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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the greatest series in the history of on-screen entertainment guest the elo today's episode as always has some very fun and interesting chess games for your consumption that you can enjoy in the comfort of your own home car or otherwise but i do just want to say that we named today's episode what we named it because for some reason before we started recording i accidentally called it grand theft elo i don't really know why i did that it's just something that happened and obviously there was grand theft auto the video game series so we figured why not make a thumbnail and boom there you go and before we jump into the games today i just want to thank the sponsor of today's video let's hide the music because twitter youtube can't know youtube we got no music here i know what you guys are talking about all right folks here we go here we go here we go here we go uh we are going to begin with the first game of the day random noob with the white pieces plays d4 and gotham sub responds with knight to f six a very good move hyper modern move all right here we go c3 can somebody tell me what on earth this is what is this not even two squares not even a knight c3 okay so is it gonna be a london what so white did everything to set up a london even an escape route and proceeded to block their bishop i wouldn't even be shocked if black almost has advantage crazy i mean black has more logical development right good control of the center white doesn't have that okay blocking in your own dark squared bishop i don't hate it okay h5 oh wow h5 okay that's a move um that's okay so white is trying to play e4 or not white might be trying to go over here i i have truly no idea e5 okay so i i would recommend not opening the center while your king is there cause like dude you can't play on the king side and the center you have to choose okay you have to play uh my house is currently shaking because there's a there's a street cleaner outside like the like you know in new york they street clean so um my house just vibrated that was pretty cool uh no not an earthquake it's new york if it was california it's an earthquake yes um but no no we don't we don't get those here we get we get a lot of stuff in new york uh not that so uh yeah um you can't play on the side of the board in the center because what are you doing you gotta you know so e5 e4 right e takes d form c takes d4 queen e7 okay so first things first um this basically means that you have to castle queen side right so this that's that's basically what that means like you you you already committed to the center um [Music] right then uh you know all right you're not gonna castle that way knight h4 okay so d5 is a really terrible move because it just literally hangs upon there's a pawn and a king so d5 is not guarded why is bishop d5 a bad move oh because white castles okay i mean yeah all right whatever uh so you can actually take the pawn um so knight c5 is also a bad move because white can play b4 target your knight and if you try to do this then they castle and again you're losing here because your queen and your king are on the same line like you played very well in this opening and then you decided to play h5e5 like why didn't you just you know develop in castle instead you went full ugga booga mode you know so yeah bishop e7 is is a decent move uh so that's uh you know so b4 uh give me one second y'all bishop b2 all right nobody got banned just have to type a message so it's plus four why is it plus four it's plus four because uh because black's position sucks uh because black played on two sides and then you know had to bring the king to the other side of the board and it's just a huge attack there rook c1 short castle right so what does white play here i don't hate that move this is so you have so much tension built up here and yet when they castle black's position is hopeless like black has no good moves why if white wants to win this game they can win this game so many ways they can just play a5 they can play a b a6 rook fc1 knight b3 knight d4 knight c6 like you have no play none none but it's against the elo so you probably won the game right so queen d3 okay so we just played a4 but we're gonna abandon that plan what does this what is queen d3 why what does that do i is this like what are what a5 okay thank you yeah and see now you try to fight back oh my it's plus nine i mean the game the game is over it's beyond over all white has to do is bring this rook take and that's i mean you're gonna lose i don't even know how on earth you will survive i i legit cannot find a way i don't know yup oh my gosh i mean just rook takes pawn just like that's it okay you're putting up resistance and people are really bad at dealing with when resistance gets puts up like knight b3 knight a5 uh is an idea doubling so doubling on any one of these files is an idea that's not a bad move okay you just moved your rook there a move ago and then proceeded to unmove it and hang a bishop at the same time which is sick you know that's really cool he did they didn't take you because you know why would like when i see the move rook hate played the first thing i notice is oh like i jus you know i don't know where are white's eyeballs on their butt like i i that seems like a very bad way to like live life you know so all right rook g alright you move back i like that so what white did is white did not try to avoid your defenses what white tried to do is just restructure your position