Having a Bad Time! Undertale Genocide Ending

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on days like these kids like you Oh should be burning in hell oh my god oh no oh no what's up and welcome back to undertale if you're wondering why I'm all the way back in the hot land that's because I had to go back for the no hips undyne fight anyway and since I'm already all the way back here and people did comment that Muffet does in fact have new dialogue on genocide I thought I can't fight Muffet another time which makes me feel sad because it's going to be the third time in this entire series in the undertale series that I fight and also kill Muffet which is just terrible absolutely terrible but here we go let's I guess survive the Muffit fight until you end up killing her just to read her new dialogue Muffet traps you and I guess I can just struggle all the time just keep on struggling until she had all of her new dialogue don't look so blue my dearie so now she turns us purple and this is gonna be interesting because I will focus on both the dialogue the text and of course this is still the no hit run this is still completely no hit so I can't just I can't just be lazy why so pale I should be proud and I'm not sure when the new dialogue is gonna start because that's why I just completely skipped her last time I didn't really realize that she had no dialogue because I think I'm not sure but it feels like this is still the same diet dialogue that was so close that was really bad actually it feels like this is still the same dialogue as in pacifist don't be silly yeah it just it sounds so familiar to me when I read it my faith okay more struggling you're scaring off all my customers I'm not sure if that is actually new because it sounds so genocide I'm scaring off customers oh of course because it's no one is here we're literally scaring off all the customers how rude I almost forgot okay now the pet it's breakfast time oh this first I completely forgot about the shaky attack whoa up and down up and down good good good all right now right away the chase which wasn't really bad really the most important part here is just to not get nervous basically the only thing that really will hit you are the spiders the pet isn't really that bad you struggle to escape okay the person who warned us about you ah this time it won't be like mettaton right this time it will be elf this is oh is maybe maybe Muffet is this time a hero look like a total nerd yet instead of evacuating and saving herself and her spiders I guess Muffet is fighting back Muffet is slowing us down Muppet is the hero exactly it she does not run away but we don't know if it's just because she doesn't want to or because she wants to fight us and this is going to be dangerous I can easily mess up here because I kind of forgot how the attacks work she even left a route for me to escape from but Muffet doesn't need that and I messed up because I forgot how this works but I guess we can't just go to the end let's just see if the dialogue is lunchtime isn't it yes this again the second shaky attack oh whoa you just have to know look wha mad I'm doing some really close calls I that's not good now just ignore the pets as you can see I even I basically touch the pet but it doesn't damage me the pet is so hard to hurt you she said she would block up the rest of hot land yeah she kind of did that's why we kinda just wait block off she kind of sucked at that didn't she foolish nerd a spider never leaves her web except to sell pastries it's weird Elvis didn't really block off anything we just completely walked through the entire hot land okay but I do feel a little regret why oh no this one again I forgot how to avoid this attack you like have to keep moving up and down and stay away from the attack yes I should have wrapped her up when I had the chance what Muffit are you for real did Muppet actually just say that no way you should talking about help is she look like she would have made a juicy umm is Moffat going for a genocide run herself no way Muffet actually said that about elfis Muffet wants to kill elfis okay time for dinner this is the last attack probably okay yeah actually the shaky attack isn't that bad and the pet attack is not bad at all either of course I can say that easily because there's no pressure now I already got hit I just have to do it one more time next time so now there's no real pressure wait what now you're still alive my pet looks like it's time for desserts but now that yeah uh this the spiders from the ruins even if I'm a hyper violent murderer I never laid a single finger on a spider at least so far big misunderstanding someone who hated spiders the person who wanted me yeah office sorry for the trouble okay make it up to you come back here any time for no charge at all okay spare you now and because we got hit we can spare Muffet as well alternate universe alternate timeline Muffet is the hero and converts the protagonist to the good side I have to be smart here I have to be really fast and I think I just did it wow that was good I guess muffets you messed up this time you couldn't even land a single hit on me and is this the final one no not yet oh oh I shouldn't get cocky I shouldn't get cocky it's not over yet guys it's not over yet this is still this is still muffets chance to redeem herself to save the entire under ground and she did it she freaking saved the underground I cannot believe I got hit pet take me take me eat me I deserve it oh my god what's happening that looks so weird can I not die like this is taking really long if I don't I didn't even die what the hell was that I don't even really know why I'm doing this I could literally just kill her now because I've already seen all the dialogue but I guess it's honor I just want to defeat her fully now just because it's a fitting ending from a fit we killed her three times now which really sucks so at least she deserves a heroic ending almost killing me or at least damaging me and ruining the run but there we go muffets I'm still alive you must stop you and your spiders even though you did put up a pretty good