Indoraptor Gen 2 Is in the Game!!! || Jurassic World - The Game - Ep 456 HD

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ah yes finally find them free I've interrupted gin too and I can play my favorite game too rustic world the game in peace thank God enough to see that dinosaur again Jesus so hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of dramatic world the game Oh what's this beaver oh you are in a facecam any juror will the game yes yeah I thought I would show you my amazing face even though we lost rustic world alive I know F's in the chat we aren't gonna lose face camp because you need to see the growth of this baby yeah also actually had a shave look wow so I've actually given it a definition there's so many people so many people have a deadline video or like beavers there's a shave it was like I was growing it out okay good and then I could do something with it you got you go through the awkward phase Aviv lead Oakland alright anyway so here we are we have the most intense video ever today right now because interrupts gen 2 has been released and oh my god you want to see it here we go watch yes this is totally my video and not somebody else's so here we go I mean I'll click that yet that there we go look interrupted gentle level one four thousand four hundred and eighty-three health and 1404 it looks how crazy is that it costs two thousand Velociraptor DNA super DNA should say and this isn't to unlock it this is once you've unlocked it so to get it first you need an indoor indominus rex gen to level 40 which we do have and then 4000 super raptor DNA now that's not too bad i already had like we've already got somebody into Raptors but the thing is endo Raptor like we weren't told that the inner option 2 is gonna be unlocked this way so just before this came out I unlocked another interrupter so I I wasted two thousand more and I could have been half way to interrupt a gen 2 but I didn't know this because the no communication with Olivia also I as you may have already guessed this is not my video this belongs to another youtuber however they don't comment or do anything to it so it's hardly theirs but I just want to show you this is this is what interrupter Gen 2 looks like and also also also also we will skip ahead to when he's lays bought them all let's just go ahead and go like somewhere in the middle there you go you can see it that's it that's what it looks like level 40 there you go you've seen it and should we see what it looks like actually level 40 there you go I think yeah there it is level 40 well level 31 it takes 90 million ish food to feed that is ridiculous so no need you have to have like thousands and thousands of super up to DNA but you also have to have like 19 million food this thing's gonna cost so it one thing I won't look at I had 50 million food and now he's got the level 40 so I wanna see that there we go we'll pause no don't pause it there it's Regas is a delay Oh miss pause it there and a little bit more with 14,000 and forty five thousand four thousand three hundred and eighty nine attack it will also cost you nineteen million food to feed and well thousands and thousands super are today no only that we have to get into office Rex Chan to level 40 to get it now this is where it gets interesting as you may see this is a video but I just simply googled like while YouTubed I guess you could say simply YouTube did and as you can see the top of the video 99 million VIP points 75 million books and 89 million DNA so back into the actual game yes those resources this is a thing ludia for the longest time for four five years in Jurassic world the game were happy well obviously they weren't happy but they didn't do anything about people hacking the game whereas now that they've decided to add more stuff to the VIP you know and it's only fair for people who are you know spending money on the game that if that's the case then if people hack the games like well no you can't do that and dress the world alive was great with that like if people liked the game they got banned they could lost their accounts whatever cousin of the game because it's not pvp and they made so much money from PACs they were like asada we'll just we'll ignore it look at that look at that hey that amazing look like Johnny Bravo so they were kind of happy to let people hack drastic world the game and not do anything about it however recently all I'll say recently was a while ago now they put out a statement saying if anybody hacks the game that you all face temporary bans if not full bans and that's when they implemented VIP obvi incentivizing people if you want to play legit you know and you want better stuff you can just play normally or you can get VIP and all the other way you know like just trying to people have people not hack the game however one thing I addressed in the last video that I did for this and we are gonna quickly go into a torrent battle because I have only one hour four minutes and I'm in survival eco things are not looking good for James so we're just gonna jump in here I know put something that's alright in like that and away we go so I am I will throw the corner to you Lydia there are plenty of youtubers who hack your game today play the game they hack it they don't want to support you they don't care about your company or your people or whether your people get paid all they care about is hacking your game and just getting the newest creatures and getting money are you okay with that Lydia they're taking your money away I just trying to appeal to Lydia's like he's right get him money grouping started okay so but in all seriousness we've got youtubers out there that aren't hard to find I typed an interrupt a Gentoo maxed and there it was like five youtubers separately hack the game have it maxed up because you know that's what people want to see they want to see the max of thing so to counter that I'm gonna have to watch their videos because I cannot do it myself technically you did see it max if we don't have it because come on okay it's impossible but you've seen it and really that's all you want to see so that's my way of countering the fact that Lydia is not going to ban those people I mean do you think it would be the first people that would go after right I feel like well deep these people those youtubers or whatever and I'm not trying to be like I don't want to take that away from them because that's their hustle that's what they do that's how they make money but the same time if Rudy has said that if you hack the game you'll lose your