MAXED INDOMINUS REX GEN 2!!! || Jurassic World - The Game - Ep 455 HD

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will we have won the indominus rex i bloody hope so is it is it oh oh heart attack thought that was a silver reward there so this over the top was like no never mind so here we go finally we've done it we've won indominus rex jen two you finished in the top one percent but we've already went over that in the last video the top one we said doesn't make any sense whatsoever because there's a hundred in the top 100 there's a hundred in the bottom a hundred look what anyway here we go and what we've been waiting for guaranteed books oh sorry dna i should say guaranteed books there you go county food and finally indominus rex gentle yes as well as 2 600 vip points uh look at level 46 000 health and 2 000 attack which i think is kind of just on par with the regular indominus but we now have it so not only do we have that what else we got oh what's his return to the island fight in this special event in honor of jurassic world falling a little bit i think dressing with alive was a little bit early then maybe either way here you go lee zick these another one hatched and that means that we can make a level twenty so we may as well do that first i'm not getting in books as quickly as i normally do so we've gotta be a little bit careful so yes i am coming off the last video so my voice is a a little bit worn out so i do apologize but we're having fun because this is a fun game and like the other bloody one jurassic world alive god thank god that's over jesus i'll never put myself through that again depression so here we go level 263 health and 253 attack oh it looks darker there's like no lighting on it at all i mean lasik these didn't eat like that but fair enough we can't expect scientific accuracy from this game now can we through enormous oh though enormous the lead these mostly fed on plankton well apparently not this one do you do your research oh dude i wonder what like because they know i've just given it like a new animation so i i know it takes time and it takes effort and money which is the main problem oh there you go another 20 for doing that so we are oh we're so close to another indoraptor oh yes so with that being said let's have a look what we got we got ooh trader spinal for books yeah i'll do it uh anything else that we got we'll trade you for coin no other way maybe nope nope and nope so what we gonna do that's right we're gonna get coin we're gonna do it ourselves manually so there you go oh mr frickasaurus i guess and then finally oh we can't i need more coin ah can i use this yet five minutes i gotta wait five minutes or i can just kind of go one two three four five six seven and that's is that a couple of million there 44 will be on oh yes it is look at all this coin 50 million yes fine i'll do it myself god look at this i'm the dirty myself eh so there we go oh no the oscar figure so it's fantastic great it's all free of dna i mean what you could do is do the coin for dna but um you're not gonna get as much are you so we got 10 discount off in the land creatures so if there's anything extra that we wanted 10 percent's a decent amount it's not the best i've seen 20 before uh but we are here mainly oh yeah puts our moxes in now we got the acanthostegas i think they were put in where they put in somewhere here acanthostega where was it it's not this guy a canto steger i don't know i was so sure that he was round here there's ichthyostega is it over here it's the same as size as a what you may call it as a carnivore huh okay well let's have a look we can definitely find it just by going all creatures amphibians acanthostega um at the bottom is it there he is already got a level 40 and now we got even more so a candlestick isn't a creature that's used too often um i will i will just get it to level 20 because it might be used i might use it highly unlikely and to be fair i probably didn't even need to bother to do this now all those bugs are turning their spinosaurus for that and you ruined it but one thing we are definitely going to get another one of is indominus rex so feed you up to level 20 750 health and 455 attack i mean the attack's pretty decent hell's awful uh level 40 does get like double the health but not double the attack he's got to be green doesn't he um so let's go in here so what do we have oh we got a vip whoa what's this is new vip's got a block a bronze reward and a gold oh this is great this is new oh it's usually just been gold rewards but now ah that means so we only have to do three battles for that one and it's not too tough again another good thing that lady have done that's not in dresser all the life that's interesting all the game good god okay so we uh we need to get that indoraptor or sorry indominus rex it's gonna go carnival we need to go down to here and we need to scroll all the way till we find it there it is it's just six days 1 000 600 well here we go indominus rex gen 2 already 1 000 health and 369 attack right okay so where's indominus rex uh you are here right okay what can we do what can we do we'll switch we'll move you so that your ah where could you go ah tell you what i'd love to s plop it there wait what i was gonna say i didn't just lose it did i okay so we'll put pyro pyro raptor away so i'm pretty sure tana calagrius uh still gets a lot more coin than uh that guy so two coin from you we gotta put oh wait