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[Music] praise the Lord [Music] while you're standing while you're standing if you would just reach over and join hands with the person who is standing on either side of you as we ask the Lord's anointing upon his servant upon his word that today I recognize that someone who is standing in this vast auditorium today this may be your very last opportunity to hear and to truly receive the Word of God and I do not want to stand here and a fleshly demonstration but I want the anointing of the Holy Ghost to saturate every word that somebody who is headed in the wrong direction can truly be turned toward Jesus Christ God we praise you we glorify and we magnify your name because your name is above every name it is a name that causes angels to veil their faces it is a name that causes demons to tremble it is a name that takes a worthless sinner and transforms him or her into a useful individual let your name be magnified let your presence be glorified touch us today from the crowns of our head to the soles of our feet if they're sinners Lord let them be converted believers who have not received the Holy Ghost let them be filled let sick bodies and sick minds be healed today and we take no credit to ourselves but we give you all the praise we give you all the glory and knowing you're like we know you we take you in advance [Applause] what you're doing in this place [Applause] Thank You Lord hallelujah [Applause] [Music] Laura to God just give him another pray than you may be seated [Music] [Applause] god bless you you may be seated how wonderful it is to be in the Assembly of the saints of God just one more time we never know when we meet together who's going to be missing the next time we assemble and that's why we all to give God I all whenever we have the privilege we should remember the words of the psalmist and enter into his gates with Thanksgiving come into his courts with praise be thankful unto Him and bless his name why for the Lord is he is good I want to certainly appreciate my fellow workers on the general board the first assistant presiding bishop the bishop Charles E Blake and the second assistant bishop general Haynes a former presiding bishop Chandler David Owens and all of the other members of the general board and we appreciate the board of bishops chaired by Bishop sheared and God bless all of these great bishops and all of our elected officials of the church supervise the father Department of women mother rivers nobody Lakha we praise God for her I said the other night that I've had some situations as this ship Blake said physical challenges and I've seen my wife have to develop another side and she's been nursing everything else over the past few months and I won't appreciate her as well now into all of the devils and all of the demons and all of those who are hoping that that I was that I was going to really be taken out of here all I can say is nein nein [Applause] [Applause] I think I just heard sister Karen Clark she had said it's not over until God says [Music] [Applause] and in case somebody don't have the message just tell them the lord haven't said it's over yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I could I could say a lot I said to our congregation that temple of deliverance one Sunday morning that I was stuck that was a message I wanted to deliver and then I wanted to touch upon my personal testimony and I got stuck between the testimony and the message and the next thing I knew about 25 or 30 minutes later we had all finished out and then I just sat down whether you know it or not the God that we serve he has not changed now we've done a lot of changing since the days that Bishop Mason and others planted the Church of God in Christ 98 years ago but although we've done a lot of changing according to Hebrews 13 and 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever and he has not changed he still the same he is yet performing miracles today just like he did ninety and a hundred years ago and I believe that there are persons in this building like myself who have either totally experience the healing miracle are you are a miracle in process and God is doing the work I want to speak to you briefly today from the theme the Lord gave me this theme I suppose about nine months or so ago reaching the world through the power of the spirit reaching the world through the power of the Spirit and that comes out of an Old Testament passage which is recorded in the book of the mana prophet Zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 and it simply says then he answered and spake unto me saying this is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel saying not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord of hosts know actually the words of this particular text are the words where our theme is based but at the same time I cannot talk about reaching the world without touching upon evangelization the responsibility that has been thrust upon us to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth and to talk about doing that in the power of the Spirit we automatically have to link the New Testament in because it is not an Old Testament subject as much as it is a New Testament subject when we think in terms of reaching the world as believers in Jesus Christ we have a directive to reach the world but we are also instructed not only to reach the world but we are instructed concerning what we must reach the world with not with foolishness I think some people read the passages of Scripture and somewhat misunderstood Paul says that it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching he did not say that it pleased God through the preaching of foolishness he refers to preaching as being somewhat of a foolish method and when you think about it and look at the countless millions of souls that have been saved in the last 2,000 years since our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ walked upon this earth and ascended on high and when you think about the method that he left with us to win the world it is somewhat of a foolish method simply the talk about it and simply the preach about it and especially the way we preach because sometimes when we get into it we might read one or two scriptures and then we tune up and we're not for the grace of God half the people wouldn't even know what we're saying and sometimes when we get off into the spirit and start speaking with tongues we become the Church of first Corinthians we've come the church that's speaking with tongues and everybody's trying to out speak everybody else and if God didn't just break through nobody would understand what's being saved so you know what's being said so you could look on the method of preaching as being foolish but the content of what we have to say it's to the Greeks foolishness and to the Jew it's a stumbling block but although it is stumbling block and foolishness in the eyes of some it is the method that God has used in order to tell men and women the glad news now let's say that it is a method through the foolishness of preaching but not the preaching of foolishness and you wonder sometimes when you look at this world and see the shape that this world is in how is it that we can talk about everything in our churches and sometimes don't even get around to talking about Jesus until what's called Christmas or Easter I've said it a number of times but it is astounding to me that many churches today do not even observe communion you don't hear hardly anything about the precious blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for the remission of sin so what does God do he always knows how to fill the void so a few months ago he reaches out into Hollywood and he takes a producer actor who is noted for bloody violent movies and he decides to spend 40 million dollars of his own money in order to release to the world a movie entitled The Passion of the Christ and it made news commentators it made people regardless of what so ever walk of life they were part of began to talk about Jesus how greatly he was bruised and how he suffered and it made folk go back to the Bible to see was it really like this and when you read it you find out that Jesus was not neatly put to death you know hanging on a cross with those sad almost effeminate looking eyes and a drop of blood coming out of his feet and a drop out of his hand but you find out what happened to his back you find out that his visit his face was marred beyond recognition you find out that his beard was not shaved but plucked out and when you think about what he suffered thank God that when we refused God always have somebody that he can reach out and bring in and do the job that needs to be done if the preacher won't preach the gospel he'll get a jackass [Applause] if the preacher gets lazy he'll get a rooster well you don't hear what I'm saying but the fact is this gospel must be preached to the ends of the earth so we have a directive we have a directive to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ well Matthew put it on this wise and I know I'm starting off a little slow but I'm not gonna be before your that awfully long Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 through 20 Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power was given unto me in heaven and in earth Gogi therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even to the end of the world or you might want to go to the end of the book of Mark and they hear Jesus in mark 16 verses 15 and 16 he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned now what a contrast that were those times during the earthly Ministry of Jesus when He healed people and commanded them don't talk about it they brought the blind man to him one day wanting to see him work a miracle Jesus took the man by the hand and led him out of town healed him where couldn't nobody see what was going on and then told the man don't tell nobody and the Bible does not come right out and tell you that those persons who he gave those instructions didn't file it but usually the next verses soul says but they want a fame of him in other words even when Jesus told him be quiet don't tell it they still couldn't keep it to themselves but when Jesus himself had finished his earthly ministry the final instruction that he gave them was capsulized in the two passages that I read he didn't tell them don't tell him but he says go into all the world and tell it preach it to every creature it doesn't matter if they are not of your nationality I don't know where we ever got stuck on that thing that we don't ever suppose to witness anybody but black folk that we don't suppose the witness to anybody but people that look like us have you ever thought about why he gave us the Holy Ghost you go back and read Acts chapter 2 and right after it talks about the day of Pentecost and how when the Holy Ghost failed it also quickly brings in that they were dwelling at Jerusalem devout men out of every nation under the heavens and they heard these men on the day of Pentecost speaking in that language what was astounding to them was they say are not all of these Galileans in other words they don't know anything but that one language but yet we hear them speaking in our language when I read some of the history of the earlier Pentecostal revival the Azusa revival it talked about people that came from all over the world to Azusa Street many of them came to criticize and ended up hearing folks speaking in tongues in that language a language which they had never learned I don't even presume to be such a genius as to tell you how the Lord does what he does but he gave us the Holy Ghost in order to empower us to take the gospel to the end of the earth that we can take it even into those areas where we don't speak the language I've had some people to tell me Bishop Patterson you know some of