fight this battle shouldn't be taken lightly a no hit for this fight can get very very intense towards the end yes ok ok ok come on Muppet your last words and goodbye Muffet oh my god 20 mm damage it's just so bad how strong we are we're basically killing everything in one shot anyway and the little spider which is just so heartbreaking with the one flower to her grave oh my god Muffet you fought well three times in this series this is some spider racism going on but of course before we do anything I totally forgot about burger pants why do I always get the freaks oh my god burger pants I'm so happy to see you seriously but now oh look burger pants is actually still here he's not afraid of us he still wants money for his goods let's talk I guess evacuation marathon alone threatened do I even want to threaten this guy the best character ever burger pants what about evacuation why are you still here yanking my chain little weirdo what if everybody else left work what if nobody is buying anything par for the course okay then threaten why not sorry little weirdo threats won't work I can't go to hell I'm all out of vacation days oh my god burger pants why are you so good everyone oh my god everyone is dead you don't really have to work anymore daddy were true marathon he has so little to say marathon didn't say you had to work okay if I don't play it safe he's going to get at me okay maybe yell is the wrong term it's more like he has this CD album he plays that's entirely full of songs about how bad I am at my job poor burger pants men burger pants the best character alone again and you will probably never see a monster again you're completely alone here and now I'm just walking up to the core into the core to murder even more monsters this is so bad there's nothing good about this playthrough ok let's save here 35 left and I guess we can start here this is mettaton we don't want to go there yet and I did read that this bridge is apparently a pretty good place to farm there we go first encounter ok a stigmatism which is a hot land enemy that's good I do want the hot land enemies ok 80 damage pick on me and I also know what violet is what was that a stigmatism I need revenge for that was a really bad attack and I have to restart already the very first encounter we have in the core restart another astigmatism this time hopefully without any damage will it be okay so yeah so what astigmatism tells you how to spare if astigmatism says don't pick on me you have to not pick and if it says pick on me you have to pick on it which is very interesting that you have to actually pick on it if it wants you to so is it true apparently it's true this bridge is a really nice place to grind whims a lot or final frog at first I guess final target let's always go for the target and yeah that's so weird like we come I have no words I'm gonna this is gonna be I'm so dumb - I didn't save oh I should really save after every single encounter and I will need to get my revenge as always but yeah like I was saying we killed Muffet in a single hit and dealt so much damage but for these single encounters we only feel so little damage which is weird I would have expected to just one hits every single thing everywhere but apparently these are much stronger ah the crazy frog attack just keep circling around it and the fellow froggit is going to be done soon yeah Oh an attack which looks harder but still not hard enough for us to take any damage okay very nice very nice let's go I guess I'm gonna save after every single encounter I'm not sure but yeah I can't see myself taking damage very often so I will save a lot just to make sure I don't have to redo like three encounters if I could hit and yeah the encounter rate is really nice limbs a lot I'm just gonna go for the whims alot straight away just smash every enemy I encounter with my stick that was so easy that was really easy that was odd now the astigmatism is all alone and it uses the fairly simple attack I just have to yeah goodbye astigmatism not really it's gonna take yeah it's gonna take two hits I guess also if I if I had any weapon equipped I expect that I would be able to kill everyone in a single hit but hey extra challenge why not it feels good if I pull it off I'm not sure if I will ever get encounter if I go back here doesn't look like it it looks like as soon as you enter this area again from this point you will guaranteed get an encounter yet apparently this is a very nice spot mercenary is emerge from the shadows now we have these two the night night and the magic as I recall this is an absolutely terrible combination Wow wow you're strong oh my god oh my god no this is gonna this is gonna actually be very difficult look at how much Hill she has oh my god finally night-night that was so bad okay okay just go just go no encounter just save because that took that took many attempts 26 left it's at least going very fast because we at least everytime get two monsters right away so the grinding won't take too long what a nightmare what an absolute nightmare but we have three monsters which means it's very good for grinding let's start with the weakest one first almost a single hit Oh No okay nice one down two to go next victim next target is probably going to be the froggit because I hate those flies and I messed up good job I don't think I'm even gonna go for the revenge kill I just have to quickly get better and get these encounters done two more hits and then we're done that's what that was actually a nightmare these core encounters are all individual nightmares oh my god this is like oh this is as difficult as a normal boss fight and we did get it level up there was not a hit just to remind you that was just a level up there we go level up our love increase and how many monsters are left nine left what a nightmare and this is going to be the last nightmare because I only have one encounter left and we are done with all the enemy kills I guess an undertale because there's not going to be another area after this only am froggit and then astigmatism is left in the entire underground the last regular monsters let's go let's