How To Sell AI Art On Etsy A To Z Blueprint 2023 [FREE Course]

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this is it guys this is the most comprehensive YouTube guy on how to sell AI generated art on Etsy I know there's a bunch of YouTubers about it this is the hardest topic right now so everyone's making a YouTube video about it but I am actually someone that has been doing this for the past couple of months I actually share my results on YouTube you guys can check it out and see I showed you the realistic results not something that's you know out of touch and you know making million dollars a month or something like that I showed you realistic results matter of fact let me show you the realistic results on one of my stores right now so this is one of my stores it's early in the morning right now but so far we got three orders and we made 19 okay if you want to see how much my I made in the last couple of months let me actually share this with you so if I go to my stats you can see that I generated 972 dollars in Revenue we got 273 orders and this is just sales but let's actually go the profit so I'm gonna show you the profits if I go to finances out to payment account it's gonna show me all the actual profits of the actual Prophet is 358 dollars that's how much I made these are rustic results it can be bigger and this is actually one of the smaller Etsy stores I have this is the one I decided to document on YouTube so these are the numbers you can expect this kind of only has 25 listings and in today I'm going to show you how to build a store like this yourself so we went over the results you can see what you can expect but some of you guys might not be familiar with Etsy aren't selling at all you might be asking what the hell is that okay I'm gonna go over this really fast because I want to explain briefly what it is so you are probably familiar with this AI Revolution you probably heard about Chad GPD at this point which is like a text-based AI that can do a lot of stuff right you can write essays if you're in college or catchy DMS for your Tinder dates okay so chat GPD is the most popular AI there is a second one called mid journey and mid journey is text to image AI which basically means you type in what do you want to see and the AI will generate an image for you and mid journey is capable of doing some amazing pictures what I've been doing I've been using mid-journey to generate AI images that are really really cool and then I would sell them on Etsy and Etsy is a Marketplace such as eBay such as Amazon but what is cool about Etsy is that they allow crafty and unique products and you might be asking how's crafty and unique related to images well there's also one more cool thing about Etsy they allowed to sell digital products what is a digital product basically anything that you create on your computer and it doesn't exist in real life it can be a PDF it can be Excel spreadsheet or an image so I create images mid-journey and then I sell them in the bundles of let's say 20 images on Etsy for a couple of dollars and people buy from me and a lot of people are asking why would anyone buy images from you well the main reason why people buy images on Etsy is because they're using for their business maybe they doing some print on demand stuff and they have no time to come up with the design so it's easier for them to buy something from someone like me then to research it or create it themselves and later on very often these people people just resell whatever they purchase from you on Etsy but in the physical product so let's say I created the design of a funny cat and someone purchased the design of the funny cat from me to print it out on a t-shirt that they later on sell on Etsy it's like an Inception like the movie so now you know what it is what about pros and cons the pros are that this can be very passive and when I say passive I mean that there's very little maintenance of these type of etsy stores okay all you have to do is just create something in mid-journey which can take you anything from like couple of minutes to an hour and then upload it to Etsy and just wait for sales and once you do that you don't have to do much you don't have to fulfill orders you don't have to upload tracking numbers you barely do anything everything is automized and the only thing you really have to do is just some customer service some people might message you about how to download an image or they might just ask a question but that's about it another Pro is that there's a little upfront the only money that you're gonna spend is on my journey which starts with ten dollars a month and if you want to be like me you can also purchase a Photoshop license for 25 dollars a month but more about it later in the video there are also free Alternatives which I'm gonna talk about so don't worry about that but yeah the cost is really cheap to start compare this to like Amazon FBA for example where you have to spend couple of thousands of dollars or even drop shipping on Facebook or Ebay where you have to have some sort of money in order to start and fulfill the first orders and there's not many cons to be honest with you I think the biggest one is that it might take some time to create a listing so this whole thing can be a little bit time consuming it doesn't take as much time as created an art from the beginning in the scratch real artist spends way more time on this but if you want to do this on a scale that is profitable this process can be time consuming also you might not be able to make any money in the beginning because you're probably gonna spend money on ads which is what I recommend in order to get the first sales first views for the first week you might not see any results whatsoever you might actually be losing money but the good thing is that it's not going to be a lot you might be losing like a couple of dollars a day to establish your store and then it's just gonna Skyrocket and it's basically printing money machine okay so let's get started down below under this video you're gonna see timestamps if you want to go to the specific section of this video I believe this video is going to be lengthy so you might want to come back to it and watch it later if you don't have time to finish the whole thing and let's start how to get mid Journey which is the AI tube that we're gonna use to create AI art so first go to the which is this website that you can see on my screen you're gonna have links for all the websites all the tools down below under this video so make sure to check them out anything I mentioned it's down there but to use my journey you're gonna need Discord first so you're actually gonna hit the first which is this website right here and you will have to create a Discord account if you don't know what Discord is Discord is this social media platform that people use to communicate and I actually have my own Discord service that you can join if you sign up to my YouTube membership it's a private Community if you want to join feel free to do it there are other perks such as monthly prompt today to share with my community too so check it out so create the Discord account once you have the Discord account go back to my journey and now let me show you how to get it so for first you're gonna go here and click on join the beta and if you're not logged in or to your Discord on your browser you're going to click on continue to Discord and you have to log into your Discord account next you're gonna get this message to connect your Discord with mid Journey so just click on authorize and once you do all of that you're gonna get access to the make Journey server okay and this can be a little bit overwhelming because there's a lot of stuff happening but all you have to do okay is scroll down to any of those newbies sections let's say this one for example okay and type in slash subscribe and click ok and my journey is gonna give you this message right here make sure to uh to keep it uh on top because there's a lot of people texting right in this chat and they're sending messages so make sure to scroll down or app depends on your situation until you see this button which says open subscription page and click on go visit site and don't worry nobody can see this message the only messages people can see are the outputs such as this one but no one's gonna see this part which is which is the subscription so in order to start using mid-journey you need to buy their uh their basic Planet piece which is the ten dollars a month the main reason why you want to do this is because it's going to give you the General commercial license which means you can resell the AI images that mid journey is going to generate so you wanna at least that one and also your mid journey is going to be faster so your image is going to be made faster once you're ready to upgrade you can upgrade to a higher levels such as the standard or Pro Plan basically what that means is just you get more credits and you can you can generate images even faster than the standard or sorry basic plan this is actually the one I have right now the thirty dollar ones once you got the subscription go back to the main Journey server just click again on those newbie servers and just try to find the mid-journey bot like this one right here where it says mid Journey bot click on it and then just what it says message just type in anything okay uh just type in hello for example and what that's going to do is it's gonna open the private text Channel between you and my journey what we were trying to do is we're trying to don't get confused with all these images that are happening on my journey server because if they if you go on their server you're going to see just bunch of people tapping messages and it's really hard to kind of find yours okay because this