InDesign Advanced Tutorial

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well hello hello everyone my name is dave casuto instructor for learn it and welcome to our advanced indesign class now perhaps some of you are following up on my intro to indesign class and are hungry for more indesign fun well welcome back and if you haven't checked it out please give it a go as there are some pretty great fundamentals covered in that class now what do we cover in this class being a little more advanced we cover items like data merging how to create a table of contents we go over creating interactive forms we also get a little deeper into nested styles including character paragraph and object styles we then do a nice deep dive into some advanced master page techniques then we get a little bit more creative with some of my favorite vector and shape manipulation tools and actually so much more than that now this course is designed to be an interactive hands-on course so occasionally you'll hear me say things like pause the video and practice on your own so make sure you download the class files from the link below to do so this will ensure you get the most out of the course and learn the program in a more experiential hands-on manner i'm looking forward to teaching you all the cool things that indesign has to offer at this very advanced level so stay tuned and get ready to learn if you're enjoying these videos please like and subscribe if you want to earn certificates and digital badges please become a member of our patreon the link is in our video description if you have any questions you want answered by one of our instructors please join our off-site community the link is in the description as well and as i mentioned this course does have exercise files you'll find them in the video description below let's begin our discussion on indesign talking about the cc libraries panel now i think this is very important to talk about because many of you have probably ignored it whether you're in photoshop or illustrator and design or any of the other adobe programs and how do i know this because i am also guilty of this i've been looking at it for years and years and years and have decided i don't need this right yeah i kind of understand what it is but i have other ways to do the things that it's going to do and you know what i don't really need to waste my time with that but guess what that's all going to change for you because it's changed for me also so what is the cc library cc library allows you to organize all of your content meaning content could be copy could be images could be vector graphics could be styles could be colors could be shapes themselves so many different things and you might want to reuse those over and over again you might want to share those with other people that you're collaborating with you also might want to share them with yourself within other documents and other programs so it's pretty extraordinary so let's just first talk about how we can get to our cc library you'll notice i actually have my cc library open right here some of you may not so let's go ahead and just close that out and let's see how we can bring this up very simply we go up to our window menu go over here to cc libraries and there it is now you'll notice i currently have two libraries already created my images library and my indesign templates library so let's go ahead and open up my images library and you'll see oh great there are some things already in here oh look at that that's already in here that's wonderful that's great so guess what i could do i could reuse these over and over again between my documents now it's very important to understand that i need to be logged in to my creative cloud account in order to be able to see these on this document but also other documents okay so once i'm logged in i'll be able to see all this in a little bit we're going to be talking about the adobe stock website and you're going to see how that's also going to be linking up to our adobe account and how everything all talks to each other right using the cloud technology for our benefit so let's go ahead and work with this image i want to work with this image over and over and over again i want to use this i want to see it in other places i also want to share with other people so how do i do that i'm just going to simply just simply click on it and you'll see here is my images library i open that up and you can see here is my graphics component here and then i'm just going to simply click and drag that in there wait for my little plus sign and then wait about maybe three seconds or so maybe five seconds and there it is wonderful and you'll notice how it comes in as artwork whatever just calls it something if you right click on it notice i have the option to rename it but also note that you can delete it you can also move it to other libraries if you want to duplicate it all kinds of great things here you can also create new groups around it you can be as organized as you need to be okay and again understand the benefit of this because guess what if i want to use this in another document i absolutely can do that we're going to do that in just a minute one thing you'll notice is that it brought in a certain version of this image meaning it didn't bring in the entire image it only brought in the cropped out version so if i double click on this now you'll notice how i get this entire kind of image content right not the actual frame when as i want to just single click but if i double click i get the entire content and now let's say i want all of the image as opposed to this cropped image let's now go ahead and just drag that in again okay i'll wait my five to 55 seconds and wait for it it's coming in it's working hard okay there it is great and you can see also you know it has the some of the original stuff on there that's great all right so i'll just go ahead and just rename that all right i'll call that bob and that is going to be original okay fantastic that's great so let's now see that in action i'm going to create a new document and i'm just going to bring in one of these images so i'll just bring in artwork three and then i'm just going to drag that and then wow look at that amazing i can use this on a completely different document you'll be able to see i have access to that no problem okay and again this could be the same thing if you're working in photoshop illustrator etc all right let's just try a different example let's now see what we can do about creating a new library and potentially working with copy right with let's say some text you want to use over and over and over again how could we do that all right so let's just say here is this last paragraph we're using this all the time so what i want to do is i want to create a new library so i'm going to click on create new library i'm going to say copy it's wonderful and you'll see now i have three libraries all right and i'm going to show you something kind of tricky because what i want to do is i want to bring in this little bit here okay now i can't necessarily drag this over even if i try to like hold down the control key click and drag it kind of gives me a little bit of a message that's going to do it but typically it's not going to do it right it kind of sends you some sort of mixed messages that it's going to do it what you want to do is open up the actual library itself highlight your content and then you're going to come way down here to this little plus sign that guy all right and then you'll see it's aware that i've selected type and i'm able to now either choose parts of the type right just the text itself or the whole paragraph style or i can just go ahead and add all depending on what you are trying to do right totally up to you so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to add all i click on that and now bam look at that there it is comes in but guess what it's also brought in my paragraph styles too and my color which is so cool just in one selection it's brought in several different things that i can use over and over and over again so therefore if i love this paragraph style i can use this paragraph style elsewhere and i did it it was just one drag and it brought in three different things here because let's say the color was something i really love i can reuse this color if i want to as well so now let's just see it in action i'll come back here let me just drag bob over here and now i'm just going to drag my text in here and that's great fantastic that's amazing right so there it is love that and i don't have to worry about that anymore because that's text that i use all the time and guess what i can just go back to my creative cloud libraries and then continue to use it now if you're like me you're probably thinking well what if i want to change this type right because i have this this this copy all over the place right and it's like oh wait a second we just change our product name we want to change the verbiage across the board guess what because i'm working with this link up to my cc libraries i can just change the original text and then this will also get changed okay it's pretty amazing so let's now go ahead and just bring a new page in i'm going to right click insert page and i'll just bring in three more pages it's great and now let me bring in this content so you can see here and i just drag that out okay if i zoom in i can see all right there it is wonderful okay so you might have this in two places and again this also might be in another document as well but let's just see how this works right same exact copy let me now right click back on this text box here and i'm going to say edit and you're going to see what's going to happen i'm going to open up to a whole new tab here of like all this gobbly goop this is just basically the editing window for this copy and i'm just going to make some changes to this i'm just going to say hey we are so proud of this product and still okay as you know we consider i'll just say all of our health priceless okay fantastic and let me go ahead and close this let's ask me to save it i'm going to say yes now we come back here and guess what it is now add this part here and it's added this part here and let's go ahead and go to down below and did it do here too yes it did look at that amazing everything i wanted to do and again this could be on another document anywhere else this is always linked up to it and if you are also working with other documents it's going to be the same thing meaning in other programs too okay so it's pretty pretty extraordinary another feature that you may see is the ability to bring in your styles into your creative cloud libraries okay so how do you do that if you open up to your styles panel you will notice that when i select one of my styles you'll see that hiding right over there this little guy right there is going to allow me to do guess what move your mouse over it's going to tell you add selected style to my current cc library okay so what i could do is now just say create new library and i'll just call this para graph styles okay click on create all right and then i click on this and wait for it amazing there it is love that let's do another one awesome there it is okay so what this is going to allow me to do is share between indesign documents right it's really just such a cool thing all right so you'll want to practice this according to whatever your needs are working with images working with styles right working with copy certainly and play around so pause it you can practice on our annual report file here if you like and maybe practice on your own all right so again pause the video practice it see how it works out for you and when we come back we're going to talk about adobe stock and adobe stock is pretty great because it's going to allow us to work with all of these free mostly free or at least the ones that we're going to be talking about assets for you to work with and you're going to see how it's going to work nicely with your creative cloud library all right so stay tuned practice up have fun and we'll see in the next lesson let's now discuss adobe stock now what is adobe stock and how can it help us so this is essentially a portal a database basically a place where you can go and you can get assets as a result of you paying your monthly subscription adobe is generous give you just literally access to millions and millions of different types of assets whether it could be images whether it's going to be bitmap images or vector videos different templates right all kinds of great things and all high quality and for the most part all copyright free right because you are paying for that but now let's just let's explore what we're looking at here first of all in the upper right you will see my name telling me that i'm in fact logged in as me so therefore it's connecting to my creative cloud account right that makes sense but let's verify that by going over to here to my libraries and i will see when i click on that oh look at that all of the libraries that i just created in my last video now show up here pretty cool and we're going to see how that's going to play out once i finally save my images or whatever assets i want and i want them to show up inside of indesign okay pretty cool now let's look over here on the left hand side where i have all of these filters and very importantly i also see an option for what types of assets i want and also here's my option for searching all right so let's first choose free okay you can see all these different asset types you can bring in but we're going to choose free and this will give us access to a lot of these other things if you want to but for the purpose of this exercise we're going to choose free and i'm going to just type out let's just say business all right click on that okay cool lots of great stuff here okay wonderful it's amazing notice when you move your mouse over it it should say free free free okay that's what i like that's amazing now i'm gonna go over here to my filters and decide well what kind of stock blah do i want do i want images do i want some videos do i want all these things here and of course again they're going to be free so what asset types do i want do i want just images do i want videos do i want okay or all things so you'll see i click on that and it's going to refresh and if i scroll down i'll be able to see a lot a lot of different types you can see there's even some video that's available here for me okay great i just want images so it'll refresh with just images love that now it's asking me well now that you chose images what's the subcategory you want so i can say well i only want photos and now it's only going to be photos as opposed to what vectors so let me just deselect photos oh that's pretty cool so these are going to be vectors and i'll be able to download these and i'll be able to actually manipulate them that is amazing look at that i can just take all these and then do whatever i want i mean pretty pretty awesome let me go back to photos turn off vectors then you'll see there's going to be some other options you might want to explore like your orientation what oh that's pretty cool so i'm only working with square images click on that oh that is so cool of course i can make them square myself because we're all skilled at indesign at this point but i'm going to now bring this over to vertical and turn that off and let's just see what other options i have there okay cool just good to know that they're kind of doing the work for us all right i'm just going to go back to all and you'll see there's some other really kind of neat options here like depth of field if you want to have some blur in the background so she's got lots of nice depth depth of field they kind of have a little bit as well right you can see all these just adds a little more focus onto the foreground you'll see maybe there's some other things here in terms of vivid color do you want to have people etc all right you can even filter it out by color goes on and on and on right now how do we get these all right so let's just take this this is going to be like the cover of our newsletter so if you'll notice that when you move your mouse over the image you're going to get this little heart here saved library and this is also find similar you'll also notice this is telling me it's free and you'll also notice it says license all right first thing we're going to do is just simply click on the heart right seems like a nice thing to do i click on that and then you'll see over here in the upper right it's saying saving to default library which is images but when i click on manage you'll notice i can override that and have that go someplace else if i want to right so if you have like different kinds of images maybe you've got like medical versus business you know versus tech something like that you may want to have them more specific to where you wanted to go and of course these libraries would have been created back in indesign okay so and you can create one here if you like as well right so great i have that there now i'm going to warn you there's going to be a little bit of a problem there because i did not license this image oops okay so let's now try for something else okay so i'm gonna go get this one but this time i'm gonna choose license i click on that and you can see it starts to refresh starts to refresh okay great it's downloading it okay love that it's talking to the database and now guess what i'm now all set to download this i can rename this if i want to i'm going to go ahead and click on save all right fantastic that's great process is going to be the same regardless of whatever you're working with if you're working with vector images it's going to ask you do you want to download it in a certain file format you just want the jpeg or do you want to be able to manipulate it as a vector right totally up to you okay now that we've explored this and we've exploited it let's now go ahead and check out what we've got so i'm going to come back here and let me get rid of these guys this is from before and let's just start really from where you'd be starting which is your cc libraries here and there is the library that i just saved to and guess what i was just in adobe stock saving those images and now i come over to here open up graphics and look at that there she is and there they are okay so let's just see how great this is nice beautiful image click and drag okay that's great love that no problems at all okay now let's try this one and you'll see oh a great image but oh why is there a watermark on this man not okay i don't want that at all right that looks just like i stole it so what we need to do it's a very very simple solution is you'll see right over here is this little dude right there to be able to license it remember how i clicked on license for this one you click on license for this one which is just clicking on that and then you wait maybe about 10 seconds or so it's essentially just talking to the adobe people and saying hey is this guy cool all right yeah this is free right okay everything's cool or did he pay for it all right everything's good and now wait for it to refresh and it takes about like maybe 10 20 seconds and then the watermark should disappear amazing so now i own this okay tons of high quality stuff got it from adobe stock and then i brought it into my cc libraries okay so hopefully now you are convinced about how awesome the cc libraries can be and we're going to start working with these all throughout this class you'll see kind of different examples of when this can be done and again it's about collaboration it's about sharing and it's about efficiency for you ultimately okay and in this way it's like wow i want to get something super creative and super quality so i can go to the adobe stock website and get all my needs taken care of all right so pause the video practice this make sure you're logged in go over to adobe stock and get some good quality stuff and put it to use okay pause the video have fun experiment and we'll see you in the next lesson in this next lesson we're going to be working with the annual strategy dc indesign document so you can go and open that up to follow along if you like and we're going to be discussing layers and layer management and maybe some more advanced tools than maybe some of you've seen and this is a very good document because it's nicely organized and we're going to learn how we can be organized in the same way but then maybe even push it to the next level so let's go ahead i'm going to dock all my panels here so i can see my layers panel just sitting right here and again if you can't find it just go over here to window and open up two layers you will see that this particular document if i show it now in my preview mode has all of these text boxes here and some other graphics and all that stuff here and i can see how they're nicely labeled and nicely color coded accordingly so if i open up to text right here oh that's great you can see here is oh that's that text right there how do i verify that cool fantastic what's this one oh that's also text so notice how they're all organized not only by this individual layer but also how they're organized by color now when's that going to come into play if i click on this right now you'll notice how my bounding box is guess what color it is this blue color right you can see all right great that is telling me that that is now selected okay fantastic now what about all these other elements here i go over to there wow there's a lot of stuff there so if i just click on that you see some of these things are going to disappear and when i click on them specifically you'll notice i'm going to get a nice little bounding box around it which is that color right there okay so just understand that many times you can color code these things all right now we can also get rid of our background you can see great fantastic now one thing that kind of confuses people with with layers if you haven't worked with layers before is the actual selection part of things like so for example when i click on this notice how i clicked on december 2022 it's not showing that it's selected here this is still selected the shape is still selected here what i want you to notice is that this little guy way over here is indicating to me that this element or something on that layer is actually selected so when i open it up it tells me okay this is actually selected right there so anytime you really want to like select an object actually go right for the little box there in order to actually get it selected okay that can kind of confuse people a little bit all right so okay great so let's go over to another page and you'll see that each individual page the layers may change depending on what you have even though i may not have any text there the layers are going