see if I can beat them without getting hit I fought them so many times now I really should know how to dodge all these attacks final froggit is down so sorry and now the astigmatism the last chance for monsters to win over humanity doesn't seem like it's gonna work laughs attack goodbye it that is it the last monster and I will walk around for a bit because I want to I want to make sure I get this but nobody came message but nobody came perfect now we are ready to go to marathon we're gonna say first of course determination let's go into the door and marathon is waiting there for us my my I finally arrived after our first meeting I realized something ghastly you're not just a threat to monsters for humanity as well that's an issue you see I can't be a star without an audience and besides there are some people I want to protect eager as always but don't touch the dial there's something you haven't encountered for as any true fan would know I was first created as a human eradication robot that's very true it was only after becoming a star that I was given a more photogenic body however those original functions have never been fully removed come any closer and I'll be forced to show you my true form Oh ready it's show time what the hell mediterráneo mettaton neo um it was mettaton ex before right minutes on me oh wow that looks really awesome look at the look at look at mettaton man like wings a freaking blaster can or something the hairstyle completely new ah what the hell 90 attack nine defense doctor elf is his greatest invention stage lights are blaring okay but really strong yeah oh my god that was like a million damage that was a million damage guess you don't want to join my fan club we killed Marathon just like the Hat gone like not even a body exploded marathon just exploded marathon is completely gone from existence oh my god and now what we're all alone no alphys interaction here no conversation we're just going to go into the elevator press the button oh my god is even the elevator sound a bit lower lower pitched I'm not sure it sounds like it that would be a very nice detail if even the elevator is genocided so to speak here we are in new home there is a save no determination anymore right we just have the just the safe is it the elevator is in use that's interesting so will we just walk through a new home with the funny walk as always we have to do it yeah we'll go all the way to the fake toriel house to the new house of asgore and then we will fight a score oh that's a new song that did not play before there is a box use the box look at us which is the box is filled with pieces of monsters with monster candy snowman pieces this is this is absolutely horrible let's check one more time how are we level 19 next oh look look at experience and next it's so nice 105 kills stick in the bandage let's go do we still need to oppress ends do we still need to get the the keys sure take it you got to lock it knife inside the box you got the real knife oh no oh no no no lock it in for first not 99 defense you can feel it beating what in the hell it's an actual heart locket a heart real knife 99 attack here we are there we go finally a real weapon not just toy knives or sticks Oh what the hell flowey howdy what's up wowee we haven't seen flowey in such a long time you finally made it home remember when we used to play here boy today is gonna be just as fun that face says everything so flowey is gonna be here that's nice that's really clever flowey is gonna replace the the monster encounters more flowey I remember when I first woke up here in the garden I was so scared I couldn't feel my arms over my legs my entire body had turned into a flower mom dad somebody helped me I called out but nobody came oh my god but nobody came the iconic undertale line or one of the iconic under the Alliance eventually the king found me crying in the garden I explained what had happened to him then he held me he held me with tears in his eyes saying there there everything is gonna be all right he was so emotional but for some reason I didn't feel anything at all yeah we do know this flowey can't really feel any emotions I guess except hatred and the need to kill now we can go down here did you I you know I did not want to the date I came here wait wait wait wait wait what's going on why is everything red it's a golden flower nothing useful why's everything red I like almost everything it's a great reading cheer what white first look in the drain no chocolate okay that's really bad that is an absolute no-go no chocolate I've read this already oh it's a trash can I am worried because now I want to go back did I miss other stuff half of the text is read dude this is what what what what what my drawing I think you're my bed and this his bed his bed three room under renovations are we having like what's happening it's me murgh what wait it's me it's literally me it just said it's me nothing useful still has that sweater and the king-size bed always the same I'm so freaked out a golden flower golden flower a golden flower all right I guess we'll go down the stairs and yeah get more flower yeah I soon realized I didn't feel anything about anyone my compassion disappeared and it's not like I wasn't crying I wasted weeks with that stupid King vainly hoping I would feel something but it became too much for me I ran away from home eventually I reached the ruins inside I found her toriel but she failed even toriel failed to change flowey I realized those two were useless I became despondent I just wanted to love someone I just wanted to care about someone murdered you might not believe this but I decided it wasn't worth living anymore okay not in the world without love not in the world without you so I decided to follow in your footsteps I would have raised myself from existence and you know what I succeeded how would it flower succeed raising flowers existence I left this mortal coil I start to feel apprehensive if you don't have a soul what happens when you die something primal started to burn inside me you know I don't want to die okay then I woke up like it was all just a bad