STORYSWAP ASRIEL | Undertale Fangame

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one day a human fell into the underground trying to get back home the human made many friends and killed their king trying to get back home the human broke the barrier freeing all the monsters but the human had power the power to reset they wanted to experience that adventure again and again but they grew bored so they decided to fight instead of sparing this betrayal awakened Kara the first fallen human in an act of despair Kara stole the human soul gaining access to a great power at first she wanted to destroy the whole world to prevent this genocide from happening ever again but then another idea came to her mind [Music] [Music] you let's just get to the point and here we are our lane is you wait wait wait I'm not ready yet okay guys what's up um welcome to story swap Ezreal wait wait let me get let me at least handle the first attack I can't stop moving by the way though the the light blue soul means I can only always have to keep moving we don't have any music it's kind of actually intimidating and that's it I hope I'll be able to change you for better as real still wants to forgive you okay I need a serious beginning welcome to story swap Ezreal an undertale fan game made by his Mia Noah I can only hope that I set that right but yeah Ezreal it seems really cool the beginning was sort out of nowhere the intro however was super epic with the music starting this music right now epic as well and I guess we have this Ezreal sans fights order the name is Uwe level 90 and we have 92 HP order our items ketchup okay that's adorable chocolate spaghetti a raw pie sushi Irama okay a lot of ramen and that's it um I'm just gonna hope I don't have to heal because I do want to can we forgive as real as well it's different like a pacifist ending or is this only genocide because the fight is called genocide ten attacks 60 defense he is holding back from using all of his power oh hello oh oh oh Ezreal okay calm down okay that's easy that's easier oh no it's not easy pretty good okay twice it always does it twice so I just have to stay away from it as much as I can that's pretty easy now that I know I just have to take it slower and as long as I wait out the previous attack that works okay I'm gonna heal now um I guess you know because it's awesome because it's yummy because we'll be our car I guess because we should be playing Cara because if Cara yeah has the soul Cara has the power now you ate the bittersweet chocolate HP maxed out of course and we have a new attack so the attacks do not repeat every time you eat something and heal yourself whoa oh oh okay a little bit of creepier the amalgamate sound is it gonna happen again or only once okay then what's it C then what's to forgive and we already checked that's all we can do it Sparrow is probably just gonna skip the Turner yeah as a rule doesn't even talk okay now we have this again so definitely the first attack you have to survive is the hardest one so far which I guess is like you know sans using the strongest attack first care cam I'm kind of safe here yeah this is much easier once I know how the attack works the pattern is super simple to up to avoid okay now we're gonna fight I mean I feel bad for Ezreal let's go though oh oh okay 81 what you look like you'd expect something else because Azrael can dodge oh okay patience is 9 where we work well okay and then the don'ts and I have seen the middle come on come on Wow okay Apple go up well please spare him he doesn't deserve this blanket oh maybe I can I can okay that's pretty awesome I can spare answer I'm gonna start with that though I definitely want to spare now we have the light thing okay that's super cool looking and I'll just run run run or do we I think I have to go in between the things still taunt so every time you get new dialogue it basically tells you you're you're on the right track keep keep doing this that's exactly what I'm gonna do as rail we're gonna we're gonna be buddies just come down with your stars are you now as real hyper god of life or are you still a hyper god of death or right now I guess it's just as er of the goat boy are you really trying to spare me I am oh that's cute and now it's like the goat attacks I guess Oh what that one hit me that was like super yeah they're they're really unpredictable sometimes please spare him he doesn't deserve okay okay maybe it's just like one the secret ending room I know that I cannot trust you but this is also the only way to bring back everything that I cared for and let you spare me please don't do anything stupid oh my God look how scared as real actually is No is this like wait is this is this actually life or death that would be interesting do I have to like end me to spare or is this just like I'm like a rat I have to go away from the flames and just use fight I'm gonna wait it out a little bit longer but I have a feeling I guess I guess it's time to just ride maybe what if I I am sure you'll be happy I guess that's it okay so it was like the get dunked on but it was willing it was willful on my side interesting are you there what are we playing Delta rune now a BEC are we connected yes we are memories