A PERFECT TIMELINE? "Don't Forget" Undertale Fangame

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what's up guys welcome back to don't forget the undertale fan game made by Ricky G this is a brand new update and this fan game is going through a lot of changes but pretty much every time I get back to it it looks more and more promising which is amazing this time we have a very mysterious looking menu we've got story mode apparently a little bit of multiplayer going on as well but of course for this episode we're gonna go right into the story you have three save files we're gonna choose the first one we've got a little gastrous sound effect hello are you there yes I am hello are we connected I do love the similarities and don't forget to Delta rune now that I think that makes it even cooler in a way perfect I have been trying to reach you you have been asleep for a very long time it is likely that you have forgotten who you really are a great beginning to a game called don't forget allow me you to refresh your memory all the music this is your song it is the very culmination of your being each soul requires a physical body to contain itself in we call this body of vessel your mind has been disconnected from your vessel for a while as a result you may suffer from a form of memory loss this is caused by a prolonged a disconnect from reality let me test your memory now with one simple question what is your name okay here we go typing your name we are of course gonna go with merg let's go a very correct marg no I am afraid that is not your true name it seems you have forgotten Ouma is there a true name that you can like Noah and then you can I get a cc like an easter egg but I expected this to happen I suppose we can use this new name for now okay that's nice you will remember your true identity in due time but time is running short we must act quickly your world will not sustain itself for much longer and our connection will soon break so listen closely Mergen you must seek gallons and awake the others they have been asleep for a long time just like you begin your journey by entering the house in the northeast inside it is the only way you can free yourself I will provide you with more instructions there do you understand I cannot maintain this connection any longer Mergen yes it is time to wake up oh hello hey aren't you awake yet come on get up already do we have voice acting or is that Oh oh that is so cool are we gonna get like little a voice acted like segments like that is that a Cara then hello jeez you really like sleeping in don't you Mert come on it's such a beautiful day outside birds are singing flowers are blooming it's a perfect day to spend some time outdoors I see and I have almost finished up our latest drawing too we could use some help finishing it you know when I come join us [Music] Mert come on get up already oh hey something up did you have a bad dream or something well don't worry about it okay it's just a dream anyway we'll both be waiting outside for you see you sleepyhead goodbye yeah nice haircut by the way look at me by the way that's a nice haircut hell yeah okay we're gonna can we interact with the poster this is Carlos bed there's a poster of her favorite fighting game on the wall above it is that I can only see an S&M miss at smash is that smash right there this is as real sped there are some pictures you drew and a calendar on the wall above it and that's my bed this is my bed light is pouring into the room from the window above it okay look at the sprites and everything the art sounds so colorful and happy I just the desk there is an old game console sitting on top of it my PC a Kara's computer she's always on it buying stuff off the internet okay okay do we have a menu we do items nothing statistics love is one HP 20 okay game progress a look chapter two chapter three one that's like special or something side coins okay this is pretty cool seventy five secrets or something okay costumes just my regular clothes pretty comfortable they sure look like it and we have so many I'll this so cool dude and this is like soup our are we killing ourself damage sound but okay okay okay okay let's go so newbie three live together a year lose it with toriel and and bad so is this like the good good the past where everything is right or something there's a picture of me dad mom Conrad Ezreal we all look happy it's a phone Cara uses it sometimes to call their friends it's a garbage bin nothing of value in here alright this is mom and dad's room I'm not allowed in there it is a score happy family this is our sofa it's very comfortable what's war with all the TV nothing good fair enough oh it's the Delta rune a picture of mom and dad's smiling together hello now good morning mark did you sleep well your brother and sister have already gone out of it why not join them no but before you go and your mother left some pie on the stove take it with you if you would like have a great day thanks dad thanks so much can I talk to you more run along now your brother and sister are waiting for you they should be out by the water fountain thank you what is that can I only only get the pie all right I take the slice of pie in flow all HP of course a slice of pie that mom made for me okay okay okay goodbye dad a