G.E. Patterson JOHN 12

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[Music] let me make this observation before I go further and certainly my message will be very brief this morning as we prepare to approach the communion table we don't do this every year but periodically I feel motivated in view of the fact that we live and this this is really difficult for a lot of people to comprehend that we live here in what is the most blessed nation upon the face of the earth and spite of America's false and I'm gonna have to go back and renew my statistical information the last time that I checked it out I understand that 3% only 3% now no more than 3% of the people in the United States live on a financial level that is above believe it's 68 thousand dollars a year yeah ninety-seven percent of the people in this nation and I'm talking about households now 97 percent have to live and support a household on 68 thousand dollars a year are less and only 3% of the households in this country live and support themselves out of sixty eight thousand dollars per year for a household people who are blessed to be in the 3% really don't take the time to think a lot about the people that's in the 97% this is one reason why and and I know that there are those who pay me absolutely no attention and when I say that I mean members persons who lead to some auxiliaries and head up fundraisers I do my best here to not allow a lot of pressure to be put on folk about money because I understand that principle of that fact that was just stated and God blesses us there's not a more blessed Church in this nation than temple of deliverance Church of God in Christ not not a more blessed and many times as we approach tomorrow which is Labor Day I think that we ought to take some time first of all to thank God for whatever may be our field of labor if it requires sitting behind a desk if it requires riding on the back of a sanitation truck it doesn't matter what it is labor is honest and every one of us ought to appreciate it when God opens a door and don't get that attitude that is beneath me anything that keeps bread on your table is not been neat what am i working up to I want you on tomorrow which is the holiday I want you to think about what day it is it is Labor Day and I want every one of you who can and will to meet me here right here in this auditorium for one hour from 10:00 until 11:00 because now you all know that every once in a while we we do good setting beginning times because we set a beginning time and we don't know how to go a minute late on start time in times sometimes we get a little off I'm saying 10:00 to 11:00 but let's you know we're gonna be out of here by 11:15 anyhow the Holy Ghost coming in maybe 11:30 but anyway the purpose being to fold first of all well actually threefold first of all we want to come and to thank God that he has provided for us a means of livelihood if you are not presently working if you're retired if something has happened and right now you don't have any kind of employment at least you can thank God that you are some kind of a way blessed to be able to live to have income whether it's and I don't want to get off on what I will probably talk about you know it may be something similar the welfare but you don't ever want to get stuck in that but whatever means God has provided for your economic subsistence we want to first of all come and thank God for that thank God that we do have labor or some means of support a man and then secondly a lot of people not able to see the handwriting on the wall and a lot of people can see the handwriting and they know that something up that but they don't know what it's singing but believe me there is a hand that's writing and that handwriting refers to the destiny of this global economy it refers to the well shall I say even the destiny of you and me as individuals and our families there is a handwriting and in the midst of all of this we want to pray for those persons who have no jobs those who have no legal income and thirdly we want to give a gift and offering that will be channel in total and the direction of benevolent needs we do our best we drop this to meet the benevolent needs that comes through our office the requests that are made and I can think of no better way and no more appropriate way than to think about one day one week one month that God has blessed you and if you earn so much per day so much per week or so much there for two weeks something that represents your labor we want to give that as an offering and all of that it might be a blessing for those persons who need benevolent assistance there are some of you who your income may fluctuate somewhat like mine tell my some days up some days down oh it's true that there there are there are some Sundays I've left here gone and did one message came back home probably gotten on a rail room of sixty-five seventy thousand dollars for one sermon there's not many of you that get that much for one day I know but then there are times when I leave here and go and preach this I mean this is this is where it is and I've had to take basically what they gave me as an honorarium and say all right now how much was that for a bishop and take everything they gave me and add a little something to it okay it is so sometimes it's - sometimes it's a plus so I basically have to kind of guess up on what my day's labor is and I try to make sure that I give enough so that at the end of the year I don't have to give our uncle what I could have given the Lord now I know