account and it's just it's just it's just a tiny bit hypocritical when I think about it that there are people who will get banned for hack in the game but yeah we have these youtubers who do hack the game and get away with it so I don't know we'll see where what what's happened did you see that what's happening with them the Raptors I ok you can see the Raptors eye there but if we go into the park although it is kind of there the del Toro Charlie Raptor eye looks really weird though it looks skin colored the rillette we have a lot of packs to win and I'm I've got an hour I have an hour to get to dominate a league to win the pack now if I win the pack I think I win 500 super raptor DNA really I should have I mean I'm winning super da for doing this but I don't have time I don't have time for that we're gonna have to get through this super quick and I mean we are in the second lowest Lee No third lowest league right is it look at that Wow lovely what are you come on we got this buddy so yeah I'm in like bronze League so it's not it's not pretty it's not hatchling League but it's down low it's it's pretty darn low and we have an hour I don't think it's possible I really don't think it's possible not only do we not have an hour but I also want to just quickly route through these all so there's no entry for these battles which is great so we're gonna win even more packs we've got this coin one we've got a legendary pack to win and we're gonna send as oeq pack to win as well so might as well just go all out it yes just get it over with give me the pack give me the riches oh we got another we got another code 19 well we did it first so I guess so here we go no restrictions in this one we're just gonna go for like I could fly there look we do have indominus rex gen to level 40 I was stumbling over with it so here we go get that and then we get that and that five that's more than that's more than enough that's what it we didn't really need super cool eh we could I just had like so weak fliers but hey let's get this pack too so for me to get interrupted chin - it's gonna take probably like two to three months I would say if we had the other VIP building let's go for one I think II oh you buggy yeah a lot of time days if if the VIP had give me like farming super DNA building earlier because I still don't have it maybe maybe I would have been able to get a quicker foot the fact that I've already spent 2000 interrupted or super active DNA on another interrupter which you'll see it's in the hatchery and it's ready ready to hatch and if we sell an interrupter we don't get super DNA for it you just get regular DNA so or maybe let's try let's test the theory let's see if we can sell an endo raptor not that it's worth it even if you only get half back it's really not worth it but if it means that I can get to show you guys an interrupter gen - I will sell for interrupters I would do that so maybe Lydia needs to have super dinosaur self a super DNA so here we go look we have all the threes on boxes because I was just tearing through the tournament creatures as well as an endo Raptor so I mean it now it's a lot of people pointed out that the indirect gen 2 has the unlived you Don stats because if you remember when you Don first came into the game it was crazy crazy like like you know dr. Chen - now has 14,000 health not to interrupt us Udall actually had so here we go can we sell it now 40,000 DNA can't sell it for super DNA now I would sell one tooth I would sell those for indie Raptors for 4000 super DNA that that's that's how the game works right that's half the amount I would sell it for but the game doesn't want me to do that so we're gonna have to quickly Ralph's release and they do their tournament and see if we can just get at least a dead start a jumping start and get 500 super DNA I'm just trying to watch that what's the best team here I mean we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 ok let's see caves week I think that's a decent team I guess maybe I should fuse my Smilodon Miss Smith Osiris boobers maybe I should fuse that to make a level 30 having to double 20s is probably better but maybe maybe oh my god he killed me and wanted ok did not expect that but this is ok so I think Calvin is good against planes ok ok ok right what do we go for where do we go for this isn't good this isn't good at all I'm just gonna go for loads of reserves here I'm just gonna go for low to his reserves oh I don't have time for you I need to get into oh ok ok I need to get into octave look at this hair look at it look at this look at this this is crazy I've never had hair like this ever even when I was a little emo I'm an emo kid sod it I'm just gonna go flying through Zoe's okay should I just have the rest of your like like her fault can this go down oh that's bad one fi'ty and then factor in the one and then one two three four and Casey did go for reserve I have to block to five and he did go for reserve oh my god we gonna do this cuz I only got 7 health now we will lose if he goes for like if he goes for to attack avoid he goes for any attack from clinics up yeah Wow ok we did it for beating the odds we have less than an hour this is this is fine against the clock I took care of the of this wait did you did you Owen okay good for you so now we need oh good Oh fantastic yes there we go we've worn a is a Cenozoic wheel I think it is the Cenozoic wheel but no I mean we might know with a platypus we do get the VIP points and also the super DNA for the mission so that's why I'm doing this so if when to pack so far I'm just gonna go flow to reserves oh my god what's the time what's that was was hair do not that's that's wrong that pcs times wrong what's this one that says that says I've only got like 40 minutes I had a go I got 50 56 minutes there so buckle yourselves in burgos Wow yeah I don't want to be that guy who's calling out those are the youtubers like I said it's their hustle but ludia you're the one that has said that you're gonna you're gonna ban people so either take that statement back if you're gonna let these youtubers do what they do and OH or like ban them like there's no middle ground you took this stance and fair enough that's that's what you want to do but it's not fair to everybody else and oh yeah I was gonna say yeah which Kate is covenant okay oh you went thought I gotta kill them I got out of dumb okay well for for to kill oh yeah factor in two just in case they tighten I've always got a little yeah easy peasy I'm a pro I played this game for years literally years yeah so I am