more realistic I found that a very powerful command that you can use is to figure out which one of these you like the most let's go with number one I'm gonna click V1 delete all the prompts type in photo realistic comma architecture rendering and then press submit and after it's complete you can see by doing that it no longer looks as diagrammatic as it did before and it looks more photo realistic textures and patterns are an essential element of any design project and actually creating them is a pretty difficult task but with the mid Journey AI image generator you can easily generate beautiful high quality textures and patterns in just a few simple steps in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to use mid-journey AI image generator to create seamless textures and patterns for your designs with this knowledge you can create a vast array of digital artwork for any craft application head over into the mid Journey server or go into the mid Journey bought direct messages by default mid-journey is set to version 4 right now but if you want to be able to create seamless textures and patterns you need to switch it over to version 5. at the bottom type slash settings press enter change it from MJ version 4 or mid Journey version 4 over to Mid Journey version 5. you can dismiss the message we're going to be using the tile parameter and that's only available in version 5. you can really create a pattern or texture of anything that you want but for now let's try to do something like grass type in slash imagine space grass space Dash Dash tile space Dash Dash AR for aspect ratio let's do one to one so it's a square and then press enter not only did mid-journey create four different images for us to choose from but each one of these is completely seamless and tieable in my opinion A lot of these are very cartoony and I want to try to get away from that a little bit more and create something that looks more realistic so this time I'm going to type slash imagine space realistic grass space dash dash tile space dash dash AR for aspect ratio space one to one again this will create a seamless tieable texture and it will make the aspect ratio 101 which is a square as you can see with these it's a little bit more realistic looking these are really zoomed in so if we take one of these images upscale it and then bring it in a Photoshop we can then start to see how it's a seamless texture for this image grid I like the bottom left one so I'm going to go over to upscale three after it's done upscaling I'm going to click the image right click and do save image now I'm going to hop over into Photoshop go to open select the image that we downloaded now that we have our image in Photoshop let's unlock it in the layers panel by clicking this padlock icon go up to image canvas size change it to percent and change the width and the height percent to 300. and then click ok hold alt and shift click your image and drag upwards and do this to fill in the spaces and now you can see as we zoom out some images do have a slight seam to them but as you zoom out it's harder and harder to tell if it does have somewhat of a pattern that you don't really like head over to the spot healing brush make your brush larger by holding alt right clicking and then dragging to the right go over into your layers panel select all the layers hold Ctrl and press e to combine them into one hover over the image with your spot healing brush and click and drag over the areas that you feel like don't really line up too well this helps it to become a little bit more seamless and you want to do this after you have your texture to the size that you want from here you can do file save a copy and then save it out as a JPEG or PNG whichever you prefer sometimes getting mid-journey to create a texture that you like is pretty difficult going to Google and typing in the image search for something that you're looking for for instance I found it very difficult to find a hardwood floor that has straight planks so I'm going to type in hardwood floor press enter actually let's add texture onto that to make it a little bit more specific find one that you like I'm going to right click it and select copy image address head back over into Discord and type slash imagine paste the image URL into there which will link the image from the internet that we just found press space I'm going to do hard wood flooring or floor type in texture as well space dash dash tile so it's a tileable image dash dash AR space one to one so that's Square ratio then press enter before when I try to run a prompt that was a hardwood floor it would give me patterns such as this this is possible to do with hardwood floor although it's not standard it's not what I was looking for let's say let's put it that way and then when I gave it an image URL or some type of inspiration that I found off the internet it was able to create something more along the lines of what I wanted which is this output here two of them I can't really use but the top left and the bottom right are definitely two textures or patterns that I could use in like a rendering image or some type of design project are you tired of living in a dull and outdated home or apartment do you want to give it a fresh modern look but you just don't know where to start in this video I'm going to show you how to use mid-journey AI to completely remodel your Homer apartment interior and exterior you can actually do this right from your phone or from your computer with mid-journey AI it's great because you can create a whole bunch of different images see what it might look like before you make any definitive decisions for yourself it's like having your own personal architect and interior designer at your fingertips the images that you're going to create at the very least can serve as something that's very inspirational or images that you can give your contractor architect or Landscape designer interior designer whomever so that they can start to understand your vision mid-journey AI is used within a communication app called Discord on your phone head over into your app store search for Discord download Discord after you have Discord installed open it right now I'm logged into my account but if you're not