that's right huh uncle will take everything and still have his hand out for more I know act like you all know Wankel a time time I Sam but but I feel very I've it feel very strongly that tomorrow is one of those days when we should take time out on Labor Day and praise God for having blessed us to have some kind of stream of income and pray for those who do not and at the same time give a gift that might be a blessing to someone who is in need now those of you who are gonna do your best to meet me at 10 o'clock tomorrow just give God a rousing hand of praise [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank you and you won't leave it like you came in Jesus name bow oppress afflicted sick or lame for the power of the Lord is still the same so you won't leave here like you came in Jesus as we sing it again just shake hands with those around you you won't leave it like you came in Jesus name hallelujah bow oppressed afflicted sick or lame the power kiss to you the same [Music] like you can kill the Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you all warpless your name Jesus yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you [Music] you only yeah you can tell yourself I won't leave him come on and embrace somebody and let them know [Music] like we can in [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] glory to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah war bless His name well y'all better sit down so you get something started in here [Music] [Applause] thank you my God my god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah whoo thank you lord [Music] before I read my scriptures like somebody slipped me a note saying that sister Diane bogan is here mother bogan where are you from Flint Michigan all right back there hiding from me stand up sister bogan we're so glad to see you bless you she's pleased the adjutant to our general supervisor mother rivers and of course our hearts went out to mother bogan when her husband Bishop bogan went home to be with the Lord back in the middle part of January and she's certainly a precious jewel to the Church of God in Christ and we are happy to have her with us open your Bible with me to the Gospel according to John in Chapter 12 and as I said to you I don't intend to be before you at any great length as it relates to the message even when I was supposedly walking in perfect physical health it was not the easiest thing to do two sermons every Sunday 7:45 in the morning and come back at 11:00 and yet - a day like today where we are observing a Lord's broken body and shed blood I feel that it is necessary to say something as to chief purpose for being here on this morning John chapter 12 verse 23 if you have that same man alright let's read this responsively I'm gonna read verse 23 you'll come in on 24 and we'll kind of alternate until we get to verse 32 which we'll read together and jesus answered them saying the hours come that the Son of man should be glorified he that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hated his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal now it's my soul troubled and what should I say father save me from this hour but for this cause came I unto this hour [Music] the people therefore that stood by and heard it said that it thundered others said an angel spake to him now is the judgment of this world now shall the Prince of this world be cast out and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me a man we want to stop at this fun no I think I'd better read that next verse let's read the next one this he said signifying what death he should die all right god bless you uh sure thank you may be seated that one verse I could have left out but to leave out that verse would really be to leave out the essence of the whole passage growing up the song was quite popular in our churches when I was a little boy you know how to reach the masses men of every birth for the answer Jesus gave the king and high if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me lift him up lift Jesus up till he still he speaks from eternity and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men under me and upon the heels of singing that we basically would begin to admonish one another come on let's lift up Jesus let's lift him up Saints lift him up and whereas that is a beautiful application and this is the one thing that I've dealt with a few times in studying the Word of God we've got to understand the difference between application and interpretation to interpret the scripture is to actually tell you what that passage meant are means you see no scripture is of any private interpretation every passage of scripture that you read in the Bible it has a direct reason for being there amen who've been with me for the last two-and-a-half to three years you you got used to the fact that there are times when I get into this thing of perspiring and so don't be sitting that panicking I want to what's wrong with Bishop he's a certain a certain person said to me I won't see who it was Bishop whatever that medicine is that you taking that makes you sweat like that you need to stop taking it my [Music] response was simply the same one that makes me sweat here's the main one that helps keep me alive [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] so there is that that is a reason and it is health-related but but but ever so often there's a certain injection that I get in and I don't preach that it's wrong to go to the doctor I never did but every once in a while I