STRANDED ON DINOSAUR ISLAND !!! - Crynosaur | Collision Course

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oh practice all stop being cowards elvis oh damn it yeah oh sorry sorry sorry i didn't mean to hit you oh god what was that oh okay we got cola cans relic oh look at subnautica hello everybody and welcome to crab island no it's collision course and oh god this guy had a messy jelly sandwich oh it's a horseshoe crab oh that's great is it right click how do i pick stuff up again oh it's g of course interact is g okay we are back in collision course and we've got a new way we're starting up now i wonder if we can swim over to the uh the crash over there we should try that once we uh once we collect our specs oh it's f oh my god there's crabs everywhere can i kill the crab jesus is it dead are they all dead oh my god is it f what was it again no it's not f g h no uh oh no it is h okay what is this oh here we go here we go a winch a standard winch from the ship ooh and what is a primary sensor from the ship uh i have a bio scanner scan for biological signatures with a 75 meter range drain survival suit ooh cool what is this one e this is a flashlight fantastic if i click you oh i can see the oh look the crab that i shot is dead oh fantastic so we're going to do the subnautica thing gravity feels the i mean this looks like a 3d model right this doesn't look like it's just something in the background can i walk up it oh it hasn't even got any colliders on it oh you can at least have put something here for me okay new game ah perfect yeah what a q oh whoa what i've got different things this time i got oh my god that's a drone head or something oh that's great and we've got many kits and oh i can combine those hold on hold on i remember this you can take this and take that oh oh no oh damn it no i used an energy cell oh damn it okay well we gotta keep an eye out for more energy cells because then we can actually make a bomb well now let's go into the great unknown it looks earth-like it looks earth like whoa what's that a perfectly placed t-rex skull oh let's go investigate hey i bet you're dead tired just lying around there on you [Applause] obviously doesn't have a funny bone in his body oh dude we got peeps i'm assuming they're not gonna be friendly right i mean we've bumped into people before and they're never friendly are you are you a raptor are you just gonna go around can i shoot you oh stick yes i'll take it oh my god they're so not gonna be friendly look at the way they walk there's like four why is my thing now picking up that there's four of them oh okay hi there's loads of people here can i talk to you f can i pick you up can i put you in my inventory oh what have you got here i'm gonna take all your stuff we've got a drone hey buddy hi you walk normal oh do do do you sell things oh trader look at this stay back my droid doesn't like strangers we could use more protein oh okay so i can trade meat and stuff now oh i want a capacitive shotgun oh my god give me that how do i get that i need to give you meat am i not allowed a gun in here whoa what what the what's the bloody hell oh my god okay uh what is a whole head of triceratop things being a distraction a destruction more like throw it there you go and in the head yeah oh blood in it oh my god what's going on can i can i hold that can i just like could i just take this out and then throw it in again oh my god i can i'm so sorry buddy hold on i need to kill the rest of you come back here guys one kill and again thank you yeah is he dead oh now he is oh that needs one spear in the eye oh let me like oh jesus fair enough you've made your point oh there we go oh my god it's just gone yeah telling me i got so many all right whatever okay let's see if we can uh we can get a shotgun from all this uh all this meat i'll take your meat num nums it's good it's gone yeah i know oh my god i've killed you before hi right okay can i trade you i don't know what what do i do oh okay okay right so i need eight bits of meat for the shotgun which i've done there you go can i have it now can i has yes we have a shotgun awesome okay uh a stim pack well i don't really care about that thermal shielding i don't think i need that's for a tent um and i don't know what these do hold on maybe we need the cell i think we need the cell okay hold on i'm gonna harvest more meat i really hope it doesn't have a night cycle i feel like he will but oh i hate knight hey knight in so many games why do they put knight in games god hi i'm back again i could use my shotgun on you okay that one great yes give me nice yes i want more give me more i mean i don't need another shotgun right oh i should have saved up for the um i should have got the medium pack shouldn't i i wonder what cooked meat goes for like can you actually make cooked meat unable to access menu at this time why whee full shotgun yes and my clip is not very good i don't know what simple units are so all i need to do oh when did i pick this up i don't even know where i got this from [Music] i'm just cycling through to try and get to me there it ah yes now that's a weapon hey buddy bam bam bam oh my god he takes a few shots done he oh that's a stick oh no oh god that's because they're not charging me are they i've got one ah i got another one oh yes yes you give me all of the good cut oh i'm out oh never mind oh yes where do you think you're going son okay nevermind let's just take the meat oh this is awesome oh my god i actually like this guy okay okay okay the fact that you can get the currency so quick is brilliant i love it well let me grab little grab from the head there we go okay so we're gonna spend this oh god i keep on clicking the wrong thing will you shut up all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go there and we're gonna buy a medium pack awesome oh yes oh that's fantastic okay if you if you wait here i'll be right back oh paris saw so many parasols oh we must go see oh my god yeah oh wow they have weird animations but uh i want to see them anyway hold on we must approach them so they don't see us oh they're adorable i love them oh wow hi oh wait they look exactly like the lost world ones hi how are you