dream it was all just a bad dream that's all so such an iconic line I was back at the garden back at my save point yeah because flowey has termination at this point interested I decided to experiment again and again I brought myself to the edge of death whoa okay that's some freaky stuff flower and any points I could have let this world continue on without me yet but as long as I was determined to live on I could go back amazing isn't it I was amazed too so flowey was cheating death playing around with determination I used my powers for good okay why we become friends with everyone solved all our problems Palala see their companionship was amusing for a while but as time repeated people prove themselves predictable what would this person say if I gave him this what would they do if I set this to them once you know the answer that's it that's all they are so I guess flowey kept on floating yeah it all started because I was curious curious what happen if I killed them oh my god you don't just well I can't really speak you know I can really complain I'm doing nothing different right now I don't like this I told myself I'm just doing this because I have to know what happens in this face what an excuse you of all people must know how liberating it is to act this way just like I said at least we're better than those stick sickos that stand around and watch it happen woah woah flowey those pathetic people they want to see it but are too weak to do it themselves I bet someone like that's watching right now aren't they wowie don't insult the people you're going too far oh my god flower yet nowadays even that's grown tiring you understand work I've done everything this world has to offer ever at every book have burned every burned every book I've won every game loss of the game peace to everyone killed everyone really there are some timelines where flowey has killed every single monster oh wait so flowey is all-powerful basically flowey did everything but I'm different oh ok flowey never could predict me which makes sense so a flower isn't all-powerful just all-powerful until I got into the ruins I didn't recognize you I thought I could frighten you then steal your soul but I failed and when I tried to load myself file it didn't work because my determination overrode his determination ok I just have one question for you how did you get back to the ruins from here wait I know she must have taken you when she left and decided to give you a proper burial rather than hanging out in the basement forever what made me wake up did you hear me calling you wait no wait no I I it doesn't matter now I'm so tired of this I'm tired of all these people I'm tired of all these places tired of being a flower yes there's just one thing left to do let's finish what we started kill all the monsters free everyone if ok flowey it you're really starting to sound like an absolute serial killer this world is still kill or be killed flowey flowey flowey then I had been entertaining a few ways to use that power yeah flowey is absolutely mad but seeing you here changed my mind I think if you're around thus living in the surface world doesn't seem so bad so flowers goal is just to kill every monster and then live in humanity we don't even need to leave to get them this time the king has six of them locked away I've tried hundreds of way to get him to show with me them but he just won't I know he'll do it for you so that's the plan why am I telling you all this good question I set this before even after all this time you're still the only one that understands me you won't give me any worthless pity how much more creatures like us wouldn't hesitate to kill each other if we got in each other's way so that's oh my god so that's why oh my god oh my freaking God Jesus Christ what's this feeling why am i shaking you know why you're shaking you're staring into the face of the freakin genocide er no hard feelings about back then right oh the face the face of complete just confusion fear and anger what are you doing back off oh no we have the awesome monster kid music Howie I've changed my mind about all this this isn't a good idea anymore you should go back this place is fine the way it is stop making the creepy face flowery is afraid of us dude Khloe this isn't funny it is kind of fun here I have a sick sense of humor I'm sorry but it's just so crazy poor flower man we got the chest here doesn't really help us oh my god the last corridor or the music flowey is afraid of us what the hell oh my god we have sands here it's the final corridor we're getting judged whoo the sense hey yeah you've been busy huh I've been so busy so I've got a question for you do you think even the worst person can change that everybody can be a good person if they just try I can be a good person you know this I just I made a mistake all right well here's the better question you want to have a bad time do we want to have a bad time guys because I'm pretty sure after everything I deserve to have a very bad time because if you take another step forward you are really not going to like what happens next of course we're taking a step forward well sorry old lady this is why I never make promises ah it's Tori oh oh my god oh my god yeah yeah yeah yeah because toriel sands promised toriel to never fight or kill a human or this human at least but now it's a beautiful day outside birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like these kids like you oh should be burning in hell oh my god oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no game over you cannot and now we won't and now as Gore is still freaking encouraging me stay determined and we're back here and we're freakin back here this is it this is going to be it this is going to be it I can't even really process this this is it oh my god hey yeah you look frustrated about something guess I'm pretty good at my job huh sans I can cannot say it enough you are absolutely legendary again it's a beautiful day outside birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like these kids like you should be burning in hell okay so wait wait wait I have to really