G.E. Patterson Born for a Divine Purpose

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[Music] the low hallelujah shall we lift up all the hands and give God the praise Oh hallelujah bless the name of Jesus Lord we thank you for this day we thank you for the assembling of your scents at this hour pray that you would speak through these lips of Clay words of spirit and life that your people might be blessed and we'll take no credit for anything that you do but we'll give you all of the praise the glory and the honor and the matchless name of Jesus we ask these favors a man and a man give the Lord a hand of praise you may be seated what honor and respect today to Bishop Smith Bishop a eread evangelist Campbell to all of the members of our state executive board and to the pastors and elders who make up this jurisdiction to the supervisor for the Department of women with Echols her assistant mother Smith and to my own wife and first lady Louise Patterson glad to see assistant supervisor Georgia Macklin of Tennessee fifth and all of the visiting friends that we have today to all of the saints of the law do have a symbol at this hour it has been a tremendous convocation the tenth annual holy convocation [Music] Genesee for the festival jurisdiction we have much to do and I'm certainly not going to be before you at any great length usually when I stand here my mind goes back to the lake bishop FD Washington the word that he would say periodically that awful day has surely come I've enjoyed sitting and listening to all of the great speakers and preaching is not a hard job when God calls you and anoint you to do it but it is somewhat difficult to bring what is considered an official message that somehow I feel when it is properly done it should address the Saints of this jurisdiction and it should articulate where we are how we got here and where we're going and I spent several hours putting that kind of a message together and during the offering decided to scrap it so I want to just speak to you from something that the Lord impressed me with a few moments ago and after a very few minutes we'll be into the ordination we have understand five candidates for the nation and from that directly into Holy Communion and at a reasonable time we'll be going I understand that sundown is a little different and I promise I'll be finished by then in the book of the Prophet Jeremiah I want you to turn with me and we will read together from the first chapter and I want to take this time to say this now before we begin reading les somewhere down the road I might forget but I want to say to all of the pastor's of this jurisdiction to meckel's and the women's department and I also want to say to the music department that the cooperation during this convocation has been most beautiful I have been so well pleased with how you have come together as a jurisdiction on this week and God blessed us we had great speakers from a number of different cities we had a guest speaker each night but we also had one of our own pastors who gave an inspirational message each night and the total participation the young people during the daytime it has been the most glorious and I don't think that I have ever enjoyed the convocation any more probably not as much as this year you have been a beautiful group and past as well where you stand up all of the pastor's of Tennessee forth because you've got to understand that the pastor's are the hub if the pastors don't throw in and give that cooperation and get involved then you're certainly not going to have participation from the laity we do have some other pastors who upstairs in the finance department but I want to say to each and every one of you thank you god bless you you have been absolutely beautiful let's just give them a hand sense amen and now from Jeremiah chapter 1 begin reading with verse 4 and we'll read from verse 4 through verse 10 aloud together from the King James Version of the Holy Bible if you have it's a man let's read then the word of the Lord came unto me saying before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou Kamath forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nation then said I o Lord God behold I cannot speak for I am a child but the Lord said unto me say not I am a child for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee and but so ever I command thee thou shalt speak be not afraid of their faces for I am with thee to deliver thee saith the Lord then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said unto me behold I have put my words in thy mouth see I have this day set the over the nation and over the kingdom's to root out and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down to deal and to plan alright we'll stop right there I want to talk to you really from the words that appear in verse 5 before I formed the in the belly I knew thee and before thou Kamath forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations I'm speaking from the theme born for a divine purpose can you just reach over and tell somebody we were born for a divine purpose praise the Lord praise the Lord and I want you to get that if I don't say anything else turn to that knave on the other side and I'm not gonna have you talking to each other all through the sermon but turn to the one on the other side and tell them you were born for a divine purpose and not tell yourself I was born for a divine purpose when we fully understand that then we do not idle away our time we do not spend and waste years trying to be somebody else some people are so fascinated by other folk that they spend all of their life trying to mimic somebody else they want to dance like somebody else they want to talk like somebody else they won't speak in tongues like somebody else but you will never fulfill God's design and God's purpose for your life until you understand that God brought you into this world for a specific purpose that there are in God no accidental verse I know that this is a day when people talk about contraception and abortion and how to stop this one from being born and that one from being born in here somebody gets born when they weren't supposed to but I want you to know that