is what other people are doing this is not what we are trying to do this is other people if you open the private channel it's just easy to kind of maneuver and find the stuff that you want to do okay all right so this is mid Journey 101 okay I'm gonna show you the basics tools that I use and listen there might be more advanced guides on my journey and it's great but I'm just gonna show you the way I use it and it's really not that advanced to be honest with you but let me break it down okay so first thing first if you type in slash settings okay like this you're gonna get couple of options so when you type it in you're gonna see all of this okay this is actually very important because I'm gonna tell you what I do and I suggest you do the same but what you want to do is for the AAR that we are trying to generate you want to change the mid journey to Mid Junior version 4 okay don't use five five is good for like realistic results like realistic people four is better for Etsy stuff that we're gonna do okay so keep it at four what is this quality I usually have a high quality what is the style uh it depends sometimes they have the style very high something I have it with the style Med basically the higher the style the more details it's gonna be sometimes that works really great sometimes it doesn't it kind of depends let's say we're gonna do style very high for the sake of our examples and let's see if this actually gonna work okay also if you have the premium subscription you can go to public mode or stealth mode which means that if you're in the stealth mode nobody can see your designs on your profile but that requires you to have the most expensive subscription basically and then you have the modes you have the remix mode fast mode and relax mode so since you have a subscription you can use the fast mode which basically means that your image is going to be generated faster now how do you actually create something how do you actually create an image so you type in slash and imagine okay and that's how you create the images and you create images in something called prompt so prompt is the the command basically that you give to AI so for example I want a black head um dancing in red shoes with white background my journey is going to start its job and it's gonna start generating some AI images it's gonna always give you four examples okay and we're gonna go over these four examples so you can understand why they do it but the main reason why is because they want to show you four different variations because maybe there's one variation that you actually like and this is actually not what I was looking for but I see I made a mistake because I type in black hat but what I meant is Black Cat did I say that right did I say hat or cat let me know in the comments because I am actually not sure but I meant a cat but anyway so these are the four uh variations that majority gave it to me okay it's a black hat and it's dancing in red shoes well some of them are red this this one is red this one is red it has a white background so as you can see this is okay but it's not perfect basically the better your prompting is the better details you give it to the main Journey you're probably gonna get better results but for the sake of our example okay let's say say uh I like this design okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna upscale this image so it's actually big and it's just one singular image instead of having four of them I'm gonna have one because right now if I download this image I'm gonna have these four variations I don't want it let's say I just want to pick the one okay so you have these buttons right here it says U1 U2 u3 u4 and then V1 V2 V3 V4 so what that means is that U stands for upscale v stands for uh variation and one two three four basically these are the numbers of the images so this is number one this is two this is three and four it's always like that it's always that order okay so uh I want the single one so I'm gonna click on U1 and now it's gonna upscale this image okay but if I would click on V1 for example it will create more variations of version version number one so I'll get more variations of this one with slightly different uh you know objects and let's actually see what my journey is gonna do I'm actually creating too so I'm actually creating variations which you can see right now and I'm actually upscaling the image but it's kind of slow right now so it's gonna take a minute but here here are the variations of number one okay there's some small differences like you can see this one's missing a hand this one is missing a hand this one this guy's this girl I don't know who that is a person um hand is like blurry so again it's not perfect okay but I'm gonna show you how to make it kind of perfect okay and here's our upscale version of that so that's the version number one from the original case so if I like it I can save it I can right click actually no don't do that click on uh just click on that image click on open in browser and then it's gonna open it up in a separate Tab and then save it as an image on your computer that way it's just a better quality and it's bigger okay that's usually how I do it so now you understand the basics let's talk about strategy so the strategy I use is I basically go on that zip and I type in let's say digital trains or clip art or something like that okay you basically see the designs that people are already selling once I find something that I see have data that shows that you know this type of images are getting sales in the last 30 days that means to me that something is selling I'm not trying to be creative and create designs I like because whatever I like might not actually be something that people on the internet likes and will purchase them okay I look for stuff they're already selling and then I try to create something similar not exactly the same but similar for example let's say I find an image of a black cat Okay wearing a pink shirt and that image has a lot of sales on Etsy I'm gonna try to create maybe a variation of it let's say a white cat wearing a pink shirt or maybe a black cat wearing an orange shirt okay something like that basically something similar enough to the original but different enough so I won't get in trouble if something is already selling that means that if I create something similar it's probably gonna sell as well alright so once I figure figure out what I want to sell I go back to Mid journey and just start typing in the prompt I just try to use the keywords from the title of my competitor modify a little bit and then try to create something okay once I create that I'll try to create 20 different variations of it usually it's 20. it depends on the niche and the market but let's say it's 20 images of that same cat Okay and the reason being why I'm trying to create 20 variations of it is because I sell images in bundles I sell singular image I have a low success of getting sales but if someone can buy 20 images of you know these cats in the shirts or whatever for like let's say four bucks that sounds to them like a good deal and that's also gonna increase my conversion rate and here's where it gets better okay so let's say I created my first bundle first bundle of 20 cats in shirts now I'm gonna create another bundle of 20 cats in different shirts and gonna sell for four bucks so I already have two listings that sell for four bucks okay a very similar item then I'm gonna create another bundle very similar to the other two and then I'm gonna create a Ford bundle so I already have what I have four bundles signing for four bucks of different cats wearing uh you know shirts whatever and then I combine these four bundles into one Mega bundle so we got 80 images four times four sixteen so maybe I'll run them on a discount let's say for 14 or 15 bucks that way whenever I sell that Mega bundle I make more money but I didn't really create a new listing I just used the already existing listings that I created earlier and just put them together and sell them as a separate bundle and that's my strategy it's just making small bundles and then putting together these small bundles of similar stuff has to be similar you know theme in our case it's cats and shirts and create these Mega bundles that you can resell and then you can create Mega bundles of Mega bundles so let's say you know one Mega model contains all your designs of cats and another one is going to contain all your images of rabbits or something like that and you can combine these Mega bundles together and sell it for like I don't know 30 bucks or something and people are doing this on Etsy and that's the strategy I'm using and I recommend you do the same also here's the secret hack that you can do okay if you open a new Etsy account and has zero review zero cells you know and you concern that you know people might you know not buy from you this is what you're gonna do okay just list your items for one dollar it doesn't matter you know list them for one dollar for a couple of days and then increase the price to the price you actually want to sell it for after you get your initial sales you're not really losing anything you just created something virtual that doesn't exist in real life you don't have to ship anything so you can always change the price after you get your first sales first reviews and that's how you get your initial get started because a lot of people are complaining when they started that they're not getting any sales because they don't have reviews blah blah blah well just sell it for almost a free okay if you sell something for a dollar No One's Gonna complain and No One's Gonna Be You know as scary because you have zero reviews or whatever which I don't even think people care that much list your items for a dollar if you're