so you're still minus 11 it's you know 11 point advantage for white but like that's it you have no way of defending yourself anymore let's see what happens uh-huh so by the way going back here very decent idea perhaps um i don't know so b5 a5 okay so that's it the attack has broken through knight takes d6 let's bring it home uh-huh all right okay so take bishop or take free knight or or okay take rook ah but now after take rook there's this move and somehow white is not even better anymore so what did white have to play here white had to play uh maybe this to just remove a defender and then this and just keep attacking yeah just simplify a little bit keep attacking and just break through okay you though because you're super clutch find this move and suddenly like that's very important there are these game-changing moves in games your opponent doesn't realize in how much danger they really are and suddenly you're winning because you have bishop and knight for a rook and a big attack on the king incredible oh my gosh oh my oh wow wow wow that was one of the worst but best games i've ever seen that was like straight up one of the worst best games ever like wow um okay so the opening was complete nonsense but it was controlled nonsense but yeah what do i do with h5e5 huh i mean is it like a high-rated player with an experiment gone wrong was there just enough defense that black did a good job i'm gonna say like 1300 actually i honestly think this is like a 13 1400 game i'm gonna say 1300. that's actually what i think it's not me by the way i didn't play this game 1669 versus 1684 what what what oh my goodness nobody thought it was that high i mean even the counter play was so brief by black that like yeah it was sophisticated but i mean white played terribly i think this this one got everybody wow oh yeah it's a bit cut off at the top i apologize here i'm gonna bring it down sorry wow that's insane yeah i did not i did not think yeah that that wow wow wow that's that's wild that's wild okay good start epic game good comeback there by black keeping it all solid um no that was good i mean that that is how you make a comeback in chess but tom how did you hang your bishop on g7 like four times like okay d4 okay fake game oh what okay i think it's like plus 1.8 probably a huge advantage for white oh literally it was plus 1.8 for a second yeah i mean no nobody plays c6 here now it's plus 2.5 probably all right now oh god every move is getting closer and closer to like plus five advantage wow great move amazing move supported by the other pawn is this a fake game what is this is this a fake game you playing this against your friend or something what what is black just re what is what is king g2 why well for what you do you see all these beautiful pieces that you have and you play king g2 for what are what is he gonna get in the game like i don't understand what what is he the one i mean you need to take space unbelievable okay back to normal e5 no trading e5 or f5 open up the position yes d6 yes okay i'm sorry did you pay your opponent or something well like are you paying them to do this what what is this this is one of the dumbest games i've ever seen in my life what come on huh okay and yet it's going to be kind of difficult oh uh oh black one upon oh boy all right yeah you guys gotta stop you gotta not submit games like this pl can we can we do me a favor for everybody watching i don't wanna analyze games like this this is a complete waste of my time and everybody's time this is a very bad submission you thought it was hard to guess the elo it is it is because you're probably like 2 200. nice pawn break though with the bishop on d3 and the rook and h7 um i would take again now put the knight in the middle knight e5 okay yeah that's also very good you don't have to take the rook you don't have to take that either but i i get it because now you're going to take the rook and the bishop and knight e5 and what it what are what is this what why did you submit this game complete waste of time what okay i don't know i mean obviously like this could be like 500 or it could be like a a person with black who is just very mad and just tilted okay i don't know i i don't i don't know i don't um i guess i can i have to base this on white's play uh sixteen hundred sixteen hundred sixteen hundred sure sixteen hundred thirteen hundred okay wow so my guesses were reversed all right cool well take it as a compliment i guess you're you're 30 you're 1600 now sick dude i mean you're 1300 now that is that what i said i don't know check friends list yeah yeah yeah cool cool cool cool that was good that was good that was good that was good sick game sick game dope game no game your opponent obviously was just like mad and i don't know just decided to play a terrible game all right cool cool we're gonna keep it moving keep it moving don't feel bad don't feel bad sometimes we have a game to submit and it's not a good game and it happens don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it it's all good it's all good it's all good kings gambit let's hope this is a good game okay king's gambit is a very interesting opening you should either take it and hang on to it or strike back in the center okay that's a very bad move you should not be defending with your knight i don't care if it's theory it's not you're just worse now okay g5 yes yes yes yes yes this is exactly how you deal very nice very nice i like this i like this this is very good now white messed up because white should really bring the knights here and then the