GE Patterson.... To Whom Shall We Go

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know let the weak say I am strong [Music] [Applause] because someone the Lord has [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because the word Lord has done for us give hands [Music] [Applause] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] because someone [Music] [Applause] [Music] because the world Floyd [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] you hear days [Music] great [Music] you got to turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it hi [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] because the Lord [Music] [Applause] I'm with macaws alive I will too because the way lord oh we might [Music] hi [Music] you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] my Jesus my teeth [Music] [Applause] [Music] because the [Applause] [Music] we've gotta give we gotta give way we gotta give [Music] beauty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now let the weak say what now that covers a broad spectrum there persons here who the doctor have certified your weakness you feel your weakness odds against you that help drafted you and you just feel like I just not gonna be able to make it but I want you to turn to somebody and give them a big smile and say Jesus and I we have this thing on the control [Applause] I'm not strong by myself but I got somebody else's strength [Applause] [Music] but here's my strength just tell three people I'm strong [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well if you feel your spiritual muffled flexing [Applause] give God a good loud strong [Applause] [Applause] god bless you have this feature this is that Independence Day weekend and I thank God for living in the United States of America with all of its faults there's no way else I would rather be a man and yet I'm reminded of the fact that earlier than the July date in 1776 that was a date about 1700 years earlier than that when Jesus said in John chapter 8 verse 32 that if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed so many independence weekends I've spoken on Liberty and Christ God's Declaration of Independence etc I'm not going that way today but I did want to just remind you that we have a Declaration of Independence that predates that which was penned by the thirteen colonists in 1776 a man somebody and I thank God for the Magna Carta of our Liberty that Jesus Christ wrote it and signed it with his own blood a man and thanks beyond the God who not only has given us the victory but he has given us liberty I want you if you were to open your Bibles to John chapter 6 and we want to begin reading with verse 60 of John chapter 6 you have that come on let's read aloud and we'll read down through verse 68 well let's just read on down through the end of the chapter verse 71 beginning with verse 60 let's read minotaur form of his disciples when they had heard this say it this is a hard scene who can hear it when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it he said unto them does this offend you what and if he shall see the Son of Man ascending up where he was before it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life but there are some of you that believe not for jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believe not and who should betray him and he said therefore said i under you that no man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my father from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him then said jesus unto the twelve will ye also go away then Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go thou have the words of eternal life and we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the Living God jesus answered them have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil he spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon for he had walls that should betray him being one of 12 all right would stop at that point I want you certainly to focus upon verse 67 after many of our Lord's disciples have walked away from him he turned to the twelve asking them will ye also go away then Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go thou have the words of eternal life to whom shall we go God bless your shoes be seated I want to just focus upon that question of Peter understanding that there are times in the life of every believer just as the time came with our Lord's disciples when we are tested when we are tempted when the enemy will offer us options and on the surface sometimes those options look good but in the final analysis when you consider the alternatives to Jesus Christ when you consider that no matter how many thorns there might be as you explore this rosebush of the gospel of Jesus Christ the beauty of the rose is so great that the few thorns by which we have stepped are not worthy to be compared with the glory of the roles itself what am I saying I'm saying that there was such joy such pleasures in Jesus Christ that even though there might be some time of suffering that maybe some points a man that we might have to encounter that we would rather not it's all worth it when we compare it to the beauty of being a child of God was saying to the Saints this morning at the 7:45 communion service that when the Lord instituted the Lord's Supper what we call holy communion that he took the elements from the Jewish Passover and changed that meaning he took the unleavened bread which they ate