go through that little that little time so I'm I'm going through that and if I happen to sweat until this whole collar around here turn colors everything's all right don't worry about me let me see now am i mentally all right back to [Applause] as I said in studying the scripture you need to understand that every verse of scripture has a direct interpretation the Word of God is not just there unless you're reading certain poetic books but for the most part the Bible you are reading where there is dialogue of sorts there is something going on and there has to be an interpretation of what that means but when you get through with the interpretation then there are many beautiful spiritual applications and it's alright to use a scripture in one form when that may not be the direct interpretation but you do need to know that you are applying and not interpreting and I don't think that that's a better place that shows it then right here in the twelfth chapter of John when Jesus said if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me he was not talking about everybody get on your feet and clap your hands and begin to praise God and let's lift him up the next verse tells you what he was talking about hmm this said he signifying what death he should die when he said about lifting me up and I'll draw all men he was not saying get jubilant he was not saying stop clapping your hands then I think we need to know this but what he is saying is that if those of you who are part of the religious lynch mob [Music] Pharisee are sad you see and you're talking about hanging me up on a cross and you think that the threat of hanging on the cross is going to somehow nullify or end the ministry that is now going forth throughout the land of Canaan now going forth in Judea and now going forth in Galilee and reaching over the cross the river into Perea and going down even in the Samaria if you're talking about this miracle ministry jesus said hanging me up on the cross is not going to stop it at all the only thing is gonna do is enlarge in other words he's saying y'all must not have heard of what it is to be a model he's if you think killing me is gonna stop it I came with a purpose in mind to destroy the works of the devil and he's gonna shoot his best shot and then I'm gonna shoot mine when he gets through hanging me on the cross he's not going to do anything but inflict a heal wound he's gonna be just like sticking a nail or pin in in my foot I said but when my blood began to drop on God it was healed what's gonna happen then is that he's going to get a skull he's gonna get us cold well how should I say it it's hard to say confession because it's going beyond that he'll be rendered helpless because even now Satan don't have the power you think he got you up here imagining he's got the power to do this and to do that and to do the other to you he don't have the power you think the power that he has is the power that you allow him to have in your life you make it up in your mind Satan I'm just going to plead the blood in this situation Satan I'm gonna speak the Word of God in this situation and it doesn't matter how much power you think you have you may as well get out of my left ear you mad what get out of my right ear you may look get away from behind me pushing me you may well stop trying to lead me the Lord told me where you belong you don't belong but nowhere but down under my feet and I command you and the name of God get down where you belong hallelujah you know you know every once in a while we used to do this and I know that that people made fun of it and and and folks still make fun of it whatever wants the wild when the enemy is trying to give you a demonstration of his power you need to give him an illustration of your power and just tell the devil get down where you belong and put him right down under your [Applause] anybody in here will have to put him down under your feet and then when you put him down that just step on him two or three times hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Lord please sit down y'all did I not say quickiy today Oh God let me help and finish this how Jesus referred to this and I'm going back to the passage where we started verse 23 jesus answered them saying the hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified now you think about something being glorified that's shining a light that's illuminating that's bringing something of someone front and son that's saying that that you are you you are you are the focus of the day and Jesus has the nerve to talk about death as glorification so now before I get into it any further I always come that the Son of man should be glorified and verily verily I say unto you and let me explain to you why what's about to happen is going to happen it's going to happen because if a corn if a kernel of wheat unless it falls to the ground and die it abideth alone you get the wrong idea when you think of death as being something that is morbid you gotta look at what happens and I remember it my dad and those of you who did not know Bishop W Patterson you you missed knowing a very colorful preacher powerful preacher Amen anointed preacher a man that God had certainly put his hand upon my dad was I guess a man that was well he was born down where some folk don't like to admit they came from but it is strange how life moves in circles where you what things turn around there was that time when people in Memphis and around you know they just didn't understand you know you from Mississippi Mississippi haha