scared you're gonna get sales and then increase the price once you get your first review or first two reviews or something let's get to the very important part of this video which is a product research in this section we're gonna go over how to find products that you can sell on Etsy what I do I always look up for items that are already selling okay I'm not trying to be creative I'm not trying to you know reinvent the wheel I look for data that will show me that something is selling already okay and the tool I used to show me that data is called everbee and this is actually something I forgot to mention earlier when I was talking about the things you're gonna need you are probably going to want to invest into every B because this is an essential tool for product research I use it all the time they have a free trial if you want to test it out I believe you're going to get a couple of credits that can use for free use I feel like it's 20 30 searches a month or something like that so you can try it out if you like it keep it I use it all the time everybody is amazing tool so let's get to the actual method so right now I'm on right and as you can see right here on the left I have this bar that says ever be this is the research tool that I was talking about you can do a lot of useful stuff and I recommend that you get it as well use the link Down Below in the description sign up once you sign up log in and you will have to download the Chrome extension and once you install the Chrome extension in your browser you're gonna get this bar right here on the left which will allow you to do a bunch of different product research okay okay once you have ever been this is what I usually do okay there are usually two keywords that I usually start with my product research one is clip art and the other one is digital prints the reason being why I start with these three words is because these are the keywords that people are looking for digital prints you know digital products that they want to buy they looking for them as well and eventually you're going to get to the point that you're just gonna get recommended stuff like this one for example this is something that could probably generate myself Etsy is just suggesting to me that you know based on my recent search history what type of products are similar to the ones I was looking for okay but let's start with the the first one which is the digital prints okay so I'm gonna type in digital prints okay and right here I can see uh some digital prints right what I'm looking for is I'm looking for one that like catches my attention and I'm gonna check if the data can show that I can sell this okay and also what I'm looking for is that something that I can replicate because there are some designs that I probably cannot replicate in my journey or maybe I just don't know how some of them are easy to do and that's what we're gonna do so for example let's click on this one right here okay so this thing costs three dollars nine people have it in a cart which is a good sign okay the store is brand new it only has 17 cells so it's a brand new store but let's see if this listing this uh this pattern is actually selling so as you can see people are using for like the t-shirts sorry for dresses pillows uh sheets stuff like that's that's why people are buying these these designs okay so I'm gonna click on ever be I'm gonna click on product analytics and watch what happens okay the everb is going to give me the date data on this listing so I can see that this listing is only it's less than a month old which is a brand new listing it got 17 favorites and 276 views but no sales at least we don't see any cells usually what I I'm looking for is the sales I want something that's already selling but since Etsy is telling me that this listing got nine uh add two cards and I also um 17 favorites that means that people are aren't are interested in this uh in this listing maybe it's just that this is you know brand new account and they might be hesitating but it's a good indicator that's this is a good indicator again this looks like a brand new store that was just open and as you can see they're selling a lot of patterns so maybe let's see if they actually have a different product okay that it's already selling and we can easily do this by again opening the stores I need to be on the store URL right now and then go to ever be click on product analytics and everybody's gonna do a whole breakdown of what this store is selling okay so as you can see everything is less than a month also everything is brand new but let's see if anything has sold recently okay and then right now I don't see any sales and it seems like nothing has sold but that's probably because every B didn't catch up all the data every diesel bit delay doesn't give you the most accurate data but it gives you very close to to it okay I think the store was just open I only see 17 cells so I I imagine that this is a brand new store but here's another way that you can track if there are any cells just click on cells not every store on Etsy will show you that because you can hide it but some of them will so click on the sales and as you can see I can see the most recent sales so this store is actually selling and these are the patterns I can see they're selling so this one is very popular it seems like because we have one two three four we got four sales okay that's good the B1 is popular we got two B's um let's see if there's anything thing that's being repeated not not really okay so I could probably try to sell I could probably try to recreate any of those but since this is like the best selling one I would probably try to recreate this pattern okay so I already have one potential candidate for something that I'll try to create a mid Journey inside myself now let's change the tactic a little bit okay let's go with the clipart so we tried digital print now let's try to go with clip art okay so I'm gonna type in clipart and let's see what we have and so in clip part we're gonna have a lot of different listings if you see something like this that says Disney stay away from it okay you don't want those Disney products you're gonna get banned you're gonna get restricted you're gonna be in trouble avoid people like that okay you don't want to sell Disney stuff even though they sound like crazy you want to avoid it okay this store I always use in all my videos as an example so I'm not gonna use it now because I don't want to use the same store all the time but let's see if there are different stores that are doing well okay this one looks interesting we might want to check check out this one but here's the thing uh if you want to just give ever be the list of the best selling stores again just go here click on product analytics and every B is going to run the breakdown of the URL so it's going to show me which listings are selling the best so I'm gonna rank this by monthly sales because that's what interests me and what I call sunflowers are selling like crazy there are only one month also brand new listings and they uh generated 700 in sales in the last month and 214 sales and they sell for three bucks so that's that's a really good indicator that this is a hot product so let's check it out I'm gonna click on it and let's see what this listing looks like okay so just bunch of sunflowers okay they look nice everything looks great here so this is something that we can for sure replicate in mid Journey uh it shouldn't be that hard to make and maybe let's actually use this as an example okay so what I'm gonna do now is I will try to create something similar to it okay I'm not going to copy exactly one by one but I'm gonna try to recreate something similar and it's going to be our first listing okay here's a bonus tip when you do product research okay try to look for listings that are seasonal as you can see I found these sunflowers right sunflowers are you know the theme behind them is basically spring summer you know hot weather that's the theme of the sunflowers and that's accurate because right now I'm recording this uh at the end of the May the beginning of the May sorry it's it's the end of the April the beginning of the May so people are getting into spring summer uh mood okay people go go outside so this is a perfect example of a seasonal products I can see it's the number one selling clip art on Etsy so that's a that's the power of seasonality I keep saying that seasonal products are amazing and you should always try to look for seasonal product because they do very well you know I said earlier that I was selling Easter related digital art with like Easter Bunnies Easter eggs and stuff like that and I did get a lot of sales in March and April and the same Brew applies here to this sunflowers there's something like crazy because there's a demand for it okay so that's a bonus tip try to also look for seasonal products because they do very well so we got our inspiration we know what sells already now let's get to the prompting which is probably the most challenging part of this whole process okay and prompting is basically the process of giving the command to AI in order to create the image that we're looking for okay everything being why I say it's the most difficult part is because it might take some time to figure out the actual prompt that will give us the results we're looking for okay and here's the thing and I'm probably gonna get some critic for it but I don't care the way I prompt is very manual okay if you watch YouTube videos you're gonna see a bunch of people recommending and integration with Chad gptma Journey or some websites that can kind of figure out what you're presenting and then create a prompt for you for Mid journey I try those I didn't have much luck I don't know I prefer just stick to the very manual