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hey guys welcome to undertale battle mode a fan game made by ng PAC or ng PAC and manta bro and like the name already tells you this is gonna be a battle fan game so we're gonna have lots of different fights lots of different encounters and apparently also lots of different secrets because for example press enter or two if you press two and Flowery pops up also something random this happens if you press Chula just a little squeaky thing and it's clicky because in a few seconds I also already saw that we're gonna have another visitor like already I'd love the one of a game just entertains you like this look at a little Toby dog coming in and hello and now it will press enter we have various different options here duration which i think is the main mode of the fan game arcade and then custom what up look at this but up above the fire isn't sounds just like what driving through the screen why but the better question is why not because it's awesome but there's also another secret that are already found just by randomly waiting on the menu if you go to like custom back back to the main menu I think it happens consistently so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sit here for a few seconds or think like a minute you have to wait and then you're gonna see the secret look at that I was I'm sorry I was like squeaking press gaster so it's kind of weird like what is the gas for Kia and then what I tried is I'm actually gonna try to like enter gas sure in my keyboard and suddenly the games can direct the music still going we've got the megalovania we've got ever sense you feel like you're gonna have the worst time and like I mean listen to the music the window oh by the way the entire window is going crazy as well am i screen do can I even like zu zu as Sams okay check error wants to destroy your universe Aloha you feel the glitches crawling on your back dude what have I done Todd can I talk but he interrupts you before you finish what's the music can i okay I've got some items you a paints and noodles nice nice nice awesome do touch jump scares Kelly no you think it would let you land the hit is this actually like a full fight like what the hell do we even have HP oh I can't be in the middle look at that I can't string them in what's happening here when I first looked into the code of your universe I knew something was up I'm sorry error sounds oh no all right you can't be in the middle for some reason oh wait you can know it's weird I I got like four hits okay it's a mess in there what the hell this universe isn't even the same language as the original calm down I was only fooling you the music though this is like disturbing okay other slowdown megalovania now I don't think that'll matter now you're pretty much dead as we speak ouch ouch oh no it's on fast-forward megalovania okay I shouldn't I shouldn't have used an item I didn't know this was actually like a full fight your universe will be destroyed after I have some fun with you first what what were you just backing the music stop arrow sands my job isn't easy but it's a job that needs to be done regardless of appreciation okay did that at least that was nice 75 HP yeah it's a thankless job after all well we've gonna thank you if you destroy everything here it doesn't make sense oh my god but even it's easy so far right the attacks aren't too bad oh my god calm down the worst thing is just how scary this is like oh it's not like I want to kill you are you sure about that sans orange and blue okay oh my god or you don't you barely see like the bones and stuff this cool like I actually really like this music ruining lives isn't the most fun occupation will at least yourself aware error all I know is dirty glitches like you have no right to exist how am I the glitch how am i the glitch oh no no don't don't combine a fax please in my pad can handle this oh no I'm gonna okay I don't have to yield I can still keep on fighting this is the only thing that makes my life have a purpose dude what's what like doula you you gotta keep your attacks in check they're so glitchy yeah like like some of them are not even a problem is that just the poor excuse for being lazy at least you still got the sans personality Oh a double maybe a triple yes only a double okay how does this begin now hell if I know how is this a start for this fan game like what we're literally starting off with just a super secret going counter which I like though I really like it if there is one thing I know it's that you need to be eradicated oh no okay always keep moving and then it's no problem Oh oh I should have started this travel out sooner but it's too late now there are way too many universes to destroy them all in one lifetime that's why I need to ask you a favor give me your soul that it's the only way I can get rid of all these universes so come on please what is it mercy then wait wait there we go I can't though this is not right any tiny to do that you know I'm sorry dude cuz those just have to take it from your dead body you worry what is happening now is this a real fight I don't know what's happening was there actually a thing it like a mercy ending it's a funny