32 Midjourney Tips for Beginners in 2023! (Become a PRO!)

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today I am bringing you 32 tips and tricks so that you can become a mid-journey master whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced mid-journey user I am confident that this video will be of value so now let's dive into these 32 mid-journey tips and tricks mid Journey tip number one is to use slash settings in order to adjust your default parameters now this may seem like a very simple tip but when I was first getting started I didn't know you could do this so once you're in your Discord hit slash and type in settings you then can select the slash settings from mid-journey commands and now just hit enter and what this will do is pop up with all of the settings that you can adjust there are a bunch of different settings that you can mess around with in here you can choose high quality half quality bass quality some different versions to generate different styles of images and also you can choose the styling parameter for how much style you want in your images if you don't want to use all your fast hours what you can do is switch to relax mode and then all of your images will automatically be on relaxed mode and now it's just as simple as generating the images you want with your desired settings mid-journey tip number two is to use the dash dash AR parameter in order to adjust your aspect ratio on certain images so if I wanted this image to be generated in a rectangle in a nice wide view what I would do is type in dash dash AR 16 to 9. you can see that it generates these images in a nice rectangle 16 to 9 aspect ratio now if I reverse this aspect ratio and go 9 to 16 instead of 16 to 9 what this will do is make this image vertical so this is the 9 to 16 aspect ratio compared to the 16 to 9. you can also do a one-to-one aspect ratio which would make this a square adjusting something as simple as the aspect or issue doesn't seem like it would help with your prompting but it actually adds a whole new element and a whole new view to what your image could be if you want a cinematic shot then a wide aspect ratio would be better but if you want something more film camera like maybe you could do a three to two aspect ratio mid Journey tip number three is to adjust the chaos parameter now when adjusting the chaos parameter you can select a value between 0 and 100. what the chaos parameter does is it determines how varied you're in initial four Images are that are appearing within the grid so if you have a very low chaos parameter then what it will do is make all four of those images very similar if you have a chaos of 100 let's say then all four of those images will vary greatly so in order to type out the chaos parameter what you want to do is dash dash c space and then whatever you want your value to be so for this I'm just going to do 50 and we're going to go halfway up the scale of chaos just so I can show you how much these images will differ so now as you can see using the chaos parameter of 50 has changed these images dramatically each image is nowhere near the same mid Journey tip number four is to use slash blend in order to blend two images together let me show you what I'm talking about so for the blend example I'm going to be using these two images the first thing you want to do is type in slash blend and now you can click here to upload your two images so now I'm going to upload this picture of me and this picture of this Cowboy that I generated now if you click in the prompt bar down here you can even add three more images after this as well as ADD dimensions for now I'm just going to send this off so we can blend these two images together using mid-journey now after blending these two images what it's done is it's Blended me with the cowboy and it looks like the cowboy is now sitting in one of my chairs and what it's done is it's taken the look of the cowboy and applied it to the scene of my picture so that was a pretty poor example but you can get very creative using the blend option on Mid Journey mid Journey tip number five is to try single word prompts for surprising outcomes so just like any other prompt we can start out by typing slash imagine hitting Tab and now we can just type in a single word to get some interesting outcomes one of my favorite single word prompts to do is surrealism and you can still add parameters here so if you want this to be quality of two with maybe a chaos of 50 you can do that but just adding one word lets mid-journey run around with its imagination so after just typing in that one word surrealism it came up with some very interesting images I'm not going to show the bottom two because they are a little bit disturbing actually in a way but these top two images generated very interesting and cool results mid Journey tip number six is to create seamless patterns using the tile parameter these seamless patterns can be great whether you're selling patterns on Etsy or trying to create a t-shirt design or anything of that matter so right now I have this prompt typed out watercolor pastel flower pattern Q2 now if I wanted to make this a seamless pattern that I could use for textiles backgrounds wallpapers Etc what you would do next is hit Dash Dash and then type in tile what this will do is make this pattern seamless now that all of your patterns are generated you can upscale which one you like next go to the web and save your image and in order to check whether your image is seamless what you can do is you can go to a seamless texture Checker and paste in your file and that way you can see whether your pattern is actually seamless so as you can see I've uploaded my image and it looks pretty seamless to me tip number seven is to adjust the stylized parameter for weaker or stronger default Styles let me show you the differences when it comes to stylizing so the first prompt we have here is Illustrated grapes with a stylize of zero now what stylizing does is the less stylizing you have the more that mid-journey is going to stick to the actual prompt but the less creative it's going to be so if you have a stylize of a thousand what that's going to do is it's going to stray away from the prompt a little bit but it's going to make it very creative and more artistic so I'm going to send this off and