are flooding back what well it closed did I break the game I hope not you Cara hoped that in this world would fight happiness that you finally got what you wanted they were wrong for some reason you killed everyone yet again I can't understand what makes you do this is it curiosity it's someone else controlling you or do you just hate awesome answers that much I know I can stop you if no one before me couldn't you know you don't have to do this but if I can stop you I could at least try to save you okay and here we are I hope I'll be able to change you better we have so confused so III had to reset some some saves because it seems like it the game didn't let me play anymore because I wasn't able to get out of the Delta on screen now stuff is different I am so confused by 10 attack he's holding back okay so okay that's still the same I think now we're back I am really really confused because I have no idea how that worked wasn't at all different where am I going completely crazy but okay as real we're back already I have to say even if I'm not just going crazy very impressive like meta beginning Ezreal still wants to forgive here and we tried mercy right we tried swearing that's just gonna give us the thoughts and now it's time to fight I'm still going crazy but I'm just gonna go for some ramen not great but better we give her 40 HP a what okay and those turn to orange can I touch other okay I can so the colors are so working we might get some blue ones no only orange but it's a little bit hard if you always have to keep moving 69 HP em we're gonna we're gonna fight it I'm sorry Azrael those things even what yeah yeah I expected something different okay but this is the same right I have to stay in the middle chill for a little bit and then go up okay I'll check on hip there I got a clip class star end quickly and then all three or four and I have to go up and then stop in the middle of that I'm sorry that's pairing just I mean I guess kills me but also does something very strange with the game do you remember your first roots you freed all of monster kind I do a best route really a very fun route this is this is more like a bad time as the revenge but we have this attack again okay so this wasn't too bad I kind of want to stay in the middle keep moving in case one of the orange flames like actually gets to Mia oh no I seem sad it is very sad to that such as highly as real oh no they were also happier but you just had to reset didn't you that was a very angry face it was extremely angry now they're gonna come back no okay they're gonna stay there and now now oh okay now just random or which one moves but not bad I do like through the time it's actually really fun this is a nice design pattern up up okay okay stay up okay I'm chill there I'm really not feeling up to it [Music] you are acting just like me before all of that maybe you are soulless to the phase shift the eyes actually nevermind oh okay we have to wait but no this is different right because we had we didn't have the patience oh Allah last time oh I have to play better I have to not go where the stars were before because they still take some time to stop moving stop bouncing there we go what and then blue okay I need to heal now you are filled with emptiness I'm just gonna go for some chocolate everyone loves chocolate okay I think this is one of the easier attacks it does get a little bit harder once you get the amalgamate sound right there okay but it's still not yeah it's not too bad as long as you've seen the pattern you can tell okay [Music] almost halfway there I still believe you can do better you just have to try and spare me and with your power I'll be able to fix everything I already picked didn't I ask real whoa what the hell is this I do witches have to keep moving oh that's very interesting so I think I am dodging the star properly that's how you have to do it but then you get some lightning oh no right into it what a weird attack really unique in three is don't hurt him god damn it I don't want to ruin my game again no as real okay over halfway even after all you've done I know there's a way to change you when I first met Cara she was just like you her hate towards the whole world covered her tree personality but with my help she learned how to love and be loved what is this now patience wait I don't wait what oh I have to what wait I can't move anymore I'm dead or or maybe I can [Music] why wait what all you gotta do it like this so interesting but what is that with patience my soul turning gray Azure doesn't want to fight you I mean ketchup maybe sans its ketchup good holy crap some of it spills on the ground but it's really good if your HP was maxed out it's okay it's a sorry again so just keep moving right yeah okay wait for it and then keep moving but run away from the lightning okay this next one should be free yeah just all right [Music] and that was very closely worked out and again we walk to the right [Music] just please stop fighting and let me help you I am sure you are also tired I can still forgive you just lay down your weapon oh oh no oh no don't odd god damn it this is actually crazy but okay I think I did it well no wait why am i I need to see coming where the lighting