logged in go ahead and sign in head over into the mid Journey server swipe left to pull up the chats at the top you should have a member icon click that to show the member list scroll down until you see the mid Journey bot and tap on it from there click message now let's go take photographs of the spaces that we want to transform walk around your home and take photographs with your phone of everything you would like to remodel or reimagine it helps to have nice lighting and not a lot of clutter with clean clear surfaces if you like to reimagine the outside of your home take photographs of the outside and try to get the images to be as straight on as possible introducing angles can cause the AI to create some funky images that aren't very helpful for you if you can try to capture an entire side of a house within the frame of a single photograph after you've taken your images then upload them to Discord by using the plus sign on the bottom left allow access to all photos and then select the images that you would like to upload I'm going to upload this image of a house I found send it and now the image is uploaded into mid-journey long press on the image and click copy Media Link in the chat box type in slash imagine space the media link then do a space tell mid Journey what type of upgrades you would like to make so for this one I would like a larger chimney an outdoor fire pit a watchtower and a wrap around front porch with black wood siding after you're done telling you what you want type a space type Dash Dash V Space five then do another space dash dash IW space two space dash dash AR for aspect ratio space and then type in the aspect ratio that your original image URL is most closest to so in this instance two to one would be a landscape image one to one would be a square image and one to two would be a portrait image more often than not if you held your phone sideways while you're taking the photographs you're going to use two to one if you held it upwards or in portrait style it's going to be one to two this image is in two to one so I'm going to type 2 to 1 and then press send if you're on the computer then the process is exactly the same except to get the images in the Discord you can just click and drag them in you can also send the images to Discord from your phone and then move on to your desktop computer or laptop if you want to finish up there to do the interior rooms you would do the exact same process as you did for the exterior like here's an image of a kitchen that I want to get updated and this is what mid Journey transformed it into creating an architecture animation is very time consuming and confusing it also can become a pretty expensive task especially if you're hiring someone else to do the work for you a tired old 2D image can get boring very quickly and architecture needs depth to be read correctly if you want to take your 2D images to the next level I'm going to show you how to create Dynamic visuals that come alive with motion head over to convert.leiapics.com that's c-o-n-v-e-r-t Dot l-e-i-a-p-i-x layapix.com the leopix converter turns any of your 2D images it takes a depth map of it and then creates an animation using that on the top left click upload and then upload the image that you want to make an animation from some settings are automatically set but let's adjust them a little bit to get what you really want animation length I like to leave it longer because when it's short it looks like it bounces around a little bit too quick so I'm going to leave it at six seconds animation style I like perspective but there's a lot of use for ones like horizontal and vertical I'm going to leave mine on perspective for now for the amount of motion I like to leave it on more just because I like to see more of movement in the image if you put it on less you can see it's very subtle so I'm going to leave it on more Focus point I'm going to do Center the end dilation I like to leave it at 1.5 and then this is usually good enough for me if you head over to Advanced editor though you can adjust some more settings like if you want it to just directly zoom in turn your amplitude Y and amplitude X all the way down and just turn the Z amplitude all the way up also you can actually edit the depth map yourself but I've noticed that leopix actually does a great job automatically so usually I don't even come in here but if you wanted to paint on here if you click and drag you can see you start to draw the depth map yourself white is something that's closer to the screen and black will be something that's further away now if you have an ad blocker on I recommend turning it off now because I was having troubles actually downloading the image so what I did was I turned off my ad blocker and then I was able to actually save this so head over to share it's going to convert your image and now you can save it as a gif MP4 LIF and all these other options typically I settle on a gif or MP4 sometimes the most difficult part about AI is writing a good prompt check out the link in the description to the mid Journey cheat sheet available to patrons it's the ultimate guide to writing prompts specifically made for architecture over there are two videos that I think you'll really like and if you like this video please like the video and subscribe down below if you want to see future content just like this right beside me are a list of patrons from patreon if you sign up you get a lot of great architecture related benefits and your name gets featured at the end of the video like these amazing people right here
Channel: altArch
Views: 36,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney architecture rendering, midjourney architecture, midjourney for architects, ai architecture, midjourney for architecture, midjourney ai architecture, how to render midjourney, midjourney tutorial, midjourney course, midjourney ai tutorial, ai architecture design, midjourney tutorial for beginners, midjourney architecture tutorial, midjourney upload image, how to use midjourney ai, architecture prompt, midjourney blend, midjourney prompts, midjourney interior design
Id: v78IkclfOaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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