also behind it I'm going to do the same prompt but with a stylize of 500 so my prompt with a stylize of zero is generating and also now I have a prompt with a stylized of 500 starting to generate and behind that I'm going to do a stylize of 1000. so now we have three variations of the same prompt except the stylized is different on each one for example Illustrated grapes with a stylized of zero is very simple it's illustrating The Grapes plain background and it's just doing what I tell it to do but as I move the stylize up to 500 it starts to vary in creativeness a little bit more it's adding different colored grapes it's changing the background giving them some leaves some branches making it more so a Vineyard look and then when I go to a thousand it gets even crazier it starts adding gradients to the grapes changes the background dramatically and it's also adding different shading techniques and other things so the stylized command is fun to mess around with and it can be useful for certain situations tip number eight is to use my custom Art Studio template I made with an notion that holds over 500 different design components for mid-journey as well as a custom Gallery where you can organize your art and your prompts this is the art studio that I've created within notion and if you want this template you can purchase it using the link in the top pinned comment or the description below but what this template provides you is a database full of all of your gallery of art that you've created some of your favorites and when you click into some of these pieces of art what you'll notice is it has the prompt right here for you that you used in order to generate this picture one of the best things about this art Hub is that when you open the components database there are over 500 different components to choose from when making your art so I have different subjects you can use different styles of art you can use and so much more you have the ability to add your own components too and over on the right you'll be able to see all of your favorite components so usually I favorite the ones that I like to use most for example if I go into style as you can see I have four Styles memorized and the thing about the Styles is I've added an image for each style so you can see what kind of style of art you want to generate within that image so if I click on metaphysical art as you can see it will give an example image of what is metaphysical art if I click on low poly once again it will give an example image of what lopali does to a picture when put in mid-jourmy also within this template I've provided you with 10 engineered mid-journey prompts in order to get Stellar results when prompting in mid-journey it's also good to just get your brain flowing in the right direction of prompting with mid-journey when using these engineered mid-journey prompts that I've created for you and I make each one of these prompts a formula so I give you creative freedom to replace the subject the preposition the background and environment and it's a double-edged sword because we also have my components database where I provide you with subjects and background and environments so all these prompts are engineered in order to get you very good results now I could walk around that art studio template for a long time but now I have to get back to the other tips in the video if you want to see that full video where I go over my art studio in depth and what it has to offer you can watch the video in the upper right hand corner mid Journey tip number nine is to use the niji style for Anime styled images now I hope I saw said that right but it's spelled n-i-j-i so in order to get to that you can either do a dash dash at the end of your prompt but what I like to do is just go to settings and hit enter hit enter once again and then I'll change my version to one of these down here so for example change it from MJ version 5 to niji version 5. and now you can hit dismiss message and now all of your prompts will generate very good Anime styled images let me show you an example so what I've done is I've gotten this prompt off this website here in order to generate a good Anime styled image and now when I go back to Discord with this model version selected when I send this off it's going to generate an awesome result so as you can see here we get some very nice results and I really like this image in the top right hand corner so if you generate Anime styled images quite a bit then I recommend switching to that model tip number 10 is to use multi-prompt commands in order to separate your thoughts for example right now we have a basic prompt cupcake illustration so when we send it off what you'll notice is we get a illustration of a cupcake as expected but what if we wanted cup and Cake to be separate entities within this prompt what we can do is in between cup and Cake we could put a double colon with no spaces and now this reads as cup an illustration of a cup and Cake illustration of a cake so what this will most likely do is put the cake within the cup so now as you can see after we've done the double colon between cup and Cake it's added a whole new element to the image the cupcake is now within the cup now this is a bit more on the advanced side of mid-journey but it's also fun to get accustomed to using this stuff and to try out different words multi-prompt commands can be very useful but they can also be a little bit tricky to get the hang of so I recommend trying it out for yourself mid Journey tip number 11 is to use the no parameter for negative prompting this allows you to remove certain items from the image that you don't want in there let me show you what I mean an example of this being used would be something like this for this prompt I have a very simple vibrant landscape colorful flower field but let's say I do not want any red in this picture I don't want any red flowers I don't want any hints of red so what I can do is type in dash dash no and and then type in the parameter that I don't want or the object or the color that I do not want in the image now I can send it off and there will not be any red in this picture so it got done generating all the images and as you can see it did a pretty good job at removing all of the red there are some darker shades of orange that some would argue do