The ONLY MidJourney Tutorial Beginners Need - Full Crash Course

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here's the thing I have seen a lot of tutorials on Mid journey and they're pretty decent but some of them are damn good as well but I have spent the last 10 months obsessing over mid journey and I've written over 10,000 prompts on Mid journey and I've even made a card game as well using mid Journey hey folks my name is abov and I am a founding team member at hunx I have been a product designer from last two years I have designed multiple products websites games and unfortunately wedding invitations as well last company that I worked for Avalon scenes recently got acquired by unacademy and since then I have been exploring and hacking around AI tools and in this video I've compiled all my knowledge all my learnings and all my secrets that I have gained over the last 10 months after writing 10,000 prompts on Mid journey I will give you the only crash course that you need on Mid journey we'll start right from the basics of how to get started as a complete Loop and how to become a full-on pro at it if you're already confident about the basics of mid Journey you can skip the intro Parts but if you're a beginner in mid Journey you should follow along and towards the end of the video I'll also talk about how you as a designer can use mid Journey for multiple use cases we start from an easy level where we build our basic promt then we head to a medium level where we explore a bunch of parameters and variables and then we head to hard level where we explore technical Concepts I would highly recommend that you should open your browser and follow along all right let's get into it we are going to explore this tool using some really fun themes like India in 2080s or Will Smith doing Puja for Ganesh chaturti and many more like these folks if you want to keep watching more videos on your timeline hit that subscribe button and pat yourself on the back for the amazing person that you are all right let's get into it what is mid Journey mid journey is a text based AI art generator your job is to merely pass it a text and describe what kind of image you are thinking of and mid Journey will create it for you since mid journey is a Clos Tech our best guess is it uses clip and diffusion model to generate images for us the best part about mid journey is that it's being retrained on the all the outputs all around the world and new data by David and team so let's get into the versions and history of models of mid journey in this section we won't spend a lot of time but it's very interesting to see that how mid Journey was in 2022 and where mid Journey stands in 2023 right so I'll quickly walk you through all the mid Journey models and let's go so the first version of mid Journey came out in February 2022 the first version I believe was just a trailer of what text to images can do right in version two the characters if you you see became more realistic in this we are taking characters as a reference in version 3 the model was a significant big step up the lighting and the Shadows if you see are greatly improved and it seemed like mid Journey could handle real illustration tasks for the first time ever mid Journey 4 changed everything when it was released it was the highest model out there if you see the outputs they are so good so good right and if you see the V5 the realism the photo realism has significantly improved and the current version is version 5.2 which has pushed the Aesthetics even farther character-wise the designs are more cohesive while having better facial details so let's see how to use mid Journey first of all you'll need Discord you go to this website called download for your PC or your Mac and make an account next when you once your Discord is installed you head over to this plus icon and you create your new server my server's name is Design Lab right so once you have created the server you click on this drop- down and go to app directory here you search for app called mid Journey click on enter and this is where you click on the bot the first one and click on add to server it will ask you for some permissions and click on continue click on authorize it's asking me to that if I'm a human or not okay I'm a human so H boom mid Journey server bought is inside your server but before we get into usage of it so mid Journey recently made a change where it discontinued its free plan here so to use mid Journey you have to subscribe to a plan how do you do that you so mid Journey works with Slash commands right so you press slash and you write subscribe when you click on enter it will give you a link when you click on the link you'll be able to choose a plan right and once you select a p plan make the payment your subscription will be active and you'll be able to create your own images let's quickly go through over all the plans right so mid Journey gives monthly and yearly billing both they have four plans basic plan standard plan Pro Plan Mega plan the major difference in all these plans is the number of generations you can make if you just want to experiment if you just want to play you can start with the basic plan but if you have more needs and you want to do use it for your agency or your for your personal thing then you can choose standard plan and if you're a big Enterprise and organization you can choose a Pro Plan or a mega plan V at 100x use a standard plan and which is more than sufficient for whatever needs that we have right so once you subscribed we'll come back to the channel we'll come back to the Discord server so how do we start now so slash imagine right the mid Journey purpose is that you imagine whatever you want to create and mid Journey will give it for you so that's why you write SL imagine press a space this is where if you see you can add in your prompt since I said earlier in the video that we'll be focus on four major themes so for the First theme we'll be doing is pu/ Ganesh chatti since festive season is around the corner I really wanted to do this right so the first prompt will be let's use Will Smith in this context Will Smith here in this prompt I'm just blabbering whatever comes to my mind right Will Smith doing Puja for Ganesh chaturti let's see what my journey gives damn look at the generations this actually looks like as if Will Smith came to Mumbai to celebrate ganeshi pretty cool right so next I'm going to show you some basic settings right and then we'll jump right into the prompting part right so to access settings of mid Journey you press the slash command and you write settings now if if you see there are a bunch of settings right in this drop down you'll be able to change the model if you really want to experiment you can try generating images with model V1 and also use model 5.2 which is the latest model if you see there's a bunch of buttons here right there's a raw mode styliz low sty as medium sty as high sty as very high so in raw mode uh you can generate images using much shorter prompts and they would appear to be more natural rather than refined right so if you see styliz styz determines how strongly the training is applied on the images styz low means that it will be lowly styled and very high that it will be highly styled compared to the training data right then if the public mode is on all the images that you generate will be stored in the mid Journey Community Showcase which I'll show you in the later part of the video remix mode when the remix mode is on uh it lets you change the prompt and the model version after you have generated the image High variation and low variation mode High variation basically all the four images in the grid have a higher variation among them and low variation means that all the images have lower variation among them turbo mode fast mode and relax mode these are basically the speeds of generating an image in turbo mode it will be super duper fast fast is as the name suggests is pretty fast and relax mode is a normal relax mode right where the images will be generated little bit on the slower side and if you really change some settings and want to go to the default settings you can always click the reset settings button okay now let's get into prompting we'll cover ADV ADV Concepts everything while prompting and there are three levels that we'll be covering easy medium and hard but before we get into the prompting let's understand how mid Journey understands prompts so mid Journey basically breakdowns all the words and phrases that you define into a thing called tokens now tokens are compared to the training data that the mid Journey model has been trained on and then it is used to generate an image a well structured prompt is an ideal way to get a better output right let's explore the easy level first in this level we'll just talk about basic prompt now you would ask what's a basic prompt a basic prompt can be pretty much anything it can be a sentence it can be a phrase it can be a word it can be a letter or even it can be an emoji I usually recommend starting with a very simple prompt so that you can see how mid Journey interprets your concept A simple prompt can be anything as I said it can be a phrase a word a letter or an emoji the fewer words you include the more influence they have on your image also while generating the image you don't need to add explicit instructions like make me an image or generate me an image mid journey is smart enough to understand that you are generating an image instead you directly get to the point and describe mid Journey what you want so let's Deep dive and start playing with mid Journey right let's let's imagine what we can do so futuristic Auto Ras flying in the sky of old Mumbai this is actually just a basic prompt I haven't eded any variables or anything this is just me blabbering whatever idea that I have right flying in the sky of old Mumbai made by mercedesbenz right so what will essentially happen is the model will grab each token that we have written that is futuristic Auto Ria flying Sky old Mumbai Mercedes-Benz and and Compares them to the training data to generate the desired image now let's see what mid Journey has in store for us damn this looks so cool would you like to sit in this kind of an auto tell us in the