my members have said it to me I was in somebody told me they went Rio Rio de Janeiro and I know I don't have a broadcast in Rio a whole lot of places that I know I'm not paying for telecasts but that's a secret about how man found out how he could take a send a dish and send the signal out in the space and it bounces off of a satellite and anybody anywhere in the world that have the receiver dish the sender sends the signal and if you have the receiver you can tune it toward that satellite and receive the signal as it bounces off of the satellite and I've had members and friends to tell mr. Bishop you know I was in Rio Wow I was over in this part of the world and in that part of the world and I heard your telecast so but the thing about it is I looked and I saw your face but the person speaking it wasn't your voice and they were speaking another language now I pray to God that they didn't change what I was saying [Applause] but all I'm trying to tell you is that if you will send the Word of God out somebody who loves God will make sure that that word that you send out that when it comes back it will be directed to somebody who needs to hear it I'm trying to say this and I'm more than 1/3 Finnish God will have no Nicodemus --is in this day that can be no secret disciples oh I know that you have people that will say I don't testify and I don't talk about what I believe because I don't think that's anybody's business what I believe but when I read the demands of salvation what must I do to be saved there are two things first of all you've got to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ but to believe you're only halfway there not only must you believe you got to confess what you believe because with the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation it's enough to say it's in my heart but if you really want to complete it you gotta tell somebody what's in your heart yeah yeah you get you gotta let him know that yes it's not just that I believe in him but I want to stand up and tell a critical world a world that now is trying to do everything in its power ah I never thought I'd live to see the day when department stores and many people who depend on the money that is spent during the Christmas season to get out of the red I never thought I'd see the day when to be what they call politically correct they will not even use the word Christmas now anything that seems to pertain to Jesus Christ I have to applaud my preacher from Raleigh yes brother Patrick woody last year I saw him on several nationwide telecasts where he was urging folk that that if they cannot own up to the 25th of December being about Christ and about Christmas then you really shouldn't be spending your money with somebody who's trying to wipe out Jesus Christ I never thought that I would live to see the day and it is said that in the United States of America that eighty-five percent of all people who claim any religion 85% of Americans claim to be Christians and yet we are allowing people from every country every religion no religion because when you get through with it atheism is a religion under itself to tell you that to be politically correct you got to shut your mouth but I want you to know that if you're going to be correct in the eyes of God you got to open your mouth you got to open it on your job you got to open it in your classroom you you got to open it with the family reunions I don't mean you have to be obnoxious but every once in a while you got to open your mouth and tell somebody specially when you see people who are on a downward road how many folk do we walk by that if you would just open your mouth you'd be surprised how you could turn their life around if you were just open your mouth and tell that heroin addict tell that person now who's messing up their brain cooking it with meth those persons that are just out there let them know that honey you may not be able to understand everything I say it may not get through the mist that's covering your mind but I want you to know that it does not matter what's going on in your life if you can confess Jesus Christ as Lord you don't have to live the way that you're living I'm glad that I don't serve a savior or a god or religion or whatever you want to call it that doesn't offer me anything but suicide and the promise of 42 versions on the other side most brothers if you're honest you may be faking with two or three but you can amble one [Applause] [Music] don't don't don't don't give me a religion that's gonna tell me if I blow myself up and blow up so many people with me then I'm gonna immediately have farted two versions on the other side and will have pleased my God my God takes the other position he said one day I emptied myself into the womb of a woman and became a little baby in a town called Bethlehem grew up teaching healing sick folk Seton hungry folk and for all of the good idea they ended up taking me to the cross but I want you to know that I went so you wouldn't have to go oh you can have that religion that wants you to die my Savior said I died in your place I've already paid your price and all you've got to do oh I feel my help coming now all I want you to do is believe it and once you receive it spread it tell men and women everywhere you go who Jesus is sit down brothers I'm almost there you talk about the gospel well what is the heart of the gospel that this Jesus of Nazareth Mary's baby that he really was and is Israel's Messiah I know they're yet waiting on their Messiah but Paul says what they don't understand this when he comes and when they get ready to recognize him for the first time he'll be coming to us for the second time without sin unto salvation I want you to know that that same Jesus is the Son of God and that he is the savior of the world and once you believe that and confess it then you are on your way I'm not gonna say like some folks because we're preaching and teaching that now eternal security to