look a little bit red but using negative prompting doesn't only have to be for colors you can also use it for objects too so this can be very useful when trying to get closer to the perfect piece of art that you want mid Journey tip number 12 is to specify what perspective you want for your image so right now I have this prompt photorealistic astronaut walking on planet red dust and then I specify what perspective I want so if I want an aerial view what I'm going to do is say aerial view so this is the result it gives when asking for an aerial view it will be above the subject or the object that you have within your prompt but when I change the view from aerial view to worm's eye view what you'll notice is it has a beneath shot of the subject that's why it's very important to specify what kind of perspective you want within your images in order to get that exact picture that you're looking for Journey tip number 13 is to specify any lighting conditions that you want for example in my components database I have over 50 ways that I can light my images these are four of my favorites that I like using a lot so what kind of lighting do you want to use for your image is it golden hour Twilight side lighting Silhouettes Morning Light you've got to be specific if you want the light coming in from a certain angle and in order to get that Perfect Image that's just another one of those components that you have to add to the mix so if we take this prompt for example and add golden hour to the end of it what you'll notice is it changes the image to looking like this instead of looking like this without specifying the lighting conditions so this is without specifying lighting and this is with specifying lighting it adds a whole new element to all of your pictures mid Journey tip number 14 is to specify your desired color palette so once again personally I'm going to go into my template and I'm going to select what color palette I want now I'm just going to add it to the prompt and as you can see I've specified what kind of lighting I want in this prompt as well so I'm using both of these techniques in the same prompt now I'm going to send this off so I use the exact same prompt to generate this flower compared to these flowers but the difference between these flowers and this flower is for this flower I used a rich Earth Tones color palette and these flowers I used a duotone color palette so being very specific on your color palette is important when generating the results that you want for your AI art mid Journey tip number 15 is to specify the desired mood you want for your image so we've done lighting and we've done color palette but now it's time to discuss the mood so now I'm going to change the prompt I used in order to generate this picture and I'm going to make the mood happy before there is no mood specified at all but now I'm going to add a happy mood and just watch how the image changes so now I've added happy mood and let's just watch how the picture changes so as you can see just by adding a simple mode indicator this guy doesn't look too happy but all of these other samurais in this rainforest look much happier than the original major Journey tip number 16 is to specify the desired composition of your picture one of my favorite compositions to use is the rule of thirds composition so as you can see right now this Cowboy is centered in the middle of the picture and that is because I did not specify what kind of composition I wanted for this photo but now if you notice I'm going to add in rule of thirds and watch where it places him in the photo now now as you can see instead of placing the subject directly in the center it moves him to the right or the left giving this photo room to breathe and instead of looking at the camera now he is now looking off towards the open space in the image or like this bottom left one this kind of gives a dramatic effect because there could be something maybe coming behind him and he's looking off this way adding composition to images or videos changes the entire Vibe mid Journey tip number 17 is to use collective nouns for more specific results for example if you want to generate an image of some wolves running through the woods then instead of saying wolves running through the woods what you could do is a pack of wolves using those collective nouns really helps majority understand what you want so if you were to use the pack of wolves it would generate a lot better of an image rather than if you just use the word wolves mid Journey tip number 18 is to use specific numbers instead of plural words now this kind of ties into the last tip but if you wanted image of some cats instead of saying generate me Hyper realistic image of cats what you need to do is specify how many cats do you want in the image words that are plural leave a lot to chance so if you tell mid Journey exactly what you want your desired outcome is going to be much more likely tip number 19 is to mention desired camera settings now this especially works well when you're trying to generate a hyper realistic image where you want it to look like this picture was taken in real life things you should be specifying are your focal length your aperture your camera your lens this will really help mid Journey decide what kind of images are generating let me show you an example so as you can see in this recent prompt what I did was I used a Nikon d850 with an 85 millimeter lens and an f-stop of 1.8 and that made the images turn out very cool it has a very shallow depth of field it's high quality it looks like it was taken with an actual camera but what if I wanted this to be taken on a film camera well then I would just have to mention that so now what I've done is I've changed this prompt in order to cooperate with the film camera I've added the Kodak Ultra F9 with some film grain and just check out the differences in these prompts by changing a few camera settings as you can see the results are now like this just by changing the camera and a few other settings it's made it look a lot older so just by changing a couple of camera settings it's changing the outcome of the image completely tip number 20 is to remove unnecessary filler words in order to have a stronger influence on the words that actually remain for example if you have a prompt like I do down here where