way because that's what's been working for me and that's what I do if you figure out a better way that's good I'm happy for you feel free to tell me your way but honestly all these Integrations and stuff like that fancy stuff they don't really work for me I I stick to the very kind of primitive method but the one that I find the most successful okay so the sunflower right that's what we're trying to recreate so this is what we're gonna do usually you have a lot of keywords in the title that you can use for the prom so for example watercolors sunflower clip art that's that's exactly what this is this is describing this image okay watercolor is the style of this sunflowers it's what's being visible on the on the image and then clip art it's also another like style of the image we're looking for it also tells you false sunflower floral buckets maybe we can use the wording such as sunflower floral bouquet because some of them are bouquets so we can use that board as well and the rest is not really important such as PNG form and instant download that's just that's those are the keywords for Etsy not necessarily for our prompt so that's my method I try to see what I'm looking at what are the keywords in the title because usually the title has the keywords that describe the product and if there's not enough keywords in the title I just add my own keywords that I can kind of see based on the image that I'm looking for okay if you're confused let me just show you what I'm talking about so I'm in the mid journey and I'm gonna just make sure that my settings are set up for Mid Journey 4 instead of five I told you that earlier that I find mid-journey 4 to work better than five for like clip art like this for some reason mid Journey 5 is just too realistic and it doesn't just give the same results okay so now I'm gonna type in slash imagine right I'm ready to create the prompts and let's just get the keywords from here so watercolor sunflower clip art that's for sure something that we are looking for so I'm gonna copy that and paste it right here uh let's do a space a sunflower Flora bouquets I'm gonna copy that as well but I'm gonna do this as a separate uh image so basically I'm each uh image is going to be a separate Phuket I'm not gonna put them all together in one I'm gonna make them uh like singular I'm gonna remove any wording that indicates multiple items so I'm gonna delete the s from here so it's gonna be uh clip art um sunflower Flora bouquet watercolor sunflower instead of sunflowers that way I'm just gonna give one not multiple um what else can we can we can we do I think this is the good start but I'm also add I'm gonna add couple of different words okay so I'm gonna add white backgrounds okay because I want it to be on the white background and I think that's it let's actually see what happens okay let's see what type of image I'm gonna get from mid journey and that's the thing with this process uh it's the most time consuming and it's kind of the the hardest part of this but like once you figure out your prompt you you can just recreate it and create different variations okay so right now we will try to create 20 variations of these sunflowers okay and the reason being why I said it might take some time is because you know my journey might not create uh the image you're looking for first here's the first results we got it's okay but it's not exactly what we're looking for okay so couple of things first thing first these images have text we don't want any text so we need to make sure that there's no text I'm going to show you how to do it in a second I like this one this could work uh but the rest uh there's tags I could possibly remove text but I also noticed that this person is having the sunflowers in a jar so maybe I'm gonna add the word that sunflower bouquet in a jar to make it look kind of like this so let's um but I'm gonna I'm Gonna Keep the number three I'm gonna I'm gonna keep this one so I'm Gonna Save the number three because I really like it so that's our first image okay we're gonna look for 20 that's going to be our first one and let's actually remade the prompt that we used earlier so I'm going to copy this type in Imagine again and we're going to change a little bit so watercolor sunflower clip Parts sunflower floral bouquet and the jar white background and I'm gonna do comma no text because I don't want any any in captions any text okay in the meantime my journey is working on the sunflower number three that we picked from here which is great but I'm also gonna run another prompt that's gonna run and this at the same time and let's see what happens okay so this is the number three that I used before it looks pretty good so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna download it on my computer but before I do that I'm gonna create the folder that I'm gonna save these images at it okay so I just created a folder called sunflowers on my computer this is where I'm gonna save all my sunflower images what I'm also gonna do is I'm gonna create a new folder called final and you're gonna see what we're gonna do this later for now this folder is going to be empty but let's go back to uh the image so I'm gonna click save image as select the folder sunflowers I'm gonna name it number one so I know that this is the first one and just click save and voila I just have the first one now let's create 19 more okay let's see what happens with our new design okay this looks kind of good I mean number two and number three looks good but here again we have the text even though I type in no text we still receive text maybe I'll try no caption okay but this looks good I'm gonna upscale number two and number three because I think they are relatively good so let's gonna Let's uh let's click on number two and number three and maybe uh maybe we can ask for variations let's say I want a variation of number two so that way we can kind of save some time on creating new designs so I'm going to click on variation number two and as you can see I have three uh orders uh running at the same time on Mid Journey that way I can speed up my process I think the the limit is three this at the time so let my journey work we're gonna come back once this is ready and we're gonna save our templates all right so these are the results so we got another upscale image here's another one and here are variations of number two they kind of look all the same to be honest so maybe I'm just gonna use maybe like this one and maybe this one because I don't want to give too many variations of the same thing you know so let's just say I want this one number three and number four and I'm gonna download these two that already have saved up okay so I'm gonna click on open a new browser right click save image s number two and then let's go back to our previous one click on it open new browser save image as number three so we already have three there's two more in the work so that's the kind of the process so you're just trying to create these right I'm trying to get 20 of them but I want to give them variety of different ones don't just you know give them the 20 versions of the same one people not gonna like it so that's why I only picked few but okay so we got a couple of them so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna copy the the the prompt again type in Imagine again Ctrl V I'm gonna remove and change it to no caption and let's see maybe maybe I'm gonna get different variations okay so that's the process okay the process is like slightly changing the prompt see if you see some if you like something if you do upscale it if you upscale it save him in the folder and that's the process as as long as you get 20 of those you're good so you're trying to get 20 different variations of you know a similar team objects and yeah that's the whole process all right so we got new variations honestly like they look great like number one number three and number four they look great but they have text again that's the problem but that's fine because we're gonna use this as a learning lesson what to do if you get a good looking image but there's just like one thing that you don't like and you just want to change so in our case let's try this out on this image right here okay we're gonna do something to it uh we're gonna just remove this text which you can easily do with any like editing software so that's we're gonna do is I'm gonna upscale number one because I kind of like it and uh it's just it's just the only thing that I don't like is that little you know weird text that we have right here on the top so that's also the process that you can do if you find the design you like but there's only one slight thing that you can easily fix like we can easily remove this we're gonna do this really quick in some software all right we got our image I'm gonna open it in your browser we're gonna save it in the folder and I'm going to click on six boom now I'm going to open that folder so that's the folder right and let's just look at the image this number six is this one so here's what I do okay I I would open this up and edit in Photoshop the Photoshop is the tool I use I know it's a paid software but I just use it for variety of different reasons Photoshop is great and we're gonna also use Photoshop for upscaling if you want to use Alternatives you can kind of do it in paint I mean honestly you can just open it up in paint and remove this and you know I'm gonna show you right now how to do it you would just select this area click on delete and you're done but the problem if you do that is this you can only save this image as a as a JPEG and jpeg is gonna it's just less desirable people want the pngs okay so that's the problem with that method but it's it's possible it's it's still doable it's just jpeg is going to be less