comments right so now mid Journey has given us the image it's a grid of four Images right so this doesn't follow a clockwise or an anticlockwise pattern the sequencing of the image follows a z pattern right so this image if you see is image number one this is image number two this is image number three and this is image number four disclaimer these images are low resolution right now now so now you will ask how do I upscale these images right if you see these buttons the U1 U2 u3 and u4 are the buttons to upscale the image that you like right so this button that you see is to regenerate the image right so if you click on this you can make all the changes that you want and click on submit and mid Journey will regenerate the image for you now what are the V1 V2 V3 and V4 so these are called variations right so suppose I like this image but I want more variations of this right so when I click on V1 mid Journey will use this image as a base image and generate ideas around it let's try and generate a scaled version of the first image you just need to click on U1 and mid Journey will automatically start upscaling in the end of the video I'll show you one more resource which can help you scale images to a much larger size so this is an upscaled image let's try variations as well what happens if you click on variation if I click on V1 it will ask me for the prompt that okay this is the variation but suppose say I want to instead of Mercedes-Benz I want to write Tesla so it will use that image as the base image but make changes to the new prompt that I wanted to have right so see these outputs these outputs used that image as a base image and generated a aoas by Tesla this actually looks pretty dope but it looks like a military ship okay never mind right so now when you once you scale an image you would see more buttons right so what these three buttons on the top do very strong very subtle and very Regent let's get into it the first row of buttons allows you to regenerate new options that can vary subtly or strongly from the base image right and then there's a third option which is V region basically where you can select a particular region in the image and write a prompt to change that particular portion of that image it's an easy way to brainstorm and change what you don't like right so now let's try with very strong let's see what mid Journey gives that's it I'll also try very subtle that's it and let's see what mid Journey has in store for us now if you see these are pretty strong variations of the image that we had initially like this was a car this was an autoa some buildings right now if you see this image if you see the auto Ras they significantly varied and in the ctle variation there are some slight slight differences in the same uh Ria as well right now let's try the most recent release of mid Journey that is V region so when you click on this button M Journey opens up an editor in this editor now I need to select an area suppose I want to replace these cards with super cars so what I'll do is I'll select these two cars basically select two regions which I want to replace I'll write vintage super cars you can even use alaso tool where you can make some random shapes and choose an area right or you can even use rectangle tool to choose an area now you just need to click this arrow button and boom let's wait for journey to do its magic now if you see I have my vintage cars instead of those carts this third image looks so cool actually so cool right so this is the power of V region and you can change anything anywhere you just need to select it and prompt it right so let's go to the last row of buttons right so the last of buttons lets you expand your image as implied by the buttons left right up and down it generates more of the scene in a specific Direction it's the same way panning your camera would do it in a real world right so suppose I want to extend this image towards the left I just click on leftt button and I just click on left arrow and it will generate or extend my image towards the less towards the left side of the image pretty interesting mid Journey has given me the left side of the image as well isn't it it cool Isn't that cool right these were the middle row of the buttons now uh these were so now these were the last of the buttons If you see this heart icon this is basically to favorite an image which you can access from your favorites on the mid Journey web dashboard this is a web button this will basically open your image in web right and yeah let's try and generate some more examples to show you the whole process right suppose I want to generate something around Indian Farmers so I'll start with a basic idea right I want I want to see what mid Journey thinks of Indian Farmers this basically is an overview of how I make prompts right okay this is how mid Journey thinks of an Indian farmer right now I want to add some cool parts to it right I would do Indian farmer using f futuristic drone to do farming India in 2080s damn these drones look so cool so cool right so I had a basic idea of Indian farmers and then I built according whatever I imagin right let's do one or two more right I'll click on imagine uh and suppose you all love panipuri right what if in 2080s a robot was serving you panipuri let's imagine it with mid Journey right I like futuristic robot vendor serving panipuri in Indian Street to a crowd so this is what I imagin I click on enter and let's see what mid journey is creating for us damn this is so cool this is robot actually serving Pani puis damn this is so cool man what do you eat uh panipuri from a robot vendor depends I mean if he if he doesn't rub his fingers on his pants I would still eat it from the robot damn okay let's let's let's see one or two more right you all have seen cool images of all the trains and all metros and all in different cities what if India also had those right so I'll try one more prompt imagine futuristic Indian Metro in Delhi let's see what futuristic Indian Metro in Delhi gives actually you know what this is showing inside of a Metro this this is cool but I want to see an aial shot right uh let's do aial sh of futuristic India Metro in Delhi damn these trains look so cool man like I would want to travel in these capsule kind of futuristic trains right this this actually feels like a Metro and G bro right uh right let's let's try some more examples and then we'll switch to the medium part of prompting where we can do more cool stuff right all of you must have seen verat kohi in Mana ads what if manav signed Tom Cruz and Taylor Swift let's see how does that look like imagine Tom Cruz in man ethnic clothes Oh My Tom Cruz is here bro damn bro man I think you should really sign Tom Cruz for your ethnic clothes these look so cool on him okay let me try Taylor Swift as well all the swifties Taylor Swift in man ethnic wedding clothes probably Alia took inspiration from this I think bro Taylor Swift man see see come on you guys should also see what mid journey is generating damn s does it actually look like Taylor Swift in uh Mana wedding whe it actually does yeah it actually does damn pretty much St crazy I also want to do Shah ruk Khan doing something I I really like Shah right so Arnold was the OG Terminator and what if Shah ruk Khan was the lead for Terminator let's see what mid Journey thinks imagine Indian Bollywood actor Shah ruk Khan as Terminator yo Shah ruk Khan looks so dope in mid Terminator bro the fourth one actually looks more or less just like him as if shauk it's a weird combo of shauk and Dawn versus Terminator but this is actually very cool right so if I have to sum it up while building a promt this is what you need to do you should start with a basic idea ideally start very simple build on top of it by slowly adding new variables and detailing your prompt third you should try to avoid ambiguity right if you be more specific mid Journey will give you better better results that's it from Easy level let's go on to medium level so now we have our basic promt ready how do we move ahead with the prompts we use something called as advanced variables Advanced variables are keywords that give a user more control over the composition of the image and how the image should feel or look like right so Nick he's amazing prompter he has shared a list of different variables that can be added to a prompt to make the image look like what you want right so these variables essentially elaborate the composition details utilize different parameters SL keywords to gain more control over the image so after we have built the basic prompt uh let's Now understand what are the different kind of variables that are there right so first variable is artistic style our artistic or a general style right it can be a studio gibli style it can be some retro style it can be Punk style right or it can be a editorial style as well right editorial basically what if Vogue clicked that picture after General style the second variable is called composition composition is how should the image look like is it a wide shot is it a wide shot composition is it a full body shot composition or is it a close-up shot is it an aerial shot is it a bird eyye shot so how does the image look that basically explains the composition next is medium medium is basically how the image is is made is it a sketch right is it a film still like is it a shot from a film is it a screen grab basically like a screenshot or is it just a normal photo or it can be a sculpture as well right so this is what defines medium next variable is camera so camera basically you can specify what kind of camera has clicked that particular picture you remember those Fujifilm retro cameras with that all Fujifilm negative retro vipe you can even Define that in the prompt and mid Journey will use it to create your image right so in this camera you can even Define the lens type like you want a 24mm 70 mm lens you can even Define the focus apertures and Boke effect all of that next variable is essentially subject description which we covered in the basic prompt that you have to be very specific basically what you need from the image after you have defined the subject like how should it look like what it should wear the clothes details the facial expressions all