TOP 20 Midjourney Prompts That Will BLOW YOUR MIND

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today we're going on an exciting journey through AI Artistry as we explore 20 of the best mid-journey prompts the images you'll create with these prompts are absolutely mind-blowing these props aren't just awe-inspiring they're hand-picked to spark your creativity and ignite your imagination and show you the astonishing potential that lies within the AI you'll learn a lot about prompting and ways to personalize the prompts the prompts span a broad spectrum from simple to complex from the mundane to the abstract I'll even sneak in a couple of my private prompts that I usually only offer for sale just for my favorite viewers I'm running the prompts in mid-journey but try them in other AI image generators like Leonardo or sea art you'll get a different look but different can be exciting this isn't about what AI art can do it's about what you can do with AI art let's start with some AI photography but not just any photos vintage photos see on the type is one of my favorite types of vintage photos it's a type of photographic printing process that produces a cyan blue print sort of like you'd see on blueprints this prompt generates a blend of old and new creating a vintage cyanotype print with modern appeal perfect for a Chic poster personalize it by adding color or trying other photographic techniques like infrared or Polaroid from vintage poster to Vintage trading cards this prompt moves away from Beauty and into the humerus and maybe the slightly grotesque the distressed style of the card adds an additional layer of vintage charm and a unique look that's a bit off-kilter like the characters themselves customize the prompt by changing the subject to create your own unique vintage trading cards let's switch to Modern photography with a bit of Whimsy step into a vibrantly colored world where fantasy meets realism choose the subjects and object and colors to create a floral scene that is Whimsical with a touch of fantasy you can prompt for a single person or a set of people and you can be very specific with the colors and here's a colorful Twist on a fashion portrait channeling the classic American photographer slim errands [Music] magic realism adds a touch of Whimsy the mid-century slim errands look as strong but try switching up the fashion icon and if you're into interior design here's one of my favorite prompts decorate just about every room of your home in any color and style you want this prompt will give you a stunning image right out of the interior design magazines but if you're ready to escape reality try an artistic style that Taps Into The Surreal world this prompt will create a slightly surreal scene anchored by realistic elements prompt butterflies and you'll get butterflies or try a scene with a tree a horse and a barn or you can even toss in a Fantastical creature if you want to get images that look like the ones I'm showing in this video see the video create your dream AI images the video is full of tips for recreating your favorite AI images with and without the prompts let's move to some captivating fantasy abstracts cloudscapes are perfect for wallpapers showcasing swirling vortexes realistic fantasy elements and flowing organic forms the composition evokes ethereal cloudscapes and you might just see shapes forming in those clouds color is your thing create some rainbows perfect for a children's book select artists along with neopop and rizograph combined to create this colorful graphic illustration and the prompt reminds us that an emoji sometimes is the best way to communicate with an AI let's see a bit more drawing with this stenciled beauty in a tattoo design the graphic print-like design would work well as a tattoo but also printed on a t-shirt the image has a slightly retro Vibe with lots of blocks of color with a little adaptation you can get other subjects and colors [Music] let's change up the style a bit with this crazy caricature sketch lots of style words in this prompt to get an offbeat intricate yet lovable drawing but also a nod to a vintage camera if you want color remove the black and white instructions and feel free to change up the subject this mix of artists combined for a stylized sketch with a very different flavor a detailed and somewhat melancholic scene in the Soggy rain feel free to change the subject and the colors and with slight modification the emotion can go from melancholic to a bit more upbeat a bit more good let's switch it up and make some iconic art well in the spirit of the Masters anyway the AI knows the classics the girl with the pearl earring for instance so prop for the picture and change the subject or change the entire picture creating AI images has opened up a universe of inspiring artists the AI image generators are brilliant at merging Artistic Styles to create something new and fresh and you'll spot various artists names in these prompts here's one of my most cherished artist combinations Try It Out by changing the city or ask for a scene like a forest and don't be afraid to mix up those styles this one has everything from Dolly to The Simpsons mix up the Styles and change the artists for your own take on pop culture a lot of the best creative artworks are uniquely personal combinations of Artistic Styles here's one to kick your creative brain into high gear sci-fi meets Baroque the overall Vibe is dark and a bit unsettling the innocence of the young girls juxtaposed with dark almost Shakespearean inks and if you want to push into the dark fear and Terror use emotions in your prompt this is sometimes the easiest way of describing the vibe you can add a dark subject but the juxtaposition of using a normally cute subject with dark emotions will get you a much more interesting image these few words will get you an image straight out of your nightmares and if you want some craziness it's hard to beat this prompt just keep re-rolling and re-rolling you'll get crazy disturbing yet somehow beautiful images but enough of the surrealism let's up the cuteness with a faded tonal tint your prompts don't have to be long each word in this short prompt packs a powerful punch including mesotint a printmaking technique that gives you a faded image with a slight tinted color any tiny cute animal or thing will work and they don't need to be at the beach if you like your images to have a tech Vibe try mixing infographic and 8-bit style for a pixelated look you can set the background color and try different animals and objects if you want a bit more weirdness try adding dash dash weird followed by a number from zero to a thousand weird is one of mid-journey's newest commands and it really does make things a bit weird patterns are your thing who doesn't love a fractal especially one with subsurface translucent lighting for added depth or substitute another type of pattern like a mosaic or try bacteria art use the dash dash tile command with this prompt in mid-journey and your panels will line up on the edges and you can create an infinite pattern and now for a bonus prompt make something poetic remember you don't have to give the AI a subject instead give it a Vibe and let it do its thing some of the best prompts are the least visually descriptive wind up the AI Like A Clockwork toy and let it go explore something magical these mind-blowing AI image prompts are all about kicking your creativity into high gear they're not just for you to copy but to open up your creative imagination and let your artistic ideas really take off feel free to spin combine and tweak the prompts to your liking click the link in the description to find a list of artistic and creative prompts that I've done so far in my videos keep exploring and keep trying new things and above all keep making cool stuff you're part of a big change in the art world making it more exciting and different with each new idea and don't forget to share your fascinating Creations in the comments below we're always excited to see what you're making if you've had a great time and learned something new remember to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel this is Janet making the photo let's make something amazing together [Music]
Channel: Making the Photo
Views: 17,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai, midjourney tutorial, midjourney tips, Making the Photo, Jenn Mishra, Wits End Photography, Digital art, AI-generated art, AI image, digital photography, AI photography, Synthography, Midjourney AI, Midjourney art, Midjourney AI tutorial, How to use Midjourney AI, Midjourney tutorial, Midjourney prompts, Midjourney tips, Midjourney beta, How does Midjourney work, Using Midjourney, AI Midjourney, prompt craft, image prompt, Creating stunning AI images, ai
Id: 44-68lRT0mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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