to change however whatever is going to be within there is also going to change all right so you just have to understand that like it is contingent upon whatever page you are looking at or whatever kind of spreads you're looking at or so you might want to just kind of explore that just to understand kind of how your document is created okay so notice i'll go here right and notice how that just changed i still have text open let's go to here notice how that just changed all right so you'll definitely want to explore that for your document in case you've inherited it from somebody else all right so definitely some good things to know about um when you're working with with layer management all right now of course you can lock some of your layers like for example i'll go back to this page here and i might want to lock my background layer i can click on that and now i can't accidentally click on that see i'm clicking i'm clicking and clicking i can't do that but when i unlock it then i can click on it and drag it if i wanted to but sometimes it's a good idea to lock things so you don't accidentally mess with them all right so let's now go a little bit more advanced with our layers okay because we've noticed that this particular layer has a color and so do the rest of these and they're all named accordingly so let's go to another page here and let's just say here i have this set of graphs right there okay that's great and i want this entire thing right you can see actually go to my map here okay you'll see let's say i want that on its own layer altogether so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a new layer very simple create new layer and that's going to come over to here and i'm just going to double click on that i'm just going to call this i'll call this graphs and maps and it's going to ask me not only the name but it's also going to ask me the color right so what color do you want that to be so earlier we discussed all of these color options because that way when i click on it i want it to like flash out as a as a frame with that particular color so let's make this maybe magenta that's going to be good because maybe it'll stand out from the background that's great then we have a whole bunch of other options here what do you want to do with this particular layer right do you want to show the layer sure same thing as my little eyeball there when you're working with guides do you want to show the guides on that layer maybe you want that maybe you don't okay do you want to lock that layer again same options as the second column there okay do you want to lock the guides on that particular layer because sometimes you accidentally click on those and move them maybe you want to print this layer maybe you don't okay and sometimes you're gonna say listen i i just have that there's the background because i'm kind of using an old version of it but i don't want to print it when the time comes so you can easily just turn that off so therefore it's not going to get printed okay so kind of cool and then finally suppress text wrap when the layer is hidden okay so it's a lot of words there but basically if you're working with text wrap if the layer is hidden you want it to basically not kind of conform to whatever that text wrapping is because it's no longer there so if in case it's not doing what you want to do you can always come back here and deal with that so i click ok and now you'll notice that this is actually empty i try to click on that and see nothing happens so what i want to do is just move this in there so just to verify is that what i'm looking at okay great and just simply click and drag and then move that inside there and now this is now inside here and when i click on it now notice my little bounding box is that pretty magenta color and it's separated out from there okay so let's just try what's this one oh okay that actually makes more sense because that belongs inside the graphs and maps all right cool now i'm starting to get nicely organized with my content alright so it's going to be a really nice thing for your layer management to have your individual layers some of you may have seen that when you create a blank new document it only comes in as one layer even though you've got 50 zillion things creating all of these individual layers right that in addition to that layer one it's going to help you be organized right not only with yourself but also the people you are working with okay so this is going to be very very important okay now in a little bit we're going to be discussing uh more about master pages right so assume that at this point you'll have some experience with master pages but you'll understand that if i go into a master page right you can see here's my pages you'll see that my layers panel right will also shift accordingly so let me just go over here to my first one here and you'll notice how everything changes right and some of these things have nothing inside of them okay but you do have the option to work with layers inside of here as well and they will play nicely with all the layers that you have inside of your main document just as well so that said please pause the video get familiar with these layers take a look at some of the documents that you're working on and really get organized with your content it's really a very uh good tool and approach and strategy to make sure that you are organized with your content because when working with other people it's going to be important for everybody to understand kind of what's what where things are where they're called all that good stuff and color coding can certainly help with that as well all right so what i want you to do is just pause the video take a look at this document take a look at any of your files and really get familiar with all the things you can do with layers and we'll see you in the next video welcome back and uh let's continue on with this annual strategy dc file and we're going to discuss master pages on potentially a little more advanced level than where you're currently at all right so if you haven't worked with master pages before you're going to see them inside of the pages panel and if you don't have your pages panel up already you can go over here to window and then open up two pages now my pages panel was set up for my masters to be up on top and then i can see all of my pages down here and then just a little review you're going to see how i have all of my master names up on top a b c d which is going to be my prefix and then that prefix will then show here and here and you'll see there's also going to be another one here so all just depending on what you are applying for each of these all right so this one has the a master applied to it so if i go over here and just double click over here and you'll see okay it's not a whole lot going on here and we're going to fix all that but that has a on it let's go over here and see what b has or this has a little line there oh that's interesting what does c have all right not too much maybe a different size oh there's something there for d oh okay well let's just see what's going on if i go over here to b oh there's that line ah okay why is that happening it's happening because of the master okay so we're going to be able to now start manipulating this a little bit more because when i take a look at this i see that i have some kind of repeating elements right here so we're going to play around with making it so we don't have to go to each individual page every time to manipulate this because sometimes it's going to be a different year sometimes it's going to be a different month i only want to have to change that in one place okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to find the one that i like which is going to be i don't know i'll just say this one i'm going to cut that and i'm going to go over to here and i'm just going to delete this one don't need it double click on that select it delete it okay and do the same for here okay wonderful now my goal is to have that on every single one of these pages that has the a on it really simple to do i'm just going to double click back in my a master and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to say edit and then paste in place and you'll see where that ends up it's going to be right where i copied it from pretty cool all right and then there's that now what i'm going to do is hold down my alt or option key and click and drag while holding down the shift key and now i'm going to use my arrow keys while holding down the shift key and that's going to be nicely aligned accordingly all right so of course you'll want to get that however you want to do it all right now you will see also that this is inside of the right layer earlier we talked about layers you kind of always want to sort of check out your layers uh to make sure that everything is where they need to be okay and i can verify again because this is blue that's blue it's inside of text there's the name of it there okay that's great now i want this to be on every single one of these pages did i just accomplish that well let's go ahead and check it out so if we go back to my page one which has the a master on it and notice it's the right spread you will see okay cool there it is can i click on that nope nope why because it's in the master right okay no problem go over to here look at that it's there it's there every time i have an a master applied it then takes in whatever that was up there all right so guess what i only had to do it in one place and then therefore it stuck to that all right so maybe this is some review for some of you but now let's go back to here and let's make some changes where this is going to be actually january 2022 okay great now i made one change here wonderful i come back over here to oh look at that change it there change it here all right fantastic that's great isn't it so the power of working with our masters you'll see on a very basic level all right now let's go to the next level and let's just bring in a nice literal maybe a footer or something like that or header or something like that for each of these individual sections so in order to to do that we need to understand first of all how we can bring in let's say a page number but also how we bring in section titles so if i go over to here to two and three you'll notice how i do not have any page numbers right no page numbers for these so let's go ahead and do a quick review on how that's done and i'm going to show you how you can bring in section titles just the same all right so let's first of all go back to our b master because that's where i want to have page numbers all right that's great and then very simply it's going to bring in the text box click and drag that out and now i go over here to type insert special character and then i go over here to markers and then guess what there is current page number later on we're going to talk about section marker oh that's kind of cool all right so i'm just going to go ahead and just say current page number and then i'm going to say page you know and then maybe some of you want to kind of be a little more creative about it you know maybe you're going to put a little box around it you're going to do all kinds of different things maybe you're going to do i don't know let's just be kind of fun with it let's go over to there i'll make that kind of off the page a little bit and then i'm just going to bring in some color for the text box itself let's just do black and then make my type white and i'm going to right align that and right click on that go over here to my text frame options to give a little bit of breathing room you will see here is my inset spacing and you can see it's going to go a little bit just on top and then i click on this it's going to do for all of them i click ok you can make a little more room because it got a little more too much padding and finally let's do one last thing go back here and notice this keyboard shortcut by the way is controller command b and i'm going to make this a line in the center and i actually want to have this a little more space on the right hand side so i can just uncheck that and that's going to bring this over a little bit okay going a little bit faster for this part here since we are advanced so if you need to review this what i'm doing please go ahead and do that if you need to all right now you'll notice that it does say page b right what does that mean that's just basically referring to the placeholder now if your text box kind of moves around like that once you kind of hit the edges you can always play around with the baseline so if i go back into here and i'm going to go over to my text options i'm just going to increase the baseline a little bit and that gives you a little more text control if it's not doing what you want it to do all right so now that looks pretty good and let's just see what in fact it's going to do all right notice again it says page b that's referring to my master prefix so let's just see now whatever has the b master applied to it will now have that's pretty neat i like that let me hit the w key so i can really see what that's going to look like pretty cool now let's go over and go do it to the other side so very simply just double click here i'm going to zoom out a little bit by just doing my alt and then use my mouse wheel and select both of these and then hold down the alt or option key and then click and drag while holding down guess what the shift key all right let's bring that over there another thing i'm going to do now is just simply left align this and if you need to strongly recommend you do is you play around with the text frame options and go over play around with your inset so instead of the right being three we're going to make this on the left make that 12. okay so this cascade before the right was 12 now this is going to be 3 and then the left is now going to be 12. i click ok and now that's more or less set up let's bring that a little bit over to the edge fantastic good to go now let's go back to our document everything that has b on it will now have all of our page numbers there just like that and on that side as well all right so if i do shift w let's see it in real time wow i love that and you can see it's adding on the page numbers adding on the page numbers accordingly all right so that is just one thing we can do but now let's add on a section title so a section title so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pause the video and make a separate lesson on using section titles all right so this is going to be the end of the first part of what we do with our masters and then we're going to pause the video and then have you do another lesson on number one creating sections but then also bringing in section titles into your master okay now hopefully at this point you're a little more comfortable with masters and um you've practiced everything that we've done so far with just you know understanding how you can have repeating elements on every page and how the benefits are and also we've also done page numbers and we did a little bit of formatting on our page numbers as well now we're going to go a little bit deeper and that's working with sections all right so on this particular document some of you may have noticed that there's a little arrow right here there's another little arrow right there that is indesign's whisper to tell us that there are actual sections for each of these notice when i click on that little triangle notice how all of that now gets highlighted these do not this is a section separate from that section etc and you'll notice how the page numbers start over again okay because that's just how we want our sections to start that's actually making them sort of independent of each other but yet still be in the same document so it's kind of neat so if i go over to here i click on this and then i right click on it you're going to see here is this option for numbering and section options i click on that you're going to see here okay start page numbering at blah blah and you can see there's this other section here page numbering section prefix if you want to so that's going to allow you to say hey this is going to be this section and then it's always going to have a prefix of whatever you type in right to show that okay for your page numbering if you want to all right and then here you'll see here is your style so maybe some of you might want to have different style of pagination you can absolutely do that as you're creating this right and then finally you have your section marker and that's what we're going to focus on here is the section marker essentially that's going to be the label of what we're going to call this okay so let me just first of all i'll just say quarter one forecast all right that's what we're doing here okay great that's amazing and that's pretty much all i'm going to do for right now let me just copy that because i'm going to do the same thing for the next one now you may get this little pop-up here because we have page numbers that are duplicating themselves we're just saying hey i'm cool with this don't worry about it because as i showed you we have more than one page two or one more than one page three all throughout it's okay click ok and you're good all right now let's do another one for this section here just simply click on that and then right click and then here it is numbering and section options and keep it at that that's fine and then this one is going to just be a paste and this is going to be quarter 2 click ok again error message or whatever just a little warning click ok and now we're good to go but what are we good to go to do we're good to go to put in a section marker earlier in the last lesson i showed you where to find all that and that's what we're going to do in this next section we're going to bring in a section marker that every time it's on that particular master is going to show that particular sections title on there automatically just like how it automatically knew what page we were on it's going to do the same thing to know automatically what section we're on wow that's pretty cool so let's go back over here to our b and i only want to have it over here on the left spread so just kind of keep things nice and clean i don't need too many repeating things and you're busy so let's go ahead and do that very simply i want to have a text box there have that all set up ready to go and let me bring in my section marker there so i go over here to type insert special character markers and guess what section marker that comes in and it says section going to right align that all right so this is all pretty much good to go and it just says section hmm not very exciting so let's just see what in fact it's going to do notice it's over here on the left side of the spread i'm going to go over here on the left side over here and then what look what it just did page two and it just brought in the section name keep scrolling down same deal okay cool keep scrolling down nice nice but then guess what when i get over to another section altogether i'm not going to see that anymore okay you can see how cool that is now let's go back over to c which i don't have any page numbers for but i just want you to see what the section is going to look like and how we do that once again so what i may do just to keep things nice and easy is i'm just going to copy that go back over to here and i'm going to say edit paste in place and the page numbers excuse me the page size is a little bit smaller so i might not get exactly the same in place part so i'll just bring that up here and good to go all right of course you'll want to see how they all kind of align with each other and maybe you're creating guides for this great now let's see what c looks like so i go over to here and then c i realize bam there it is amazing cool quarter two forecasts great if i go to d it doesn't have that there so you want to repeat this over and over again okay so sections are really great just to organize your content right separate them out but then you go to the next level and you bring them into a master page and then boom you are so slick with all of your content so this could be for magazines it could be for proposals annual reports for books so many things you're just basically saying hey this is the name of this chapter i want it separated out i don't want to just type in the words every time it's going to cling and link up to the actual section name inside of the pages panel all right so pause the video practice that and we'll come back and see in the next lesson our next discussion on master pages is going to be around creating placeholders placeholders because many times you're going to have repeating elements and you don't know what's going to be within that section it could be changing the words could be changing the images right you might want to just have a little more control over the sort of static nature of masters so you want to be able to have just like placeholders so that way when you're working with other people you can just say hey listen this is going to go here for this group this is going to go here for another group okay but it's just going to be different for each group but it's going to make it easier for people to then place in their own content okay now masters are really good for having all these repeating elements but we're going to be able to customize it so if we just zoom out a little bit you'll see that this page and this page and this page right and this and this all have kind of repeating elements and there's already sort of text in there and they're all kind of in the same place now i want to create my master to be able to just kind of fix that so i don't have to worry about doing all these things kind of piecemeal so we're going to sort of redo how this one is set up all right so i'm gonna go into page one and making sure that my background is unlocked i'm going to just kind of steal this i'm just gonna just do controller command x and go over to here to my right part of my spread and i'm just going to say paste in place great love that and then i'll go over to here to page two and i'm going to select that again make sure my background is not locked cut that out go back over to here and then just notice what the keyboard shortcut is for paste in place ctrl alt shift v right it's a lot easier than you might think it is of course replacing control with command on the mac you can see bam and that's going to go into the right place all right now on these guys here right these are ones that i don't actually necessarily you know need anymore so i can get rid of whatever's going on behind this right so i get rid of that but guess what it's still showing why because it's linking up to this original master all right let's go back over to here and let me just drag this out of the way don't need