GENOCIDE VS. PACIFIST | "True Genocide" Undertale Fangame

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gaster is back and we are immediately in the battle so what's up welcome to undertale to genocide a fan-made gastro battle made by cool clever last time I got pretty messed up so we can already see him a new difference now I am currently in easy mode and it seems like you're gonna get these green and healing hearts every now and then which is definitely gonna make this easier I really want to finish this fight and see the ending and like the conclusion of the true genocide route I guess but it's still gonna probably be difficult we have to oh god collect all of the fight buttons or like the pieces of the one whole fight button and the music man I'm remembering how ass on an epic this fan game was I loved that it was so difficult though so I'm really gonna hope that we can beat this with easy mode we still definitely can't die we already lost two souls now I have to be a bit careful but look I can't just get the green thing and I'm immediately gonna get healed folia so I might die at the later phases but here I think I'm pretty much safe I can't just kill it I don't have to go crazy and I can just enjoy the music and that's going to be the last button right there and we're gonna fight listen to me so we know the stein lock but I will show off everything once again gasser is telling us to sob we're not gonna stop though and this time gaster I'm not sure we can if you can kill us over and over again I can even try like maybe saving about healer because it's gonna go away eventually it's gonna go to the right side leave the screen up so maybe that's a strategy if you just wait for the green hearts or maybe I'm just gonna avoid them and only get them what I only have like one or no nut nose so left actually as a little extra challenge so it's not too easy I'm gonna see I'm gonna see it I think I'm gonna try that actually I'm gonna avoid the heart some till I need that so now we have a jumping spider a gangster blaster that's how I'm calling it it's really spooky it really disturbing we have to stay far away from it we want to survive but that's another green thing that's also kind of cool too you can see the green heart appearing so you already know what where the fight button is gonna be there we go tight squeeze but that should be it we're gonna okay we got it but we're gonna do one last circle and we get healed anyway right if we fight that's still automatic I'm gonna check that I'm gonna stay right here and we're gonna have a heal after the dialogue I think long ago my partner and I have been experimenting with the timelines yes a lot of timelines unlimited variations and there we have the hill so you don't really need that heal which again kind of goes with what I said you can if you really need it but damn it just wait for it and get it now for example okay okay wait like I gotta play better get the fight button and in don't die these are still the easy phases it's really gonna get difficult once the confusion starts I think it was also kind of just confused myself completely it wasn't just absolutely random how it worked is it just switched your controls and you actually were able to see it your entire heart rotates as well and that tells you how you have to control your I'm soul so I kind of overreacted or was just too confused so I'm gonna try my best in this episode to actually play properly um okay I think I died that is karma right they're not trying to get the hearts but I still want to go for the challenge but okay yeah I was also greedy I wanted the heart and that actually made me fail oh my god okay okay okay okay oh my god don't die now oh my god it still spooks me you know getting at getting rid of all of your shields is really scary one day we found a time line which was different and my partner tried to convince me and we after Gila and we already have the laser so this is like the first step up to really make it more difficult but I I II read a tip I'm gonna try this yeah look this is a very strange tip you only get hit as soon as you enter the blaster and when you were inside the blaster here I can already move inside of the blue laser I can move I just have to not move as soon as I touch it the first time this might be kind of difficult to try to use because you do have to kind of change your thinking and look at me I'm two scientists I'm not thinking okay wait a minute don't die I could get the heart actually you meet you really need the whole route oh my god focus this is gastro we're talking about gas sir deserves respect gastro is one crazy dude huh um and now I have to look I can't think that much I'm not made for this gas trap but that's it okay all orange it's gonna be really easy and now we just have to move over and that's it I didn't listen to them and went to this timeline it has been a fatal error especially now where I'm getting healed by I guess even more Souls I'm not even sure someone definitely likes me and is shooting out these green hearts is this already no no we we had this entire like transition where dancer kind of Tom's you and that's where the confusion starts I think so for now we're still in the safe zone pretty much I will stay in the middle though try to stay in the middle try to get the fight buttons as fast as possible now we have the things oh