Genius Inventions And Gadgets You've Never Seen Before

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some very cool inventions i saw this on tick tock they put an attachment on their gallon of milk and all you got to do is press the cup against it and it dispenses the milk this is genius no more taking out the gallon taking the lid off and pouring it ain't nobody got time for that when i want my milk i want it immediately and ain't no easier way to do it than this you can even do it with juice so everybody with these just living life on easy mode you know why don't juice bottles just come with these just makes everybody's life so much easier this is a waterproof notebook wait it's a notebook i don't put cast paper how could it be waterproof you just wipe it away oh they're super strong you can't even rip through it a bottle of ink and just turn the page and it doesn't go through but what is this paper made of this ain't made of no tree paper 20 21 no flying cars yet but we got indestructible paper i'm so confused like what is this made of my new shower nozzle i have been seeing this all tick-tock and it just looks unreal there is no way a shower head can shoot water this beautiful it looks like glitter it doesn't even look real that didn't even look like water like the water formation it just looks so magical that water pressure do be looking weak though have you ever seen a bubble machine gun look at that that is incredible you just like dip it into the bubble juice press the trigger and wa-bam just shoots like thousands of bubbles where was this when i was a kid i don't want a nerf gun anymore i want whatever this is bubble blaster 5000 this is an automatic pet food dispenser so you store the pet food in it close it and then you just hit the lever and while bam refills the pet food no more scooping it out popping it in i need me one of these that's like the easiest dog food dispenser i've ever seen my dogs would be abusing this if they knew how it worked all you gotta do press the lever and more food infinite food glitch here we got a gaming toilet chair wait what i thought this was real for a hot second and then this came out a robotic arm with a tissue to wipe you hours and hours of endless gaming you don't even have to leave the seat if a robot is wiping you you don't even gotta wash your hands is this what we got in store for the future they got this fly trap from home depot let's see how good it works okay i need one of these let me tell you last night the flies were feasting on me i woke up to the rocky mountain on the side of my legs oh after three hours look how many flies there are a day three days it's completely filled they'll tell me there's going to be more there's room for more four days oh my goodness we are filling this entire jar with flies all the flies in this neighborhood a whole family generation of flies fell for this trap so you know it must be good good to know that it actually works this right here is a rice dispenser you either live in a household that eats rice every day or doesn't growing up we ate rice almost every day this would have been perfect so instead of taking the big old bag and scooping some cups out putting it into the pot you just put a measuring cup and dispense the rice it's literally so easy someone please tell me what the heck this is a combination of a fork and chopstick yes it's crazy how people have never seen this before i feel like if you go to like an american chinese restaurant pf changs panda express whatever they give you a chopstick for so you can practice eating with chopsticks or if you get irritated and want to give up just flip it to the other side and you got a fork throw the whole thing away i'm eating with my hands like the animal i am what in five minute crafts is this oh did it just pulse so it is a wiper hand it's like having an extra hand or a longer hand if you can't like reach behind to wipe you put the tissue on it and then just reach back and then do the work did you just wipe your balloons with that also weird question but do you guys wipe for the back or the front is there preference i thought girl's wiped from the front guy's wife from the back am i correct or incorrect but that's not a charger oh i've tried one of these these chargers are actually very cool you know when this part of your wire gets all messed up why are stuff showing through you should probably stop chewing your chargers but with these kind of chargers you can actually just cut it whenever the wire gets messed up and then reattach the charging part and it works and i've tested this and tried it i can confirm they actually work that's a great idea until that whole thing comes off bunk your foot is the ice black you got black eyes no so these are called whiskey stones and basically they're fake ice cubes that you can freeze and then put them in your drink and it doesn't water down the drink like ice does see for me this is useless i like my drinks watered down i don't know why coffee juice watered down water i like it better when the ice melts i've been seeing more and more of these suitcases that follow you around the airport actually doesn't follow you it follows the bracelet what if you lose it what if it decides to take a detour what if the battery dies i'm not ready to trust technology like this i've been seeing this pillow all over tick tock and it's made of like a purple silicone material so this is the 100 10 pound pillow it weighs 10 pounds imagine waking up in the middle of the night flipping it over and knocking yourself out with a 10 pound pillow yeah you're gonna be sleeping good and it's supposed to be extremely comfortable to sleep on it look pretty firm they even make the pillow into a car seat threw an egg on it whoa wait wait wait wait wait he just sent jiggled on an egg how did it not break where is the egg going okay if you watch it again i kind of look like he laid it and i cracked his own egg into a bowl like look that's some good advertising back in the day we have friendship necklaces like this but they got so much cooler ones now like half a cat two cats and you come together and it's a heart one with a moon two and wait when you hold it up to a microscope it's like i love you in every language imaginable how cute is that and they have a magnet that makes them like stick to each other when they're near each other if you've got trouble keeping your plants alive there is this planter that helps your plant communicate to you so if your plant is cold it'll start shimmering like what you want a blanket can't you photosynthesize some heat or something if it's too hot the planter will start sweating too dark for your plant it'll turn into a vampire and if your plant is in the perfect condition it'll just smile happy plant this is ridiculous but i love it this is a solar powered charger that sticks onto any window and as long as there's light coming through the window you can plug your phone to it and it'll charge it i've tried one of these and they're not that effective like it charges extremely slow only a little more effective than putting your charger into a bag of chips mom no longer has to worry about me not doing the dishes so there's a robotic arm that picks up the dish and it like cleaves it as you're holding it over the water oh we'll see if it got settings on it like you could brush scrub whatever whoa i don't know how effective this is but i hate doing the dishes and with this you don't even gotta touch them the robots doing all the work whoa oh it's making like a perfect circle i was gonna be the next fidget spinner so you shoot it at somebody's face and they lose an eye this thing is so cute it looks like a castronaut a cat astronaut there's actually wireless charging for your phone so you charge these little cats in the pod and you take them out to charge your phone it's a very cute power bank they now have artificial intelligence to blow kids bubbles look at this dude he got one job and one job only his hand moves from the bubble juice and then blows the bubbles kids love him adults think he looks a little sassy like bro what are you looking at what does it look like a government spying device yeah i was sick and tired of having soggy sneak dudes that was actually genius hey yo that cucumber still on the tree the cucumber's still on the tree and they blended it into a smoothie okay we get it the blender is powerful doesn't mean you should walk up to random fruits and veggies that are still attached by the branch y'all take and turn anything into a smoothie too literally you're locked up to a branch with a cucumber still hanging like smoothie go burr if you're ever stuck in your car there's this device that you can buy for emergencies that will cut your seatbelt off or you can even break glass with it all you got to do is push it against the glass window and it just shatters and then get yourself out of there i get having this for your own safety but don't let the criminals see this video but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that the like button comment below which one of these was the coolest and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,282,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, inventions, diy, genius inventions, ideas, genius inventions you didnt know existed, gadgets
Id: P7CcrN3eMQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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