second that this is threatened uh you can either play fe or f5 or even something like d3 to make sure it's protected so what white should have done at this point is played the move d3 at which point this is no longer a gambit and just white having a nice position okay instead of that white lost the pawn king's gambit style and will never win it back and plays a beta move and is losing okay this is not how it goes okay you should not be doing it this way okay this is very bad just very bad black just has a great position okay that is a terrible move i mean bishop d7 is just really not it should not be it's not you know okay nice e5 is a smart move what i would do here is i would i would i would take and then i would long castle okay so i would play like this and then uh take and long castle you can't take again uh you can't take it again because if rookie one you can't play queen c5 because of queen d4 so huge wow okay that doesn't do anything though okay bishop trade yeah and black is just doing a nice job black needs to break through over here because there's a king so you gotta you gotta get over there and break break through nice no threats no threats um i would have gone here so you can play h5 g4 see bishop g7 looks okay but it doesn't actually do too much uh bishop e7 defends your pawn so i would have played bishop e7 h5 g4 uh knight f5 is yes knight five is definitely better than knight g6 you should definitely play knight f5 but i don't really care um as far as you know it's minus two or minus three this is a much more active square with an actual threat but i don't care queen d3 another idea here computer likes to trade the queen off uh okay that might have been a free pawn but i guess rookie won so no aha a little bit of counter play but everything's fine sneak in you gotta have a win somewhere ah it's a terrible move no no no no no no you you gotta you gotta make sure you're this is the strongest thing you have and you've just broken it up oh my god uh okay this is still this is still not how i would have done this um so no don't do knight h4 you can play like queen d3 removing the queen from the game targeting this targeting this rook c3 etc i uh i would not recommend trading off the knight and just getting to this because the truth is you don't have um an attack anymore if white plays this correctly so i i miss queen g3 completely but it doesn't mean anything you how are you attacking here you're you're minus one because you're up a pawn but that's it as your advantage is a pawn now whereas here your advantage is upon an extremely active queen and the ability to target three weaknesses it's not the same thing i'm just saying let's see what happens queen g three uh-huh okay okay where is attack and look at that you guys are all saying like i was wrong and i missed queen g3 and look at you bozos look at that white is now better because black did nothing and queen g6 traps the queen and then you can go back and win the queen this is insane queen g6 is now winning for white because after rook g2 king f1 it's mate or the rook hangs or the bishop and that is why in the middle of being up in a game you don't just strand your queen on the edge of the board you clowns youtube you're not clowns twitches clowns because they're like yeah you missed clean g3 this is not the right approach to the game black got an advantage and did nothing this was great but didn't remove the most important glue of the position just did this all right and then uh you know this is the and then did nothing they were completely unable all right to to break through this white i mean and then and by the way white didn't find queen g6 and white allowed the queen in and um it's made so uh white allowed the queen in and got mated [Laughter] so uh yeah that's that's how the game ended sick um yeah dope wow okay uh king's gambit black played really well i mean really well and then had a little bit of a slip up man black played yeah i mean this is a very high level game uh i gotta think for a sec like king's gambit giving up the pawn g5 noticing everything the critical moments of this game were like knight h4 queen g3 man i want to say like 14 1500 probably i don't want to say any higher because i feel like higher they have much better control of the opening you know what i mean like i feel like 17 1800 would not allow such a bad thing in the opening so i'm gonna say like 14 1500 that's what i think if it's lower i'm very impressed but i think it's 14 1500. look at that 1473 versus 1477. damn folk riser thank you for gifting 20 subs uh i'm assuming you gave 20 subs in order to get a game analyzed um uh but we are in the middle of a recording for guest the elo so you can say hi to youtube you're gonna have a youtube moment youtube this is this is how it's like here um so yeah um wow what a game i was right 14 1500. yeah it felt like it it felt like it you know it felt uh felt like it was a very good fight but it had its moments of being 1400 level oh it is what it is would it do would it be in it be what it do so let's go fourth game e4 e5 c4 okay i think this is like 500 okay amazing a5 all right okay incredible so let's check the the whale the whale variation okay white is actually playing shockingly good moves so i i might not think this is 500 anymore oh no knight g5 is a really bad move knight g3 okay king h2 rook d1 a lot of maneuvering in this game oh that was apparently the top engine move i don't know why okay now there's just there should are you gonna get oh oh my that looks really scary you're losing after bishop