god I remember this thing the bouncing one and then the next phase already gonna be the final one for this like segment I'm still not entirely sure about the pattern that this next caster plaster that's kind of spawn has now which I again my greed I immediately went left to get the heart but that was my end ouch I got bullied again it's a bully caster plaster pretty much because it literally pushes you which is unique right you don't really see that in undertale um games green health oh my god why oh you get so much damage at once how did I die like this and I need to be extremely careful I can't handle this pattern okay just gonna push no I lost my orange stone I think come on come on come on dude castra I'm getting rekt by the bullies the freakin hitbox do you actually have like something that can push you and there we go uh lost my sanity lost my body now we have the little speech lost my friends and I lost my life excuse me sans there's a heal but we don't need that right yeah I'm just gonna the smiley so cute though you're still alive I am barely again oh god I can't return to my previous life but I can save the lives of all monsters and humans let's go the real deal all right we've dug this beginning is this not it yet the music starts already but I think this is just a gastric last rakaia filler attack and you have to survive oh yeah yeah okay hold on I already lost you Souls out there okay one more I'm not gonna heal your because this is just a survival phase which means you don't have to survive for too long and you don't have to like collect an entire fight button I think it's already it right what time is yeah it's time to see a cancerous true power which is called the confusion attacks yep okay um I'm still gonna try it well the music man I can't even talk when this stuff happens I'm still gonna try my move in one direction like or in two directions at once I think that's the best chance you have at survival and now we've got and I'm gonna I need the heal actually because I'm immediately gonna look look okay so now you can see yeah yeah yeah yeah you can kind of tilt you can you choke your head it is so hard so if I go down yeah that makes sense can i I can't even get the heart I'm still so bad at the confusion I'm scared I'm gonna beat this I'm sure the hearts are good enough but it's it's gonna be horror so no fight but yet you do have to wait one like one cycle that was very lucky that I didn't get hit back there [Music] and yet some of you guys also point this out I didn't notice that dancers face changes now he's all crazy he has a really really wide grin okay I'm gonna try this this might be crazy I'm gonna try it to tilt my head yeah it's actually working but it's still difficult okay now now it can read tilt my head if I can call it that I'm gonna wait until I get the no I can't wait please oh okay um okay no no tilting anymore I just have to stay on the other side it oh my god wait maybe until I'm confused again okay get it get it just get it what are you the lasers are gone what I'm dead no no landed in it confused me again this has to be like like the final true power and then it has to change I cannot handle them any more of these confusion phases the thing is I can tilt my head now I cannot tilt my head because it's I can't rotate my head I'm sorry gasps sure I'm not that flexible okay get this just get it oh my god and it's back right all my souls have lost yeah lol oh I can't do it I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I'm sorry I'm so bad I'm complete like I have never been this confused I am so useless when my controls are changed it's unbelievable what I didn't know the gastro blasters actually get less and less at that point when a laser start so it's not way too difficult if the gastric look look against her oh my god I was scared okay that that actually spooked me I didn't see the gastro has like new eyes now am i dead barely survived that I have three souls left Anita you're perfect fight fight Castro or we're still not done I can't win I mean determination right you need help okay it's the souls but I have the souls cast room Oh what oh it's the souls of all moms what those are monster souls ok but this is pretty simple I I like this castra I got hit but I still like this I can I can do this basic dodging as long as you don't confuse me I can handle this unless there's something I have to do I even have oh oh no something's gonna get harder this is actually really cool this reminds me of the good old like avoidance games that I used to play this is really fun right now this is giving me some nice memories even though I'm failing a lot what's gonna happen I'm so afraid of Oh what's happening no it's still the same I'm not gonna risk it I won't because something is Crazy's gonna happen this is awesome and next fight but my don't have to heal which is a nice little boost in conflict okay boost in confidence I didn't need it man for a dance for what calm down I can't calm down the car I'm mama mom [Music] even this is really difficult without a healer but it's not as difficult as the confusion okay let's go I didn't let's go and now what like what was that was that was what were those all the souls yeah all the monsters are gonna destroy timelines okay this is cool this is so nice right now because we had so many gastric blasters now we've got something