G.E. Patterson... Facing The Giants with Courage

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's give our young people another community [Music] praise the Lord praise the law [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well you see the life of temple of deliverance in the soon coming tomorrow's a man just reach over and touch someone beside you now God our Heavenly Father the father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we want to thank you again for the assembling of your people together and we pray that you would anoint these lips of clay that we might speak words of spirit and life and whatever you do will be grateful and we thank you right now thank you Jesus that none who have come go away empty that Olly and be filled and let us go home another way and we'll thank you in Jesus name a man and a man come on give a lot another hand of free [Music] I want to get immediately into the scripture and I will not be before you're in a great length because we although the program was a bit more full than usual i yet want us to be out by at the same time unless the lord just takes over and holds us longer from the book of 1st samuel chapter 17 and the word that i feel the lord has given for today although we might address the message basically to our youth and young adults it is a message that i believe the lord will use to speak to the heart of all of his people regardless of age category first time you'll chapter 17 we want to read verses 22 through 33 in an alternating fashion i'll read verse 22 and i want you to read verse 23 and we'll all turn 8 from verse 22 through verse 33 and david left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage and ran into the army and came and saluted his brethren and all the men of Israel when they saw the man fled from him and were so afraid and David speak to the men that stood by him saying what shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine and taketh away the reproach from Israel for who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the Living God and Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men and the lab's anger was Kendall against David and he said why Kamath out down hither and with whom hath left those few sheep in the wilderness I know thy pride and the naughtiness of thine heart for thou are come down that thou might it see the battle and he turned from him toward another and speak after the same manner and the people answered him again after the former manner and David said to Saul let no man's heart fail because of him thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine and Saul said today hates the spilling right with him alright we'll stop right there I will talk to you about facing the giant with courage facing the giant with courage god bless us now I hope that you're not don't city and go to sleep on me certainly I don't have the vehm vegan vitality and energy of these young folk I can't put on the production the rival what they've done but if you wake up I believe the Lord will give your word and I believe that every person in here you are facing at least one giant and the one thing that I hope to encourage your heart today to don't allow yourself to fall into heart failure by looking at the giant but be courageous face the giant with courage and whatever the giant in your life is you too can come out victoriously amen so look at somebody and tell them don't be a coward facial giants with courage come on and give the Lord a hand APRI [Music] now the situation here is that of Israel a new nation now under their first king but they are fighting an old and persistent enemy the Philistines are the Philistines whichever way you might choose to pronounce it but an interesting thing happens as the two armies are facing each other and the battle is set in a ray one Philistine champion decides why we need to go through all this your arm is fighting my armies and whole lot of different men shedding blood and dying on the battlefield why can't we just have one of your champions step out face me as the champion of the Philistines and if your champion win then we'll serve you but if I win you all are going to have to serve us that's pretty much what it says look look back here - I hope you didn't close your Bible look back to the beginning of chapter 17 look at verse 3 it says and the Philistines stood on a mountain on the one side and Israel stood on a mountain on the other side and there was a valley between them and there without a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath whose height was six cubits and a span now this one champion that says you know we don't need through all this bloodshed and just one on one and that'll take care of it he himself was so menacing I mean just to look at him you know it says he was six cubits and a span now a cubit is the amount of about eighteen inches and when you multiply 18 inches six times and then divided by twelve inches which comes out one foot you'll see that he's nine feet but it said he's six cubits and a span now a span was considered the distance between say the little finger and the thumb when you put it down so actually the man was almost 10 C he was closer to 10 feet than he was to nine and if you see a big old 10 foot person saying come on you got somebody would fight me and wasn't hardly anybody there solved himself King Saul was the tallest one and he was somewhat over 6 feet the rest of them was just 5 foot something and below and here's one big guy come on I'll fight whoever you sin and here is a guy that's a giant facing those who are not midgets but they are average size and look at a man almost 10 feet would be terribly menacing I used to think the Goliath was big until I read up