still playing dress the rules alive in fact actually if you do play this game distrust world alive sorry just about the game I put you also do players who are alive and you were watching this video go in the link in the description below because I did get given some codes from Lydia they you know to get the books in game but because I'm now no longer promoting drastic world alive or it is really not protein but you know making videos on it you can go in the description and Wow look at me I'm trying to find a way that my head doesn't look awful and it'sit's impossible really but if you go name description below you can get 50 free books also yet Oh sod I'm not doing that one there we go let's keep on going let's keep on trucking let's just see how fast we can rice look at that level ten second seat just level ten one thousand three or forty seven health but what there's a 263 attack oh oh that might be a bit too dangerous though might be a bit yeah bit dangerous mmm just because it's got such little healthy attacks great the time means I basically kill everything in one hit except the corner after I think even man I don't know what no I don't kill him even a half but it's close it is close I'm wondering am i close to anything else like getting any of the super hybrids maybe the you blow the the flyer the rare fly that's a bit like karna Raptor mmm-hmm I think that's gonna be a really good one sorry it's a bit like the flow Diplo tato is not duplicated you know the super crocodile format one that that's that's really good so I'm gonna go for two reserves here because he can't come in two heads even if car after comes in he still can't come in one here right who it's gonna be tough to it's gonna which if I can kill you in one hit please go for like some attack cuz I don't know if I can risk it I'm always swap so go for one attack please I didn't go for anything so one two and then I have to block for three so one two and then block the three I have to I have to there you go oh no oh oh my bad I thought I kill him in one Oh No okay okay Oh ball stations it's okay it's okay don't panic don't panic we're at t shonisaurus we can follow it off and go to three reserve so you should have four when you're five oh we've got six oh go for it he's gonna go for for the tournament bots I think are predictable like they're quite predictable but we'll see oh come on I don't have time to sit here and do nothing heythis I hate I hate when you do the torrent and just wait I get it Lydia trying to fail lots of real people we know that not just to do that fight thing already okay she's got to block so I have to go for four in case he didn't go for the two block there we go okay he's dead the five-minute Eckert's taken down to 257 that's fine and he's gonna have sex with it five okay come on we're gonna have to wait to like 12 seconds left again Oh Cole what come on okay I don't have time eight save Oh it's a pin yes yeah except to sit here and wait for it good god they never do it instantly they always like oh it's just programmed okay wait till like this many seconds okay so there we go we got 34 cups that's a lot so we are a pack I'll take it yes give me heebie jeebie give me almost 20,000 overs 20 are we gonna be able to do it I'm gonna stay here guys well you're gonna stay here with us and we're gonna see if we can get I've only done I had like five or six battles I think it was prime switches I don't know it's right now yeah procedures please prion there's a lot of carnivals right in the game so chances are oh that was lucky oh I couldn't go better I think I kill them all in one hit and maybe not right to stay again but concave Anita cookies got love attacking so no no we'll see you we'll see we'll see also yes all the bots or people we face in the tournament never have VIP to know what Lydia is trying to say hey well you not even our butts pay for it God so we'll just do that I think that'll do that I'll do I'll do Pig we got a deal offer Soros this is my relaxed stance we're gonna stay like this we're gonna relax because we're gonna be here for 50 minutes and you look you have to wait sometimes for music 20 seconds you get each time is it 20 seconds how long is it 20 seconds I had to wait 13 seconds there for him to do bugger all well I mean eventually did his move the two attacks didn't affect this this is so relaxing I like it how are you how's your day Oh was he gonna do and like the sketch of the start I always gonna come in with a cup of tea and get like spit anger dammit oh maybe I'll redo it maybe I'll put that in I hope my kidding I'm too lazy for that although I did want to make myself a cup of tea but look at that we're so strapped for time beavers didn't even have time to make a cup of tea oh my god what kind of world are we living in okay I don't know what I got a twenty that time apparently twenty I was way over powered apparently bugger off no wasn't no oh my god no I'll click the X dammit they're free rules okay now maybe I was overpowered because it does take type into into account with these bottles it was possible I could do that hmm well maybe does it thing like carnivals are just better oh my god my iPad hasn't been backed up for 161 weeks will you get their hint sentence and you have done it in 20 years do you want to do it now oh no this isn't good ever tighten I think I might have to go for three to kill him No - okay that's fine but that's okay I can do that yes oh yes we've got this oh my god I got twitchy eye as well oh I was up to like half three last night I know way past my bedtime and I was just doing the bowels address world alive and I was doing these battles fair enough I was I mean I wasn't doing it like you know since 12 but I always do it just before I go to bed make the sauces have great talk no he doesn't want to of kills a one and then maybe one block just in case I guess it's safe because he's gonna have a terrible time because you've had six I don't mean you kill me he's only got five and he's dead in one so I'm hoping this time I get more than 20 because they had a flyer and a carnival and infadoos removed too much of a difference but everything there is I'm shuffling into being come on then give me something good gave me something good come on come on more than 20 40 Oh Lots than max you can get that's like two bottles off only got 40 every time what do you think guys do I need 1,000 cups I think that's just statistically impossible I don't think I can get a thousand cups I really don't think so and I need to use like the creatures that are down here