completely different and this is so much fun I'm loving this now dancer is still grinning as always being being creepy but I really like this new face I might I might mess up no I can't get the new perfect that was like the most efficient he'll ever do we have homing shots not homing but they aim at you like every corner shoots aiming shots okay but I can handle this as long as the patterns are predictable I can handle this okay let's wait a little bit and let's just go what what happened what happened hello okay now is completely crazy would be even more would be even funnier if even gastrous sprites which like rotating but nog Astra's like gas was the only thing that is going in control here and isn't going crazy okay that's it let's let's catch the fight but my my great oh we got it now be ready to die what what what you will see my special attack okay is that your heart what oh my god did the music this is like an entirely different fight suddenly I okay impressive very impressive change suddenly in how the game or like the fight works the way once again have to collect the fight button or not is something in the chains no it's gonna be the same right no what can I do do we have to touch it I have to touch the heart is there a cool-down probably so you can't just rush it down and I died like immediately but I do get a safe yeah for the heart phase so I'm gonna try this oh don't try what I just tried guys wait no I'm dama oh I'm it just always changes you don't have to go into the heart I thought you had to go into the heart never mind guys it was just the sound of my own heart shattering wasn't it yeah okay oh I'm so I'm sorry so maybe you do have to collect the fight button or what do you actually need to do maybe you just have to survivor that can also definitely be a possibility which is gonna make this a whole lot easier than having to like battle the health of the heart and now we have the gas for yeah so it's just avoidance please kill me I can't survive without a heal I missed the heal but I'm gonna get it okay perfect this can also be extremely difficult if you don't have those heals from easy mode oh my god and now we've the gastric theme again like is this one big remix song what is this I love it no no I don't love this wait I don't have a save I'm dead what this is actually gonna be difficult even with the heels are you nuts I got two hearts that was a little bit overkill but how do you do that how will you dodge the blue with what oh wait you wait what Oh a little bit cheap right there [Music] I look at the music No I'm so scared it's getting too much but I still have a lot of fields stay in the pattern they actually don't know I'm living alive still yeah our heart no your face what was there saved oh my god now is it seriously reminding me of determination the gastro fight if you if you saw that video you know that game this is so trippy now but I like this this might be easier than laser okay know what now I'm dead please I'm I'm praying I'm praying right now no no way how do you do this without without heels I don't know actually I think I don't want to be like a wimp but I almost feel like I've lost all hope in beating the normal mode for this I mean this is insane I can I can barely right now I can't even but I'm barely gonna be it's easy mode this music in the background is destroying my mind man it's too good okay split dammit no one hits no it has to be it now no hit or nothing you know we're back right no still one more and I forget I forget how long is his damn it give me a heel man last review if you're nice I don't know why you want to be nice to me why it would ever be nice to me while you ever would show mercy but if you do please I can actually maybe save up a woman but I'm never gonna get it back I'm gonna try to stick with the hearts in that if that works know where the heart is gone by now I got a triple head spin oh my god man there's a heart you're gonna troll me you're gonna do me like this you're gonna do it please please man I can't get to the heart this is impossible this is this is an impossible face there's no way what man I can't even get the hearts please please no the gastric blaster cut me off okay come on Noah it's over it's over yes so good now wait now I don't know what to do I stay in a corner maybe just stay stay stay still stay where there are no hearts that's that's the idea come on as if heart hurts oh my god I feel so lucky but if this is gonna get I don't know but maybe maybe yeah this might not this might not be the end yeah this is doable oh my oh there's a heart but I'm unable to get it literally unless it's gonna come to me now no I'm unable to get it there's no way oh my god I got it it came back to me thank you if I die now I mean this is this is just gonna get harder and harder I'm spooked okay um what is this now what's happening what's happening I'm not gonna touch the line I guess right please tell me the hearts are gonna spawn down here thank you the game has mercy the game has at least a little bit of mercy I don't want to touch the line even because I'm afraid okay that is so good I'm not gonna get that yet oh well is this oh okay okay okay I can't no I can't handle this I can't handle this come on man come on you can do this you've done you've done far worse keep moving just always keep moving that's a strategy always keep moving you