the degree that you feel that you came backslide it may be true but I'm scared to take the chance that's the way they told us when we were coming up in the Church of God in Christ they told us you can backslide and they also told us about folk who didn't ever believe in praising God he said if you can have it and don't know it and you must not know what course you don't feel it then you can lose it and won't miss it [Applause] I'm glad that I have it and glad that I know I have it no no I don't walk by ceiling but every once in a while it happens like they were telling me about Friday night and I wasn't here Friday night but Jimmy Bishop Hanes got up to present Bishop Blake and a lot of folks said well you know I never heard Bishop Haynes speak in tongues and he said never saw Bishop Haynes dance but Bishop Haynes started doing like the old st. used to call it quickness speaking in tongues and dancing and the next thing they tell me of sections some way in here started and and when that section lit the match for about 25 minutes people were praising the law all I'm trying to tell you is that if you really got it you may not shout every time you go to church but every now and then you ought to feel a fire burning every now and then eight minutes [Music] [Applause] now I told you that my subject I had to deal with the New Testament but the text really came out of the old and give me just eight minutes to deal with this Old Testament text where the Minor Prophets Zachariah says this is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel now when I think in terms of Zerubbabel my mind goes back to the southern kingdom of Judah when they were arrested carried down into Babylon but you know one thing about God is that before you are ever captured he has already made provisions for your scheme before Cyrus was even born the Lord said through the prophet Isaiah that Cyrus that he is my servant and that he's going to do my will and after Nebuchadnezzar had deported these young men and eventually the entire habitants of the city down in the Babylon following him the Kingdom split on his son and it became the midea Persian Kingdom divided between the Medes and the Persians Cyrus had not come alone but he had mandates on his life before he was ever born finally one day when he was born the Spirit of God moved on him and said I want you to set those Hebrews free I want a group of them that that's red air to go back and the rebuild the house of God wants you to pick out some volunteers you see everybody's not willing to do the work of the Lord sometimes God has to pick out some volunteers these people got up and they went back to Jerusalem and they were swift to get into the business of rebuilding the temple but they soon got tired and they left the building of the temple in order to build their own houses and one thing about God is he knows when help is needed so he picks up to what we would call Minor Prophets one by the name of Haggai and the other by the name of Zachariah and through Haggai he says tell the people ask them a question is it time for you oh ye to dwell in your seal houses while my house la ways sometimes I wonder when you can't get folk to support the Lord's work don't they understand that God is not going to bless your work until you do something to bless his work he said consider your ways you've been planting a whole lot but you haven't been reaping very much you've been gathering wages and put it in bags and when you go back the bag got a hold in it consider your ways and then he looks at Zakaria and said let him know it's not gonna be done by manpower but this is the world of the Lord unto Zerubbabel sin it's not bad night I just wish you understood you that's trying to build a mega church and you're going to everybody's cumference trying to learn how to build a mega church number one you can't even serve a mega church I wish I knew then what I know no man I would have never built a mega church I want you to hear this why number one when Jesus fed the 5000 he told his disciples make them sit down in companies fifty and a hundred and take these baskets now Jesus could trust them because what nothing in the basket but what Jesus put in that there were two fish there were five loaves he put his hands on all of it he broke it he started every basket and it didn't matter how's Elias any of the disciples were they couldn't see the folk nothing but what Jesus put in the basket [Music] when you build a megachurch you got some a everybody that's helping you see your megachurch some of them are feeding for rat poison some of them are feeding what they heard on television last Sunday morning you don't hear what I'm saying sometimes all you need is enough folk to be able to serve love and no it doesn't make sense to have a whole lot of folk in the church and they've been that 20 years and you don't even know that family name [Music] okay nobody say I'm talking about you cuz I'm talking about meeting oh my god you need to understand that's when God preacher puts a vision in your heart I don't care how many conferences you go I don't care how many classes you've been sitting in if you gonna build the kind of church God wants you to be it's not by power it's not by might whoa what do you mean the Holy Ghost has got to be the image Iser the Holy Ghost has got to be the one that gives divine direction the Holy Ghost has got to be the guiding spirit that when you go to church you may have everything all laid out but it's the law which I know you've been working on this sermon three days but I came to bring you something fresh today I don't want my phone to do nothing but give me praise and [Music] have you ever been in one of those services didn't nobody call nobody out didn't nobody pushing over on the Holy Ghost [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stand up on your feet [Applause] [Music] somebody in this building this morning I don't care how high up you are if