This is Scary... HORRORTALE

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Undertale by Toby Fox. Many years passed since a neutral run and things have taken a turn for the worst. Guide the human safely through Snowdin. And with that. What's up guys! Welcome to HorrorTale! An Undertale fangame. And as you can probably tell by now this is gonna be sort of a horror game. I'm recording this on the Christmas day! It's really late, it's pitch black in my room. I'm only able to focus on this game and I'm already freaking out a little bit. But without further ado let's hit start. And just a fair warning: This is gonna be a super creepy game. I haven't played it yet, of course but just, by looking at it... you already know you're gonna be in for a ride. I personally think Like, this point and click style also adds to the creepiness factor. But maybe that's just me. So we are here. We are in Snowdin. In the snow area (obviously). Playing as a human. Papyrus is there in the background and we know our mission: We have to just safely... Oh, I actually wanted to go to Papyrus, but alright. Let's go to here first. That should be the path back to the Ruins If I'm right And... Someone is...bumping on the door Guessing those are vines? The thing is locked there Someone is trying to get out. Let's check that out! "This is only the exit" but turning back isn't an option She tries to escape but vines lock the doors in place Tease or Talk? Maybe it's gonna be the Sans and Toriel situation. Maybe we can do some jokes. Let's tease! Oh god... That... That... Was that a mistake? It's still bumping, can I go back? This is the only exit. But vines lock the door. Maybe we can talk You whisper gently through the door Wow the shadow... her eyes... But the pounding continues Just talk? You say you must return home even if it kills you But the pounding just continues Then, strangely enough, you apologize You say how sorry you are for leaving her- -and for leaving everything she promised you- -knowing it is far more than what awaits for you on the surface Your heart grows heavy The pounding stops? What? Finally, you thank her. Toriel? It's gonna be Toriel, right? Despite what she tried to do- Did we, like, lock her in? and she's trying to get out? What's happening here? -despite how dangerous her love was- -you feel like she's the only one who truly cares- (scared out of his mind) Okay Wait, wait, wait, I didn't sign up for this! Like, I'm already too- I'm already too creeped out Oh my god, don't stop the music! Open the door! Open the freaking door! We have to do it! Is it Toriel? We have to see what's in there! Yes, It's Toriel! Child... If what you say is true Then let me do what is best for you Toriel! Did we- What did we do with Toriel? What?! What?! Oh Oh What? What am i doing? Don't you dare kill me! Like, Game Over straight away! What's happening Toriel? I am so sorry... This is not who i am This is not who I- Man i'm already holding, like my forehead I'm already freaking out I shouldn't be playing horror games. I, and my friends, we have been trapped here for so long, with so little, that we have forgotten who we are Yet your words, They-stutter-They remind me of another human who passed through here I'm guessing Frisk? Yeah, because this is after a neutral run So this is like everything, what happened after Frisk So by now The things we can say is that Asgore died. Because neutral run. And the human souls were like... They went away And now we are here And things don't look good Another human who found it in their heart not to fight, nor flee And now, after everything i've done Oh child Oh? I know you cannot forgive me I know what i have commited is unforgivable What did you do?! And your arm, your sleeve is freaking huge! But please Please do not forget me Tell me you will save my friends and myself from this wretched place No one here deserves what has happened to our home Please, promise me you will save us Promise me...will you not? Can we promise that? In a game, called HorrorTale? Can we promise, that everything will turn out right? You know, we have to have determination. We have to show courage and strength. Let's promise. Look me in my eyes when you say so (creeped out) UHM UUUUHM WAIT, WAIT, WHAT IS UP WITH YOUR EYE?! Right there, she's crying! Promise me i won't die here Promise or Deny? I'm not sure. Like, if we promise, she might... She might know, that we're just saying that and she might go crazy, but deny? We can't just deny Crying Toriel™ We have to keep at it, we have to promise Thank you child You are good to think well of me despite what i have become As this is the "playable teaser"... I am unprepared to provide aide through your journey What?! But perhaps another time, i will be of more help Alright, now go, Quickly before i forget myself again Toriel dissapears into the blackness... Okay? So did we do it successfully? The vines have re-fastened Okay, so I'm guessing Toriel, for now...we...survived! And nothing happened. Okay, so those were the ruins Now let's go back Like, that was... Kind of a detour i actually didn't mean to go there yet because this is like once again the start And now we will go to Papyrus who's standing there in the background And look at that (pure amazement) I love that! It gives you such a creepy feeling but it also