Who The F*** Is This 1400?!

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when you play chess hustlers live at the park you have no idea what people are rated before they play you so a couple of days ago i was playing at washington square park and somebody said hey you should play this guy his rating is about 1400. so we started playing and very quickly i realized that this might be the strongest 1400 in the world and something was up take a look at the game um my name's jacob i got a picture with two before yeah i know i remember have you been i've been worse but it's getting better you know the city bike e-bikes yeah yeah mine broke on the bridge so i had to carry that bike on the bridge so it's been you know i've been i think last time i was here i was better but but uh hopefully breaking up sweat you want me to play something a certain opening no okay play whatever you feel like oh no actually that's not so bad everybody's so aggressive is this what i've done to people i've like got to be like super aggro okay um so do you guys know that it's international chess day yeah yeah yeah yeah well i was asked by the international chess federation's social media director to spread the word so there you go and i was like okay yeah pretty pretty harmless um i always forget when it is it'll be easier to remember if you like the band sam gordon because you'll remember it's chris connell's birthday there you go or or yeah i mean like the 20th of the month you know we have like 4 20 7 20. what's 6 20 what's june 20th is something on june 20th i really shouldn't play this move i'm gonna play this move i just i i really shouldn't do it it's like being an alcoholic i just can't help it you respect my h file too much to take the free pawn oh i've convinced you to take my pawn i don't know if it works man i have a high rating but a small brain so i don't i don't know i don't know i'm like kramnik in old age you know no okay but black is completely vegan like in all positions even if i'm losing seems like a smart move i still don't see anything how is that possible okay let's start with this i really wish i had a checkmate hmm no mate 20 seconds expected oh fearless wow i like that that is aggressive nice game okay well done someone told me but that the 1400 that was oh that makes sense i'm sitting here like this is the strongest 1400 i've ever played what and that was the story of how i lost to a 1400 this whole thing makes me actually think how i changed my playing style depending on what i thought my opponent was rated i didn't take the most critical approach all the time throughout that game because i was thinking that i wanted to prolong it and at the same time i was playing super slowly because there was a moment that i wanted to do something critical i forgot that there was no bonus time because we had twit time controls but i didn't really mind because i was like i'm still gonna make a comeback anyways just interesting food for thought um i thought i was playing a 1400 and he was a 21 2200 rated player looking to just destroy me and he did as always folks if you enjoyed the irl content and you made it this far in the video i appreciate your support very much do let me know what content you enjoyed the most irl and i will try to go back to the parks and record some for you and if you're new to the channel welcome i've got a lot of chess content it's a really great game you should play it and i will see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 311,635
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Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess vienna, chess hustler, chess hustlers, chess hustlers botez, botez chess hustlers, union square park chess, washington square park, washington square park chess, maurice ashley chess hustler, maurice ashley blitz, chess hustler nakamura, chess hustlers nyc, chess hustler nyc, chess hustler owned, chess hustler vs magnus carlsen, guess the elo, guess the elo gothamchess, gothamchess guess the elo, guess the elo compilation, guess the elo best moments
Id: 2WTR0FNGgpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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