score you're the best character just saying Oh always okay me first of all wait a minute I got a listen real quick is this like is this gonna have mixes of Delta rule and undertale because this sounds like the field of hopes and dreams right or no notes it's the forest it's the forest but it does the under the office is so cool dude our mailbag says dreamer written on it okay oh yeah look look look this is so cool because now we kind of have the idea of how the surface may look like now it's kind of like Delta room this mailbox has blue written on it is that toriel's car can interact with it oh what's up oh good morning it's a nice day today isn't it I mean it's a bit cloudy kind of gloomy actually sorry I didn't mean to make you feel down or anything oh I've done it again oh geez oh sorry just forget that I said anything oh no an absolute oh hello a nice day today isn't it yeah yeah okay thank you and thank you it's locked of course dude how you drive a car not even a ghost car it's amazing this mailbox is a ton of anime stickers on it oh no but it's locked there appears to be a bunch of vegetable splatter splattered all over the window of whoever lives here really it must like cooking do we have any window with maps the blooms house I don't think so on can you a sprint you can't sprint oh my god okay sorry guys this is gonna take a while until I explore all a little little secrets and stuff green car for Undine oh okay that's adorable but one second I gotta run run like crazy we're gonna explore the left side first that's my home can we go here welcome to hometown of km let me explore this first covered in spiders muffled oh it looks dark inside you I'm gone dude this is like my personal nightmare I'm not even gonna do anything here the doggy your dog I family here all of that of this house are covered in inky paw prints Oh No okay that's adorable and that's like Timmy house Tim can I please get inside well I am I feel like I'm being watched okay that is also kinda good this is disturbing dudes are like a gang what is this is amazing okay we're gonna quickly sprint to the left because I can only assume that on the right side it's gonna continue welcome to home town oh okay okay so we might be getting through the school and everything we're gonna see how similar it is to Delta room and of course toriel's house isn't like in the middle of nowhere it is actually a part of the road and stuff of the streets hello I'm gonna say first oh I can't say first maybe I do we have to interact with them first hello Ezreal and Cara oh I'm so dumb I'm pressing the wrong button oh god don't tell anyone I've been pressing the wrong button that light shimmers on the surface of the water I feel the light shimmer shimmering within my soul too I must persevere surface Hammond home town so we have the purple Solar perseverance hello good morning we've been waiting for you are you feeling okay you don't need to push yourself oh where are ya Zi Mark is fine just a bad dreams all you've been having them a lot lately huh well don't worry just like Keira says it's only a dream exactly they'll go away eventually oh you want to go to that old house in the Northeast that a place is falling apart it's not a good idea to go near it but makes you want to go there all of a sudden or your dream huh did I see your dream told you to go there well maybe if you do what it says you'll stop having bad dreams you're old enough now to go off on your own so it is worth a shot you remember how to get there right just keep heading rights until you reach the end of the road then just head up and you'll find the house be careful up there that house always gave me the creeps kara and I are gonna stay here and work on this drawing when you're done come back and join us okay see you later oh but look at this dude look at the fade look at the Ezreal gold oh my god oh yeah you remember I'm sorry I just want to hang out with the cool kids save real quick can we interpret the fountain in any way does it seem like it's some bushes always look left right cool I'll froggit a single froggit or is it the Frog family ribbit ribbit good morning human another beautiful day here in hometown is it not it is mellow but it's locked the whims on the whims let me in Luke those are the the ruins and enemies are the ruins and monsters actually mold smaller care [Music] Jerry Oh Noah come on Jerry Oh Jerry I want to talk to you what it's green here this is gonna be him Morris okay hello there ice cap ice hat whatever it's a good thing monster bodies are made of magic or else I'd be melting icecap right yeah Giff drums bunbun left right okay it's actually was the right left but who cares there's a secret we can go further down okay let's explore as much as we can explore it the better because it's awesome before what's up washer this town is so filthy weeds everywhere and trash laying around it's gross for a place called home down it's not very homey I would file a complaint but this town doesn't even have a mayor who even runs this place uh uh not quite as advanced as the Delta r1 Washu I don't know Joe is the star dude this town is pissing me off I am the original star Walker okay whoa star Walker is angry and as always what I was thinking like Sam's but what note bye [Music] Machiko