really shows how creepy the Undertale world is! Because we're just a small tiny human child THAT is Papyrus We can't even see his head! Because he's just such a huge skeleton And there are some signs: Puzzles, Snowdin and Ruins According to this signpost, Snowdin is just over the hill But Papyrus stands in the way So i guess the solution here is to just get past Papyrus I'm not sure if it's like a puzzle? If it's gonna be a puzzle Or how this is gonna work. Let's talk to the guy Papyrus... What's up- Oh my goodness Human! You are skin...and bones! I insist that you enjoy a taste of my spaghetti! I mean... I mean the bowl desn't look that bad, right? It just looks like normal spaghetti But Papyrus, what the heck happened to you?! Like, i mean monsters don't bleed So i assume that's actual human blood? Right there, on your teeth? Or maybe just ketchup? ( yeah right ) Could always be just ketchup. ( definitely ) Maybe Sans gave you some of it. Uhm...but yeah, sure You know, Papyrus is friendly, we know how nice Papyrus is... let's accept and enjoy a taste of spaghetti (jolly music starts) Oh? Chew, chew, Amazing! I've never seen a human... That eats this much! See it's good! ( :D ) Awesome! Soooo? How does it taste? If we say awful, he's just gonna be like -Ok, great compliment, m8 And if we say great, he's just gonna be like -Ok great compliment. So let's just be nice Let's say it's great, because it's great How Delightful! ^_^ Omg he's so happy! ^_^ This is not HorrorTale at all! This is SuperAwesomeFunTale™ Chew, chew *music stops* What? A hair? *back to HorrorTale* A hair? Nyeh eh eh! Excellent, human! Like, this laugh If you, oh my god The music, the lack of music is like creepy This laugh Is so fitting for a Horror game Cuz it can actually be really creepy Now that you are pleasantly plump we can continue with our game Are you trying to fat me up and then eat me? because that kinda sounds like it! I shall inform sans of the good news Quickly, follow me to your imminent capture! ( totally not suspicious at all ) Maybe...that...was not a good idea... Wait, i can just go! No, no no! Yeah, yeah turn back! Bye! Not that way, this way! ( oh no ) No! Darn you Papyrus! There's no way :( I need to... Follow Papyrus. Can i go here? No :( There's no escaping Papyrus I guess here? Let's go to the right and meet... the other people :D Oh my god (x2) Child, don't die! Don't die on me! Yo, Sans Okay? Sleeping on the job as always. Can we talk to him? He seems fast asleep Wake him or walk past? i just really wanna do it, you know, i want some Sans action! I wanna talk to Sans, wake him! You call out but your voice is too weak A louder noise might work Okay, then just walk past him, right? Fast asleep? Just walk past. (creeped out again) Uhm... What?! I did not think you would arrive so quickly Well, this is embarassing I am sorry to say this. This has been all one big tease! I... do not actually have any puzzles ready But i imagine you're busting with questions about what is going on down here Yes! Because this is just creepy Hmm... Of course! Why don't you ask Sans? Is that Sans? Did he teleport right there? Or is that just a drawing? No that's Sans! He's a cheery fellow I'm sure he would be ecstatic to put your mind at ease What? No. She's fine. Oh come now brother! Show her, your sunny side Go ahead, human The music stopped... ( oh no, not the music ) I'm serious, like don't you dare! do anything Oh, can i just go? I can't :O Darn it Papyrus can i still talk to you? You are all ready already? One more thing. Okay let's...let's talk to...Sans? Lookin' real good there Sans ( damn son ) Listen, bucko as much as i admire you trying to get yourself killed Am i trying that? ( yes ) I just don't have the heart to care for stupid questions, so scram Sans, be nice! I want the human in high spirits before she meets her doom! Yeah so like- Oh my god, your teeth! Papyrus So yeah There's still like, I do like the characters They still have that sort of sticking to the Undertale character personallities But everyone is kinda dark...and evil which is a nice idea Ehhh? sup. Oh. Wow, wow, wow, we have so many things! What happened to Toriel, Sans? Tori? I haven't really checked on her lately I may have made the mistake of telling her how things were around here She, uh...hasn't taken it well Oh In fact you could say it ruined" her life. ( 10/10 ) Okay that's a good one. I'm gonna say, I'm waiting for more puns ( please don't be ) That's a good start but hey, on the bright side, she isn't alone anymore Why?! i'm always hearing voices coming through that door Oh, sounds kinda like yours, all panicky and shrill What? It's none of my business though sup Uhm... Are we done? I guess we have to exhaust all the options here Puzzles, ok it's like this My bro over there he means well he dreams big for the both of us but do you have any idea how much work it takes to make puzzles? make everything play in order, and make sense, and look right? It takes forever I mean that makes no real difference lucky for us we, uh, kinda have forever I guess so? That's the advantage of being skeletons. But it's not just that. Last i heard his puzzles aren't even his own! Papyrus?! You get what i'm saying? he saw someone else's puzzles and he liked it so much he tried it for himself Sure, they're a