it says I want a hyper realistic portrait of a cowboy that is by a Cliffside Village in a composition of rule of thirds being taken with a Nikon d850 in order to make this prompt a lot more powerful you need to be able to remove all the filler words for example don't put I want a what you can do is just start it out with Hyper realistic portrait of a cowboy you might even be able to get rid of of a and then just put a comma between those instead of that is by a just delete delete all that Cliffside Village in a composition of a rule of thirds delete in a composition of just put rule of thirds being taken with a you don't need any of that just specify the camera you want it taken with in mid-journey we'll do what it needs to do in order to generate that image so this is going to generate a lot more accurate results get rid of your filler words my journey does not understand sentences quite yet as well as something like chat gbt does I know my journey is working on it but for now just to remove any of the filler words in order to generate a lot more accurate images tip number 21 is to remember that mid-journey does not reliably interpret any punctuation so if you're putting periods exclamation points or question marks mid-journey is not going to take that information for anything to do with your prompt it can't really interpret that quite yet mid Journey tip number 22 is to remember that capitalization does not matter within mid-journey piggybacking on the last tip mid-journey does not interpret capitalization it doesn't have anything to do with the prompt so if you're worried about getting capital letters in there Etc you don't need to worry about it because mid-journey does not care mid Journey tip number 23 is to focus on what you want in the images when you're typing in your prompt rather than what you don't want in the images if you remember my tip from earlier where I told you to be specific within your prompt what mid Journey does is it takes what it sees within the prompt and then it's more likely to generate that within the image if it's in there so if you wanted an images with six cats and no dogs it's better to just say generate me a image with six cats rather than to say generate me an image with six cats and no dogs because when mid-journey sees the word dogs what it's going to want to do is put it in the picture regardless if you said no or not now if you actually do not want something in the image then use my tip I explained earlier where you can use the parameter dash dash no and type in what you don't want in the image and that should have a better effect than typing in I don't want this in your prompt my journey tip number 24 is to use emojis for quick and fun props now these won't really generate any crazy results but it's very fun to copy and paste in some emojis and to see what kind of results majority generates let me show you an example as you can see I did Slash imagine and then I did the heart eye emoji with the sun emoji and what it generated were these four Images maybe they're saying that this pineapple is worth a heart eyes emoji maybe this view is worth a heart eye emoji it's just kind of fun to mess around with these though and to try different Emoji combinations or just single emojis and to send off your prompt it's quick it's easy and it's interesting to see how mid-journey interprets those mid Journey tip number 25 is to combine multiple props for more complex images so this is also very fun to experiment with let's say I want to take this image of this Cowboy that I generated and I want to mix it with one of these up here let's say I want to mix it with this rainbow colored feel what I could do is start typing out my prompt with Slash imagine and then I can copy and paste this prompt I have here and then I can scroll up to this and I can just copy and paste this into the prompt as well and just to make this even crazier let's stylize it to 750. now this should generate a very complex interesting image especially with the camera settings we have the landscape we've provided and also the parameters we've provided so as you can see after combining those two prompts it's giving us this cowboy who is now in a colorful field since we added no red there are actually no red flowers in this picture which is something I just picked up on so that's pretty cool that that negative parameter actually worked so yeah once you have a database full of prompts you can kind of combine them together to get images like this mid Journey tip number 26 is to upscale your images for better quality and I know this seems like a very basic tip for most of you but if some people don't know this then it's very important in order to get the highest quality images that you're looking for and if you're looking at the grid the images are numbered in this order the top left is one the top right is two the bottom left is three and the bottom right is four so if I wanted to upscale the top right what I could do is hit U2 since this is the second image within the grid and that will upscale that image within a matter of seconds so now this image is higher quality you can hit this open link and now that the link is open in the web right click it and hit save image as and then you can save it to your computer as an individual image majority tip number 27 is to use the slash help command if you're needing guidance within the Discord so if you're in the Discord and you're struggling maybe you didn't watch this video all the way through what you can do is you can hit slash help hit Tab and then just hit enter and what that's going to do is this is going to give you so many options and different pages you can visit in order to learn everything you need to know about mid-journey you can view the parameter list here you can view the getting started Dock and it just gives you so much information on how to become better versed with mid-journey mid Journey tip number 28 is to browse through the mid-journey gallery for ideas and examples if you go to the mid Journey showcase they have a plethora of prompts being added every day what you can do is you can scroll through here to find an image you like let's say you like this image of the robot here on the right you can hover over it and then you can copy this prompt in order to get some inspiration now there are all