Amazing Hair Transformations You Won't Believe

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hello its me and I love Nikki seitan today we're gonna be checking out some epic hair transformations can't relate oh my goodness she got more hair on her head that I've probably grown my entire life on my whole body that's a lot of hair it ain't just a bush it's the whole dang tree let's see what they gonna do oh oh they dyed it and they curled it Wow I look so good okay let's see all of it you gotta fluff it up a little whoa you told me this whole time a whole entire rainbow was hiding in her scalp this has got to be the weirdest most intriguing hairstyle I've ever seen she put up her hair into a ton of ponytails and done transformed herself into a fish fin and all is this how finnish people do their hair I'm not first we starting out with this mess so it's like overgrown and blue then they're gonna dye it blue again oh and there's so many different shades of blue oh it's so beautiful oh my god it kind of looks like anime hair when they have like the lighter streaks through it I love this I'm tired of being a blonde dye my hair yellow okay oh how I feel about the gray but the yellows super cool if I was a blonde I would die you know okay good I wonder what would happen if they make like all the colors together I mean would you get like a mucky brown color and she comb through it so she kind of mixed it so it's like not gonna be perfect it's gonna look like faded oh so that's what happened so it's just like faded throughout very nice yeah but what if they like die each individual strand a different color I want to see it that that's way too much work when you're so rich you use money to bleach your hair are you kidding me y'all think it was too far she got that Fu but Murillo's money gonna be better than aluminum now we're gonna put the whole entire rainbow Karen rainbow edition oh and she glows in the dark my eyes too powerful I will get you the manager at once when people say being a hair stylist isn't a real job but will mean it's not a real job oh oh she's done meted into a row watered the rows and then you got this you know she wanted to be the orange highlighter so she became the orange highlighter and we follow your dreams okay we got a poet transformation you see he has long hair this is our the best kind of boy hair and they're cutting it all up so yeah I don't understand why guys do this completely unnecessary let it grow out they just don't shave they gave him that Levi's bowl cut okay we got that tick-tock oh boy hair you must have this much clout to have this hairstyle I don't like it mm-hmm so many guys be doing their hair like this I hate it I mean does it look like clean and dancey professional yes undo ba'da bleah I like dude with long hair okay okay so we started out with the short hair the puffy oh she's kind of even shorter more even shorter you know I see these videos of them cutting hair and I'm like yeah I probably shouldn't cut my hair because I am not qualified like look how much effort they put in I am just like me oh don't know he's transformed her into a level-10 Karen very dangerous she gonna ask for the manager she asked him for the CEO I love these long hair transformations cuz you can do so much to it but first you got a flat blade look at all this look what all this hair oh he braided it what kind of technique is this then he's back combing it oh wait where did all the blond go okay yeah you see a look it looks nice I hate what I'm sitting in there at the end in front of the mirror and I just got my hair done then they keep like stop oh my goodness a hair so poofy is like the really long one it's so poofy okay what we doing today we have 10 head in the making it will buy you a boy nacho cheese down her hair oh and then you got this so beautiful very nice so they're gonna bleach her hair first you know this the whole entire process to get colored hair first you got to bleach it then you put the colors on oh you got some pink blue red oh oh and it's hidden so you could be fancy for work but as a whole entire hidden party going on your follicles oh yeah okay so now she's gonna curl it but look look look look so it looks normal and then you can take a sneak peek whoa she just put like a sock on her head whoo oh it's so perfect like a bag of chips dang with some fancy hair this is what happens when you treat every single strand with love and respect whoa that's insane oh that's like candy just like strips of candy Laffy Taffy on all the flavors oh and when she's done it kind of looks beaded it looks like like Harlow foil brushes some more this one is so satisfying like I love this this must be so fun just like painting a bunch of colors like that oh she's going ham with the rainbow oh this is like super hot when I was in high school oh that looks so like a raccoon tail but with like a rainbow zoo like my dream high school hair I always wanted like rainbow hair or blue hair it's hard seeing people living on your dream whoa she just went like brown so blonde real quick you know this is incredibly hard I've never been able to get my hair this light I think cuz I always dye my hair black and then the times that I wanted to like bleach ain't go lighter it always ended up orange I could never get that nice clean platinum oh she did it like a gray oh this is another dream color oh it's so beautiful I can't stand it I would feel like stuff raw mmm you know I always wondered how they like match the roots perfectly you know that's the stuff that takes a lot of skill cuz it's like it's black then you gotta like bleach the sky I just the right amount of time to make it like the same color as the rest of your hair oh she's getting rainbow hair bleached blonde hairs like the perfect canvas you know something I've never acquired I always wanted like blond highlights and then every time I bleached my hair Orange whoa look alike those Jolly Rancher candy canes lamb here we have another Karen in the making so they shaped the whole bottom of her head oh so that's how they do that haircut it gives it dimension there was a 90% chance anyone with this haircut will ask for the manager Karen's in 2020 be like I'm not gonna color it look nice though but her head look big were you hiding in there what are you doing he making her hair zigzag she's on her phone has no idea hey watch what I'm gonna do to my clients hair for a tick-tock on that he's gonna fix it oh no she said she wants to go really short so he can just do whatever he wants some people really do be trust in their hairdresser with their life what is this my mother Cameron in the making why don't they ready begin this hairstyle cuz she bleached the absolute life out of her hair now we got an eye perfect canvas to put some color in oh okay looking like a lava okay this is what we started an outlet hair is hella faded we gonna bleach it we're gonna put some more color in it you know I love these rainbow transformations just seeing like the before and the after Oh yellow you know there's a difference between blonde hair and then yellow hair oh girl hair looking like yeah oh no I wish it was more yellow at the end like actually yellow that would have been really cool whoa it's like the whole entire rainbow on her head it's so pretty it's like cotton candy hair you gotta be careful because some psycho might try to take off fight oh this is Karen for real she came in needed an upgrade you know the managers they weren't taking me seriously so put some glitter in my hair she definitely a dance mom this one - it's like hollow foil when your hair looks like a rare yugioh card is this so insane could have this effect in your hair maybe she's born with it maybe it's quarantine so they bleached her hair looking like cold fire whoa don't mess with him he goes hard time to get my tick-tock followers up whoa every time I say well I feel like I can't say well because we do when the trend I have to say why challenge for not we're just looking at hair so satisfying when that paint hit no dark hair girls really suffering right now I remember when I was in school my blonde friend was like oh I dyed my hair with kool-aid me being the fool that I was begged my mom for some kool-aid oh say I want to dye my hair - my mom really just sat there and watch me do it and was like oh good it work on me nobody told me I had dark hair I couldn't diet during Halloween they had those like color spray that you spray in your hair and they never showed up in my hair and I was severely disappointed she bleached just the middle part of her oh we're making a whole entire rainbow just the middle oh and you can cover it up can I wash it out that's so athletic it's like when the Sun hits just right oh my god it does look like when the Sun hits and you see like that rainbow if she didn't even thinner be even cooler oh this is a DIY project she's doing to herself I don't think I could ever do hair like I am not patient you gotta be so patient with this thing you can't just weigh in BAM it man it's like a perfectionist job feeling the only thing in my life that I'm like a perfectionist with thumbnails a mess that's it she keeps changing the colors huh whoa it's like a rose gold mmm if you're a rose and you picked you but actually that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope you thought these were super cool if you did make sure that's that lake bed and look and comment below what is your dream hair make sure you turns out notifications today click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 19,946,347
Rating: 4.9045773 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, hair transformation, hair, hairstyles, hair color, hair tutorial, hairstyles tutorials, haircut, amazing
Id: kSwp5sCzUU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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