Students Make Fun Of SHORT Teacher

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hello friends it's me and it's been a while since we've done darman monday so today we're gonna be watching a video about a little teacher who gets bullied by her students let's watch that gives you 20. are you even paying attention this is so boring and he got some nerve yes finding x is boring but who's actually gonna stand up and say it yeah isn't there some other way we can learn what you mean is there's some other way we can learn you want us to bring in doorman himself to teach you how to find x maybe i'll take a step into that classroom and whip out my calculator and show you how to do the math no there isn't so you better listen especially because you have assessment tests coming up next you subtract the hey this is the kind of class you gotta yell i can't take this anymore you kids don't listen your test scores are the worst in the school and you keep breaking all the rules she's packing up she's leaving she's getting out of there you can't just leave i didn't sign up for this i'm leaving did you think the kids actually wanted to sit there and like yes djs i'm so excited to learn today nah you gotta beat the information into them dang she actually walked out yeah let's keep throwing paper around hit the pieces of paper y'all thrown around are as your brain cells as you all may have heard by now mrs jacobs quit yesterday well who could blame her her students are the most problematic ones in the school they've already gone through three different teachers hey hold up wait wait wait for a hot second i thought they got the girl from the chess show queen's gambit i thought it was there for a half second i'm like wow y'all budget through the roof we wouldn't even last more than a week with them that's true but we need to do something all of you as teachers you're smart figure something out because if these kids don't pass their assessment tests it is not going to be good besides the board is already talking about taking drastic measures i've heard at eastmont they replaced half their teachers i can't afford to lose my job so if the kids don't do good they just fire the teachers and replace them i mean if all the kids are failing the test the teacher is not doing a very good job but like how do you teach kids that do not want to learn yell at them you gotta scare them that's what my teachers did we need these kids to pass that is going to take a miracle you are so right and on that note i'm excited to say that we found one i just hired someone that's not only smart she's hard-working patient and a little person i have never seen somebody short walk into a room and someone looks at them and it's like a little person in my head i'd be like oh she's small but like to say it out loud i mean when a dog walks in the room i'll be like ooh puppy that's not the same as it everyone please welcome miss brooks she is your new teacher how are you hi i'm really excited to be here wait a minute we're all in danger of losing our jobs and you decide to hire her you don't know nothing about her i mean yeah the kids are probably gonna look at her and be like hey we got a new student but where's the teacher at yes miss brooks is a highly qualified teacher with an impeccable record they may as well just come and fire us all now i am so sorry about that sally's been here a long time and she's not always very open-minded it's okay to be honest that's not the first time i've received that type of reaction forget about her height was that a australian accent i gotta see if she says no or gnar to make sure how about i introduce you to your new class sounds great oh they never get tired of it just throwing around paper all day and really make it rain hello class we have someone new starting today please welcome miss brooks hello wait are you a student or a teacher hey settle down she's your new teacher so you'd better all do what she says hey these kids aren't that bad you know maybe they're just stupid but nobody's on their phone nobody's even eating in class they're just throwing around paper like animals hi everyone i'm so excited to meet you all why are you so short yeah i'm even taller than you [Music] you're right let's just say i'm unique but being unique is a good thing i would have said i lost half my height in the war that would shut them up not another board problem that's not what we're going to do so what are we gonna do here catch why are there numbers all over this since you idiots love throwing things around here's a ball with numbers wherever your thumbs land on the ball you multiply those two numbers together and these kids are a little old to be learning multiplication like did we learn that in elementary school uh nine times nine equals eighty-one very good five times two equals ten yes this is fun uh three times seven is twenty-one you got it ptsd for me being in school and nobody with those things to me nobody would pick me embarrassing what do you think you're doing just teach him my brother don't you gotta classes get out of here you look to me like you were playing volleyball during class time ma'am are you stupid or just blind there are numbers on the ball we are playing math ball idiot does the principal know about this no but i'm sure she wouldn't mind i tried to keep my teaching not only educational