don't even have to focus on the on the aiming just keep moving and you're gonna be and you're gonna be good okay you can touch the line I accidentally tried it now that's good to know the music though how much more orange I need to know damn it move damn it okay nice nice one dammit I need a healin to you boy dude perfect I still owe you return the knife I can kill it kill him faster kill Castro faster oh no or that it's actually kind of sad but awesome in like how this game was made oh jesus Castro but what what now I'm still alive I said of the knife are you sick but there has to be a save no no save there's no way there's not a safe oh that that's kind of cool though I like one last trial air attack I'm okay with this honestly I mean I assume going up but no you have to go okay remember what is this battle man I actually don't know what what's even happening anymore really though and there's no say that's gonna be hard to remember down so then like middle you wanna say middle go right immediately in the middle yeah okay and then down and then riots what I don't even I think I don't even know yeah my still playing the game I'm like completely lost in everything this has been just correct this has been so crazy there was a heal but I don't think the heal is even gonna help you almost have to no hit this come on come on restart I have to say guys I did not expect this difficulty I expected it to be like over afternoon let that confusion or somebody with something somewhere around that time this has only gotten so much or harder man but I guess in one way it doesn't matter here because the hearts might not be too useful because you just have to dodge I forgot I forgot where to go to left up left okay I can't even get the heart it's actually impossible I wanted to get the heart man I it doesn't even matter because at this point like I said it is trial and error so I can't be mad about dying here right right - right - all the way down all the way down I actually got the heart come on I think it will save here I don't know what to do it like okay I am speechless okay but I'm getting better at these and now I'll just go into the middle and hopefully you don't okay okay is it is it the other way around this time it changes so like I have to play risky I I don't there's a heart maybe thank you right you can stay in the normal gastro blasters I actually don't even care I couldn't care less about the white caster blasters as long as it don't touch the red everything is okay but I don't want to get hit twice by a gastric lastra I can gasps Yura playtime is over I can I will this this has you have gone too far I know I have gone too far your strength is not even like okay this is my last chance what's gonna happen now do it again oh it's is there something I need to do maybe go on to gastric chorus helping me it may be into it hmm please weigh it I'm confused I don't think this is it right is it no maybe the heart that shouldn't be possible because I don't have a shield the hearts cannot be part of the Oh Cara it is impossible faster it is not impossible I even have oh I don't even have the souls you made it all only to destroy the universe of undertale Oh are we breaking the fourth wall now you made this please don't do it I think it's too late make a reset don't listen okay now it let's erase this world now it's the fight show mercy to undertale do you undertake itself what cara you troll what what's happening as that's the other heart song what what what's happening guy gasps sure what happened what's happening what is this game now and look at gastrous like like it has like light blue blood or whatever I came from another timeline I've been trying to find you for so long and I can't move over and I found this strange timeline sans is going crazy now we need to stop the destruction of all the universes what is this how long is this going on you were wounded flowey what's going on have I died in that timeline and tarah flower you can cirno's flower sends these with me don't worry what sands and flower tema flower the soul the soul is real creamer these let's reset it all okay that's a reference to the battle which is kind of cool actually with our combined forces we can regenerate all timelines is this actually happening is it not true genocide is it like is this the actual pacifist ending now ah all this is so evil though what does hard end me in is it like difficult is there actually gonna be a fight and a race is probably it's probably like the actual ending but I want to try it of course I want to go for the erase ending and I want to listen to my friends look at them sands being a cool dude gasps were already almost being defeated and even as real the goat I have to go with a race but true end oh wait Noah I'm dama I wanted to go with reset because I wanna I want to listen to them right I almost made the mistake I'm gonna go with a reset I want to listen to them reset hello I'm gonna hide behind you yeah oh do I have to oh boy this is actual dialogue Oh No if you jump scare me I'm gonna I'm gonna run you must have misunderstood that yep since when were you the one in control alright No hey kiddo will help okay okay okay all what you need you have to win against Cara maybe this is like a special ending maybe a race just means you will win immediately it can only be done by you we will help you with our lives