desirable okay in Photoshop you have a little bit more options and we're gonna do I'm gonna edit this in Photoshop but you can also use canva you can also use and there's another software alternative to photoshop photo P so if you type in you're going to be taken to this website it's literally like a copy of Photoshop it's free it's in the browser and you can operate on it as well but I'm gonna do it in Photoshop just because I'm used to and that's what I prefer so I'm going to open this up all right and what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna just remove this really quick and that's very easy just gonna click on the select button then Photoshop select the area you want to get removed click on delete this is a cool thing that photoshop has you can ask you if you want to delete as a Content aware removal which basically means that for Photoshop has the AI too and the AI will figure out what type of background is behind it and in our case it's white so it's probably going to be white background let's double check it uh yeah it's it's almost perfect as you can see it kept this little thing because it thinks that the flying leaves is a part of it so I'm just going to click on it again and click on uh remove and as you can see it's all white but there's another text right here and this content Network thing is going to be very useful to remove it here so I'm going to select the area I want to remove right I'm going to click on delete and watch what happens I'm gonna click on OK and Photoshop figured out that like there's this like you know watercolor background and then matches it and it removed and very easily remove the whole thing so that's why another plus why Photoshop is a powerful tool because it can do tricks like that and yeah I I love Photoshop I'm not sure if you can do this in like Photo P for example but you can definitely do this type of stuff in Photoshop okay so let's assume that I've done all my 20 images my bundle is ready what's the next step well the next one is something that a lot of people are asking for but I personally don't do it I skip this step just because it takes a lot of time and very often doesn't work the way I want it and that step is a transparent background when you create the images and make Journey they don't have a transparent background which means the object is not transparent and it's less desirable transparent images usually are more in demand okay that's understandable that's why you will want to do that but the problem is like when you create these images and let's say you have 20 of them right if you use tools to remove that background let's say out of these 20 images 10 will work great like the background will be removed very easy and and and you know in no time but then the other 10 will be messy and you kind of have to do it manually and it just takes a lot of time and it's it's just I don't know it's not worth spending so much time on fixing it okay in my opinion because I try doing the transparent background but I gave up because the images that I sell without transparent background are sounding well too so if I can just cut some time on you know working on this process that's better for me as long as there are people buying my stuff I'm happy people are buying images without transparent background it's great but if you do want to have listings with transparent background I'm going to show you how you can do this there are a couple of ways again I'm gonna use Photoshop just because I am I'm a Photoshop boy okay I love Photoshop but you can do this in canva canva is a free tool that you can use you can do this in you can do this in follow C all these tools will allow you to remove background but again we're going to use Photoshop so let me show you how to remove background all right so what you want to do is you want to click on this button and unlock your layer once you unlock the layer you want to make sure that you want to be in the properties tab right here if you don't have that tab click on the window and then scroll down until you see properties click on it and it will show up right here okay and once you do all of that you're gonna have this button that says remove background okay so all you need to do just click on it and the Photoshop AI will automatically remove the background and voila here we go this is this is this is the way as the Mandalorian would say so the background is removed but as you can see it's not perfect and that's one I'm saying if you want to remove backgrounds it's a little bit more work because usually these AI they don't they don't do like the perfect job they do a good job but then the perfect job so if you want to remove like these white spots right here what you can do is you can use the quick tool button this one right here and that way you can click on the white background and just remove it like this and as you can see this adds up more time to your work in order to remove all these white spots okay so if you want to do white background go for it this is this is how you do it but if you're like me and you just want to skip that step that's fine again I'm telling you people will still buy it even if there is white background they can always remove the background themself so don't really worry about it but this is the way so once you have the 20 images once you fix them remove the white background if you want to or you skip that step because you are me and I I don't remove the background I don't bother with that there's one more thing that you need to do to your images you need to upscale them okay so here's the thing out of print on demand people that will buy these digital products from you they have certain expectations okay so they're gonna expect that your images are upscaled to at least 300 DPI okay DPI is basically the resolution of your images and that's just kind of the expectations because when they use these images and they upload it to their software or their device that they use to you know print these images out in real life the expectations that they these images need to be at least 300 DPI that's the resolution that it's needed that's like the industry standard and you just have to do it and there's a couple of ways of doing it okay you can for example use websites that will do it for you I don't recommend that route because these websites usually charge you per image and the cost can adds up some of them have subscription you can go with that but they're pretty Alternatives okay you can use in you can do it for free you can upscale images also in the follow c as well which is another free alternative or again if you're like me you can do this in Photoshop and a Photoshop has a really cool thing about this basically you can do it in bulk you can upskill let's say 20 images at once and I'm gonna show you how to do that this is the folder with the images I know I only have six but let's assume I have 20 okay let's say I created my bundle of 20 images and remember this is the the folder right the sunflowers and I also have a subfolder called final so the way this is gonna work is that this is my let's say draft folder with all the drafts that we just created and in the final we're gonna put the images that are done that are upscale ready to be uploaded okay so that's why I have it set up that way so uh it's just easier for me and the Photoshop to kind organize everything so I'm gonna open one of those in Photoshop let's start with the number one and what I'm gonna do now is first I'm gonna show you how to upscale it like individual images so you know the steps if you want to upscale just like one image instead of the bulk upscale so all you have to do is click on image and click on image size and then right here where it says resolution you would change it to 300 okay I actually would recommend changing it to 400 the reason being why you want to do it to a slightly higher DPI is because I've noticed that when you upload these images to like printify or printful or something like that even though they are 300 sometimes it's not actually 300 so I I always try to go a little bit above like 400 450 something like that to make sure that um you know there is this a little bit of margin of of error I guess that will upscale the images so you just click ok and images being upskilled here we go so image is being upscale and now I would just save it uh sorry I would export it as the PNG file so I can keep the white background and transparency if there is any in my case there is no transparency but hey pngs are just more desirable than jpegs it might take a little bit of time for Photoshop to get ready I'll click on export and I would save it in the final four folder Okay click save and voila you're done you just did one of those but I'm gonna show you how to do this step in bulk okay so you don't have to just go one by one but you can upscale all the images at once so what you want to do is you want to go to the tab that says action I have my app action tab right here again if you don't have the action tab what you can do is just you can click on the window button and then click on action and it will show up right here and once you are in the action tab you want to click on this button this plus button and with that plus button is gonna do is gonna create a new action okay that's what we're trying to do right now so I'm gonna click on net and I'm gonna name my action apps scaling okay and click on record okay so once I click on record this this this icon right here means that right now everything I do in Photoshop is being recorded the Photoshop is learning the patterns and the clicks I'm doing and that way it will re record the task and that task can be replicated on other images so that's what we're trying to do we're trying to teach Photoshop what I'm doing with this image so we can