Gaming Beaver Funny Montage #10

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[Music] did he just did did he just go through something [Music] [Applause] i want to go i want to go i want to ride it i'm going to do it he ran past me right into the cafeteria no that was me that was definitely a white guy kate's got my vote beaver listen to me man [Music] fever do you have anything to say yeah beaver what do you have to say for yourself this is my second game oh intern killed that guy beaver's at the door i walk out there's a dead body two feet from him can you tell us the story mr beef men [Music] because i don't kill anyone and he might he might actually take that he might take that trade off he's not okay mono stegotops at level 20. why are we still here 75 is that is that 75 maybe i'll make my own shiva oh look at this all go move out okay you're hearing it here first if if there's any dinosaur that's probably going to get out it might be dilophosaurus because i think i've rushed these lights [Music] there you go that's burp sped up there you go oh just everyone free upgrade everybody gets an upgrade you get one you get one we're releasing more toast plushies at christmas they're long overdue people want them why oh god i hear it oh my god what's that oh my god will you stop breaking your legs oh i think i can hear things words beavers use them oh i see a thing that's it i wash my hands with this man as far as i'm aware the the youtubers and stuff that have hacked the game for years have not been bad they're still playing the game and i doubt that ludia will fix that which is bit hypocritical i think they should start with those example cases i've been a loyal promoter i've spent real money on the game so do it the rocks are stream sniping brooklyn i really don't like this game at the moment i really don't like why you played it beavers i don't know no no no i'm not doing this anymore you know what you've done you've broken the game you put boosts in you made a new raptor gen 2 like oh let's put him in everything let's make him the most annoying thing in the world i'm not doing it anymore but i'm especially not wearing that wait it says in the contract i have to do it [Music] yay oh god oh jesus up here attempt fate let's see if we can lose 3-1 shall we yeah spit on the camera there oh got him okay editing james put it on now there you go see that's not so hard is it i can play whatever i want who's the best dinosaur youtuber in the world so you can take a bit of food and run away wow this this game's light years ahead of the gonna go for your aisle okay i really hate that now we need primordial forest to play turn the doors don't attack them attack the doors oh there's another t-rex oh how about my butt face yes i need to turn this game down like dude when you're in the game there's barely any music so it's just it's just a title screen it's like whoa i'm in the action right now i have one health mind is the left spine left if if it sneezes on me i'm gonna die yeah it's actually made by the community i don't like the community excited i don't like them they keep killing me follow your fearless leader oh god he's got fear he's got fear oh my god you are amazing whitney is that that's a cup of tea that is a cup of tea did you have to put it in this mug though will you shut up oh i need a researcher i was like where is it where is it place your beds who's gonna win oh he's just holding him and punching him that cheeky booger trying to go in and nick off with one of my plugins high level plays big ah look at them he's eating oreos now it's a it's a lot of wasted food i can hear you already say that's a lot of waste of food james also that wasn't upgraded no wonder they were moving slow here then why do you do the opposite every time oh oh i picked up a scorpion and just locked it first proper kill she wants to hunt beautiful how about a roman centurion for the front line there you go oops oh i put them all i'll put them all in the wrong teams okay here we go oh i've done it wrong again god damn it i will follow you back to your nest in your pack there will rip you flim from level failed he's like don't mind me just pass it through i looked at this picture i saw a t-rex hunched over going and we just have to say yes get to the chopper kind of glad i can skip most of this though would you reach incredible there will be adverts god this isn't good i'm gonna have to go if he blocks right well we lost thanks i would say dilophosaurus won the little mini cup [Music] you're in this way are you oh [Laughter] maybe i don't want a dino crisis oh my god oh i hate it [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh fine i guess i'll kill you with a spear could be a horde of uh wolf spiders are you ready oh it is a border wall hey i bet you're dead tired just lying around there aren't you [Applause] obviously doesn't have a funny bone in his body act surprised or you know reenact what happened in fallen kingdom you know whatever oh god what was that this is classed as an adventure game it's as much as an adventure game as watering plants is okay so we're going to gracefully disembark from our ship there we go beautiful if you drop you know what that is i would be like what the hell's he making weird noises for you know this scene and if not here it is oh there's two t-rexes there's two t-rexes yes kill each other you [ __ ] you come on help fund the spinosaurus we need we need to start go fund me just pretend it's a dragon game and it'll get lots of funding imagine if this was real life and like humans were viciously fighting off dinosaurs tooth and nail it was the end of days and then somebody called out is that the real gaming beaver no it's not him now to get