on hog and when I looked in Deuteronomy chapter 3 verse 11 I found out that although Goliath was a big giant to the Israelites at this point Goliath wasn't really nothing but a baby giant and you'd look in Deuteronomy 3 and 11 and it tells you that the bed if by sleeping king-size beds now you know it's commonplace but in that time all was sleeping in a bed that was 6 feet wide and something like 13 feet long and it is said that all himself was about 12 feet so if he had stood in front of Goliath and he would have looked down on the top of the lion's head but David as a little boy saw Goliath that's a pretty big giant and the thing that you've got to remember is that the Giants we face when you look at them they're kind of menacing menacing to look at our young people today they're facing giants that we face plus some more see we face the Giants young folk when hide the old folks used to say that about when the SAP would rise you know and young folks start feeling that body and feeling themselves developing and the only thing then was a matter of trying to find an opportunity to sneak you know and get involved with the giant of sexual pleasure but see our young folk now they are looking at it on television and even in the school they're telling them that you know that's one of your classes you know teach sex education and now they're telling you even the alternative lifestyle which God burned up Sodom and Gomorrah burn it to a cinder pile but now they are teaching it's only an alternative lifestyle our young folk have got to face this giant and in school instead of it being a place where the values of the scripture the church and the home are forced at school now is where those old-fashioned values are attacked so when I was a youngster growing up we were taught the way of holiness in the home and although at school they didn't teach holiness but they taught Christ you recognize God you recognize Jesus Christ you recognize authority so the values in the home were fostered by the church by the school but now when you say it's school time they out of your hands you can't do much with them when it's not school time because they spend more time watching television than they spend sitting around the family table some of us can remember that at dinnertime and breakfast time it was family time we were all together but nowadays everybody is on a different shift you know if daddy is at home he's on one shift and mom is on another shift and children is shifting for themselves and so we're looking at a whole different set of giants today and every giant is menacing when you look at him he looks like I don't know how I'm gonna pull through this this giant Goliath not only was he tall but when you look at even his a time it talks about this helmet of brass upon his head and he was armed with a coat of mail and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of brass and he had Greaves of brass upon his legs and a target of brass between his shoulder and the staff of his spear was like a Weaver's beam and his Spears head weighed 600 shekels of iron and then he had armor bearer walking in front of him he didn't have to carry a shield his armor bearer walked in front of him would a shield and look at this it would automatically cause one heart to fail but the next thing we know David is thrown into conflict with the Giant and he wasn't thrown into the conflict through any act of his own the truth of the matter is when you go back and read it his father said to him verse 17 of chapter 17 Jesse say it under David his son take now for thy brother in and he thought of this parched corn and these ten loaves and run to the camp to thy brethren carry these ten cheese's under the captain of that thousands and look how thy brother and fare and take their pledge in other words bring back the report he only went to take some provisions and he was sent by his father but the next thing he found himself face to face with a challenge from the Giant you don't always go looking for trouble people talk about looking for trouble but sometimes you stumble into it without even looking for it all you know is that one day you look up and that trouble is David went down to the battlefield to check on his brothers but while he was there he heard the roaring of the voice of a giant saying is that not anyone among these Israelites that will challenge me anybody that will come and fight me and then he goes to boasting about taking their caucus and feeding it to the fowls of heaven and the devil is constantly saying that you can't win that I'm the one I'm the ruler of the he that I'm the one I'm the ruler of the hill and you own my territory and whether you want a bow or not you are going to buy and when the Giants of this world get through telling you what they are going to do to you and down in your spirit something look like wants to tremble and you want to feel like oh my god am I going to be able to escape this thing intact David stumble in the battle but he was ready because he went to the battlefield prepared I'm gonna tell you something the worst thing in the world for you young folks to go back to school as a question mark not knowing where you are you got to know you got to have some things and I know education presumes that your mind should be open but there are some things that your mind ought to be closed to there are some things that you need to go into that philosophy and religion class would have made up mine that I don't care what you said this is what I believe you've got to have your heart and your mind fixed on Jesus Christ that I don't care maybe I can target you logically maybe I can't get around all of the different ways by which you pose your particular stand but one thing I know that