pandba written on it uh-oh whatever your name is that something that I'm hmm probably good because they don't forget is pretty famous for its Easter eggs and like references fish dude the fish dude hello I used to live in a place with beautiful lakes it was so pretty but after I was diagnosed with gobble I had to move away what's gobble you asked never speak to me ever again Felix are sure Felix is much much nicer I made a bit of a pickle I have worked in a little while but my briefcase is missing I have no idea where I could have left it is a sidequest it shouldn't be too far well if you see it I'd really appreciate if you could return it to me yeah sure thing can't I remember you from the mettaton resort picks me and wen down okay dude oh man this is always so much fun to explore Big Bob dude what's up Bob and hello there I have a bunch of homework I should be doing am I gonna do any of it no I'm a rebel hey you wouldn't happen to know the answer to Question 2 would ya ah can lady I wanna help the children okay okay so we got everything I think need to remember about the camp and then we have grill beasts okay let's see yeah so this this cuts off here so we can begin to start from the right side ha real quick could be safe oh hello okay let's just do it I guess we gotta get rid of the spikes maybe find the way around the labyrinth and we can find a switch I sure or maybe in the middle somewhere I'm pressing and pressing if I interact button in case there's anything but maybe you need a tip first can you by the way or you can do the moonwalk even look at this okay I accept this that's pretty cool but I couldn't find any switch so like yet so let's see hello if you're looking for a place to relax grill beers is a great place to go the music on the jukebox is especially calming it's very tranquil but if you'd rather go for a stroll the woods to the south are rather nice going through the woods is the only way to reach the mountain from town there is a breathtaking view up there if you're willing to make the trek wasn't this fangame the one way way with the jukebox I don't trust you Ricky Gaea never again about me I guess even dummies need a drink every now and then we left our pups at home by themselves to come play some cards here huh what's with that expression it's not like they're gonna wreck the house with pinky paw prints again oh boy it's always fun to play cards with our friends the dog the dog owes it seems very focused what about oh no the real dog oh not now I'm trying to concentrate here okay sorry and at the poker is this dog playing against itself apparently or its playing against the other food life is too much for me there's so much to do it's so stressful new drinks hot guys who has the time for that stuff anymore uh no human food and monster food are pretty different but I do like both of them I don't eat human food too often though since it takes days to absorb hello bird gorilla was able to speak mostly on his own now just ask if you want to buy some food with him and the fish oh no no I want the flower can I get to the fish I'm gonna try it one more time now I don't think so okay Grylls what's up shop here yes dude okay pretty cool what would you like we can talk so a grill grill bees not the the talker yet we don't have anything right yeah burger and fries soda salad I'm sorry grill B yeah I don't have any money use the jukebox reluctantly yes I knew it look at this what is this this is just look I'm going no Kate no I'm never gonna fall for this again ok fine but only real quick yeah wait a minute look at me love you the grill of ease like I'm cleaning the glass superfast that's a pretty good one ha I'm going grill be a grill that you're 2 bucks is broken gotta fix it off the arcade again your word what's up a monster kid hey have you been inside the new arcade yet it's so much fun I mean it's kind of hard to play games without arms but that doesn't stop me I've got the highest score in every game in there if you manage to beat my scores in all the games I'll give you a reward good luck ok let's go dude all the music what game would you like to play it so it is still the same we got splat - deer shoot ink at enemies and find the SAP fish play us the yellow snail and race down the track always said like avoidance and Rickster crap memories memories are flooding back memories that I thought I had forgotten forever but let's go insert coin do I actually need to insert a coin use WASD and move your mouse to aim okay this is where are the things get kind of crazy how do i okay um score is 8000 okay 1500 15,000 oh dude okay let's go so use space to swim at your own right and that just makes me invincible I think [Music] dude okay this is hard so just go to Rama shooting it off the links to splat them okay we're just gonna run like that wait always had my energy bar for my HP I don't even know I think my HP is separate what were you yes we will now get [Music] get rid of all the red stuff no no okay it's dangerous because you need your energy still [Music] let's let's go gotta get the SAP fish [Music] okay awesome level two of four let's go [Music] we're orange now that is the games attack quick run okay okay we're full energy oh wait they never stop shooting you only quote are crazy no that was the newer