and said now from this point I want you to recognize this unleavened bread is my body which is broken for you I want you to recognize this cup of wine as my blood which is shed for you but one element that was used in the Jewish Passover the bitter herbs he left them on the table he did not bring them into the celebration of Jesus Christ he did not make bitter herbs one of his sacraments the bitter herbs the Israelis ate to remind them at that time of slavery and bondage down in Egypt but Jesus said I'm giving you my body I'm giving you my blood but I'm not giving you bitterness I'm not giving you the bitter herbs the bitterness of the herbs I'm leaving that on the table as to remind you only of the bitterness that you in do it when you were in the Egypt of sin but since you've come into the body of Christ the bitter herbs have been left behind and I'm gonna tell you Paul said I reckon the sufferings of this life not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us and don't you know that folk line on you shouldn't take your joy don't you know that anything you have to endure even on your sick bed you can enjoy the beauty of Jesus Christ even when you don't have enough money to pay your bills the psalmist said let the poor and needy praise the Lord in other words that such joy in Jesus Christ that it doesn't matter about the heartache and the suffering and the bitterness and the disappointment these things are so minut when you compare them with the glory of serving Jesus Christ Jesus is here in the sixth chapter and I'm sure that it is not an unfamiliar chapter to hardly any student of the word because it is in this sixth chapter of the Gospel of John when he feeds the hungry multitude and feeding them with two little fish five barley loaves and after doing that he sent his disciples to the other side of the sea while Jesus sent away the multitude and Jesus came later walking on the water but when he got on the other side the people were already waiting on him because they took off in that little ships and everybody was falling up this man that was able to feed the hungry with a little boy's lunch and when Jesus came over they wanted to know from him how did you get over here we left you on the other side but Jesus had proved his mastery even over the sea by walking on the water and they followed him because that bail is dictated that they should follow him and you'd be surprised and maybe you wouldn't why a lot of folks follow the law more people are coming to the body of Christ now than ever in history big churches mega churches of the order of the day in every city practically every major city somebody is doing what we're doing they're building a mega church because so many people are flowing into the body of Christ but do you not know in many instances there are people who are going to church only because there is a ministry being taught on financial prosperity and a lot of folk go to church because they want to learn from God's Word how to become financially prosperous how to succeed in life and as long as you are on those prosperity Scriptures they are there with their Bible and whip their notepad and with a glow on their face saying I want to learn more about following this Jesus so they followed him until Jesus looked around at him and said now you fellows following me because of the fishes and the loaves let me drop something on you here fellows unless you eat my flesh and drink of my blood you have no life in you huh What did he say what I think he said did you hear that they didn't wait for an explanation and this is what happens so many times people can follow a spiritual leader but because they have a carnal mind they do not understand what the spiritual leader is teaching and they don't take time to understand it because their minds are focused in a different direction so they didn't wait to get an explanation on what he meant about eating his flesh and drinking his blood they thought he was trying to turn them into a cannibalistic society this man has lost his mind he's flipped out cos he don't give us his flesh teeth and his blood to drink this guy's gone crazy y'all and remember when he fed them that were probably 25 or 30 thousand people because there were five thousand men not counting the women are the children and I mean brothers this it's no secret that they have always been more women following Jesus than men I came up in church what I'm talking about Jesus and his 12 disciples and I thought everywhere Jesus went there were 12 fellows following him and that was all until one day I peeked into Luke chapter 8 and in Luke chapter the chapter begins with him talking about him going from village to village and his disciples were with him and the women and it named some of the women huh Susanna the wife of chuza Herod's steward Mary Magdalene out of whom he cast Seven Devils and it talks about a company of women that ministered to him of their substance so that was not only just those men but as Jesus went from city to city he had a caravan following him and that were women in that Caravan as well as men that's the word job so when he got through feeding 5,000 men not counting the women of the children he probably fed 25 or 30,000 what a big crowd but when he start talking language that they didn't understand all of a sudden he dismissed his crowd while he was still preaching now you can say what you want to I feel insulted even after the message and when we make the invitation and