that anymore okay and but guess what it's still there because the master is there right because it has these little colors there okay so why would you want to do that i want to do that because if i want to change the color it's going to change it on all of them okay pretty cool okay sorry that's great so what does that look like i go back here and i want to change this color i can very easily change that and that's going to change it across the board for everything that's in that left spread all right i'm not going to do that but i want you to see again a really nice tool for that now this is not necessarily working with placeholders because all of these guys here like these text boxes and such these are ultimately going to be where i want my text to be so i need to create like little placeholders for me to work with and also placeholders for me to very easily bring in images for all of these here now we're going to talk a little bit more about our paragraph styles in a little bit but i'm just going to double click on this and then open up my paragraph styles and see okay this is a document title that i also want to have a text box it's going to be the same thing same place for all of them moving forward all right so let's now just get rid of this i don't want this here i don't want this here because i want to be able to have a placeholder for all of these on every single one of these pages that's going to be the document title style for me to be able to very easily apply whatever text i want on that page okay so let me go and just go back up to my first one here and i'm going to just draw out a text box again i'm going to do it kind of very sort of manually so i'm going to go ahead and just zoom in and then access my type tool and then just draw out a text box you might have to kind of go off the page a little bit just so you don't interfere with any of these other text elements here or other elements you might have on the page and just bring it in accordingly however you want to do it of course you can change this later on and what i'm going to do for this part here i'm just going to say insert title here just giving people a little hint of what they need to do and then just make sure you select the type and apply that paragraph style that we just saw so i click on that and we're going to try to find where's all my titles go to here and go to document title great there it is amazing now do the same thing for the left spread this time i'm just going to do alt click and drag while holding down the shift key okay looks great left side right side of the spread and i'm pretty much ready to go for my type so let's see what that's going to look like now when i go over to here's another a and you'll see okay doesn't look that great it's not really in the right spot so i can very easily fix that so go back over to here and now let's select both of these i'm going to use my arrow keys actually before i do that let me make this about the right okay so now hold down the shift key use my arrow keys bring this down while holding down the shift key makes it go a little farther and faster okay good now i come back here instead of just how easy that was to fix no problem now if i try to click on this i'm not a problem right like oops nope can't i can't click on that that's an issue because why it's part of the master but what did we just do here what's the purpose of this is to create placeholders it says insert title here and i really want to do that so this is how you do this if you simply hold down the control key plus the shift key and if you're on a mac it's going to be command plus shift while selecting the actual text box you will see it's going to break through what we have here so this is now my mouse is hovering over it i hold down ctrl shift and i click that breaks through it okay so now i can come over to here and just type out right our global out reach amazing now you'll notice that our title on the right hand side is also placeholder so ctrl shift and click and bam i can go right into there and make changes here our vision statements okay now just so you know in case you're having any kind of like weird issues or anything like that as you're trying to do this your layer order is actually very important here because if you have another object that's above this that you put in there even it was on even though it was on the master if you have another object that was higher than that inside of the layering order you may run into some issues so you want to always just kind of check to make sure that your layers are set up accordingly all right so here's another example okay i can actually move this out of the way all right so you'll just want to make sure before you select any of these things that your layers are all set up and good to go not only here within your your section placeholder but also within your background everything like that so nothing is covering it okay so just a kind of a little sidebar note in case things are not necessarily working that's why we cover the layers discussion pretty early on okay so we can um identify and troubleshoot different things all right now i have these images here so let's do a placeholder for these images okay so what i'm going to do is just simply let's just get rid of this guy here let's get rid of that guy right there okay super easy and what am i going to do i'm just going to bring in an image but i would like to do that by using my image placeholder this time to do that so let's just double click go back into here notice there's nothing there and what i'm going to do is create a frame that is going to be an image placeholder so we can bring in a frame just like this you'll notice how i can do different sizes of frames so just for fun let's see what we can do with just doing a perfect circle and you can see there's a nice little x in there tells me that that in fact is a frame and then maybe you want to resize this accordingly and then of course you understand how your alignment works you can align this perfectly centered if you like making sure you're aligning to the margin and just say perfectly centered okay that's great very nice and there we go all right and then let's do the same thing for this side i'm just gonna just clone that okay and that shifts it in there very nicely okay so whatever image i bring in is now going to be in this circle frame and it's going to be available as a placeholder for every single one of these a's okay because if you're going to be doing a bunch of pie charts you might want to have that all at the ready so if i go back to a you can see all right good there is my placeholder all ready to go now if i try to do my control shift you can see there it is it gets highlighted and then i can just go to file and place and some of you may already know the keyboard shortcut control d and let's just find some files for us to bring in and i'm just going to bring in a picture of that and then click on my shape and then bam goes right in there right click on it fitting and then let's just say fit content frame and then right click again and we might have to do some fittings depending on your images content to wear pretty good okay and then i can move this around however i want to right because this is still separate from the frame as its own image and that looks pretty groovy okay so you can see a number of different ways that we can use our placeholders and for you might be a little bit different but just working with our images and working with text placeholders should really get you going to be able to do pretty much what you want all right so really start to think about how you might be applying this because some of you may be the architect of all of your different documents that you're creating and you know that it's going to be for each page a particular layout and you're going to have several different types of layouts and you just want to make it easier for people when they bring content in whether it's a title or just basic text or maybe a little copyright thing in the bottom or images anything like that you can absolutely absolutely save it as a placeholder in your master page and then just remind people just do command or control shift to break through that little placeholder and then just put in their own content and you're good to go right so pause the video practice that have fun and we'll see you in the next lesson now at this point you're probably feeling pretty comfortable with master pages all the things you can do with page numbers and sections and placeholders and all that good stuff now let's imagine a scenario a very realistic scenario where you've done all this work on these amazing amazing master pages here and you have another document that could also benefit from these master pages do you want to have to recreate these you won't have to do it from scratch i have a feeling the answer is no so indesign has a pretty fantastic tool that's going to allow you to load in the master pages from any other document really simply so let's just see that process so i have this document open here this proposal template and you'll see i have my pages panel up and if you take a look i only have these master pages here now when i right click you'll see a lot of options here right actually only a few options right new master etc if i right click on the master then i will see a lot of options here right and some of you may know these already like new master you can delete the master okay so lots of other options here in terms of just how you want the pages to be displayed i don't see the options that i want here so what i need to do is go over to this little guy right there right my little fly out panel and see what i have as more options and again a little bit of overview right in terms of some what you have from before like insert pages and new master again and a few other things but i do see more options than i did just a minute ago when i right clicked the one that we're looking for is going to be here inside of master pages and i have a little flyout menu and i have this option here to load master pages okay so the implication here is that i can actually load master pages from another document entirely now what i want to tell you that's going to kind of maybe address some concerns you may have is wait what am i loading up i didn't save anything you don't have to save anything because by virtue of the fact it's already been saved inside of the document indesign just brings it right in okay so let's just see this in action so i click on this all right that's going to come up to all of my files and everything like that i have this all set up ready to go and this is the file that i was just working on and i click on that you may get a message basically saying hey the page sizes differ in the two documents that could be the case right i'm not going to worry about that for right now but it's just going to kind of be accordingly just depending on how you have the setup you can deal with that afterwards i click ok and watch what happens bam just like that all that hard work that i just created to do all this extra stuff here is now all ready to go so if i'm ready to now create a new page i'm going to say insert page i'm going to say okay how many pages do i want i want three pages and it's going to be before page one and guess what which master am i going to use whoa now i have so many to choose from and in fact i want to use this one that's the a master us letter cover option so i go over to here and then bam i just borrowed that from the annual strategy and now i'm able to now create three new pages that inherit all that and they're all ready to go we're going to talk about alternative layouts in just a little bit that's why it came in like that so don't worry about that for now but in terms of the process i want you to understand that this is how we're going to do it it's very hidden in here and you're going to say again master pages and then load masters and all you do is just select the document you want to work with right it is fantastic it's a huge time saver keep yourself consistent across the board and again streamline your process all right pause the video practice that have fun and we'll see you in the next lesson welcome back everybody hope you're doing okay uh let's move on now to styles now for some of you styles may be some review but we're going to kind of go a little bit more advanced a little more sophisticated give you a little more sort of power over your content let's first just define what a style is putting it very simply a style is simply just a saved format it's really just like hey i formatted something i want to be able to use it again and again now you'll notice i can use a paragraph style which only applies to an entire paragraph i can work with character styles okay which applies only to individual letters and words but not the entire paragraph and also i have object styles which is going to work with entire objects right so what is an object an object is a text box it could be an image right things like that so now what are some examples of that if we take a look at this guy right here that's a paragraph style we take a look at that one right there that's a character style and we take a look at this one right here that's an object style so let's just kind of break things down a little bit and kind of see what's what how things are actually doing what they're doing so if i click on this little paragraph if you will right here it is actually a paragraph you'll see that this paragraph style is just known as subtitle if i go to my type down here you'll notice how this is a character style called blue text paragraph style is still body text right because this whole thing is body right so we won't really pay attention to that when i click on this i'm more concerned with the blue text character style and then when i click on this little guy right here you'll notice way down below under my object styles you'll see i have this blue text frame object style okay telling that how to behave now again why do we use this so we can implement these consistently across the board so we can do it very quickly as well and if we wanted to make a change we can change it very quickly so let's just see this in action okay i'm looking at this particular heading here notice this is subtitle i'm going to double click on that to make some edits to it and all i'm going to do now is just make it bigger you can see it is 14 points i'm going to make that bigger notice i can see it grow notice also because i have preview chosen there that's fantastic that's great there's a few other things we're going to learn how to do on top of all this to be a little more advanced with some of our our paragraph styles but let's just want you to see now for this beginning set what we can do with it and why we do it now there's a lot of other elements in here that have the subtitle paragraph style associated with it and now those have all changed as a result of me just changing it within the paragraph style okay for some of you this may be some review so just understand you know i'm just trying to kind of get that background all right now let's go ahead and change this okay i'm going to double click on that and i'm going to change this to red text because that's what i'm going to change it to and here i'm going to go to my character color and let's find red inside of here now let's make it dark red for right now okay how about that how about rusty red color rusty red okay i click okay and bam there it is okay great so i have that there now with my object style pretty much the same thing but character paragraph styles and character styles look very similar to each other where object styles look a little different and we're going to be doing lessons on each of these so just hang tight just again broad stroke overview for right now so when i double click on this one you're going to notice it looks very very different okay so on the right hand side in the middle this is essentially telling me what settings are currently applied to this on the left hand side this is telling me what options i have available to me to then make those changes necessary so as an example i see that there is in fact a fill color so i can see what's my fill color oh it's that cmyk value okay great i know that that's awesome you'll also notice that this has a paragraph style built into it what oh my god what does that even mean like how's that possible right because this is a text frame it has a what we call a nested paragraph style living inside of this object style what that is so cool so object style can have a paragraph style living inside of it right see that that's going to help you be much more efficient and we're going to talk about all that as we go forward all right so just getting all that stuff out of the way we're going to see how we can also create them and we'll also see how we can nest them we can do all kinds of other fancy stuff on that just the same okay so definitely explore this document see what else is out there for you to work with and there's quite a bit of object styles in here you'll also notice that and also character styles and paragraph styles but i want you to notice how these are nicely organized okay if you want some review on any of this stuff you can go into our intro class but organizing you can see you can use our folders to be able to organize all of your individual styles accordingly if you want to and if you're ready to create one you can simply click on create new style create new style create new style and i like the general rule of thumb is just to hold down the alt key as i do that all right now if you want to get a review on how to do styles from the beginning i suggest you go back and you watch our introduction video because we want to get on to some good fun stuff where we can go a little bit more advanced working with our nested styles with character with paragraph with object and also maybe do some more creative things than we've been doing ordinarily inside of our last video all right so just right now give you some good foundation and we're going to learn some again more complex stuff moving forward continuing on with the file that we've been working with for introduction to styles our annual strategy master we are going to just do some more styles in this case it's going to be a paragraph style but we're going to nest in a character style into that why am i going to do that the style that i'm going to create is going to apply a drop cap into this paragraph right so how do i do that just simply go into the paragraph anywhere and i'm going to go up here to this little guy right there to find some drop cap options so if you're not sure what drop caps are you can go ahead and watch me and you'll see how cool this is i click on that it's going to say okay cool i want a drop cap of this letter the first letter that's there three lines you can see this is the drop cap number of lines this is going to be the drop cap how many characters if you want to do that right so not interesting to me all right and that's great however it's not exactly what i want but let me now first of all save this as a style because i want to do this for like the beginning of every chapter for example i want to have a little drop cap there so what i'm going to do is make a new style out of this so this might be a review for some of you just going to hold down the alt option key click on create new style underneath paragraph styles and i'm just going to say drop cap first paragraph cool now i'm i'm good right you can see everything i've done here it looks great and i'm good for now certainly i got a lot of other options to play around with i'm going to say okay and okay but you know what my boss comes over and says listen we want to do something a little different right we actually want to make it so it just looks more interesting because like this font you know it's good to read but we want to have a little bit more attention to our font right so if i highlight this for example and i choose like another one of these fonts i might want to use and play around with this and how about that one that's kind of interesting right not the the neatest thing in the world so i'm going to experiment with some other ones that i might see here notice i can get a nice little okay what's that going to look like okay that's kind of interesting a little bit different and then maybe what i'm going to do is just highlight it there and then i'm going to change the color potentially right so just go over to here double click on my t and let's do maybe like this like nice crimson color okay that's great okay so i love that i'm happy with it and what i want to do now is make this into a character style because this is just an individual character and next step is to nest that character style into my paragraph style of the drop cap hmm let's see what that's going to do let's see how we do that and by the way i just happen to do this inside of the paragraph it could be done anywhere the purpose right now is just to save this so i can then just apply it later on and also save it as a character style so i have character styles chosen here this is now highlighted i'm going to go to my alt key come over here create new style and you'll see i can now name this drop cap character great i simply click ok and now watch what i'm going to do i'm going to bring in that character style into this drop cap first paragraph so i double click on that and guess what you're going to see that there's this option for drop caps and nested styles all right look at that two things we just talked about and i'm going to nest in this drop cap character right and it's going to bring in that color that font all that good stuff and i'm simply just going to click ok now later on i'm ready to do that same exact thing someplace else for another chapter let's find another chapter to work with let's come over to here and click on this and lo and behold it does exactly what i want let's go to another one let's go to another beginning of the paragraph cool just go to this paragraph and then i just say in my paragraph styles drop cap first that's amazing oh my god it does it for all of them because i have a character style nested inside of my paragraph style okay so let's say you know what i don't like this anymore change my mind i don't want that drop cap character to be that font anymore i don't want it to be blah blah anymore right so what i'm going to do is simply just double click on that character style come back over to here i can find a different font if i want to right so let's just do something crazy i'm going to say edwardian script and what look how it changes right there it's exactly what i was hoping it was going to do let's try another one engravers oh that's pretty nice i kind of like that okay and then from here you can play