what oops oh no okay hold on i need to move a lot of source over here still 100 is that a million 1 million 19 000 from that indominus rex and this indominus rex at the moment gets 1 500 coin but once we put it over here he gets 4 000 wow okay well let's feed you shall we level 10 1769 health and 553 attack oh look at it that looks so good in the fire oh i haven't seen the animation in ages oh he looks so cool so an experiment conducted to better understand the indominus rex's predatory instinct resulted in this equally dangerous gen 2 well let's collect now when you get a hybrid you need to get another hybrid and at what 10 percent off oh yes yes we are hold on guys guys we could get a level 40 in dominus rex gen 2 we could we could do it should we do it get level 40. oh we'll have a two four six so that's already three um oh no no i didn't mean that could be advert damage oh 20 minutes off oh great 20 minutes what was it 20 minutes off what was the time 20 minutes of eight hours oh brilliant brilliant um so it's gonna cost us 16 000 dna sorry bucks plus plus the speedups which apparently aren't going very well because they're 120 each time good lord so you got a level 20. oh yes oh look at you oh you look cool okay let's feed you 3030 health and 947 attack i love that throw it's so cool that's a level 20. uh so we can definitely get we can definitely make a level 3 level 20 is the best for uh the bang for your book really dna books you get the best um but let's see we'll get more food there's apex predator's preferred meal is a partner saurus oh too soon i mean it's three years ago but still two suits so we can instead of costing 29 000 it costs 26 000. so we buy eight of those we are saving like a good like 10 to 20 000 dna ish so we'll buy these guys um and we do need to sell some stuff as well so there's another one so how much is 20 how much was it 20 odd 26 000. okay guys it's about time we went through and sold a bunch of stuff um so we need to have a look who's our boxes only only that eh okay well we don't really need the tyrandons do we don't need these guys 90 90 90 90 90 90 and that's a 40 so we don't sell i mean do we really need a level 10 20 and 30 do i mean i remember that was my goal right i was like only level 10 20 30 and 40. but do we really need these guys do we i've never like it's been years like so many years and i've never ever once used a level 30 tropicanathis and for 360 dna you know what let's get rid of them that i i know i'm going against all my morals but who cares one level 40. that's all we need and as long as we get the level 40 we can claim all of this oh yeah look we got some books for that fantastic uh so if we do the same with zing zing beijing so 1550 550 550 fifty five fifty five fifty five fifty oh hold on one five fifty five fifty five fifty and there you go oh we're getting there question so we're gonna sell eleven of these one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven there you go so that's a lot of dna look we're almost there uh metric metric otherwise i don't think peggy isis well we barely use you 1460 i mean how many do i have only okay two so one thousand and one thousand there you go hey all the dna so that is another indominus rex gen 2 so we'll quickly buy you and speed you up oh the resources guys look at the resources well you know what sorry it's indominus rex it needs loving uh don't need any of these maybe other muffin but that is euda morphodon is a flipping what you might call it a um uh vip so he's gonna be really good anyway so we're definitely gonna sell him over code on uh is anything else t-rex whoa i only have those that many t-rex i have nothing oh okay unicorn wizards well we only need one i know i apologize guys we're gonna have to sell it for the greater good one two three four there you go it's going towards a good cause uh brian sutures i only have one really oh wow oh i've been selling these guys anyway oh sell it oscar freakosaurus there you go uh super minimus oh level 30. get rid of it don't want it give me the dna i mean i guess i'm losing food but who cares i don't need it spinosaurus one two three hey it means that scrolling would be a lot more easier okay so we only have oh no we do have a level 40 kool-aid so one two three four five there you go i mean we're probably gonna be losing out on coin i guess but we're okay i don't need to really worry about coin so we have so many raptors um now sometimes you do need to have raptors in events but i think i'm okay well let's sell the level tens so one two three four so seven so one two three four five six and seven oh no and an oh no is that oh yeah there you go eight we've still got another one oh it's got another one i forgot twelve isn't it so we can definitely buy another one allosaurus yes all those guys one two three four five there you go that's a thousand dna right there it routine is one two three four five six seven oh and another one it what else we got uh i really should do this off camera i do apologize you director we need to get rid of seventy one two three four five six seven beautiful right so we can buy one more so already we have one two three four five six including this one so we need two more two more indominus rex's so we need 40 odd thousand dna um i'm just trying to think we've got neither dinosaurs that we can definitely sell from that oh we got two level fours okay so 10 of these so that's 700 dna from this oh my god so