of that basically then you define another variable called environment what is the subject doing when you're adding the environment variable you basically add where is the subject right what's the location of the subject so suppose aov me is swimming underwater so underwater is the environment basically it can be Shah ruk Khan in war zone right so mid Journey understands that variable as environment next variable is lighting uh where we we talk about okay that the lighting should be a natural lighting it should be a studio lighting it should be a dramatic lighting or it should be a natural daylight or it should be a nightlight so you can add different lighting then you need to add atmosphere atmosphere should it be thunder stormy should it be stormy normal sunligh is or foggy right and then you define the mood should it feel luxurious should it feel more romantic or should it feel more dreamy so this is a basic overview of different kind of variables that we can add to a particular prompt now what we'll do is we'll pick one one variable each and go through each of them using our different prompts and see what kind of results a small change in a particular style or a keyword gives to a base prompt right so let's Deep dive and by the way uh don't forget to like share and subscribe this video and if you don't know what variables to use or what different kind of art styles are I have a resource by the end of this level which will make your life super super easy so stick around let's start with the general style so you remember we created Tom Cruz in man ethnic clothes right let's see what happens if this Tom Cruz character was made by Pixar so now let's see what Pixar style has in store for us Pixar cartoon style and here in the prompt We'll add a comma to basically say that okay Pixar cartoon style is one keyword for Mid journey to understand and Tom is one man or ethnic clothes is one right so we separate ideally different different words phrases using comma damn these actually look as if Pixar made Tom Cruz for man never ad interesting right let's do one more thing instead of pixa cartoon style let's do editorial style so this basically what if Vogue or you know sometimes magazine who must have clicked the shot this would feel like that so let's see what editorial style gives right so so this is what a editorial style you see the saw the change right like this was Pixar cartoon style and this is the editorial style let's try one more okay let's try imagine 1990s Punk style this is like the proper uh pop punks era let's see what would amitab bachan look like in 1990s punk clothes right so Indian actor amitab ban burning cigar in between his lips holding a lighter in baggy Punk attire with gold jewelry right so this I've defined like the base prompt right and we can add an environment as well that in Mumbai street right so this is basically Indian actor amitab bachan burning cigar this is all the base prompt and then the variable that I've added is it should feel like a 199s punk Style image let's see what mid Journey gives us and this is how this doesn't look like that close to amab ban but this is how the street 1990s Punk style photo would look like let's see what if we can do some anime style as well right what if Shah ruk Khan was in one piece as monkey deffy let's figure out the artistic style and see what mid Journey has to give so we'll write one piece anime style I wanted an anime Indian actress Shah ruk Khan as monkey deffy in one piece anime right I'll click on enter and let's see what mid Journey has to give so till now we have explored the punk style the editorial style the Pixar cartoon style so you must be able to see all the different variations that different styles can have over the image right now would you ask that does structuring of the keywords in the prompt matter in general mid Journey tends to place more importance on things which are towards the left that is more earlier in the promt because mid Journey works in a descending manner but the variables these are a very rough skeleton that you can use and not use these are like toggle on and off you can choose to use some choose not to use some you just have to mess around an experiment to see what variabl generate what in which position and what place right so the recommended way is that you mess around and try and experiment with as many variables with their positioning with their details as possible to get the best output that you want so this is kind kind of like one piece style but what if Shah rukan wasn't there this actually looks very funny and weird but yeah this was all about artistic or general Styles so now since we done with the general style let's explore the second variable which is called composition composition essentially tells that should the image be wide shot full body shot closeup shot aerial shot drone shot right all of that comes under composition so remember we generated Indian Farmers using drone let's do editorial style ultra white drone sh of Indian farm so what basically we have added a general style here that is the artistic style should be editorial style and the shot should be an ultra wide drone shot right let's see what mid Journey gives now if you see the fourth image this is like the ultra wide drone shot of farmer doing Farmers using drones right so similarly let's try something else so instead of ultra white drone shot let's use the same example and use a extreme low angle shot so let's see what Journey has to give us dang this is so cool this is actually a low to Top Shot like suppose this one right which is showing a farmer doing a bunch of cool stuff with drones so this was composition now let's try on Tom Cruz itself right so editorial style Tom Cruz and mannic clothes I want a full body shot right so we like editorial full body shot of Tom Cruz in man ethnic clothes let's see what my journey has to give now if you see mid Journey has given kind of a full body shot but do you know why the feet of Tom Cruz are missing it's because the ratio right now of the image is 1 is to one right so to include those feet as well we'll have to increase the aspect ratio of the image right so aspect ratio for that we'll be exploring in the hard level of this tutorial right but you get the thing right like to add composition you just need to add what kind of sh you want for your particular image now let's move on to the third parameter or third variable which is called medium right so you remember we created the futuristic Delhi Metro let's see what would a Delhi Metro look like if an architect sketched the futuristic Metro right so let's write the prompt The Prompt previously was aial short of futuristic Indian Metro in Delhi let's add a keyword saying concept art line sketch so this basically defines the medium that okay this is the medium I want this particular shot in right let's add let's try another medium which is like watercolor painting painting style let's try another style where we basically say that okay oil painting step let's see what concept line art sketch will give us and then we'll compare all the three to see the different mediums the same image has been created in and let's try one more thing for a very real reference that is film screen grab off basically what it it will feel like a screenshot from a film movie right so these three are generated let's see what film screen gab has to give this if you see actually looks like a pencil drawing right and let's see the watercolor this actually feels like some painter has actually watercolored the whole scene and if you want to see oil painting this is what oil painting looks like this looks this this actually looks like a anime right and if you want to see a film screen grab this is how an actual shot from the film screen grab looks like so this is how the medium keyword affects the same prompt in different different as right so this was all about medium medium basically how your image was made what it should look like now let's explore another variable that is film type / camera we'll be using Will Smith's image again so let's try it out we'll be right Will Smith doing Puja for Ganesh chaturti let's try out our camera so for this particular thing we'll be trying out the camera called Kodak Vision 2003 which has a negative film and yeah let's see what M Journey has to give us similarly let's use the same prompt and let me add other cameras as well so Canon Mark EOS 5D markv is a pretty solid camera let's see what it gives as well and then we'll compare all the different images next instead of this I'll be using a Kodak Ultra f935 mm film camera and let's try one more so I'm generating all the prompts with different different camera Styles okay now if you see this image this is this was a base prompt that is Will Smith doing Puja for ganti and we added like Kodak vision color negative film and if you see there is a very oldish retro-ish look in this particular photo right here we added a Canon EOS 5D markv this gives a very sharp professional detail of the images uh that we have mid Journey generated here we tried a Kodak Ultra fm35 mm camera similarly it gives that retro you know the see this image like a very retro-ish film aesthetic right similarly short on future film Pro 400h this gives a very highly detailed vipe right here we defined this camera to be a Kodak portra Boke mode and this is where if you see the background has slight blurs as well right so this is how different camera Styles and film type works right so let's move on to the next variable which is subject description and styling subject description and styling is basically the basic prom that we created but you need to be more specific as possible so suppose in this particular amitab bachan prompt we specified that amitab bachan burning cigar in between his lips holding a lighter in a baggy Punk attire right with gold jewelry right now if you see mid Journey has generated those Punk outfits baggy stuff and the cigarettes right so this is how you need to be very specific with what you want from the subject right next we'll be defining the environment like where should the image be in so for the sake of reference we'll be using the same amitab ban prom and be like Punk stle extreme high angle photo of amitab bachan