we're getting ready to dismiss don't have but another six or seven minutes and he go for heading for the door to me I think it's a disrespect to the Lord and to the body of Christ and to the worship to sit down to eat and then rise up to play and can't remain for the benediction you remain on your job eight hours nine hours digging for overtime but can't stay in church three hours and now our service is about our I have got to get out got to go got to go but these four right while Jesus was preaching not a few of them trickled out all of them got up the whole audience got up and left him it said many of his disciples left and walked no more with him and it seemed as though the only thing he had left were maybe that little in a circle that remained and those 12 disciples and since everybody else was leaving he looked at the preacher say you guys going Peter said Lord if we leave you why are we going and you can see what you want to there are things that the Lord teaches that gets a lot of folk upset even now if I start preaching now about giving the logger a shabbat praise you light up everybody clear up that vocal cords and get ready I'm ready for Shabbat preach about singing serving the Lord with gladness and come on y'all let's get in this thing and let's do some good red-hot music and some dancing and we read it I tell you he's a healer no matter what the doctor says talk to wick walk away from your bed shaking his head Jesus will step in when you need him up come on preacher sack bills are due and the money is gone hallelujah he sent Peter to catch a fish the money was in his mouth he'll send you a check in the mail yes [Applause] but when I go to that prayer call that y'all called the Lord's trap you don't hear me get off in about the fourteenth verse of Matthew chapter 6 where it talks about in forgive us our debts for if you forgive not neither will your heavenly Father forgive you and I start telling you and don't matter how your shout if you're still walking around here with a grudge to get your brother or your sister no matter how you speak in tongues you're not gonna make it unless you forgive and then there's somebody you got a real long-standing grudge against I see you jaws tighten and if you come back next time that I hit forgiveness again when you gonna get through with that hello y'all there are some subjects now that make folk wonder well I want to stay although I can go to Matthew 23:23 what Jesus told those scribes water-use primes and Pharisees hypocrites you pay tithe of mint hanussen coming these you ought to have done you have omitted the weightier matters of the law judgment mercy faith these you ought to help done and not left the other undone and when I start explaining to you that he wants you to be merciful to have faith to do just that but he still wants you to pay your tithe see that that's all their preachers want his money hey I always talk about that money and when you read the Bible God had more to say about giving then he had to say about repentance but folk who have a night a tight stingy spirit of greed when you start talking about money and you don't even help do nothing but said Malachi so whole lot in the book of Malachi other than verse chapter three and verses 8 through 10 when he says prove me with your tithes and offerings and I'll often under you the windows of heaven but you can't preach that too much because some folks I gotta go find me a church where they don't harp on ladies so much y'alright you check your pulse another subject that's kind of hard to deal with a man in that 11th chapter of Luke down around verse 43 Jesus was talking to the Pharisees about their spirit of self exaltation you like to sit in the chief seats hello y'all then I talked to folk you know my reserved seat in the preachers row in the missionary row of him you know after all my status demands that I have a special place I believe it was ever Dee's wife there in Matthew 20 and 20 all the other disciples they were walking along following Jesus James and John their mother crept up to Jesus master let me have a word with you now you know I know you got all these other guys as that's Peter and and you got Philip and Bartholomew and all these other guys but now have you ever noticed my boys James and John they just gifted boys and we know that you getting ready to set up a kingdom and you know every King he has his right-hand man and then he has a man on the left and you need a right-hand man and you need a man on the left one of my boys will fit the description of your right-hand man that's gonna be on the left and and you know kind of consider that because you know they got it over these other guys and then there's so much evidence in the Bible Jew talks about hallelujah the common salvation Acts chapter for those last few verses said they had all things common now don't try to put me on the level with everybody else I go to church down there but those are not my social peers you know my friends I get with my friends when I leave here y'all ready shout while ago I'm only trying to tell you that Jesus of saying things that turn for us it's not always shouting and jumping in hallelujah he gets into the practicality of life he deals with how we ought to treat one another how we all love one another he deals with life down where we live and sometimes when he stop talking about the lifestyle that we have versus the life that we all have it have a tendency to turn us off when he got through talking