many stegosaurs oh get rid of them yes oh that was satisfying oh that was satisfying so many of them good look oh my god i got whoa i have so many ankylonicuses oh that's crazy can i say oh they're 5000 each i mean i have six of them should we sell them i think you know what i never use them we may as well right like one two three four and that's it we only need to sell four and that's just done i'll keep those other guys forgot about all those hybrids oh forget about these guys down here too oh those are like really good ones anyway so let's go over here and get more and well two more i'm pretty sure oh we need a little bit more oh i'm sorry dude we're gonna have to sell one here off you go is that enough i think that's enough so six and the final one done we had 20 odd thousand bucks and now we have 40 so we're gonna feed all these indominus rex's oh wow i haven't done this for ages ages and ages like maxing up a creature okay 140 plus 120 oh it's done first time oh again do that again please so that's another letter level 20. so let's fuse another level tank one ah damn damn i think we're gonna get to just above 10 000 bucks i think i think i could be wrong though i think maybe maybe 12 is 12 000 bucks say 1 700 to spend just for speed ups but it depends on how long it takes to like max up that level 40 like the 40 evolution so that's you and then one more come on first time damage why why i don't even know why i'm bothering i'm spending so many books so much dna on a creature that i don't really need i mean eventually right it's going to get into raptor gen 2 i would have thought if we it'll be like imagine that indominus rex gen 2 with indoraptor oh my god that would be so powerful oh oh yeah okay we've done it okay we just need to make these level 20s and yeah that's it okay so we've only got 750 dna left which means that uh it's 160 for that 162. oh no and we're going to get some books back and some dna back for once oh there you go a level 30. 3 000 atta sorry health and 1 000 attack so there you go there's oh wait no that's level 20. that's a level 30. look at the coloring so what did we get we got another 100 bucks oh that's good no research gen two is able to communicate with the gen two creatures it was hybridized with uh as in like velociraptor and t-rex okay i'm i guess i guess yeah sure whatever oh god we're gonna have to sell more stuff we're gonna have someone oh no yep that's it we need to sell we need to sell more i think that other anchor lodges is gonna have to go i'm so sorry five thousand dna just like that already hybridizing this so here we go see results unfortunately nothing we've only got to get this one and then one more fuse oh that's it oh this is it here we go that's two level 30s done and done feed you i didn't even check my food it's costing like millions to feed this guy this is it the last fusion to get a level 40 indominus rex so come on here we go evolve there it is 188 and 288 bucks oh and it wasn't done first time oh no come on come on man come on yes yes okay it was just under 12 000 but we are gonna get some back anyway so 5 500 for health and 1720 without any food oh god it's 2 million are we gonna be able to afford this no we can't oh my god we can't afford a maxim i'll be 20 million to get at the level 40. are you kidding me wow okay so we need how much we are so close do we get food from this oh we do oh there it is oh that's good the cuttlefish dna added to this hybrid makes it a master of camouflage so here we go the final one level forty six thousand five and thirty six help and two thousand and forty two attack oh yes the level forty indominus rex and look at his red eyes so happy look at them both though so i don't have a level 40 indominus rex uh either huh interesting well should we sell this one kind of tempted i mean it is it is fed though how much does it sell for 14 000 hmm it would have been good to see what a level 40 indominus rex was like against a level 40 uh indominus rex gen 2. maybe if we go to the market we got a hybrids and as long as i do i not have i don't have it okay this is good we can scroll here we go so they're exactly the same amount what they're exactly the same except for indominus rex gen 2 has 100 extra or sorry 1 000 extra health but indominus rex has oh my god that's so not worth it indones rex has 32 extra attack in comparison to our indonesia's 1106 extra health and the same price huh would you know well there you have it we've got an indominus rex gen 2 maxed up was it worth it not really we also have this event we have an earth shot and but return to the island yeah let's do this one wait what that's got nothing to do with fruit to falling kingdom what what does this pack give you what's up there's nothing to do with fallen kingdom what does that mean don't have to do with falling you're kidding me all right fair enough whatever's i suppose is there anything else we can do we could do the clash of the titans and get megalosaurus guys let's bring indogen 2 into oh my god he's all the way over there fantastic yes well tell you what let's not bring him right away we've got another indominus rex where's oh there's level 30. uh damn now this is going from the uh what you might call it the uh tournament that i just completed to do it so that's why a lot of these creatures are used up uh i couldn't run for carnivores i suppose oh god loads of them are used jesus okay that'll do and that's above and beyond