thing these universes it seems to hold some characters from other universes that I've visited it is the undertale battle mode it's gonna have multiple of different balance of different universes to I mean obviously we're already fighting errors and some hoping that makes sense but how like what's the goal Allah when I first look into the court of universe and do some closer you can hide for me oh you see all this fighting is tiring me out are we own oh these ones when I got heel - when did I get you I didn't even realize I think I'm gonna be able to just do this but I don't hear another year wait no and I'm dying we'd know what is the Karma I don't even know if I don't have your soul soon I'll have to use my special attack show me a sans era sans I want to see it wait I think the window actually also move I just realized that it was so vague I didn't see it so little but the window moved across my screen huh oh whoops I bet you you wouldn't like that what did Sam say I think that it would stop my ears ha ha after this turns my special attack now would be a good time to die now this is a challenger Sam's an epic battle to start off this video that's all I wanted okay 91 HP you should be good enough any second now oh maybe yeah I don't know actually I don't know what exactly to expect from error sounds like is it gonna be serious is it just gonna end uh-huh you're really persistent huh this again it's doing a special attack butter we're getting here Sam yes there is karma a little karma effect oh listen you yeah about that special attack I don't think I can do it right now why because I have to admit you aren't this week as you appear I'll I'll spare your universe for an hour but I'll be back you may have wasted my time but I warn you I can waste this whole universe with nothing but my hands see you later human you one score eight hundred quitter continue I'll continue wait how do i how do I continue hello and we are back at the main menu and we can squeak squeak again and another secret if we go to credits I guess we can check that real quick I can show them off credits press space to speed up so here we have undertale of course by ng PAC or angry pack and mantle bro all the characters up there all the sprites and all of the music which is crazy like a ton of music and apparently also like original music by the creators which is awesome and press X to go back and then up up down down left right left right B a space perform on tidal ax so up up down down left right left right B a space is that right now if I go to like custom back we can go here so uh wait up up down oh well what where was that the music I was completely confused right now one second let me try this again did it right no up up down down left right left right B a space Oh back what's happening can i press something he's gonna this is the mushroom dance freakin party mushroom party and flowers going a little crazy Oh what we would again what is happening dude up up down down left right left right B a space no down down up up left right left right B a space I have no idea let's just go okay guys enough fooling around we're already so far in the video and we only did secrets and now I'm just gonna go to duration what I'm sorry can you scan his scheme stop what would happened take on the challenge of non-stop battles see how far you can make it in the preset course be careful a special boss away it's an okay guys this is gonna be the actual game here we go duration pacifist neutral or genocide reset oh can I like evac you oh nothing else to do sorry little weirdo threats won't work on me we what I can't go to hell I'm all out of vacation days hello burger pants the fry cook steps I don't wanna I'm Chris I don't want to attack burger pants fry cook and cashier for the mettaton or MTT resorts wipe got a grin off his face I don't wanna know oh never mind he's strong tell me little weirdo was it really worth it I don't know don'tdon't burger at Burger Mia ouch okay pretty damaging burgers whoo this is kind of tricky burger Pam's already trickier than the ink sac and not ink Sam's error Sam's confirmed 210 HP a down every tournament killing all those innocent monsters it's not worth it burger pants you're gonna be the hero of the story give me my give me my punishment spatula Mia are there gonna be fast food doesn't seem like it pretty simple BAM and we've got a stronger monsters theme which is all summer was it better than to simply just live your life but okay this is much easier than the other one or which are super hits but I shouldn't believe too much this is easier to read and you could have done anything be this be labs a whole load of opportunities and the smashes are back this is faster now though but as long as you go like baby steps left and right it's not an issue awesome who's gonna take a while though no you felt that it was necessary to get rid of anything you did not understand ouch oh my god there's definitely gonna be more right it's over autumn spirit we're the only gonna stay with one burger what the hell was that big this is burger pants your burgers make no sense for what reason were you scared were you selfish maybe just maybe it is because of power you think