burning this is in Mumbai Street uh let's do in a gold souk in Dubai K scrapers and yes so this is where we have defined the environment right also let's try one more example where we'll use this particular same Brom and be like gold jewelry in a fantasy colorful land say Toy Story and let's try one more the same thing amitab bachan in a war zone in a intense in a dramatic war zone right so if you see this this is same amitab batan in his punk style but now in Dubai in that street gold souk aesthetic right the skyscrapers are there and he feels to be on a soup right similarly if you see this this is where he's in a colorful Fantasy Land wearing different different clothes right so this is how environment or the environment variable affects like this feels like he's in a war zone sort of a thing right so this is how you can play with the environment keeping the subject defining the subject and choosing the environment around it similarly let's try it with another environment like what if instead of Arnold and Terminator Shah ruk Khan acted as Terminator right so let's ask M journey to do that in Bollywood actor Shah ruk Khan as Terminator in of war zone right let's see what my journey gives so here we just defined the environment that okay this is the base prompt and now this particular thing is the environment now if you see this this actually looks like Shah ruk Khan fighting in a war zone with all those guns and all right so this is super cool this is actually super good now this is what the environment effects look like now let's talk about another variable called lighting lighting is basically how the lights affect the image right should it be a studio lighting should it be cinematic should it be a natural lighting right let's try the same prompt but with different kind of lighting we'll be like catic lighting let's try another example where we'll instead of cinematic lighting we'll choose it to be Studio lighting as if he was in a studio right and now let's try one more example where we do a neon lighting neon blue headed lighting and let's try a side lighting now let's explore different lighting so this if you see is a cinematic lighting right like it's actually feel that okay fully color graded cinematic effect this actually feels that the actor is in some studio lighting right and if you see this where we Define blue red neon lighting now he's in a war zone this second picture actually look look super real right he's in a war zone with all those neon blue red lighting right so this is how lighting plays a part and this is where we have defined the side lighting right where only lighting comes from one side right so this is how uh lighting plays an effect on the image right now let's explore another variable called atmosphere right how does atmosphere affect the whole mood so we'll use this only right we like imagine the same prompt and be like uh now the atmosphere can be sunny day sunny atmosphere daylight right so now this will use daylight as a lighting and the atmosphere would be sunny now the atmosphere is rainy and the vibe or the light should be very cinematic now if you see this is actually looks like a daylight scene right see this image second image this actually looks like he's fighting someone in the morning right now let's let's see this one how does the Rainy looks scum now this image if you see has that full rainy atmosphere right so this is how the atmosphere variable plays its part right so we Define that it should be rainy and cinematic and if you see there are subtle rains his clothes are wet and his hair also feel very rainy so this is what the power of keywords is when you're using mid Journey right so that's with atmosphere now let's try mood how should the mood of the image be right so now let's do one thing let's in this same mood let's explore a very romantic mood of the Tom Cru image that we generated so in this promt we added editorial style uh 35 mm still so we have defined the style we have defined the film type and the right it's a 35 ml cind the lens and the film type the base prom Tom Cruz in this MTI is basically the atmosphere and Blossom core classicism dream wave romance is the mood let's see what mid Journey has to give so right now uh we are saying that okay Tom Cruz is in Garden so we have defined the subject and the environment as well so now if you see see how romantic or how romantic scape uh M Jour has created like he's wearing all those uh ethnic clothes Misty environment but has that romantic dreamy look right so this is what was all about mood now we'll cover one parameter which basically affects how the image is being rendered right we like imagine the same prompt and be like uh now the atmosphere can be sunny day sunny atmosphere daylight right so now this will use daylight as a lighting and the atmosphere would be sunny now the atmosphere is rainy and the vibe or the light should be very cinematic now if you see this is actually looks like a daylight scene right see this image second image this actually looks like he's fighting some one in the morning right now let's see this one how does the Rainy looks SC now this image if you see has that full rainy atmosphere right so this is how the atmosphere variable plays its part right so we Define that it should be rainy and cinematic and if you see there are subtle rains his clothes are wet and his hair also feel very rainy so this is what the power of keywords is when you're using mid Journey right so that's with atmosphere now let's try mood how should should the mood of the image be right so now let's do one thing let's in this same mood let's explore a very romantic mood of the Tom Cru image that we generated so in this prompt we added editorial style uh 35 mm still so we have defined the style we have defined the film type and the right it's a 35 ml the lens and the film type the base prom Tom Cruz in this Misty is basically the atmosphere and Blossom core classicism dream wave romance is the mood let's see what mid Journey has to give so right now uh we are saying that okay Tom Cruz is in Garden so we have defined the subject and the environment as well so now if you see how romantic scape uh M Jour is created like he's wearing all those uh ethnic clothes Misty environment but has that romantic dreamy look right so this is what was all about mood now we'll cover one parameter which basically affects how the image is being rendered right so so we'll use the same thing and in imagine we'll add photo realistic what this will do is it will give a very photo realistic render to the image that we generate right let's see what it gives you all must have heard of uh octane renders and Unreal Engine renders right so these are different type of renders ways how images are generated right so we'll use the same image prompt and add 4K 8K Unreal Engine That is basically means the image is rendered by unre Engine 5 and has a so render octane render is basically one style of how the images are being rendered and let's see how so if you see this this actually looks very photo realistic that as if a photographer clicked this particular photo I'm Street photographer no no no have no time no time so these end parameters like Photo realistic 8K 4K Ultra HD all these help in how the image should look like when it's rendered right so different types of words are that you want it to be more detailed less detailed enhanced quality it should be rendered by blender right it should be very soft so all that you can Define here now if you'll see this one is a render as if an octane render which is one type of render rendered this particular image right so let's try one more thing okay with photo realistic effect we'll put imagine let's imagine photo realistic image of vibrant roses taken on Sony A7 Alpha 73 camera with 3 natural sunlight so here we have defined the lighting the camera and the lens the subject that is vibrant roses and photo realistic image that is okay some photographer has actually clicked this image right so let's see what my journey gives us so now if you see this image actually looks like a image from some Garden where there are roses right and it feels like some photographer has actually clicked this image right so this was all about different extra parameters that you can add in your prompt now would you ask that now how should I know all these Styles I have no degree in art and all of that so I have some cool hacks for you number one is the mid Journey website itself right so once you go to the mid Journey website you can click on explore and this is where you'll find a lot of art right suppose if you see this image you'll see the prompt as well it'll like cinematic style the art style we defined a suspenseful scene okay this is what you want showing the pope security team conducting the intense training exercise demonstrating the Readiness to defend the central figure against any potential threads hyper detail the parameter that we talked about in the last 8K and Hyper realistic now suppose you want to generate the same image again right you click on three dots you click on copy and you click on prompt so now what this will do is it will copy the F prompt so if you want to see the difference instead of Pope security team let's write Donald Trump's security team this is how you would be able to break down different prompts see what each words have a effect and figure out different different Inspirations if we browse more like suppose this one it's a beautiful lady smiling with all those a BRI description ultra realistic anime style cyber Punk all of that right so this this is where you'll get to know a lot of styles and different parameters suppose if you see this Coca-Cola bottle right commercial photography what kind of medium or style should be there a can of Coca-Cola Cola according to Maya patterns this is basically a brief description of the subject a forest Island background this is the environment right now you know that okay Maya patterns are these kind of patterns so what you can do is you can use the same prompt basically click on copy click on prompt and if if you see okay see this image right Donald Trump in this almost the same kind of image that we generated and here we'll know that okay this is a Coca-Cola can instead of can of