doing are you do you like me when i look it's like pivoting on this spot hi can i get close or do you get scared oh god you all you all go in a pack oh wow oh that animation oh it's beautiful look at them girl tripwire oh that's cool and snare oh okay oh this is me i think is this me god knows why is this oh [Laughter] are you kidding me i just put down my thing i'm like wait what just like he was being polite and just waiting for me oh i was about to go for my backpack okay okay fair enough fair enough three shotgun blasts apparently doesn't kill a ceratosaurus this is good to know why is he not picking them up oh oh oh one of the only ones left oh there's stickers oh wow is that a baby stego okay so these guys right and the staggers they do move in heads right well i know you guys give loads of food so if you don't mind it's one shot one shot oh one kills gold yes give me it all oh his clickers oh there it is he was the one with the spear now we need to hunt something else get really close to this lego with our mask and then we go sod it and we pull out a shotgun and we go die and again oh i missed him he's running away look at him go oh wait i missed him hold up hold up wait wait a second wait a second please bob oh my god [Laughter] okay is this salt water where did i get a horseshoe crab from get rid of it oh is this food could i cook it well i didn't want that i wanted all of him just give me all the food yes so i can just pick up hermit crabs wait what it just counts as raw meat if i just pick up a hermit crab i need to kill anything let's live on crabs for the rest of my life i'm gonna kill that droid i swear down i'm gonna kill him well i can't even draw weapons though so they obviously know that that's what people would do i have all of these and i want another one take oh i can't can i have it back then no you bug at you so i i can't transfer great so i've just lost all that meat fantastic oh great okay well give me that shot accuracy is 90 or is that 80. what kind of font is this wait hold on how come i can have my gun out now oh god oh yep it's attacking oh god oh wow okay hold on hold on i need to use my med kit oh did i just die i died i could take him out though i could do it did i get him oh he's moving oh no die robot scum oh he just gets back and he's like the terminator oh i can use that to sleep oh i just need uh three more twigs look i don't even need to kill you all i need to do is just grab all of these damn hermit crabs wait are you gonna charge me i was gonna say yeah don't charge me just let me harvest the crabs how about we set up a little 10 hour here we're going to tab we'll go to crafting we craft a tent and then i guess i place it here awesome yes it's day i'm gonna kill that damn roblox oh there's so many brachiosaurs oh wow oh that's great nice oh okay is that noble i'm gonna take some help just in case thank you what are you you're okay with this you're completely okay with this what what's happening oh i can have my gun out here oh fantastic hold on hold on let me save right bam bam bam three there you go yes i'm not gonna stop till you're dead son oh are you hold on oh my god he's oh my god he's right on me reload come on oh dad do it i got achievement we were never this hard look at this yeah you definitely can't kill him [Music] oh my god i'm sorry you just got loads of good meat in here oh my god yes solar panel i don't know what that is but that's ammo clip expands water carrying capacity oh i didn't see that in the dark oh no i got dysentery no stop drinking it stop it it's another escape pod i knew there were others oh my god oh he's glorious oh it's guarded by a spino though oh they deliberately placed out there oh this is great oh are you ready for boss battle guys yes right let's get a hangar now and get some cheeky shots off not that mask always with the yeah there you go oh yeah that's a good depth of field just because i'm headshots yep there you go if i jump down you're just gonna kill me this might look cowardice but it's not really how much ammo do i have oh my god i'm running out there we go it's more like it you want to go what's with the depth of field oh we can't get up here can you you can't get up here yeah oh fantastic we got you son suck it let's just hope there's no more let me harvest you you should get better stuff instead of just meat but i guess like meat actually has a purpose now so hey ho could be worse what's in it oh my god what's that how how many of those lasers do how many of these do i want antibiotics cures all diseases oh that'll be even my dysentery oh it's fantastic what's that running around oh the little dry os die die welcome to ventriloquist hour do you like this game yes it's really good let's just turn him into meat you are free of dysentery i'm free okay can i how many sticks do i have oh i can make a tent yeah oh oh wait i need six okay one more stick and we've got ourselves a tent oh oh god save ammo added oh i got a simp oh fantastic craft please no yeah way done and done oh and there's a practice or on the horizon you guys walk funny and clip inside each other it's not like you can really get away from me is it it kind of like sucks oh my god the blood is spewing down yeah call me colin trevorrow get it because like he killed off the the the uh hold on i got a better weapon yeah are you just like jam it in your leg constantly oh yeah you can tell which one i've attacked because you still got the thing in them at least this way i save ammo oh god no i hit the wrong one i can't tell which one's which now oh there's the t-rex hey yeah buddy over here oh come on come on [Music] fight each other jurassic versus cretaceous you guys gonna fight you're gonna fight well no don't back up no oh god volcanoes are upton jesus christ is like falling kingdom ah hold on if i can i can i like throw spears through to him [Music] oh he's playing yeah coward come back here hey buddy fire oh my god he's running away he's actually a coward oh thank you guys the great look at him all the way over there yeah then get him back over here i throw more spears if i get it in his head he's coming run little foot squish his face get closer you can't touch him you