that destroying an entire civilization will make your pathetic life better don't you sorry little weirdo but power is not gained by genocide power is gained by being around the people you love and you don't have anyone like that do you I can see it in your eyes you are filled with grief aren't you the screams of all the innocent victims ringing in your tiny head we're so close am I wrong maybe I should have filled maybe I should have definitely healed aa challenge time guys or where do I do it I would sir let's go let's see what happens notice already if there was a special attack I did forget one thing my job doesn't include health insurance not that it matters now I don't fit in here and never did maybe hell has a second chance for me you won score 800 quitter continue oh whoa yeah okay so in weird Liam arrow sense that you continue but it's not part of the thing can I go down like how what the hell is a gastro or something okay I don't want to reset or anything should I go with pacifists now or should I let go with genocide pacifist genocide past if it's always mix it up let's see yeah Sam's standing there BAM I'm on mark but uh one night I go one defense the easiest end in here then this is going to be a blast whoa okay your water flowing epic epic battle what what what was it okay awesome we're so good gorillas bees next by the way I guess we're gonna go to grill B now what will be flames intensely check he's immune to your attacks make sense hot enough Oh fire matter there Sam they make sense of course the fire is burning we have to douse you some water or something you need to grab it okay hey what's up really calm down okay I have very little HP this time though is this a nice patterns will be very pretty and I like it so do it like you wrap the glass okay it's empty eh it's no use to why and my kid cool cool attack Adam some design so far tonight we don't know what if I leave if I try to leave it hurts me okay and again down you examine the glass to empty it do I have to experience to it what no I want to use some wine or something I don't know or maybe water is better damn it this is this is harder I need to yo you ate the waffle you recover 10 HP f it is hot enough grill me you can waffle you could really help me waiver do this yeah it's not enough okay I just have to salivate that hiccup damn it what the hell this is gonna take a long this is gonna take hours let me just look at how big a grill he is again what I'm crazy like what I'm Cara apparently it or am I thinking about chocolate or how is that possible well grill be know know why what's up okay let's just douse them really burned down that's it and a lot of experience and go old 1000 score okay alpha so alpha is looking a little the mad little upset what is that iliena Alice kya okay so what did I fight now or you know it's kind of interesting because this is neutral but apparently you can still do that this monster seems to have eye problems oh the okay I didn't expect them to bounce off of each other that's actually kind of difficult can I just mercy gloopy gloop nope I have to gloop the glutes or something Wow yet just keep bouncing bouncing around okay um captivates you tell us guys something cool is in front of Emma you really want to see oh I can see a little better open your eyes little one ouch but don't kill me though so if you die once it's game over right it's like you have one life for the entire game pretty much we're just crazy you really want to say it back and see what that's cute actually oh oh it's so close no stop okay I think we're done though okay five gold eight hundred awesomer what are you my waist it's like melting that question I let's go to alpha so I guess see what happens here um we're have a inventory no ok now we're out some of the overworld don't mind if I do as cool or uh-oh do you know what it feels like to be called a hero even though you don't deserve it I watched them all die what did I do to save him why why didn't I save them why am i acting like this was my fault it was your fault you are the one who murdered everyone you even killed her I'll I'll I'll make your last living moments hella genocide elfis do you know what it feels like to watch your friends die on repeat 10 times like oh do you like repeat is it like the same friends this is like by the way the window changed to gastro tail gastro mode what the heck what is this I didn't notice that um did you office office Hotel muted elfis get ready to burn you sociopath alphas inject yourself with determination what color seems to think she stands chance okay this music is kind of cool but alright gotta gotta watch out acting won't progress Nevada of course we gotta fight oh no it oh no she's not too strong uh-oh unless of course is like undying she can just keep on fighting come on Oh coughing when I evacuated everyone they treated me like a hero I do like your eyes or like sunglasses or shape I don't know oh okay stop no I don't like I don't like these patterns but okay I'm safe twitching now deep down I knew I couldn't be a hero after letting you kill my friends oh my god the sound all right those are lightnings right those are just the lightnings I thought they were like ninja stars