George Carlin -Child Worship

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yeah it's all [ __ ] folks is bad for you it's all [ __ ] that's what you remembers you go through life in this country it's all [ __ ] and it's bad for you now speaking of parents is speaking of [ __ ] two ideas which aren't always mutually exclusive by the way I'd like to mention a special kind of [ __ ] that has taken hold in this country in the last 30 to 40 years it's a form of [ __ ] that really only can be called child worship it's child worship it's this excessive devotion to children I'm talking about today's professional parents these these obsessive diapers sniffers who are over scheduling and over managing their children and robbing them of their childhoods even the simple act of play even the simple act of playing has been taken away from children and put on mommy schedule in the form of playdates something that should be spontaneous and free is now being rigidly planned when does a kid ever get to sit in the yard with a stick anymore you know just sit there with a [ __ ] stick to today's kids even know what a stick is you know but you know something to kitchen me wasting his time on a stick anyway if he's four years old he should be home studying for his kindergarten entrance exams do you know about that [ __ ] or they happen now yeah yeah there are places that have kindergarten entrance exams the poor little [ __ ] the poor little [ __ ] he can barely locate his dick you know and and already he's being pressured to succeed pressured to succeed for the sake of the parents isn't this really just a sophisticated form of child abuse and speaking of that speaking of child abuse speaking of child abuse next stop grade school grade schooler who won't be allowed to play tag because it encourages victimization and he won't be allowed to play dodge ball because it's exclusionary and it promotes aggression standing around is still okay standing around is still permitted but there won't be for long because sooner or later some kid is going to be standing around and his foot will fall asleep and his parents will sue the school and it'll be goodbye [ __ ] standing around now fortunately all is not lost all is not lost because at least we know that when he does get to play whatever games he is allowed to play the child will never lose we know he'll never lose because in today's America no child ever loses there are no losers anymore everyone's a winner no matter what the game or sport or competition everybody wins everybody wins everybody gets a trophy no one is a loser no child these days ever gets to hear those all-important character-building words you lost Bobby you lost you're a loser Bobby they miss out on that you know what they tell a kid who lost these days you were the last winner a lot of these kids never get to hear the truth about themselves until they're in their 20s when their boss calls the minute says Bobby playing the [ __ ] out of your desk and get the [ __ ] out of here you're a loser get the [ __ ] out of course Bobby's parents can't understand why he can't hold a job in school he was always on the honor roll well what they don't understand of course is that in today's schools everyone is on the honor roll everyone is on the honor roll because in order to be on the honor roll all you really need to do is to maintain a body temperature somewhere roughly in the 90s but we shouldn't be worried about how he's doing at school because you know son come summertime he'll be off to camp yes he'll be off to camp but not to swim and hike and play softball no no no no no today's child will be sent away to lose weight he'll be sent to fat camp or violin camp or ceramics camp or computer camp or leadership camp whatever the [ __ ] that is leadership camp isn't that where Hitler went specialized structured summer camps got to keep the little [ __ ] busy don't they gotta keep the little [ __ ] busy wouldn't want him to sneak in a little unstructured time in the woods that wouldn't be any good God knows he might start jacking off now all of this stupid [ __ ] the children have been so crippled by has grown out of something called the self-esteem movement the self-esteem movement began in 1970 and I'm happy to say it has been a complete failure because studies have repeatedly shown that having high self-esteem does not improve grades does not improve career achievement it does not even lower the use of alcohol and most certainly does not reduce the incidence of violence of any sort because as it turns out extremely aggressive violent people think very highly of themselves imagine that sociopaths have high self esteem oh what a thunk and I love when this kind of thing happens I love with these politically correct ideas crash and burn and wind up in the [ __ ] the self-esteem movement revolved around a single notion the idea the single idea that every child is special boy they set it over and over and over as if to convince themselves every child is special and I kept saying [ __ ] you every child is clearly not special Jimmy look at one of them don't take a good close look at one of these [ __ ] kids they're goofy they're [ __ ] goofy looking they're too small they're way too [ __ ] small they're malapportioned their heads don't fit their body their arms are too weird and everything can't walk across the room in a straight line and when they talk they talk like I got a mouth full of [ __ ] they're incomplete incomplete unfinished work I never give credit for incomplete work now PT Barnum might think they're special but not me I have standards but let's say it's true let's grant this I'm in a generous mood let's grant this proposition let's say it's true as somehow all every child is special what about every adult isn't every adult special - and if not if not that at what age do you go from being special to be not so special and if every adult is special then that means we're all special and the whole idealist is all it's [ __ ] meaning
Channel: VimanaRama
Views: 6,652,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: George, Carlin, child, worship, you're, loser, billy
Id: h6wOt2iXdc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 24 2008
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