I need to because otherwise I'm just gonna get 20 cups so if I've only got if I only have so much time I need to make as much cups as I humanly possible in that short period of time you see know me I wear a hair clip that's the stage I'm at with my hair I wear a hair clip if people don't know why I haven't cut my hair it's because it would maybe this is in the future maybe watch it by watching this in the future what are you doing no stop give me mine all hairdressers are closed still and on set to reopen till next month so they have it Whitney did buy a bunch of combs and scissors and stuff to cut my hair I have yet to risk it I might I might let her do it though I'm I should enjoy doing it and well I don't care yes oh my god that was that was a big hit whew good I have to go over to Jean asaurus damn that sucks have to cuz that was such a big hit I think the herbivore can kill me please go for three don't go for one if you go for what I'm closing the game yep I'm closing it yep we're done okay there we go okay and we're back in I call it I can't waste my golden eight I can't afford to waste my time I don't have that time ain't no book I go to town yeah I just have to yeah I don't think we're doing this much I don't think we're doing this ah the fact that I've already done four bottles I think it is and I I kind of have to just Sade I have to use good creatures it means that I only get like 20 Cubs but like it means that like I don't waste that time but time I just wasted in that bottle could have been a win now and could have been 20 cups so it's like it's tea risk going for more cups in the time or did you go for less cups but the guaranteed cops you know risky or not risky and I went for the risky and it didn't pay off and we've only got 44 minutes in survival I'm not moving I'm hoping a hit a stride I'm hoping hit a stride but I don't think it's gonna happen you know when you just go but Anna I think we are at the moment going up a gradual and then it's gonna hit it's gonna hit something like the top of the server the predator leave the gold before we get into dominate league and it's just gonna stop it's it's gonna be like a hundred cups difference between number one and me and are so good well go for like one extra block cause yeah you would have you would have had that playing that safe and we have two thousand health and quite satiate can't kill me in three hits maybe he could've killed me in four two three six nine I think I would have just survived a thing I would have just survived if he did go for the reserve instead of a block I think I think are we gonna be reduced I don't know man I don't know I don't think so I don't think so I'm 31 that's not so bad we went up over 10 cups there I mean one of the prizes if I do if I don't get the super DNA what do I get also hold on I mean while I'm here sod it if we're not gonna win it and we're not gonna win it yeah I wish it was a way to filter through tournament creatures oh hold on oh that's right yeah sorry we're doing the first one I win then we can do this so let's go for Jurassic okay and what do we have that's ready to hatch there okay sacred on to Saurus is it still Jurassic okay and let's go up this way director yeah here we go we got loads we got you to run us and we go this way Jurassic yes whoo come on Kevin let's go there you go so that's not done look at all those way clave all of those and we claim all of those already that is you know I'm 129 out of 4,000 of the weather so what are the prizes so even if I do get the present leave I get to guaranteed Legendary's and DNA and food I mean if I win this Oh what's 306 1200 Oh dammit I should have stayed up all night last night you know God sleep sleep is for the weak I should have took that oh oh hold on who I could get a good bunch of cops for this they're at the level where they're much better than my cheese young asaurus and they're not too far off metric at the source and I can kill them all in one hit I think and the Troodon definitely quack is the goose I don't know I don't know if I could kill him in one hit because he's never 14 and he's not well we'll see we'll see but the best I can do is just do my attacks as quickly as possible please please Oh Mary awesome please please let me like get to dominate leave I think best-case scenario I finished just in predator just stick this much I think you're gonna go for that sod it aha whoosh I wish you could speed up the attacks like speed up but you can't do this because there has to the real people so it's real time that's what we deal with come on oh for God's sake don't have the time there should be like a lightning round oh you know what I realized that when I was playing dressing with alive if you when you're doing the battles if all you want is the incubators and you don't care about going up to cups or trophies or whatever and it doesn't take oh if I won the pack that would be amazing I would just call it quits there again again yeah yeah yeah we may as well just like solder go all out yeah okay yeah so if you do the battles in just real life and you just won the incubators because that's all I want I don't care about moving up ranks and it takes a while so if you fight the AI you can go get like Kos towards your daily incubator and also get are you get the incubators I was like why is it this a suggest like you can only get that option if you wait like 30 seconds and you don't get a battle I'm just like have less it opt out or off thing just say I want to fight AI I just want to I don't care about like I guess maybe then people just wouldn't do the battles because the older one is the incubators I suppose but that doesn't affect anybody well the right to the AI battles are not it just means that the league place I don't go higher or I don't drop like for Alliance missions it's like to so many cows do this too many so many battles do get your daily in committed stuff so all that stuff happens with battling AI I know I'm saying this in a drastic world the game video so nobody's gonna hear this from the deer no chance I'm gonna go for two hits just in case you have to give one block okay so Parasaurolophus Oh hundred thirty-three oh I better be scared Elvis on what you can do I don't think so buddy any block / - oh yes when the longest animations uh-huh uh-huh look about 19 seconds off the mark wait I wish I'd worn that 1200 1200 super do there we go there we go okay what's the highest in this one 600 all I need to do is double my points in 40 minutes less than 40 minutes and I've only been playing this for