you don't know Jesus in the pardoning of your sins I want you to find a way the step to the nearest aisle and come down front you need to do that because Satan needs to know that you're giving your life to Jesus hallelujah backslider you who have known the Lord but you're straightaway Church has become a thing that is rap for you but the Lord says I'm married to you that you don't have to get married all over all you got to do is come on back home get up from where you are come here right now I don't want nobody moving unless you're responding to this invitation the Lord is speaking there at least a hundred and twenty five persons that the Lord is talking to right now and I want you to come and stand right here one sister standing there but they are hundred and twenty four more that the Lord is calling come on Saints if you just right there where y'all would begin to give God some praise [Music] yoke's will break [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring it out choir I know near here and now the Lord is speaking to you [Music] want you to come on down right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know that those souls are here and I know that many of you are shamed because this is the holy convocation then you are already a member of such-and-such a Church of God in Christ but let me tell you we got a lot of folk that's a member of the Church of God in Christ just like to have people members of other churches that's on that way to a devil's Heil yes they don't get that soon it's big sweet Jesus and it's not about what somebody else is thinking it's all about what you and Jesus knows [Music] while they're wrong all right understand now I'm told now that the cause of the situation the security in this building and the fire laws and all that people cannot even come down the elevator but if you would just wake up you out raise your hand and a saint near you can lay that hand on you and minister to you where you are and I want you Saints that are standing out there they're people who are sick in their bodies that need a miracle from God and while these so one of the praying with these persons down front I want you to turn to one somebody near you and catch them by both of their hands and began to pray with them and while you praying with them pray for God the yield their bodies pray for God to save their families we pray for God the prosper their ways hallelujah share that by hots a tune while you clean for them God's gonna do something for you Thank You Satan take your hands off [Music] rhythms of the Lord God be upon you woman God touch you from the crown of your head - thus all of your feet receive his breath received as an origin Ceylan take your hands off the glory of God is being revealed [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah hallelujah [Music] come on and give him free [Music] Thank You park-to-park up [Music] [Applause] [Music] God touch you right now not touch her right now God touch you right now [Music] [Music] Pomona pretty alone and you be praised come on and give it Brady [Music] they're praising [Music] creating an image cooked son on it [Music] hallelujah [Music] now you who know you who know you have a touch from the master's hand today just began to clap those hands and give him free Oh man's and open your mouth and give him pain [Music] glory to God glory to God Laura took up well we've been a little longer today than the last couple of official days but but something down in my spirit it's saying that about 2,000 folk out there that just need to praise the Lord with everything in you for about 90 seconds [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wait a minute yo you're 90 seconds up [Applause] come on somebody shouting around you tell them you're 90 seconds up now [Music] Oh [Music] whoa [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you come on and tell him thank you open your mouth and give him the fruit of your lips wanker [Music] thank you Thank You gene [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah [Music] wanker or in a cheat let's remain go we bless your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the land well give God a hand and take your seat for just a few moments if you can [Music] what a mighty God we serve [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah I'm going I'm gonna cut this off but I [Applause] I feel another known [Music] thank you long [Music] thank you all [Music] I want and I do want to appreciate every one of you who throughout this great holy convocation have been doing everything in your power to support your church want to thank God for how he's adding to the church we we mentioned the fact that we are thankful for the mayor of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick what what some of you may not know mr. mayor is that for the last several weeks he is not just a may of Detroit but he's a numbered brother Drew shi'ites so he's a member of the Church of God Christ [Applause] [Music] we praise God fine yeah [Applause] so when when they when they still try to tell you so don't know about juin Church don't cry but happy Jax then we show got some big happy jacks [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Church - The Word of God
Views: 2,398
Rating: 4.6170211 out of 5
Keywords: GE, G.E., patterson, bishop g.e. patterson, pastor g.e. patterson, church, God, bible, word of God, Gospel, faith, ge patterson sermons, ge patterson preaching, ge patterson praying, Sermons by great preachers, sermons on faith, sermons on anxiety, sermons on prayer, sermons on healing, sermons on depression, sermons on love, sermons by black preachers, Td jakes, joyce meyers, joel osteen, mike murdock, juanita bynum, creflo dollar, hilliard, breakfast club, john gray
Id: KvrkQ1bR9Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 10sec (4810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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