rid of all the trees come on come on i'm gonna come and get you oh my god there you look like a dragon are you gonna make a kickstarter are you gonna scam people oh my god he is run run hide your wallet i mean what would you do in this situation right i would roll oh i don't see any dinosaurs and there's a tree sticking out of that fence two bloody years in development this is get your fingers out your ass only talking oh god oh god him is he dead is he dead [Music] me rolling puke now it's my puke whoa those doors open fast we are waiting the gun there king kong shut up here you smart ass god there you go that's nice of me basically just said you want to eat me new plan run now to take on a tiger fish well i don't know how i expected that to go spinosaurus stegosaurus oh my good lord oh oh pterosaurs yes i i would suggest you run away run away hold on just let him run through oh there he goes i'm the leader this time me me i touch my hair a lot because it is so long and it has no idea what it wants to do yes [Music] oh god oh my god please get the crit in my jungle that's all we're asking we haven't got it once yes and oh it's me oh no he doesn't get it oh that's one of the healers gone are you going to come downstairs and help me or what a minute james this is the third time i've asked you what are you doing james you better not be painting again no james james what are you doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i am joining a raid right this second so i'm probably gonna end up smash cutting is that what that means what has science done it has gone too far all i wanted was to live actually you look quite nice there unlike the uh jurassic world jurassic park 3 version which looks like a nightmare imagine coming into that i would not feel safe you kidding me david dave david david david you had one job david we had it in the bag oh my god you can you can go there sit there you're gonna be like that are you oh he's green with the green screen he'll look fine we need a just just like a random turret oh i was just shooting into the dark okay i'll fix him why aren't you protecting me on to the final round why are we still here just to suffer every night i can feel my leg and my arm even my fingers the body i've lost [Music] the handle go to the roof and talk to mr mazzani about getting more dna a fat load of help you are god oh look at paleontology just a regular old pain and told you would you like a hot dog oh my god get get out the bloody tourists [Music] you're so cute a little bit of ballot heck yeah give me all of that that oh that looks so cool take this science are you are you awake what's going on hold on hey wrench oh that's a transport crate ah get on me wait why are you you know why you guys are all here it's because the bloody door's left wide open isn't it get out of here i'll slap you silly there's hot dog madness all up in here your four doors and you with your chiseled jaw and how could i forget about the elevators guys get out of my lap back of the head this is up for employees only i like this this is loads of fun here we go here we go ah that's so cool i'm coming mr moses i wonder if you could put that golf ball in someone what what the [ __ ] and if i do the clicker on you doesn't do anything either nope you really don't care no i think i was lying when you said that you'd help me look at the right thing and have just placed that as a talk to yeah get him ah there it goes i want omega rex ah you look friendly look he's chipping at some amber [Music] remember yoshi when you were a kid now this is what it looks like now you feel old [Music] smell it that smells like chemicals yeah i think i don't think people are supposed to eat them today you insult jeff oh do you like him i do does that look good ah oh my god he got pg tips whitney that's my favorite oh does it save coin now no way that'd be sweet oh please tell me it saves coin yes nothing starter card 700 damage oh we gotta go hunt some great whites we got a thousand health right we can easy kill anything that's what you think [Music] say hello mike no he's shy bless him how did he just get up there no no keep going that way he's going the right way oh he's so dead well this is a fun game uh we have to go into the parts guys oh all right wait do you mean this isn't the whole game right here james we just killed the dinosaur's dead let's go look at the thingy hey another yoke it arrives i want to kiss a turix on the lips during covered dude that's not safe you can't just tell me you're gonna open mouth kiss a t-rex and then go back on it like i know you're oh yeah it's got a glowy underbelly oh my god wait so where do we hit it then we should get it outside i like guys it's going to crash into the moon guys uh oh guys guys oh my god he's splattered on the side it's day it's dead we won guys yeah okay right there yeah yeah oh my hell no ryan where are you i'll just hide right right here you will get me walk out the fire here here i'll do some music for you hold on you're gonna have to start paying for it okay i was gonna say with your with your uh with your weight hold on i'm going to go behind it oh the explosion is so good oh my god his head fell off i jumped over the laser though yeah you did but ryan didn't it was for the memes am i right high five yeah this is the server room i'm pretty sure how come there's no sign then i don't know everything i think we can make it back report everybody oh my god wait we can quit everybody thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 168,102
Rating: 4.9673829 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: EATLQlqt1Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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