don't know how to get me oh god practice or don't don't let him get close to me duh i just want to spear him in the face oh god oh no no no don't run away don't run away you're my salvation oh no i'm getting here though oh practice will stop being cowards help us oh damn it oh sorry sorry sorry i need to hit you oh god oh god him is he dead is he dead [Music] oh my god that was indignified yes oh you are dead oh off they go what marvelous creatures well i guess i'll i'll take it for now but i want to know where this drop oh look at that like could you get my more iconic there was just like a spinosaurus right but i do have the solar panel so i'm getting close towards wow your face looks why does your face look like that why is it so smooth yeah i'm getting close to earning a suit that allows me to survive during the day like or like recharge myself raised by brackish stucco storages oh there's power there's a power in here oh he's calling out he's lost this is where we do the the mask there he is oh oh that looks cool look at that shot that's awesome oh there's more there's more of them holy crud oh god oh god there's a t-rex oh he's going under paris he's going in oh they're all alerted oh wow oh that looks so cool we need a crouch though we need a crouch ah it's like the uh the thing from working with dinosaurs you need them wrong oh no not good not good not good not good oh it's coming over here it's coming over here didn't kill any of the paras though oh spear take it yes wait can i can i fast travel now yeah fast travel oh my god it's the same brachiosaurs although they look they they they look like they've seen better days oh my god what happened to you guys okay it doesn't look very good all right but it's the easiest way to throw the spears and keep getting them back oh god oh no oh no t-rex no [Music] no go away i don't want you oh oh he's coming for me oh he's coming oh die die die die oh i got it oh there's another one though i don't even know where this one went up we can't even get a bid from it hold on bring your sword i need you to double the lever come on oh god stop moving god see him come on then yeah oh sorry broccoli so sorry sorry oh don't move i'm clicking everything it's not working my god i can keep up with it though okay okay here we go here we go yeah die oh god where is it oh no this isn't so good right oh oh it's dead oh oh i didn't see it turn blue oh my god that is two t-rex's come oh wow look at that for a picture wow the graphics in this game are beautiful they really are so we found out you definitely can't kill a brachiosaur with uh like 10 million spears but you know five spears for a t-rex as well as a shotgun blast yeah that'll do i mean as long as you've got brachiosaurus as a friend you're okay oh what's that you're a little utah thing did i get him oh he got he got spooped he's re he's spooked by the volcano is it erupting behind me oh my god what's going on oh there it is but where's the raptor oh there's the raptor come back here you hey yep [ __ ] it's like no please you look like the one who walked with dinosaurs you need to die you're a copyright infringement we can just store all the food in the tent and just come backwards and forwards yeah there you go that's the ticket now let's go claim our prize what remains of goofball and i'm trying to think where was that raptor when i the raptor slid down a cliff let's go take all of our meat and uh sell it i don't know how to do sip things though i can't simp oh lord oh this is it this is another chance to get loads of meat oh they're alerted to the spino oh it's my favorite look he's got i already got my spear in him all right we don't need guns all we need wow stop why are you doing this look you're low poly don't do this look at him look at his little face trying to work out how this works you don't stand a chance against my brachiosaurus wall he's trying to get me through it as long as i only hit the spiner we're good yes you don't stand a chat son oh i missed him oh he's coming around this way going this way [Music] [Laughter] it's like he fired out a mouse i can't waste any spears you gotta come to me [Music] back god oh no you did now you decide to move [Music] no oh god oh god brag you saw save me thank you oh will you stop moving though oh my god simpsons oh we're dead i'm alive i'm gonna need the bracket saw i'm alive uh right you've asked for it now son ah giving me sepsis oh god i might die now oh my god just give me all the meat all the meat was a bloody rat ah of course another t-rex like my god does it ever end that's like three t-rexes i've killed and two spinos nose come on smooth man show me what you got oh oh every time every time i talk to you are they all smooth now because it just went low paulie for everybody it has oh he's got back up again that's cheating you can't do that don't make me kill you again i'll do it that's not cool that's really not cool there we go stay down this time god give my brachiosauruses trouble oh my god i got him although he's just floating there dude there's a guy just when i'm like oh let's stop no there's loads of things there's a guy here are you rogue don't make me do this he was being hostile always running now he's got a spear [Laughter] where is he going what secrets does he know like it runs like a t-rex oh he's also got a gas mask too i could choose you with a shotgun you know if i shoot you now you'll fall down there and i don't want you to fall down there so ah fine i guess i'll kill you where the spear oh my god that was brutal straight through his head i'll take a pipe though we got a pipe oh yeah whack things now what did he have oh he had a flower for my sepsis oh thanks buddy oh what's this breathing mask can't add gear is full oh i'll take the ammo as well what does bring the mass do allows for faster stamina regeneration oh oh that's that's perfect okay now we're gonna enjoy this video guys leave a like until next time i'll see you later oh bye-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,258,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: V_gtGbV7d80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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