The power of Leonardo AI Canvas 2.0 (Tutorial)

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Leonardo ai's canvas 2.0 has been a major step up for the canvas tool in general so the way it works is if I go into my personal feed I can actually find an existing image of mine like this click on the three dots and I can go straight into edit and canvas but you don't need to do that if you want to just import you can go down the left here to AI canvas and simply enter it that way now if I want to work with an image starting with those Basics what I can do here is go to upload image and it can be from the community so I can choose an image from the community or one of my Generations or from my computer I'm going to choose one of my images we've got this natural Meadow with the northern lights and you can see this little window here that's a little window that I can generate within and I can unlock that or lock it and I can move it around so I can take this select and just kind of move this image around we'll try and move the actual window itself so I have a few options there but let's say we're going to look at some of the uses for this and Export some of the tools I can go over here to upload an image from my computer choose an image of the car here in the flood water and it's pretty big so I'm going to use my mouse I'm going to zoom out a little bit I'm going to take this image and just kind of move it around so I can size it down Zoom back in I can't move this out of the way lock that port the first thing to do is actually I'm going to move it off of the canvas because I want to erase some of what's around the outside and if I do it over this image it will erase both of the images so I take my Eraser tool and I can make it pretty big to start with and just kind of clean up some of the stuff around the car and I'm gonna shrink it down zoom in a bit more to fine tune and so one of the things I can actually do is if I move this over and pop it right here in the water it doesn't necessarily look very natural at the moment and to be honest it probably still won't look too natural but I can again I can just erase the background and get the AI to fill it in or I can mask the background and instead of removing it it will actually adjust now it's got a bit of a display error here I'm not sure what's going on but if I draw around that car a mask here it will use that area to generate my image and I'm just going to say water around car and hit generate and I've got a few options here and that one probably looks the best it's not a good job of blending the brown in there which is kind of what I wanted to test uh it has cut off a little bit too much of the car but that's because the masking was not wasn't pretty loose it wasn't super tight but overall I think that looks pretty good but so you can basically use that to blend images in however if I don't like that I can actually still click this image I can move that around you'll see that there's a full image in here so if I hit obviously Ctrl Z to undo you undo and redo over here I can still click unlock and move that around I can hit accept or cancel but now it's going to hit cancel I've still got our car there and I'm gonna just remove that car as well or remove some of the Mask just clicking on these areas hitting delete and start again now zoom out a bit and make this a bit bigger and if I select this little bit of land here grab my Eraser and just kind of remove a chunk of that I've got it dream shape a 7 turn on here I've got my input impact strength up all the way to one I'm going to type in mythical Temple and hit generate and it'll actually pop a temple in there and I've got a few options maybe something like that you see it kind of generates that temple in place which is a pretty cool feature as well but one thing that's really cool about the canvas 2.0 is I'm going to get rid of absolutely everything I'm going to cancel that there's canvas mode so at the moment we have in paint and out paint but I can also just text the image to create an image I can also sort of do image to image or sketched image there's a few different things I can do so starting off with text to image I'm going to bump this up to 1024 by 768. once again I've got dream shaper on so I'm going to leave that on for now but because I'm doing text image I can also turn on Alchemy and prompt magic so I'm going to say here a powerful wizard purple glow which is similar to what I did in my Alchemy video I hit generate zoom in a bit you see I've got some options we might stick with this one for now click accept so I've been able to just generate an image and you'll notice I had three options because I had three chosen here my image Dimensions I chose here and I can do a little bit more with the c which is uh kind of like the starting point if you only have any instant results when you retry things but they're sort of getting a bit more down the advanced path but it's a pretty powerful tool so I can actually just generate images straight in here as I would with the image generator and then of course I can switch from text to image here to impaint out paint yet again this time I'm going to take my window down to 512 by 512 and I take my image and enlarge it a bit and just pop in here once again grab my Eraser and this time I can say I'll leave the purple glow in there Crystal Ball purple glow so I can actually generate an image and then adjust it you see she's got a crystal ball here I've got three options she's got massive thumbs in this one so we'll stick with that one however it's a little bit rough but you sort of get the idea we can now accept that and now we've generated a crystal ball and we can continue to make adjustments to this image so now we're able to give us sunglasses and you get the idea from there another thing is going back into this section here we've got image to image which I'll actually come to last and then sketch to