Crazy Coincidences You Won't Believe

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hello friends it's me today we're checking out some coincidences quinky dink if you will cats pooping find a cat's poop how are you gonna find a cat pooping on the google maps you check every corner of google maps this got to be happening somewhere a google maps car has to have witnessed that there it is there it is and he could be just chilling in the grass oh no the back arch that's a pooping position like dang can i get some privacy touch me in 4k dookie in on this lawn [Music] it appears he's found his long-lost twin hey that was odd points there's cosplay and then there's this the paper munching just so spot on you would do a disney horse proud there is no way listen closely i'm eating a racist pumpkin that is a year expired can i taste it not at all a year it's really good let's see if it's actually shaped like why are you eating it oh my god look a reese's commercial came up the fact that this research ad showed up at this exact moment proves that your devices are listening they definitely are even the tvs i cannot believe this nobody is safe i heard the exact frequency of a reese's rapper being unwrapped time to play the ad smell the peanut butter through the speakers so he's watching this movie this world of pets right look closer wait that's gross okay i know they do cameos but no way i didn't catch that you probably didn't either because you really gotta zoom in to realize that's grew walking in the park in the background no way nice little easter egg so this is a wild conspiracy theory what if bob ross was a killer and his paintings are where he buried the bodies several bodies were found in this forest but hey this is the bob ross painting of it is that why he says happy little accidents was it really an accident or was he just an innocent painter and you are tarnishing his name i guess we'll never know this dude takes a piece of cheese baby swiss and puts it over a book cheese of truth stop thinking about your crush there's no hope well i most certainly did not need to hear that today but also i don't understand how you get a piece of cheese slap it on a piece of paper and the whole say something it's the cheese of truth i will not stop thinking about my crush oh this was a while ago they just found a nose ring in their food and then scroll all the way up hold on a second bye i lost my nose ring in someone's order and then someone found the nose ring in the food fantastic give them the nose ring back and they'll remake you the food fair trade for the trauma biting into a piece of metal that's been in someone's nose you decide so your total comes out to 6.66 have a wonderful day fully rely on god 666 come on add a pack of gum or something i refuse it to pay that amount i've just met you're serving my food and we have that we thought this was a bit a lot but then there's this and i don't know what's happening are you my twin long enough they got the same tattoos there is no way that's weird y'all got the same mood board or something like how can they have not one but three of the same exact tattoos in the same spot maybe all our soul mates that awkward moment when her boyfriend's recording it their cap open any bed this lady causes an accident watch check this you're going to see it live here boys this lady is going to cause an accident no way you can just call an accident watch you can't just look at some car and be like she gonna cause an accident she made it she's good no oh my god oh my god i got it how did he know i would have stopped recording after she drove off and was safe but he kept recording and knew she was gonna do something stupid and crash consider changing career paths we got a bright future as a sidekick and can i also have a small blues blue raspberry slushie the sausage muffin oh this is the woman she's the one that looks like jim carrey first glance no not really but when she make the face the face that it just moves the same duet if i accidentally drew you [Music] i don't know i don't see it okay but i'm still waiting for this guy to do edit guys me and my family went to disney when i was six okay notice anyone in the background no way gypsy rose in the background that is wild that's crazy how you notice that like years later me dying my hair red on a whim remembering where i work oh she literally works at wendy's you can say it this is the wendy's drive through and they should be paying you more just because you look like wendy do not settle for anything less when you realize the past sorority girl who lived in your home is logged into the tv spotify she is currently listening to billy eilish i think she needs to hear silly songs with larry [Music] and then the tick tock before this one was this so i'm at homework right now and i use my bluetooth speaker to play music for my customers because my like overhead system is out i was playing billy eilish because i'm in a good mood i have like 10 customers in here and they're all vibing out and everything and all of a sudden you know that like what's it called veggie tails that like veggie tail like where is my hairbrush sawing just started playing out of nowhere so i grab my phone and i try to pause it and it keeps going so all my customers are in here having to listen to where is my hair brush how's it do that and that's not the first time something like this happens it's probably part of the algorithm or something but somebody will film one side of a tick tock and then another one and they will both be on your for you page so the guy i hung out with in vegas oh oh oh she's pregnant it's him it's the guy we're out of milk he just went out to get milk he'll be back right my dude caught himself in 4k she walked up to the red box to run a movie but wait then she walked up to the red box to rent a movie this ain't the same person this english in the system okay but what movie are they renting looks like they're trying to cover the screen girl who are you trying to hide your answers from just wait till they get a look at each other freaky water going down the faucet no i don't think so flip that uno reverse card water go up how they do this there is a very simple scientific explanation for this they flip the uno reverse card defies any laws of physics powerful 2022 we live in in the future not only is there a screen on the refrigerator but you could literally buy the refrigerator on the refrigerator just add to cart do i get this exact one though probably not but you can buy the fridge on the fridge i ordered my phone on my phone isn't that weird if you look closely the puppy's paw print has a paw on the paw or they sharpied it in for clout so me and vinnie go and we walk up to the car right and then he goes what happens to the front like why is it rusting and i'm like oh it probably happened because like the rain and exposure to weather that's not right when i get in the car and realize it's not my car because my car is over here and look it has the same exact freaking injury in the same exact spot y'all got messed up in the same spot same car same color it's only courteous to park next to a car similar to yours the unwritten rules of driving you must park next to cars that look like yours someone help me find whoever launched a milkshake at me while driving 40 miles per hour i saw that tick-tock someone lost a milkshake at her well just threw my milkshake out of my car going like 40 mph double works hard but the tick tock for you paige works harder why would you admit to doing that unless he made this after he saw her tick tock all for the name of clout no one's gonna admit yeah i checked the milkshake going 40 miles an hour oddly specific yeah i threw a tissue out of my car going 60 miles an hour who go make a tick tock find in the tissue i'd like to see that that's not me that's another lady no way we're literally wearing the same outfit this is amazing they look alike too and they're wearing the same outfit and they're at the same airport at the same time i thought it was a reflection that's weird i think it's cool at first and then be creeped out like where did you come from who hired you go back to your metaverse this guy was dming popular tick tockers on instagram while he was streaming all right chat uh let's message bella porsche now um i know none of them are going to respond but i'm doing it for the boys so let's try it what should i message her bro she's typing i'm watching your stream ello up i'm calling cap there is no way she was quick with it too he got the fan page okay but how crazy would this be why the tree got a nose to smell you disgusting humans get out of my forest they got an ad for spam you know the canned meat you make a burger out of spam and then it asks why did you hide it it's not relevant to me it's offensive or appropriate it's spam literally this spam ad is spam tell that to the officer everyone's saying that our kids are twins we don't see it hey that's that's the mother wait what i am so confused they just mini mead there's a mini version of them i am so confused right now because it literally looks like a baby version of them so yes i guess everyone is right what a flex you know your best friend's when i'm leaving now yay what are you wearing and that's a pic are you serious right now they are wearing the exact same thing this was not planned and they even got the same sunglasses why are we like this what shoes are you wearing platform converse you're lying they both wearing the same shoes too the whole thing me and my sister always go clothes shopping together and whenever she buys i end up buying and so most of the time we end up wearing the same thing different colors it happens this truck company is called we fit now you didn't oh you were supposed to go through this tunnel we were supposed to fit you're making us look bad i'm like we fit stocks dropped to zero it doesn't make sense because this is doing great but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one of these was the craziest if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to join the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 16,926,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, coincidences
Id: _6Nu1p1HYjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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