sorts of cool pieces of Art in here that are generated by multiple people so if you can look through here and draw inspiration then that would be ideal in order to help learn about some of this AI art stuff mid Journey tip number 29 is to generate images in order to get inspiration for your store retelling or your creative writing if you're struggling with some writer's block what you could maybe do is go in here and type slash imagine and then you can kind of just type out whatever your story is about or some of the characters you have in mind and what mid Journey you'll do is generate some pictures in order to get your creative juices flowing so maybe your book is about a lost dog in an enchanted forest but you also have a redhead girl as the main character what you could do is type in something like this lost dog redhead girl enchanted forest and then you could maybe go cartoon Pixar Style you can generate the vibe you're looking for with your book if it was an older woman you could put older redhead girl um Pixar Style cartoon maybe this is all good stuff and then you can send it off and what this is going to do is generate you four images that can kind of help get your mind flowing for your creative writing or your storytelling if you wanted to you could also do the chaos parameter that I showed earlier to generate a little bit different images so maybe you could do a chaos of 10. and send it off so now after the pictures are generated maybe this helps you maybe you're like oh now I have some descriptive words I can use for the forest because I'm seeing this in a different way than what my brain was seeing it in that's the beauty of my journey it can kind of take your idea and produce its own ideas which in turn give you more ideas mid Journey tip number 30 is to create custom wallpapers and backgrounds for your phone or your desktop this will help save you time when you're looking for images for your desktop or your phone and you also have full creative freedom of the style of background or wallpaper that you want so if I wanted a wallpaper for my iPhone maybe what I could do here is type in something like this you know whatever I want in this image I could use 4K to ensure high quality then I could also put my aspect ratio at 9 to 16 so this will be a vertical image which will be great for the iPhone and if I wanted to do this for my desktop I could also have matching images I could have a 9 to 16 for my iPhone and a 16 to 9 for my desktop so as you can see here you can get some awesome images in a very short amount of time that are completely original and designed by you this took me about 30 seconds to generate an awesome background for my iPhone mid Journey tip number 31 is to experiment with generating images that are inspired by famous artworks for example I have a prompt in my AI art Hub that can generate images just like this as you can see what it does is it ties in Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh and I added my own dragon within that prompt so it looks like a remix of Vincent Van Gogh's painting which is very cool and within the 500 mid Journey components that I offer with that template I have over 50 inspirational references that you can choose from these are all very cool and it's very interesting to see how majority can tie in your own creative mind with these inspirational famous masterpieces so for example I could do something like an astronaut inspired by and then I can paste in Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci with a bold atmosphere and what this is going to do is it's going to tie in an astronaut to the Mona Lisa so let's see what happens when you send it off you know what the Mona Lisa one is pretty basic but there's 49 other ones that are actually pretty unique and pretty cool but the Mona Lisa is widely known by everyone that's why I wanted to use it in this example so as you can see it generates some very interesting stuff usually it actually ties in the artwork a little bit more but I do like the fourth image at gen generated it's kind of like it's breaking out of the Mona Lisa picture frame which is very cool mid Journey tip number 32 is to use trial and error until you get the image that you want the only way that you're going to get better at mid-journey just like anything is by trial and error you need to fail a couple times in order to succeed and once you start getting the feel for how certain parameters work in different atmospheres within your image then you're going to be able to generate the air you want if you are still watching in this video I highly appreciate it this was a long video but I hope that you've learned a lot this took a ton of time of research filming and editing for me so if you could please drop a like And subscribe I would highly appreciate it also if you are new to Mid Journey or you have mid-journey I do recommend getting my AI Art Studio that I was showcasing for tip number eight in this video it offers 500 design components that you can plug and play into your mid-journey prompts and also a custom Art Gallery so you can go back and look at your art within your own workspace and you can look at the prompts you used in order to generate that art I'll leave a link in the description and the top pin comment if you you are interested in getting that art Hub but that is it for today if you are interested in more mid-journey content I suggest you click that video right there that video is very cool it goes into how to use chat gbt with mid-journey and generate awesome props but before you hit that video hit the Subscribe button right there I'll be waiting did you hit the Subscribe button yet if not it's still right there all right I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 365,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney, midjourney v5, midjourney tips, midjourney tips and tricks, midjourney v5 tips, midjourney v5 tips and tricks, midjourney tutorial, midjourney v5 tutorial, midjourney for beginners, midjourney tricks, midjourney prompts, midjourney ai, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney guide, midjourney version 5, how to use midjourney, how to use midjourney ai, midjourney art, midjourney 5
Id: G6FjxnO437c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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