Lucky People Who Avoided Close Calls

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hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some very close calls this guy in the olympics did a no he's gonna hit it oh wow i thought this was gonna be a fail he was gonna slap his head like look how oh that was way too close way too close this is close to nailing his noggin instead he nailed this trick i didn't think he was gonna make it but he did dude kick the wall it's just like hanging the wall ain't touching the ground holy all right avoided it just like that it's okay he's got his hard hat on he would have been fine but like he tripped whoa right as the drywall found you kick house the house would have kicked you back that was way too close [Music] look at this truck oh oh no it's gonna tip it's gonna tip over it's gonna that was too close if i was driving that truck i would abandon ship right then and there the way it just hit a little more than a curb like that thing was gonna tip over yeah i'm gonna have to pull over to take a break after seeing that hey hey your hair's on fire you better watch those candles i've seen this happen a couple times and apparently like when you're on fire you don't realize right away that you're literally on fire surprisingly easy to put out like i should do is like waving around a little you're good my greasy hair would further ignite the flame that one time i didn't notice a whale shark swimming towards me ah i almost pooped myself oh too close too close too close i do not notice that swearing polka dots horrendous choice of attire oh my god look at ashley because she's sleeping oh she's awake now i've awoken her oh you are the sweetest thing in the world this was surveillance camera footage at a convenience store where this guy accidentally dropped a can of soda and it got launched up until the register that was a can of soda somebody put some mentos in there and shake it up that went flying you know good thing they got those plastic barriers at the register i would have slapped somebody in the face nobody was hurt in the shaking of this coke this mother freaker crawled on my face last night so i caught it and put it inside this jar i planned to kill it this morning but it has multiplied and she was pregnant with a million tablets how many spiders came out of that like that thing was crawling on your face oh i can't even imagine what if he's just like and she decided to give birth early just hurled me into the hellfire i'm done if that exploded all over my face i don't want to live on this planet anymore it's a good thing i watched all that animal planet as a kid or i would have mowed right over these little guys ah oh no they made a little nest in the ground a little family of bunnies is just chilling there oh that would have ruined my entire life if i mowed over them poor things they just chilling their little bunny hidey hole so sweet good thing he didn't this dude takes a skateboard puts it over the cliff it closes his eyes and just flips it just like that you are real confident in this trick the way he flips it that could have fallen that could have felt no more skateboard hey i cannot believe that that was actually really impressive this guy wanted to pull a little prank on his wife so he decided to hide in a pile of leaves and like get out and surprise her when she got home from work and then the phone starts ringing and so he gets out but wait a few minutes later his wife came home and did this oh no that would have been a murder husband dead not very funny prank anymore when the parking lady is on its way but you're you're parked in a loading zone she's coming you got like a good 30 seconds go down there move the car before she writes you up a ticket hurry put your finger away get your finger away i would not trust my finger with that and the way that the slicer goes diagonally you get those fingers a little too close anyways this is how business cards are made do you happen to be in the business of losing fingers no i started to film a tick tock and [Music] hey hey wait she literally put it on top of the toilet in a stall and was recording her tic tac the school toilet the perfect tripod it just ignores the girl doing a tick tock let me just walk in when you gotta go you gotta go oh good thing she noticed so they are watching the ocean from their hotel room and waiting oh is that a shark oh no somebody is literally floating out in the water there's nobody else at this beach except these two people just like chilling in the middle of the ocean um say something literally scream i don't think they hear them the ocean was sold out oh my goodness it didn't even see her oh no that was way too close oh it's coming back circling back circling back do they realize they don't even realize oh my goodness give me anxiety watching this like that could have ended way worse good thing that shark was a vegan ugh i don't like your blood type i'm a b intolerant what is this device you lift it up oh you crack an egg with it there is a whole device that you lift up the metal part and it's got like a little hammer on it forget cracking an egg you are literally this close to cracking your thumbnail like one wrong pop you ain't gonna have a nail anymore and you're telling me all of that just to break open a hard-boiled egg like can you just pop it on the table or something like the rest of us top 10 most useless devices i've ever seen we just moved into this apartment and i broke the door handle and when you pull it you can feel it i need to find super glue well you gonna get in trouble you know even if it wasn't your fault even if the handle was handled one too many times and it just she comes home right now mother's still going to blame you okay so i thought you got some sleep i have her location on like 360 and she's literally on her way home so basically i'm gonna put it all over that and all over that so the handle can come back up to where it used to be okay slather in the groove all over that exactly and it better hold it okay she just got here so this is the major test run it better hold oh that glue dried quick it worked oh don't do it again let mother break it work now don't touch the fridge anymore it ain't your responsibility and now if mother grabs it and breaks it she ain't got nobody to blame by herself hacks you better go back inside you have lost outdoor privileges you cannot trust cats outside they really do whatever they want i want to climb this pole i climb this pole whoa she really just a stingray he just wanted to say hi maybe give a little kiss me and my crush this person almost got their credit card information stolen from them i was telling you about this they have this fake credit card reader attachment that attaches onto the real one so when you put your card in the scammers will steal your credit card info so next time you put your card in the atm make sure there's not an abnormal protrusion coming from the card reader almost set my cat on fire oh i had to raise my brightness for this one i did not see that cat at all completely camouflaged and you gotta make sure you have your glasses on very dangerous place to hang out we got everywhere in the house all these countertops and you want to chill on the most dangerous one that will literally light you on fire i like to chill dangerously yeah you're recording a tick tock when my mom comes home early and i'm supposed to be in fourth period oh she really came home uh but you're skipping class if you miss a class do they not just like instantly call your parents can't you just be like we had an early day today parents don't keep track of that what's i'm spreading there's um buttercream on my bread that's not butter mom huh mom what no like frosting what mom is it cardi b recording butter huh that's body butter it says butter coconut body butter coconut body butter with shea butter it's for it's like lotion but why it smells so good yes girl this smell like coconut and butter i just said oh my god i'm going to get this to the babies i should about to feed them a lotion sandwich mmm smells good i mean that'd be pretty cool do they got like coconut spread cause that sounds good he kicked the soccer ball i put his foot down on it that reaction time crazy oh please tell me dang don't break the egg it's gonna go through the tires oh yeah that was nice oh again let me see it it was so strategically placed the feminine urge to stick a hand in there no no sometimes my thoughts get the best of me she was on one of those electric scooters this is why you gotta watch where you're going like she was looking back for way too long and then just ouch my knees this way you gotta wear knee pads if she went face first she would have fell anyway so choose your injury oh i mean you made the shot how does that even happen there's a ball in the hoop and then also himself in the hoop it's almost like somebody like lifted him up and hurled him in how you accidentally dunk yourself i'm confused this company makes a sleepy time pill and a laxative and they look almost exactly the same why so you pull orange and blue box out of the cabinet at night either you're getting a good night's sleep in your bed or are you going to be on the toilet all night fighting for your life you guys remember this video that you guys blew up thousands of you guys commented oh my god there's sharks in the water why isn't she scared of law personally i'm not scared of sharks so i thought those comments are really funny you guys won't believe what happened seven minutes away from where i filmed that video [Music] you guys weren't wrong and that kid got lucky real lucky the shark literally just a little push i could eat you if i wanted to but i'm not trying to get cancelled this dude threw his umbrella and look it was about oh he caught it before it could stab him in the eye and that was actually really cool you just throw your umbrella and then the wind coming this way just mary poppins moment over here but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,539,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, lucky, people, close calls, lucky people who avoided close calls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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