to those disciples they turned and we're not going with him any father but when he looked at those twelve and said all right these are the focal goal what are you gonna do Peter thought about it I can't help but believe that Peter went back till his meeting with Jesus and he remembered that when he met Jesus he and James and John and those other fellows they were out there on the Sea of Galilee in their reputation trying to make a living fishing but they had had a hard night and caught nothing and believe me when I tell you that wasn't only night they told all night and caught nothing and a whole lot of us in our vocation before the Lord touched our life we were taught in and catching nothing trying to succeed nothing was working you don't hear what I'm saying Levi or Matthew as he is called he had money but he was hated by his fellows because he was sitting at the receipt of customs in other words he was a Jew that had sold himself to the Romans to collect taxes from his own brothers so whenever they saw Matthew walking down the street his folk couldn't stand him publican the Romans wouldn't even know about my business if you hadn't told them themselves thought about where they were when they met Jesus when Peter got through thinking that thing he said well a whole lot of stuff you say Lord I don't understand but if I leave your where am I going and I think a lot of us in that same shape I'll admit that sometimes they get some lies told on man I'll admit that every once in a while I go to church and some of the folks sitting around me I'm not their kind how admit that sometimes I pray and look like it takes a long time before my prayers answered but when I think about what my life was before I met Jesus [Applause] where am I going [Applause] until I met the long had peace of mind until I met the law shall rejoice when there were bills that I could not pay until I met the law ever since I met him I got joy like I never had before I got peace like I never had before since I met Jesus [Applause] anybody in here can remember what your life was like before you met Jesus would you change it to what my life used to be [Applause] welcome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's somebody's hand preacher before I met Jesus I didn't want to drink the liquor I didn't want to use the dope I didn't want to be shooting up with crack I didn't want to be snorting cocaine I didn't want the kind of life in the streets where I didn't have control of my affairs drifting from one relationship to another but since I met Jesus he gave me some self control since I met Jesus found out the joy is not in the liquor bottle it's not in the drug needle [Music] before closing colonies I've no clothes y'all I got one more service to try to preach mmm to whom shall I go I can't go to Buddha you see when you get through examining all of these are the so-called religions none of them offer what Jesus offers Paul went to Areopagus another pronunciation for the word mas healed there in Athens Greece and he said all the opinions and strangers they were there home to the tale to hear some new thing he said as he walked around and began to look at all of the religious symbols he said I saw altars and I saw inscriptions I saw one the Jupiter the god of might saw Wanda Venus the goddess of love and beauty I kept seeing statues and altars until I came along and I saw one that was an empty altar and the inscription written was to the unknown God he said I heard the Epicureans and I heard the Stoics and they had to that verse philosophies one of them said the fulfillment in life is abstinence from pleasure having pain and sterility and that's true fulfillment the other set pleasure is fulfillment so their perk yawns and the Stoics they are in that parts of you but Paul said I want you to know this unknown God is the one where everything is found it's in him you live it's in him you move it's in him you have your being and him whom you ignorantly worship that's the one I want to declare unto you promises me what jesus promised he promises me joy right down here he promises me salvation right down here he promises me the presence of God to the power of the Holy Spirit right down here but he also promised that when death comes DFK take nothing but my body because I've got a spirit and a soul that goes back to God and in the end of time what the sound Diane Christ [Applause] come on and tell somebody never guess you're leading Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to all of your questions he got the solution to your problems you got the strength your weakness the medicines all of your illness got the riches to replace your poverty [Music] [Applause] [Music] and says everything I need is in Jesus tell somebody you can go where you want to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] got to quit but my search is over I don't have to go looking for nothing I found what I was looking for [Music] [Applause] I heard some singers not too long those that I kept on set you kept on set you kept on sets until I found it and you know what when I found him he even changed my feet so I can walk right [Applause] I don't even say the stuff I used to say so I can talk right I found the King of Kings need the job at Salvation [Applause] [Music] everybody the town they just leap to your feet and shout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Bible says if you think we got Joe at 9 that's horrid Johnson in heaven oh just one is