mistake though never follow defense wins all the time knowing on our blue okay okay this is tough [Music] run dammit barely no lives hopefully [Music] okay an hour green this is tough okay that's a good strategy same thing and then this one like it runs out of thing we're gonna wait and now stop I think I'm just gonna let them yeah run out oh where is it [Music] nice again [Music] oh my god it did it editor [Music] and it's Donna and it wasn't you just by defensively [Music] and then if it comes to me it's gonna get damaged right yeah yeah so you can like okay we have such a good high score but was it fifteen thousand okay come on come to my come to my my your trap [Music] okay same thing again come on come on and another one I'm not sure this is like the Intendant wait we're gonna be a little bit risky oh I should I be risky I don't want to have to redo everything is the problem we're so good I'm gonna play very safely come on I think one I don't know how important the monster kid reward is considering it is pretty hard apparently I might just have to like maybe it's just gonna be a costume which is pretty awesome but I think I'm gonna give it one try / minigame okay let's come on it's so dangerous though okay we got it done three thousand three out of four okay oh that's pretty cool you can do like ninja dammit it's not really worth it though and I'm losing so much score [Music] oh you can do it like this this is the strategy you hide and then you like you you you you you push a little bit there and then you you can just wait out Jesus Christ Ricky [Music] dude look at this bar rise they're crazy but they're gonna come into my eye look at that even their goodbye let me through [Music] [Music] okay this one already messed up [Music] goodbye oh okay this one already my stuff as well that's kind of cool you can like suppose that is always a thing that you can zip do it the the waiting strategy [Music] organized [Music] all dude that was too close I don't want I don't want to lose again you're eventually gonna give up actually they have to go here okay now which should do time later [Music] dude way too close way way too dangerous is that finally it [Music] awesome ah close [Music] my highest Eva got it I suppose come on yes I've been little bit of risky and level four out of four [Music] you can kind of heal yourself if you like do that in front of you nice [Music] later and okay I remember like the first version when I played this a long time ago I really sucked I think I'm doing better this time I have the how it works okay we need to defend a switch or something [Music] huh pork [Music] damnit I'll do this guess what we need a blue key and a green key as opposed to blue keys gonna be up here and then the green keys gonna be down there okay so I think I'm playing to blue oh my god I'm actually playing to save with my pink you can you really do have to use like all of your aim we're just gonna take too long I see the key okay you can sprint or anything I just tried that I think you can only move like this even though you don't really want to be too fast you want to take your time now all the way down it's really gonna be some enemies here whoa zip ninja and it's one it's this is crazy oh I didn't see you no no no and this one is free now some and this one is probably gone soon or [Music] and later I don't have Inga gotta heal or charge up and that is also good because these other ones are going to both come No [Music] okay one more and we got it okay that is actually really good I'm gonna I'm gonna create like a base here and they have no chance against Maya - under IQ plays right here and that's it [Music] Octavio's lair are you crazy dude but okay we have a checkpoint right are you Octavio [Music] okay that is pretty cool I think I already win here honestly [Music] and you do have to attack Octavio [Music] okay let's just charge and I guess we're just going to play defense here [Music] it's not gonna take too long [Music] okay ADH p.m. next time I'd already be doing final thing BAM get the green key and though just don't die to any like stragglers or do the Ola do they all maybe get defeated the final one submit high score yes of course um Orestes online Noah yeah a multiplayer mode okay so this is like back to arcade so we should have the high score here thunder snail let's see em insert coin use WASD again five thousand okay how this is gonna work yep it's just wait do you it doesn't matter where you go just enjoy the music and survive [Music] dad it's better that that there [Music] I was pretty cool almost 1000 already so I don't think this is gonna be bad let's do a NOAA no one no live last challenge dude like this is the cool thing in a way like I already forgot that I'm playing don't forget because it's just such a nice way to like but get the player into some fun stuff like an arcade I love it what lots of slow I assume it's get it's random I don't know maybe the blue one you can touch the blue one if you don't move but that's a little bit strange because this name always moves of course technically it's a race buddy I think basically how it works random spawns for the snails no look if you can even be the case that every single path has a snail but because of their differing speeds oh this is crazy cool death