even though it may appear to be an accidental birth God has a purpose for every life every one of us are part of God's master plan you understand people don't know that if they knew it they wouldn't spend so much time trying to bleach their skin until they are another color God made you like he wants you to be you wouldn't have to go and have plastic surgery in order to make your nose smaller because it spreads too much across your face that does not mean because the world's standard may be that keen features constitutes Beauty God looks at us all as his children and he made us like he wants us to be and you got to learn that you're beautiful just like you are everything is beautiful in its own way a man God made you like he wants you to be and the best that you can do with your life is to find out the purpose for which God brought you here and don't try to be somebody else but be the best view that you can possibly be the Prophet Jeremiah had a tremendous work which God had assigned to his hands in regards to prophesying to the Lord's people the children of Israel the children of Judah and God called him at a time when he felt I'm just a little bit too young I'm not ready yet I'm only a child but God said I want you to know something Jeremiah before I ever formed thee in the belly before you even became a fetus that could be identified when you were nothing but just a mass growing within your mother's womb God said before you took shape before you took form I called you and I ordained you to be a prophet to the nation so when they do all of this arguing now about when does a seed when does it actually become a person God said before it's ever formed that I already know yet I've already got my work picked out for you you don't have to wait until the third trimester God says from the moment you conceived I know you and I know what I have on my agenda for you to accomplish and since you are born for a divine purpose you've got to make sure that the devil does not abort God's plan and I'm not talking about before the child comes forth I mean after you were born and walking around the devil will still try to abort God's plan for you I've often felt that three of the greatest words in the New Testament found in Matthew two and one that starts off by saying now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king and three words there that are really profound the three words Jesus was born because when you go back and read it from the time that Adam and Eve sinned in the garden and when God called the serpent in and said to him that the seed of the woman is going to bruise your head and then you are going to bruise his heel but he's gonna bruise your head from that time the devil himself was embodied in the form of the serpent or the snake and when Jesus said that it would be the seed of the woman that would bruise your head then throughout all of the kingdoms of the Evil One the word rang out that God has a plan to deliver man and that plan is going to come through the seed of woman so what did the devil do he got busy and whenever he saw goodness he tried to kill it he didn't bother Cain but when Abel came along knowing that Abel must be the one that God was going to work his plan through Cain murdered Abel but I'm here to tell you it doesn't matter how the devil tries to stop God God always comes up with an alternate plan when Cain killed Abel then the words come later down that Adam knew his wife Eve again and she conceived and when she brought forth this son she named him Seth and you check it out the words set means substitute in other words God was saying my real plan was through Abel but since Cain killed him I got a substitute hallelujah God always has an alternate plan he tried again to abort the deliverer in those days in Egypt when the family of Joseph sons of Jacob were down in Egypt as invited guests but when their roles a king that knew not Joseph and how that those men the Brothers of Joseph and that children became slaves and as the Hebrew nation began to grow and to wax stronger and stronger the word was handed down from Pharaoh to those midwives when you see these Hebrew women on the stool getting ready to deliver if it's a girl baby let it live but if it's a boy killing but God showed that even under the very eyes of Pharaoh right in Pharaoh's Palace hallelujah that when Moses was born and put into the Nile River and a vessel that would stay afloat that God let the baby cry at the right and his sister was standing by when Pharaoh's daughter heard the crying and him Moses ended up being raised up right in the grass as the grandson of Pharaoh see when God has a divine purpose fire you don't have to worry about being surrounded by enemies hallelujah he'll raise you up under the protective custody of your enemy David said thou prepareth a table before me in the presence of mine enemies so you don't have to worry hallelujah God sets a table for you in the presence of your enemy you don't have to go around the corner to eat you don't have to worry about your enemy sit down right in the enemies face eat from the table and let the enemy do the worrying amen so every time the devil tried to abort Jesus Christ from the womb of history but out of all that happened with the children of Israel going down into Babylon and coming under the captivity of mighty Assyria all of that silent period of 400 years between the old and new Testament and for 33 years and their fellow was born by the name of Alexander the Great and as tyrannical as he was he never could interrupt the bloodline of Jesus Christ and finally with that wicked Roman Empire in power Jesus was born Daniel had already seen it hallelujah when the King had a dream and could not understand what it was about and Daniel had interpreted he said you saw stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands came rolling down through Babylon and it grew as it kept rolling and it's smoke the image upon its feet hallelujah if it's smote the image at his head remember Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Empire was the head of gold Jesus would have been born at that time but it didn't smite the image on his head didn't smite him upon the breast