The Vegan Teacher FAILS Me

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you just so busy playing video games your whole life that you never learned any of this like what's going on oh no she did not hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be reacting to the video that the vegan teacher made about me i'm flattered hello everyone today we're going to be reviewing this little video by this young woman her name is ss sniper wolf in some of her videos she eats dairy she eats meat and she doesn't say don't do it 20 21 i am now getting attacked for the food that i eat let me start this off with personally i believe that you can eat whatever you want whether you eat meat you like grass you don't eat pork you're keto gluten free i eat gluten free not by choice but because my body literally can't digest it i don't tell you how to live your life so please do not tell me how to live my life eating animals is wrong sniper wolf hurting animals is wrong ss sniper wolf share this song and be vegan from now on wow she made a funny song because she made that song for me i'm gonna change my entire life slap a sticker on my head that's a vegan well i am drinking water what i would like alia to do bro what the hell did you just call me ellia i googled her real name first of all you didn't even say it right second of all nobody including my family my friends has ever called me that name not even my own parents so when somebody calls me by my legal name i take it as a form of disrespect that by itself makes me want to punch a cow or even worse eat a burger she lives in kind of this bubble world of gaming but does she know what's actually going on do you know that there are twice as many chickens on earth as there are humans where are they all alia do you know where they are they are being made into chicken nuggies you know if we didn't eat them chickens would be taking over the world they'd be busted through my door think your kids wife lands i think so also they are delicious now look at my shirt i have been vegan since june 2016. wow congratulations you can be vegan that's great notice how i said you you know what my favorite food is fried chicken you barking up the wrong tree i need my protein alia do you even know what you're doing do you know what you're contributing to if you don't know it's your responsibility to watch okay i know but i just don't care when i was young i was taught animals were put on this planet to be eaten that's how i was raised and obviously you'd be like but you wouldn't eat a dog no no there are certain animals you will eat and some you won't chicken delicious you have a responsibility to never eat these animals again to never promote their suffering you can't tell me what my responsibilities are my responsibility take care of my family feed my dogs make sure my butthole is clean upload every day i ain't got being vegan anywhere on my hand of priorities let's make sure that you all understand why we must be vegan and not just vegan but vegan animal rights activists okay so it's not good enough being vegan drop everything you're doing all your hopes dreams your career and become a vegan animal rights activist look at my shirt i am vegan because paying for the kidnapping the sadness and the murder no longer tasted good my shirt's brown this is everything that happens in the dairy industry in the meat industry and also in the industry the pulse poultry industry that steals the eggs from these mothers y'all hear that if you've ever eaten an egg according to vegan karen you are stealing eggs from chickens what are they gonna do with them the chickens ain't gonna eat the eggs they ain't gonna make an egg sammy out of it the whole purpose of chickens laying eggs is so humans can eat them many of you are like yeah so they probably have good lives and then we just kill them at the end well first of all that is absolutely not true you must watch the dominion movie movie in order to understand it's a documentary okay i'm gonna take time out of my day to watch a vegan documentary i want to see you watch all 300 summon episodes of bleach now let's see if this young lady have seen those or not i don't know anything about her somebody said she's a very popular gamer a sniper wolf never heard of her dang she really humbled me real quick hello friends it's me today i'm hungry and we're gonna be trying some food okay she's hungry she's gonna try some food oh please let it be some vegan food please let it be something healthy right do you guys have your sheets ready okay ss sniper wolf good and bad we're gonna write our list she made a whole sheet sniper wolf good and bad it's gonna give me ptsd taking me back to elementary school grading me on every little thing i do you ain't my mama you can't judge me i'm grown real chick-fil-a hat you can get uh-oh chick-fil-a why is she mentioning that horrible place they sell dead animals in there people pay people to murder chickens who never did a single thing wrong to us bro calm down it's just a restaurant i'm just reacting to a hack i saw on tick tock you get an x for even saying the name chick-fil-a oh no this is not starting off good already i'm gonna put an x for bad because you're talking about a restaurant that's not vegan um last time i checked they got a kale salad delicious and vegan and if that's not good enough for you you could mosey on down across the street find yourself a nice lawn start munching on the grass it's not good you know what else is not good telling people what they should and should not eat and people who think they're better than everybody because of their dietary choices so any soda you can even do it with a lemonade and i'll put soft serve in it and mix it up she's also talking about a type of ice cream that you put in there now that is certainly not vegan at that restaurant so that's another x right there you must buy vegan ice cream when you're out you must request it you must ask all of these chains do you have