Coca-Cola let's do uh let's do a pastel shirt right according to my patterns hanging on a tree right so it's the same problem we know the vibe that okay we want a forest Island VI patterns uh Maya patterns on the the shirt and it should be a commercial photography similarly you can search a lot of stuff on Mid Journey as well say I want to search for verat kohi right now it will show all the images of verat kohi that have been generated right so if you see the prompt it's photo verat kohi look shop in a cricket kit right and so now you can see all the images related to verat KI similarly if you search for say amitab bachan you'll be able to see all the images generated for amitab batan as well right so you can just see a particular style and try and replicate that suppose if you want to see people like some amazing dresses inspiration people were at Med Gala and you'll be able to see all of those as well like suppose this image right Med Gala 2150 here so now if you see this dress of metala it's MF Doom at the metgala theme is flamboyantly dressed heart throb military dictator so so now you know okay this hard thr M dictator gives this kind of wipe so this was one resource which you can use extensively to try new stuff out similarly if we see this okay this is the pattern right we the Maya pattern that we wanted it's hanging by a thread on a tree and it has a forest Island background super cool right this ideally Brands can use for their inspiration for their product photography as well right next is another resource is is called Wiki art you go to this website all the links will be pasted in the description and we'll give a document as well so this basically shows all the different art forms that exist right so there's a confessional art okay when you click on the confessional art you'll be able to see what kind of art does conventional art looks like now if you see this new popup right new pop art right now if you click on this you can get to see okay what does neop poop art look like now you can use the same keyword neop poop art and add it to your prompt let's try a neop poop art prompt in this particular style this uh Indian Metro will write neop pop art style and let's see what my journey has to give so these are the different kind of styles there are a bunch of style Modern Art naturalism you can explore and learn more about artworks now this is one of the coolest resource I have found on the internet let's see how the neop pop art style looks like as well so now if you you see the trains have a very neop poppy artwork on the trains right if you choose another suppose say Gothic style you'll be able to see a Gothic style kind of a art as well this actually looks like if trains were repainted in G20 now if you see this prompt this gives the Gothic architecture or art style to the trains to the Metros that we have right so the resource uh is this particular sheet right if you click on characters you would be able to see all the artists and how all the artists and what kind of art that they create right so the prompt will be character by ISO Andrew rough charcoal by ISO Andrew pencil character sketch by ISO Andrews a character concept art by ISO Andrews so ISO Andrew's art styles are like this right if you see Louie van Bal the art styles are like this and similarly if you see Simon bisay the artwork sty styles are like this so this is how you can go through and if you want some retro kind of stuff Enoch BS created this kind of an art so we'll be like let's try actually let's try this okay we want imagine uh man in Retro Retro dress setting on a chair character by Enoch bis and all these art Styles have a Wikipedia page as well so you understand what kind of artwork were these artists interested in now let's see what my journey has to give right similarly there was there are different kind of landscape artists as well right suppose you want this kind of a landscape you can use this artist name if you want this this kind of Landscapes you can use that particular artist and similarly this sheet has a bunch of Comic and Cartoon artists as well if you want to create some cartoons or animes or you know whatever like this kind of stuff this kind of stuff all the artist names are here as well these are some miscellaneous artists right and then we have different artists who are painters so what kind of different paintings look like suppose you want to create this kind of painting you should use Jan ju I's name right and niji will come later what nii basically means you want it to look like an anime right if you want to see how different sci-fi artist work so this will be inspiration for sci-fi artists similarly we have different kind of creatures artists who created creatures and we have mediums as well like we want chalk we want charcoal we want colored pencil we want cron we want Doodles digital so this is a great resource to learn about a bunch of different parameters that we explored in this tutorial like suppose we want uh and engraved right so this if you see is an engraved thing we want something graffiti right so this is like a graffiti right so graffiti art of a woman graffiti art of a forest so this is how you can use these particular Styles there are different time periods as well how would an image look in ancient Greek baru Cold War print media character sheet how an engineering diagram this is what all the medium should talk about like it should look like a map it should look like a manuscript these are a bunch of styles again the Cyber Punk fantasy Punk gamer Punk right the all the images you can see how the images will look like and these are different games right like if suppose you want a shot from a particular game now we generated that imagine Enoch ball style so this is how the image look like this is actually if Enoch made this particular artwork right so this was about it from The Medium Level now let's move on to the hard level of uh generating prompts in this hard level we'll be exploring different parameters and different cool advanc stuff that you can do but if you have carried along till medium you know how to write a good prompt right before entering the hard part let's try and generate one prompt utilizing whatever we have learned right so generally humans attend concerts what if dogs also attended concerts right so let's create an image where a dog takes a selfie at uh concert at a music concert now let's add variables to it okay I want a high angle chart because it's like this right so high angle view so there's an art form called as anthropomorphic I would like to use that as well right defining the style anthropo moric right now we'll be like a dog wearing purple more details to the character purple hoodie and sunglasses takes a smiling selfie at a musical concert right and we'll be like give more aesthetic details to it Street fashion and uh we'll be like Ultra wide shot and then we can Define the mood it should be uh the lighting it should be daylight lighting it should be sunny and we can also then add our other prompts which is hyper realistic highly detailed Bou shot and that's it let's see what mid Journey gives this image looks so cool bro now if you see this is a dog wearing a purple hoodie actually taking a selfie in a music concert right so in this PR we used all the concepts that we learned in the medium level now let's move on to the hard level okay now we'll be talking about the hard level of prompting in mid Journey this is basically adding more technical stuff like playing with the aspect ratios playing with negative prompts playing with the seed playing with chaos so these are on the more technical site so let's dive into it we'll be exploring negative prompt with an example right so we created this gothic art style train thing right so we have written the same PR and we have added uh uh hyphen hyphen no and here we'll add the keywords of things that we don't want so we don't want trees we don't want nature we don't want Greenery we don't want plants as well right so let's see what mid Journey gives us this is no command is a very interesting way to manipulate images or manipulate things that you don't want so if you see in this image now mid Journey has somewhat removed most of the trees and plants from the image right there are some trees we need to define it better but this is what M Journey has done to remove right let's go one iteration hurther and let's remove buildings as well right so we'll be at this image from garden skyscrapers buildings homes now if you see mid Journey removed all the grease ganry part Garden sker building homes from The Prompt so it gave this inside view of how how uh Metro would look like so this was all about negative prompting or using the hyphen hyphen no command next up we have is prompt and the image weights how you can have more control and customization power over your prompts so let's explore that so now let's uh talk about the second parameter called as uh prompt weights prompt weight uh help in emphasizing or deemphasizing uh certain parts of the prompt when mid journey is generating an image so suppose I have a prompt say slash imagine this only right aial shot of futuristic Indian Metro in Delhi right now I want futuristic to be more emphasized that I want a really futuristic image right you need to add uh two colons and add a number to it say two right uh this will basically give more emphasis to futuristic word when we generate this prompt let's see what happens so if you write a normal prompt all the images start with a default emphasis of one and then we give suppose now here I give an emphasis or two so futuristic just took over and everything is more futuristic now now let's do one more thing right so instead of this we let Futuristic 3 and uh say Metro 2b2 right let's see what happens and in this the relative weights matter not absolute so 3 is to 2 will be equivalent of 6 into 6 ratio 4 as well right so now if you see the image it's emphasizing futuristic and it's emphasizing Metro as well right so if you see these futuristic cars and futuristic Metro so this is how you can Define weights to a particular phrase or a word that you want emphasis on and mid Journey will give more emphasis to that particular thing let's try it with some other examples