actually I've been playing this I've got a hundred I think I got a hundred in about 10 minutes or something oh it man oh right okay come on Connor after that's good that's good so I mean if I wish to get 40 cups every battle that's only five battles that's pretty decent however ain't gonna be like that it'd be really good for dad because then I could quickly breeze through this but let's say let's say I get thirty so in five battles that's 150 cups so already we're looking at you know another five on top of that - well like two or three on top of that to get around about the same come on come on oh no don't you skip forward either I see oh just go that's cheatin don't do that I mean it's up to you I wish you exploit it for yourself if you want to I mean I think we're not going to be able to do I'm gonna go for that because I think he might have had one block I could be wrong he might have had no one yeah now you taranis is a lot of attack though did it damn it well I still kill him one hit and he went for three so that's fine okay so he's got one block so we can go for two and then - is it like I'm doing this because it's the quickest animation BAM done there you go super quick maybe four is quicker because it's just like the fight isn't it four is that's like a leader for the tail for being a strategic three and I got whoa I got like 39 out of that that was really good bolos please yeah yeah yeah just yeah whatever just give me give me give me eight come on let's let's speedrun this there's no time to think we just scroll down to around about this area and then we pick I don't know glyph for next week I think we can definitely get into am gold we can definitely get into gold I'd like oh okay however I'm hoping that I get a decent amount of cops for this I'm hoping I'm hoping okay I just click it stop wasting my time really does they waste your time by like these bowels here and andressa world alive it's just like you're just wasting your time anyway because when you're doing battles there and then they just want all your money they raise your time what you might come on speedy I mean I'm glad I'm happy that they added like this speed-up thing that was good that was good but this they're not real people Lydia stop with this charade Sharad whatever just stop it just let me speed up I don't have time for this I could probably do it if the PCs like chose that moves straight away and it was sped up animations and might have been able to get to dominate a league but instead I have to wait like 10 seconds for for this guy to choose his attack look at him look at him sorry that 12 seconds that was 12 okay so we had four attack so one two and then two reserves there you quick attack pump there you go okay here we go and I can't I can't speed this up after wait for a little bit I know I know 151 267 26 I got four that not the best cliff for like s'mores a bit too oaky for that oh oh we got Road railroads oh well there you go there you go that's not too bad and some VIP points no super DNA though it's a bit of a shame let's go down ah yes take a ceratopsian other-- herbivore and there's I mean you've seen how many carnivores like everybody we do has carnivores in very weak very weak team I don't think we're gonna get a lot of cups here I've really don't but you never know you gotta stay positive guys stay positive we can do this oh it's come over to half an hour left half an hour left who needs sleep man who needs sleep yep there you go he's dead come on right one it kills it and then woo look at one second BAM one second decision taking decisive so now I'm gonna have to wait like a couple of seconds put about 10 seconds to have to then switch in the languor source and here's that the so many giveaways at these are BOTS because as soon as I switch in a creature there's no time in thinking what they're gonna do they do it what Freddie he's gonna struggle BAM there you go he knew exactly which and that so years laughing and we kill him in two so they go wow I'm not even a second messing it was done and then just all-out all-out attack really fun we should have seven-card killed me yeah oh okay that was only seven seconds that was pretty quick for a bot that was pretty quick I want to know what the quickest time a bot has done like a turn in that was seven seconds usually takes about 10 seconds oh my god I chose yeah oh I just the animation takes ages I should have done that I don't have to okay okay so that battle took about two minutes that took two minutes okay that's fine I don't know what that was was that 40 I think that was 40 was it oh I don't know it's oh wow what's going on here oh yes okay okay we're getting good prizes at least 650 P IP points not bad at all now remember if we open that pack from the dominator League we're probably gonna get bigger big prizes big big prizes in the VIP points I'm expect like 1,300 maybe even more maybe 2,600 possibly this is great this is good as far as the match of goes my team is incredibly underpowered except the Antarctica peltor and put factory my two younger sources hopefully should be good nothing is good against me though so maybe the algorithm be like yeah that was an easy path via wasn't it no I got doji's little to G's right okay two hits see which one was it ready Wow again beautiful IQ what was that okay let's see let's see let's time it I'm gonna say five seconds fifteen fifteen he's gonna do is move up ready 17 16 15 14 [Music] took them 10 seconds 10 second I don't have this oh okay so you ran foreign taxes Odom I'll just go for that I think you went all out yeah now this is Sal Salman Oh Don Joe Manu don't didn't need a block but we're gonna have four factoring with my reserve that's five to eight skills him so we don't have to worry about what he's gonna do so eight nine ten seconds again eleven twelve twelve seconds you're taking the Michael taking the mick so he's gonna go three block and we go for five and he went for one block no bad not bad okay now what do we get what do we get quick laughs let's see we're gonna add 40 again yes Oh Rison Verizon Oh 28 minutes pretty way they'd know that Pike ain't another one another one Oh sixty books come on come on come on come on I don't think we're gonna I mean as soon as we get into predator lead we can see how what its gonna take what its gonna take first to get to the next level oh I don't think we can do it it's gonna take me like half an hour to get through the silver league I think I should be timeliness damn where's me phone oh this is good Oh dis good a carnival and amphibians I'm