God is real that Jesus is real in my life and the experience that I've had with God tells me there's no need for me to be afraid of the Giant well David went and said to his brother I'll fight this fella and you'd think that his brother would have said great he didn't have the courage to fight him Eliab didn't have the courage but when David said I'll fight him he saw that you go again I know the naughtiness of your mind you just want to come down here and try to be an exhibitionist and think that you can do so much and they just kind of turn that back on him and King David or other King Saul heard that David had offered to fight him you know he is a big strong King and here's a little shepherd boy but he knew that he didn't have anybody else so he took the position that if I got a little boy here that's crazy enough maybe I better check him out at least interview him David said to King Saul he said I'll fight him oh boy you are only a youth never let anybody tell you that you are only Youth Paul told Timothy let no man despise thy youth don't let anybody tell you that you don't know God you're too young that you don't know what you're talking about you're too young but he's also saying let no man despise your youth don't act in such a way as to make anybody despise you you know you can be a child without being childish you can be young without acting foolish you can be yet in those tender years but you can have a faith in God that is mature steadfast and unmovable so David said well you think that I can't fight this John let me testify and I'll be finished in seven minutes let me testify you little boy gonna fight this giant you can't do it he said I want to give you a little bit of my history I know I'm young now but when I was younger my father just had me tending his sheep that's my job I just took off a few days just to come down here and check on my brothers and gotta get back to the Sheep but but let me tell you one night when I was tending my father's sheep a bag came out of the woods and stuck his big old paws out and grabbed one of my sheep he said but let me tell you what I did said I caught him and with my own hand I killed him and delivered my sheep oh come on David wait a minute I'm not through he said another time aloud he tried to take one of my shoes and you know what I did I caught him by the symbol of his power I caught him by his beard and when I got through tan him on loose from my sheep I killed him with my bad hands and delivered machine and he didn't just see it like a story he'd memorized but he said it like one who had had experience oh I tell you sometimes you can listen the testimonies and some folk you know all they're doing is Flo showing you know this is my time so since I got the flow I'm just going perform and that's why so many times we don't even have just them on the service you you have some folk make you shame you haven't testimony service you don't wanna go that way but this young fella he told his story in such an effective way until Saul said you know boy must be something you got something to tell you what you better take my take my sword and come on and put on my garments take my shield and you going to out there and fighting David tried to pick up the sword and Lydia is dragging the ground and picks up his shield and he can hardly drag it man I don't know nothing about this stuff take it let me have what I have proven give me my slingshot or sometimes you got to use what you have proven you got to use what God has given you don't don't waste your time trying to be somebody else I was listening this morning to my cousin Minister Charles Patterson and I was watching him he wasn't trying to be his daddy his granddaddy or nobody he was just himself to many young folk waste their life trying to be somebody else let others inspire you but be yourself hallelujah don't worry if you're not able to get into the beauty pageant don't let anybody tell you that you are ugly you're not only you you need God made you the way he wanted you to be don't spend your time bleaching your skin until it becomes another color God made you the texture that he wants you God gave you the half that he wants you to have God gave you all of a personality touch somebody and tell them don't try to be somebody else develop yourself and be the best you that you can be have not proven these things give me my slingshot and then he walked down to the brook and picked up five smooth stones say what you want you God can use you when you get the rough edges off God can use you're winning and when it gets through shaving down that Chaplin shaving down all of those other useful attributes that are not pleasing Paul said to Timothy flee youthful lusts oh I know that that's some things that are just natural but when you get Jesus down on the inside and I you may not agree with this but let me tell you the Christian lifestyle is a learned behavior the Lord will save you he will sanctify you but cleansing your ways comes from adhering to the principles of the scripture when you get saved you can still do anything you ever did you can still smoke you can still drink you can God doesn't take away your ability to do it but he takes away your desire to follow the crowd he gives you a design to live like he wants you to live so you learn how to be a child of God hello somebody and when God changes your heart your mind your attitude every time you read in the Bible it doesn't matter what the crown is doing if God said this is what I want you to do then you smooth that edge off hallelujah he picked up five smooth stones put one of them in the slingshot full of him in his bag and then he starts whining hallelujah so you named Elias you're the champion of gasps huh mm-hmm this