Tara Tara Tara I love it you always want to stay a little bit further behind but also in the middle is Sarah is there a max highest score can I just keep going because it was whoa damn dude this give me 3000 okay I think we're gonna keep going to 5,000 for an hour oh no never mind karma this is actually getting a really difficult now [Music] and the music Lou so I do think you could play infinitely it's not like the octo thing splat 2d I mean okay we're gonna go up to 5,000 even though I think the high score was 3000 already okay half way there for the 1000 at least hmm come on dude only one life left [Music] don't waste it I think we did it and okay new high score hell yeah back to arcade now I don't know him oh my god we're just gonna hopefully real quick get through here I don't know a new world [Music] [Music] I'm so sad this is this is my life right guys we're playing don't forget we want to see crazy gas drift and we only got to cut her up we're gonna get a 1 diamond okay I hope I hope you're happy give me your diamond do I think so long do we win okay we're gonna go save him quit oh no don't save it actually god dammit we're just gonna go did I win what's up Oh didn't I wait what oh okay that's unfortunate I thought it was thirteen thousand thunders they will be surely got it fella yeah and I hope I got it by Rickster craft oh I thought it was like twelve or something I'm gone sorry monster kid sorry monster kid your dude too good Tim you're too good for me hello mushroom hey kid got a minute I live in this pond so it's hard to get around if I had a pair of wheels I could turn them with my roots and move faster could you help me out by finding a pair of wheels for me I'll pay you for him 50 smackeroos I'll be waiting here not like I could move much further anytime soon uh sure thing buddy ooh a white Kia and stuff where the spikes is it you can't like somehow okay but interesting maybe it's like a random lock door I think there was the case in the pre in the previous version but there was something so or maybe here maybe maybe yeah maybe that was already been Kia the heck maybe here we can get some wheels enter the trash pile what [Music] okay have we entered the trash world oh oh the plumber costume Oh Mario or what [Music] just checking yep wearing this makes me want to swing my arms from side to side fine okay this it is actually kind of cool we're just gonna take whatever costume we get and we're gonna wear it and who we get a new one hell yeah I'll give draught what's up it's kind of difficult to adjust to the warmer months I prefer the cold but I will admit that the extra warmth is nice sometimes this town should still invest in getting some a/c units though or now we're in Pokemon my parents just don't seem to get me I want to be a comedian so I run off and practice telling jokes but my dad he tells me that comedians are a dime a dozen well I'll show in I'll forget my chores and focus on my comedy but seriously my parents need to she allow it ha you get it I'll work on it ah I'm sorry children you you will you ill you'll get there now hello there have you seen any snails wandering around lately five of my snail friends seem to have gone missing this again I can't find them anywhere say if you're not busy do you think you could go look for them from you they're probably scattered around the town in different places let me know what you find them all thanks for your help okay so we got three side quests currently right we got the the suitcase we got the the wheels and the snails and this is actually gonna give me an encounter here it is you bumped it to make us look at the background what's up friend seven o'clock five defense stances two problems away yeah swing your arms baby I have the Plummers yeah what jump you're crazy like sit down we're gonna dance together the default bands from fortnight make us loves it though just be yourself when you're still talking though I thought you loved my dance keep some dancing Oh everybody sure thing give me your gold thank you is there anything I get from this yeah it is but it's hard to get through you bumped into a frog it check for four life is getting better for this enemy we're a bit I like your face you look interesting Jesus Christ Martha this is much easier than the other one apologize for pumping into it they seem to forgive you ribbit ribbit thanks rabbit just don't kill me and everything's gonna be good okay and to go this time and we're out what is this this is gonna be cool okay feel free to have a seat and take a moment to reflect remember those we have lost and the lives they impacted oh boy is it gonna be Gerson - or is that only Delta ruin probably right here lies Arya innocent and pure of heart taken too soon the name is faded out hmm this is all gonna be references or got the heads hey er okay I love my minion at the brightest smile I kind there is throw with great ambitions okay may they rest peacefully among the flowers more go have a loving mother and a gentle soul Allah I'm not sure if these are undertale references or like real life references oh God proud scientist and loving father Lorca the name is faded out completely a loving father and a peaceful ruler no so I think this it is probably something about the game interesting though very