being lucky with these teams that won but I lost was probably my fault because the team my potent wasn't very good but yeah I'm getting good with the matchups here this is great one attack two reserves so one and then two reserves he's definitely dead 1,000 formed oh I did blue cheese man oh it's so beautiful nah love it mmm come on just do it four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve seconds right there you go don't care don't care I'm killing you what is the political sutures have for attack oh yeah I got to always go for okay so two three four five oh five seconds that was a quickie all right um I'm gonna go for this oh okay that was risky cuz he could have went for three block and then killed me in his next turn I think that was lucky I could have like fight another 40 cups yes keep on going keep on rising move templates this time just give me that Velociraptor super DNA pack give me it gimme gimme gimme give you so many packs so far give me more okay who you are and who you are scroll down another Diplo so it's just another one another one so do you like this having facecam interesting world the game I don't know it took it took a lot of time I think as well with drastic world alive as far as series one of my channel it was it took a while to to edit because this word you're seeing is high quality so it took ages to transfer it took ages to render and then when it came to adding all of the different things and took ages and if I'm gonna be honest it wasn't the most popular thing on the channel just Rover live so I was like putting in all this effort I wasn't enjoying the game people weren't really watching it I was like what about why am I doing this to myself I wanna I want to record and make videos but I I want to watch or I want to see or I think people want to see and that's why I made that Deadland video because that was something that I was like yeah I want to do that that's gonna be fun I want it I want to do that oh my god I think I'm gonna have to find the boiler I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and have my hair cut Bernie's gonna have to do it and you realize you'd be months oh come on 13 seconds for you to make ya bloody binder and all I'm gonna do is kill you six is a quick attack I think it's not that rat it's the shape yeah that's pretty good that's good that's good right just flops for tea thank you come on come on Oh 12 ranks come on keep on keep going keep going keep going keep going 24 minutes 24 minutes 24 minutes carmine let's go 34 minutes 24 minutes no that was not what I meant - that data did dad know Oh everything's against me everything's against me no okay that's it that's a good that's another 40 cups I think that's another 40 cups only oh my god is there a charger anywhere I don't know Oh God there's a way for me to charge this but does of the cables long enough oh god I'm gonna think of my feet here guys puts their cables there now because it's like I'm recording this I can't put the charger into where the charge is supposed to go because that's where the recording thing is but it does also have an outlet in the recording software to charge it but I've done this in the past and it doesn't charge as quickly as it drains so even if I was to put in the charger it's still gonna die but not as quick but at the same time if I mess with the cable it'll break the connection footage might corrupt Oh net don't become a youtuber it's too stressful oh god is it gonna kill me don't do it don't do it don't do it it was close I don't know why I'm over 7 it's a long attack we don't have time for this James am I gonna have to do all my phone am I gonna have to like here you go guys oh my god okay another 40 another 40 yes come on let's keep going let's keep going I've got my iphone worse worst comes to worst we're gonna have to record on my iPhone and then anger just have to edit it in know something yes terrible but why not oh god I should have used them I shouldn't he used them please don't believe liars don't okay okay right so we're gonna go for two hits on owner ranches and kill it wait if I get the low power message on this is it okay or is it gonna close me out of the battle I do I lose that battle oh please don't cuz we've still got one more warning before we die we've got a five percent warning so we're okay we're running on reserve fuel just imagine running on reserve fuel it's okay I've got a warning yet oh no we're not in reserve we're coasting we're fine so two hits then one Reserve there you go switch into alum beer and then he's only gonna have one attack and Olympia might die in one hit I don't know what his health is what is his health oh it doesn't die in one hit ah Metro long does though right there you go okay right what you gonna do what you can do oh okay I have to take it out I have to take it out - it skills a factor in the one extra for the metry along I'm sorry if you did block but you did because the 400 attack 500 times gets turned into 200 and rather take the 200 and anything else I mean kill it in one hit he's only got three we're gonna have four in an X go we kill it no matter what let's see what he does let's see what it does I don't want to go for the four hit I don't think oh well we're gonna have to anyway okay for it there we go Tom had done here we go come on we got this we got this yes there we go forty please that was a tough one yes there we go another 40 wicked free gay do it all off for 75 fantastic thank you thank you yes what a waste of my time what a waste of everyone's time one two three I don't know let's pick a lung beer why not we seem to get 40 for everything we do come on come on come on don't be carnivores don't be carnivores oh they're all carnivores oh my god damn it well it's not too bad it's not too bad they all die in two hits so it could be worse the only problem is they do get like an extra 50% attack he's gonna go for it all out here then I can go for to attack one Reserve alum beer does have a decent amount of health it's not great I don't have a lung be a level 40 though yeah yeah now concave inator I think has the most pack out of all of them so one two and then one reserve come on come on we got this through all the marbles 500 500 oh don't go for - oh do yes fine fair enough go for it go for - right what is righteous take a half what his righteous take a half oh he's got terrible he's got a terrible amount he's only gonna have three so you can't kill him in two and there we go there we go that's guaranteed win guaranteed W is to an attack yeah 242 yep so two