rock got gas on it I've told you many times though the youngster growing up I couldn't understand it why did he need to put five stones why he neat for in his bag and one in the slingshot why did he need 521 don't use but one but during my study of the Philistines in the book of Judges we came across that how that they had five Lords that reigned in five capital cities they had the city of Ashdod it run Ascalon gat and Gaza and Goliath was the champion from Gath but he knew that the devil fights they did know don't fool yourself taught my plan by the rooms tell somebody the devil fights dirty he didn't know whether or not after defeating the champion of gas that the Lord of Gaza might send his champion the Lord of Ekron and Escalon might send that champion the Lord of Ashdod might send his champion so he had full rocks in his bag saying that after I defeat the champion of gap if one of the others send that champion I got a rock in my bag for them also and I'm here to tell you that it doesn't matter how many textbooks you have to buy don't leave your rock bag you got enough rocks in this bag for anything the devil throw at you and here the lieth is ruling and ranting and raving and shining every time the Sun would hit that glittering still every time the Sun would hit that coat of mail sometimes it would be blinding in the eyes of David but David fates the giant will courage you got to let the devil know I don't know what you're gonna throw at me and I don't care how glaring it comes I've got come for dents in my dog and he said the Goliath you coming to me with a sword and a spear but I'm coming to you in the name of the Lord the God of Israel I just wanna let you know that take the Lord along with you don't matter what else you have take the Lord along with you you can meet every challenge if you take the Lord along with you you can stand against every giant if you take the Lord along with you how many going out of town and how many are just going back to high school how many are going to the elementary grades but whatever you go and take the Lord along with you somebody saying preacher I'm not even going to school I'm going to look for job but you ought to tell three people I don't know where you're going but you be sure to take the Lord along with you you come to me with a sword and a spear but I'm coming to you in the name of the Lord the God of Israel and he wound up the slingshot and God directed the rock to the Giants or head you may not have nothing but a rock but I'm here to tell you God will give that rock radar God will give that rock an automatic homing device and it will find its target [Applause] tell somebody all I have is a rock declare this giant has to die [Music] [Applause] [Applause] sweets are you taught my lorac what good can you do with a rock you need to get into the scripture and get the significance of the rock I hear David saying in the 61st song hear my cry of God from the ends of the earth well I cry on the beat and when my heart is overwhelmed me and when Jesus comes on the scene he says upon this rock I'll build my church and I hear Isaiah in the 3rd or 2nd chapter said the whole the King shall reign in righteousness and princes shall rule in judgment and a man shall be as an hiding place from the tempest and a covering from the storm he'll be as a great rock in a weary land and when I got a rock it's something mean I got Jesus he the smitten Rock he's the rock of ages' he's the precious cornerstone see the sure foundation giant must die [Applause] you ought to tell somebody I don't have my degree yet but I got a rock [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell somebody I have made my fortune yet gotta rock [Applause] and win the rock smoked Goliath in his forehead he fell down dead and you know what David did David runs over gets up on his chest takes the Giants own sword and cuts off his head takes the end of it in the head and goes through the camp holding up the head of the Giant I got to tell you something I don't care how big your Johnny is facing with courage what whining like somebody that's already been defeated [Applause] [Music] when I was down in the end Wade Cole this past week with Bishop a Liddell Thomas the night after I preach Bishop Hamilton WW Hamilton a church secretary preached and he preached about having a conquerors attitude if there's anything the church needs and I'm talking my members of the body we need a conker's attitude he always whining y'all praising the devil is on my trail that devil listen the devil I'm having such a hard time that devil devil you gotta set the devil with the devil [Applause] Oh I've got Jesus on my side [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] come on where is the law [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah where's the Lord [Music] let's the name of Jesus you can take your seat them home you take your seat grab somebody by the hand until a neighbor I don't know what you're going through believe God you've got the victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Shiva yeah hallelujah were blessed to name of Jesus now like Victor in here I hear the crowd victory come on give God a hand the bracelet you can take your seats [Applause] I want to extend the invitation this afternoon for someone who is defeated the devil have you in the clutches of his power and you cannot truly celebrate the victory because of the grip the Satan has on your life if you have the power by your own ability to shake the devil loose you couldn't do it and you would have done it by now but you need Jesus in your life to defeat the Goliath there standing in front of you the Giants of drugs the Giants of alcoholism the Giants of illicit sexual activities you by