interesting that we got to go through here again okay one encounter it's gonna be the same one or a new one no five attack no defense flavor than before but still a bit sensitive oops sorry and no problem holy crap you've gotten a real real strong extra the no way I didn't even have to move right whoops to go though okay that was that that was that that was the snail dude and this does lead around there was something up here though I saw that unless that's just I don't know a shortcut or something we're gonna see I think okay that was just the way around great let's go to the frog ins ribbit ribbit be careful when you're in the tall grass there might be other pedestrians walking in it too so stay alert sure thing I'm just gonna haha go around it completely aw damn it [Music] now vegetal aid what's up let's check it six six popular nutritionists part of a complete breakfast oh boy whether this is an attack that I can handle better advice ignore follow follow the advice or followed the vegetative okay okay we need advice first I get it okay got it so what's your advice vitamin intake found locally very locally thanks reg annoyed and then we only have to follow it and I think we're done no dinner this time we can't like eat it thank God you feel healthier already and I think that's it's probably gonna be spherical next term for gold okay how much gold do we have now now only twelve not quite there yet I think I'm gonna start fleeing unless it's a new encounter you get quite a lot but it's already know how I see two people there are those the Royal Guards of course hello nothing like appreciating nature with my bro he seems happy eh oh that's the mountain right already isn't that chapter two if I remember right I think that's like where you get to chapter two so I'm not it's probably like the endgame so I'm gonna remember that then we're just gonna run through the tall grass same thing again quickly escape and then come on come on go nah one more counter okay but then we're gonna go back probably to that house already no no we gotta go down here first to deactivate spikes located step on a nearby button okay is it going to activate all oh god all of them okay I think really I think we got the puzzle goodbye friend but there is a chest here thank God I explored it's not too bad if you can flee everyone or from other one wait no it's it's a secret chest again unless I have to hold right and I yeah yep I can get in there the frisk yes horrible [Music] this shirt isn't so bad but why is my skin yellow now oh no oh this is kind of cool though I do like this the old time okay I think I'm gonna stick with this for an hour I do like the plumber one but that has Oh what interesting you can't flee from a winds own because you have to spare it do you even get any gold you do get two gold okay now we're frisk hell yeah what's here where oh really was that just a a tutorial and then you what you want that for the other spikes that you saw before okay now we're back here we didn't find any anything or the snail II wonder five okay found wanna do the only spawn once you talk to the to the person or could you have gotten them all along and I just completely missed them that means we do have to like circle up it maybe where does this go oh we never went here why do we get yeah yeah okay we just completely missed this there's a flower bed maybe a secret way here but I don't think so Thunder playing hello what are you doing are you trying to confess to me outside my house wait you're not I knew that it's not like I want to be confessed to or anything bakka a no sund airplane good to see you pyro okay so these are the these are the the hot lands enemies smokin and Reggie or Reggie a donut guy as a librarian lots of exploring all the world guards what kind of names are those we know them and that's heat flames man heats flames man my name is heats flames man I want everyone to know my name one day I'm pretty sure a lot of people know it Fox head Oh God the clam Gaia a nice wolf that's just a trash bin and another snail thing we could go up is that is that gonna loop around maybe slime family I don't know what to do now though huh do this is huge because this is eventually gonna loop back around to the - achoo - Azrael maybe and Takara this might look weird but it makes perfect sense hello vegetal don't forget to eat your greens I won't okay but this is a dead end do we look so serious when we walk to the left or right I like to stop by the library before I head off to work seems like it's closed right now though so I'll just wait around however long it takes this is the library or is it library seems like it's closed right now though okay it's a flower King I've been banned from the flower shop Oh No for as Laura what's life without a little flair damn it by rope there's not the briefcase we found it quickly okay awesome is it in my inventory or no I think it's just maybe in the game two percent complete Wow oh wait what were those but chests maybe there's only two chests here or what does that mean [Music] okay so I suppose we can check up and see if this does loop around eventually [Music] snail family even more snail family on the lookout for any for any snails bratty and caddy what's up is this tell me that this is Karen's stuff oh no dude