the call of duty i don't think we need anything more than that was it a waste of resources yes probably more than likely but i can say i've got an indo gen 2 level 40. so i'm just going to go for loads of reserves because you're okay come on man you can't win sticky oh that's a fallen kingdom has recent it recently came on netflix and it also it came on tv uh it was on itv or something like that i think there was two versions it was one that had so much centered out of it it was ridiculous that i watched and after watching fallen kingdom though i don't know where it was but there was reference after reference to jurassic park i think it was um it was ah the bit where they're hiding from indoraptor behind the t-rex oh sorry triceratops skull and it was like shot after shot it was like that's a reference to jurassic park that's a reference to jurassic park because they turn on the power that's like the electric fence scene they hide from indoraptor that's like when they hide from the actual raptors in the kitchen and there was something else it was just like oh my god just it was uh is it deliberate are you deliberately doing a scene for scene remake of jurassic park like uh well not seen foreseen remake obviously but it just was like reference after reference i don't know if ja biona meant to do that but it definitely felt that way um and i was kind of tempted to like make a video on it um but i don't want to be copyright struck by universe oh a full-on attack how much damage can indoor indominus rex gen 2 do 61 000 damage yeah he won or she won it would whatever uh oh here we go okay a little bit tougher gonna need some amphibians um don't have any though okay so we're gonna have to do this tactic we're gonna have to do this one and then we're gonna go for gorga suchus it's like a tournament battle so gorga sutures i think should be able to kill it in one hit i think it has like two thousand attack um and then he'll his tani calagrius uh i can't remember his name tane tony color griez color grease is it yeah tani colagrius i think that's right i got it right and then he switches out anyway to get the mustard on thesaurus uh don't know why but uh we'll kill it so that's it dead factor in two blocks just in case uh there you go well i [ __ ] in two block two two block for us but we really didn't need to do that sonic got 500 i could have went for two reserve but it doesn't matter anyway because he's dead bam gorga sutra's doing a wonderful job so that's two out of five battles third battle coming up um again same thing let's just do this and then put an indiraptor level 20 flame now do you really need a level 40 indoor raptor no no it's awful now if this was just a world alive everybody would be using interrupted level 40 and i would have to use it but i don't because this isn't pvp paid for paid to win game bull rubbish so how much attack does that have oh you can't kill me in two hits although it's it's got a lot of attack oh 900 extra than tiny color grease you can do about like five thousand oh he's gonna do it as well oh fine look at him right i'll kill you in one hit and then i'm just gonna go for three block because there's no i don't think i could take a hit from concave in it at level 40 almost level 39 oh i could huh never mind that could have been clever one for two block one reserve making sure that he was definitely killed in the next go so he had three attack right so i can just go for yeah four three out of five battles done we almost got megalosaurus unlocked really i don't need to knock my lasaurus but we are going to be able to get a crud ton of dna uh it's dna well maybe box but definitely a lot of vip points so we need another amphibian uh we'll put you first we don't have any though i could put you down in yeah let's put you down in and something that's like oh god scroll quicker you ah look at the little dot at the bottom it's thing it seems so long to go across austin thesaurus level 10. there you go you don should be able to kill metaphysours in two hits because reasons as long as it's got more than 1 600 attack oh yep there you go i think that should kill in two heads two yep and there it is and one reserved because we've got eleven thousand health and i'm pretty sure concavinated oh yeah we faced up against the level 39 before anyway and he didn't stand a chance not a chat two hits yeah cheeky get you scaly versus feathered i win actually yeah there you go i think one hit could probably kill the pro ceratosaurus as well it's got a lot of attack yeah a lot of attack but not much help it's a glass cannon and oh it goes for it though less than half hell how could you so mighty you done feathers went out sorry brother you have to die aye there can only be one feathered king so there you go and the final one is it's an indoraptor's dream interrupted delight so i mean i can actually i can't kill i have to go for two hits for that apatosaurus he's got so much health uh and then yeah i guess it doesn't i think interrupt has got this i have to go for two attack one reserve a lumber will come in not be able to kill me we'll switch out um and then the metaphysaurus i think it is we'll probably may go for one attack but even then i'm just going to switch into dina charis so oh tell you what though we almost killed it one hit it was close two hits would have killed two of them right i can kill a lumber in one hit that's all i need to worry about i can definitely kill him in