around with a bunch of other things if you want to as well like in case you needed to adjust the kerning and the spacing around it you can absolutely do that you can decide you want to have a different color altogether you can do that right just notice how that's going to change for you oh actually that is not going to change color and we'll discover why that is in just a second all right so we're good here i click ok and let me just clarify why that is right because this entire thing this rusty red also is applied this has this own character style already associated with it okay so we would actually most likely just get rid of this whole character style if we were going to be doing this right so then it wouldn't be applied to any of this at all and then it would then take on the color that i just changed on all right let me just do that one more time so we can see here drop cap character character color let's make that black and now you can see that changes let's make it green okay great you can see how that changes all right because there was a previous uh character style on that whole line that was basically superseding that all right so let's have you practice that you're gonna see how great this is and you'll start to see more and more of these things with giving you the opportunity to nest in one kind of style one type of style into another style right so go ahead and pause the video practice that and we'll see in the next lesson now that we have a good understanding of how nested styles works working with character styles into paragraph styles let's see how the same thing could work for you with object styles remember object styles apply to different objects right like a text box or images and things like that in this case because this is a text box we're going to work with naturally a paragraph of sorts is going to go inside of that okay so we want to be able to say every time i create a text box that's like this i want the paragraph style to automatically be a certain format okay so hopefully you can kind of visualize that because that's going to happen a lot so if we look at one that's already been created here's this blue fill text box if i double click on that you can see it's there it is blue fill text frame that is okay and you're going to see a few different options here under my style settings remember this is telling me what's already here and you can see okay there it is my fill color it's got all my cmyk stuff all right great then i have something here my paragraph styles so when i click on that you're going to see there is in fact a paragraph style named box body text that lives inside of the box table folder that lives inside there and that's what's making it be that format right that that white color okay great so let me just cancel out of this for a second and let's see what in fact that paragraph style is so if i double click on this i'm going to see what that looks like and i can see oh okay blah blah okay it's got all that stuff there okay great but now just to be safe so i know that that's actually what i think it is let's just make the size a little different i'm gonna go over here to basic character formats and then making sure preview is selected and let's just watch it grow see that so if you're paying attention you'll see oh that's pretty cool that's growing there so what else might i want to do maybe i want to turn off the hyphenation that might play around with some things okay what about some other things here maybe my indenting i might want to play around with okay so a lot of good stuff i may want to change i can do it right here and then again it's going to be nested right inside of this object style alright so let's just see how we can create that ourselves right so let's just say i am going to insert a new page let's bring up my pages panel go to pages and let's just see this in action so i will just do a new page insert page i'm going to do that before page four let's just do two pages before page four okay that's great and now i'm ready to now apply what i've just done then i'm also going to create a new one as well so let's check it out i'm just going to simply draw out a text box it's going to have some new type coming in just simply click and drag maybe that's the type you're working with and i'm just going to click on it and apply my text frame object style so i need to go find it there it is i click on that and okay that's we're off to the right start that's great and you'll notice that not only did this become blue based off of what i said for the object style format but also you'll notice before i even put anything in i now have this body box text paragraph style that's being put into there so now just so you can see i'm just going to go ahead and go to type i'm going to say fill with placeholder text and look at that beautiful comes right in exactly how i expected it with the fiera sands the size the color and all that good stuff all built in i don't have to worry about that any more okay very very cool so let's just do it one more time let's now do a different one where i'm going to start it from scratch so i'm going to just create another text box here all right and then let's just move everything out of the way and let's just make it a certain color that's wonderful that's great and then uh let's just do a couple of other things here why not now that we're here let's give this rounded corners okay and let's just bump it up a little bit so okay kind of fun and then maybe you can even add on a little drop shadow okay cool keep that going there maybe i'll bring down the transparency the opacity a little bit okay all right all right so i'm kind of good to go here sure maybe maybe not and then very simply i'm going to create a new object style based off of this so hold down your alt or option key click on the little plus sign and then i'm just going to call this text box drop cap probably guess where i'm going with this and again we'll see there's my fill settings okay that's great and then if i wanted to change anything notice i can change all kinds of different things here like oh look at that my stroke and corner options if i want it to be a little less cornery i can do that you'll see there it is okay that's great that's all happening just go back to general for a second make sure that apply style to selection is in fact selected before you go any further because that makes it so the style links up to whatever you've just selected okay so you can see we have all these options here some of these again may look familiar to you just if you've ever worked with any kind of objects at all you'll be able to understand some of these things as well like your text frame options okay any auto sizing you're doing text wrapping all the stuff that you can do with an object style but now we're here to talk about nested paragraph styles so what am i going to do is i'm going to click on my little drop down and i'm going to find the one that i created earlier this drop cap first paragraph and now that's built into it and i'm going to click ok and i'm ready to start typing my content in here so i'm just going to simply double click and then go over here to type and insert my placeholder text and look at that automatically it's all in there and this is only going to be one paragraph so i don't need to have two drop caps and see how it brought it in exactly how i asked it to and even colder than this is the fact that this is three nests happening in one this is a paragraph style that has a character style nested in it and that paragraph style is then nested into guess what my object style so very very cool right kind of just kind of an amazing thing that we can do this and have that much power and that much efficiency all right so let's now just go maybe a step further just to kind of clean this up a little bit and you can also learn some things you can do so i'm going to go ahead and double click on that and then maybe i'd like to work with some of my text frame general options and then let's just bring in my inset and i'll say okay that's cool yep i definitely needed that that makes it much better to read much easier and then possibly you're going to put in two columns who knows just know all the options you have same options you had when you were just right clicking and saying text frame options but now this is going to be a style so very very cool so you really want to practice this and again keep an eye out for different other ways that you can be nesting different types of styles inside of different types of styles to add more complexity have more efficiency and have more control and creativity over your content now let's try to do something a little more creative with our paragraph styles let's see we can do that's maybe a little more kind of like visually interesting but also provides this level of like structuring for our content where we can make things look a little different for us that's not just like basic fonts and things like that so namely we're going to be working with shading and we're also going to work with borders so i would like to make this look a little bit different than just regular text i kind of want to make it stand out be a little more creative with it so let's just check out what we can do kind of fun to be able to do this kind of thing so let's just see what our options are so i'm going to go over here to subtitle double click on it and i want you to notice on the left hand side i have this option for a paragraph border and i have an option for paragraph shading so when i click on paragraph border you'll see here's all my options here for everything and very simply if i want to apply any kind of border and this border kind of automatically is going to be just like a little box around it right maybe that's what you want maybe not but i don't want that so what i'm going to do is on the right hand side i have this top bottom left and right set of options to say hey listen where do i want this border i only want one on the left hand side so i'm gonna un link these and then i'm just gonna say zero for you zero for you zero for you and i have this very thin little border here i'm gonna make that quite thick so i'm gonna bring that up to like let's just say 10. oh that's kind of interesting yeah let's start with that now i can go also go over to here and i can change the color to something different right you can maybe choose the same color that you have on the document itself or just anything else you might want to play around with it okay now just choose whatever color you like maybe you also want to do you know different kind of styles and things like that while you learn that in the stroke lesson but now this obviously does not look that great so what am i going to do next i am going to work with my offset so my offset is like hey move this away from where this is right now so i'm just going to unlink this and say hey listen move away from me about that many points all right i like that that makes a lot of sense all right but now you'll also notice how my indent is not really that great so i'm going to bring this in a little bit so then that could come in just the same great and then all right now we're kind of playing a little cat and mouse so i got to go back to my paragraph border and then let's bring that back in again okay that makes more sense to me all right good now it's nice and aligned right there and you can see that looks pretty cool i really like that all right so i'm going to stop the video for right now have you pause it as well and then try this on your own and we'll come back we will do shading okay now continuing off from where we left off let's just do maybe a little bit of shading on this so i'm going to go over here to paragraph shading and i'm going to turn on my shading just like how i turned on my border just by simply clicking on the box you say oh all right that's kind of interesting kind of like that really kind of like makes it all stand out a little bit so what might i want to do with this i can play around with the color of this i can also play around with my sort of tinting of it as well so i can start off with black but then make the tint come down a little bit it's like okay maybe that's a little bit easier to read but it also makes it look very important if i want to play around with that and then possibly you want to play around with our corners right so if we look over here on the right hand side i might want to have that be kind of rounded on the edge so i'm just gonna unlink this and i'll make this rounded and also rounded i'm gonna bump this up to five bump this up to five and let's behold and see what that does oh that's kind of cool maybe i'll like open a little higher than that so make that 10 make that 10. great fantastic i really like that and again you can do this on the top you can do on the bottom whatever you like now with our offsets you will see that well maybe it's not as perfect as i'd like you can play around with that so let me just unclick my link here i'll make that go up a little bit and maybe up here okay great maybe that's a little bit better it links up to it okay so you can really achieve the perfection that you want on this right so we did our indents and spacing we did some shading all kinds of variations on our shading we did our corner size and our shape and everything like that so you can really play around with these to get what you want to be as creative and as you know kind of a functional as you need to be all right because that's ultimately what we're looking to do is making it so it's easier for people to read these things so now when i click ok let's see the beauty of working with styles this particular thing has a style on it right this particular heading is subtitle if i scroll down a little bit i'll see oh that's so cool it applied it for everything oh that's really neat and i actually really like this very cool so again pause the video practice doing this if you haven't practiced using our borders yet do that and then apply shading and you'll see it's a really nice streamlined way to be creative and functional with your content so we'll see you in the next lesson now let's switch up gears a little bit and talk about strokes and how we can actually be a little more creative and a little more sort of customized with our strokes you'll see that indesign has some pretty fun kind of tricks up its sleeve to do a variety of different things with strokes and kind of little more than meets the eye so let's just take a look at what a stroke is if you're not familiar with strokes which i'm sure you are at this point but you can see i have a nice little outline a little border around all my images you'll also notice how i have the word stroke actually has an outline there and a little right there okay great so how do we do that really simply i just simply double click on the words and you'll notice here that i have this little t that shows me in the stroke section there that i can make that into a variety of different colors and also i can also make that be a little bit thicker and do all kinds of different things if i want to right nice and easily okay now you will also notice that there is a strokes panel to be able to customize some of these things here so where's my strokes panel live i go over here to window i bring up stroke and you'll see okay great fantastic so when i double click back on this it's going to allow me to now change the width or the weight that is of my stroke really nice really easily okay fantastic and i love that and i'm just going to click away and great now that's just kind of the beginning of what we can do with strokes and you can be pretty custom you can be pretty creative with it now again you can see here's my basic stroke here's my weight of my stroke i can do the same thing over here if i want to i can change the color of it etc but now you'll notice that there is a drop down menu for my stroke to say hey listen i want to do uh something a little different oh that's kind of nice a little more creative a little more different a little more visual interest but then you know notice as you kind of move along here you'll have some other different ones right like how about this little straight hash oh that's kind of cool let's make that a little bit bigger cool that's sort of interesting and because i have my stroke panel up i can see other things that i can do potentially like my alignment of my stroke a line stroke to center a line stroke to inside and a line stroke to the outside so if i go to the inside notice how i lose some of the information but it's also maybe the look that i'm looking for so if i were to change this now in terms of the type two dotted notice how they're all kind of on the inside like that let's go over here to japanese dots even more so okay this time let's go to the outside oh okay that's kind of interesting and you just really kind of play around with that as you see fit right totally up to you now let's take this what we just done here and let's apply what we call a stroke with a gap in there right gaps or gap colors in this case all right so if i choose this now i'm going to do something similar here let's just do wavy all right that's kind of neat and then i make that a little thicker if i want to all right that's kind of cool yeah you can just kind of play around with it maybe the cap changes potentially depending on the stroke itself a lot better with lines but you can see again here's the option for aligning all that now this particular one that i just did has a let me bring this to the outside has a gap believe it or not just like these japanese dots has a gap in them so what does that mean what's that going to allow me to do it's going to allow me to have a little bit more texture a little more dimensionality in these gaps by applying guess what colors right my gap color i can now choose any variety of these here that are saved in my swatches so let me just go ahead and do this little pink one there oh that's kind of neat right you can see oh that's kind of interesting i can do things a little bit more creatively well let's just try it with the japanese dots oh that's kind of fun right so you can really play around with these things you know and just kind of customize maybe a little bit bigger maybe a little bit smaller maybe we want more dots so it doesn't really take away but we still have the color we have the kind of visual interest that we're looking for so click away and say oh that's kind of neat alright so again playing around with a different level going a little more complex with our strokes we can now add on a gap color so pretty cool pretty neat now these are just like basic strokes that we've seen that we can put around our image now let's just say for example i wanted to draw out a line or something like that i'm just going to do a very simple line just like that you'll see that yes i can apply the weight of it yes i can change the type if i want to but i can also change these guys here which is going to imply that i can work with arrows and also other kind of like heads and butts on there right so i'm going to make my start you can see bam that's going to go there and then my end it's going to go let's just choose that all right or i switch it around see you can very easily switch these around very cool but then my little square is a little bit too big so let me just make that a little smaller let's bring that down to like let's say 60 nice i like that and i'm going to change this to dashed very cool okay so you can be a little more creative with just like special lines just as they are and make them arrows and i can rotate this if i want to do all kinds of different things if you like all right so that's the next thing you can do with all of these all right so the next and by the way before i move away from this the dash with the gap color also works together right before i forget so let's just do green and you can see wow wow that is pretty neat and again if i make this a little bit thicker it grows with it and if i make that a little longer that also grows with it so a lot a lot of creative potential here so let me just relegate this guy over here come back to you later now let's start working with something even more cool all right these little easter eggs that indesign provides where we can actually bring in strokes that don't exist in this little drop down that indesign kind of has like kind of hiding for us and that is working with rainbow feet dog feet and also lights so how do we do that i'm going to simply go over to my stroke panel and then find my little fly out menu here okay so some of you may have experimented with some of the other panels to see that i click on that and you're going to see there's this stroke styles right there and you can see these are all the styles that i have there okay great but what do i want to do i want to have a rainbow don't see rainbow here boo so what do i do i just simply click on new and this pops up here and this is kind of nice in the future if you ever do want to customize something you can absolutely do it from scratch right and you can kind of make whatever you like from here we're going to create a rainbow one but just know that this option here is going to allow you to really create custom strokes if you want to right if you kind of want to be all over the place with kind of like different randomness this is a great place to start i'm going to show you how we can do a guess what rainbow and all i did was type it in so somebody in indesign right now is saying oh somebody wants a rainbow so they're generating right now inside of the rainbow factory for me to have a rainbow and what type do i want to do i want to make it a stripe it's very important you choose rainbow you type in rainbow you choose stripe and it doesn't really show me anything not not a fan i don't know what's going on here so what i need to do is simply click on add oh my goodness what just appeared out of the clear blue sky is a rainbow so i click okay and now i'm going to apply this little line here that i drew ahead of time i'm going to apply a rainbow to this so how do i do that i can either go to my drop down here there's rainbow or i can go right to here and then scroll down to the bottom there's rainbow and i got to make it thick enough so i can actually see my rainbow let's go up to 50. ah it's so cool oh my god how awesome is that and that could be just a line that could be around a border everything right and of course if i make this bigger that's going to grow you'll also notice that there's going to be a few other options that i can do like this cap so if i zoom in here you'll be able to see oh that's kind of interesting maybe i like that kind of just like paint okay this one is going to go right back to where i was before okay fantastic that is the coolest coolest thing all right so you'll