image I'm going to zoom out a little bit I'm going to actually grab all this stuff and just kind of move it over here and I'm going to import an image so this is some AI art I've actually generated in another program like mid Journey or something like that and this is a one thing that uh I really wanted to stress you don't have to stick to one platform you can use Leonardo AI in conjunction with other platforms if you like their tools and certain things that they do differently so I'm going to zoom in and now we're at sketch to image so if I take this sketch here I bring this down a bit and I'm going to change the color here to maybe like a green or a little bit of a duller green I can kind of draw a big green blob here I'm gonna then lighten up the green bring the and I'm going to basically try and draw a frog so I've got here what is a really really crappy frog but because I have sketched image on I'm going to see what results we have this is the first time I've actually tried this feature so it will be interesting I go to automatic masking I'll leave that override defaults and I'll leave it whatever but overall we've still got dream champer selected so let's give it a go and hit generate now I've made the mistake of drawing a frog and writing in sunglasses so I'll go back top in frog generate and you can see it's actually popped a frog in where I've drawn it this has kind of matched the pose a bit more although the Frog's a little messed up but the only thing too is because we have these different models available I don't have to stick with these results I'll go over here to dreamshaper seven and zoom out a little bit I can select a custom model find something like cute animal characters I'll click on that generate with this model and this time we will try again now we get more cartoony frogs this frog face looks pretty cool but you can see it's actually paid attention to where I drew and it's tried to create the Frog over the top of that I'm going to accept that but there's also other uses for it which you would have seen in the little thumbnail before once again if I import an image I'm gonna go upload image from my computer I've got this man's face here which I'm going to resize a little although I need to get to the corner here I pop him here and I select all this other stuff over here and move it out of the way again I'm gonna move my viewport over his face maybe you're making me a bit bigger so I'm going to play with his facial features just a little bit I can sketch again I can choose black I can draw a mustache and a bit of a goatee that looks pretty ordinary and I'm going to type in here facial hair but I need to change this from cute animal characters to something else I only go stable to Fusion XL 0.9 generate with this model and hit generate you can see it's added some nice ridiculous looking facial hair I think this one's probably the best we'll stick with that but also one thing that is a little bit annoying is the fact that it looks pretty grumpy so we can still get that sketch first of all I accept and I'm going to draw a mouth here and I'm going to then switch to White and just sort of draw some white in there and I'll type in here smile now we can choose to have the dentist's nightmare or maybe this one here looks a bit good he looks a bit funny now but uh overall still pretty cool and then of course I can do more with that I can draw now we have some green glasses once again probably these ones are the best I hit accept so now I have this image that I've been able to draw over and get the exact result not the exact result but get a result that I want now if you spend a bit more time with it you can probably get better results than what I did but it's still a very powerful feature to play with and can be a lot of fun but let's just zoom out take our original guy out of here we'll leave that one there for reference zoom in over here and move the viewport and what we're going to do instead of sketch the image we're going to go image to image and there's a few different things we can do for one I can just go exactly the way we are here I'm typing man's face hit generate and you see it's referenced that original image as layout for the new image that it is generated and to be honest actually not too bad a bit of a funny stare but you get the idea but that's not just where it stops I'm going to hit cancel scroll down we have here control net so I've just cleared my canvas completely and in order to use control net I need to use a model which works with standard Fusion 1.5 so dreamshaper version 7 does that you can also find that out by going to your home page under fine tune models you can actually open up a model it'll show you the base model so it needs to be version 1.5 that it works with so I have that on I'm actually Alchemy is turned off because Alchemy will disable the the option otherwise I have control net here I have pose to image which will actually replicate a pose into another image or edged image it'll detect the edges of an image and recreate within those edges so it's kind of good for if you want to change the color of an object we've got depth to image so if you're something has a lot of depth of field you can work with that we will start with Edge to image and I'm going to put the control net weight all the way up to one and I'm going to add an image from my computer so I have this dog image here I'm going to resize it into the window if I type green dog down the bottom here and hit generate it produces a picture of a green dock with a few options now I like this one the best I'm going to accept now if I move the original in move this over next to the original image if you look at all the hairs around here and all of these little bits and pieces it's really detected where every line and sort of shape is by checking the edge and it's filled that in with different colors and given it pretty much the identical layout but again