13 Rarest Gemstones and Minerals Ever Seen

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where's gemstones and minerals ever seen number 13 black opal out of all the variations that opals come in the rarest and most valuable of them all the black opal the black opal happens to be the national gemstone of Australia and for good reason it's believed that around 95% of all opals comes straight out of the lightning ridge mine in Australia New South Wales to be precise the other 5% comes from Brazil Mexico in the states of Idaho and Nevada though recently some stones have been found in Mali of West Africa and in Ethiopia the color pattern that resembles that of fire in combination with their scarcity puts them at a market value of around two thousand three hundred and fifty five dollars per carat black opals are actually comprised of an amalgam of silicon oxygen and hydrogen number twelve jadeite until recently the jadeite mineral has been quite the mystery but now it's known that the main place to obtain it is in Guatemala with certain samples of greyish and white jadeite being obtained in the California region most notably in San Benito County California the use of jadeite has been dated all the way back to the Stone Age where it was used in the axe heads of over a hundred and eighty axes found throughout the British Isles the most expensive piece of jadeite jewelry was a necklace with 0.5 millimeter jadeite beads that sold for an unbelievable nine point three billion dollars at a 1997 auction Jade's composition is made up of aluminum iron and silicate of sodium number eleven Alexandre alexandrite was first discovered solely in the Ural Mountains of Russia but can now be unearthed in places such as Brazil Madagascar Tanzania Sri Lanka and even India the most popular theory of its discovery is also a controversial one it's said to have been discovered by a Finnish mineralogist named gustaf nordenskiöld who named the stone in honor of the future tsar alexander ii of russia alexandra is well known for its unusual ability to undergo dramatic color changes depending on the gem itself and the light conditions presented then again this color change also depends on your viewing angle number 10 Benito I sometimes refer to as the blue diamond Benito white is a gemstone that is recognized by its notable blue color the stone is mostly found in the waters of the San Benito River in San Benito County California where the stone has also been named the state's official gemstone some sources claim that bonito white has been unearthed in Arkansas and in Japan but that they're not of gemstone quality a wondrous feature of this gem is how striking it looks when viewed under a UV light that allows it to emit a fluorescent glow this fluorescent property isn't fully understood even though its chemical composition has been known for decades number 9 muscovite first discovered in 1967 this rare mineral was found at the Musgrave Range in South Australia for which it is named after and small samples have also been discovered in Antarctica Greenland and even Madagascar because the samples are so small the first one that was large and pure enough to be cut wasn't discovered until 1993 it's believed that as of 2005 there are only eight Muscovites to exist that are actually cut to shape number eight your emulate this mineral was discovered way back in 1883 by a French mineralogist named Agustin alexis d'amour who named it after the Russian scientist Pavel Vladimirovich @mf the crystal was found on mount sock 2e in Siberia Russia since then has been described as being found in the Eifel district of Germany and in the Pamir mountains in Namibia this where aluminum borate mineral was comprised a variable hydroxide and fluoride number seven pout ready a this mineral was found during the mid-1960s in the powder Eddy quarry of Mount st. Hilaire Quebec however it wasn't until 1987 that the powder Eddy I was fully recognized as a new mineral even then this mineral wasn't described in depth until 2003 a stated by several different sources it's believed that only a relative few will ever come into contact with this mineral and let alone even hear it mentioned number six grand Didier right this is considered to be an extremely rare mineral and gem that was first seen in 1902 on the island of Madagascar it was named in honor after the French explorer Alfred grande Didier who once studied the islands natural history granddaddy Wright comes in a bluish green color and is located almost entirely in Madagascar although there was a clean faceted sample that was found in Sri Lanka granddaddy Wright is also pleochroic which means it's able to absorb different wavelengths of light differently and that results in different colors such as the same ability with the gems tanzanite and alexandrite number five pay Knight this gemstone was first discovered back in the 1950s in Myanmar by British mineralogists named Arthur CD Payne for the next several decades only two fragments of the hexagonal mineral would known to exist on earth by the time the Year 2005 rolled around there was still less than 25 discovered pieces of pain it-- in the Guinness Book of World Records declared the world's rarest gemstone mineral however that was 11 years ago and since then the origin of the original stones has been found along with two other major locations that have led to the discovery of thousands of small samples of pay Knight fragments even so they're still considered one of the world's rarest minerals number four red Beryl also known as Big Bite red emerald or scarlet emerald Burrell was first reported as far back as 1904 even though its chemical compound is closely similar to that of aquamarines and emeralds it's actually considered to be rarer than both of them what gives the mineral it's red color palette is thanks to the presence of manganese 3 plus ions it can be found in parts of New Mexico and Utah where it's actually proven to be quite difficult to mine because of this prices for red Beryl are known to reach high levels and have even gone to be around $10,000 per carat for stones number three ammolite this rare gemstone can be found mainly in the eastern region of the Rocky Mountains of North America ammolite is an opal light gemstone that is solely made up of the fossilized shells of extinct animals known as ammonites this makes ammolite one of the few biogenic gemstones that exists along with pearls and amber gamma lights weren't officially recognized as gemstones until 1981 when they were given official status by the world jewelry Confederation that's also the same year the commercial mining for ammolite began number two tanzanite it's been said that tanzanite is a thousand times rarer than a diamond which might as well be the case considering the fact that it can be found almost entirely near the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro this is where the perfect conditions lie in order to form the mineral like Grandia right tanzanite is able to produce striking shifts in color based on the crystals orientation a certain lighting conditions Caltex geology division states that this is because the color variations are caused by the existence of the native ions before we get to number one let us know in the comments below which one of these rare gemstones was your favorite don't forget to subscribe number-one red diamonds did you know that diamonds come in a variety of colors in fact diamonds can range from being yellow brown colorless blue green black pink orange and red that's also the same order of how rare each diamond is classified as with yellow being the lease and red being the most not only that but diamonds are also the hardest natural substances that for on earth just like the colorless diamond the red diamond is made purely out of carbon however what gives the diamond its red color is actually a deformation of their atomic structure that's known as a plastic deformation the Moussaieff red is the largest red diamond in the world among the little known other red diamonds that have been discovered
Channel: Weird Science
Views: 3,071,362
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Keywords: science facts, rarest, gemstones, minerals, ever, seen, rare, rocks, world, earth, expensive, facts, list, gems, jewelry, crystals, gem, precious, geology, all time, valuable, Black Opal, Jadeite, mystery, Alexandrite, discovered, unearthed, Benitoite, blue, Musgravite, Jeremejevite, Poudretteite, Grandidierite, Painite, Red Beryl, Ammolite, Tanzanite, Red Diamonds, diamond, largest, Top Rarest Gemstones, Minerals More Valuable Than Gold
Id: jjn7yPzwCT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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