stretch duda convulsion tensely so in return to that notion I elfis will avenge my friends okay can I just stay up my god they're like they're like completely jumping like crazy I don't like that creepy creepy stop us up everyone calm down well with that said is it getting hot in here I don't feel well know who I don't want to do this only one word one oh god I gotta take that hit I think only one hit left which is so sad no no no I I need more yes I thought so oh my god I can just inject more and more debt that's not healthy you don't look out the office yeah it's like I said it's like I'm dying I just won't stop going until it's all over I'm safe here for a little bit at least ha I can avenge my friends that's right oh my god a skit dude no matter how much damage you won't end whoa whoa Keiko's oh we did it I need more are you sure a hundred Oh No where are these sounds okay that was easier but it's de determination it's not good for your for your body office and obviously as we can see in the sprite our CH dammit oh my god elf is digging her own grave I need more we do even more Oh oh my god dude Alfa's is melting into the floor like even doing mer tried like thinking about mercy now WA is just cruel I think we gotta end it no dude stop it's like it's like so so cold in the original undertale this is so creepy I don't like this I feel so loose dude stop like this is a horror game stop please no oh my god god dammit game and we're done just like that and now mettaton is this like revenge marathon's revenge for what we truly did to elfis holy crap what is that oh okay look laser overworld again hello I don't understand why these aren't selling hey it's the perfect weather for something cold Oh a customer hello would you like some ice cream it's the frozen treat that it warms your heart now just 15 G oh oh you can't afford it I'll tell you what if you can dodge my attacks I'll give you a discount what do you say what's your thing no alrighty then here I come let's go a really nice ice cream vendor whoa okay you look a little twitchy but okay compliments you say that you really really like the nice cream and tender blush appears on his face well okay then can you dodge this don't throw your ice cream on the floor dude if you can if you can afford to throw it like away it for a tax you can you can give it to me for free as well to sing okay nice job how about this one Oh Oh damnit it homes in on your position and what if I just like check the neighborhood friendly nice scream Gaia you are great at this alright let's try one more thing an ice-cream that's always the same I don't want to be rude but you gotta mix up your attacks that's it a pacifist is apparently really simple continue what law is that six bones the sans and papyrus amalgamation why how is that neutral okay we're gonna we're gonna I guess we're gonna do this but for now we're gonna stick to metal Don oh boy we can't leave of course but we can fight my my so you finally arrived after our first meeting I realized something ghastly you're not just a threat to monsters but humanity as well now am i that is an issue you see I can't be a star without an audience and besides there are some people I want to protect eager as always a but don't touch that dial there is something you haven't accounted for as any true fan would know I was first created as a human eradication robot it was only after becoming a star that I was given a more photogenic body those original functions have never been fully removed come any closer and I will be forced to show you my true form find them already It's Showtime hey wait an actual minutes on neophytes doctor offices greatest invention or this really please please that would be so funny if it's actual at the end No it wasn't supposed to end this way but you were holding back darling I could tell that easily and that fact means that the show simply must go on darling I'll show you the true power of Neal ladies and gentlemen I present to you the end of this psychopathic child unlike you I will not hold back may that song confidently blocks the way okay let's go what this is gonna be like the alphas fight but hardmode items oh no I shouldn't do this because it immediately let's eat something stop shooting and crazy orchid don't move just just dodge them like naturally okay really only one what do I do oh wait I can shoot I screwed myself I screwed myself from the beginning well but it's still work act maybe you know that doesn't work there has to be it like a solution to this No okay stage that's our blaring still gonna continue I am doing something wrong there has to be like a better way to fight against minutes on I will keep going in for now oh whoa alright I get it I get it not too bad stop dude off Emmet's I always feel I always fall for most of these are facts what oh there we go should we shoot this really crazy go crazy all this is how you really damaged mattdonna force oh wait how much 108 oh and now we deal 10 damage we always do more damage apparently the farther we gets my god this is gonna be a mess this is gonna be a cluster of parts what is happening okay we survived whoa really dealing damage now this might already be it I think we survived