vegan products what do you have and why don't you have it how dare you show millions of people this dairy ice cream you know since the beginning of time people have been drinking dairy my heart goes out to all y'all lactose intolerant folk y'all already on her good side little does she know i actually like vegan ice cream but have you ever had ice cream that was so good so creamy and delicious it's like they got the cow in the back of the store or something and you must say i'd like to speak to the manager but not just the manager of the store i mean the manager of the whole company also now karen is promoting karenism she's like you know it's not good enough if you have vegan options burger king got an impossible burger a lot more places are doing vegan but yeah that's that's not good enough not even close i want to speak to your manager not at the store the whole company they ain't got time to talk to you because the manager of the store is just usually some 18 year old who's just working there and they don't have a lot of clout the 18 year olds working at restaurants they got more cloth than you you should write to the to the ceos of these places and just tell them that we need a vegan world we need it as soon as possible because we must reduce the carbon footprint they'll be like all right i got you you can order a burger with some lettuce cheese and takis i bought a whole bag of takis just for this hat now she's talking about something else that has cheese and she's not saying vegan cheese so she gets another x now excuse me mind your business i'm just trying to do a hack and enjoy my cheese nice and that's how you open a bag of coffee what's she gonna say next did you see the way she aggressively opened that bag chalky cruelty sniper wolf is a bad person i don't know what takis are i'm pretty sure they're not vegan man do you live under a rock how you spend 23 hours a day on tick tock and not know what takis are and yes they are actually vegan so we have our tortilla i don't think i've ever had a tortilla shells are usually vegan make sure there's no eggs or milk in them and they're usually fine so let's give her a check mark for that girl here's that she gave me a check mark i did a good in this world with no meat she just said she doesn't usually eat things with no meat oh that's an ex for sure what oh i'm sorry 2021 i'mma get cancelled for saying i eat meat and if i want to be a horrible person and eat meat i'm gonna lock the doors i'm gonna close the blinds i'm gonna do it in the safety of my own house what a horrible thing imagine me like hello friends your favorite vegan youtuber me home alone secretly eating meat even if you do that in your personal life when you have an account that has 28 million followers you have a social responsibility to never talk that way ma'am i don't know who you think i am but i don't have a social responsibility to tell people what they can and cannot eat that would simply be too much influence y'all can't eat cheese anymore even if i said it people are still gonna do it green tortillas you know healthy the green tortillas do not make you healthy oh i know that i know that i don't know why i said that because i always roast companies that do this they like make the packaging green or a tiny piece of spinach just to make it green and call it spinach tortillas ooh healthy i do not fall for these food gimmicks so if you order fries with no salt they have to make you a fresh batch every time the drive-thru goes all the way down the road we're going to another mcdonald's what you drove to this mcdonald's you see that there's a lineup and you're gonna waste your gas and pollute the environment by going to another why don't you just park your car and walk out despicable oh wow excuse me you hear that driving your car to mcdonald's and waiting in the drive-through because you don't want to walk inside disgusting you see i got social anxiety i will avoid face to face and talking to people at all cost i will gladly wait double the time in the drive-through than me having to get out of my car walk through a restaurant be face-to-face with a cashier and like give them my order like that's rough you're asking a lot even just mentioning mcdonald's gets you another ex she kind of pissing me off she rude she got an attitude so she's saying that she wanted to get fries that were hot if you order them without salt they have to make a whole new batch what what is the point the point is fresh fries fries are potatoes fries are vegan you ain't never had a batch of fresh fries well worth the wait i'm trying to promote fresh fries ma'am the fries themselves which are unhealthy the the driving around to different places which is not good for the environment bro you gonna make me do something violent she gonna make me commit a crime you know every time she pisses me off i'm gonna order fast food i rarely even eat fast food that's how angry you're making me promoting this no this is so disappointing you already gave me like three x's while i was getting my fresh fries is that a leather driving steering wheel i hope not you know if you actually did your research you would know a lot of car brands don't use real leather these days because synthetic leather is more durable i cannot tell you if this specific model is real leather and even if it was who cares it's my car go home i'll use my organic ketchup i have at home and my honey mustard from chick-fil-a honey is not vegan x just just completely ignore the organic ketchup which is vegan i'm gonna give myself a check mark why are you stealing things from animals bees make their honey for themselves they work their entire life to make a little teaspoon of it and you go in there and steal it from them why because when i was six years old a bee stung me i had to go to the emergency room now i will spend the rest of my life eating honey despite that bee that stung me oh you're talking i'm stealing i'm walking up to the bees and just grabbing