and now people are running from Memphis to get the Mississippi oh you know telling truth and my dad brought a lot of those things from his birth date with him things that now are contrary to the law but you could do it then for instance if you could go back and if we could get into it some kind of a time reversal machine and I could take you back around 60 years and take you into my back yard the first part of it there was some chickens being raised I I didn't go back there much because the rooster didn't like me I'm serious anybody ever been attacked by rooster but also that was a little low thing that he built back there way he had some rabbits and there was like a dividing part between the front yard and the back part of the back yard where he had these vines and these were grapes and back there in the back they had a couple of hogs now I got my right here in Memphis across the street from Lincoln Elementary School on all in Street talked about somewhere we back in the back long time I right in the heart of the city and if that wasn't enough he went over on done of him and bought a big lot over there where he could plant some garden vegetables and I used to like to go over there with him over to that lot because here he had I know how to deal much in acreage but he planted corn and this was the mystery to me how he could get a bag of nothing but : see just just corn like you eat it off the plate when it's ball and it haven't been crushed and all that but we'd go down those roads and just drop those that corn the strange thing about it is he could have taken that same corn giving it to my mother and she could have carried it into the kitchen and boiled it and we would have had a delicious dinner but rather than that he put it in the ground which at the moment seems foolish to put the corn in the ground rather than put it in boiling water but if you take the seed put it into the water boil it and eat it that's the end of it you can either eat your seed are you Dan planted you you still on y'all see where I'm going if you eat it you get one meal but if you plan it from that will come back one stop on that stock will come back 25 or 30 years on every year will come back 75 or 80 trials can you understand it doesn't make sense that you would take just one the low kernel of corn drop it in the ground and it end up feeding you in a household on a continuous basis but if you eat it do it yeah it's good but what you're gonna eat tomorrow and Jesus gives him this I say unto you except the corn our kernel of wheat fall into the ground and die and that's what happens is when you plant a seed a process takes place called germination when that germinating process takes place the seed literally dies and it pops open and from within it there it is the essence of what will keep on repeating itself reverberating blooming over again and again and again Jesus said I want you to know you you got hanging me on the cross on your mind please do he said because as long as I'm walking around here as one see I got 12 fellows following me but they don't understand what's going on but put me in the ground hang me up on the cross let me die put me in the ground but I'm gonna tell you I don't worry about you putting me in the ground I'm gonna rise I'm gonna rise again my little Ouya would you tell somebody I'm gonna ride I'm gonna rise again and no power on earth can hold me down [Applause] I'm gonna rise again because damn take him in the ground lord have mercy my time is running hallelujah Jesus said don't don't follow so much in love with this physical life don't fall so in love with the things that happen day by day on this earth he that loses his life he that loveth his life rather shall lose it he that hated his life in this world he's the one that will keep it until eternal life don't fall so in love with this life one day you're gonna have to give this one hallelujah yeah it's a strange thing the way the Lord has planted the paradoxes in the scripture if you want to go up you first gotta go down if you wanna live you got to die if you want to be rich [Music] take all of your goods he told one man and give it sell it and give it to the poor the Lord deals and paradoxes and I want you to know I can't love this world I was saying the other day I hope I didn't offend my wife I think I might have a little bit I went back to the day that we that we purchased Diana I'm telling off on went back to the day that we bought our house and that was before I was elected presiding bishop somewhere back around this time last year September so and we've been in that house now for six years and I told I said I never believed that live in a house for six years and constantly work construction redecoration let live in the house for six years and it's never been anything but work work I gave her the checkbook and said you do what you want to this is your house only thing just don't y'all bother me when I come in from the garage to the bed let me go to my bedroom let me close the dough and you go ahead on and do all the work you want to do I'm just gonna enjoy just make sure my bed stays up what [Applause] Jesus oh don't fall in love with the things of this world and I can't help it no matter how I try I can't even make myself love materialism I'm not about materialism and and I know sometimes I get scared when I start singing that that trend of songs that there's like a road that leads nowhere but from here the straight to him but but that's why I came from that that's why I'm working my way trying to get