that perfect oh no what was happening good George pees all over the place all the damage though I need to be careful though my HP is not looking too good how much more how much more how much damage will be do you feel now thirty-four Oh Noah this is probably bad because this was a hard one damnit damnit okay let's just try it eat a cookie always a cookie oh no please please please yes nice this again look Sam oh my god this might be do this oh no come on this is it let me let me have this oh this is gonna be real difficult I can't shoot sideways unfortunately I can't get rid of these marathons oh my god oh my god I'm just gonna try it seriously oh my god I shouldn't have oh my god I got a heel I think oh this is actually nerve-wracking oh no I know I get hit a lot but 8 HP it would come on how much more can you like look at look at marathons face how much water really is gonna shoot some lasers right yeah oh my god no way when it's me away from death oh I guess this means he won't be joining my fan club listen darling I may have been eradicated but there was still hope for Humanity özgür has absorbed the human souls by now and even if he hasn't he will steal it after alphas evacuates the citizens she's going to the castle and believe me darling I have stalled long enough for that to happen humanity will live even so there was one heck of a finale but what's the finale without a plot twist oh okay I thought I was the plot twist but now that I win is the plot twist okay is that is that a gasser so that's not caster we still got a lot of stuff left and honestly I almost have a feeling maybe like a second episode for this I think that could be good but I do want like the finale yet but what what happens if I go back do I have to do everything again that would be kind unfortunate but I need to know if it's saved or not but there is a reset button so maybe not let's but let's for now go to hello oh no - crazy six bones of course in the true lab alphys what have you done what have you done Oh No hello oh I guess it kind of looks like sounding papyrus with the two heads Oh No oh my god bones oh six bones haha okay that's actually clever six bones blocks the way an amalgamation of your friends yeah ah the music with the hella so we can't attack because I'm alga mates you cannot kill amalgamations apparently so I think you do have to just like calm it down or something smells like spaghetti bum puns not bonza it can choose between spaghetti or a quiche how about both - just go with both doing both may sound like an impasse stability okay no and I'm not gonna try we're just gonna makes and the sense that the the papyrus side angry um apartment a fast upon it seems to enjoy it and hate it at the same time yeah like I said I cannot read you you use something you what is this music oh I'm better oh no it's all nice okay you asked for help on a puzzle it really wants to help you but it just doesn't have the will the second this might be random I'm not sure oh my god what megalovania suddenly an awesome slow down slow down way your weight like sometimes it automatically selects I think that's me like like maybe holding it down for too long it's kind of weird oh no okay yeah look like that I'm cook wait what why didn't I already do everything do I have to make two maybe I have to do a pan again oh no spearing already worked that was it you had to do all the things and then you can spare just like in the original okay guys seems like we did it pacifist but now I really want to know like gas for looking they're standing there looking kind of cooler what if I do back now and then back to duration that is so cool so it is the saver so guys I guess because the raishin is the main story mode our Cade is I think random we can check it out one by one choose out of a limited number or rinse and repeat until all of them okay so it's just random it's not an order so maybe yeah maybe next time hopefully I can finish duration and then maybe I can try out the other ones and click again but okay guys that was very fun it was actually so much fun and with so much detail especially active the the little secrets at the start like flowey popping up there knowing dog popping up the other error sounds randomly and wonder if you if you can find even more secrets like hidden around hidden about but actually I guess what I can do is I can show off the credits all for the ending show off all the music and the character surprise and everything but for now guys thanks for watching I hope you liked the video and until next time take care
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,056,596
Rating: 4.9188981 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Battle, Fight, Boss, Boss Fight, Boss Rush, Battle Mode, Undertale Battle Mode, Secrets, Secret, Mysteries, Error Sans, Secret Boss, Gaster, Sans, Grillby, Alphys, Genocide Alphys, Mettaton NEO, Sixbones, Papyrus, Amalgamate, Creepy, Pacifist, Neutral, Genocide, Awesome, Amazing, Chill, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Highlights, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Merg
Id: UTK2jZaytIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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