want to play around with that just understand how i did that again is by going over here to my stroke styles and applying that i'm going to do a few more you'll be able to watch me and also see what we can do so we're going to do feet we're going to do dog paws and we're going to do lights so click on this go over here to my stroke styles i'm going to click on new and i'm literally just going to type out the word feet that's it and i'm going to make sure that dash is chosen it's great and i click ok and there's little feet okay pretty neat i click ok and i choose my little wavy thing here that's amazing because there's going to be little feet coming across here now before i apply it i'm just going to actually turn off my gap color okay so i want to make sure that when i do this i have no no gap color all right because once i do it i'm going to see that there's going to be all kinds of different options there all right so let me apply my feet all right that's going to come in i'm going to say none and now let's make it nice and big oh look at my feet grow what is happening there so cool wow and that really looks like somebody's kind of walking along there but now if i add in a gap color to this it's going to look like guess what they're walking on a road someplace isn't that neat okay let me just make this so it's kind of coming off the page a little bit like wow that's awesome all right but let's make their feet white okay cool so you have all kinds of creative opportunities here to really kind of like tell your story in such a way if you ever need them okay let's continue on now let's go over here to our doggies or our doggy and our doggy feet so again i have nothing selected except for my stroke panel i'm gonna go over here to stroke styles and i'm gonna say new and this time the good folks at indesign want us to type out the word woof sorry cat lovers out there and i'm going to say ok and then there's my woof i simply click ok and now this time i'm going to apply it to this cute little husky here and how do i do it same way as i did it with all these guys here i'm now going to apply a stroke around it that is now going to be woof and now maybe make that a little bit bigger maybe a little bit bigger a little bit bigger okay cool love that and of course you'll experiment with the size you can experiment with how you want to align it you'll experiment with the color maybe you want to have again a little bit of a gap color there okay so lots you can do here so cool right and then just for fun let's just make that white so that stands out cool a little bit easier to read potentially okay and then the last one we're going to do we're going to do lights and we'll do some lights moving around this image here so one more time let's say stroke styles say new and then literally doing lights literally saying dash click ok and then there you can see my lights great click on my little actually i'm going to do this one sorry i'm going to click on my frame here and then let's put some lights around it nice that looks so cool but maybe i want it even cooler by making it a little bigger and then just notice how they just grow grow that is so neat and that could be around anything that you've got there and that looks pretty groovy and again let's try doing it a little bit inside just around the outside and completely around the outside all right so experiment with this you'll see you'll have a lot of value for this you know you want to play around and be creative have fun just know what the tools are and then know what kind of capacity you can use the tools in and just go crazy and like i said have fun pause the video practice it up and use this document as this nice little cheat sheet for you and we'll see you in the next lesson in this next series of lessons we're going to get a little more creative we're going to work with shapes we're going to work with the direct selection tool we're going to work with the pathfinder panel we're going to work with the ability to just kind of manipulate things to be somewhat again more creative with indesign outside of all the kind of layout things you'll see that indesign has some pretty nice creative tools so we're going to go a little bit faster for this part because some of you may have watched already the introduction class on working with shapes so i'm just going to just show you very quickly how to make shapes and then we're going to see how we can manipulate them using the direct selection tool so if i'm going to just draw out a very basic rectangle shape i can do that here looking at my color i have no stroke and i have this nice pretty light blue color i'm just going to simply click and drag just like that great and you'll notice that this particular shape has four these little corners here okay you'll see that corner corner corner at this point notice that they are kind of hollow at this point this shape is what's known as a vector okay now this vector consists of these little individual vector points that can be manipulated and something that is a vector can also be manipulated in a very kind of smooth way where if i make this a resize or if i add on more vector points it's going to be a very clean line outside of that okay so it's a really cool technology i'm using essentially these vector points that get over and over re-invented so they never lose any of their resolution as opposed to a photograph all right so let's now go over here to this tool right here which is my direct selection tool as opposed to my regular selection tool notice how the path points change into these other path points or they're not technically path points okay but these are going to be our bounding boxes for that and i click on that and that changes to here and now notice how they're all solid when i click away it gets deselected what i'm going to do is i'm just going to select one of my path points you'll see how this is solid and then these are hollow why did i do that because i want to manipulate this i'm going to be a little more creative with this shape so i'm going to mouse over it i get that little box that appears there and then i click and i'll say okay what do i want to do i'm going to make this into a different shape pretty cool great and maybe you're happy with this good to go you love that but you know what i actually want to put a picture inside of this so guess what i can do i can select this let me just go ahead and select the image and even though it's a shape and not a frame guess what i can now place something inside of this like really easily okay so i can find a nice picture to work with okay let's just bring this one in all right and then i can go ahead and manipulate this accordingly so let's just make that nice and big so it just goes right there certainly i could use my fitting tool to do that you can see oh that's kind of nice right and i can have just kind of maybe a different way of working with this right so maybe i'm going to have another shape that's underneath this and this time i'm going to do it completely underneath it just like that and of course i could work with my layers to then bring that underneath it just like that and now i've got a nice little layout for some text here maybe my logo everything like that so i'm just doing it in a little more kind of creative way kind of nice alright so you'll see how we can take a basic shape and then manipulate it into something else using again our direct selection tool all right let's come down here i have another set of pages here for us to play around with so we can see other ways that our direct selection tool can help us so i'm just going to this time draw out an ellipse which is going to be a perfect circle holding down the shift key and now this time again my direct selection tool i want you to notice how i have these little individual path points around there but because this is a curved line when i click here i'm going to get these little handles here with this little circle there okay let me zoom in a little bit okay this is known as my bezier handles and they're pretty great right because they allow us to manipulate our shapes in a number of different ways if you want to so if i just simply click and drag up right there in the middle i get that same thing going back go all the way down and you'll also notice that i have these little guys on the side for me to bring this out and bring this out and also bring them in and bring them out that way all right in a little bit we're going to bring up some other tools that are going to allow us to then only do one side or just that side okay or even convert this to a hard angle all right so this is just a basic introduction on how we work with the direct selection tool and how you can use this to manipulate shapes in a really really effective way so what i encourage you to do is pause the video draw out some basic shapes hopefully you have that background already and really experiment with how it all works play around with the hard angles and then see if you can be creative maybe with some different shapes and then later on we're going to learn how we can add on more anchor points to these to have even more complex shapes all right pause the video practice that we'll see in the next lesson now let's discuss the pen tool now the pen tool is actually a combination of a variety of different types of tools when you go into the panel itself here's the pen tool here's the add anchor point tool here is the delete anchor point tool and here's also a convert direction point tool so we're going to do a brief lesson to see how we can a work with the pen tool but then also work with these sort of variants on here pen tool is as the name applies going to allow you to kind of draw things out but what it doesn't imply is that you don't draw like a pen like you normally do like you don't just like click and drag you literally click and then you go bam and then you go bam and then you finish it and you go bam so what were those bams i literally just clicking clicking clicking and then i finish it off wait for my circle and then there i have it okay it's as easy as that to just draw out those like simple right angles let me just undo all that if you want to do curves you were actually going to click and drag click and drag click and drag click and drag and then finally come over to here and click and drag you see that so i kind of more or less got the same thing that i started with all right so that's kind of your nice basics of working with the pen tool right and that could be in any way you want to right so right now i just have a fill that i've done but if you only want to do just a stroke let me go ahead and just switch this around okay and i can just switch that for that and now let me switch this around with nothing selected and now i have just a black line and with my pen tool i can now just say hey this is going to be just a very simple kind of little um what would that be some type of parallelogram something like that close to it uh and then but this time i'm going to try something different so i go to here and now i'm going to click and i'm going to click and i'm going to click and i'm going to click and drag and drag and drag you see that so that's how i've done that okay to have little curvy lines there all right so very different when you're making lines that have no stroke in there all right so just some basics to kind of get you on your way with working with the pen tool alright that will take some practice so i definitely encourage you to practice that the next thing we're going to do real quick is just understand all of these little sub options here to really manipulate your shape so let me just come right back up to here again from our last lesson and i might want to be a little bit more kind of nuanced with this right so i actually want to have a little bit more kind of texture if you will so each of these things i said in the last lesson all consists of little anchor points so if i want to add on an anchor point i can very easily do this okay so with this selected okay we'll be able to see click away here and let me just select my image and we'll see come back to that there we go all right and we'll see this whole thing is there actually you know what let me lock this layer i think that's been my problem i need to actually select this so only this is selected all right now i'm going to add on an anchor point to here just by simply clicking right there and bam i got another anchor point right there let's see the edge of the shape i know it's kind of hard to see and then i'm just adding these on here and you'll see why i'm doing that just a little bit notice i'm going right on the line add anchor point and if you miss it indesign will definitely give you a little bit of a warning as a result okay maybe i'll set on maybe one more or it doesn't tell me at all okay good so now i have the ability to now really play around with this in a variety of different ways by simply going to my direct selection tool and i'm going to say listen i'm going to bring you in so let's deselect come back here now reselect can be a little bit tricky just keeping an eye on you know about the different colors of these little anchor points and then just bring this in a little bit okay having just a little bit of visual interest a little bit different i can now manipulate this maybe even bring this over here okay that's kind of cool i can do all that stuff okay that's kind of nice and come back select this and zoom out again say okay cool now again something a little bit more creative and maybe you have something kind of peeking out of this whatever you want to do maybe you're making a drop shadow something like that you're just having you know just something a little bit different to kind of make something happen that's a little more visually interesting for example i have my frame chosen and i click on the effects i go to drop shadow and we'll see okay see a little bit of a shadow coming in let me change the angle that oh cool i like that maybe bring that down a tiny tiny bit maybe my offset come down it's going negative on me let's go the opposite direction i like that now let's bring down the opacity slightly so now wow cool now we have this nice little effect that we wouldn't be able to get otherwise if we didn't have our shapes and frames all connected like this all right so this was a nice little combination of a few things here where we had um our pen tool and our add anchor point tool to be able to manipulate these things and then ultimately end up on something a little more creative we work with some basic shapes to be able to do that we also worked earlier with our bezier handles and also our anchor point tools and a little bit we're going to go a little bit deeper into our path finder panel so stay tuned pause the video if you like practice this and we'll see you in the next video in this lesson we're going to go over the pathfinder panel all right so the pathfinder panel is a little bit hidden we're going to go over here to window we're going to come down here to object and layout and just bring up pathfinder and i'm just going to minimize that bring this here and there's a lot to really unpack here we're just going to focus on just like a handful of these and kind of think some of the more important ones so you'll see over here is the convert shape and here's also convert point so we're going to start with that for right now so i'm just going to make this so i have a black fill and i'm going to very simply just draw out a perfect circle that's great and then i'm going to go ahead and now draw out a perfect square okay wonderful now let's see what we can do with some of these options as promised what do they do they will convert shapes and you can see those all kinds of shapes that we can convert to so very easily if i wanted to convert this to rounded cornered square okay notice if you zoom in a little bit it is in fact rounded corners okay maybe you know how to do that already you'll see here in the upper left this allows me to then manipulate how kind of rounded do i want that to be so i can even increase that if i like i want to make this into a octagon you can do that or have that inset or look at that a perfect circle or look at that oh my god amazing okay here's another polygon okay so lots of options you can do here very very quickly okay so come back to that now these guys here allow you to convert points what does that mean convert the points so far up until this point we've actually worked with all these different types of points like we have our little curve points and we're going to have our angle points okay so you can see there they are and i click on this and notice no little bezier handle comes out so i might want to convert that so let's say for example i wanted this to be a hard angle down below all i need to do is simply select the path point and then just do that and look at that very cool i've just converted that let's do that for the same thing for this one nice now i have a very unique shape i wouldn't ordinarily be able to get and i could still use my direct selection tool to now just i'm going to use my arrow keys this time and look at that nice now i'm making a little teardrop something like that maybe it's the beginning of my logo something like that maybe i'm drawing a genie something like that now let's convert this back to where it was before so let's take a look at some of these options here if you go over to this one here smooth changes selected points to a continuous curve so i click on that and ah nice and i'm back to that and i can also manipulate this using my arrow key very cool i click away wonderful love that pretty great all right and now let's just try it again with this one here and i'm going to convert this to nice i love that and let's do with this one same thing and i'll make that cool something unique something different now these other guys are going to be how you work with your bezier handles earlier we talked with the bezier handles so you'll see here that there's a few other options here so you're going to see that there's this the symmetrical changes selected points to smooth points with equal direction length right and what is this one this is going to be sorry it's going to be corner changes selected points to have independent direction lines okay what does that mean actually so right now if i were to now manipulate this and i were to go this way or that way okay that is symmetrical okay all right that's pretty cool but i always want that right because when i move this guy i don't want the other guy moving so that's where i can go into here not a whole lot happens but watch what happens when i click and drag here see independent of that so essentially kind of turns this into a kind of a hard corner if i want that while maintaining this to be a curve okay let's do that one more time you can see now i can now manipulate that to go slightly different and just notice how that works in terms of how my bezier handles work all right great i love that and now maybe i'm making the beginning of a baseball stadium all right great that was easy to do and it all started off with a basic circle all right love that great now let's discuss finally in the pathfinder tool this little pathfinder group this is going to allow you to make kind of more complex shapes if you like so let's say for example i wanted to combine two shapes to make something a little bit more interesting so i'm just going to simply draw out a different color shape doesn't really matter what color because we're going to just sort of combine them all right i'm going to do a circle perfect circle there and watch this i'm going to move this guy on top of that here's how it centers out there and i want to kind of poke a hole through there just as an example so i select both of these shapes and you'll see here i have a number of different options for you to play around with and they're relatively self-explanatory combine selected objects into one shape i click on that and then okay great so the top shape wins and now it's just one shape not something i'll be doing a lot but you can see that's pretty cool here's another one subtract subtracts the front most objects from the back most object cool and i just use that as kind of a stencil if you will okay pretty cool you can see this one intersects the shape areas okay so essentially we're using that as a stencil but sort of a reverse all right and then you have this one exclude overlapping shape areas okay and again sort of like a bizarro world this one not sure if that's going to do anything could not complete operation results in an empty region all right so this one minus back subtracts the most back from the front most object that's not going to do anything for us here so we'll skip that but now let's just go back to here where i'm going to remove this and you'll see that when i select this with my direct selection tool i now actually have another shape in here so if i wanted to control the shape that's in the middle i can very easily do that and notice what comes up is my black so now i'm making like a little a little critter right so maybe this is my new logo and i just imagine this just by creating two shapes to create something a little more complex that i couldn't have ordinarily made on my own okay so that could be kind of fun and then maybe just for fun lots and lots of fun let's just draw out a nice little shape that's going to be underneath it and that's going to be this oval bring it underneath and now i'll see it's got like little sunglasses great and then maybe i'm going to put some grading in there something like that make it look more realistic fantastic awesome i am done all right so again be creative with all this stuff really have fun with it and then in a little bit we're going to come back i'm going to talk a little bit about text and how we can convert text and type into paths as well also known as creating outlines let's now talk about working with type in a little more kind of unique way and that is making our type turn into shapes essentially also known as creating outlines so if i have my type selected here you'll notice that inside of the type menu you're going to see this option to create outlines so essentially what that means is that i can make this type into shapes now there's a few reasons why i may want to do that i might want to do that because i'm sending it to a printer and the printer is requiring that i make it into outlines you say well why is that why do they care that it's shapes or not you'll see that a lot of times a printer like literally the printer itself will not be able to print things in the way that you want it to because like the print itself comes out maybe a little bit jagged if you have it as a shape because it becomes a vector then you'll see that you won't have that problem and that's why