look at this okay we have to go up then this and then just oh oh oh oh oh whoa whoa oh whoa whoa ha always wonder why people never use their strongest attack first that was the strongest attack you feel like you're going to have a bad time megalovania is playing I am going to die this is so this is so good sans check sans one attack one defense you easiest enemy can only deal one damage can only deal one damage whoa and we're dead can only deal one damage the easiest enemy stands don't lose hope I will never lose hope as Bora as war give me all that determination give me all this determination I will need it for this fight give me all of it that expression that's the expression of someone who's died twice in the row suffice to say you look really unsatisfied alright how about we make it a third oh my god Sanz is wrecking me seriously it's a beautiful day outside I can't skip it what the hell no you creep you sense you you you evil you're so evil anyway as I was saying it's a nice day out why not relax and take a load off you feel like you're going to have a bad time okay so we probably yak we cannot Murcia okay oh my god I can't even do the first few jumps those are by far the hardest bone jumps ever Oh oh it's going so fast that expression that's the expression of someone who's died thrice in a row what comes after thrice anyway when I hope you find out Stan's just non-stop and now I have to already okay so I have to go up first get up oh oh I have to I have to stay up I have to stay up and then I have to like go here and then hop okay okay I'm slowly getting it here we go here we go you feel like you're going to have a bad time let's fight no miss what yeah you think I'm just gonna stand there and take it that's why he has no D he has no defense he's not just gonna stand there and take it he's gonna miss he's just gonna avoid that expression that's the expression of someone who's died twice in a row twice price well won't have to use it again anyways every single time just so good okay so I have to stay up yeah and then I this and then here middle oh okay and like it has like and yeah a lasting effect every attack we have purple health or damage we're still taking freakin damage sense okay so we're just going to miss what you think I'm just going to stand there and take it now I have to really concentrate oh what a little jumps there we go okay one attacks you felt your sins crawling on your back okay our report showed a massive anomaly in the time-space one continuum timelines jumping left and right stopping and starting whoa-oh stopping and starting this is gonna be what I have to do here for this attack oh so bad so bad you feel your sins crawling on your back do I just have to yeah keep keep smashing keep smacking until suddenly everything ends well I had to jump up no way that expression that's the expression of some moves died five times in a row convenient huh that's one for each finger but soon soon it's going to be 6 even 7 8 9 everything ok so up stay up there like this and then in here the here and up all we took oh we took like 1 damage or like one hit at least ok you feel like you're going to have a bad time I have no idea I can't use any items checking doesn't really yeah the easiest enemy sure the easiest enemy I have to learn this that was pretty good ok it doesn't even matter what I do it because I just cannot hit yeah I think I'm just going to stand here and Jake it don't forget the attacks now now damn it I'm taking so much damage just keep it back and keeps the tax panning here we know this this is the new it back for work this is these are new attacks is this random this is not good until suddenly everything ends oh my foot platform okay whoa okay well we felt your sense growing we're back still yeah I just have to attack I get I don't even know that's your fault isn't it is my fault more platform action whoa no madam it's that was a pretty bad jump just I didn't get high enough that expression that's the expression of someone who's died six times in a row that's the number of fingers on a mutant hand but see women's gonna be seven ready yeah yes ha and there's no damage I should be able to do the first attack soon I really should okay let's go let's go sans yeah yeah there we go that's it I'm getting better I am getting better if I see the attacks Oh No I keep forgetting that it starts like that oh my god so much damage darn it until everything some of the ends huh up again middle middle oh I thought I was dead okay that was lucky it's my fault oh the platform thing which wasn't too bad I just have to yeah be fast here because of that bone let's go you can't understand how this feels oh and this time get on to the platform please whoa oh my god goodness okay okay one HP we're so close to death knowing that one day without any warning it's all going to be reset whoa oh no I have to thought ma damn it that was actually a good call right at the end I could have survived even it was just a little faster but okay okay this is intense that expression that's the expression of someone who's died seven times in a row that's good seven supposed to be a lucky number who knows maybe we'll hit the jackpot damnit I even got hit here your oh my what am i doing oh go up oh my god I'm getting so much freaking damage sans is just destroying me knowing that one day it's all going to be reset but here I had to like go down here and then stay in the middle that's good now we have actually a new dialog should be new dialog look I gave up trying to go back a long time ago oh no no I got hit one hit okay come on sense what's up and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore either sense oh no he's using the the lasers as they are not calls the gas or blasters fire since crawling on your back okay because even if we do we'll just end up right back here without any memory of it right I guess it's true it's not really like oh no no the determination is just messing with the monsters because they are so helpless they're completely powerless against the termination that expression that's the expression of someone who's died eight times in a