is my little cinnamon just the cutest bun buns are adorable P what it doesn't everybody use child leashes nowadays oh god that lady across the streets something a batter disturbs me same is that the schooler okay so I think if we go left now we're gonna go get back okay so we're here already yeah yeah I've been at like an adventure Cara I hope your hope you're proud and now we're already in Jesus Christ and now we're gonna search for Felix was Felix around here or was it one below on although we never went here wait that means we have to like talk all way we went around okay I understand and then we went down here and that's where we found Felix on the left or right side I think right side right there oh you found my briefcase thank you so much if I had a fedora I tip it to you my friend here's a little reward to show my gratitude 60g thanks so much good luck at work that looks like that's like that's too much money for that little health holy crap and now we've got fuqua fire right oh hello mug how are you doing I'm just waiting a year for one of my friends to show up so we can study together isn't that the same sidequest we promised to meet outside the school it's been half an hour already they never really liked studying all that much they're probably hiding you would think you could go look for them for me I know you're probably busy but it would really help me out they're a purple monster with a red skateboard you can't miss someone thanks for the help I'll be waiting here okay I remember this one as well another snail three out of five so far and then down here was just checking ice cap right no yeah okay so we probably got all of them here mowed smalls and stuff and now we hopefully can eventually get to this man snail family get to the old house Brad and caddy what's up hey kid got a minute do you sell trash and maybe some wheels yeah can you hear us out for a sec we've been trying to start up our own shop right but we like don't have anything we can sell we've been trying to think of stuff to sell we got nothing we can't bake or sue or even afford stuff that we could sell the only thing I can't think of a straight up selling junk you know actually yeah why not why don't we ask the kid to collect trash from around town is it the junk pile can you do that for us kid there's like five garbage cans I see you take the junk out of them and then come back to us yeah we'd like really appreciate it we don't have much but we'll give you some G in return come back when you're done okay see you later all right true thing okay okay does that count hell yeah okay so another little secret mission that were on is there a snail anywhere here no snail okay but we're gonna loop back around that is Pat family or is that the dad have you seen my son he's always running off if you see him tell him to remember to do his chores his mother she's getting real tired of doing everything for him I'll make it worth your while anything to get my wife to quit complaining to me is that is that a mission or is that just uh is that just a little funny thing but yeah the mom is still here right so this is the past or something [Music] and okay that is gonna be where we have to go is that the only thing that's here maybe we can't even go here yet but the door is locked maybe there's another way to get in a window another way to get inside clown of any trees and then jump no I'm just spamming the interact key I'll give it something Oh another door back here even unlocked let's do it dude is that what I think it is oh dude this is creepy what is this machine it's strange I've never seen this thing before yet it feels so familiar should I activate it sure I press the start button on the keyboard and nothing's happening huh maybe it doesn't work oh well okay we got some wingdings or I look we still got everything though so this might I'm not sure if this is real or just like creepy area or is this the area I think I think I know if this is similar to a previous version but we will see yeah oh it's locked okay no gastro door they're all locked so we have to unlock them or are they just creepy being creepy it's locked deja vu oh boy okay and this might be the real door or something and like I said okay I move no hello are you there Jesus Christ the music or what the sound effects we have been reconnected there is only a little bit of time to explain so I will begin this is the inner void it is essentially the core of your world this was once where a shard of my soul was kept but over time it has shattered into multiple pieces because of that this world has become too unstable I am lucky that I was able to contact you to warn you in time I understand that none of this will make any sense to you yet but perhaps in time you will remember who you truly are and it will all make sense for now I will just explain what you must do as I said before you must leave this world behind and locate the others to wake them this will not be easy to hear but this world you call home is not real it is a false reality that I created for you your mother father brother sister they are not real but you are and it is time to return to the real world whatever that's gonna be maybe maybe a more less happy time line when you activated the machine it began the backdoor protocol