a lot of printers will require you that you make it into outlines so watch what happens as i do that i'm going to go to the type menu i'm going to say create outlines and now nothing really appears to happen until guess what i go back to my direct selection tool and i select it and then oh look at that whole bunch of little anchor points for me to play around with okay well not even really play around with at this point maybe i'm just happy with the way this is okay and that's all i really need but certainly you could come in and you can manipulate these like as another shape look at that i can then make my own font if you want to right so okay that's pretty cool getting kind of kind of metal on this great and of course i can make this into a curve if i want to however you want to do this okay another reason why you might want to actually convert your text into shapes is to do kind of what we call it like a clipping mask if you will so if i were to just highlight everything here and then if i place my image in as if i'm placing it into guess what a shape or a frame i'm going to get the same effect so i'm going to go to file and place and you'll see okay great you're sick of these food shops or wedding shots but let's just go ahead and bring her in there and then what oh my god that's so cool and i can even bring her down inside of there if i want to and let's just see cool all right that's kind of telling my story in a very nice way let's kind of go over to that all right pretty cool i love that but yeah if we want to go a little bit deeper we could go into working with strokes on this because when i go back to my preview can't really see it as like as i'd like to but let's see what we can do so i'm just going to highlight everything nice selected there let's get everything everything and i'm just going to increase the stroke size just bring that up up up wow i love that very very cool maybe you want to change the color to something different love that maybe even want to go a step further with some of these little fun guys oh my god so cool you have so much fun with it and just this started off with text and now you can bring your images inside of there so lots of really cool unexpected hidden creative features that happen when you make things into shapes because this becomes a vector tool after a while okay so again indesign has some nice vector tool options and if you make your type into outlines it becomes a shape and then you can do all kinds of things with the direct selection tool you can make into a mask and also a clipping mask that is and also as i said when you send it to the printer at the very least they may ask you to create outlines out of your text all right so really an invaluable indispensable tool that you will definitely need to do on almost every occasion when you're sending it to a printer so keep that in mind whether it's creative or practical okay so pause the video practice that and we'll see you in the next video we're now going to discuss table of contents and how to create a table of contents so you've all seen table of contents before in books and magazines and other publications where we want people to know what the titles of things are and essentially where to find them and you also want to see the structure of the document with headings and subheadings and all that good stuff you know so normally table of contents go in the beginning of the document and that's essentially what we're going to do in this document so you should have this document here called creating table of contents now the first very very important thing to know is that table of contents depend and refer to styles and namely paragraph styles and a little bit to a certain extent character styles right depending on how sort of fancy you want to get now table of contents needs to know where the things are that you are trying to link to so i want i remember cheese to be part of my table of contents the big cheese etc all these kind of like headings here now you'll notice that when i go over to here to the big cheese this actually has a paragraph style let's go into this under headings called ct chapter title that's going to be very important for me later on now if i go down to another one here you'll see that this is my chapter head okay great let's go over to here to another one this is going to be a different one wait for it we'll get to it this is a different one okay this is my feature title okay okay so fantastic now we're gonna see that we can now bring in our table of contents based off of what we know about those styles where they live and essentially where do we want to put them all right so before you go any further if you're planning to do table of contents make sure you understand how to create paragraph styles and structure your content in such a way knowing that those elements are going to end up in your table of contents all right so hopefully that's clear all right now let's see how we can create the table of contents so if we go over to here to the layout menu and we simply click on layout you're going to see here's this option for a table of contents click on that and this dialog box is going to pop up now when you open it up there actually may be this option for more options so go ahead and click on that so we can see everything now what we're going to see here is a pretty complicated set of dialog boxes right or pretty complicated set of options within this dialog box okay so let's just kind of go a little slowly about what we have here we're going to start off with this section here this title and then we're going to start talking about the styles of the title then we're going to go into all these things here and then a little bit more here all right and then of course everything inside of this all right so now first thing they're asking us very simply is well what do you want to call your table of contents and i'm going to call it table of contents right the default is just contents of course change that whatever you want right so our mission or ceremonial agenda whatever you want to call this you can call it anything you want next thing you're asking me is well i understand that you have this word table of contents what is the style that you want this to be this part here is just basically going to make the words table of contents look a certain way so it's just the style everything we know about style same thing hey listen this is going to be table of contents and we're this table content is going to look based off of what this paragraph style dictates it to look pretty simple pretty straightforward now this part on the bottom is a little bit different this goes back to what i was just talking about we're working with the styles that are going to live inside the table of contents all right if we want you to kind of digest that what we're looking at here is all of those like cheese things and everything like that they had a certain paragraph style applied to them and we want to be able to say hey listen indesign bring all those things in there so if you look on the left hand side you'll see there is my ct chapter title and i click on that you'll notice a few options pop up down below we're going to discuss in a second you see that's a heading you can see okay great and then this is essentially everything that's going to end up in my table of contents all right so if that makes all sense you can say okay great and i remember how i clicked on one or two or three of them there these are all going to end up in the table of contents if you want to add more this is all of your styles all your styles if you want to add these and their content into the table of contents that is how you do it if you want to remove something from here you just simply click on and say listen that does not belong in the table of contents it's getting a little bit crowded so get rid of it now let's just see what we can do here when i click on this i want you to notice a bunch of options now up here that are linked up between what i see here and what i'm going to see down there right so you can see how they're related to each other right so what's happening with this is that you will see that this is talking about this particular style right you can see there it is and how is this going to be actually styled okay so i just want to again make it clear this is just showing content this is going to show formatting the look and feel all that stuff here so there is a look and feel for toc chapter title so that's how this is going to look in the table of contents this is the content this is how it's going to look alright so you can say that a million times i just hope everybody gets that so now let's just see some other things it's asking me all right that's going to be the style then do you want to have a page number after the entry do you want it before the entry or no page number at all right that's totally up to you we can change that very easily but just for right now i'm going to say yes i want a page number after the entry all right pretty cool then here is actually where we get into the character style so it's like well i have a toc page number character style so what do you want that to look like so that comes back to not a paragraph style but a character because that's going to describe how the page number is going to look just one page number so of course you can change all that stuff here all right now you'll see also here is this option for between entry and number what does that even mean i don't understand that so i click on this little guy here you'll see there's a lot of different options that are going to help me sort of display what's going to be between the page number right and the actual content itself so sometimes you might want to tab you might want these little other kind of markers there up to you we're going to choose just simply let me go ahead and get rid of this and i'm just going to very simply choose a tab okay great fantastic if we go to this one here you'll see i have the option to say no page number if i want to you can see here do you want a page number or nah i don't think so i'll just say no page number for now okay great i'm just going to kind of more or less sort of keep it clean for now but let me just back this up for a second and i want you to also notice that there's this option for the level okay so if i click on this one here level one click on this one oh level four oh that's why it's indented oh i see so you can change all that this is level two so it's going to bring the table of contents to look a certain way of course you can customize all these things in terms of how it's indented in the paragraph style if you want to if it doesn't come in how you want it to okay so let's just check out some other things here i'm going to remove this okay and actually i'm going to say i don't want any page number we're just going to keep it simple for right now so we can see what some of them are going to look like all right or let's just maybe just just the first few all right just so we can kind of customize it and see what that's going to come in okay now and at the bottom you're going to see there's the option here for what creating pdf bookmarks oh that's pretty cool i want that because when i do make this into a pdf i want people to actually click on it using the bookmarks menu you'll see on the left hand side within acrobat you'll be able to see people can just go ahead and click and go right to that part of the document so it makes it clickable and interactive right which is pretty cool pretty slick all right so at this point i'm more or less pretty happy with what i have here right of course i can always come back to this and don't worry about it and i'm gonna click ok click ok and it's going to tell me hey you might have some over set text you want that content in there i'm going to say yes and now i'm ready to just now apply my table of contents just by simply clicking and dragging just like if i was placing text and let's bring that right down to here that's wonderful and then i'm going to do some more just by clicking on my little red plus sign come up to here and then click and drag come down to the bottom there okay and great all right now did this do what i wanted to do let's go ahead and take a look at this all right now i would like to have these little leader lines here and it's not necessarily doing exactly what i want it to do because i want to have little leader lines here notice how it came in it's like okay there's these little tabs here and these are actually like right align tabs so i'm going to want to change that a little bit and then customize each individual style to create leader lines okay so what do i mean by that let's go ahead i'm going to just go into here so i know what style i'm working with here oh good good reminder there now i want to make little leader lines that are going to make dots go across and then also make this tab be more controlled because remember earlier i chose tab tab tab okay so let's go ahead now and just simply double click on this to edit it and i'm going to go over to here to tabs and again look at the one i'm working with here and i'm going to set a tab for this so it's going to have a little bit more control and space of where i want it to be right so i can just simply click and drag this over and then maybe even go even further right to the end of it oops that one more time kind of lost it all right good enough and you'll notice that there is a little dot in here that's left over from the last time i did it but if you didn't have a dot there you're going to have no dot but very easily you just literally type in the period and amazing look what i got there that is so cool now i have total control over this right like ah that's pretty amazing and guess what it's going to be on everything associated with these styles and anything that also is a style that's connected to this other style right because it also might be sort of a parent child type of thing here all right so pretty cool so let me just turn all that off we'll see all right awesome okay maybe i'd want to format this a little bit better but it's pretty great right so if you ever need to for whatever reason make any changes to this like the certain parts you don't want to see and you want to come back to this you can very easily do that right so if you click on layout again and you go over to here to table of content styles notice something pops up here and it's showing me only one thing up on top fmtoc wait i know i saw that oh that was the top of the okay we'll come back to that in a second and these are all the contents that's living inside there but how do i get into where i was before you just simply click on edit and now that takes me back to where i was before okay and you'll see this is what it was actually referring to it's this fmtoc that's the name of the whole style that's encompassing all these other things here all right now you'll see here it does this kind of weird thing sometimes when you do try to edit it where it allows you to make some changes but it also like resets the name of it so just kind of keep that in mind all right now anything else i want to change here i can absolutely do that right if there's certain things i just don't want right i can just go ahead and remove it and take it away right from here i can make some of these changes to some of these other elements that you know maybe this i want to be instead of the the carrot and then why it's going to be a t for instead of right aligned indent it's going to be just a tab or whatever it is right you have all these options here to be able to make those changes all right so i'm pretty much good to go i'm not going to do changes here but i want you to see how we can do that and then you're simply just going to click okay so let me just cancel this and cancel this all right now let's see what we can do when something does in fact change okay because many times things are going to change like let's just say i remember cheese is going to come in at a different page number okay we sometimes need to refresh our table of contents to make it so it automatically then gets linked up to the changes we made in the document itself okay so just understand that right that's actually what we want to do many many many times so let's see this in action i'm going to go over here to page 5 and then you know what this is going to be on its own section here like a few pages later so i'm going to right click i'm going to say insert and i'm going to insert two pages and this is going to be before page five i click ok and now let's see where i remember cheese is oh well okay yeah so things just changed there didn't it okay that's and that changed on a lot of a lot of things here so what do i do now and how do i get that to do um what i wanted to do in terms of resetting itself i'm going to go back up to this layout menu and just simply choose update table of contents now i'm going to give you a little warning that again earlier i talked about how the option for the table of contents earlier how it actually changed the words i have found that it does kind of bug out sometimes so it's actually going to change it back to contents okay the words are going to change and all that i'm assuming the page numbers are going to change and if you are changing the words those will of course change as well but now let's just see what happens now when i say update table of contents it says do you want updated are you sure okay and you also include oversight text yes i'm going to say yes and now things get changed i click ok and then oh yeah i remember cheese is at seven and okay oh but wait a second what about this here oh man okay that's kind of weird all right so i could actually go into here and make the changes myself if i wanted to or you can go back to where we were earlier go to layout and then table of content styles edit and then you can make your changes here accordingly right and then it'll update then after you do that so just keep that in mind sometimes it can be a little bit buggy all right so this is incredibly valuable really so i highly highly recommend you follow these processes i highly recommend you really master styles at this point right so you can see how important they are both for your paragraph styles and also your um character styles you can see how they get incorporated into it because our character styles is what determines what what these page numbers look like as well okay so that's also another part of this okay so you have access to this document i recommend using this use any one of your own okay and then what we're going to do in the next exercise separate from this we're going to save this as a pdf we're going to see what that's going to look like in terms of the bookmark so you can see how beneficial that is all right so pause the video please practice this have fun with it and we'll see you in the next exercise now in our last lesson we created this amazing table of contents and what we discussed was that indesign also gives you the ability to work with bookmarks right to actually create bookmarks within the table of contents right so i did check that because i do want it to do that so i want you to show i want to show you the options for when we do that and also i want you to see what it's going to look like when we finally actually do make bookmarks you can see the value in that as well and i'm going to show you in another video how we can actually do bookmarked in a slightly different way that's some unrelated to table of contents so very simply i'm going to go over here to file and then export and it's going to ask me okay what do you want to call this okay i'm just going to call this creating tables i'm going to say book marks or create table of contents bookmarks okay that's great i'll know exactly where to find that and then this is going to be a pdf it's going to be print i click on save and then this pops up it's going to ask me a lot of different things here right in terms of like you know how many pages that i want to export how do i want to view it when it's finally exported it do you want to view the pdf after exporting it right all these things here right that you probably already know about but what i want to do it's very important here is to make sure that i include bookmarks okay because for some of you this may not actually be chosen all right so you want to go ahead and do that now when i click on this it's going to run a little scan through my through my document right because you'll notice i have 17 errors i'm just going to ignore that just for right now but you definitely definitely before you export it all you always want to take a look at your preflight but i think you probably already know that by now being this nice advanced class that you're in um but always keep that in mind so i'm going to click on export there's overset text as i was warned okay no big deal for me right now click ok any kind of like url stuff i'm good to go all right and now it's actually exported okay not a whole lot of fanfare around this what i'm going to do is open up to my class folder here and go to that and you will see moving inside here is creating table contents bookmarks and this is going to pop up right and i love this this is great now let me zoom out a little bit i can see everything right there and that's clickable oh my god that's so cool that's hyperlinks okay that's pretty cool too but now is that a bookmark i don't think so what is a bookmark let's go over to here on the left hand side you'll see something that looks like an actual bookmark i click on that and then what oh my god look what it just did for me way easier than having to like click on this and then go back and forth is this i can go over here to delicious camembert mmm yummy go debris go right back to the beginning if i want to oh my god so cool to be able to just do that so quickly based off of what i did with my table of contents just a few minutes ago in indesign and then brought it into acrobat as my pdf all clickable and interactive all right so fantastic enjoy that practice that up pause the video make sure you're comfortable with exporting as pdfs as well and make sure to check all your preflight properties and everything like that make sure you got no errors and you're good to go so enjoy pause the video practice the lesson and we'll see you in the next exercise this next exercise is going to be around cross referencing so what does that actually mean sometimes you're going to want to link to certain parts of your document from a different part of your document so that is known as cross referencing so i might want to say hey listen go over to here and see more information at bam and then i can just click there and it's going to take me to like page five or a particular heading or something like that right so we can very very