little different I kinda like the spin he's got going but still, if it's not original how much work is it really worth? take it from me kid. No matter how much you beg and whine, I'd say your time down here is limited. Okay, good. The music stopping is really well-done so far It just creeps me out every time Which i guess... works for this game. What about Undyne? Queen Undick? ( he said Dick, reported ) Now she's just plain rude. THAT's pretty rude. But okay, so in the neutral run I guess we only Like we still were pacifistic ( big words are fun ) So we didn't just kill everyone we saw. Guess you could say she and i don't meet eye to eyesocket ( best joke ) Personally, I kinda want her dead. But then who'd be left to rule this paradise? Yeah, yeah, so after Asgore died Undyne took over. Someone's gotta do it And she's real enthusiastic about bringing upon human genocide, soo as for me I've given up on figuring what's right and what's wrong Alright, Alphys? What about her? I uh I don't know how to answer that question yet though i figure she's dead, probably. Whaaat?! But there is one thing Sometimes when a human fails a puzzle pieces of 'em just kinda dissappear Oh, you mean the one with the missing face? That was strange, wasn't it Sans? ( you dirty cold-blooded murderer ) What? Over here, i got this one. Whoa, whoa, woa, what? What the heck. We were strolling through the Woods And to my delight, a human had failed a puzzle of mine To your delight? Emphasis on delight. But when we inspected them, their face was missing, as was everything else above the shoulders Did you like, cut their head clean off? Was it a dangerous puzzle ( No, i'm sure it was a cake walk) It was bizzare, because as far as I'm aware, humans need those things to attempt puzzles. What have you done? ( Obviously he killed them ) He means we found 'em headless. And I can't figure what sick monster would run around chopping heads off Okay so You found them like that What's with that look? Or are you just lying and YOU took their head? Yeah okay, it was totally that. Look at that grin! Sans, that was totally you too Home? Aw, gotta family waiting for you? nice parents? friends? That's cute. Okay, i have to say that's a cu-stutter-cute smile. I'm gonna give Sans that. But i doubt it You look pretty miserable for a well-loved baby human. i take you for the "nobody notices me, I'm too poor for friends or well-fitted clothes " kinda gal Well then Sans It is a bit too harsh ;( But that's nothing. Things are kinda worse here 'cause we're kinda trapped in this rotting city for eternity, and we're kinda starving to death, and our ruler is kind of a bully Well, aren't you a skeleton, so you don't have to eat soo... But we're all basically stuck in a pretty bad place, so welcome to the party Okay Sans, nice. I'm done with you See ya Later Can i go? Oh- WOAH! Sans... I'm just gonna go No, it doesn't work :( Okay, okay, okay, I'm so sorry HOOO boy So we can't.... go anywhere We have to go back Are you ready to join me? Yeah, yeah I'm done So done let's do a puzzle! So you have your mind, as well as your tummy filled with delicious content So now...without further ado.... What?! LET THE PUZZLES BEGIN!!!!!!!! Look at her face! HorrorTale What? What?! Was that it? Replay? Okay? I'm not sure if i did it right, or if i messed up But... "Let the puzzles begin" maybe that's gonna be some other time? What if we go now? Wait, does this have multiple endings or something? Cuz if we just Ignore Papyrus, Ignore Toriel Just go to Sans Oh my goodness With a hot dog Can we get the hot dog? Hey buddy what's up? Boy, you look starved Like any minute I'll find ya... pasta-way. My God, the puns are too strong! howzabout a nice spicy Hot dog to fill ya up? Uhm? Well, we accepted Papyrus' pasta Let's accept the hot dog Woah! Woah, woah ,woah, woah! *ded* "One head dog coming up" Oh I told you not to get too close! No you didn't! What the heck Flowey You even look super creepy You never told me that! But okay, i guess that was...that We died. ( no joke ) I'm not sure if the other thing counts as a death Because maybe Papyrus is gonna end up killing us But, that was our first death Wow! Okay So what happens if we go back to Sans but this time i guess we're just gonna reject his offer And then we also have to try to reject Papyrus' offer And just see what happens What's up Sans? Let's talk Hey buddy, what's up? look starved, yeah, yeah, yeah pasta-way, and decline Aw, c'mon kid. It takes effort making a perfectly good hot dog free of charge I put a lot of sweat'n blood into this thing ( probably a human's ) I'm guessing accept will just give you the same thing, so continue declining your funeral *awkward silence* Wha? Woah! Woah, woah ,woah Okay, i was freaking out cuz i thought something was gonna happen, because i couldn't control it So what'll it be? No, no ,no ,no Okay, can we just move past? NOPE Okay, one head dog comin' up! And we're done *ded* ouch, Sans, ouch I told you not to get too close No you didn't! Can i interact with Flowey? Was i supposed to... Wait let's replay And now I'm gonna try To go to Papyrus And just talk to Papyrus. What's up? Human, you're skin and bones, eat my pasta But this time, we're gonna decline But human. You must eat to regain your stamina That way you can face my puzzles And that