The End...? "Your Battle" Undertale Fangame #2

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what's up guys and welcome back to your battle an undertale fan game last time I got fairly far I got to the second boss fight or boss attack and this time something doesn't feel right but something also feels different because the first obvious change here is that we only have two options that's because I'm playing an updated version of this game and I will play all the way back to where I was before just to see if there are any differences already like at the start here so this is still the same we can't flee or spare right now or use any items but something I also want to check real quick if you miss twice what I saw you actually get three dots and if you do it again stop it oh my god Easter Egg or secret do you really think you will gain something from missing your hits I will see because this is already gaining something it's funny okay then come here and get your reward it's gonna kill me it's gonna be a troll yep okay wow that was fast I expected something different but it oh my god it just straight up killed me here's a tip for your next attempt and before actually attack next time do it right okay so we already messed up but of course next attempt we will take it seriously and this time I actually also know a bit more about what's going on and about what I have to do so the first attack is still the same so I can just do it this as always like normal but now if we go to act we have right now we have four options talk I think talk actually has a chance of healing you or something if you talk enough with this character or enemy hint gives you a hint about the next attack joker gives you a chance to just skip the next attack or die that's the risk and password like we saw before is this skip so pretty much our safe point if we've gotten pretty far but we know what we have to do before now we just have to attack and since this is a new version I will always be on the lookout for any new attacks or new additions or complete changes which I'm excited for if there will be any this is still the same the Undine attack if the green one of course we do know these attacks so hopefully I won't fail horribly like last time kinda alright this one I also kinda failed on my first attempt especially with the later attacks now I know what what I have to do stuff like collecting the power-ups in the last phase now I know all of this and hopefully I will be able to beat this game this is still a heart attack like I don't think you can do that perfectly you are forced to take some damage okay and then down level 5 and the smiley keeps changing I wonder how many more Smiley's or emoticons we will get right this so so far I think it was completely the same we have to still collect the stars here there we go but yeah at least now I actually know what I have to do this feels so good not failing for a change oh my god and I failed what the heck karma right as I said that that was just too dumb alright and wait and unlock it perfect one more and I should be able to collect the green thing I'm still not sure what it is I guess it's just an HP up because it does heal you as well ok and bam perfect I think I can actually already try it nice alright just keep fighting I think we are pretty close - oh you're actually already there the first boss and I will also see it maybe the password is random I'm not sure but we will see of course if the password is random or not but now we have the mini-boss where the boss fight I'm not sure it's a boss fight inside of this huge boss fight because you do get a save point after this okay so move or not oh it does it doesn't all right I completely forgot about the phase one where it doesn't circle I need white this orange I need white or blue green I need to get the I want the not the white one I want the blue one and the orange ones to die yes perfect and that was it so two times you can basically decide which ones you want to destroy it and then the real phase begins [Music] starts with white so I just have to circle around all right nice and this should already be the second one down to if it deals so much damage yes perfect so two down please give me a green one perfect give me the HP a nice full HP again oh my god wait this is totally what the hell this is going so fast what's this made faster that would be so cool like that would be actually amazing if these faces were sped up because to be honest sometimes they did take pretty long especially while replaying yeah look at that now they're super fast that would be such an amazing change I hope that's the case and it's dead this is definitely different so last one blue just don't move and it's done come on yes awesome that was so fast but of course we will get the password so it's not too important we can't just skip all of these attacks anyway but yeah apparently they're super fast now which is such a welcome change collect the green Kela I'm so sorry for completely destroying you and after every mini boss I think you can select code alright 6 5 3 1 9 8 actually I don't even have to write it down because I have the recording before you get in advertently killed which is right now right we'll just have to do this again the torture which of course ends with an insta-kill what if I don't do anything now let's this work again oh it works again so this is always a thing but ok let's just go let's just kill ourselves who will die anyway BAM ok so now we can use the password again and take a look at the next attacks [Music] [Music] [Music] and back to this so now I will try something else maybe I will just go for it like I think it actually is worth it to move over some of these portals over the danger areas and