that one in here they don't know Jesus and you ready to give him your life you hit the nearest aisle and come here and don't you know even in heaven angels will start shout [Music] everybody standing I find sometimes this is an aid to enabling souls to come to Christ in Oakland California in that Oakland Convention Center tonight's I made the invitation in this fashion maybe it was one night I don't know maybe 50 souls or more came forward that night and I don't know how many they are here you don't need but one to get heaven rejoice [Music] now I want you to seriously consider whether Jesus is Lord of your life and if you know he's not Lord of your life and you've been putting it off one of the interesting things to me now is when I look at the cards of new people who are joining the church I'm finding people that are in mature years many of them on that line where it says form a church a church where you were previously attending we're taking in people sometimes in their middle ages 40 50 60 years old and ever wants to file a senior citizen that leave that place blank and some even fill in none people who've never how to convince an experience with Christ's that made them willing to even join a church but I want to tell you it's time to give your life to Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God has been cutting down man's lifespan Adam lived 930 years and Methuselah lived 969 but all of this was before the flood in the antediluvian world before God sent in the world after Noah's Flood he said I'm cutting man's time down to 120 years by the time David the zombies came along in Psalm 90 God said I'm cutting you down to three school in ten seventy years or possibly by reason of strength 80 years but when we got into the New Testament Jesus himself died at age 33 and in the book of James James said what is your life so it's a vapor you hear the day and Dawn the day the younger UI in this society the more in jeopardy you stand old folk are getting old and young folk are dying as teenagers jahmai ridden promise to you all you've got is right now in just a moment I'm gonna ask everyone else to be seated but when everybody else sits and nobody's sitting yet when others sit if you know that Jesus is not in your life and you're ready to give your life to Him don't you sit I want you to remain standing and I want you to prepare to move to the nearest aisle and come down here backslider that once lived in the Fellowship of Jesus but things happen in your life and like those disciples you walked away from Jesus but the Lord is saying return to me and I'll return unto you he's and I'm married to you I love you and if you are one of those in a backslidden condition that left your faithfulness to God I want you to return to him today now for your Center don't you that's it if you're seeking a church home you may be saved and seeking the church on don't you sit but everybody else may be seated now don't you worry about what others are doing if you know that you need Christ in your life don't you sit if you know that you need to make this your church home don't you sit but step to the nearest aisle and come here right now the Lord is speaking to you hard [Applause] hallelujah that's right young lady come on give God some praise vote [Music] kevin is already shout [Music] [Applause] [Music] that three more views that three Moe of you that sat down and you know you had no business sitting down get back up and come here now you know who you are hallelujah you know who y'all hallelujah that's right [Music] that's right get on back up make your way to the nearest aisle come on there too Morgan the Lord is talking to you you know who you are [Music] come on and give God suppose in here [Music] glory glory glory all glory to God that's right sister come on they are to mold a lot speaker tube [Applause] I'm going to give you just another 10 seconds the other two of you you know who yeah I don't I'm not gonna pretend to tell you that I can walk out there and pick you out you feel like I can but I can't God - leaving it up to you and you know who y'all you got five more seconds to get up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah pity thank you lord thank you Jesus [Music] you got four more seconds if I were you I'd get up you got three more seconds you only got two more seconds left the Lord is speaking to you hallelujah [Music] all right god bless you god bless you my sister I want you to go with other singers [Music] praise God well we know he's got all power he did it for you how many years ago about three years ago because the doctors giving up on you then and the Lord brought you out and that same God is yet alive from the crown of the head to the sole of the feet let your hand touch be upon er healing this condition in Jesus name in the name of Jesus Shanda debajo de bhai hallelujah hallelujah come on in thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what I'll give it brain [Music] [Music] three years ago she was in the hospital doctor said dying but only what a few days that they said she would live God touched it brought it back so we don't give up because the doctor said cancer whatever around here a man we just we just cover it in the blood of Jesus [Music] deacons come on how they move
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 33,400
Rating: 4.6424241 out of 5
Id: 0dyTWCIBhb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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