Gender Reveal Party Leaves Two Dead

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hot-Nature2403 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
going to a gender reveal party is like taking your family to chernobyl everyone's at risk of dying gender reveal parties these days is basically just acts of terrorism to reveal the gender of your upcoming baby whether it's starting legendary wildfires in california or just straight up killing your relatives with pipe bombs it's just absolute chaos i've been very outspoken against gender reveal parties i'm like mothers against drunk driving but for gender reveal parties [ __ ] gamers against gender reveal parties i feel like people should know by now that they're not that special your family your friends and especially the internet doesn't give that much of a [ __ ] about the gender of your upcoming baby so just give them the news plainly so they can pretend to be excited and happy for you like everybody else and if you want to get real wacky goofy and silly bake a cake a pink or blue if you want to i mean that's simple and it's it's harmless except with gender reveal parties i guarantee they'd use like [ __ ] rat poisoning for the food dye and end up killing their whole family revealing the gender with a cake you can't trust someone that wants to reveal the gender of their baby in a grand dangerous way because they're psychopaths in fact i even looked this up you are twice as likely to die at a gender reveal party than you are swimming in shark-infested water there have been two shark attack deaths in 2021 whereas there's been four gender reveal deaths in 2021. this is becoming a big statistic like you know you used to read that [ __ ] about a vending machine falling on someone and killing them and it turns out like well this happens quite a bit like you know 15 20 deaths a year gin reveals about to make that look like child's play people are [ __ ] dropping like flies at these parties and the [ __ ] worst part about it is the deaths are always like this looney tunes [ __ ] wily coyote kind of thing like one of them this year was a family shot a [ __ ] cannon at their friend and killed them it's it's terrible stuff the reason i'm talking about it is because yesterday there were two more deaths at a gender reveal party uh with a plane crashing a family hired a a plane and a crew to fly around doing an aerial acrobatics show while dropping colored smoke in a banner to reveal the baby's gender to the family that was watching from a boat and while doing these stunts they nose dived into the ocean and the one person on board died on impact and then someone else died after they were picked up by the rescue team and given first aid i'll show a clip of them flying around i'm obviously not going to show the crash but you can see just how [ __ ] dangerous this [ __ ] is [Music] [Music] oh it's absolutely horrifying and extremely sad with such an easy to avoid circumstance just don't do this kind of crazy dangerous [ __ ] to reveal the gender of your baby it's it's so [ __ ] trivial people don't care your friends that go wild pumping their fist whoa good work you [ __ ] your wife and now you got a girl on the way they're just putting on an act to make you feel better they don't care they're not gonna go home and talk about it for the next week like man i can't believe they're having a girl this is [ __ ] incredible and the way they revealed it with the magician making the statue of liberty disappear and then reappear covered in pink dust man i'm gonna be thinking about that for for for months now people don't give a [ __ ] it's this narcissistic attitude like wanting to be this center of attention like look at this we're having a boy so we're going to burn down all of california to celebrate which is what happened last year well [ __ ] one of the largest wildfires in history was started because of a gender reveal gone wrong like the amount of death and destruction these [ __ ] stupid parties hold is is wild our baby's gonna have a penis he's gonna have a [ __ ] dick to celebrate i'm gonna fire this fully loaded cannon at great aunt mildred brace for impact like to be honest at this point i wouldn't be surprised if the [ __ ] meteor that took out the dinosaurs was actually just an alien revealing the gender of their baby and using earth as a way of doing that like it's it's crazy like they keep ramping up in danger like pretty soon gender reveal parties are just gonna be families open firing on each other using pink or blue guns it's [ __ ] weird it's stupid and it's so easily preventable you don't have to kill your friends and family revealing your baby's gender you can just bake a cake if you want to get real wacky like it's that simple it's gonna have the same effect and i can promise you the internet doesn't [ __ ] care how big your gender reveal party is no one gives a [ __ ] like and a lot of them do it for internet points because for some reason some people cheer them on just trying to make them feel better but don't you're encouraging awful behavior it's so [ __ ] sad it's so dumb so just a little friendly advice to anyone considering throwing a party for the reveal of their baby's gender uh maybe just use pink or blue lollipops be like surprise the lollipops are blue it's a boy and then people clap and then you know no one dies unless of course you've dipped those lollipops in the [ __ ] cyanide or something but you probably wouldn't do that like there's just just play it safe you know or just don't bother at all because again people don't give that much of a [ __ ] about it so yeah that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,324,034
Rating: 4.9684515 out of 5
Id: lGJH_szRF0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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