one hit oh my god okay uh so we've definitely won one one two uh and that's it there you go because he'll only have three and he can only do one attack that's only two thousand uh it's not guaranteed oh no it is because i'm gonna have five and he's only got three three blocks so i would have killed him in two anyway but he went for one attack so with two yeah two to kill them yeah that was so easy that was super easy my god he's like ah megalosaurus oh five thousand dna i could have used that before i could have saved one of me and colonicus's and megalosaurus done as well as what we need two thousand six hundred vip points unlocked megalos we don't need that but it's another megalosaurus we've got oh it's another one i need a hatch then good lord okay so we need herbivores and we need good ones like really good ones uh apatosaurus yeah i guess right can we do this is the first time that vip has been different and giving us different rewards so uh let's give this a shot i think this is i think the gallimimus hybrid or whatever it is has more attack than antarctica it doesn't have more health but i think it has more attack let's have a check yeah he does okay so we'll just get as many reserves as possible and make them use as many goes as possible as well and then apatosaur can just tank the rest of it oh this is great i don't even kill him in two hits though oh we can oh perfect i'll go for one eight factor in two just in case oh there you go oh rip crack where is your potato the beast was done oh brings in skeletal oh god he killed me in three no he went he's dead you killed him but you're about to die too don't even know why i went for an extra one he didn't have anything because i don't care i'm too good at the game something i can't say for dressing well alive i'm terrible apparently oh no four he's killed him oh it's a close one but is it one thousand oh we're gonna have to do the earthquake how much damage can you do max 22 000 it's not that much even with the type advantage 22 000 isn't great and you're level 40 and a vip god you're all about health and that's terrible because you're a herbivore and herbivores are against carnivals and carnivals usually have loads of attack okay here we go here's a more here's a mixed bag right um so segner sutras is the was the yeah he's got we're gonna have to use segment sutures here yeah there you go done done and done little taji's little todgy sandwich or so if i can speak sega segment such as is it significant segment such a sandwich yeah because tijuanasaurus is the red bun so we're gonna have to go for two attack actually here and then halfing your attacker only a pitiful 900 and then super asaurus oh i don't know 1700 please go for the attack oh fantastic thank you very much sir so we'll go for two attack on you um and i can safely say that two hits from the columbia won't kill me because i'll only do 2000 damage or a little over and we can definitely kill him in one and there you go and only one battle left takes me below half health again how dare you against segna sutras oh yeah look at that 44 000 that was and that was only a couple of hits oh the dna please i needed i'm so poor oh a flyer oh oh hold on though we'll use one two zombie source a metrophoton and then uh it looks like a carnivores what do i have nothing great like oh yeah that's not great okay let's use erlaphosaurus it's overkill but we may as well yeah there you go so straight in one reserve making them deliberately have to attack us we'll go for one attack two reserves with metropolitan he'll switch out to shinosaurus shonosaurus won't be able to kill metropolitan in one hit because it has five thousand attack it's pretty or it's pretty much all to play at this point so yeah i do apologize uh if it has seemed to only be uh what you may call it um jurassic world the game videos recently i did play cr crinosaur collision course i love that game it's so much fun um so we'll switch into elophasaurus uh but the isle is about to update so there's no i mean i guess i could do one final video for old times sake because once that goes i don't think you can play it again i'm not sure whether there'll be two versions able to be played or not um okay yeah if we get one hit we've killed and we may as well try it and it's a two-head wonder bam so we get bronze awards and that's pretty good uh no it's actually terrible never mind that was awful oh my god a blimp a blimp and coin pitiful rubbish but what do we get oh yes there it is we have another indoraptor 2 2005 and we may as well plunk it in um six oh maybe i should have done that balls so we have another indirector bringing our total where is interrupted right there 2020 so it's two four five six seven eight nine technically nine so we could have a level 40 and a level 10 if we so wished or we could sell an interrupter for 40 000. how much does the level 20 sell for well i guess that makes sense it's double the price well guys there you have it we're gonna wrap this little video up here short and sweet well i'll say sure this is like 30 minutes but if you enjoyed it leave a like until next time maybe i'll see you in the aisle oh a new updated aisle i'll see you later oh bye bye [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 763,259
Rating: 4.9186711 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: CqRr9nefPU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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