just take the damage into account just do it and I will go down because yeah it goes down you can kinda do some neat tricks I think this is a pretty cool screen but I'm not sure I'm not sure how it's randomized I assume that you can't just get stuck like theoretically in an endless loop and never even get to the green one because you do kind of move at a pretty quick pace so I like this now I just need to right I will not go up that's too dangerous I think perfect come on quickly yes right over dodge that and up oh nice and right again up again just give me up and right up and right this should be successful yes nice okay there we go what now I already forgot what the next attack was all the questions and writing this time I know why is that worked so I think the first thing is by fighting yes okay we just fight with the intent to kill time to break the ice what do I have in common with everyone else nothing yes that's spirit I guess that's actually all like the actual answers which is awesome um why not because why not Punisher we have to be evil we have to think genocide now would you directly pass to the last question sure it was getting really boring anyway this is the last one the hard one yeah so you should already know the answer it's 11 because we are right now we are at level 10 and we want to proceed we want to get to level 11 take your prize which is of course more questions like with mettaton and now oh yeah the Muffet the trains oh oh this is all so different there this is definitely different which is also nice these are also good changes because this is much faster now so you have to move around a lot more that's pretty much the most important thing I think in battles and encounters you should have to move a lot you should have to dodge a lot and be very active and this is definitely a good change because it does just that now the balls which I have to oh my god okay watch out for I think this is much easier than the trains you have so much space to just move around in and you can go up and down everywhere oh oh oh oh I'm dead know it please don't Oh what I have to go through the trains again okay I didn't even know that so I will have to survive this again and then actually collect the green go perfect okay so you should stay down so you don't miss the green one let's just keep fighting and eventually like I think we're two away from the mini-boss this one again this might take a while again I hope I hope there won't be a Phase three that would be actually hardcore like a phase three where you have to destroy three rings three shields more or less because two already because there are so many spikes two shields are already pretty it hard to get through I write all the stars and that's it BAM okay I think that's good I can squeeze through there kill that one spike that stands alone and then have a huge gap nice perfect I think I can kinda like aim my head butts more this time though that was too close that's it I did not expect it to bounce back right into me so that was kind of bad but doesn't matter I just wasted one turn um go through perfect now we are in the inner shield and we should be able to get to the green goal pretty soon you don't really die here though that's the good thing you don't really die you just have to wait long enough and even if you have to wait you still get so much HP with these stars I don't think you can really die here if you play it safe of course okay this might be the victory if I have a good aim no but every time I mess up it actually gets easier which is also a nice idea here so every attempt now it could be a successful one I think I will just go for it now no I want to be a bit faster and then go for it oh my god I'm gonna die I'm okay I'm Way too impatient I will get my invincibility at least this is just the patient game be patient and you just win I should BAM finally that took a while but it worked out level 14 or 13 hour 14 right because this is the mini boss again and this time thank God I actually know what to do like sorry I'm really gonna apologize if you just had to scream at the monitor and you wanted me to figure out that these are actually power-ups the yellow things are power-ups and you should collect them because they just make you super both yeah so don't kill the yellow ones I will kill the green ones because I read that if you collect HP your power-ups actually reset which we definitely don't want so I'm gonna destroy everything except the yellow ones and then maybe I have to destroy the yellow ones at the end I'm not sure about that so I guess I could just farm for power-ups but I'm just gonna destroy them if they're too close I'm not sure ibly still well okay you kinda have to destroy them or else yeah you can't destroy the other ones collect this powerup double powerup nice perfect oh my I can just hold down okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm freaking over here like goodbye goodbye look at that no wonder I had so many problems last time this is what you have to do I don't have any R I don't have a B or two B's but I don't think I have any extra B's but now I have five SS and this is gonna wreck this guy I think oh wait and I still have power-ups do I want s I won't be BB here what is B here I'm not sure what B is but I'm just gonna collect it oh you can only have three B's so now I need RS but oh it's multiple shots it's bullets oh okay run away run away and get our I think I'm okay now right am i not dealing any damage I'm not dealing any damage I think which is weird oh do I have to destroy the bullets too oh I need to destroy the bullets to damage the guy I don't actually have to hit him okay so just destroy the white orbs okay this is not bad so I basically can just mess