as well right so here let's use this prompt imagine and I want Maya patterns to be more prevalent let's see what it gives now we have done with the no command let's explore what multi prompt is right so multi prompt basically helps mid Journey understand that okay there are two different concepts rather than one concept and this separator allows us to give relative importance to a particular part of the prompt right so to use multi prompt we use a separator called as double colons and adding a double colon to Mid Journey prompt indicates that it should consider that particular part of the prompt separately right so for example I choose prompt as cricket bat right so let's see what does this give now similarly I'll choose a prompt as cricet double colon bat now what this will do is the first prompt uses cricket bat as one word but the second prompt gives gives Cricket more preference like uh over the word bat right so you'll see the difference this is say a random cricket bat that mid Journey has generated right here cricket bat is considered at one thought and now here cricket and bat are considered different thoughts right now we'll introduce a concept of Weights that what does weights mean so right prompt as cricket cricket bat was a single thought I'll show you is a single thought right cricet double colon bat is two different thoughts but same weightage basically uh both have same emphasis but same emphasis similarly if I do this these are two different thoughts but Cricket has more emphasis 2x more right so and now let's try this third prom so imagine Cricket to back this will basically mean that the word Cricket has twice more emphasis than the word bat so if you see Cricket here has more prevalence let's explore an example of multi prompt and prompt weights again so let's try green trees so green trees so now this green trees is a single thought right it's a basically a single concept that I want to make let's try I want now mid journey to understand green and as two different concepts so green double colon trees now these green and trees are two different concepts but they have same emphasis so now it will consider green different and trees different now similarly I want to do green double coal to trees here it will give twice X emphasis on green rather than trees right so let's see what the three outputs are so this is our output for green trees which M Journey has given now here green has more prevalence like basically green and trees are have same emphasis but they're different concepts so every tree that you see is green in color now here if you see green has more prevalence over the trees so they might not be as close as tree structure like this looks like a mushroom but they are green in color so this is how you use multi prompts and prompts weight so till now we have covered how to use the no command the negative prompting The multi- Prompt and the image weights now next let's cover aspect of ratios so the images that you see in mid Journey are 1 is to one but we might have different needs of different image ratios as well right so let's try a different ratios so suppose this image right I want it to be a long suppose say Instagram story size so what I'll do is imagine I'll add the same BR and to add an aspect ratio we'll write hyph iPhone AR and then give a space and then add a number say I want it to be a Instagram story style right so it will be 9 9 should be the width and 16 so basically 9 ratio 16 is equivalent of width ratio height so now it will generate an image in this ratio similarly if I want the same image in ratio of landscape I do 16 is to 9 so there are a bunch of ratios that are that work in mid Journey like some standard ones are 4 is 5 2 is to 3 4 is to 7 1 is to 1 5 is to 4 3 is 2 7 is 4 9 is to 16 16 is to 9 you can just search for aspect ratios on Google and you'll find a lot of different aspect ratios now if you see this is the image where we generated in a vertical format which is 9 is to 16 right and this is an image which we generated in a landscape format which is 16 by 9 now I'll show you one more thing okay this we talked about in the start where we wanted to show a full body shot right slash Imagine This and I write full body short here full body shot so now since the image is long it will in it will try to include the lower body of Tom Cruz as well right so this is how aspect ratio is super helpful in manipulating different images now if you do an upscale you can pan towards left pan towards right whatever Concepts that we explored in the basic part of the tutorial right let's see what full body shot looks like so this is how if you see the full body shot of Tom Cruz looks like so that's it with aspect ratios now let's move to an important parameter called seed now why do we use seed and what is seed you'll notice that if you use the same prompt in mid Journey the chances are that the new result will be different from the previous result are super high like mid Journey will give you all the random results so now if you want more consistency in your Generations like suppose you liked a particular sty and you want to repeat that style you would have to use a parameter called as seed which is hyphen hyphen s consider of seed number as a starting point where mid Journey starts generation right suppose mid journey is generating this image from a seed number say 1 L 35439 right so and this mid Journey does randomly we don't we won't go into the exact tech details of how this works but think of it as a random number where the image is started to generate now every time you generate an image this random number is different so what does fixing a seed means is that we get we figure out what this random number is uh using mid journey and then add this random number to the different prompts that we generate so that mid Journey knows that okay this is the reference I have to use even if I'm generating a new prompt so consider of seed as a landmark right so this is the landmark I want to use for whatever prompts I generate for this particular thing right let's start start with seed so now let's use the first photo of Tom Cruz as an example right I have upscaled the image so how do I find a seed of this particular image I click on ADD reaction and we'll search for envelope once you react with an envelope Emoji mid Journey will send you a seed of this particular image you need to copy the seed right and add it to the next prompt so suppose we go back here we pick this up right and instead of Tom Cruz let's use Dr but now how do we add a seed parameter this this and we'll write seed and now we'll copy the seed value and add it here so now mid journey we'll use this seat this number this Landmark as a starting point and generate this particular style but for Drake let's see what my journey does so what this will do is basically Ally ensure consistency in your prompts so suppose if you're making a game or if you are making a movie of sorts having that seed number helps you generate consistent stuff or consistent images all across whatever prompts that you write right so now if you see the general aesthetic of this image and this image is more or less same right so this ensures that we have consistent results so this was one method of knowing a particular seed what we can also do is we can assign a random number as a seed to it so instead of this I use7 2323 so now I've choosen this number as a seed which is very random right so you can choose random number as seeds as well so now mid Journey will use this number as a landmark number and generate an image for us so now if you see this was a random seed that we added and it generated a reference image using that seed now if you like the the style you can just copy the same seed again and apply it to every other prompt that you want to get the same consistent image but ideally the prompts would be very similar you can play around here but the overall Vibe would be more or less similar so now that was all about seed uh you can read it more on Mid Journey's official guide which I'll put it in the description but next let's come to the stylized command so when you create images in mid Journey mid Journey has a own default styling uh which basically references your prompt and applies its own default styling to the prompt and generates an image for you but the stylized parameter allows you to control how much of the default styling should be applied should it be very less or should it be very high as in reference to the default styling of the art the color the composition and everything every detail that you add to the image so we specify the style of the image using the hyphen hyphen styze Comm command and mid Journey allows stylize from 0 to th000 for the style parameter so what we'll do is since we know now how to make consistent stuff let's make an image add a prompt Define a seed to it and see what it looks like with different seed values say I want futuristic mushroom right we'll write seed to be 101 and we'll write stylize to be zero similarly here we'll write stylize to be 50 incrementally show you how does stylize look 50 100 let's see let's add 250 let's add 500 and let's add 750 so now let's add a final uh styliz th000 as well and then we'll compare how stylize affects the whole prompt right so now if you see this was a futuristic mushroom with zero stylization this was a futuristic mushroom with a stylize of 50 like there's a significant more stylization added to it this was with 100 like it's more there's more detail to it this is more artistic if you see this is 250 then this is 500 like this is absolutely some insane styling going on this is 750 which is this is actually very varied and weird and then this is styling 1,000 so if you saw that zero was a plain mushroom very default kind of styling and thousand was this futuristic Ultra detail and 100 different things going on in a particular thing so this is how stylize works next is a chaos command so right now mid Journey generates four Images right one 2 3 and four so chos commands affects how much variation should be there in all the four Images right so if the value is high then it will produce crazier and very wild variations if the value is lower it will be more consistent reliable and repeatable right and