way you can be weakened by them And that way i can capture you! Decline Oh Okay? So Papyrus isn't... So evil and doesn't just outright kill me No, no, alright I'm not sure, maybe that is... what we have to do. maybe i was right. But can we like go back to the ruins? Oh! There's a new area is that an apple? Whoa, whoa, whoa, No Something awesome was gonna happen here, but Things just didn't work out You know how it is. Time managment and all Toodles. Oh, so that's also limited by the teaser Can we still go there? Or is it the same? No, okay So we can't go left, we can't actually go to Snowdin And Papyrus is just gonna end up killing us So one more thing i WILL try Is maybe we can do something with Toriel But I'm honestly just afraid So yeah, this is just the bumping again Maybe Toriel is trying to get to us This is only the exit. Turning back isn't an option. Ah, she tries to escape I thought the game was talking about us But it was actually Toriel Teasing, i think Teasing did nothing, right? Like, that horrible sound. What if we Tease twice? Will that work? And now tease again Okay so it's the same thing. I thought there were more bumps So now I will talk again. And this time, maybe choose the other option Okay, so promise And i guess we can promise Look me in my eyes when you say so Promise me i won't die here OMG that's so sad Now, thinking about it Just look at her! She's like at her end... Now... Do we dare Deny Toriel? We have to yes of course It is foolish of me to ask of such a thing Thus i must bring myself to bid you farewell Toriel dissappears into the blackness Whoa Whoa Whoa Toriel! Don't Don't Don't Wow K? We're- What the heck man?! *ded* Okay :D That's it? We're dead? Flowey? It's rude to play with someone's emotions Thank you flowey! Is Flowey, like our help? Is he gonna tell us why we die? And how not to die? So Sans: Don't get too close and Toriel: Don't play with her emotions. Got it! But now I have an idea Because flowey said don't toy with someone's emotions That should only happen if we promise and then deny Right? Beacuse It's playing with Toriel. But what if we deny outright? We can't promise, Toriel. I'm so sorry but we can't. Yes... of course. It is foolish of me to ask of such a thing. And now we don't see Toriel's face... Oh. WHAT?! Ouch *ded again* Freaking Toriel Stabbed in the back Okay, it's still someone's emotions. So no matter what we do. Toriel's gonna hate us. If we deny. Alright, I'm so sorry Toriel And now i have 1 more idea Because otherwise I can't really say what we can do It seems like all we can do right now. Let's accept the spaghetti And then we have this little scene ( Still cute ) Like, this is so cheery. So cheerful. But now instead of saying Great, let's say awful And we're gonna see if anything changes Well how peculiar! You are the first human to say so Of Course!!! I must've served it incorrectly!!! And the human is just confused with a (?) Here! Allow me. Oh my god Oh How is it now? just... Gone Eww. Is that a heart? An eyeball!!! Oh my god, what the heck was that...spaghetti? Of Humans or what Excellent human Now that you're pleasantly plump, we can continue with our game! i shall inform Sans of the good news Okay, so I'm guessing now We can't go back And actually What i want to know Let's just not talk to Sans now Maybe That's gonna change something If we just...slowly...carefully follow Papyrus. I don't think there's anything here I don't see any interaction option Alright, this. Maybe we can actually do something here But i don't think so. He seems fast asleep Like, how does that even make sense Maybe...Yeah we can't go back once we're here. Nevermind. Okay, Papyrus? So yeah, we're here. He's I guess creating his puzzle We can't go back. And we can't just leave We can't do anything So what if we just talk to Papyrus I'm all ready already, yes I'm done Okay. Let the puzzles begin! And that's it, that's HorrorTale i assume. Alright, i guess that's the ending Which is kinda sad, because i have to be honest Even if it's short so far It's super fun like i actually really like the style, the idea, all the characters and situations And i would be so happy if there was more I have no idea if it's just a teaser and if there already is more. Or if it's still in progress, which would be amazing. But like, playing more of this I have to say that would be absolutely crazy cool crazy fun But for now, that was HorrorTale A really creepy Undertale fan game the first creepy horror game I've done so far. Guys, thanks for watching! I hope you liked this video. And until next time, take care!
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,827,219
Rating: 4.8819985 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, Toby Fox, Tribute, Fanmade, Fan, Fangame, Community, Horror, Horrortale, Flashgame, Creepy, Scary, Disturbing, Horrorgame, Freaky, Scared, Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Flowey, Gaster, Puzzles, Cutscene, Story, Secret, Secrets, Mystery, Dialogue, Survive, Choices, Decision, Playthrough, Let's Play, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Amazing, Awesome, Challenge, Spooky, Teaser, Full, Ending, Death, AU, Genocide, Evil, Jumpscare
Id: mtBHYJfd_OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2016
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