your own power cannot break the clutches of Satan on you but if you get Jesus in your life you plus God make the difference I want to open the door of the church to someone who is the Lord is leading to join this church and then that backslider you wants known the presence of God in your life but you allow SIRT Satan the Giants to deceive you I want you to come to the altar that's right my brother come on if you're tired of being defeated tired of being destroyed by the hand of the enemy I want you to stand there your feet and come down to the altar right now we just want to pray which you want to show you the way hallelujah that's right my sister come on Oh bless the name of Jesus that's right don't be ashamed or bless your name come on come on come on backslide it's time for you to come home you strayed away too long silly you've been lost too long today is your day that's right come on whoa hallelujah I feel deliverance in this place this afternoon I feel God moving and he's breaking the chains of Satan that's right come on hallelujah if you love your ways you sting away y'all but if you're tired but what the devil is doing to you come on stand right now come to the altar [Music] hallelujah the Lord is yet speaking to little you know man your way your life is in his hand hallelujah that's right come on whistles - come on Oh bless the name of Jesus can't you feel the presence of God generally leave you to come on huh he's telling you today is your day too long come on hallelujah that's right my brother come on hallelujah you wasted too much time that's right come on you don't have to worry and don't be afraid hallelujah yellow happens Joe comes and your troubles they don't last always hallelujah bless the name of Jesus that's a free energy anyone know Jesus [Music] why pose your tears away hallelujah come on come on if your heart is broken hallelujah [Music] Hiep male choir come on with it [Music] Silverbacks louder come on to Dalton what my life is in his hand hallelujah their men are here today that the Lord has speaking to concerning membership you fought and rebelled long enough but the presence of God is the sanctioned that you need to obey his voice you feel the presence of God as he's leading you to join this place just as I stand and feel that same presence and you only resist to your own destruction but if you know God is leading you to this place he doesn't have to explain to you why this is the place but all he has to do is lead you and if you say living in life that the Lord wants you to live and know this is the place that he's designed for your spiritual nourishment stand be bold enough and comes an altar right now hallelujah that's like my sisters but I know that the Lord is speaking to Saints who build in their way for a long time but God wants you to move out of the way and obey his will that's right my sister come on I know he's speaking to you without a shadow of a doubt I know he's talking to you that's why come on hallelujah they're honest that the Lord is speaking to our Philip I feel the presence of God on the right now I know you're here even in the fountain of life down I can't see you but God sees you I don't know your situation but God knows you and if the Lord is speaking to you obey his voice just go to the news ocean and they'll point you to the elevator to the stairs whichever ways quickest and they're gonna walk with you or come up so you can come to Alton John these or bein the voice of God let the Lord speak to you and obey his command hallelujah I was on the main level in the balcony hallelujah I know he's talking to you come on choir let it ring [Music] agree with selled ask you that there were yet other souls at the Lord has spoken to today and I mean you you're right they're that close you're closer than you've ever been to heeding the boss of the Lord in either this matter of giving your life to Jesus or in the matter of making this your church home don't let the enemy win the devil of doubt the devil of uncertainty the giant is standing before you telling you don't don't do this don't do this but down in your spirit the Lord is saying today is your day defeat that Goliath make the devil out what he is a liar and wherever you are if you know the Lord is speaking that you get the right this minute and hit to the nearest if you ain't that bad gonna get up go to the elevator if y'all get in front of me uh open the wing that's right young lady come on if you're downstairs and here for the nearest star way come on come on come on hallelujah in spite of the fact that these are here the Lord is still speaking to another thousand people there 1200 of you that he's speaking to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] that never obey the law kill the giant vagina doubt giant of unbelief the tide of fish slam the day hallelujah come on and praise God thanks the yoke [Music] [Applause] that's right god bless you my brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give it [Music] that's right come on sister [Music] [Music] my life is that your thank you Jesus [Music] I believe I'm yet waiting on two more I don't know if you downstairs in the basement up come on how do you come on my brother then my spirit that's the other number [Music] that's right young man come on come on in free dog Saints [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise your name Jesus praise your name Jesus [Music] these will come already saved and they've just come today for church membership but many have come for salvation with the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation but as we do so often I just want one of you missionary sisters to stand put your hand on the shoulders of every one of these sisters one of my minister