just different colors within those edges it is essentially the same photo recolored but this time if I click on that but I bring the control net weight down to half so it uses half of that information I can generate it's now a little bit looser you can see how it's still kind of got that same layout in the same position but the hair and that is a little bit more unique in the way it flows and it's given a little bit more artistic Freedom so the exact same thing is a pretty cool uh it's a pretty cool option if you want to try and just change the nature of an image but if you want something to sort of be a little a little bit more artistic of an original image this is a very cool option if I remove all that this time you add a picture of a face I'm going to pump the control net weight up to what one and I'll show you exactly what I mean with this face by typing in something alike purple face green eyes generate plus two side by side and you can see there's this exact chin shape and layer and it's altered the colors it's even changed his hair a little bit I guess that might have been a little bit more difficult to interpret but you can see how it's really modeled his face pretty much exactly and again I move this over here if I want to create something a little bit different we're in the control net weight down but this time I say 3D anime style and because I've given it a bit of freedom of movement but still referencing the edges of the face I hit generate and it's gone for a literal anime style by preferencing a woman's face so we've gone a little bit too far back so let's crank it back up to about 70 hit generate we got our man back again with a little bit more artistic sort of Freedom added into that prompt and a bit more cartoony so that's a pretty handy tool for taking an image of someone or taking an image of anything and kind of playing with it using AI to manipulate and get something different again I'm going to cancel delete all this stuff I'm going to switch from Edge to image to depth to image now for depth of field I need to find an image now one thing you can do with the camera set is simply drag and drop images in there and that's pretty handy so I'm going to zoom out and just resize this image again now you'll notice that there's some blurring at the front and blurring at the back with a focus in the middle this is the depth of field in a photo and we can use that to sort of help control our image so I've got here depth to image what I can do is Type in a crowd of aliens green skin or something like that something completely different I hit generate now this image looks completely different but you notice they're a little bit blurred at the front a bit blur at the back and there's a little bit more information here in the center if we scroll through however this isn't really the best image I'm going to go to where it says dreamshaper choose a different model let's go Spirit creature standard Fusion 1.5 humanoid cats and then comma crowd I'm going to bump up the resolution to try and get a little bit more detail it there's a lot of detail we're asking for here so you're not getting the best results but you can see how that depth of field has actually been used we've got humans in this one cats in this one with a depth of field we can also just see even type in something like Blades of grass and change that back dreamshaper and you can see it's kind of created a bit of a Blades of grass environment again blood at the front focused in the middle blur to the rear so depth of field is actually a really handy tool if you want to sort of mimic a particular layout with that Focus effect but moving on we're going to try now by switching to pose to image we've got an image here of a guy looks like he's a fighter of some sort and let's say I want to take that pose and put it onto a different character now again I'm going to type in here anime martial arts Warrior we have got dream shaper and pose to image and I'm going to crank that up to full because I want to see what we get and hit generate you can see it's actually pretty much copied that pose if I zoom out a little bit try to move this guy over even though it's not perfect it has done a very good job the elbow this elbow is lower than that elbow even the way his face is kind of turned slightly off to one side he's got a sword in this one so you can see just how it's changed that I could even change that to something else let's move this guy back try again I'm gonna Kung Fu alien hasn't quite turned out that way with one or two but you can see it's all kind of there this time I can say humanoid cat boxing this time I'll go back up to dream shaper choose Spirit creatures I'm not expecting to get a great result but I do want to test it out and say generate and we've got a human wearing a Cat hoodie another strange picture another one but you can see the power of this especially when you can play with it and get some really good results I'm using very simple prompts here you could probably get something much better if you spend a bit more time working on your prompts but that is essentially a lot of the cool sort of techniques that you can use the canvas editor for now if you're looking for more information on the Leonardo canvas editor there's a lot of pre-existing features I'll pop a video on the screen right now that you can check out to explore that further otherwise I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please consider giving it a like otherwise hope to see you again soon have a great day
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 72,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai canvas, leonardo ai canvas editor, leonardo ai tutorial, leonardo ai, leonardoai, leonardo ai edit canvas, the power of leonardo ai canvas, leonardo ai canvas 2.0
Id: aw10ykp5n5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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