is gonna appear okay there we go stay there Oh run run run okay perfect okay that's awesome saying that far apart and move okay this is so cool I'm really starting to like these ideas you here distant bone trowel ah here aha I'm not gonna complain I am giving you the last chance bad face though if you attack me one more time then then I'll be forced to use my special attack okay and patience again I should stop moving around when I get this patience thing Oh patience the star means I ah I'm not gonna get hit if I don't like move around what's happening now what something now oh it's switching this is working surprisingly well oh I I got hit all because of the blue thing you don't want to switch in the middle because they're gonna get hit yeah but this is easy as long as I stay in my pattern I'm not just not gonna get hit asteroids preparing something because you gave me the warning Ezreal I'm gonna heal up with the pie I guess wrong you feel your since karate in your stomach maybe eating robbed I wasn't such a good idea but your HP was max out nonetheless ok the star please please okay perfect I can I could launch this without getting it oh very lucky thank God the lightning only hurts you when strikes and on afterwards when you touch it no that was too too fast what 82 HP you should still be more than enough way seriously that oh that was the stomach ache 30 HP God so it's a troller it's pretty much a troll so you don't want to use that I'm just gonna use the suit shake as Venna with the taste reminds you of a hero Oh God your HP was maxed out is this here okay that's the bouncy stars and it's without patience this time which makes it a lot lot easier so I should unless I'm really really dumb do a dumb dodge Oh God okay thank Allah I should be able to get full HP for the special attack awesome answer was still preparing let's go show me show me where you got you really want this don't you I'm warning you you don't want to see what comes after this attack so you better just spear me no don't cry please oh okay okay this is easy just move diagonally pretty much keep moving diagonally as soon as you can switch direction whoa okay now it's getting a little bit crazy okay okay as real as real as real you you're spamming you're just bowing we're we're as if oh it's blue just don't move what [Music] I'm so confused I can't they just say yeah I'm pretty much safe Azrael oh I'm not safe okay always switch [Music] so you have patients that regenerates ICEA you have like a cool-down you can switch a few times but then you have to stand still and let it regenerate how curious wouldn't interesting and unique little a battle-ax he looks very weak ah oh my oh no but I have to heal anyway so the kitchen all from the from the floor Shura no not the termination it does it feels me with something else you lost Duda okay I need to like learn through this fight thank God I get the easy attack but this fight does not shy away from actually just completely trolling you so don't use the catch down and don't use the pie maybe last resort I guess it's the worth it did you use it right but but other than that don't use the the raw pie spaghetti should be good for virus yep the pasta is burned the empty tire plate this reminds you of someone indeed it does that but it still heals a lot it's 50 HP our summer unless I lose HP again then I'm just gonna be you and I'm gonna be I'm gonna be done with you as real or with papyrus in this case I guess or whoever is the cook in this universe I guess they are gonna be some changes [Music] okay okay I'm safe here as well you're being very nice oh and I have to move whether that's it 66 HP up again it's time still not done with the HP though my entire body is ready to give up but my soul won't let it this is what an Takara was talking about this is the power of determination I love the little switches by the way what flowey no no no that's all okay where - where - where - I don't know what to do what what is this music wait what what excuse me this is actually amazing right now what am i playing okay in the left corner you can see the regeneration going on am i safe here oh I need to keep moving what the hell oh now I can stay here middle what what do you why was it yeah oh okay just keep moving Oh No okay I can't move all the way so you need what is this bite you need to always you pack your determination am i dead no I will see what the hell man whoa whoa okay okay try that right [Music] orange blue orange blue okay how cool this is actually so cool oh oh no the gastro blaster attack pretty much oh cool and that's it game over is that our first game over I think so don't lose hope stay determined I will but holy moly [Music] Oh well you what is that weird expression have you heard that before I'll just start then okay what is this game I am completely surprised but also impressed because this is not just like sands you know this is not just the fact that um oh look by the way patient says like over nine I guess we have a ton of patients left we don't have to worry about that but yeah just the fact I hope I'll be able to change you this is not just sense where you go through the battle and you're gonna have differences this is like an entire