four-headed smith smote him upon the breast Jesus would have been born during the time of the midea Persian Kingdom it did not smite him in the belly for he would have been born during the time of Alexander the Great and the Grecian Empire but it smote him on the feet feet apart iron and part clay symbolizing the Babylonian Empire that's when Jesus was born and all when I got a look at heavens you I look over in Revelation chapter 12 and the heavenly view was I'll show you how it looked in heaven while all of the panorama of history was unfolding said Behold a woman clothed with the Sun with the moon under her feet hallelujah and here she was in pain waiting to be delivered and that was a great red dragon ready to swallow up the child the moment that it was born but even though the devil had all of his imps ready to destroy Jesus Jesus had said before leaving the Father's throne burnt offerings and sacrifice for sin thou had no pleasure but a body have now prepared me then I said lo I come in the volume of the book it's written of me to do thy will O God and all of what the devil did to try to abort the birth of Jesus the fact remains Jesus was born hallelujah not only was he born but everything that he came here to do he did it and what more could he do some of us are waiting for Jesus and I don't know what it is we don't understand how important our will to do right it's God that works in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure some folk were waiting for the power of the Holy Ghost to come and snatch the liquor bottle out of their hand and you know burn up their cigarettes and somehow dry up that tongue so they can't speak a profane word but when Jesus laid the foundation he did his job he's opened up the way living holy now has to be your wheel you've got to make it up in your mind I don't tell what other folk do since the Lord has entered my life he's changed my will and I will to do right doesn't mean it's not gonna be a struggle holiness of the learned behavior oh you don't hear what I'm saying it's a learned behavior and sometimes the tempter is there and you don't feel like doing right so it's not only what you feel but because you know what God's Word saying you're gonna live according to his word the devil would try to abort God's plan for your life but you've got to be like Jeremiah you got to make it up in your mind that from the time I entered this world a lot of times you didn't have anything to do a little baby left to the mercy of others but everything that you've been through was designed to bring you to this point we are the sum total of all of our experience some of us want to think that the only thing that works good in our life is the good things the successes hallelujah somebody said to me when we were putting together that book last year 40 years in the ministry and some things that were in it biographically that were negative that's a bishop you know if I were you I wouldn't I wouldn't let this go in there but that's the truth about the Bible is that the Bible records about men that gives their bad their successes and their failures and you are who you are because of your failures many things you don't learn about God until you have some failures I love that song I quoted so much and sing it occasionally by Andre Crouch now I thank God for the mountains and I thank him for the valleys you can't be on the mountain all the time that's one of the problems that we have in today's church we can't really stand the unmasked truth when I was coming along as a youngster in the church the church didn't have as many people as it has now but those few people were strong now we've got a lot of food but we got a lot of weak folk a lot of weak folk the church is now like a nursing home you don't hear what I'm saying the whole message of the church nowadays on television radio and whenever you go to church it's all about healing the hurting everybody is hurting everybody wants a message to be healed and when you get through trying to heal the hurting Saints and make the altar call the center don't have nowhere to get because the Saints fill up the altar but God wants us to know that we've got to be strong in the Lord a man and then the power of his mind when you meet God you're not gonna meet God for the beautiful unscarred unblemished face you're not gonna meet God standing there beautifully attired and hallelujah beautiful to look upon for even the Bible said of him when you see him there's no beauty to desire of him he is despised rejected of men a man of sorrows acquainted with grief and when we meet God hallelujah the tears ultimately will not be wiped away until he wipes the tears away when we meet him we gonna meet him battlestar we're gonna meet him with broke fingers and sometimes hole hands that's been cut off we gonna meet him hallelujah battle-scarred because we are soldiers on the battlefield but all hallelujah while we are here we got to fight the devil with everything in us glory to God that's why I say I take him far the mountains and I take him for the valleys I take him for the songs he's brought me through cuz if I never had a problem I wouldn't know that God could solve them and I wouldn't know what faith in God can do but through it all through the successes and the failures through it all through the laughter and the tears through it all these within days without through it all I've learned the trust in Jesus to depend upon God's Word somebody ought to give God a hand the praise hallelujah glory to God you got to remember that you were born for a divine purpose and being born for design purpose doesn't mean that you're gonna sail through here on flowery beds of ease yeah yeah yeah you're gonna have to fight your soul just so you may as well get dressed put on your helmet get your sword in your hand put on the breastplate have your lawns girded with truth hallelujah put on your boots have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and let the devil know that God sent me here for purpose and I don't care how you rent and how you raised and how you try to stop me from doing what God sent me to do I'm gonna do it he told me to let my light shine and I'm gonna let it shine he