the value is generally from from 0 to 100 the default chaos value is zero so let's try it in this mushroom itself a futuristic mushroom where we write chaos as zero similarly a futuristic mushroom where we write chaos as 100 now let's see what my journey has to give so this is a Kos with zero C like images would the variations would look more or less similar but this is a higher chaos like you see the randomness right like it just forgot the subject right it just not just the art style uh chaos parameter changed the subject as well like it affected the composition the perspectives the mediums the detailing everything so this is how chaos parameters work right and the last thing we are going to explore is the repeat command uh so now we'll be exploring repeat command suppose for this particular thing I want this thing only but I want it to run five times so that I can see close to 20 variations right so I'll click on imagine put this I'll remove the seat because I don't need it what I'll do is I'll do hyphen hyphen repeat 5 so now what mid Journey will do mid Journey will use the same prompt and repeat it five different times to generate four four Images every time so right now it's asking that okay you want to imagine five prompts of this I'm like yes so now I'll be getting Five results of the same prompt so so this helps me if I want to experiment more see more variations and yeah now if you see on the screen we have the same prompt running different different times to show different different variations and results this you can play with chaos play with stylze to see how everything looks like and choose whatever you like now if you see mid Journey repeated the same command five times using this repeat option and has given me like 20 variations to choose from so I can choose whatever I like and use it for my reference so this was all about the hard level of learning mid Journey this was much more technical so in Easy level we covered a much more basics of mid Journey how to install what does a basic prompt look like in medium we covered a lot of different variables that help in making off a prompt and in the hard level we talked about how to use different variation parameters so feel free to like comment and subscribe to the channel next we'll be talking about how to do some cool stuff in mid Journey first let's talk about scaling right so now I suppose I really like this U1 image right and let's see what happens now if you see this is a pretty high quality version of this image but now if you want to scale it more to have that greater detail so there's a site called Wu 2x right y for 2x where you can scale the image to a much larger resolution so what you need to do is save the image you go here on w2x you click on choose file you select the image right the style should be photo itself it should be highest and you can do 2x PNG I'm not a robot and you click on convert right and let's wait for a much more scaled image right if you see the scale here the resolution here and the resolution here so this image is a 2X of of what we generated with mid Jour right we can do 4X as well we just need to click on 4X and choose a file say I again choose this file model is can be art scan only then the know is low upscaling I want it to be 4X right tiling 256 then and just click on start a few moments later if you see these are the small small tiles that are being generated our 4X high quality high definition image is generated so this is the site that you can use to scale your images now let's come to the second cool hack that we want to do it's called face swap face swap essentially means if you want to swap someone's face with someone else's space right to install inside face what you need to do you need to go to Google search for insight space Discord click on the first link right it will ask you to choose a server you choose choose as your Design Lab and click on continue click on authorize I'm a human and there you go we have inside face swap our face swapping bot inside the server so we generated uh this particular image so let's use the Tom Cruz image itself right so we particular we generated this image right now let's use say shahu Khan's face to replace is Tom Cruz face so now when you search for a shukan face you click on large to get a good high quality image so let's choose this image right I click on save image go to desktop and click on Save Right what I need to do is I need to press slash and I need to use a save ID Command right save ID basically asks you to upload an image right so I'll click on upload I'll I'll choose shuk's face and put the ID name as shuk right or let's do it srk now my face is set like the if you see this command ID name srk is created now what I'll do is I'll do list ID this basically shows all the faces that are currently in the system so we have uh the ID name srk right so we'll put command set ID set ID is basically to tell inside face off that okay this is the face we're going to use as write srk here and now the current pH that I'm using is srk's face so what I'll do is I'll go back to the image that I want to change the face with I'll left click click on apps and click on in swapper now let's wait for Mid journey to change the face and this is where mid Journey has swapped the face of Shah ruk Khan with Tom Cruz's face let's try on other photos as well I want to get it in this particular photo let's generate a high scaled image right click click on apps and click on upscaler and if you see we have a fair similar face of Shah ruk Khan in this particular image so if you want to add more faces just click on slave ID upload the image give it a name then click on then add a command set ID and just right click and choose the ins swapper app to replace the face so this is how you face swap now let's try another cool command called blend so now what does blend command mean blend command means that it will combine two or more images into and create something unique right so let's do this let's take this mushroom and combine it with this New Delhi Metro train right I'll quickly open this in browser and save this image similarly I'll quickly open this train image and save this image now what I'll do is I need to do slash blend I need to choose two images I'll go pick one image image uh this is the mushroom image and I'll pick another image that is the train image and just click on enter now we'll be able to see a blend of these two images let's see what M Journey has in store for us so now if you see mid Journey used this aesthetic the poppy aesthetic gothic art style and added it to our mushrooms and we have a mushroom kind a train station Isn't that cool right so this is how you use the blend command now I'll show you something interesting okay let's go to Mid right and say I don't know what let's just save this image right I'll save this image now I want to know how can I generate these kind of images and suppose if this prompt wasn't visible right so what it do is M Journey gives an interesting option called describe so described it basic basically reads the image and suggests different prompts that you can use to generate that particular kind of an image and it works on any image right so if I choose describe I need to select an image I'll do this I'll select the image so I'll select the image that I saved right this was the image right and click on enter and now and now M Journey gave me all the four prompts that I can use to generate this kind of image so I can choose 1 2 3 4 to basically enter the prompt and generate images of generate images for all these prompts let's click on imagine all and see what mid Journey has in store for us this command you can also use to learn how different images are being generated and learn about different styles and variables that M journey is using to create a particular image now if you see similar kind of images are generated from all the prompts that so suppose small boat on the ocean this is a subject surrealistic distortions that's the art style Tim do probably will be the artist name detailed atmospheric portraits some attributes of this Ilia mashov might be an artist trap demotion depicted this is the mood kind of a thing dark sky blue and dark orange the colors and light fil scenes just depicting in general scene right so if you see all the prompts have generated almost similar kind of images so this is how you know a prompt of a particular image now suppose you would say that I like a image but I want to generate another image but it should follow the same style as this particular image a right so suppose let's go to another inspiration website called Art station right so just AR station folks this is a very cool inspiration website a lot of artwork out there you can use this to figure out your prompts and stuff as well right so what I'll do is suppose say I like this kind of aesthetic a lot what I'll do is I'll click on save image and save it on my desktop go to my Discord and basically up click on this upload a file and add that particular image here right so now I want to create a skyscraper scene but in this particular aesthtic so what I'll do is I'll do imagine right click on the image click on copy link so I'll click on copy link so now what mid Journey will do mid Journey will use this image as a reference image and now I'll write my prompt skyscrapers in city so now what mid Journey will do mid Journey will use this image as a reference and apply the same Styles and everything to the prompt that I have chosen right so let's see what mid Journey gives so now if you see mid Journey almost created the similar style that I wanted from this reference image super cool right so this is also you all can try just go to any website like like pinus art station get a reference image add in your prompt and boom next let's learn how to make anime with mid Journey right so to make an anime you need to use hyphen hyen nii Command right so let's say boy riding a by cycle in India and I'll put up a command says sl/ nii now what will happen is this particular command or this particular generation will be generated as if it was an anime now on top of it you can Define more variables more parameters that we learned about in the medium part and the basic part of the tutorial right