use the same method on all of the images in the folder okay so again we're gonna go to image image size we're going to change it to 400 just like it says right here click okay voila my image has been upgraded okay and I can see this task has been recorded right here and what I'm also gonna do is I'm gonna click on file and then click on save so the progress is going to be saved and that's it so once you've done with that you're gonna click right here on the button that says stop recording okay and now I'm going to show you how to apply the action that we just created on our other images so what you're gonna do is you're gonna click on file and then you're gonna click on automate and batch and right here on the left you're gonna select the source folder which in our case is going to be that sunflower folder where I have the draft images okay and then we're gonna select the output folder where the final image is going to be saved which is that final folder that we created in the sunflower folder okay so I'm gonna select it and we also need to select the action so make sure that the action you're selecting is the one that we just created which is upscaling by the way I think I I misspell it uh but just ignore it okay my grammar is not perfect it's just just ignore my grammar mistakes okay but anyway so yeah once you do this it click on OK and watch what happened so now Photoshop is going to start running the upscaling process in the background so all you have to do is just wait and here here's the progress you can track it Photoshop we're just going to open each image one by one and do it all these steps so we have six images in in my case and you're gonna see this happening sixth time and I can actually track this happening in real life so this is the sub the sunflower folder but if I go to final I can see that images are being created so right now we have number one but now I can see the second one popping up so the second one is being made right now and that's the process that's the beauty of Photoshop that allows you to automate a lot of these steps so you don't have to do it yourself that's why I really like Photoshop congratulations your images are done now let's get to selling my friend okay so before we get to selling there's one more step that we need to do is is we need to upload these images on some sort of cloud okay I just use Google Cloud Google drive because it's free you can upload up to 15 gigs of files which is a lot and you can also just create another Google drive if you want to be a cheap bastard like me or you can just subscribe and get like two terabytes for like ten dollars a month or something which is about two terabytes of you know space in the cloud is a lot and the main reason why you want to use the cloud and upload these images to some sort of cloud folders because they're just too big Etsy has a limit of 100 megabytes of files that you can upload but usually these images if you're gonna upload 20 of them and you upscale them and everything they wait way more than you know 100 megabytes so that's why you want to upload them into a drive and once you have that drive you're gonna get the link for that drive to that folder on the drive and um you know you're gonna share this link with your customers when they purchase from you okay don't worry everything think it's gonna be automated you don't really need to message your customers you need to do a lot I'm going to show you how to automate this whole process and when you do that there's one more tip that I'm going to give you don't use your main Google Drive like if you have a Google Drive that you store documents or stuff like that your personal images don't use that one just create a new one that you know it's not going to be attached to your personal stuff that way if something happens you're not going to lose your stuff just saying okay that's the tip I'm Gonna Give You All right so this is one of my Google Drives that I use for my images I'm gonna click on right click and I'm gonna click on a new folder and I'm gonna call it sunflowers just because we created the sunflowers I'm gonna click on create I'm going to double click it so this is my folder right now I'm going to open the one with my images the final images that photoshop has upscale it so these are the images that's just ready to sell and I'm gonna simply drag and drop them right here that way they're gonna be uploaded to this Google Drive and that way I can sell them okay so right now Google is uploading my images to their drive but in the meantime I'm gonna create a folder a document folder that I'm gonna upload to Etsy with the link to this file so whenever someone purchased from you let's see they're gonna get the document folder with the link to this folder with the images okay so let me show you what I mean so I just started a new Google Document I'm gonna call it Etsy instructions okay and I'm gonna say something like Hello thank you for your purchase and find the link to your images down below okay and now I'm gonna go to the drive and I'm gonna the images are still being uploaded but that's okay just let let it finish but in the meantime we can work I'm gonna click on uh this this icon right here I'm gonna click on share and here is very important You're Gonna Change the general access from restricted to anyone with the link and I'm gonna click on copy link okay here's the thing remember that if you do that this whole folder is going to be accessible to anyone with the link meaning if someone has a link they can access the folder this is why you only want to give access to this folder to the people that purchase from you and to only that folder you don't want to share links to other folders because they didn't buy access to other folders they only buy access to this folder so make sure that you uh that you remember that but once you copy the link go back to the uh the the Google Document paste the link right and voila now I have a document that I can upload to Etsy and whenever someone purchased for me they're gonna get this document and with the link to this folder okay I know this sounds like an Inception but it's not that complicated okay so I'm gonna save this document on my computer and we're gonna use this later on once we're going to create the listing so I'm gonna save it as a PDF and we're done here okay so let's get to the listing process okay there's couple of steps that we need to do in order to create the listings but the first one we're going to do is we're going to create our listing images so the images are very important because they're gonna create the first impression impression or expression impression right the first impression to your customers and that's a deciding factor because that's gonna you know decide if they're gonna click on your listing and potentially buy it or not so it's very important that you create you know a good first impression for your listing and usually what I do is whenever I create the listing images I put couple of designs into one image that way it gives me two things okay first one uh my customer can see that this is the bundle there's a bunch of different designs in it and the second thing is that kind of protects me from someone else copying in the listing image because let's face it someone can just simply right click on an image and save it and they have all the designs but if they all are kind of mixed together it makes them harder to do it and that's what's protecting you from you know someone stealing your art for free even if they would steal it they would need still to upscale it and it would it just it would not work anyway but that's kind of the way to protect yourself from other people just right clicking and saving the images just like some people are doing this with nfts all right so to create my listing image template I'm just going to use a tool called canva canva is free you know it's a it's a tool that works great a free version is enough to do what we're gonna do here so I'm just gonna create a new design okay and I'm gonna create a square design let me type in square and see if they have one uh the reason being why I want square is because that's kind of what the billboard Square we can use that one that should be fine okay so uh let's go with this one and uh I'm gonna go to uploads and I'm gonna upload my designs so I have them saved up in my folder on my computer and I got a message that my images are too big because they're apps scale and they probably heavy a lot and that's okay because I also have the very version of them that that's not upscale which is in my draft Fort and not in my Fallen folder so I can just use these instead and that should work all right so I got my images ready and what we're going to do now is we're gonna put them together uh but I'm gonna find this um this like grid tab that canva has here go this is the one I'm looking for so let's say uh I want to use one that will allow me to divide this into four sections and upload these images uh like four four Images at once so let's see if I can find that one I'm looking for this is three this is three where is the four one let's see uh there's one right here okay let's let's go with this one for example and now I'm gonna go back to uploads and just simply uh drop these images like this okay uh let's have this one let's have this one and maybe which which is the one that I haven't used that one already I think I already used this one I didn't use this one yet okay so this could be our first tab okay I'm gonna create this little uh squares right here because right now it's kind of look weird that the images are being cut off so this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go back here I'm gonna take the line like that exactly this is exactly what I'm looking for okay one right here let's