row away that's the number of fingers on a spider Soula ready yes no it's perfect the first attack at least that's actually so pathetic yes no hit first the very first attack Oh how did I how did I not get hit because even if we do we'll just end up right back here without any memory so jump jump here then the big Jeff wah don't don't don't go down there that's like certain death and our health is going down to be blunt it makes it kind of hard to give it my all yes you failure since crawling on your back where is that just a poor excuse for being lazy hell if I know Oh bam bam that was trickier I have no health one more hit and I'm dead which pretty much means I'm gonna be dead on this attack all I know is seeing what comes next I can't afford not to care anymore no way I have to I have to see that coming faster I have to like I have to already be jumping as soon as the two bones coming to the screen that expression that's the expression of someone who's died seven times in a row yeah okay no that's definitely nine or was it ten oh that face is so good bear just just to have a nice inventory let's look at it snowman pieces monster candy and one cinnamon bun just you know for for the worst case scenario for the worst situation where sans completely destroys me that expression I didn't say that for that did I I'm such a freakin who's died ten times in a row Congrats the big one the big one oh let's invite all your friends over for some big shindig we can have a pie and hotdogs and wait something's not right you don't have any friends since that's a low blow you don't really have any friends either though oh no I can't say that an expression that's the expression of someone who's died 11 times in a row give or take there's new ones to this stuff don't think I'll be able to count very well from here count for me okay we'll start from 12 oh goodness sends you are really a force to be reckoned with ah this one where I have to stay in the pattern almost okay good not gonna heal yet I'm gonna heal at around like five HP or one HP you see what comes next that can afford not to care anymore ah oh yeah okay sure yeah yeah sans it's okay sans it's freakin okay you don't have to go phrase like this oh oh my god Oh what that being said you really like swinging that thing around the stick the stick the one single stick I've had since the very beginning yes I love my stick oh listen the song I know you didn't answer me before but somewhere in there I can feel it this is not it there's the glimmer of a good person inside of you the memory of someone who once wanted to do the right thing someone who in another time might have even been a friend no sands don't know come on buddy do you remember me please if you're listening let's forget all this just lay down your weapon and my job will be a lot easier sands is sparing you sans we can spare cents we could spare sans spare sans to spare not to spare you know I'm already dead I guess sure cents I'm not not a genocide or after all I'm actually a good person this means absolutely nothing after killing every single monster in the underground or almost every single monster so that's a really bad apology you're sparing me finally buddy pal buddy pal pal I'm your best buddy and pal friend I know how hard it must be to make that choice to go back on everything you look up to I want you to know I won't let it go to waste come here pal yeah yeah yes yes sense yes sense kill me get dunked on sands I deserve that I deserve that so much there's no mercy anymore there's no going back there's no going back after a genocide run if we're really friends you won't come back you won't come back I could quit the game here but that would leave sans all alone so the timeline is already messed up but hey we have the dog song which is always nice okay that was so good okay back to here that being said you like swing that thing around Oh friendship let's quit fighting I could spear again what happens if I just okay yeah sans yeah there we go miss wow you look really pissed off did I get you oh my god sands you're such a genius if you came back anyway I guess that means we never really were friends sands you're tearing me apart don't tell that to the other sanz's okay you know what whoa what is happening this is crazy he's freaking loading you he can't he can't load the freaking save file what's I have to I have to heal I feel bad about look at that what what it's worth what sands sands is cheating sands can load the freaking stuff and okay sands this is it this is the turning point if you're gonna cheat I'm gonna I'm gonna stop with the challenge I'm gonna eat right in front of your eyes I'm gonna eat a monster BAM you ate the Snowman piece that's not a lot of HP but good enough Oh No let's go another snoring piece almost full HP the loading is so bad seriously the loading is just awful he you know way he's ruining me cinnamon bun and nothing is helping me I have to oh oh oh what he's messing with the gravity now - he's messing with the entire game world messing with the gravity messing with the system messing with the rules messing with everything in undertale sans has it all under control okay I think I'm getting the hang of this color since crawling on her back I have to make sure I don't get hit in the menu screen ever I was secretly hoping we could be friends all this stuff the and not familiar was doing this cuz they were unhappy in and when they got what they wanted they would stop all this this is actually pretty easy attack I like this one the real battle finally begins oh my goodness I have to be so fast with the menu his stuff because I can hit in the menu and maybe all they will need was I don't know some good and some bad laughs some nice friends whoa whoa no oh dear you feel what stop stands this is not normal stop you're ruining my life that's ridiculous right yeah you're the type of person who won't ever be happy with how this oh dear oh my dear Lord this is that's confusing you have to press into the direction you want to go in oh my god and now how do I do this I have to be I have to be just fast basically I have to spam the