difference like in the different game this is like a different game dialogue just because I reset my save I have no idea how this is happening but I absolutely love it and now we're gonna have to fight again of course okay there we go so the only difficulty here is the tutorial is the tutorial attack you even have the question mark I think it's the first time you get the patience yeah you even have only one patience to really show up you have to keep track of that so that's a really cool idea to make the player learn that chemic and I am glad I learned it on the previous attempt already and yeah we're actually very close okay now this so what was this again about I'm just gonna go here immediately oh yeah oh no no oh you can oh no stop stop what am i doing I can't handle this okay don't don't go too crazy okay you can do stuff like that now look you don't actually have to use the the moving platforms you can go yourself but you I still mess up great yeah no okay lucky the bones again but I'm gonna keep fighting I'm gonna heal though no no one more time I can attack one more time and then I can deal oh it's the easy one right come on come on no no please okay and then just stay in the pattern and that's easier okay okay I got it and then it switches that it's still no issue because if I stay in that pattern I've always thought the star very easy attack actually surprisingly easier lots of stuff happening but most of it's pretty much all the stars are just distraction okay this one wasn't too bad right it was the crazy one with where you have to go in the direction like keep moving I think I can survive this without a here let's go okay I'm glad to see that my memory didn't fail me and now I guess I can try circling like diagonal circling if that makes any sense is that it is that it oh no okay it's least what is that flowery now okay yeah we get patience I remember oh that was like yeah [Music] the only danger happened wow that was a stammer wait a little bit yeah the only danger is when the stars start appearing then you have to go up in stop meuk you can switch in the middle of it yeah yeah to delay when you hit the platform okay really cool though I very weak which means we can use the ketchup which should be a full eight heal but just remember not to eat the catch down [Music] damn it at first I was like that's just a troll item but at least now I understand the pun and okay remember you don't have to save your Patience's you can switch direction as many times as you want okay 82 come on that should be good it's time Azrael you and me my entire body's ready to give up but this is so cool undyne switches to Cara I love the details in this fangame are insane and then the music switch once you get to the crazy phase I think right now right you got the amalgamate sound and just this okay that already bad like a canned out of this is this spongebob I think so or I might think of something else what's the hell million little okay stay on the platform okay perfect purple means you need to move with it that's also a tutorial a little bit and the light blue means you can stay on it yeah like right now Oh Oh what no no no okay and go what are you girls okay oh that was lucky I don't actually I don't know what to do no that was so bad wait it was white did I have to wait I don't even know game over this is gonna be a really tricky attack but I'm gonna stay determined you look really pissed off I guess in the end I am better than bed better at killing you look at that face it was toriel face it was the most adorable thing don't put toriel's weird face on as real man have to do too much for me but really cool I mean if he almost feels like every time I play this fan game or play this fight again I just like it more because of the little details of you don't immediately catch and I think I can see in the middle yes okay you really want this okay this again less oh yeah okay pattern pattern no there's not the pattern wait wait wait am I gonna die a mandrill please don't die I got too cocky oh thank god come on flower oh don't move don't move oh I almost forgot right right this is the easy one right just a mover wait for the stars what oh no I actually got it maybe in the middle I'm so scared what what do you mean I'm confused sometimes it's weird um you look really angry four times a charm I don't think that works I don't think it works like that Azrael what even is this precious little face oh my god with perfect timing with the amazing and part of the music we're gonna have this crazy attack just come on don't mess up circle pattern is gonna be good enough I'm gonna probably get hit at least one more time because yep our many stars weird flowey laugh you [Music] [Music] oh lucky lucky there was just panic mode but it works like do you can chill in the middle if you want it's definitely a possibility with three patients switches or three against patience patience is patience I whatever it works he looks very weak and now I can he'll use the ketchup hopefully not gonna hit now okay this is please no patience okay okay good come on you can you can do this without getting it you know there's attacked perfectly just stay away from all movement stay away from all moving stars