brothers I elders put your hand on every man hallelujah Oh hallelujah we extend my hands in love and we also extend my hands have a sign of the power of God and whatever may be in your life now that it's not pleasing to God the Lord told us in his word whosoever sincere admit they are admitted who's ever sins we retain they are retained hallelujah thank you Jesus some of you young people that are saved love the Lord you can see some from the front that may not be touched don't feel free to come down and lay your hand on one of them hallelujah and Saints that Richard seat join hands with one somebody next to you now that not a chain but a sail either one person where there are two of you no more than three linked together not a chain that's right not a change hallelujah God our Heavenly Father the father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the make of the creator of the ends of the earth and the giver of every good and perfect gift we thank you for these souls who have come to the arm today lord I thank you for these who have decided that they've got a rock Jesus that you are that rock and with you they'll face the giant with courage hallelujah now Lord we pray that sin will be forgiven sins will be blotted out habits Oh God that that have gripped some of these they slipped off into things they knew would not like it they didn't intend to do it but it happened but all like god right now a new heart and a new spirit and a new mind of a new power we claim it today right now Oh God touch everyone everyone even as we are join hands across this building as we are touching one another across this building we rebuke the hand of the enemy and we tell Satan the come out for what we are united together there nothing that Satan can do the chain is not broken but it is shrunk of your spirit and we command sands to be revealed and the power of the adversary to be brought up and from this day forward we walk with new life and new strength and new courage and we thank you hallelujah oh Jesus now listen those who have come forward I'm gonna shake hands with you and whether you came to be saved they came for church membership or whatever I want you to follow elder Thompson and the workers that will be with him god bless you go follow him let me get these over here those of you in this corner y'all come over here and shake my hand follow out the Thompson don't go back to your seat ladies unless you need to get your purse hallelujah but just go ahead on and follow them [Applause] [Music] fish god bless you young man god bless you god bless you come on brave God's Saints god bless you god bless you bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you bless you god bless you god bless you mr. god bessemer brother god bless you god bless you oh praise God come on it praising hallelujah [Applause] [Music] all right are they bringing them over now all right soon as they get here bring them we're going to have a special prayer at this time with those who are going to be going back to school we're coming to the end of the summer minister white who are you did he go okay as the white has put this program together today and I certainly want him to say something as our children's church are coming and they are going to come before us and the other students and faculty people are going to come also and we're going to pray for these that are going back to school god bless you Thank You bishop just briefly before before we are to leave I just wanted to make just a few acknowledgement you've seen this has been a glorious day hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus Lord thank you hallelujah thank you Jesus I just want to just I'm so full right now y'all excuse me let me mention these folks names real quick and I wrote them down so I wouldn't forget I want to make these brief acknowledgments and thank these people who work so hard all of the young people here all of the ones involved with the jumped ization even even those of you tonight we thank each and every last one of you but more specifically for today our Orchestra the one who is over the orchestra Minister algebraic for our flag girls in the stream was working with him was sister Leslie gar [Applause] [Music] sister pet Hall of where are you work with the a man she's our resident seamstress and also sister bunny a weaver who is also the teen ministry coordinator sister even we thank her also from you tonight I don't know meaning you who were here on last Sunday evening but the Lord really blessed and I want to say especially thank you to sister Oh Tanya Eskridge who also worked with her traumatization at the beginning of the king is coming and also our choir our choir under the leadership of trainer Kevin Davidson and sister Tamara otay amen [Applause] now from the other night Friday we got rained out our little outdoor rally but we came in and we still went out in the neighborhood witnessing I like to thank three of the men of God who came out to be with us on that night and there was elder Jermal own Minister Ingram and also Minister Riki Mosley we like to thank them for being with us on Friday night out in the neighborhood telling them about Jesus Christ over our junior sister Naomi McKnight we thanked her also and please forgive me if there's someone whose name I have a garden but the young gentleman who is a follower of the ministry but not a member here who did the portrait of Bishop Patterson Derek for joy wasn't able to be here with us today but we also want to thank him in his absence thank you god bless you here's the microphone bishop god bless you alright children's church bring them as close to the steps as possible and then the adult workers with the children can stand on the steps that's