told me to live the life of holiness and I'm gonna live it glory be under God and I don't care mr. devil how you come at me nothing that you have is able to destroy me you may injure me but I hear the Lord saying there in the Book of Isaiah that no weapon and we're living in a nuclear age and we've got a whole lot of different kinds of weapons back in that day they on their head rocks and Spears and glittering swords but now we got guided missiles and we got time bombs and we've got radiation and we got all kinds of things but I hear the Lord said that I'm the one that made the Smith who blow it the coals in the fire I made the man that made the weapons and I don't care if it's crude is futuristic no weapon that's formed against thee shall prosper reach over and tell somebody quit worrying about the devil [Applause] [Music] that's formed against thee shall prosper [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna quit but I feel the help coming down bless the name of Jesus God said Jeremiah I want you to know that you calling yourself a child but I want you to know sometime God needs a child sometimes God needs somebody who's not tainted somebody who's not corrupted you don't hear what I'm saying somebody that will stand up and tell the truth they may say you're not a team player but tell the truth they may say that he won't act right but tell the truth God wants the simplicity of a child that love God enough that you don't worry about man and don't feel him that can destroy your body but fear him that can destroy both soul and body in the very depths out he'll make it up in your mind that when the Lord saved me he just started to work on perfecting my purpose before I was save he had a purpose but now that he saved me and filled me with the Holy Ghost now he's busily revealing to me my purpose and my purpose is not to make folks feel good my purpose is not to convince folk on the job that I'm just like you I can't convince you of that because I'm not like you if you running up and down the highway playing all of that gaming stuff down in Tunica if you own the telephone calling up the psychic I'm not like you when I was a little boy coming along Saints knew they were different for laughed at us and criticized them because they knew and we knew that we but now we spend all our time trying to convince everybody I'm just like you I'm a you used to be just like you but now I'm in that new number you have acquitted that were there [Applause] I used to be dead in trespasses than insane but now hallelujah he said that you are a royal priesthood you are a chosen generation hallelujah you are peculiar and when you're peculiar folk know you strange we're trying to be like somebody else he said I made you the way I made you that you praise Him glorify God but I don't just lure if I'm in the dance I don't just glorify I'm speaking in tongues but Laure time by the way I live come on and give God a praise somebody [Music] the dog come on and tell three people I know I was born not to either way my time but for a divine purpose [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god bless you be seated thank you Jesus thank you thank you Jesus [Applause] I'm done ass superintendent Thomas la flora and the members of the board of AutoNation that come at this time a man if we don't dance this evening we've danced this week enough [Applause] I trust that the members of the Board of Water nation would would come at this time the elder right pastor right pastor Eric farmer elder Troy Morris and also elder banks and elder Freeman the candidates are for AutoNation today are as follows and I would like for each of want to come and stand at the foot of the stairs Minister Wayne T Christian and his wife will stand of course behind him pastor this pastor was elder Jackson and hold a temple minister Daniel E Crockett Aaron who's pastor's elder farmer spirit of light Charles Jackson Kristen Kristen are a WC Walker yes there's a mistake here and a pastor elder pastor minister Lera D Crump was a pastor is Bishop G Patterson temple of deliverance and Minister Gerry L McCallum pastor is elder William Charles Burke's and praise Temple Minister James E Neville's whose pastor's elder Jack Hunt Bishop Patterson we present unto you these men whom we have examined we have tried and calls to show full proof of their ministry and call the board of ordination in concert to recommend the foregoing men to you for a holy ordination to the gospel of a Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to the office of Elder and the Church of God in Christ these are the men Bishop Patterson let me just make this comment Minister Daniel Crockett is a member of Holy Temple Church of God in Christ where elder Charles Jackson is the pastor that is significant to me because as a child growing up at Holy Temple in those same days his father elder Jean Crockett and I were boys together there at Holy Temple and God in his own way has led brother as we affectionately called him Danny back to Holy Temple and we praise God for him and for each of you brethren on today I say first of all to the board of ordination take heed that the persons whom you present to us be apt and meet by their godly life to exercise themselves in this Ministry of Christ to the honor of God and the edifying of the body of Christ these are they whom we propose to ordain this day to the gospel ministry of Jesus Christ in the Church of God in Christ after due examination by a Board of ordination we find that there is no valid reason to refrain them now if there be anyone of you know any impediment a crime in any of these men for which they all not be received into this ministry to come forth in the name of God and show what that impediment is let me say to you candidates I want to put it in the form of a question and you will answer that question I am so persuaded and have so determined by God's grace are you persuaded that the Holy Scriptures contain sufficient they're all doctrines required of necessity for eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ it will answer I am so persuaded and have so determined by God's grace are you determined out of the sad scriptures to instruct the