and you're safe okay great good good lucky em oh it's oh no please oh okay didn't it anyway 92 come on this has to be it and this time I think if I remember right I always got hit the most when I tried to avoid so maybe sometimes I just want to tank the damage if it's necessary especially the vines okay Azrael come on show me show me your determination I actually survived that kind of now this this is still so insane I mean I don't even know this is complete completely ridiculous and I love it bathtime it's very very bad damage I shouldn't get hit there [Music] [Music] and eat that okay now we can chill here Oh No please okay [Music] that actually kind of works but now the witches have to tank it I almost feel like it because it's look at this okay all right right left right I forgot about this and then it's blue and orange red orange blue okay okay okay and then the crazier the circle afterwards come on come on he's right here of course I knew it I saw it but I didn't react fast enough I can't I can't what the hell the music Dora the music stopped I think that was it I think that was like the last second come on I'm not gonna lose hope man I'm gonna stay determined I feel like I'm running out of things to say stop that face that's not even your face and that's it okay down right up left down okay so it goes counterclockwise which means should I go clockwise or counterclockwise I don't know I'm just gonna hope that I don't get a hit too much okay blue don't don't get tricked by that again and this should be simple sometimes to get hit by a weird stars but I guess as long as ice try to stay in that pattern going up and down all the time that could also work just as always stay in the middle and only go on to a platform when you need to reset okay Gordon and you can chill a bit for here down here okay and then like there and then blop blop blop blop okay this is fun this for example is an example of a really really fun attack I love it I think that's it right come on one more star don't wear stars there you know okay that's it now I do have to heal I'm again I mean I don't I don't trust what went what's sushi good I think it was good right if I use it reminds you of a hero okay HP racked up so sushi was good as well I need to remember that this is a fairly difficult attack because it's hard to see it the stars coming immediately especially if it's two or even three moving at once that's that makes it so difficult but I can't get hit here once once is enough two times is already kill again okay perfect now I can attack time for the craziness again let's go as rila you crazy dude damn it I always forgot about that as well and then it goes immediately you tried to uno so bad [Music] Maya panic too much because I think I'm running out of patience things and I actually am if I play too risky okay stay on the right side and time to have to fly pretty much time to fly there we go guys this is so crazy [Music] okay the star is gonna appear now on Oh and forget today is still like kind of bounce off oh no okay and switch and go and switch and go and now you kinda have to get hit because I just don't know what to do [Music] okay okay left right right dammit wrong in the beginning but I'm gonna die again man this is so difficult [Music] come on come on come on we're gonna handle this but I'm so afraid of this [Music] I need to blink what I can't blink did I do it oh my god my eyes oh they're actually tearing up Jesus Christ that was what sorry I don't want to fight you anymore I'm honestly already respecting you as real that was that was an awesome special attack I just want to don't worry young one dying is just like falling asleep suddenly the narrator is kind of different now can I heal it's their first question I still have ketchup okay because you sushi riots very good don't very young one how we can i spare an hour but what if it what if it just ends with the it didn't tell me like spear that's what i don't get so i want to know he's falling due to the exhaustion I need to know right I need to know maybe maybe it just won't work but I need to know if it works no I tried guys you can't say you can't say I didn't try but dying is just like falling asleep holy crap we have to do it baby attack papyrus no King papyrus I didn't expect you to be so strong human but still I believe you can do a little better don't lose your head please you just have to try please Ezreal some mysterious flower gave me the soul it's too late for me please use it wisely for now I the great papyrus shall pass away that's the soul right there hey majesty oh my god thought a face I don't like that face Ezreal what Oh okay Jesus Christ that's edge what did my name it's only been like a few days since you've been killed what's that face where's the head shut up or you'll be the next one who'll be killed do you have to be so mean you should threaten the human now riot human are you ready you better be what's happening ah here we go what is this music I don't even know what's happening this is actually way too epic and you not come down it's real what oh no okay the katana what the rain Mirage stop what save save or nothing don't you even dare not giving me a save after that I'm gonna lose the hold