Genius Inventions You Didn't Know Existed

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hello friends it's me your favorite messy hair youtuber back at it to show you guys some cool inventions this is so ridiculous i saw this on tick tock i'm like girl what are you so embarrassed about she's shaving her legs and her man walks in like get out i'm committing a sin so she got this big old shoe put some milk in it some flowers oh okay we fancy you don't got a bathtub you can now buy a shoe tub and it folds on up pop it in your shower what did i witness she really here bathe it in a converse add some milk to the water to make it milky so nobody can see all the things that's going on under the sea i saw this on tick tock she took this bowl put some water over some uncooked ramen noodles put this little packet in put some more water over it and it starts steaming up like it started boiling pop some glitzies on the lid in there and then in a few minutes wham bam is cooked ma'am i guess you use these when you go camping they're like packets and like instantly heat up the water here we got a superman hand sanitizer is it gonna come out of his nose oh yeah that's nasty but also super satisfying i ain't never seen no yellow hand sanitizer isn't it supposed to be clear guys i think he infected i don't know about you guys but i got a case of the crusty feet i don't exfoliate and moisturize my feet every single day they get crusty and it's so annoying washing them so i just i just wear socks i am considering buying this it's a foot scrubber you pop it into your shower floor and then just like all you got to do is move your foot wiggle and jiggle and get the crusties off it looks like it would be very effective my dude got a new pillow and wants to show you exactly how soft it is so you get an a pops it in there oh it said nope only human heads not eggs and so he pulls it there's no way there's no way there is absolutely no it's the life dang this pillow really everything is cracked out to be like he stomped on it i don't care how soft it is confusion at its finest this is how you make an egg on a stick oh that product and then when it's done it just pops out oh would you eat this i mean it sounds good but like i'm not sure i could trust it at first i refused to believe this was a real invention for all you cheapskates out there you sick and tired i'm throwing away your peanut butter your nutella jars when another scoop can be salvaged it ain't done until this twisty thing say it's done so you pop it on and it scoops it it scoops it all up look at all that peanut butter i saved practically pays for itself this is a real thing y'all ever wanted to be a human ufo oh she cut her hair oh all right so you don't make a mess and it like catches everything i don't know why hair salons don't use this they still make you wear like the cape and like if you take your hands out of the cape to like use your phone you still get hair everywhere although if you got that you can't like look down at your phone you have to like a human cone of shame y'all see this little keychain does everything so on the back you flip it down and have fire you got a lighter you can also charge your phone with it put it on a keyring put away your keys very useful yeah i don't know who came up with this but there's these little tissue box tvs that you can buy put a box of tissues in them slide your phone or tablet in them and it looks like a little retro box that's so cute so i know we got android watches apple watches but there's also smart jewelry because you got all of that but make it stylish oh that's actually really cool so it looks like a bracelet the chains be jangling and everything but you could also reply to your text sure sounds good bro who sends his audio whoa there's so many different styles and it's stretchy this watch would be looking a little sus i think the bracelet was the imposter that's actually pretty cool all right all the parts be jangling around moving and whoa y'all the future is here so you know those plastic booties that you wear on top of your shoe so they made a deluxe version that just slide right on completely covers your shoe you know just in case you have any sudden urges to jump in a wet puddle i don't know i can't help it but now you can protect your shoe in the process so now you can go into your bag unwrap this little thing that looks like some candy and it's a towel they're all towels you know when i was a kid i get those like little mini dinosaurs put them under water and then they grow like 50 times the size but now in these desperate times we got towels i'm sure you can even use it as toilet paper if you want to just add water and you got a wet wipe and a wrapper you know they also have soap like this too you know those like little listerine things but they got like a soap version of it now like you take out a piece of soap wash your hand with it it's pretty cool i actually got these at the dollar store so it comes with like a little packet you put water over it and it's basically just like very thin sheets of soap oh y'all thought that was impressive look at this here we have a compressed bath towel they just put water on it i opened it up but you have a whole entire fitted sheet whoa how i feel when i'm dehydrated and have my first sip of water i don't know who decided to flush a whole entire bouquet of petunias down the toilet but whoa all right plunger of the future every single time i've tried to plunge a toilet it didn't work it never works for me like i saw my mom do it so many times what am i doing wrong i'm getting the suction ah it's like i'd rather plunge my own toilet than call somebody else and have them see what clogged my toilet this is another thing i desperately need a privacy screen you can put a privacy screen on your phone so it's like when you're looking at it it looks normal but when you turn it to the side the person sitting next to you can't see all the disgusting tick tocks you're watching i mean good thing people gotta be like six feet away now but before i just see people all the time with this on an airplane because me being nosy i'm always looking over giving them the side eye like um what are you doing i can't see none okay i get the tape is very powerful but why would you put your phone smacked out where your horn is on your steering wheel okay i get the tissue box okay yeah put your phone there let's watch some peppa pig on the dashboard i've been seeing this all over tick tock if you get a bug bite there is a device now to suction the bite so you put this little suction device over the bug bite pop it out and it's supposed to remove the insect saliva and the venom and it's supposed to not itch anymore you know real og's just take their little thumbnail and make a x over it we good okay i gotta pay attention because it's something i kind of actually need so it's like a arm rest so you have complete control over your mouth my rinse is on my table with my mouth and then the rest of my arm is just like skirt hanging in the air but there's like a desk clip-on thing that will support my entire arm wow i need this you know everybody got a boring old lighter and then i found this lighter it ain't just a lighter it's a mini flame thrower you could just turn up the volume turn up the arson ability like it opens like a regular lighter and then you can turn it up wow it's really lit i am never gonna believe this until i see it in real life like there's like advertisements of like flexi tape all this tape that you could just like pop it on something wet and it's just like boom sealed these have to work what if you're on like a blow up raft or a boat or something and you hit a pack of piranhas i don't know it's gotta work but somehow i'm still skeptical here's a power wash attachment that you can hook up to any source of water let me water the pond with some pond water oh you can hook it up to a water bottle and wash your car with it but how many bottles of water is it gonna take to fully cleanse my acura they did all that with one all right impressive another thing i still desperately need it looks like a round brush with teeth we actually use it to wash your hair bro my fingertips could never did y'all put them away in your nightstand this belong to the bathroom i'm the type of person i cannot wash my own hair when i go to a salon i come out of that feeling clean i wash my hair at home it's itchy i gotta like wash it like two three times for it to feel clean i understand i could do a lot of things but washing my hair is not one of them you know maybe because my mom spoiled me and like would wash my hair for me for the longest time so when it was time to wash my own hair i'm like done i don't think you realize how filthy your dryer is so they made this little solution popped it on a towel put it in and then look watch look at this gunk this cool stain also visual representation of how cleaning my brain would look oh that's just satisfying don't be shy i put the other side off wow how much film we got on these glasses are these spy glasses or just glass protector but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that that like button the and comment below let me know which one was the coolest one and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,118,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, inventions, diy, genius inventions, ideas, genius inventions you didnt know existed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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