people committed to you from time to time I am so persuaded and have so determined by God's grace I would father ask would you teach and preach nothing as required of necessity to salvation but that which you shall be persuaded and may be proven by the scriptures if so answer I'm so persuaded and have so determined by God's grace will you be faithful to prayer reading and study of the Word of God and such other studies which will help your knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and laying aside the study of the world the flesh and the devil you answer I will endeavor so to do the Lord helping me I would ask at this time if the wives will remain where you are but the man will come up and kneel on that first step on the last call of our board if you would Steve please stand and come around as we offer prayer I'm gonna ask the chairman of our Board of Elders L Andrew Jackson if he would come and lead us in this prayer until God our Father we thank thee for thy many blessings we thank you for this point in which we have come in this convention these men who have presented themselves here for ordination they've been tested and tried counted worthy to have this honor bestowed upon them this day we pray that you would rip their hearts their minds with the spirit of humility let them know that you have charged them to preach your word to be instant in season and out of season lay our hands upon them today as we lay our hands you lay your hands get a hold to them and never let them go but even more than that may they get a hold of you and never let you go touch this spouse's fix them now prepare them for the journey there will be good times but there will also be bad times there will be times of suffering there will be very experiences and God you bring those into our lives where we can get to know you in a more intimate way do it for them today all of their steps their mouths consecrate them today let this be the beginning of rest of their lives got a brand new day a brand new beginning in the name of Jesus now we commit and submit them into your hand that you will do with them what you will in Jesus name we pray and everyone Stanley man phrasing Mussa now attendee and elder in the Lord's Holy Church the Church of God in Christ [Music] Mehsana ordained an elder in the Lord's Holy Church the Church of God in Christ mas on our Dane D an elder in the Lord's Holy Church the Church of God in Christ and they rise Masson our deigned the air and elder in the Lord's Holy Church the Church of God in Christ a son ordained thee and elder in the Lord's Holy Church the Church of God in Christ arise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh blessed name glory to God now as we get ready to go into our service of communion your may return to your places but you new elders you will have the privilege of serving your wives the communion return to your places hallelujah Oh to Jesus or we bless his name praise the law [Music] oh I don't know all the words of this but I want to sing it right now and you're gonna help me sing Savior like a shepherd lead us we need light n [Music] nothing Astra's see [Music] for are you sloth Falls prepare Jesus blessed Jesus Wow me [Music] said Jesus bless Jesus [Music] have brought us come on the course everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] at hand [Music] I [Music] [Music] as we stand Elda troy morris don't ask the Lord's blessings upon us as we prepare to eat of our Lord's broken body and a drink of his shed blood precious father today in Jesus name we thank you you have spared our lives even us to assemble ourselves together again but we ask you to bless these that are here today you know how to fix things for us it was straightened give us courage take us through and lead us on in Jesus name thank God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lord was betrayed he took bread and he did break it said to his disciples this is my body which is broken for you so shall we of our Lord's broken body [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and he took the cup and he gave thanks gave it to his disciples he said drinky all of it what is the New Testament in my blood so as often as we eat of this bread and drink of this cup we do show the Lord's death until he comes [Music] [Music] I need at this time among our elders pastors preferably I need eight of you in the balcony I need eight of you and the wing and you will serve the tables our some of my elders will be there to show you exactly how it should function [Music] when we have eight in the wing then we need eight in the balcony [Music] now elders from Chapel of deliverance you know my method so you be in each area so that they will be properly aligned [Music] all right give me to move the elders from down here that give me four more from down here [Music] why stand on that's how you do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] starting at the front Linda you're right there you know how we do it in the balcony if you stand and from the front row come into the center aisle and go back following the direction of the usher in the wing beginning on the front road follow the instruction of the ushers [Music] [Music] and to you that are downstairs you will soon be served so you don't have to worry you better downstairs there is help on the way for you [Music] some of you Deacon brothers that know how we do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and praise the law [Music] always remember that this is a healing service Isaiah said surely he had borne out grief and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded filed transgression bruised for our iniquity chase tasman of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed not only for our salvation but as we eat and drink receive healing in your body [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 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Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 117,266
Rating: 4.6656346 out of 5
Id: yuB8rJbMY3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 42sec (4182 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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