four six could it be dangerous if you've done three attack to me that might have killed me do it come on okay so he's got three attack we kill him in we could have been one even so there you go that's all she wrote ed but one of the faster animations very good very good I think we've done it we got into predator lead we've got into predator League I think number 435 you kidding me that was weight of it okay so what do we need what do we need now it's not done it's not done we need to double a score ee ee but there's still a chance there's still a chance we can win the super raptor I'm just going to put a level of one interrupter I'll do there's still a chance that we can get the super DNA pack on the spin wheel there's still that chance and it's worth it so I have now 17 minutes left 17 minutes left it's not happening it's not happening if I were if let's say it takes three minutes for me to do a battle three six nine twelve fifty so it's five battles that's 200 cups as tuna cups at getting 40 oh there's the five there's a five at getting 40 each time that's tuna cups that takes them to 800 damn damn but you know what would I rather win that DNA all have had some sleep if this game had just released I would have had to I feel like because I would have wanted to get it and but you know what it's okay it's okay so one two three one extra and then two blocks just in case yeah well one extra that's fine that's fine I'll take that fire attack it's turning to foreign fuel which isn't that much of a difference but he does die in one hit you okay well guys we did good we did good I think I think we did good like going from bottom of Survivor League to predator League in less than an hour I'd say that's really good we did a great job with pat ourselves all on the bus that was only 25 so there you go that was only 25 and that was tough there was a tough battle but it's because it was an interactive the we we uh we had in there so what do we do guys do we keep on going for 50 minutes get to rank 67 and get the same prize or do we get a silver rewards pack I think we get silver Ward's back and we face up against an interrupter Gentoo anyway okay so yeah let's do you you and we don't need anything much extra like that that's one that's wouldn't a game so here we go let's see we've got fifteen minutes to win a silver rewards pack chances of us really winning the super DNA pack in the spin wheel is probably 0.001% chance it's incredibly low if possible at all so bearing that in mind I'd rather go for the guaranteed Civil War's pack and get some good DNA and VIP points and whatever there are the prizes oh here it is interrupted Jane - hey kill them ad we gotta speed this up so it's even quicker so we could probably win this pack and do like a couple more fights left or interrupted versus interrupted yeah there ya go beautiful we did it there you go that's a title interrupter versus interrupt you have to wait an hour into the video till you got that but they go it's not cooked betadine more in the Raptors yes oh that's a tough spinosaur level 288 what oh we go someone that's good you can only block for one and I think we killed them so let's just go for it let's go for three yeah I need blood for ones we do 6000 I would kill them come on we go fight now we're on reserve now we're in reserve tank whoop we've 5% we do have an iPhone no we do have an iPhone I should've charged I should have charged it I don't know why I didn't okay one two Sonny's go all-out kill him what's this 800 with 5000 but we do we can kill in two hits and he's gonna go for two hits to kill us and he's going to go one block we're gonna have three if not four so he's only got one block and he's dead yeah take up dead okay two bottles can't we get it can't we at least get a silver Ward's on here go away code 1900 12 into Raptor - oh this is tough oh this one's way tougher you know what I'm gonna put in that and then I'm gonna put in I need indominus rex gen - that's what I need here now if it's within an hour of the tournament ending the cops don't change like you stay the same cubs so I'm just gonna go for loads of reserves because as long as I got rid of quite sir I mean if it kills all stuck for Soros I'm okay but yeah I just want to use something to get all more reserves up for indominus rex gen - oh it's got four and kill me into is the gonna go for any only wait for all of its attack to kill me and there we go we won okay indominus rex gen - is go diverse against Endor Raptor gen - so there you go here we go here we go here we go it's all the stress all the stress here we go in director Chen - let Evo - evolution - oh look at them looks cool oh it goes for that time ooh look at that about the same health sorry about the same attack but not the same health I don't think it is the same health so one two three turn one extra I think he's probably got to block hey Howard party latching - OH Scott Scott from dress up with a life I hate oh he goes to five-o kills them brings in rage and then we just go for eight thirty thousand damage damn kill them both awful beau'ful yeah there we go okay come on the final battle to win the silver award is oh geez whoo oh that's scary we need a flyer okay Metro for Donna Miz and then just to guarantee just to guarantee that we got this oh yes we definitely got a one if and then 42 bits oh yeah there we go a man another two hits who interrupted and then finally segment this is like one of those much roads just like he kills me I kill him he kills me I kill him everyone basically so now we're gonna go for two attacks and then his boss to the source we'll go for another to tax to kill me and then my Sigma sutures would go for three tacks to kill him yep pretty much yeah I like these bowels is just a shame because I can't do them because at this point they're so expensive to do because I have to use my best creatures in order to pull off something like a bow that is like this but I mean if I'm if it's for a reward a pack whatever there we go so silver Ward's we've got some food and a zing zing but we did get 650 VIP points isn't that bad here we go 9 minutes left let's see one more bottle let's go let's put in mustard on a source if I win this pack on oh my god you are amazing Whitney is that CC that is a cup of tea did you have to put it in this mug though mmm lovely right here we go this is it what done brings me a cup of tea didn't even have time to make a cup of tea teamwork done it teamwork okay so here we go oh that's it fell off the gin - where's the in paying attention all right okay come