let's see what we get let's see what we get so now if you see mid Journey has created anime version of this particular image now you can Define the artist the gibli style or chibli style and see what anime style gives right so the last part of cool stuff now everyone has a business everyone wants to do a startup but you don't know how to make a logo I'll help you out how you can make a logo with mid Journey right just TR imagine and be like a flat logo for a coffee brand white background startup minimal so now if you see I have a coffee brand logo but now you would ask how should I use this PNG or jpg I have a quick hack for you where you can convert these kind of images in SVG and basically you can infinitely scale them make some changes and use these logos right so suppose generate I want I like the first one I want to generate much more high quality version and let's save this image and I will save this image once I've SE this image you need to go to this website called vectorizer doai click on this and now you got to upload your logo let's quickly upload our logo this is uploading processing this is the result that um this vectorizer again I can choose the format here I want it to be in SVG format I want this and you can uh skip all of this and click on download and now you would see that I have a SVG version of this logo now I can put it in my code or put it in illustrator file and edit anything that I don't like right so that's a wrap of whatever cool stuff that you can do in mid Journey there are a lot of other things that you can do but for this tutorial I wanted to limit it to these more uh I wanted to limit it to these parts only so I'll quickly cover how we have been using mid Journey at our company right we recently made this game called overpowered this is like I'm showcasing you the real use case of mid Journey all the images that you see here are generated using mid Journey I'll show you some files as well right so these images are generated using mid Journey if you see these buttons these buttons have been referenced from mid Journey this game board that you see is made from mid journey and these cards the sides of the cards the Manas and every crystals that you see are generated from mid Journey these character images have been also generated from mid Journey itself to maintain consistency we used seed right the seed parameters a lot and to ensure that we get proper outputs we did some post editing in Photoshop which is very important if you want some images of your liking right right so I'll show you some quick images so these were the card game backgrounds that we these were very low card games background that we generated these were very low quality so we had to do a lot of scaling on it these are the card backs and the card fronts that we generated this was the card game board that we generated even the game icons the in-game icons have been generated from mid journey and scaled right and this was the lower part of the image and we manipulated it with the different background to make it look like that game image right so this is how we have generated a lot of stuff in the game so one thing you need to ensure that you do a lot of post editing in Photoshop because that's it's necessary because there are a lot of inaccuracies in the generation so you need to fix those to get the right output then we have been using a lot of mid Journey for landing page assets so recently we created a Yas website where we uh have a TV animation on the top so the TV that we created the Retro TV is created using mid Journey right so there are a bunch of use cases similarly if you see a bunch of thumbnails that we have been creating we have created those thumbnails using characters that we generated in mid Journey so mid Journey has been a game changer uh even at 100x if you see all the session covers all the event covers have a very specific image right so most of the stuff most of the assets in our videos are generated using mid Journey how can you use it at your workplace you just need to buy a subscription and you should start playing around with mid Journey mid journey is all about experimentation you need to get the right Inspirations play it right prompt it right experiment a lot and you'll get your outputs now the last section which everyone has been waiting for is some insane resources of miden first of all I'll show you list of people that you can follow on Twitter so first up is Nick Nick is a great prompter he has been posting great tutorials on how to use mid journey and how to use certain kinds of images right next up is Julie Julie is also posting a lot of interesting things she's making some AI movies and stuff so you should give her a follow as well next up is lonus lonus puts out a lot a lot of tutorials in terms of AI prompting and mid Journey then next is Chris she does a lot of crazy experiments in AI you should check her work out right she'll give you prompt she'll give you guides she give you tutorials on how to work with mid Journey then another one we have Oscar Oscar does a lot of stuff in anime so if you really curious about how to generate anime stuff you can follow Oscar right then we have another called Phil so Phil also does a lot of cool dystopian that kind of stuff in M Journey these kind of shoes and all so then we have piic piic also does some cool experiments in M Journey you should definitely give him a follow then we have techala who also does a lot of generates cool images in mid Journey so these were the Twitter accounts that you should follow next if you want to learn more about prompting so there's a there's a very cool website called the new computer science which has a lot of guidelines about how to write a prompt so you can go through this prompt this is a very well nicely written prompt and it also goes from basic Advanced if you are a reading person next how to get inspiration for more prompts so this is a website called prompt hero here you'll find all kinds of prompts for different different models like stable diffusion mid Journey Open Journey chart GPT everything on this particular website right you can even categorize using types like landscape architecture interior 3D it's like a full big repository of prompts right next this I think is the best thing you'll find over the Internet so this is called called prompter now when you go to this website you need to click to get prompter and click on make a copy so this resource is insane like you will actually love it now if you see this is a prompter which helps you build your prompts so suppose my main idea is like Tom Cruise in Mana were ethnic clothes right so I've written my main idea now secondary subjects can be say skyscrapers crowded market and say dogs for instance right then I can assign weights as we remember we did for uh the multi prompts now if you see the prompter is making a prompt here right if I add a weight two to two here it will add skyscraper weight two to it right now here I can add image URLs as well similarly assign weights to them do not include is basically negative command suppose I don't want trees right so there is no trees I want parameters stylized to be 50 I want chos to be two right so this is everything is added now I want the aspect ratio so this gives a list of aspect ratios as well I want the aspect ratio to be 9 is to 16 this gives a list of mediums as well right I want it to be a street art style now different types of cameras I want it to be a soft focus whatever and microscopy camera then I want the lighting to be a candle light then I want a color to be say brown similarly I want a descriptor like I want it to look like futuristic I want another descriptor I want it to look psychedelic here there's a list of artists as well Pablo I want so you can choose whatever variable you want I want doctor strange and the game I want Assassin's Creed depth of field you want full Focus or Focus so this is the prompt that has been created right so you don't have to remember everything you can just use this particular sheet to choose your prompts and make your own prompts easily so this is an insane resource right similarly I have another repository of mid Journey artist so these are the mid Journey artists and these are Sam of their work so this particular list is list of approximately 7 7 to 8,000 actually it's 10,000 artists who are listed here so you can browse through them and see what kind of style you want to make the last one the last one the last resource is also super cool it's also a prompt Builder again uh that was on Google sheet this is on a website you can write uh Will Smith doing Puja and Ganesh chaturti here you can choose that I W want to say crowd then image link whatever aspect ratio you want say 1 is to 1 chos you want five Image Weight you want one quality you want five seed number say random then if you see the prompt is getting built here right I want stylized to be 500 and then here I'll see a preview of what kind of suppose I want a Bronze Age Now bronze AG I want criteria period if you click on it it selects if you unclick it it's deselects right I want cold ER as well I want Middle Ages then I can choose theme I want the theme to be animation right I want to choose art art to be 3D model characters I want it to be a demon right I want uh demon and for photography I want it to be an architecture now what you need to do is just click on copy paste it in mid journey and that's it those are all the resources that I use by the way you can create all these mid Journey prompts using chat GPT as well but we'll cover that in another video quick ending note folks mid Journey is a game of playing and experimentation think of it as if you are playing a game of GTA where you try out different things and then eventually you figure out new stuff that's it from this video a fun fact this video took us a total of 48 hours to shoot and the video footage is close to 7 hours long so hit that subscribe button show some love and see you in another video
Channel: 100x Engineers
Views: 24,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rSOd2-SBsXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 17sec (5657 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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