copy it and make another one like this uh uh where is it here we go okay that looks better I think this is fine obviously do it whichever way you want to do it but I'm just giving an example what you can do so that's like one of the uh one of the samples we can do right and let's make another one okay so another one let's just do one single image like this one for example but we're gonna add the water mark so that way no one's gonna steal it from us so this is how you add the watermark okay so I'm gonna click here and maybe um uh you're gonna create a text maybe in the text say something like maybe put the name of your Etsy store okay so let's say my Etsy store is um digital flowers okay that's the name of my store and I'm gonna do something like this okay and I'm gonna stretch it out like that okay let's do this and let's do this okay basically I wanna cover kind of that whole thing it looks ugly right now but this is what you're gonna do you're gonna click on transparency and you're gonna make it something like that so that way you're protecting yourself from other people's stainless image that can still see it but they won't be able to steal it because they're gonna have a hard time removing this digital flowers name this Watermark so that's the safety tip okay and maybe let's do one more image okay our listing image so maybe let's do one that's kind of like manual so I'm just gonna kind of randomly put these images in uh all over the place like this and like this okay and I think I think this is fine this could work okay it shows the three different images um you know try to be uh artistic I guess but for our example I think this is fine so I have three different types I have this one I have this one and I have this one okay so now what you can do is you can download these images and that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna click on download and I'm gonna save them as a PNG download on my computer and we're gonna upload them to our Etsy account but here's the bonus tip you can turn this these images into a video and that can also give you extra exposure okay you can easily do this in canva if you click on animate and then you select one of these designs let's say you want to do pain or something okay let's say that's the one I'm gonna go with I'm gonna click on apply to all animations and now when I click on it I have a 15 second video okay and this can potentially help me you know get more sales more exposure because Etsy promotes video a lot so yeah here you go super simple made in couple of seconds okay so I'm gonna download this video as well and I'm gonna upload to my Etsy listing too so I just created three images and three videos for free in canva in a matter of I don't know a couple of minutes okay so now I'm gonna show you how to actually list your first digital product okay so go ahead and log into your Etsy dashboard and you're going to click on listings right here and you're gonna click on add a listing we're going to create our first listing right so I'm going to click here and let's go over this process so title title is very important because title is where the SEO kicks in okay title is the most important part of this whole process okay so what do you want to do in the titles you want to use the keywords that are working for this listing so for sure when I want to use the watercolor because that's the style we created the sunflower watercolor right we want to use the word PNG because these listings are PNG images so we want to make sure that this is the right category they're put in but we can also check what our competitors are using okay so this is our the keywords our competitors are using and if we click on a product analytics in the ever be and then we go to the tax we can see all the tags and the keywords that were working for this product so fall flower seems to be a big one full floral okay watercolor floral make sure that we want to use these keywords in a title so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna copy a couple of those uh words okay so I'm going to put water flow watercolor Floral and I'm going to put sunflowers because that's what they are okay sunflowers let's see what are the other keywords that are worth um attention fall flowers okay so we're gonna copy full flowers as well we're gonna paste it in the title we're gonna copy the full floral okay so we're gonna paste it as well I remember I'm also gonna put comma PNG because these are the PNG images um let's see what else do we have sunflower clip art I forgot about the word clipart so maybe I'm gonna put the clip art right here sunflowers clip art okay um let's see um what is our competitor using commercial instant download okay commercial use that's very important people are looking for commercial use digital files because they that means that they can buy them from you and reuse it for their own purposes so make sure to use the commercial use as well uh I think that's fine I think we got most important ones so far so we can stick to it okay photos and videos so this is where we're gonna upload the videos and the photos that we created in canvas I'm going to click on app to 10 followers and the video my video and my photos are being added make sure that for the main video you have the one that you think looks the best in my opinion it actually might be this one I think this one might be the best one so yeah this is gonna be my number one and this is the video the video is being uploaded all right this looks good we got a title we got the image and the photos description so for the description make sure to mention how big is the bundle so if it's 20 images say it's 20 images make sure that you mention the commercial use so people feel free mention that you how what are their attraction so you're gonna get a document with the link to the folder where you can download these images and also mention that they can message you whenever they have any questions okay okay let's get to the very important part the price okay when it comes to price I would just try to see what is your competitor doing okay so this guy is selling it for 1.96 and how many does does this include includes 18 images okay so he's very close to to us so you probably want a price in similar price range okay so you probably want to price it for uh one dollar and ninety cents for example okay also check this out he's running a promo so he's actually selling for 3.27 and uh the final price is 196. you can do something similar promos are actually very effective so you can list it for let's say four dollars okay and then you're gonna run a promo let's say 60 off promo and that way it's gonna look like this this is a great bargaining people gonna buy it that's what we're gonna do we're gonna set up a promo in a second when it says quantity I just put the max whatever is the max that way I don't have to renew it every time you know uh someone purchase it from me when it says core details you want to make sure that that you're gonna pick digital product you want to make sure that you're gonna select uh you did this you made this product it's a finished product when did you make it we made it in 2023 and click on apply all right when it says category click on ADD category and what I usually do I just type in clip art because this is a clip art and I select clipart art images and files and click on done when it says craft type select the one you think fits the category you can also select multiple if you want to so that's what we're going to do right here you can also select the color so I guess the major color here is uh yellow so I'm going to select yellow and you can also play with all these stuff right here but we're gonna skip it when it comes to tags this is what I do with tax I'm just gonna use the tax that this person is is using so I'm gonna I'm gonna click on copy all from everby and just paste them right here this is why every B is a useful tool because you can simply just copy these Stacks really fast really smooth okay all right what else do we have um returns and exchanges there is no return policy on digital products you cannot return them renewal you want to have it automatic feature listings do you want to feature this on your store or not if this is your first uh listing you probably want to do and Mark it as yes and also you we need to actually upload the physical product and to do that we're gonna scroll up right here digital files so we're gonna upload the document that contains the link remember what we did earlier we created a document that contains the link to my folder that's the document we're going to upload here it's a PDF file I named it Etsy instructions so that's the folder I'm uploading I'm not uploading the images I'm uploading a document that contains the links to the images where they can download all the images at once because Etsy has limits on how big the files can be uploaded okay so once you're done with all of that what you're gonna do is you're gonna click on publish you're gonna click on publish again they're gonna tell you they're going to charge you 20 cents and they're gonna charge you every time you renewal your images so this 20 charge is like a reoccurring charge every time you renew your listing and congrats you just listed your first listing and now all you have to do is just wait for money to kick in my friend let's cover the promotion okay so in this section we're going to talk about promotion and ads and I recommend running both at the same time because they're just going to boost your sales especially if you don't have any reviews you would have very little listings ads and promos are a quick way to get your first sales and first reviews I'm going to show you how to do it so let's start with promos because there are reasonably easy to set up and they don't