QUEEN TORIEL... Undertale Inverted Fate

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what's up guys and welcome to inverted fate fallen crown an undertale fan game made by dork and philip ellowell this is the big fight against toriel herself and as usual it starts off with some dialogue i don't like this papyrus i don't particularly care for it either look it's gonna be okay you just have to keep pushing forward if you have to just wear her down but i don't want to hurt her flowey hey neither do i but we need those souls i swear whatever happens it'll all work out in the end i suppose if anyone would know it's you my friend [Music] why why must you torment me so frisk it may be wise to too many children have died i do not wish to see another jar filled so if you wish to leave please leave if not and we're gonna fight and here we are oh boy a strange light fills the room moonlight is shining through the barrier [Music] you have reached your journey's end but at what cost despite everything you're filled with determination and it starts immediately all the music it's so peaceful hello toriel 80 attack 80 defense knew what was best but that was a long but that was long ago well here we are okay toriel check let's do this again dorial a heartbroken queen devoid of hope if only she'd listen [Music] look we just need to borrow the souls we'll give him back ah good thinking frisk honesty is the best policy i assure you we have only the purest intentions yet you have only given me false hopes and empty promises sorry toriel toriel's staff trembles in her grasp i could tell her about flowey but what do you want that would even matter this isn't going as well as i had hoped but no matter the status we can do this but this time we really do have a way then prove it otherwise your words mean nothing to me toriel heaves a heavy sigh it's just wait how come there are only five souls here all six souls reside within this room but i am through with entrusting them to others [Music] i understand miss toriel but we're doing this for you we know how much this cycle has burdened you we know you're tired but this time nobody has to die we'll take the souls and and you do not know do you i have heard about the flower is that your plan then a flower cannot fix this it is no human soul now do you understand oh boy the tension you try to speak up but the words fail to form papyrus it's your turn but he's we just why can't you give him a chance i have given far too many you try to speak up but the words fail to form papyrus please please just let us try that's enough oh boy no toriel frisk [Music] oh baby here he goes toriel blocks the way calm down everything's everything's on on blue fire what now [Music] this won't accomplish anything you know what you have to do ah hang in there frisk i'll go find help thanks papyrus okay okay let's go oh oh okay dodge dodge dodge these ones and then that's it oh the music wait i gotta turn it up oh no i turn it up right at the emotional part oh i love your other green so oh dude this is beautiful okay can we talk some wait let's let's let's check first here junk food literally garbage amazing the jelly bean the coffee oh the notebook the the quiche the carrots the ice cream the snow puff flower tea and the slss random recovery and effect but we're gonna keep talking you couldn't think of any conversation topics oh i gave you so many chances oh that was close and okay yeah yeah well that was a trippy effect i still don't think we got a heal perhaps time to face reality [Music] frisk come on now we're going to keep trying this but if you wish to take the souls if you wish to leave what oh dude look at the audio oh this is so cool of course the entire box is fire i gotta watch out for the little little pieces though that break apart toriel takes a deep breath and i'm gonna take a deep sip of a coffee or or just a jelly bean maybe 22 hp is pretty good you ate the jelly bean hp maxed out prove yourself and end this [Music] yeah okay i had a feeling this was gonna happen but that's not too bad corner was more or less a safe spot enough this won't work [Music] god damn it it might actually be that an easier version of the attack but i just panicked nice one more time kara no okay oh frisk listen i'm on my way to get sans i promise we'll be there as soon as possible toriel was so shocked in the meantime just don't forget about your upgrades perhaps one of the weapon ships can quell the flames what do you think about that toriel we're working together oh dude the sun is beautiful [Music] perhaps i spoke too soon uh huh blaster mode dude we're gonna blast toriel we're gonna take the souls by force no no oh no okay you're recruiting an armchair damn it okay okay it's it's okay i gotta get used to the controls as usual with a with a new fan game toriel tenses up and change mode we got the the the oh look at this [Music] small average bull wait the music i'm sorry i mean this is this is this is beautiful the p blast for small average bullets medium damage no cool down the leaf barrage spread of leaf bullets big damage but medium cooldown frost shovel growing snowball bullets varying damage short cooldown water spout a stream of water the whole thing is pretty fun charge beam hole to charge bullets varying damage solar flare small damage and the p blaster let's leave barrage sounds pretty cool those movements oh hell yeah [Music] but okay i still gotta i might just die here one hp please have mercy toriel the flames continue to burn a specific weapon could work but of course can you even quell these flames yes yes yes i can quell these flames i need though sure the snow puff coconut snow puff even so i need the water because this is just this is actually just this might make the flames worse but i guess you can like challenge yourself maybe to just do it without anything but change mode so we need the water spout yeah look at that still not like too not too easy so this is immediately seeming like one of the one of the more challenging fan games because we immediately need to eat some junk food i'm sorry frisk [Music] oh no enough i'm sorry i just had fun with my water gun don't judge me the heat is rising which means we just gotta keep talking oh okay dude oh this is pretty cool seeing like how toriel would move the hands and everything i know you're scared but what choice do you have what the music is kicking again oh no you have to fight do i really do i really i'm gonna give one more shot yeah there we go sans can't you do anything about these flames do it look like a fire elemental to you well no but okay here's another idea frisk try pressing the orange button on your phone i only tested it on monster souls but if it works as planned you should be able to punch straight through the inferno will do papyrus will do my best okay okay a lot happening this this oh boy the background is also making it more difficult now seems like a good time to try the idea i'm sorry i gotta heal first even though i'm i'm running out rapidly an ice cream inspire me please thank you [Music] um oh boy okay we're just immediately gonna orange button you press the orange button and suddenly oh boy i am unstoppable toriel now zoom zoom zoom can i even zoom and bam oh no does it work [Music] okay i'm i'm dying i don't know i don't know wait a minute what are you doing here [Music] i i'm too afraid to do it again but but it seemed right maybe if i do it diagonally [Music] and i'm dead okay is this gonna this is gonna be tough to figure out game over frisk stay calm [Music] it's going to be all right just please be more careful next time i'm sorry the heat was too much for me and where do we start here okay second time's the charm i hope i suspect it will not matter what i say you have already made up your mind haven't you very well you leave me no choice the question is are we in the real battle or here okay immediately that's cool mercy is breaking frisk and we are alone [Music] toriel blocks the way okay so we kind of the orange one oh no way yeah oh that's so cool thank you suddenly so we got this and then but but now the sun i mean right [Music] maybe maybe fast oh wait okay that's probably not good i must be missing oh dude no way of course hey are you oh dude complete complete just i wanted to fight the sun but no hey are you okay i'm almost oh my god oh oh no it's too much i'm sorry okay i know you've been through a lot wait wait do it i wait wait wait okay dude no no no no no i need okay okay calm down you give me item uh all right we got everything now though so now is no no chance toriel jesus christ and you could even like fight still oh what is this here we go trust me i know what it's like to have regrets i've heard tons of people and i've made so many mistakes and i know what it's like to feel alone for shutters the attack down the defense down silence no oh how dare you i'm gonna eat right in front of you i don't care you you you you may you may force me to fight now but but i'm gonna keep eating but i don't think we can keep that on for long anything anything here i mean everything everything is a heal weapon we could do the the tour notebook because we don't want to fight but yep oh dude oh god calm down dorial but i'm kind of safe here wait no i'm not i have to go to the dragon we're just gonna fight i'm sorry what if i just do this huh yeah you can't force me well you can you kinda can you almost were able to but there we go yep i can outsmart you toriel no matter what you oh throw with me let's go this is so unique though like what what a crazy idea i know what you are doing trust me it's it's the right thing to do and bam didn't even need to dash but it matters not you sure you sure toriel quickly oh okay thank god didn't actually get hit you can faint all you like i will not surrender the soul so easily ah one hit dammit i don't want to hurt her but maybe you were on to something and she does have that soul frisk i won't let this be like ask for an undyne but flowey did say we might have to wear her down i guess it is it is the case can you give me the fight quick thank you but let's just keep trying but yeah i'm gonna do one more because item is definitely not gonna work right items oh what is this toriel your cheater just take thank the damage one more time but then we're gonna wear her down all right oh god run away from the dragon and into the fight button bam bam oh 42 amazing amazing number to get oh you are insane you super saiyan toriel that's a lot more [Music] look at the effects though can you even see what is happening i should not have fought i should i should use an item i may just die now [Music] oh that was so lucky okay just give me the quiche the poor little quiche and where we're safe we're good to go [Music] just tank a bit of the damage worth it's definitely worth it oh fight thank you for coming to me buddy and once again coming to me i'm getting a little lucky there [Music] 98 damage is pretty good we're getting there it's not going to take too long in this case and pace okay i can also do more and more damage if i actually time it better oh that was close [Music] i like how it how it it makes sure that you don't get hit if you if you spawn our inside of the fire it kind of moves you away slowly [Music] oh beautiful that was like perfect that was perfect timing 132. [Music] yeah dude once there's like okay we just gotta run once there's so much happening it's just absolutely insane definitely want to heal once i go below 10 hp because this is challenge yep okay let's heal oh boy the hot leg oh boy the coffee i mean sure you ate the coffee grains they're better dry thank god speed up oh this might actually help here speed up but i mean you have the dash oops which dammit the the bash is already like top speed this still doesn't feel right i know but we gotta i'm pretty sure we gotta at least there's no like past sparing fight i mean what what what happens if you like start suddenly doing this again it doesn't work i'm sorry frisk i'm i'm doing my best for once but we gotta fight [Music] oh this entire thing is moving now no i oh look you can skip it that's actually kind of nice i wanted to dash i