a fistful of honey also a lot of honey mustard ain't even made with real honey you can crush up dates and make them into a type of gem and you can put that into things instead you want me to crush up dates and dip my chicken nuggies in the dates because that sounds gross it's skittles jelly i click on the video oh like this doesn't i'm pretty sure that skittles are actually vegan so i'm gonna give her a check mark for that gelatin comes from taking six month old baby pigs and after you have murdered them you take their bones and their cartilage and you crush them all up and you get a gooey substance called gelatin you're a waste yeah nice i like that i use the entire animal you not have a flat surface in this fridge what does she have in her fridge do you see a vegetable in there ma'am that is my drink fridge and you see all those sodas and unhealthy drinks those are from my guests i don't drink any of those i got another fridge right next to it that's got my food what is going on what do you mean what is going on it is a drinking coffee beverage is there what is that oh my god one two one at least you one doctor oh my god this is not looking good look at this so far you see all the extras she gave me that does not look good my feelings would be real hurt if i cared what she had to say do you have two fridges one just for drinks you know how bad that is for the environment to have two fridges going it literally came in my house i bought the house and it had the fridges where's the rest of your stuff where's your soy milk i hate soy milk i drink almond milk soy milk is gross do you know how rude that is i see you drinking chocolate milk ugh is that chocolate milk why are you drinking chocolate milk when you could have soy milk ah disgusting despicable x for you where are the vegetables where's your spinach this is hang on where's all the green stuff smile the fridge oh oh it's in my other fridge shut up you're not that big that you need two fri oh she's so rude some of my very perfect grapes finally we're talking about a healthy whole food so that's the kind of foods you should be eating grapes and all kinds of nuts peanut butter get some organic peanut butter that's good for you without any extra salt or sugar in it i don't think this idiot realizes most people can't afford to buy a seven dollar jar of organic peanut butter rather than a two dollar jar skippy peanut butter can be a whole food it's just ground up peanuts but now she's talking about oh just grind it up yourself let me just pop off my hand and put my grinder attachment on whip up some peanut butter the food industry especially in america it's expensive to eat healthy all the unhealthy food is super cheap so you keep eating that and then you get sick and then the medical bills go up and then you die like you can get a burger for a dollar but a jar of organic peanut butter six dollars remember when you're in the grocery store to only put veggies fruits nuts and seeds in your shopping cart veggies fruits nuts and seeds that's all you're allowed to buy i'm not a rabbit i am never gonna get full off of nuts and season fruits and veggies i've tried it i need meat and potatoes because peace begins on your plate so open up your heart no peace begins with no war not on your plate what the hell how many wars started because of what they were eating do you know that if you put limes on grapes they taste like sour patch kids i don't know if sour patch kids are vegan they probably aren't so i'm gonna put an x there you fool sour patch kids are vegan i can't believe this idiot what are you doing here are you gonna put lime on something okay so lime is good so let's give you a check mark for that wow sniper wolf used a lime that's a fruit yay this whole hack is entirely vegan it's whips and lime and even the sour patch kids are vegan yes she still go find a reason to mark me off i know they have a bunch of fancy contraptions eggs she's promoting eggs yeah she's talking about eggs and showing it on there yes i'm talking about eggs because they're delicious also this ain't even my video i'm literally just reacting to a video and she's out here like she's promoting eggs like the ceo of eggs gave me a ton of money and was like hey why don't you showcase these mighty fine eggs in your video even if i never made this video people are still gonna eat eggs people love eggs i love eggs eggs come from a terrible cycle of violence baby boy chicks are put on this huge assembly line those cutest little things ah they're so cute look at that a yolk some white oh it's so cute how could you eat this you're like a monster if you eat this i'm eating this i'm not eating this bread put it in a mug mix some egg to make no no she showed the egg again how could she i've never been so disappointed in someone in my life more how duh ah not sniper wolf with the egg again monster what is wrong with you do you not know any of this what's wrong with me is it a crime to like egg what are they not teaching this in school they should be teaching in school maybe because it's not important yes class we're gonna teach you what you can and cannot eat great so everyone turns out to be as stupid as she is this young lady maybe even thinks that chocolate milk comes from a brown cow wait you're telling me chocolate milk doesn't come from brown cows my whole life was a lie now you're just insulting my intelligence well what did we learn here today absolutely nothing watching this video has gotten me quite hungry and i think i'll order a burger courtesy of that vegan teacher but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you want me to do more of these videos make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click add subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 19,598,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, vegan teacher, teacher
Id: h1cU5lfDF0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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