I don't like scary games - Phasmophobia | Part 1

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ah my torch is flickering dude oh bless me bless me well somebody's gonna bless me well i would have if you look at me james why are we playing this we're uh do training and then once it loads click escape and exit so here we go do any training exit the game so you don't have to play and get scared you're gay and beavers black so who's gonna die first my neighbor complained to me about me making too much noise oh really yeah so i can't like i'm not gonna be able to like scream or yell too loud second extinction second distinction it was possible james i never do that i don't know what you're talking about i think i i watched one person who um who died and like the ghost sort of came up behind them i saw a guy who played this and he died oh wait hold what's this team standby game be of 100 excited 100 percent that's our um that's our oh it's our sanity are you guys are you guys in game already yeah yeah we read up oh there you are look at the back of somebody who were like a [ __ ] ghost my goodness hey guys oh my goodness you guys are the scariest part of this game oh man i wish i could see myself oh my god so when you look have a member of your team witness a ghost event okay oh i'm not doing that guys i'm touching my nose capture a photo of dirty water in a saint oh we oh okay we're gonna find dirty water and catch a photo of the ghost uh looks like the ghost name is thomas martinez this ghost also seems to respond to everyone you should be able to see its name use its name to anger it and get some paranormal activity what make sure to refi oh i wonder if the game can hear us then i'm pretty sure oh yeah i can't i can't recognize you because when it i did my uh microphone test it was like say this thing and i said oh my god so who's who's going to be saying it who's going to have the camera dude i will gladly say thomas martinez i will gladly thomas martinez like i've got two cameras i've got i got the actual one that takes pictures so everyone stand together let's take a nice family photo one more james do one more just look all the way back that's beautiful oh oh i did it no oh here we go anyone got a torch who's got the torch i have the toilet uh yeah yeah well both of you guys have no no no i think it's the thing excited got the torch and the ultraviolet light does anyone have the key oh yeah i have the key yeah yeah okay go for it go for it uh yeah i know guys i'm i'm out of here i'm out of here this isn't happening wait wait i can't i'm trying to take pictures it's not working oh i've run out of pictures excited can you do me a favor like between you and me um can you could you james can you can you go over there go over there james oh yeah yeah thank you come over here excited okay um excited i need you to um yeah yeah [Applause] this is the way excited right on your breasts are you excited excited i need you to take the picture because we can't trust james to take the pictures for us you click right on it and then it goes green and that's all i know you can place it down too how to replace it how to place it guys why didn't we do the training i don't want to go home right away come on guys let's have a magical adventure it's a magical adventure bypass actually i'm just gonna like assume that the ghost is not gonna come out in the sides i'm just i'm just gonna run through it well you need to tell us where you're going because if you die we'll have no idea we only have one person with a torch is this a good idea we don't have we need money for touches we have the torch and then we have the infrared torch yeah but you have both of them meaning we can only have one torch out at a time is it randomly generated this is a completely different house yeah it's a different house and you're really quiet for me though i think it's just in a different room he went into a different room yeah okay so let's find the light switches oh yeah yeah good idea yeah i'm not as scary i'm not scared anymore hey okay all right so was it because i i died last time so i know what it like okay wait i'm turning on the water this water looks fine right wait that wasn't one of the missions though was it wait what did anyone look uh oh yeah we did nobody had a look at the missions okay you guys have a look at the missions i'll stay in the house you stay back there it's fine okay bye the light is already flickering he doesn't know the lights flickering what wait so what was it what were the options objective did you see did you see the name of the ghost are you going back right i'm not being left here this time you went back and you didn't even read the objectives oh it's charles martin like a guy who voiced mario is it really no charles martinez the voicemail charles martin the ghost also seems to only respond to people who are alone oh no you also should be able to use its name to anger and get some paranormal activity make sure to refer to your journal and write down any evidence you find oh oh i can see somebody's video feed oh that's mine oh so i can stay back here while you guys do the whole thing oh so i can turn on night vision for it as well so now can you see the night no you can't i'd be the diary boy i will i will come i'll just i'll just make sure i can i write down the notes no james you're coming with us you're the one that's filmed you're the one that's filming you're the one that has to get scared oh that's true that's true i have to okay guys we know that it