easily do that i'm going to zoom in a little bit here and you're going to see how i have this option for see more info at and i want to make that so it's going to automatically just become a link and tell the user bam they can go there and they're also going to be able to click directly on there to do it now how do i actually do this i'm going to bring up a new panel here under window and i'm going to go over here to type in table i'm going to say cross references kind of buried in there in my opinion it should be someplace else like under interactive so good thing to remember this is where you're going to get to it so i bring this up and this is going to be blank up here okay so because i have not created any cross references yet now you'll also notice that i have my paragraph style panel also up here okay you can probably guess this factors into things so what i'm going to do my plan at this point is i want to have them go from this section to chapter 2 which happens to be a title header paragraph style so it'll be very important for me to understand all my paragraph styles how they're set up because when i cross reference it's going to show me all of my individual paragraph styles and also which content is in that paragraph shop probably better just to show you show you and then you practice it on your own so i now have this just generic text here and i'm going to go over to my cross referencing and i'm going to click on this little flyout menu there and i'm going to say very simply insert cross reference click on that okay that's great and you'll notice here my first choice here is well what am i doing am i linking to a paragraph i guess they're talking about paragraph styles because they usually are or a text anchor and i'm going to do text anchors in the next video so stay tuned but we're just going to do paragraph for right now and i'm in this particular document that's great and you'll notice on the left hand side what do i have i have all my paragraph styles okay so pretty cool just showing me right there now that doesn't really help me get directly to chapter two does it so when i scroll down and i'm going to find the paragraph style that i know is connected to chapter two you will see that this is the text that's connected to everything that paragraph styles sort of parents right so you can see there's all these things here that have this title header paragraph style so very simply i just choose chapter two because that's where i want people to go to now if you move your your dialog box over here you can see it's going to say already see more info at chapter 2 on page 8. that's amazing how cool is that it's already kind of set up ready to go now if you come down here a little more you're going to see well what's the format you want to do i click on the drop down you can see well do i want just the paragraph text okay bam see more info at chapter two okay or do i want the full paragraph and page number just the page number that's pretty cool but i'm just going to say full paragraph and page number and also note that i can click on this little guy here create or edit cross reference formats i'll click on that and you'll notice i get this kind of like funny looking kind of syntax code here what i can do here is now remove these quotes if i don't want them this is an example of course you could do that however you like right i'm going to click ok and now you'll notice it's no longer there maybe you don't want that there again totally totally up to you all right and then here is where you can actually make it when it becomes a pdf do you want this to be something right you want to triangle around there do you want to highlight it right whatever you want to do do you want to outline it you have lots of options to work with there to kind of really allow people to recognize that this in fact clickable right it's actually clickable so we want people to recognize that so now i click ok and i'm just going to put a period there and when i make this into a pdf this will be clickable and this will take me to chapter 2 on page 8. so let's do that right now so i'm going to just say file export and i'm just going to just do a little this is going to be cross ref that's where i'm saving it and up not going to hit save yet why because this is actually an interactive adobe pdf so i click on the drop down here and i need to choose interactive very important there because some of the functionality will not be saved okay well no won't go there just print because it is now interactive so there's like fancy javascript and everything let's put in the back end of all this making it work how we want it to work so i'm going to click on save now and then at this point i'm pretty much good to go right hopefully at this point you're comfortable on how you want to export things here but i don't think i need to change anything here at all so i'm going to click on export okay there's over set text don't worry about that i'm just going to say okay all right and fine this is all about pre-flight stuff all right and now let's go to that section of where i just saw that and chapter one and it tells me right there see more info at chapter two on page eight pretty cool so when i click on that now what that is so awesome okay very very cool all right now just hopefully you get that you're cool with this you understand that now what's so pretty darn cool about this also is that this is kind of a living organism right so if chapter two on page eight would have suddenly become chapter two on page nine etc then we'll see like oh okay then this is gonna update automatically so let's see that in action so if i go let me just zoom out a little bit so we can see everything here right and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to insert a new page so let's go over to here right before there that is okay so i'm going to insert let's just do two pages before page eight so it's no longer going to be on page eight i click ok and now let's see and you will notice here now it is on page 10 okay fantastic so let's now go back up to where we were back up to chapter one and let's see what this now says lo and behold it now is updated to show it on page 10 okay so very very cool incredibly helpful make your documents nice and interactive make it easier for your audience and your readers and practice that please go ahead and pause the video practice this and remember that the cross reference panel is kind of buried in there that's going to be the first place you're going to go and also remember your paragraph styles because those are inextricably linked up to what you're going to be doing if you're going to be linking up to an actual paragraph style all right and the next lesson we're going to talk about text anchors we just covered cross referencing working with paragraph and paragraph styles where you can just link directly to paragraph paragraph style but sometimes those things don't necessarily exist and or you don't necessarily want to link things up in that way in that manner so we can actually work with what's called a text anchor that we may want to anchor to so therefore it's going to be a little more kind of custom a little more fluid and just something that we can kind of just create and manage in a more sort of you know manual way so again working with our cross reference panel we're going to have this up you'll see that i have this little bit of text here called our mission and vision i want that to be a text anchor so i'm going to simply just highlight it i'm going to go over here to my little fly out menu here miss that click on that i'm gonna say new hyperlink destination okay thing is we need to actually create the destination of where it's going to go to before we actually create the link of where it's coming from okay so very important there so i click on that and you're gonna see here this pops right up and understands what's the type it's a text anchor right it's none of these things here but good to know that you can actually link to a page if you want to or url we're going to talk about that in a little bit but we're going to see here it takes all the text that i have in there and that's great i click ok and now that has now been created as a text anchor great so now now what what do i do so let's just say for example i'm up here and i want to just kind of have people just go directly to you know our mission and vision something like that okay so i'll just go ahead and type something out here learn more about our mission here okay so wonderful it's good to go and i highlight that let's click on it and then go back over to here i'm going to say insert cross reference just like we did in the last lesson and instead of linking to a paragraph i'm going to link to a text anchor i click on that and then guess what's just sitting there waiting for me because guess what there's only one text anchor there if you had lots of them there which i hope you do in the future you'll see okay great there that is fantastic so i click on that good to go and you can see it says our mission vision on page four okay cool but you can see here are some options here what do you want to show there okay so full paragraph okay great so one you have everything there that you need very similar to what we just saw in the last exercise in terms of our formatting but a lot more simple because it's very clear on what we want to work with there okay so love that that's good to go and then i click ok and now that is going to be clickable linkable all that stuff when i finally guess what i go over here to file and i export it okay and then i'll make this call this text anchor and again i want to make sure that i am choosing pdf interactive because this is in fact interactive so click save this is going to pop up okay that's great and i have everything i need there all right and then view after exporting i want to do that and i click export and then i might see some other errors here about some fonts or whatever okay and now let's now see this in action there it is that is clickable you can see let me just show this over a little bit more okay there you can see it it is clickable let's now learn about our mission and vision ah there it is how cool is that love that all right and the same thing goes for if this were to change if you put this someplace else it's then going to automatically update for you all right so keep all that good stuff in mind all right and then you'll just start to notice as you continue building out more cross references you'll actually see them there all right so if you ever want to do anything with it you want to go to it you want to see it there okay you can double click on it you can go back into to make some edits to it right wonderful do the same thing for both cross references there all right so pause the video practice this and really start to think about and dream on what you can do how you can use this all right in a number of different ways being a little more kind of fluid and possibly more customized and personalized for you working with text anchors versus working with paragraph styles right which i always encourage you to do it's going to be things maybe a little more systematic all right so we'll see you in the next video and have fun we're now going to discuss how to work with hyperlinks in indesign now hyperlinks can come in a number of different formats hyperlinking to websites hyperlinking to pages other documents to emails all that good stuff in other exercises we have worked with um cross referencing as well so it's kind of like hyperlinks so you'll see how we can do this in really simple format the hardest part really is remembering where to find all of our hyperlink options okay so it's kind of buried so if we go under window you're gonna see here is this interactive panel and we're gonna go over here to hyperlinks click on that and you'll see i have a number of hyperlinks here right not using these right now but how do we actually create a hyperlink so let's just say for example i wanted to make this go to so just make sure to highlight the whole thing i'm going to go over to my little fly out menu here click on that i'm going to say new hyperlink and then look at that it's already populated it might even remember from something i did in the past might even see some records of that but you might have to actually type that in and maybe go a little more manual on there just typed out the s all right and you'll see that's great good to go now you will also notice that there are other options to link to so wow i can link to a file to an email to a page we've talked about text anchors okay so that's pretty neat and you'll see here what is going to be my character style that's associated with so you'll see that there usually is kind of a default like hyperlink but you also might want to change it so you're creating a hyperlink character style that you want it to look a particular way so it stands out as a hyperlink all right that makes sense to you right so you might want to have it like blue and underlined something like that so your audience knows that this is in fact a hyperlink then you also have different appearances okay so do you want to have a visible triangle around it do you want it to be highlighted okay the color of it whatever you want to do totally totally up to you but now this is pretty much good to go i click ok click away and there it is right now just so we're clear about the whole styles thing let's go up to window styles and go to character styles and you should see here is the hyperlink style there right so you can see now if i double click on this i'll see here okay wait a second you know what this really should be a different color let's make that white oh yeah that's a lot easier to read okay fantastic and i've just changed that in my character style you'll see how styles are incredibly incredibly important let's now go ahead and do uh one on an on an image so again we're going to do another kind of similar type of thing but on an image this time my hyperlinks panel is still open click on my little flyout menu there new hyperlink that's great and then i'll just do the same one as before there is learn it okay great i'm good to go here i click ok and when i test that out you will actually see it in fact all right now let's do another one here and let's do for an email so i'm going to highlight that fictitious email address go over here to my flyout i'm going to say new hyperlink and this time i'm going to say email that pops right up okay and that's great okay you are amazing all right very good that's going to make my day when i send that to myself all right and again my character style is going to be hyperlink great that works i love that because it's going to be consistent with the last one i did for learn it okay remember that's why we use our styles and then click ok and should that be white yes it should love that that's amazing all right so i'm good to go with this right you'll see all the things that i can do right maybe you want to experiment with some of the other ones but you'll see what the process is right the fact that we actually have the ability to do that through the hyperlink panel now i'm going to publish this in a second but i do want you to notice that there is in fact a few things that i've created here that are showing up inside of my hyperlinks panel including my email that i've created here and you'll see that there's this group is the image that i did right there's no name for it it's called group okay and then this is also just the text of learn it okay so this is just give me a record of it so i don't want these linked anymore i can very easily just click on here to delete it or i can double click on it and say oh listen you know what that's actually not my email address there was a mistake or it's changed to bob or you want to change the subject line whatever you can very easily do that just by simply double clicking within hyperlinks all right now let's check it out let's test it out so i'm going to go over here to file i'm going to say export and it's going to come up here to this little dialog box and i'm just going to call this hyper links that's great and wait i'm not ready to hit save yet because what do i got to do i have to make sure that this is an interactive pdf okay if you don't do that you're not going to get the same type of functionality so it's very important you choose interactive and not print as you're going to see in some of these other options here all right so i'm going to click save all right and then again totally up to you however you want to do all this stuff how do you want to view it do you want to view it after exporting which i do right and i'm going to simply export you might see a couple of error messages because notice i have some errors there might be some offset text stuff happening in my fonts and ignore all that and wait for that to load up and let's just bring this down a bit and let's just see do my hyperlinks exist they kind of look they do and do they work well look at that i click on this you might get a message saying like hey is this cool do you trust this and look at that amazing love that that worked and then let's go over here to my email and that should open up to your default email program okay very cool and then what about my image that's right didn't i having an image be clickable click on that man lord it's getting a lot of traffic today all right so you can see how cool that is how easy that is to implement and also kind of how important it is to make things interactive clickable and do it in a nice fluid and efficient way all right so pause the video practice that have fun and we'll see you in the next lesson in this next lesson we're going to learn how to create a form in indesign a form including all these text fields including a drop down menu including this little radial button including another button we can actually have it submit and send as an email so very very cool so these are all pretty much all set up right you can see here these are individual frames that i can work with to create these little boxes and then all of these things are going to come in from indesign's forms and buttons panel so let me go ahead and open this up and go to window interactive and you're going to see here is that panel buttons and forms and you'll see as i click on this you'll see that this is a text field this also a text field notice it's labeled as last name first name department what is that oh that is a combo box okay that's pretty neat and you'll see down below is all the options they're going to end up in my combo box because this is going to ultimately end up being a drop down menu and then you'll notice here is going to be a little radio button and so is that and then finally here this is an actual button to submit something notice i have some little rollover effects here and then when i submit it it's going to go over here to this email address it's that simple in terms of how we break it down that like oh we just need to know to go to the buttons and forms panel to actually set these things up so let's do this together i'm going to open up to here my interactive form lesson and you'll see here i have kind of like the the workings of what needs to ultimately become my form so the first thing i need to do for these first two at least is bring in a frame okay i know it seems kind of weird not a text box in this case we're just going to bring it in frame i'm going to say rectangle frame and then just click out here let's make that whatever you want it to be and i'm going to give that a nice little slight fill color maybe this kind of light blue and then maybe i'm going to give it a tiny little bit of a stroke so people can know that in fact that's a form field okay make that nice and simple for people and i'm just going to hold down the alt key and the shift key to clone that make that a line there okay that's great and then do the same thing with this guy alt and shift bring that down fantastic so this is not a form yet okay but it is going to be once i actually apply my buttons and form field types to it so i click on that very simply i have my button and forms panel up i click on the drop down and what do i want to make this i want to make it into a text field but guess what there's a ton of other options that i could work with here like making something into a button into a radio button right into a combo box right check boxes all this good stuff here so let's now see what happens when i create a text field out of this this has this nice little kind of funny shape around there to tell me that's what's happening and i can label this as first name that's going to be important later on especially when you see this in adobe program excuse me in acrobat programs okay great and you will see also that i have another number of other options down below that i can make it so is this printable yes is it required yes is this a password that you're asking for people it'll turn into like a little asterisk box things like that maybe you're asking them a lot of questions that's going to be a long answer you're going to want to make this into multi-line and i can also change this to be maybe a different font style if i want to i'll go to calibri and then maybe i'll make that 14. and do i need to be bold maybe not right so i'll just say regular great now let's go ahead and do the same thing for this one field make that calibri make that and regular okay very good and finally let's make that into last name great and i make sure this is consistent yep double check all that wonderful okay so those are ready to go now let's check out my department this is going to be a little different this is going to be a combo box combo box funny name but that's just what they call it i'm going to name this department and i'm going to add on some list items let me just drag this up so you can see my list items i'm asking what department they're in so i'm going to say it hit enter go back up to here i'll say hr hit enter and this is going to be sales enter marketing enter and i'll just say admin great and again let's change my font to be something consistent go to calibri make that 14 not bold and one other option it allows me to do is to sort these to make it easier for people so you'll notice here is the option to sort items so it's going to be alphabetical and you see oh that's pretty neat i got that all set up ready to go okay now i got two text fields and i have a combo box for this next one i want to do these little radial buttons so i'm going to show you a nice little tool that's going to help you with a lot of things which is going to give you the ability to work with some of their library items so if i click on this little flyout menu here you're going to see there's this little sample button and forms i choose that and then wow look at that indesign