I'm 13 And My Mom Treats Me Like I'm 30

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hello friends it's me and today we're watching a my story animated video about a girl who's 13 and her mom treats her like she's 30. whoa whoa whoa to make sure there is no funny business we will be watching hi my name is sophie and i'm from ohio hi sophie from ohio in my small town i was known as the kid with the perfect mom she raised me alone after my dad left us and she was so stunning that she became a famous model whoa this all happened in ohio let me guess they moved to la which one of the kardashians is this everyone admired her beauty and strength mom loved looking and being perfect she always dressed us up in matching amazing outfits and once i joined school she threw parties for my classmates and their parents all the time so far none of this has been relatable so i'm just like whoa mom's famous and gorgeous you must live a good life when the party was over she was a very different person oh she was obsessed with doing crazy skin routines and clicking pictures if i wanted to hang out with her she would make me join her dumb photos oh no i've seen influencers on instagram like this like i feel bad for the child they can't just go play the dirt play video games keep a worm in their pocket i feel like the parents are robbing them of their childhood by making them dress up and take instagram photos with them that's so lame like kids be kids one time she actually dressed up as mary and i was her little lamb she posted that photo all over the internet for weeks whenever i spoke to people in school they just said let's communicate with the lamb i had plenty of friends to spend time with i was always off at sleepovers with my friends i'm surprised your mom even lets her go to sleepovers i was not allowed to go to anybody's house and if they wanted to come to my house my parents had to meet their parents until one day when i was in the second grade mom gave me some bombshell news i'm pregnant i'm gonna have a baby i screamed with excitement i'm gonna be a big sister yes who's her dad not important that's smart that the kid would ask like who's dad is he my dad are we getting a father like she just went to the costco and bought one baby june was born i held her in my arms and refused to let go but as june grew up i realized something was wrong with her if someone wasn't standing directly beside her she would start crying like a banshee she constantly bumped into furniture and if i kicked a ball away from her she'd take forever to find it oh no she's lagging is she blind couldn't she like tell right away hello june we took her to a doctor and found out that she had no vision in the center of her eye she could only see on her sides her condition was called stargardt disease whoa i've never heard of that so she could kind of see on her sides but not like right in front of her eventually she had to get her the bulky glasses they didn't fix her vision completely but they helped i got ready for big sister duty i chose jun's outfits every day walked her to school and destroyed anyone who dared to look at her wrong none of the kids in june's class wanted to be friends with her so i asked mom to throw a party for her classmates just like she used to for me you know that's so sweet that's like the best like when i moved to a new school i didn't talk to anybody i didn't have any friends it was just like me and my brother in high school we ate lunch together every day i was a new kid and i was scared to talk to anybody but mom said i'm too busy with work besides june has you she doesn't need anyone else so you just gonna abandon your kid like that i don't like this kid actually you know what i changed my mind i don't even want kids anymore i need some me time can't do that you can't just be a part-time mom by the time i was in seventh grade june came everywhere with me she came to my sleepovers went to the movies with my friends and we all stayed up doing each other's hair they're doing each other's hair like animation look funky they're just like fluffing up their hair why does it look so funny but one day i came out into the backyard to see that june wasn't wearing her glasses anymore my friends were throwing them around like a ball i took her glasses back from my friends and screamed at them like crazy it was just a game get out of my house get out after that day they uninvited me to all their parties and they started ignoring me in school they even made me sit at the unpopular table at lunch oh no there is a table in the back and it's the unpopular table you know this is kind of nice maybe i can eat my grilled cheese and some peace and quiet whatever i didn't need their terrible energy and their behavior made june feel really bad not cool that's the type of behavior that'll get you cancelled one day i saw her talking to some kids in the neighborhood without her glasses on when i asked her to wear them she threw them at me no i'm finally making friends june you could get really hurt go away self who needs vision when you got friends unrealistic nobody is gonna dislike you because of your glasses that's stupid and if you're gonna judge somebody based on them wearing glasses that's pretty lame i judge people based on them sending me memes that are not funny she ran away from me and started crossing the street a car was coming really fast and it was going to hit her i flew towards her but i was too slow just as i prepared for this she started crying before it even happened and pulled her off the road you know good thing i took off my glasses and made a friend because he saved my life well he proved her wrong the boy placed june before me and gave me his hand are you okay are you an angel excuse me i mean hello name was philip and he was the bravest person i'd ever met he was new to our neighborhood and he was going to join our school wow that all worked out a little too perfectly it has got to be something suspicious about this guy we became friends instantly like puzzle pieces fitting together he was amazing with june he was never mean to her and he said her glasses made her look like a cool superhero he showed her a x-bed and was like hey you look like this guy you cool in my book when i was in the 10th grade philip asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes faster than the speed of light problem