menu okay oh right this one I shouldn't get hit here to be honest not really bad oh I got hit karma karma I should just shut up honestly okay good no hits at least not in the menu I have to pay attention there but flow no go down down no run that wrong way this is so hectic this is seriously hectic I have to spam the menu no more waiting and thinking have a person who won't ever be happier oh alright quickly quickly I can't even heal anymore you'll keep consuming timelines over and over until well hey take it from me kid someday you got to learn when to quit not this again how often will you do that an attack is so difficult yes yes yes quickly 60 HP left I just have to quickly do this someday you gotta learn when to quit I will never quit against you sands I will do this I will beat you oh oh how quickly quickly quickly it just bones everywhere this is not normal that's the in that day is today Oh even even even bigger gastro blasters reading yeah I reading this probably hurts me or something because I can't read the text because you see if all this fighting is really tiring me out nope nah damn it's even even new attack even newer Jack's what the hell I okay okay of course I cannot die in the menu at least so I can still heal but now if I heal sans we'll just reuse all the tax and won't progress that's the problem you need to attack or else you won't progress dammit dammit dammit oh this is so hectic dude and if you keep pushing me then I'll be forced to use my special attack Oh goddamnit oh no I should have sealed I'm dead yeah my special attack sound familiar it does get ready because after the next move I'm going to use it so if you don't want to see it now would be a good time to die I will die Sam's I can guarantee that yeah oh damn it this one attack oh my god oh my god sends here goes nothing are you ready survives this and I'll show you my special attack I cannot survive this this attack is seriously crazy oh my god my heart oh my god well what oh what oh my god what the hell sans what the hell huh oh my god Oh freaky my eyes are just dying oh yeah whoa oh my god oh crap dude stop sense what what the hell what the fool what the war one what the hell what the hell oh my god oh my god that's me right now sands alright that's it it's time for my special attack are you ready here goes nothing oh my what what is that your eye what that's right it's literally nothing and it's not gonna be anything either I know I can't beat you one of your turns you're just gonna kill me so I've decided it's not gonna be your turn ever I'm just gonna keep having my turn until you give up okay even if it means two we have to stand here until the end of time capiche uh I can do this for the end of time I don't mind Sam's you'll get bored here eventually if you haven't gotten bored already I mean I I'm I'm just at the end of my wow and then you'll finally quit sans what are we doing I know your type you're very determined I am you'll never give up even if there's no hope absolutely no benefit to persevering okay if I can make that clear no matter what you'll just keep going not out of any desire for good or evil but just because you think you can well I can and because you can you have to well I kind of have to the people want it I want it this is oh I'm just that fight that final attack was so mad but now we reached the end there's nothing left it's nothing left in my personal opinion the most determined thing you can do here quit completely give up exit the game - literally anything else look his face oh okay what sans I don't mind being here for the rest of eternity with you but it feels like you're yeah the eyes what's happening do we just have to wait look yeah his his expression is changing is he holding me back somehow what's happening or is he just dying sans buddy old pal are you gone are you dead what what what am I supposed to do do I have to wait again for humans to close his eyes I'm just going to wait I don't know I'm going to do nothing until something happens oh my god he fell asleep we are having a battle that decides the entire fate of the underground and sans fell asleep oh my god what Kylee if Sam's I'm leaving see you later have a good night I'm just gonna go I guess oh my god sands you're letting the genocide escape Oh Oh No oh my god I'm going to fight I'm going to freakin fight I can't go back I have to fight oh my god Wow Wow look at that number oh my god oh crap so guess that's it oh my god sends just don't say I didn't warn you dude sense oh my god I'd like every oh my god I'm going to gorilla bees can i I can't move sir hands oh my god what now Sam's leaving papyrus do you want anything don't go my god oh my god I hate myself I hate that's it I hate myself oh my God look at that sans is gone we are like at the end anyway sands I can save the entrance as score a score as was here sand is dead papyrus is dead Alfa's Undine marathon toriel curious I've never seen a plant cry before flowey it's lousy here huh you must be the one that flower just warned me about how do you how do you okay what kind of monster are you I'm a scorer I'm a special kind of monster sorry I cannot tell well because oh my god now now oh my no no no not as gore no no no no no calm down there's no need to fight why not settle this over a nice cup of tea no what the hell the damage numbers are out of control why you oh my god flowey wow we just wrecked a score flowey is back just to KITT Wow flowey calm down your flower see what was it was all a trick I was waiting to kill him for you after all it's me your best friend okay I'm helpful I can be useful to you flowey I promise I won't get in your way I can help I can I can oh my god the Ezreal voice please don't kill me I don't want to kill you but you're the last monster I guess or the last thing alive oh no oh no oh no flower I'm so sorry I'm not doing it it's not me oh my god everyone is dead Elvis is the only one left here oh my god greetings hi what the heck I am nerd no no you're not I'm pretty sure you're not okay no wait what the hell no no no thank you I'm what your power awakened me from death sure okay we just