George Carlin on soft language
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Channel: Rob Logan
Views: 3,354,110
Rating: 4.9132748 out of 5
Keywords: george, carlin, soft, language, ptsd, post, traumatic, stress, disorder
Id: o25I2fzFGoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 12 2008
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
It's funny how the majority of comments right now are either upset or cambative towards this video. It's a stand up bit! Comedy, the last bastion of free speech, let's protect it people.
STDs became STIs
GTFOH. The implication being an infection is temporary and curable. Sure, thats true of SOME OF THE SHIT you can get by fuckin'. But sure as shit ain't all of it.
This is years of perfecting the craft of comedy using the truth, that's why Carlin is so funny. Smart without sounding like he is talking down to the audience.
And now "pass away" has become "passed", just fucking say it...he/she died.
While this is hilarious there's an underlying seriousness to his message which really scary
My dad always used to call it asshole paper. Mind, we're Australian.