around here I understand but I still want to collect the green HP here or else eventually I'm just gonna fail yeah and then I have full HP again and I can take my time collecting everything this is a cool fight this is a cool idea once again it's more about strategy patience and not just being opiate and then spamming like crazy it might even be that I don't want the power-ups because this is much more accurate so much better can I shoot no I can only shoot the white ones oh yeah look I don't really need to collect any power-ups I can just chill here I think we're halfway done that was bad it didn't hit but I just have to get lucky with that's not possible I'm not even gonna go for that that's much easier you can kinda aim it so I should collect it when it's there at the boss's height okay I still have plenty of HP so I don't need to collect any extra HP n oh and I miss both but I got this one can I get this one perfect okay now I think I need a sphere maybe one more white bullet now I'm just the next time I get HP I'm gonna collect weight now whenever I should be able to do it now I should be able to finish this give me a white one give me a good oh my god don't mess up now and that's it perfect that is the second mini boss took a while but now I completely know how this works thank God so once again thanks to everyone who told me how this actually works and I'm sorry that I failed so much and now Oh suspense okay level 14 and this should be the point where I can do : ok 9 3 2 7 8 4 you should really write this number down I because you're really gonna get killed right now again oh it's this again is it gonna actually kill me this time or once again stop at one HP gonna stop again okay what if I do code again oh did I did I cheat the system what's gonna happen now I'm at 1 hp yeah I'm gonna get myself killed I want the code once again you got scared huh good good eye one warning you what Oh what that's it okay that's just hint what's the next attack another chill-out wave but it may be too chilly in the dark okay there we go I'm dead but now we have the password which means I can skip all of the attacks which is just so awesome we are at the beginning again and this time we can input the password the second password and just skip the entire like attack line all of the attacks immediately 9 3 2 7 all the way there eight note right there we go 8 and then 4 okay level 40 and awesome now I'm excited because this is completely new already I kinda have to realize this first everything now it's gonna be completely new oh so much damage by now Oh a maze a maze ok just go for it Oh what the heck wait what oh I have to it oh it always switches position that's interesting but ok that wasn't too bad the damage just gets more and more Tammy is that Tammy I think I have to collect the knives or whatever these are I think their knives really huge knives are those Tammy faces they're so disturbing like the most disturbing types of Tammy faces what do I have to do I'm gonna assume I just have to survive yeah so ok so it's a survival thing is the box getting smaller or is that just me I hope it's not too bad if I miss a knife do this is unsay wait do I have to collect Demi's I have to get the right ten oh hello give me give me mice sounds what okay so Timmy is right no so this to me first I need to get the right order of Timmy's no so this one this is so weird like this is super weird this one okay so those that make that sound are completely wrong so only get the ones they're actually mice apparently yes yeah okay so this one was right I completely missed everything what about these no no no okay so only four I'm gonna assume they're only four or five right Timmy's and I need to select them in the right order interesting now it might be I think this one no I was this one okay darn it I messed up so I'm gonna try this then this one then all the one the one all the way in the top right corner yes maybe this one now wait was it this one or this one I have no idea I think it was this one yes and how where was it know which one was it today miss one this one okay so that must be the last one yes okay so now I know the pattern I think I hope I didn't forget it again which one now the one in the corner right darn it I have to remember that Oh give me HP yes wait which one was it I'm so dumb how can I forget this again how can I forget I think this one darn it okay so this one I know what to do go into the middle and then just be fast and get it okay oh my god that noise did you hear that completely freaked out and are we already back at ten yes we are okay so let's check looks like it's going to be something different every time okay that's kind of cool though so these two are good and then let's check the upper ones so two on the right oh how many are there five right yes okay so the first one is the one in the top left corner I'm just gonna check these two okay okay I think I got this one too no that was wrong it's probably gonna be one of the right ones yes and then it can be anything so I have no idea who this one no that was wrong okay I think it's actually the pitch but I can't really like it starts with the lowest one and it gets higher and higher this is super high as you can hear wait this is pretty low yeah and there is one more up here wait which one was it we need five I only know for yeah this is the lowest one okay I really have to concentrate ah okay I think it's one two no it was wrong did I already forget one two and then maybe this one yeah nice this is it oh let me in let me in let me in whoo okay interesting attack pretty hard probably one of the hardest ones I think what what can you know what can you freaking know - what the heck is this the patterns you stop dude I think