resurrected my my human soul my determination look at the face it's so happy but so like fake happy like a doll they were not mine but yours yeah at first I was so confused wait so this is this is me our plan had failed hadn't it I don't know what's going on please why was I brought back to life I don't know I I didn't mean to resurrect you with your guidance I realized the purpose of my reincarnation power together okay together we eradicated the enemy and became strong HP attack-defense gold experience love every time a number increases that feeling oh that's me oh wait what we had this we had inside of us all along Murg now now we have reached the absolute the peak the complete genocide there is nothing left for us here let us erase this pointless world and move on to the next let us a rate let us erase this world and move on to the next I don't know I normally genocide run I would erase but I think this is the point I did read all I read in some Commons was do not that's all I read what the hell is this music man this is not a word game don't do this to me erase do not know after all I've done I will decline I will be polite I'll be nice I will simply say no thank you hmm how curious you must have misunderstood since when do what is that face since when were you in control what the hell man what the hell what the hell is wrong with the window what it closed it closed again it did undertale you're driving me nuts here oh my god I don't even want to I don't want to open it again okay so hello I started the game and this is it this is all that's going on okay the music is getting louder if you can even call this music just background noise I'm pressing all the buttons but nothing is happening undertale it doesn't even have a name anymore like that's not normal either right the window does not have a name like if this is going to be another jump scare I'm just done don't don't jump scare me like what the hell undertale it's going too far is this it is this it is that what ruins the game because I was like told that genocide is something permanent this is the game broken the game is broken the hell is going on it's just a black screen I can I cannot do anything alright so I looked it up on the internet because this is definitely not what's the end for under Dale and apparently I have to sit here and wait for 10 minutes I'm not even sure how long I've been waiting already probably around like 6 minutes so I'm just going to wait here and entertain myself somehow with this black screen until something happens Oh who uh oh my god it's good doing something interesting you want to go back I'm already back now I just want to go further you want to go back to the world you destroyed it was you who pushed everything to its edge it was you who led I know that I destroyed the world because I started the genocide run but I cannot accept it you think you are above consequences yes No Oh Oh the choice you think you're above consequences not really I mean this game is all about consequences even this is a consequence I'm not above them so no then what are you looking for I just want an ending Oh perhaps an ending just doesn't even need to be a perfect or happy ending just a nice ending so I can wrap this awesome game up and ending we can reach a compromise yes yes I would love that you still have something I want what money what give it to me five dollars and I will bring this world back $10 $15 okay $15 it is agreed $15 and this world you will give me your soul you will give me your soul well I guess my soul is kind of worth $15 so okay seems like a fair price then it is done no it's close again god dammit undertale stop stop closing yourself it's freaky oh oh we're at the beginning at the very beginning we have to enter a name okay okay what the hell was that what just happened in the last I don't even know hour for what what was this game what was the genocide route especially we had a freaking boss fight that was absolutely nuts we had the horror game part we had a jump scare we had corrupted files we had had everything oh my god undertale calm down you're crazy and I still I still can't really believe it but this is pretty much the end I will still have to go back of course at one point into a no hit sands which is gonna be crazy honestly but that was the last episode for the undertale series for the actual game which is insane that was so fun that was probably or actually I can almost say this the fact that was the most fun series so far that was so good that was such a good game holy crap that was good and that's all I can say it was just very good the characters of course huge part characters I'm so sorry that I had to end it this way kill all of them sans papyrus alphys Undine toriel özgür vulcan siren Timmy the dogs then we had what do we have onions son probably died when the world got destroyed metates on napstablook Muffet all these characters of course the the freakin hamburger good burger pants all of them great characters and we ended it by killing all of them which is not good it's not a good ending but okay that's all I can say undertale amazing game amazing project it was super fun I honestly hope you enjoyed it as well guys thank you all so much for watching and thank you for watching this project and joining me experiencing it with me and all that it was it was something really special this game once again thanks for watching and until next time take care
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,715,730
Rating: 4.8857479 out of 5
Keywords: Blind Commentary, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Undertale, Under, Tale, Indie, Reaction, First Time, No Hit, No Damage, Genocide, No Mercy, End, Kill, Encounter, The Core, Muffet, Finale, Mettaton NEO, Sans, get dunked on, True Hell, Final Boss, Bad Time, Wanna have a bad time, New Home, Flowey, Evil, Story, Lore, Secret, Challenge, Megalovania, Jumpscare, Chara, Hard, Amazing, Awesome
Id: kYIe9o97SO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 21sec (4941 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2016
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