doesn't like when people are together so if would you stay together like to get a lay of the land we can uh oh yeah it should be okay uh oh anybody got torch when i look down here let's see so what were the other objectives we need to oh yeah so we have to make sure that he doesn't get a crucifix james follow me wait he doesn't get a crucifix yeah we have to make sure that he doesn't he doesn't crucifix someone like hey uh excited why don't you come with us so that you're not alone i don't want to be alone my uh i have the thingy i have oh this oh let's play the piano okay well everything everything seems to be okay at the moment oh another carriage guys sweet cool so wait so we basically so basically we just have to make sure that nobody dies yeah just like we need if we see a crucifix do we want to pick that up no like aren't we the crucifix what is the crucifix i thought it chris wait is this could this mannequin be the crew the crucifix wait well i assume that a crucifix was like it was like a uh it's a little cross that you hold oh i thought a crucifix was like the the host the body host that a ghost like goes into uh no i don't think so i think um i think a crucifix is just what you hold like a little little handheld jesus oh do we want to just like fill it up somebody played a diet dogs i would i would love if the ghost was just behind looking like [ __ ] it doesn't seem to be down here right oh this this uh this light is not it doesn't work oh i like turned off as well oh wait what okay oh so we've got a triple fuse yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay garage everyone stay together okay to the garage just follow me just follow me uh it's like 100 right now it's does it have to go up or go down go down when there's a ghost right i would have thought no no i think it goes up i think it goes up does it it's 100 now it's 100 now so he's in here i think it has to go down to zero dude i'm pretty sure i saw i cannot see anything oh my god i'm like watching one torch and then like i'm like just desperately trying to follow whoever's pointing the torch what we probably what we probably could do is have someone stand like close to the front door while like the others like one is in the in the truck and i stand ready to take a picture of the guy of bait with this with the ghost okay but who's gonna be bit who's gonna be bait it's gotta be james it has to be james i don't want to be paid wait james wait what is this purple guys we really should have done the tutorial what does this purple light do it looks for the the naughties semen yeah i wasn't gonna say it right yeah i can see you i'm i'm right here like i'm just tricking the ghost thing that i'm not you know okay so you can see me on the camera there right you can see right you're here so you just want me to say his name yeah yeah okay go for it dude charles martin hello hi mario oh i thought i heard some steps are you walking i'm not walking you're not walking oh my god charles martin he's moving dude i can hear you yeah i can hear you ryan what's ryan saying can you see anything continue saying his name okay don't get too close to me does martin oh hit a creek oh my god this is terrifying guys charles martin charles martin charles martin charles martin that's how it works right yeah i think so i just keep saying his name over and over charles we need to be like separate rooms or something hey james yeah uh here's the pla here's the new plan what's the new plan i'm gonna lock you in this house you're gonna lock me in the house no no you're getting you're just gonna be in the house okay for a little bit okay um and uh you're gonna go into that room where the lights turned off when we first walked in there oh okay yeah yeah i come running back if something bad what if he corners me then uh hide then he [ __ ] her against the wall like that i don't want that is that what you want james no i this is this is all like science idea do you want me to go in the room yeah yeah yeah all right right who's gonna take the picture of the ghost i am you're gonna come running back i'm gonna come running back to you you're gonna come running back with the ghost with the ghost i mean me and ryan could probably fix the lights real quick so we can see when he's here actually yeah yeah go on we know exactly what's going to trigger it so we definitely don't do it we're going to go over here anyways the lights are going gonna turn off again do you think so okay they're gone see they're gone yep as soon as james goes in there so he's definitely in here then he has okay so okay me and ryan are just gonna stay in this room then like we're gonna be close right what did you see did you hear something it said upstairs by the way yeah there is an upstairs we haven't been up there there yet though see upstairs lights again first fix the lights first all right you want to come upstairs yeah yeah upstairs yeah let's just leave ryan alone with a ghost that hunts people who are alone oh my torch is flickering whoa dude oh my gosh get a picture [Music] wait wait did he get a picture yeah oh wait he did oh we have to go after the camera yes i saw his picture i saw his picture come with me oh my god wait hold on i need a breather come back here come back oh okay wait uh two seconds why does it kill excited every time okay okay the gay guy we know now it kills the gay guy that must have been what did it i don't see him on the night vision camera though no look you see here it says total activity when we walked in it was massive