I just have to is this someone settling in a way like the music sounds so weird do I have to survive or do I have to shoot it I'm gonna just do nothing for a while but no my HP is draining do I need to do something we just need to shoot it all the time yes apparently and now go go up quickly oh nice that's so cool okay that was a cool attack I'm glad I didn't mess that one up at least I'll collect the green ones wait oh don't scare me like that what give me a green one I can't even see like wow it's so hard to see I'm just gonna circle I'm just gonna circle I'm just gonna circle but I should get green ones oh my god oh my god oh my god is this so spooky dude yeah I'm just gonna circle I'm just gonna circle yeah I am faster in the circle so if it should work no no have mercy have mercy if it does it one more time I'm freaking dead I'm okay that wasn't bad at all honestly that wasn't bad at all I just have to circle that's it so much damage dude um um a dog maze what the heck what the heck but what Oh Oh a gravis which like a complete gravity reversal no go away doggy doggy doggy go away but like your movement completely changes like if I want to jump now you have to imagine that if I jump I need to press down now and if I want to go left I still need to press left and now I need to go down to go uh oh wait no wait am I am I stuck in limbo what was that I was not able to jump I was supposed to wait for the dog and then just walk under okay darn it now I have to go through the freakin Timmy Mouse attack again which took so long to figure out okay and this should be the dog screen right dog maze yes so now I know what to do at least so I should be fast but I also should take my time and not get hit by anything I'm pretty sure that's the more important thing to keep track of oh god just go just go okay always remember that your controls are completely switched they always completely switch together I hate that wait it's like it's never-ending if I mess up one time oh nice nice nice no no darn it dude what is this thought I was tricked I was just supposed to jump that was bad that was my bad I thought I could squeeze through in between the spikes but that was just unnecessary and if I take a look at this it does look like this maze is gonna be the same every time so this might be useful to know maybe I can kinda find a good strategy for some of these jumps and it works every time but really if you know what you're doing if you take your time if you think about this before you jump for it it really doesn't seem too bad now just go for it and do it like that jump over you have to get into the middle we have a time limit week we can't just feel too safe the freaking dogs the freaking dogs Oh what all right I hate this wait wait what how do I it this is okay weird very weird I think I'm dead oh darn it I was tricked I don't have enough time I have to really go I can't stop and think I have to think a little bit but for the most part I just have to go go go and start running just go avoid everything but don't stop we have to do this super fast we can't waste any time here wait for the dog don't take damage if you have to wait in order to not take damage that is worth it now wait for the dog and I hate this this trap just take damage take this dog damage doesn't matter it's worth it okay and I'll jump over quickly don't take too much damage I think I'm good doing good and like a half HP and I'm pretty much a half way like done with the maze it's not really amaze it's obvious where you have to go but it's still a platforming maze something like that Oh quickly don't fall for the dog now go this should be it this this is it come on No what the heck what what what happened the heck how did I die it was that a trap I went down somehow I went down through the platform I have no idea what happened at that point okay this should be the right thing now I think I know what I have to do okay perfect oh no no don't don't mess up now do it it did thank God okay so now I need to like trick the game into it yeah and now okay there we go it was a chase I actually kind of messed up the chase but now password no code right we're still at level 19 let's go I'm afraid of what will happen oh is this this doesn't hurt me now it's orange now I have to oh wait the numbers the numbers are wire [Music] what do I need to do this everything hurts me in as you can see it like the numbers are flashing and they're going clockwise for is right 0:01 is right so the first number the second number is 4 and the third one is 1 the last one is 2 um Wow okay so I need to find out the right code the right order of numbers and I think if you spam the number you see orange ones and green ones and I guess the green ones tell you at which spot that number should be there we go and now I'm actually really excited because this next attack it looked so interesting I think I know how it works okay so six is wrong seven is wrong eight the last one is eight third one is nine that I had to move so 9 8 1 X 9 8 1 X 9 8 what oh it's 12 1 X 9 8 one five nine eight one five nine eight one five nine eight okay oh my god what it's a new number 9 9 1 2 2 9 1 2 2 9 1 2 2 9 1 2 2 1 1 9 where was one I'm dead darn it I'm freaking out guys you have to focus on the clock you have to focus on the numbers and you have to apparently do it 3 times I hope like if it's going to be 6 times it's game over anyway but yes 3 times still seems realistic but wow you are freaking out on that attack and we have no time to waste 6 is the third one 8 6 8 xx 6 8 okay around xx 6 8 2 2 6 8 good time very good time 6 nothing nothing actually 7 X 8 X 7 X 8 X 7 0 8 X 7 0 8 X right 7 0 8 x [Music] seven thyroid X seven zero eight three seven zero how do I wait am i