right all the way around [Applause] now the young people that said in the choir they're going to stay up here on this platform and stand just around the preachers will be down here in this beautiful [Music] now now the adult workers adult workers with children's church during the prayer I want you all on the steps so you can kind of help to direct one or two we all can come up there now and have to direct all thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] our brother than the sisters won't you pray for me [Music] [Music] when you back [Music] [Applause] at the altar can you please [Music] don't forget alright others going back to school that may be elementary it may be high school and maybe college you may go back as a student I as a faculty a member of the school personnel but if you want to be remembered in this prayer just get as close around the funny as you can [Music] [Applause] [Music] Brothers & Sisters won't you parade unless you access the Cannella glad to see you out there when when you buy [Music] [Music] don't forget [Applause] I just looked out and saw sister Camilla heart and I know she's in class some way out the city glad to see her today had so many of you that's in college away from the city a man had prey out at the office with sister by Lori Inge she's getting ready to go on about a seven month to countries across the waters and so many educational pursuits that's taking some far and others near but the one thing we want you to do is take the Lord along with you wherever you go in a man this is a great family prayer and although the focuses upon those who are connected with the school system but I just would that the whole church family now those involved in the educational [Music] position already standing but now let's everybody stand then [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus Fraser name praise your name hallelujah yes Lord yes yes [Music] yeah as long Oh bless your name Jesus yeah yeah yes law [Applause] yeah No yeah [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] Oh bless the name Jesus yeah Oh God today we just say yes to your word and yes to your will and yes to your way Oh Heavenly Father at this hour as we are coming to close to the end of the school well a long summer and back to the beginning of another school year we pray Lord that you would look upon every one of these every one of these little ones from those who will be enrolled in daycare in kindergarten into the elementary grades and on up into their middle school and into their junior high and high school and into their college years both undergraduate and post graduates Lord look upon everyone those who are going as students as well as those who go as members of faculty others who work within the school system whether it is in the cafeteria and a janitorial capacity or in a fitori capacity they may be in an office setting or wherever they may only be involved in transporting children on the school buses or in their cars but all God through a wall of protection of everyone in the name of Jesus those of God who are taking special classes of whatever it may be quicken the mind and quicken the understanding that they'll be able o God to read and to maintain that which they read Oh God don't let them just pass don't let them just be able to get by but give every one of these your people a super sensitivity that they'll excel in every class that they'll excel in whatever may be that particular vocation the Lord we know that you are our God that you are not only omnipotent but you are omniscient you've got all wisdom you've got all knowledge you've got all power and you told us in your word if anything like wisdom let him ask of God we give it liberally and upbraideth not give your people wisdom knowledge and understanding an old God throw a wall of protection in these dangerous days when bullets are flying over the school campus with knives and guns and all other kind of weapons most sophisticated and crude I am the hands of children oh my god protect your people shields from harm and protect some danger if the name of Jesus hallelujah let's say be steadfast that every one of these no matter what giant they face they'll have it made up in my mind that they're gonna live for you that they're gonna walk with you Lord Jesus [Music] bless your people here bless your Saints Lord those who may not be involved in the educational Ram but just bless your Saints blessings in our homes bless us on our jobs bless us in our neighborhood bless our coming in bless out going out [Applause] [Music] people we're the Sheep of your pasture will the make of your hand without you we can do nothing but we can do all things through Christ who is a strap yeah my touch right now Lord everyone in the room slow your hand down and reach down and touch us as we lift our hands up long reach your hand down touch us now touch us Jesus help us to be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of Christ and we'll thank you and we'll give your glory now Lord give traveling mercy traveling grace for those who go out of the city and those who remain just as they go through the streets let your hand a protection be back and we'll thank you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] and now may the grace of God and the sweet communion of the Holy Ghost rest and abide with each of us until we meet again and all the Lord's people said embrace at least three people and tell them I love Jesus and I love you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 65,438
Rating: 4.7405858 out of 5
Id: 7nVgTV0WFG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 0sec (4560 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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