cost you any money okay so to run the promo you're gonna go to marketing and you're gonna go to sales and discounts all right and right here you have these three tabs one that says waiting for eligible Shoppers remind Shoppers to check out and turn favorites into orders so I would set up all three of them those because what they're gonna do is if they're gonna send any emails to people that interact with your shop for example this one is going to send some message at 30 off coupon to customers that has uh interacted with you okay this one for example is going to set up another coupon to people that has a click uh added their items to the card but they abandon it and these people if they're already interacted with you that means that they have incentive to buy from you they just maybe forgot got distracted or God knows what so I recommend setting them up because that's basically free money coming to you and let's let's set up this one for example I'm on the card I'm gonna offer a 40 discount and the code is going to be buy back for example okay on all my listings I'm just gonna select it for all of one for all of them and I know the discount is pretty big it's 40 but hey these are digital products I don't really you know ship them I don't buy them there's there's they're already made like there's you know I'm losing 40 off oh my god well big deal right but like it's kind of money coming from nothing anyway feel free to adjust it you can go lower you can go higher but these people are already dedicated to buy from me so if I did it if if I give them more motivation hey more money to me and let's do this with the favorite one so whenever someone clicks and favor your your item they're gonna get an email let's say with the 30 off and let's say the coupon is going to be Favi uh so these people gonna get an email from me with a 30 off again to motivate them and buy from me so we just created three very easy promotions that are very effective and that's the way to go my friend but let's create one more promo for let's say all my listings and these promos are very effective okay so we're gonna run a sale this time I'm gonna click on set up a sale and we're gonna have a let's say uh 40 off right on all my listings let's just do all of them doesn't matter and the promo is gonna start today and it's gonna finish tomorrow okay so it's gonna finish on the 25th uh terms and conditions it doesn't matter sales let's call it a spring day one okay and click on continue and I'm gonna select on all my listings review and confirm and voila I just created a promo the reason being why I selected this promo to last just one day it's because it's gonna create this clock on my listing that's gonna motivate people to buy it now because it's gonna say hey this promo expires in whatever 20 hours or something when people see that back in their head they're thinking oh my God I only have 24 20 hours I need to buy it now just come here every day and set up these short term promos because they're very effective and work very great and it's gonna increase your sales significantly trust me speaking from experience okay so we covered the promos now what about ads so let's go ahead to ads right now and I'm gonna show you how to set it up okay so uh here is some motivations speech about ads blah blah blah we don't really care I'm gonna click on get started and the ads I always run I go with the drive orders short term I just care about quick orders quick money okay so I'm gonna click on submit and I'm gonna spend five dollars that's my whole budget per day okay I run five dollar Budget on all my ads so for example the store I share on YouTube has 25 listings and all 25 listings are running on five dollars a day meaning I only Spade five dollars I don't spend five dollars per each listing just five dollars period okay so if I run it for 30 days 5 times 30 is what it's 150 dollars for the whole month and trust me it's worth it especially if you have like let's say 10 listings or more it's worth it ads work great so I'm gonna click on start advertising and remember even if it doesn't work for you you can just turn them off that's fine you don't have to spend too much time in it and that's it you just leave it leave it like that and this is already working okay once you get more data on your ads what I usually do is I come back and disable ads on listings they don't get a lot of attention from ads and just run it on the listings that are getting a lot of attention that way I boost my best stunning products and my least selling products hey maybe they just need a little bit more time to work out okay but I prefer spend money on the things that are already working instead of the things that are not working right now maybe they will work in the future but if they're not I just focus on their money making machines not that not making money machines okay okay so this is a bonus content on uh exposing your images to like a broader audience okay so we talk about Etsy here and this whole instructional video was basically about Etsy but there are other websites that you can also sell your digital products and one of them is called creative Fabrica and this is something that I also list my designs on okay creative fabric is basically something that people use specifically for print on demand they just look for the designs there's no physical products on it it's strictly images that's it and the cool thing about creative Fabrica is that they all they have a special section dedicated to AI art so they they are aware of it they accept AR art and you can use them and you know it's free like you don't pay anything for creating an account the only thing is that you need to apply so this is what they creative Fabrica looks like you're gonna have a link for it down below in the description of this video and yeah as you can see people are selling stuff on Creative Fabrica uh right here okay the way this kind of works is like you need to subscribe if you if you're purchasing this type of stuff you need to subscribe and once you subscribe you get like huge discounts like you can see some stuff could hear a couple of cents a Dollar too and when you subscribe you get these uh these uh these images that you can buy from them and you as a seller from from the other side I unders my understanding is like that you get a portion of their subscription the the payment situation here is kind of complicated I'm not 100 sure how it works but I started listing my items on Creative fabric as well so this is the dashboard this is what it looks like as you can see I have 1.99 made on it but I had eight followers 19 favorites so hey it's possible you know if you upload something to Etsy might as well create upload it to creative Fabrica because hey you know it's a dollar 99 more in my pocket okay I'm not too big on Creative Fabrica but I just started doing it right now but you can see they have this tool right here add new AI generator graphic which will automatically categorize your uh your uh your listings into that AI graphic category and yeah they they're very AI friendly I would say so this is this is the the platform and again you need to apply they need to accept your store you actually need to send them an Etsy store so once you have an Etsy store uh you know uh getting some sales uh apply and you might also expand your images and sell them on another platform such as creative Fabrica because hey more eyes on your listings means more money and you know it doesn't hurt it doesn't cost you anything so why not so that was it this was kind of an intense session huh there was a lot of information we went through but honestly this is all you kind of need this is what I do with my AI art and you know I it's it's working for me and I literally shared everything that I've done so far that's it that's that's the method okay there's no other secret there's no you know other crazy stuff if there is I'm probably gonna make an update video about it but if you enjoy this if you find any value in it please please like this video and also subscribe to my channel for more information about it I also talk about Drop Shipping that's a whole separate thing most people know me from the AI art stuff but the reality is that I mostly used to talk about dropshipping and now I talk about buff stuff Ai and Drop Shipping but drop string is my bread and butter and I have a lot of different tools for Drop Shipping such as the drop screen cores such as the Drop Shipping supplier service that we provide I also have a virtual assistant service so all of these tools you're gonna have links for them down below in the description a lot of them are free so you don't have to spend any money but I hope you enjoy this I hope you know how to use the AI art now you know how to sell them because that's the most comprehensive YouTube guide I believe there is out right now I'm sure maybe in the future there's gonna be more but hey at the moment I'm the king now and I appreciate you watching this and again thank you for liking this video thank you for subscribing all of that much love I'll see you next time my friend take care and good luck
Channel: Patryk Marketer
Views: 234,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, etsy print on demand, sell ai art on etsy, ai art, how to sell on etsy, sell ai art, etsy midjourney, using ai to sell art on etsy, selling ai generated art on etsy, how to make money online, selling ai artwork on etsy, selling ai art, selling ai generated art, selling ai art on etsy midjourney, selling ai art on etsy with midjourney, etsy digital products, midjourney etsy, passive income 2023
Id: YjNmy96jUmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 24sec (4704 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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