dumb oh that's zero of course seven zero eight three oh I'm so gonna die no okay going on no no seven 7 X 6 8 7 X zero eight seven one zero eight seven one zero eight awesome awesome attack code code yes save point you know you have to write this number down that was so cool but so stressful eight two zero four zero three and you know why you have to because I will die now no oh oh my god we have so much HP that's why there are so many bullets because we have more and more HP what happens if we attack now uh no I don't care who you are like that was no that was the creepiest sound effects ever greetings myself or am i yourself are we going to get story we actually have someone we can talk to greetings myself is this me truthfully it's so easy and hard to understand at the same time oh sorry I must have lost you with all my blabbering Do You Know Who I am myself apparently surely not my soul I have been rushing things since we finally got to me it I am you and you are me and you are me yeah okay something undescribable has happened happening something random is happening you let's check out myself that's odd we are super weak but it's only a reflection of yourself and its most vulnerable state like the soul the very essence of my being talk what's up you feel the urge to ask for more explanations well I thought I was clear this time around it's alright I am a projection of yourself nothing more than a shell yet what's up you don't know anything do you how peculiar wait what's happening dude and why are you talking to me why are you more intelligent than me about the situation it might actually be better like this don't you want us to live a better life after all we've been through that's the question what have we been what have we been through it like is this genocide are we horrible people just talk more as you try to remember your life prior to this event your projection takes speech once again don't try to remember such painful memories okay what you just need to do is the fact what you just need to know is the fact you need power with power you don't need to dirty your hands to live you can live honestly you won't have to worry about getting betrayed since no one will dare to that sounds pretty close to genocide stuff you won't even need to care about the powerless yeah okay or do you want to help them you will be able to live however you want if I only focus on power and not on other people ah it wants me to attack myself because fight with the intent to kill but if we just keep talking I think we're gonna anger it you ask yourself what you need to do in order to survive in the world of waiting you were you listening fight yeah power fight with the intent to kill and get power now everything you need to do is fight right is too pure yeah this is totally genocide I think we were like in some sort of maniac State we're crazy we've completely lost it and now we hear voices in our head telling us to kill everyone well seriously your comrades your family everyone you will be able to kill them save them using this enough of your crap yes red red circle red person don't you dare corrupt them with your nasty words is this like good and evil like devil and angel just the other way around because this time the good one is the red one is this a thing here I don't know what you're playing at but I advise you to stop what how come you are present here you shouldn't have the strength to move an inch genocide and pacifist soul and I'm talking to myself this is my final warning cease your shenanigans this instant like this could actually be it that would be kind of hula somehow things got even more undescribable you're beside yourself fine I could fight oh I'm sorry go play with your puny little stick by yourself eh you wanna you want to go like I'm still here I'm number three but I what's question mark chick yo what is going on here so now we have to use I need to talk with the other you you asked for the red ones identity but so that's how it is I'm sorry if I neglect you don't listen to that oddball I am the only one you have to hear out what don't bother so what if I do how can you prove who you really are oh all the souls rainbow power pacifist what did you say again the souls are these Souls is this my soul and these are the souls of the children and we're having a mind battle hey fella they're just trying to mess with us I think that's actually true like white sounds like the first human like genocide stuff after everything is already corrupted and red seems like the other souls who still try to like prevent us from going absolutely crazy losing temper let them decide after all it's all about them I mean this is genocide kill everyone death power family and this is pacifist monsters fallen children good people I like the music I'm just gonna go with red because red seems kind of nice good choice what how dare you choose this counterfeit come on don't be sad they made their choice oh no I won't accept this yeah this is totally the evil thing you're nice right we have been freed from him what's him yes that impostor I don't know what crossed his mind but don't worry about him anymore okay now you're now you're acting kind of strange you're facing yourself no no oh no hi Jane I chased him away white one is back awesome hi did you by any chance miss me oh um okay flirt wait is this really going to happen okay this just turned come closer Noah screw you stop before it's too late aren't we in a day no okay it's over goodbye you're evil you're evil I don't trust you you're evil I don't trust you is that a face is an eye I don't know what you're trying to pull off but it's an eye all right then playtime is over I'm ready final boss we have no HP hi my friend is there are there two boss