I implemented just in case this happened this has changed a few things about the world you know there are now what wormholes in the overworld that lead to pieces of my shattered soul you must find all 10 of them and bring them back here there are also puzzle pieces that you must collect you will need at least 50 of them in order to live once you are ready and have everything returned here to me keep in mind once you leave you are not able to return do you understand very good you will now wake back up in the basement remember get 10 soul pieces and fifty puzzle pieces see you soon okay gastro I assumed my body gastro 10 and 50 okay a little whoop a little reminder no need to go back there just yet I have a lot of work ahead of me did anything change now I've got this did we have this before I don't even remember but now we have the puzzle pieces and the shards of course over and that is all ready first tutorial thing right here where the crack is let's check it out avoid the glitches and find the soul piece is it the same kind of minigame as in the previous version I'm looking looking kinda cool though okay I remember these things can I peace okay okay don't do that alright you're just gonna gonna make it take even longer if you try anything cool and fancy how the music tho alright this might be oh this is the first level it's already kind of tight okay but isn't you gotta solve this okay okay so it's like that and then it's gone forever or do you just I forget if you can get back in past okay cool I guess you can replay it whoa the this is so interesting like okay so this is how it's gonna work we can't collect the puzzle pieces like that so so you basically this is cool level to dodge glitches oh the the timer and there's a timer so this entire game is like based a lot on collecting stuff where's the timer though oh all right always a survivor okay okay I'm really not good at survival apparently isn't this easy to stay here ten seconds left eight seven six let's go and you do have to oh wait do we you need to go back oh it's right there okay I love the little jingle that a victory jingle is so cool everything was with gastrous theme is just cool I gotta say okay we got this um I'm gonna go left see if there's any puzzle charts here maybe yeah of course Bella already eleven that's gonna be some trash two out of five let's do it real quick I guess level three you find the key in the maze to unlock the soul piece so the first three levels are all the different tutorials for the different types of stages Oh Noah gotta activate my luck I'm just gonna casually it pick the right way every time our grapes karma right when I said it no it's completely wrong yeah it was wrong on those stars I can maybe hear I think it just looped around but it looks okay I'm always gonna try to let go the long way around Oh up up arcade great or there's a Kia okay so I'm pretty sure it looks like you got to come from the left side but it wants you to go all the way around right and then get it I assume there we go but now we're just going to go back is there an easier way to get it back No and I think I remember going back is always easier it says already yet this looks very good I think it yes with it only up and we're done uh Noah how do i right there okay okay okay awesome [Music] and what made up three more all right can we can we talk to you hey you're back did you find anything at that old house is everything okay look upset about something dude knowing that knowledge that we have right now would be a very horrible yeah we understand go do whatever it is you need to do it will always be here for you America see you later okay see you mark your goodbyes you're not real you're not real you're not my siblings we're gonna save and we are a surface hometown I think I'm just gonna chill here with my a with my two buddies and that's probably gonna be it for the first episode of don't forget this is still an early version so we're not gonna have the full game but we do have the full new chapter one again and we do have the awesome fruits costume which I'm very happy about it so far what I do have to say I like the more Delta rune feel the town feels more like Delta runa in my opinion we kinda have like Delta rune music like similar to Delta rune the music especially the hometown one I love it that's a really nice detail and of course like eventually being able to see the the complete game in the future like what did allah is gonna lead up to and who we really are that's actually gonna be super cool i'm very interested in finding that out but for now guys thanks for watching i hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,023,090
Rating: 4.9340062 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Don't Forget, Dont Forget, DF, Undertale Don't Forget, Gaster, Vessel, Deltarune, Deltarune Fangame, Surface, Sequel, Fanmade Sequel, Undertale Sequel, Prequel, Mystery, Minigames, Chara, Asriel, Asgore, Toriel, Merg, Awesome, Amazing, Chill, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Highlights, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny
Id: V-bsrz3Qlu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 6sec (4086 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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