has like a bunch of gifs ready for me gifts meaning gift not gifs like gif they're like oh cool this is like little cool things that i can work with very easily to now just do whatever right buttons radio buttons right just like little check boxes whatever whatever you want to do little arrows totally up to you i'm going to just simply choose this one here and drag it out and you'll notice i now have these all ready to go for me to now apply on my own so pretty cool because they're just like all set up so let me close that out and let's just move this a little bit out of the way for now because i want to put in some type so i'm just going to type out aren't we amazing yes we are okay and let's format that accordingly and make that a little bit bigger okay and then let's clone that puppy so hold down the alt key click and drag across gonna make that oh no that's not very nice but can't always be all right now guess what let's move this guy over here and let's move this guy over here all right and maybe we can actually align these make sure that that's doing okay let's go to my properties panel make sure that that's aligned up on top great and i don't need this one anymore so i can just delete it great wonderful now i want you to see when i click on this this is a radio button r1 click on this this is also radio button r1 that is very important because these guys here are not going to be um like mute they are mutually exclusive if you will right meaning that when you click on one you can't have the other one also so you actually want them to be the same name kind of important deal there all right now last one we're going to work with here is the submit button and how am i going to do that is just simply make that into a button so i click on that and now it becomes a button pretty cool and notice i have this option for actions and i come way down to the bottom and i'll see i have this option to submit form but i do want you to notice that if you are making buttons you can have your button do any of these things here maybe you're not creating a form and you just want to make a button in a really cool pretty way that says hey do this do this do this do that you can do it in a really really neat fashion so i'm going to say submit form and you'll see that a few options happen here let me go ahead and bring this up so i have submit form and then i have here this submit form url oh that's right wait it's asking me well where do you want the form submitted to well i'm not submitting this to a to a website i don't understand that so what do i do normally websites right they start off with https or www when you are doing email you literally have to type out mail m-a-i-l-t-o colon and then type in whatever you want whoever you're sending it to okay so you can see how i've done that and that's ready to go it's very important you have that mail too okay now let's do a rollover option because notice when i mouse over this is going to be this normal but when i roll over it i want to give people kind of like the element of like oh yeah they just clicked on something so now let's go ahead and just do this kind of grayish color great so they're going to get that effect normal rollover normal rollover okay fantastic i am so excited about this so let's check this out let me go back to normal okay and i can minimize this for right now let's try to do that there we go all right now let's publish this guy so i'm going to say file and i'm going to export and very important here when you publish it's going to say most likely a print document we want to tell adobe that this is in fact going to be interactive because there's buttons there's drop downs there's all kinds of good stuff here hence we are interacting here so i'm going to say interactive lesson okay form complete so i know that you can you should call it whatever you want to call it because that's obvious i know but when you have when somebody's going to mail it to you they're going to mail it to you and this is going to be the name of the document unless they rename it otherwise all right so that's kind of important so i click on save and this is going to pop up right our export to interactive pdf dialog box and what do you want to do what do you want to export okay we're pretty much good here you can change a lot of these parameters to how you want things to be viewed and i'm pretty much good to go i do want to view after exporting i click export it's doing its thing all right and there it is love that i click inside there what is that a form oh that's me oh my god i just hit tab very cool i'm going to click on this and then oh man that is so neat look at that i just created a nice little drop down menu very cool nice and then yes we are amazing okay notice i can't do both all right and then finally ready to submit look how cool that is love that and then wait for it oh my god that makes me so happy the snow comes in and there is my completed form ready to go for all my people they don't have to do anything it's all done all set so you really want to practice this please watch this over and over again it's maybe a little different than what you've worked in the past and again you will see a bunch of features within that buttons and forms panel so definitely take this and experiment and really have fun but put it to some good use all right and we'll see you in the next lesson in this lesson we're going to learn how to create tables and that's going to be coupled with the next lesson which is going to be how to work with the data merge tool so creating tables is pretty straightforward up until a point if you will so if i want to create a table very simply i go over here to table and you can see here is create table it's going to ask me very simply okay well how many rows and how many columns do you want so just for right now i'm just going to choose four and four is there going to be a header row yes or no and if that's the case it's going to look a little bit different it's going to give you the option for actually making to a header i'm going to say no for right now and also the same thing as a footer it's going to format things in a little bit different way you'll notice also there's some options here for making into a table style if you have that style already created you can apply that and if you don't you can always create that later on so i'm going to click ok and i'm going to simply click and drag and just like that i now have my table all set up okay wonderful right it's as easy as that now you'll see that within the table menu i have a lot a lot of options here right here is obviously where i just was and then table options table setup alternating rows column strokes alternating fills all this kind of cool stuff here some options just for the cell if you want to insert this and this and that okay that's great now you'll notice they're grayed out why are they grayed out when you create a table you're actually looking at two different elements at once you're looking at the text box that wraps around this or in this case it's a frame right if you might think about it in the way that we know about images but the reality is it's actually a text box so you could have actually created a text box and then drew the table around it if you want to but now watch what happens now when i click inside of the table a few things are going to happen number one when i go back to table you'll see a lot of these options are no longer grayed out cool that's great so i can do all these things we'll get to those in just a little bit you'll also notice some other really cool features which is going to be all of these things over here on my toolbar to be able to then manipulate them in a much much easier way than having to go to this other menu so you'll notice here's how many rows i have how many columns i have oh that's pretty neat so let me just change that to more and you'll notice that when i do that because my text box is only so big notice it still says eight well that's weird so what do i have to do i have to go and make my frame or my text box in this case bigger in order to see them so i click on that and now you'll see there they are that's going to make you go nuts like i'm doing the right thing but keep in mind that these are separate from each other right so if i do this oops not what i want i get my little red thing there okay great and bam ah okay that's what's going on here so now let me just review that if you come inside of this table double click click and drag then you're gonna see these options here so let me just bring that right back it asks me to do if i want to delete say yes so go back down to four maybe even go to here then go back to my regular selection tool then bring this back up here all right so can be a little bit confusing but it will help us move these things around as one big group okay so just understanding how that works and also understanding how if you wanted to then make some changes accordingly you can just highlight the whole table and then if i wanted to just do this i want to delete it yes i do go over there okay great i can very very easily do that now as far as selecting and resizing and doing all this stuff you can very easily do that too so if i come over here and i click and drag notice how that now selects the entire far right column and then drags that far right column i'm going to undo this time i'm going to hold down the shift key while i do that you'll notice what that does that actually makes it equidistant for all of those things first way was without the shift key it only did that column second way was with the shift key and it actually made each individual column kind of equidistant so you see there's definitely a rhyme and reason to this okay so i'm going to come back over to here and you'll notice now i highlight it and i have a lot of these options up on top that are going to be somewhat familiar to you right if i click on this right now this is going to be my fill option so if i want to make that top row blue i can very very easily do that okay pretty nice again let's highlight that again you see that there very cool and if you want to put a stroke around your whole table you can do the same thing there and you can decide what size you want it to be and just go from there okay so hopefully pretty straightforward stuff now some of you who've worked in tables before in other capacities you might notice this guy as a potential familiarity and that is what we call merging so notice how that line just went away i'll do that one more time zooming in notice that there's a line here i might want to merge this together to make it so it's just one cell going across okay so i'm going to have that i'm setting this up for my data merge later on you'll see okay great very good that's going to be all set up ready to go for me cool love that now that's good to go now let's just take a look at some other options i'm going to make this a little bit taller it's going to come down here and why am i doing that so guess what i can add on some more rows so let's do that and now we see okay no problems there okay i love that and you'll also notice that when i try to resize these let me come down to the bottom and you're going to notice oops what did i forget to do i forgot to hold down the shift key so now i can focus on the height of all of them coming out together and then what can i do next highlight this go over to here and i'll add on some even more rose nice okay good now i'm in a right place okay love that that's fantastic i'm on my way now let's go to some more maybe potentially more advanced things more creative things that you might want to do with tables so again highlight everything go over to here back to table and you're going to see that these table options you might want to play around with like alternating row strokes alternating column strokes alternating fills headers and footers etc let's just go here to these alternating fills for right now and you to see it's going to come up to a dialog box so i can really understand kind of what's what i like to have my preview option on because i need to know what in fact i'm doing okay and you'll see here up on top for my table options i have all of these things that i could really play around with my general table setup my row strokes my column strokes that we just saw and then here's my fills and also header footer options so i'm going to stick with my fills for right now go over here to this alternating pattern where it says none i'm gonna say every other row nice little preview there and you can see okay alternating first what rows okay oh notice how that makes it kind of alternate just between what are we doing there okay that's a little bit kind of chaotic so let's just make it every other row right that's pretty much all that means so let's just now make this into a little different color so we can really see the difference and the next color is going to be this craziness all right and i'm going to skip the first row because i've already done something manually on there and i'm pretty much good to go here okay this is going to be hideous let me just warn you that i click ok and now all right not bad see what i did there so like and then let me just make this so it might look like a real table hold down the shift key bring this up and you can say all right not bad as i go through that so let's just go ahead and highlight this once again highlight all my table come back to table again let's go back to my table options i'm going to go over here to again alternating fills and let's actually change that to something less crazy i'm going to go to black and let's go this time to black this way but what's the difference between these two one is the tint is going to be 20 here the other one is the tint is a hundred percent so you want to play around with that just depending so one's going to be kind of gray another one's going to be kind of jet black and we'll see all right not too bad not too shabby so you have all that kind of control so let's now work with one last thing with tables so we can understand how all this works with working with our top little column here okay or top row excuse me notice how i move my mouse to the far left to select that whole row why did i do that because i want to have a little bit more control over just this row and i want to put a little border around it maybe i want to put something else in there but i only want to select just this top one so number one i did that number two i want you to notice this little area right here this little area right here so notice these little blue lines here watch what happens now when i just make this grow bigger bigger bigger it's affecting the entire cell because all four of these lines are selected i don't want that i only want to do the top one okay so i'm gonna for right now go back to zero and i'm going to say hey listen indesign i only want you to now put a line a thick line on the bottom so i just unclick unclick unclick and now watch what happens when i make that nice and thick it only applies to the bottom part of the selected cell and i'm going to hit w to be able to really see it great on my way and now just for fun let's make this a little bit taller so it really looks like something hit w again all right not too bad not great but this isn't about how to make a pretty table that's how to make a table all right so really play around with that um and then the last thing we're going to do um just to make it so we're set up for our next exercise is i'm going to kind of clear out some of these okay so i'm going to keep this as a table to keep things nice and organized so i'm going to come back into these left side first row i'm going to merge this together so that's kind of nice get rid of that all right and then maybe i'm going to put like a little logo here and then for this part i'm just going to merge this and double click and i'm going to merge this and hold down the shift key great so now i'm kind of set up for what's going to be happening next in my next lesson or i'm going to bring in some different content across the board using data merge all right so stay tuned and we'll see you in the next lesson and of course practice pause the video and practice all right welcome back we just finished creating a table that was designed for this little badge that we're going to create for people it's going to be sitting on their table all right so this was the table and i just put in some basic text here i brought in an image all that good stuff here now we're going to bring in some data using our data merge tool maybe some have used mail merge before this is going to be data merge where it's coming in from an external source that i have in a database like excel or a text document and i could just bring it in so let's take a look at that document that i'm going to bring in oh my god a lot of people are coming to this convention and i need to have their names right and then their city their state and all that good stuff there i just want to have that there inside of it but i don't have to type them all out oh my god that's going to take forever to do so how do i bring it in i'm going to use the data merge tool so if i go over here to window and i come way down to utilities and i go way over here to the data merge option this is going to pop up basically giving me the lowdown exactly what to do it says first choose the select data source from the panel menu which is going to be up there then you want to drag the fields from the panel to frames on the page or with an insertion point selected click the data fields you want to insert pretty cool and then finally click choose create merge document from the panel menu okay so let's just see what that's going to do i'm going to follow their directions i'm going to click on this little panel menu i'm going to choose select data source and then here is my directory names that i'm going to use comes right in just like that like what are these things first name last name address exactly what we just saw here it recognized that as all of my column names so i'm just going to bring in people's names okay so i'm going to do it right below here i'm going to say first name all right double clicked on there she didn't need to do that okay and then a space and then last name single click all right and then come down here i could drag this if i want to right it can be a little bit clumsy when you do that but notice it also worked but sometimes it doesn't give you a very clear idea of where it's going to go so just understand that so i'm going to come over here to city and just simply click go over to here state good i'm ready to go now obviously i'm not seeing what i want to see this is all placeholders so what do i need to do now didn't actually give me this hint earlier did it i'd like to actually do a preview to see what this is going to look like before i even commit to this so simply just click on preview and then nice that seems about right i like that okay very cool let's look at the other ones let's go here to here nice oh my god that's everybody in my list all coming in oh my god i got so many of them and it's pretty that is so freaking cool i love that right now my next step is to merge everybody so then i have a whole series of these in one big giant document so you'll notice over here it's this option to create merge document so when i click on that you'll see it's going to start doing some things here it's going to ask me well what do you want to merge all records maybe for you it's just going to be the you know first 10 or something like that totally up to you you can change all these things records per document single record this option will generate pages containing one or more copies of the same record using your target document layout this is pretty much good to go exactly has it's set up here i don't really change too much here if there's anything missing it's going to tell me and then i simply just click ok ok give me a little warning no overset text was generated thank you very much that's good to know because maybe i had some really long names now what let me scroll down and i will see oh my god it just generated how many pages as many pages as i had people inside my database how cool is that hopefully you're not getting seizures but look at that amazing amazing amazing amazing right all the work that it just did for me i am so grateful all right so you want to practice that you can have access to this data set if you want to and definitely use this practice and you're going to be using this for maybe form letters uh you might use it for business cards for people you might use it for badges like this so anytime you have a lot of people in a database you can use the data merge tool to then bring it into one source and then save you lots and lots of time to be more efficient with how you execute alright so again pause the video practice this have fun and we'll see you soon thank you for watching everyone and congratulations on completing the advanced indesign class we really covered a lot in this class let's review what was discussed we started off by going over the benefits and uses of the cc libraries we learned about how to utilize the amazing adobe stock portal we then went quickly into how to manage layers got pretty deep into working with master pages nested styles and a whole bunch of creative tools we also learned about how to create and format table of contents work with interactive documents including cross referencing bookmarks and hyperlinks and finally we covered how to create tables and then do a data merge from an external data source into that table we really did cover a lot please remember to come back to review this video anytime and keep practicing on the courseware files i wish you the best of luck and i look forward to seeing you in the next class thanks for watching don't forget we also offer live classes and office applications professional development and private training visit for more details please remember to like and subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments thank you for choosing learn it [Music] you
Channel: Learnit Training
Views: 6,862
Rating: 4.9581151 out of 5
Keywords: indesign 2021, tips and tricks, adobe indesign, indesign 2021 tips and tricks, learn, indesign, learn it, learn it anytime, learn indesign 2021, indesign 2021 tutorial, indesign tutorial, tutorial, guide, learnit, graphic design, adobe, creative cloud, pen tool indesign 2021, table of contents indesign 2021, interactive forms indesign 2021, print design, magazine design, typography, templates, creative, design, data merge indesign 2021, cross referencing indesign 2021, resume, poster
Id: dWQmIDHylgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 9sec (11949 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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