takes h that is not that is not the move you're you're just getting completely smashed after this but okay yo there's queen takes g3 here you see this and a fork that is insane wow now white is winning white is winning because white has a lot more space and black's pieces are just targets so for example f5 here is crushing because then the idea is to play rook f4 so if f5 here knight f4 then you know this looks like a really interesting idea as well okay that's everything that rook g4 oh take the knight the knight is free the queen's not even protected huge what what this game is so weird why did they play the whale and then just play super normal what huh okay that's weird i'm very confused i'm very confused i gotta tell you white played kind of dumb in the opening but it didn't do anything that unreasonable well-timed center pawn break good development all right some weird queen and rook moves here but white played really well okay there was like one tactic missed and then white immediately i feel like white is why does like 17 1800 like no joke i i i mean white played basically every move i would have played i but black also played pretty reasonably but i feel like all my guesses have been the same today i straight up i straight up have said 13 1400 like three times or four times wow i don't know i mean oh god this is so difficult ah white played a really good game despite playing the whale okay i'm gonna say 1600 that's my guess what should be like 900 ah i was so close 15 27 1563 well listen my sub is 37 points away from 1600 so shout out to the whale wow incredible all right final game let's go let's make it count final game of guess the elo today gotham sub has the black pieces the nimso indian on the board for the first time ever in guess the elo crazy this is top level stuff right here knight f3 c5 oh god okay well well that's just a pawn blunder i mean the entire purpose of the nimso indian is to completely prevent the move e4 and now black is winning on move five unless this is some sort of top gambit well the advantage is gone so yeah i feel like neither player knows how to play their opening so here black has to play queen a5 and apply even more pressure this is not a good move because obviously there is the rook hanging so the other thing you can do is give up the knight like this you know um but you're not really supposed to give white monster bishops which you're about to do okay yeah so now you know you have to probably defend this but it you can also take like you can you can take the knight because you're not losing this because there's this okay yeah take yes black is just a pawn up but the opening was an absolute success um ah i would never go c4 i would never go i don't care what stockfish says i i i would keep the pawns here you also really don't need to worry about this that much i know computers like saying that there's a way to but this is so weak there's no reason to do it you obviously should like defend your pawns but that's just i don't know c4 kills all the uh okay anyway f6 nice yeah this is how you take advantage of yup yup what's the best move here by black if you play rook d8 they're gonna win this the best move by black is to sack the rook and use your three on one and soon three on zero my man played it wow wow wow wow oh what a move and you can't take because of this 90 oh d4 let's go c2 once oh god oh you okay i don't want to look at the rest of the game because you didn't play d2 i you lose like 900 points of your elo that i was gonna guess because you didn't play d2 how did you just uncork unreal levels of just butt kicking just absolute savagery and then you don't play d2 and then you start bringing your king like what is this did you let your younger sibling take over like what is it what are we doing wait are you bming wait a minute are you doing this on purpose because you don't because they won't resign oh that's so disrespectful okay if you had promoted to a rook here i would have been a lot happier did you just run the king like to just maximum disrespect to your opponent wow oh amazing okay so black played this game like 1800 18 to 2000. um white played this game like well to be honest with you they they had a very short game the critical moment was this which could have been a mouse lip by the way this could have been a mouse lip like white honestly could have been to play e3 mouse loops e4 and is now just on the back foot the whole game i mean they played reasonable moves like they actually did um yeah i'm gonna say like 1800 i'm gonna say 18 to 1900 and maybe even 2 000 because they both played kind of reasonably except black was winning the entire game that's what i'm going to say here we go 1800 11 no no no no no no no way no yo black no no no no no no no if black is banned for fair play violations in like a month because you know this happens this happens like sometimes i'm kidding obviously you probably played the game of your life you should be proud of making a joke but there have been cases where people end up banned like a month later and then i see comments like that person got banned and i'm like oh my god that's crazy no no no no no no no you played the game of your life i fully believe in you i just can't believe you're 1100. i literally just guessed 700 points higher because that's how much better you played
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 329,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 3UC9qVNtCag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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