back to the course is not about this world if in this life only you have hope in Christ we have all me and most miserable so so you you take Jesus I'll take him for mine he's the one that loved me he's the one that gave his life for me he's the one that will hung up for my hang-up [Music] [Applause] every day [Music] you go split the sky and I [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] sorry [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] very frank [Applause] [Music] my field is glorious [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] haha [Applause] thank you Lord Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] brain [Music] we'll bring it out how to do you [Applause] [Music] the tomb oh yes our loving precious and gracious father we thank you we thank you for your goodness and for your mercy we thank you God for sending your son Jesus mmm into this world God that we that believe in Him may have life now God as we take this moment to remember that night the night that you were betrayed and the night that you gave up the ghost Oh God we remember we do this and remembers of you God bless this sacraments God as we take them let people be healed let them be delivered lets in as we say in Jesus precious name thank God amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] glory to God [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] yes wonderful [Music] yeah come on [Music] [Music] bring [Music] [Music] and while they was eating Jesus took the bread blessed it and break it saying take eat this is my body shall we eat of our lowest broken body [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody horrible [Music] racecar [Music] [Music] or rich [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great [Music] praise praise after the same and also he took the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood for the office you drinking remembers I mean fourth off if you eat of this bread and drink of this cup you do show forth the Lord's death until he comes shall we drink of our Lord shed blood [Applause] [Music] Amazing Grace [Applause] [Music] oh yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody on the brain [Music] please [Music] [Music] this blood [Music] [Applause] even to ask I'm going to ask those persons seated on the main level if you would stand at this time prepare to come out of your roll on your right beside them rushes will direct you beginning in the front you'll take up the bread you'll drink of the cup and then you'll discard the cup with the missionary following the direction of the ushers starting in the front those who are seated in the rises we don't want you to move until the elements are in front of the section where you seated and then you'll follow the same instruction rushes will direct you as you come out on the right end of your section you come and eat the bread drink of the cup discard the cup and then back to your seat down the aisle that's on the left side oh yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wash away wash away my scene [Music] [Music] [Applause] jeez [Music] [Applause] just think [Music] [Applause] I do [Applause] [Applause] No [Music] thank you [Applause] may take a moment prophet Isaiah asked the question who has believed our report and under whom at the arm of the Lord been revealed and if there's one this morning who may have been at these doors without a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ but now you're ready to give your life to him all you need to do is step into the nearest aisle and come down front now you already saved and we wanna make this your church home we'll be so happy to receive you god bless you young man Oh somebody ought to give God some fries in here bless you my sister bless you my brother hallelujah [Applause] boy in the lawn wonderful if there's another one you still have the time [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] if there's another one look like I feel you tugging at my spirit still somebody else that the Lord is speaking to you come he'll forgive you of every one of your sins you'll blot out your transgressions this day can be a new beginning for you all you need to do is get up step in the nearest aisle and come here now letting the Lord know I'm ready to give you my life hallelujah say another one want to be saved backslide of the beer acclaim already save want to make this your church home all you need to do is come right now hmm thank you lord hallelujah all right Alda Macklin my system is gonna come down on my behalf and shake hands with each one of you and we want you to follow Elva clay oh it's so beautiful hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah but so half of the days and the hell Velda koopa back in our midst and he's still going to have to go back to the hospital Lila tomorrow Tuesday that is and we certainly want to pray with and far elder Koopa a man praise God a man I want to say man fire pastor bishop GE Patterson hallelujah it's now time for the Ministry of giving heed man that's that you elevates your hand the nearest deacon usher will supply you four invaluable glory to God don't forget Sunday school follow immediately after this service thank God for the blood hallelujah and as it was
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 178,655
Rating: 4.637681 out of 5
Id: jqa1dyU5vqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 0sec (5220 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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