accidentally use again okay i i need to make sure i that doesn't happen i wonder if you can dash or like in the middle of a dash if you can you oh no you're bending me cap i mean cara she's your mom right isn't there anything we can do if i keep going it'll just be asgore all over again well if you could find a way to do nothing then there still may be hope for us and for her i mean i i i understand i think but it's too much okay we got a heal 15 is pretty okay for now this i need right or not come on this is this is too obvious [Music] wait here's mercy dude come on come on give me the mercy it's rebuilding itself we're not gonna fight [Music] i wonder actually maybe that's also a nice tip what if you literally do nothing [Music] does it never stop does the mercy button maybe build its rebuild itself over time i mean this is this is just terrible i'm just afraid this is so much going on i'm afraid for my life let's just try here what if you hover oh there we go [Music] come on hurry there we go [Music] toriel please start exploding everything no you want to eat my mercy button again how dare you [Music] i mean we got a heal i don't want to risk it we're going to get four go for i mean sure you ate the slightly less but still somewhat scientific spaghetti yay 20 hp and defense increases that's actually really good for trying to survive come on toriel you know you don't want to hurt me [Music] [Music] we're gonna hug the mercy button because maybe that's even what you really gotta do why because i'm frisk please this is really cool though what are you proving this way i mean i've lots of things especially that i can somehow survive your dragons two of them and then or no only one this time okay damn it but here we go don't you see every time a human has tried to leave i have stood my ground i could not abandon my kingdom damn it you're forcing me away from my favorite button and so i yes open up to me toriel [Music] the time is right i still remember their faces and their names you're gonna remember you're gonna remember frisk for a long time that is for sure holy crap one did not even make it here they took their life before we ever met i think the attacks are getting weaker yeah yeah this is how it must be finished me end this unyielding nightmare i deserve nothing less no no no no no calm down okay wait no no no no no no we did orange mod right all right okay or orange colors i mean dude you're burning up but i'm not gonna fall for it i'm not gonna fight i'm gonna go back to mercy [Music] [Applause] i'm i'm facing the no i'm facing the flames you know no no no no wait i'm just gonna hit though [Music] oh because i'm killed oh no that's actually kind of bad is it too hot for me to survive i'm not taking damage anymore [Music] oh sans papyrus friends or just giving up pathetic is it not in the end i could only save one but my asriel cara all the others both cruel and kind they were still children and i could not save them nor could i seize the keys to my kingdom's freedom what about that soul you were wearing didn't the mage entrusted to you yes they begged me to cross the barrier and find a peaceful solution ironic really it is the very thing i ordered him to do he refused of course and i berated him for his cowardice yet here i am reduced to a recluse all because his words still haunt me toriel i do not know what happened when azrael crossed the barrier only that he died the rest is merely extrapolation frisk if i may oh oh the face the soul where is my child's soul oh here it is oh you mean this ah golly i just wanted to keep it safe it would have been a real shame if this little nice little case got shattered ah then you are flowey flowey the flower i see and you are the one who wishes to break the barrier yep you could even call it my life's purpose frisk miss toriel everyone's ears ends are you looks like we got here just in time tori did that flower do anything to calm yourself sans that flower protected my child's soul i do not believe he means us any harm come on flowey's not that bad no he is i know frisk because i know flowey i've known him this whole time but you keep being vague i know he has to i know he has too but don't you think it's hypocritical to put all the blame on him but he doesn't have a so look sansee what you've got against me in the first place this whole time you've made me out to be the bad guy so can you really blame me for hiding sans if i were so evil don't you think i would have grabbed toriel's soul by now but i didn't because i've seen how broken she is i can't even imagine the pain in her poor aching heart why do you think i want to break the barrier so bad sans you can't tell me that anyone in this room is happy with the state of this kingdom flowey is right sans miss toriel's pain is all too clear but no matter how wide your smiles or abundant your jokes i know that deep down you're hurting too oh flowey oh that's my face hey tori you need some help come on i'll take you home it has been some time since i have slept in my own bed yeah i guess you've seen better days oh yes i would be a fool to sleep on this opportunity oh my god get out of here you two but what about the souls you're gonna want this back right i have done nothing to honor the wishes of my children but you against all odds you remain determined so go ahead if there even is a chance you can end this cycle i implore you to do all that you can i suppose to that end you are the future of humans and monsters fine i can see it as real that was ingenious cap what are you just keep an eye on flowey wilson all right dory if that's what you really want to flower look at that face here we are i'm sorry frisk what for that's twice now that i've left you to face parallel alone i must have been so terrified kinda was i'm not gonna lie papyrus it was it was horror and i couldn't even help but you did help you gave me the coolest phone in the world besides after the giant mecca this was pretty tame i suppose so i guess this is the part where we free everyone well we've got one step down anyway what but i thought we just needed the