again the Winky okay look at my souls what green is that healing me it's the real end what is this music and look the knives hurt Mia what is happening what is this fought what is this fangame what has this fangame become what are the what are the blue bones okay I think that's a you or no new a timeline I need a heal right about now gastro you can't oh I can oh no I'm losing these are literal shields now oh I'm so damn laughs I'm always looking at the or the rainbow heart I'm still controlling the red heart which means I'm very I'm in real danger on my left side and I see you sans is like shooting the knives okay sans that's a really nice attack actually I still assume that the green blaster it's gonna heal maybe some souls back but nothing is happening [Music] but why this is yeah that the green thing isn't really helping in our no it's not help the music hello big hill please I'm so afraid of karma right now what if we can save Kara though love it love I get you I get Jakara is it still okay but I'm just gonna die oh my god maybe I should have gone for the race Cara oh wait what's happening with the flash - do you do you hear the slashing is it actually an attack you can't or is it just showing that Kara is actually destroying the timeline all right Cara what can I do so bad on the devil Scott that was cool it was a nice little jingle hotter than I is whatever you do it wait what I don't know what to do oh the knife stop oh no they didn't you troll does this never end like I'm a bit worried but no wait I I think that the attacks are changing because now there's more big minus 1 what are you talking about Carl I just need to say you're in the middle oh come on and there's no safe is there again here this is gonna be an issue like I I'm actually worried right now I didn't expect that this Fagin was gonna be this insane [Music] there's gonna be a final attempt I can't um I'm actually going crazy with Cara here oh my god maybe I can make like a third video Jesus Christ for this crazy game where I can try to go for both endings it's bad look at our local bloodthirsty man it's gonna be a lot easier if the other ending is just a simple ending where you win immediately with Cara like the genocide ending over there race you guys can tell me of course and then I can try to beat this in in the third video as well oh my god man oh my god okay okay this is a good last attempt at least no matter what happens just I hate I hate getting cornered look at this man this is this is like my oh my god okay no seriously don't go crazy don't let Cara Pichu Yuri you're doing this Vermont's for kinda were you wake up no ok best attempt top best attempt so far [Music] Bob winking at me you you crazy crazy person it's so difficult is so hard because the hitboxes of the things are so huge one mistake in your gun one mistake in your just gone stop cara cara stop no like there's no way there's no freaking way this if this is not the ending [Music] cara cara cara cara cara stop laughing stop laughing cara cara cara [Music] yes I'm alive you have persuaded what that was it very serious if we destroyed all it will be oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you're very thick sheet economy yeah I'm smart yeah I'm gonna give you your soul back I already have my soul see enjoy your freedom Oh Cara kirochka says goodbye me yeah goodbye you me I guess because murga in my first playthrough you were murdered reset we did it that was literally my final attempt I was gonna stop what I was gonna quit I'm not gonna lie um okay he do what what that what is this game can we do the first dance no we can't oh it's sad but okay where are we I mean I know where we are of course but like this game is full of surprises welcome back game by kim michael undertale by toby fox Kim Michael of course being cool clever thanks for playing the end is that the true end maybe maybe the other erase option would have just given you a normal ending maybe this is the true ending wow wow wow man that was that was so difficult and so freaking long and so just intense like the attacks I think the attacks are much harder than they look I think I have to say this day I'm I freaked out this was extreme difficulty and if I had not picked easy mode I guess easy mode didn't matter them like at the very end just because of how crazy will know it there during all of gaster it definitely mattered but I don't think it mattered during the Cara like last fight but wow what an insane fight I just want to enjoy this music right now I'm gonna enjoy this music guys I hope you will too thanks for watching if the other ending really is that important I can go back but now I just need a break I need food I need everything thanks for watching and until next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Merg
Views: 712,510
Rating: 4.8843932 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, True Genocide Route, True Genocide, Genocide, Pacifist, Ending, Secret Ending, Hard, Difficult, True Ending, Challenge, Chara, Sans, Asriel, Gaster, W.D. Gaster, Chara Boss, Gaster Boss, Boss Fight, Erase, Reset, Save, Awesome, Amazing, Chill, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Highlights, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Merg
Id: A7Moj0ZPiUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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