fights red and white nice voice I look bigger listen to these kids do grow up fast so it is the fall human no when I was a kid wow this voice you've been being quite resilient it wouldn't have come to this if it weren't for that stupid miscalculation doesn't matter now since you're going to die [Music] why are you sounding like that why am i doing all this simple to corrupt your wish I want to see the madness spread across the multiverse why yeah why because this is the only way I'll be entertained okay so you're super evil so I was right white is just super evil when you live as long as I've had it's pretty hard to find new ways of amusement what the heck are you I found one way of not falling into boredom to kill him I guess we're like talking to some sort of God in the undertale universe then and we're just the plaything for them yeah freaking crazy god mass destruction spot is being torn apart people losing their minds yeah we have to do with a complete crazy person you could have become part of my army why did you resist my words I am a god that shouldn't happen I absolutely hate this but it's actually quite entertaining this way okay okay yeah what's what are we going to do try to survive as long as possible because they're going to kill me anyway after all if you persist it 1.000 not one 0.0001% of my power it means you are worthy of trying to entertain one such as myself 30 seconds if you can survive this long I'll give you a painless death okay 30 seconds you have 30 seconds let's go gonna move left or what die oh it's actually moving away from me no I'm dead Oh goodbye goodbye Roy Hudd is awesome goodbye I can just push the God away I'm literally stronger than a god I can just push this from my path what the heck is happening here five seconds left like this is a really weak attack just saying but we did it you did fine for a mortal little one yeah okay but now it's time for goodbye No yes it's flour all over again flowey all over again you are not better than flour you were supposed to die right about now you're just a fake in before red circle saves us I won't stop red circle the fallen children the souls fleeing you're actually quite right it's not as if you were just about to crush us after all anyways feeling better me whoa why are you making things so difficult I could ask you the same why are you doing this just to kill I don't think so what is your real motive in all this this voice dude what even is that I just want to see people interacting with each other in any possible way and for that I temper with some of them and create beings of destruction able to entertain my pitiful self genocide yeah just so this thing isn't bored it's pretty sick it's really sick that doesn't tell me why you're trying to kill us long story short what is happening and what will be the conclusion I judged you to be the threat to my very existence what in what way are we a threat to you tell me a calm down rainbow text people able to resist my suggestions suggestive powers appeared those people are either as powerful as God's we're blessed by that hindrance you know the one you call mother and you just and you just level up or love up already anyways you are a threat I cannot ignore only a small committee of 12 people can actually bring me harm twelve people I don't think we can know who those people are right now I know not of them yet even worse you could be one of them it's not my fault if you only are useful as show actors for this great god shenanigans thus please da but it refused or game over you cannot give up just yet that's it was I supposed to avoid anything you stay determined but for how long oh um what's tell I didn't die this time we are not giving up without a fight why did I survive fine then if that's really what you want you would better be prepared for it oh yes leveling up that's not the pacifist way but we're still borrowing power from her from who from mother is it mother what you said I've had enough our just HP is all Wow let's end this once and for all you would have better chosen to die look at me like I'm God like this strength is out of control what hahaha um I'm going to assume that this is a work in progress and this is supposed to happen error in script part - not foul and press escape to reload Toby Fox is spinning in the corner okay and I'm assuming that's the end and maybe there will be a new update but yeah okay random ending but still it's interesting I do have to say once these two things showed up it did get pretty interesting and if there will be a next update I honestly can't wait I really want to see how much more is left to do and what the conclusion will be here but for now that was really awesome I loved like the new attacks we saw in this episode especially that clock one like I almost want to just go back and replay the clock one because it's so difficult in a way and it makes you feel such a rush I loved it thanks for watching guys I hope you liked this video and until next time take care
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,875,896
Rating: 4.8681235 out of 5
Keywords: Under, Tale, Undertale, Toby Fox, Fanmade, Fangame, Tribute, Mod, Unitale, Your Battle, Your Fight, Creepy, Scary, Horror, Sans, Gaster, Gaster Blaster, God, Eye, Genocide, Chara, First Human, Fallen Humans, Souls, Power, Determination, Secret, Mystery, Easter Eggs, Boss, Encounter, Minigames, Hard, Difficult, Skill, Puzzle, Live, Reaction, Commentary, Blind, Fails, Funny, Creepypasta, Awesome, Amazing, Must See, Effects, Gameplay, Music, Miniboss, Spooky, Password, Code, Challenge, Glitch, Part 2, Ending, Full, Final, End
Id: ZTeMnkPJTp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2016
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