but also fun fun that will never work take it from me i have the highest performing students in this school well shouldn't you go be teaching them or do you want to teach this class if she thinks she's such a good teacher why not teach the bad class not only is it a challenge but you would get so much credit and be like well i was the one who taught them let me give you a piece of advice stick with a traditional way and then maybe that's been tried done your students will pass oh my god if you want to teach them so bad here let's switch classes this whole interaction was unnecessary oh we're going outside in the darkman parking lot and what are all these numbers oh my god these kids are way too old to be learning multiplication huh what's that can anyone tell me how to solve this problem does anyone know the first step do you idiots even know what pemdas is first you multiply the 10 by 2 which equals 20. yes but don't tell me show me what do you mean i get it 10 times 2 equals 20. you got it so x plus 5 equals 20. wow congratulations you did an equation ddr but for math 20 minus 5 equals 15. yes that was brilliant what's going on here we're playing hopscotch ma this is crazy having these kids jump around like monkeys doesn't teach them anything then do you want them to go back in their seats and throw around paper-like monkeys while they cease to listen will that teach them something also again don't you got a class to teach you have an awful lot of free time to wander around and check on the new teacher i'm going to tell what is going on here i'm glad you're here miss brooks isn't teaching the kids anything yesterday she had him throwing a ball around and today it's hopscotch she's having these kids play games instead of learning is this true miss brooks these are all learning games i know my style of teaching is unique but if my life has taught me anything it's that unique is a good thing well you should not be explaining yourself right now i'd be like if you can't look at this and realize that i am teaching them you should not be a teacher in all my years of teaching i have never seen something this foolish this is not how kids learn that's not true i've learned a lot oh yeah you kids love to just have fun and waste your day playing games you know what is on the line right now if these kids don't pass i'll lose my job well then teach them yourself idiot i am actually getting stressed out watching this and i don't want to put my job in jeopardy because of some new teachers crazy ideas you have got to tell her to stop okay imagine being like well if you can't learn when i write it on the board then you can't learn at all that is the only way to learn i am the number one teacher here i know all the ways to learn and there is only one you really think this will work i know it will well then we will give your unique way of teaching a try and if that does not work then we will talk again thank you you are so welcome it's giving tyra you are so welcome daisy continues her unique style of teaching and all the students love it as time goes on she continues to play more learning games with her kids they have so much fun bro what is this preschool but also learn a lot at the same time even though not everyone agrees with her style of teaching go fish daisy never lets that stop her before long all of daisy's students are volunteering in class and having so much fun yeah she transitioned to the board it's all part of her master plan then comes the day of the assessment test daisy passes the test out to all her students hoping for the best a couple weeks later everyone gets a big surprise next let's discuss the upcoming holiday break wait whatever happened to the assessment tests i haven't heard anything yet but from what i understand the board will be coming by soon uh excuse me a principal oh perfect timing we were just talking about you let me have a moment with you please you're in trouble you're getting fired everybody's getting fired that didn't sound very good i'm getting a new job so stressful i didn't want to have to look for a new job i knew this was gonna happen you guys are not going to believe this well give us the news please don't tell me we're getting fired please don't tell me we're getting fired i don't want to hear it i have a wife and three kids let me guess none of miss brooks students passed i told you you should have listened to me not only did they all pass they scored higher on average than any other class in this school ah booyah bailey uh how congratulations you are everybody's faces wait you mean to tell me especially here that her students discovered my students and because our school improved so much we are being officially recognized by the entire board so let's give a warm round of applause to miss daisy brooks for her amazing work my only one person not clapping yeah put those palms together make a sound and then she became the greatest teacher of all time eight times eight equals 64. great job she's this is dull her teaching method me too it's so different you're right and i've come too you really have no shame being unique is a good one oh she even stole her catchphrase that's embarrassing but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 21,260,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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