i feel like we need to find his camera but like maybe we can go up really quickly and see the camera here follow me wait he died down here though did he yeah he's here can you not see his body okay okay because he might he might have dropped his camera here and if if he's if he's still upstairs then that's okay oh i know here it is here it is here it is you found it okay grab it grab it i'll grab it okay you get it i'll get this thing wait i've probably already got too much is there a picture on there yeah look okay oh that's it that's him you can see it about here yeah i can see him can you not no he he's he's got like um a butcher thing on after a photo of the ghost yeah i can see that i can 100 see him i'm leaving yeah ggs guys we did it gg oh my goodness okay so excited you got the picture right yeah i took a picture while dying dude look it's right here come over here look there he is james it shows nothing for me really there's nothing for me either oh my god okay whoa so you see the same picture but he's not in it hey i'm here i live just out of existence excited where was he that whole time though was he still upstairs i couldn't see him i like i walked around in my ghost phone uh so somebody witnessed a ghost event go let's have it goes with feelings of the paranormal with the emf reader so the emf reader must be the birth control right unless it's the the radio no that's a that's your the ps4 thomas wilson this ghost also seems to only respond to people who are alone should be able to use its name to anger paranormal activity make sure we have so it's the same thing so basically everything is the same except we define the evidence with that yeah math reader okay if i put that on the journal here how do i use it though look at this people look at this how do i use the journal does this look bad james yes it looks really bad okay i'll i'll be i'll be the i'll be the journaling guy then i'm gonna see if i can make it work oh god this looks terrifying guys somebody go with the torch let's go guys let's go go go go it doesn't like people who are alone thomas wilson thomas wilson thomas wilson thomas wilson thomas wilson piano i'm gonna put the camera here on the tv so we're okay yeah thomas wilson come on down i have the camera so if any you guys want to go first and i'll um just so you know like the ghost can close the door on us honey there's a spooky jackal there i think we found it take a picture of that take a picture of the chocolate i mean that's got to be right just take a picture of that i think we're good [Music] what was that oh wait did i put it on did i turn it on just a second just a second like don't go away from me thomas wilson is it thomas wilson his name is yeah yeah yeah that's fly paper dude yeah that's a fly paper paper i don't know oh it's like sticky stuff that uh flies are attracted to then they get stuck on it and died he sees to our left he's two left in the in the in the room to uh he's to our left i could hear someone excited don't be a chicken oh a kitchen this must be where thomas wilson is wait but guys auto tuner mag a second ago i see a hand print there's a uv pad print i'll take a picture take a picture oh dude oh man that's crazy so we write down in your diary yeah we need to we need to we need to write down that we found a hand print it well it's just going through nothing detected it's saying oh he's here he's got to be through there dude he's got to be through there like he's got to be hold on wait my thing said nothing detected all right guys let's go find this google ghost all right scoobs let's go get this ghost no no no he's definitely through this way because we saw the uh we saw the handprints but we also saw paul there what was his what was his name what was his name charles right okay when we go through this that's when it yeah he's through here man he's through here somebody with a torch oh a door closed oh wait did somebody turn the lights off nope that was uh that was the ghost oh and the door he's right here oh my god he's right here try and take a picture [Music] did you hear that you just went oh no i saw it oh my god we haven't figured out what kind of ghost he is though how do we find that out yeah i don't know we're done i think we're good right no no no wait wait wait we need to look at the ghost journal ghost journal oh it's it's jay using the evidence above i have discovered that the ghost type is blah blah blah it could be oh freezing it's a wraith fingerprints freezing temperatures and a spare box that's why we need a thermometer and he like you got to look at him right he was like a black figure hovering right yeah yeah fingerprints freezing temperatures and spirit box rate of toxic reaction salt james do you have the salt and no i didn't bring the salt did he disappear when we took a picture of him it disappears temporarily if he's a phantom we don't need we don't know what it is though the objective one that's the only thing i have i have put in fingerprints freezing temperatures and emf level five and it just says it's a banshee guys we did we did like a successful mission oh we did it wait wait we got him oh we did get it got it that's what i thought nice oh my god i got fifty dollar i got a video the lights flashing take a picture bumps you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 83,955
Rating: 4.9730353 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: EQbxWCxY4Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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