souls to pull this off six souls were never gonna cut it on their own we need something powerful to make up for the missing soul mojo something like the belief of every monster in the underground all we gotta do is gather everyone together and wait are we seriously gonna power a friendship this thing hell yeah hey monsters are made out of love hope and lots of magic isn't that right papyrus he is technically correct and belief does hold a lot of power in the animes and a variety of video games so why not i could even get mettaton to spread the word i guess it's worth a shot and while we're at it we should probably check on undyne too you know just to make sure she hasn't had another meltdown right so i guess we better get going then right no time to actually no not yet oh come on what's the holdup it's just i noticed something strange you took that story rather personally and not just the story but your anger at toriel adopting another child and then it hit me you're the flower born from the ashes of tragedy wait a sec pap you don't mean he does and he's right frisk be honest with us flowey you're prince asriel aren't you oh no i guess there's no fooling you huh i guess that does explain a few things but why keep it a secret kid come on a talking flower claiming he's the dead prince if they didn't laugh they'd probably torch me on site the music oh no oh that's the remix of that theme but it does explain your eagerness to help why you're so desperate to set things right yeah it's just i know my death caused a lot of pain i was too weak i couldn't do what needed to be done that's why i want to do it right this time i'm sure you both you can both relate i still think more transparency would have saved us some trouble but i get it and i'm sorry beating a flower's gotta suck you get used to it but enough about me we won't get anything done if we keep blabbing ah fair point well just hang just hang in there okay we've got your back azzy [Music] flowey we've got your back as you oh no don't do that never do that again checkmate cara i win but don't worry old buddy old pal soon everything will be just right oh no oh no flower you little freak inverted fate and that's it oh dorked here we go and philly bella well of course the credits cap and toad dorked super kirby lover electric sparks mamar dorked waffle ziscraft uh dork phillips spouting electrical spark stork merrell shrek wreck shrek wreck what bokeh revvy electric spark stork philly bellowell pearl shrek super kirby heartless mushroom beethoven is the eternal shrine samson jimbo eternal bulk yeah boy sniper bird and i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm not going god damn and i'm not going fast enough music credits here according to plan special thanks to toby fox and tammy for the the everything pretty much inverted fate will return and that was it undyne dude medarton the star give me the post credits teaser ah thank goodness you're all right get out now there is no reason to be so cold i swear no get out you're the last person i want to see right now [Music] look i understand my methods were extreme but it was the only way to save your know our lives otherwise we could have no i've heard enough when i say get out it means get out and stay out well perhaps we just need some space you're still here yes hello i'm sorry why do you think there's some kind of alternate no i'm just just chilling ollie those other fights must have spoiled you huh well news flash we're in pacifist now sure you could try and see some other dialogue but otherwise well there might be one more thing you can unlock yeah all you gotta do is avoid getting hit once which is which sounds like a nightmare in this one even though the dash does help a lot just before a big final attack with all the orange of course that's the only exception make sense maybe you're like those tryhards who already have it down to a science if not well it'll be fun to watch you flail around here i'll even bump the timeline back to where they last saved just for you have fun i know i will thanks flowey and here we are back back to to frisk being all all shruggy but honestly i mean we're just gonna we're just quickly gonna go through because i mean we need something epic for the outro of course i wanna hear yeah so it's the same so it's a complete reset okay however we're gonna have like the slow theme right which i guess works not like the main theme but like this intro kind of theme right here dude that was a really cool battle pretty difficult also like tricky to figure everything out but then once you went once you get it going having to survive having to figure it out what to do while dodging like a million projectiles that was cool that was that was really cool that was one oh there we go all right we're already okay never mind we're already doing it and we did everything right we did the mercy actually here here we are we can we can we can spare here okay i guess i guess we can chill here we as papyrus guys that was falling crown another inverted fate fan game by dork and philly bellowell of course and that was cool that's all i can say that's what i'm gonna that like that that's the ending feeling that was really a really nice experience music of course with the remix of the the main theme and everything which has like a little bit of his theme i'm pretty sure i heard then we had of course the the tour all the different melodies i just loved it and the gameplay itself was actually legendary i really enjoyed that but guys thanks so much for watching i hope you liked the video and until next time take care you
Channel: Merg
Views: 604,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Story, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Inverted Fate, InvertedFate, Toriel, Queen Toriel, Toriel Fight, Toriel Boss Fight, Undertale Inverted Fate, Pacifist, Tori, Frisk, Chara, Flowey, Papyrus, Sans, Ending, Full Game, Merg, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions
Id: dPPOh24MWck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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