man gonna see nutterman we're gonna save lose all the hope if I don't get a save what the hell [Music] there we go and look max what it was it too much my name is changing - max don't think I'll let you live after you wanted to kill my brother and also don't think they'll let you live after you killed my sister and here it goes again so my name is sometimes changing - max if I'm seeing this right which is always a little bit creepier because how does the game know I guess because of my account here that's always interesting to see you what the game knows what as real knows or I guess what the game knows and this is just no way dude and the red is here okay in that orange what is this the end is it like it can't be one attack right there is an entire fight I'm sure I want to at least get past the first attack what the hell para remember the last time our souls fused stop talking just attack already yeah oh all right all right all as real wait but I really like Kara because in in the in the intro it was like us right and Kara was the one who took control so I guess we came back maybe we're still here maybe we also want to mess up the swap universe all right exactly sure Oh am i safe here okay oh no I'm so afraid please stop and I say I'm not safe I don't know what to do I actually do know what to do it's time it's the end guys it might be time for the end of the episode I've been recording a bit first phase I guess it was phase one was already really difficult and now you just have to look at as riyals head with that like one green eye what the hell are the horns I don't know what that is all about it looks awesome though edgy really edgy gotta Piper death hello but awesome but I will try it one more attempt of course I'm gonna heal it what can i you is the catch down is terrible just ramen right you don't get any items so wait do we have to restart that did I seriously permanently lose all of my items that's horrible I might have to restart next time and not use the good items if that's actually true all the dry noodles is not good what can you not can you stop please stop stop I don't know what I don't I don't know what to do it this is actually insane the difficulty of the attacks it's the end it's the end for me yeah um I guess trust this this is the best one I had can have okay jump jump jump between two things this I don't know how I oh well this is even harder than I thought I have no idea how to dodge the knives I just have to heal / I can't even attack what stop as if how much did the buyer really follow okay but I think I did I'd lose some max HP that I'm gonna oh no oh no it's the red one [Music] you're lying the red the red stuff permanently removes your HP okay so that's all that attack works and now of course okay I'm dead I mean I only I don't have any healing items per se anymore I just have to attack Ezreal or maybe I can check maybe that's cooler I guess I want to know we don't even know what oh no the god of hyper death and his sister seek to destroy you well oh yeah yeah I know you're gonna do it Ezreal you're gonna completely ruin me with this I have no idea how to dodge that that is the hardest attack Oh maybe left and right maybe a circle or round left or right I can do this right I can move with the knives maybe yeah Wow stay determined I'm gonna try but for now that was it wow wow wow Cara what did you do during your time being dead I was floating the whole time now attack already or you'll be dead as well okay I don't think there was a threat right that was like if you don't kill the human the human is gonna kill you I do think Cara you know both Karen as really care for each other I'm just gonna go to the menu because I want some awesome music for the outro it's very important okay and maybe I can maybe I can learn a little bit more no I can't I can't it's over it's over I even lose max HP it's over I know this okay I don't know am i dead am i dead I might be dead please don't die doesn't want to get to the menu thank you okay it's the end guy is crazy Astro right there there are some credits for this game which I do won the show so I'm gonna end it with the credits we're gonna have this awesome music where I'm gonna have to mentally prepare for next time and if I look at my items maybe again repeat the battle in the next episode because I need to save up the other annealing items and only use the ramen maybe that could work I'm gonna think about it but for now guys thanks for watching what a crazy fan game I hope you liked it until next time take care [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,091,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Indie, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Storyswap, CC!Storyswap, Storyswap Asriel, Asriel, Asriel Dreemurr, Chara, Sans, Asriel Sans, Asriel Genocide, Bad Time, Megalovania, Asrielovania, King Papyrus, Swap, Asriel Boss, Boss Fight, Phase 1, Phase 2, Hard, Difficult, Adorable, Awesome, Amazing, Chill, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Highlights, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Merg, Genocide, Pacifist
Id: wmXvwCSLKdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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