was that we never got time alone june was always with us and while we loved her it did make some of our dates pretty awkward y'all are like in high school and acting like parents like these two are dating and then like the little sister is the child yeah it is a little awkward going on a date with your little sister present i don't care if she knows a boyfriend or not that's awkward when i asked mom to find a babysitter she said forgot about me wow sophie i didn't realize you were tired of your sister i am not i just want one night to myself and if this babysitter bullies june then what then maybe you should stay home and take care of her because i don't know you're her mother you haven't been doing anything for her for the past few minutes i forgot she even existed what if she clicks pictures of her and posts them all over the internet oh my god look at this idiot kid with glasses that i'm babysitting who's gonna do that her mom is famous by the way on the next episode of things that never happened june and i continued to be attached to the hip until one day when something awesome happened she got invited to a sleepover by some girls in her class i really want to go by myself pretty please yes this was perfect yes sure there was a massive party at my friend's house that night and the whole school was gonna be there and dropped june off at her friend's house and joined philip at the party i'd been there for only an hour when suddenly the music turned off i looked up to see mom standing on stage sophie where are you in here june just got into a huge fight at a friend's house how could you put a party over your own sister mother if you have all this time to get ready and come to my party and make an announcement about the sister you clearly had nothing to do tonight you could have been taking care of your own daughter but now you're here blaming your other daughter the whole school was watching as mom marched back to herself where june was sitting in tears why would you get into a fight she called me an insect and they broke my glasses see did you hit her hard i broke her nose oh nice proud of you she defended herself she's okay mom nothing is okay i had to go get her because you wouldn't pick up your phone and now i have to spend thousands of dollars to buy another one of those ugly glasses her classmates hate her even more now is this what you wanted how are you gonna talk to your own kid like that why'd you even have another kid if you don't even want to take care of her do you like that you're popular while your sister keeps getting bullied stop it none of that is true mom grounded us both for the entire summer break and that's like two months i was grounded for over a year so summer break nothing you got grounded just for going to a party well i left june alone so you're her sister not her mom you don't get it no you don't get it nanny i'll get it it's the mother's responsibility to be taking care of her child especially when she has nothing to do but sit on instagram and facetune her pictures all day pretending that she loves her children i should have been there for her you're literally with her every second while your mom's always busy she's a single parent she has to work she can't find a babysitter for some reason she makes you do everything for her she embarrassed you in front of the whole school and then she grounded you sophie she sounds terrible who does this guy think he is vengeance i gasped and slapped him she can't say that to me she's the only parent i have stormed away he's just a good person understand my family's situation i didn't want to be with him i was too thick to see how right he was until one day everybody was in the 11th grade and the school principal called me to his office june was there too they told me that june was a genius oh wow we are just now figuring out that june is actually a genius okay she had a 145 iq wow she can go to any school for gifted kids in the country with a full scholarship and june has chosen the school in new york city nice i want to pick the most expensive one too i pulled june aside after the meeting you want to go away why because in new york these glasses are fashion balenciaga why should i stay here so you and mom can keep being embarrassed of me what i love you sophie but i'm tired of being the blind idiot you're forced to take care of i've seen you lose friends and boyfriends for me well mom acts like i don't even exist i was numb with shock june was gonna be alone in another state what she's like 12 years old i'm gonna pack my bags to go to new york peace one day june brought me to her room and philip was sitting inside what is this i'm leaving now and you're sophie's next best friend so stop biting work it out she locked us in her room the little things okay well you were right my mom is a terrible person and i was an idiot you weren't an idiot this guy did nothing wrong one who was nice to jesus i'm so so sorry phillip you were dealing with a lot sophie i understand and jun's leaving now i just don't know how she's gonna live without me she'll be fine um she's literally a genius i think she'll be okay right when june came back to her room i pulled her into a tight hug i wish i could keep you with me forever but i think this school is a good choice was she just outside of the door just listening in the whole time on the conversation you deserve better than this stupid town really i just wanted to stop being a burden to you nobody likes stupid ohio don't you dare call yourself that again you were never a burden to me june you'll always be the greatest gift i ever got oh but for mom you might be a little bit of a burden oh sophie i love you i love you more okay but where's the mom almost it just ended did the mom not say anything too busy taking selfies that's just embarrassing i don't know how i would feel if my mom was an instagram model it's kind of weird take a picture with your skinny teeth post it for ten thousand dollars this is not bad but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,904,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, true stories, animated, animation, actually happened, animated short film, story time, share my story, animated story, my animated story, animated story time
Id: ItmxKoAC1A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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