on oh it looks cool it looks sick now that's what I used to think if you use sick in a sense it would look like something would have to look like that like spikes inside that's sick it's like a skateboarder oh you want to do you wanna dance you want a dancer you're gonna die you can't dance his prints right brings in and drop Jen - again just take a sip of tea it took us an hour and a bit to get here but tabor turn okay and there it is okay well we did one more bottle and we won us over Awards so we've opened so many parks like how many parks have we opened today good lord come on give me it give you 24 oh well 700 Oh Chris Pratt golly oh and Grady got it 89 89 and what do we get on the prize wheel 200 I've noticed a lot of the battles as well there's no longer any entry like cost which is really good I enjoy that so we're not after cups at this point we just want to win before the berry runs out before the tournament ends and they're probably both gonna end at the same time I'd say it's it seems like it we now have how long left how long do we have left these wake the computer roof come on this ham and it's all for seven minutes we've seven minute we probably get in three battles and a max three at a push I wanna be engine would like me engine one right there we go come on come on ooh this is a good one this is good I think we're gonna get a lot of cups of this I think we are I've only got 70 minutes left on this on that that memory card even though it's like 64 gig could only hold 17 more minutes of this verge because it records in like super high quality it's it's it's the one that's bigger than what is it 1920 by 1080 I really shouldn't and it records a 60 FPS as well I really shouldn't recording that quotient dimensions in quality but I do cuz I may need to eat who focuses too much on what is a is doing well that's okay we got this yeah it's gonna have to happen isn't it look at this hi guys Victory's here we go seven one and we got 24 cups for that like I said if we just been doing these bars would be like 40 ahead if not 50 is it worth it now we got we got server Awards and we've got VIP points we probably could have won a car track I'll say probably we got lucky we got really flipping lucky when we won the car park after card pack after card pack that time we got row with some rogue rewards and then silver Awards and then we got VIP pack that was incredibly lucky it's like winning the lottery that was yeah we came to its that's okay that's okay we can kill em to hit so one reserved to attack win killer and one hit come on what's gonna give up first what's gonna give up first the toilet oh my iPad syntax we now have t-minus five minutes left like I said probably only three mobile sir one two and then to reserve I think you might have had one block maybe look at that a super hybrid in its evolution to only five hundredths half I might just used to like dinosaurs doing way more damage now I mean that that's not that great now we feel like it is there it's it's it that's on par with like a level 40 t-rex I suppose okay so amazed we just go all-out attack we kill it in one so yep there you go four minutes left come on five percent Barry you got this you got this 25 would we get ooh we got 30 wait we got 24 there again I think damn oh no go back no okay we we have like no this for day I find a bottle I think may be able to squeeze it whoa one more I don't care about we're not getting there we're not gonna donate League it wasn't happening oh that's a terrible team to face up against for the final bottle I don't like that one and anything we kill out in one hate I think it's gonna take - well guys did you did you manage to do this you probably you probably could've you've probably got way more well I say that you probably don't have way more spare time than me I'm just not very good with using it but this game first came out I was playing it constantly good stuff and now not so much there it goes we have died okay but that is not the end of this video no and iPhone oh there we go oh yeah that's not obnoxious at all fantastic okay so we have one minute we're gonna do our final bow I don't even have you that loud in game what's up team hey that's okay that's okay we can do this where is it we're hey you go let me drink me tea Aubry make those Sofia you know what I could do I could screen record it I could do that but that's way too much effort this is way better right so we can go for one hit is it one hit two reserves there you go god it's so dark look at that Wow you can barely see it you to run it oh is this flipped as well I mean flipped in the recorder so I'm gonna have to flip the footage hmm oh he switched is he gonna go for an attack oh he does the cheeky git right how many your text is are gonna take the killer 2 so 1 2 1 2 and 1 reserve 2 attacks 2 blocks 1 reserve and I think we've won you know what guys it was it was a good effort it was a good effort we tried our best we only had an hour if you haven't done this at all like you haven't air participate in the tournament you need at least 3 hours 3 out if you glad day and you've got 3 hours to spare leave it to the last minute and do 3 hours then because if you do 3 hours right away then you're gonna go strain to dominate League and then use your best creatures and waste them and you're not gonna have enough so if you are gonna do it this way leave it to the last minute and here we go prize wheel 30 yard I think they're both 787 taking us to rank seventy-five what we gonna win please be the pack I would scream I would literally scream 100 what is that oh it's a hundred okay so here we go we're gonna win the prize oh it's gone oh it's gone kick I'm clicking there it is we got it our predator twin pack unfortunately was not you know our kickstart to interrupt a Gentoo that we wanted but hey yo it's good okay so what do we get food 2.5 in DNA which isn't too bad Micro sores and micro sores which we could have got better ones they're not very good legendaries and for VIP points we get 2600 that's really good I'll take that yeah that's awesome okay there you have it guys Oh hold on Eureka Oh God look at that reach Hunter League reach all of them we didn't finish in dama League or even get to dominate a league yeah so that could have been an extra 40 super Raptor DNA so we are gonna get though 30 42 so it's not too bad we will click the wall yeah look at it go yay beautiful and then you have it so we have seen you've seen interrupt Jen - yeah we did the tournament we opened so many packs so it's I I would say little loss I'd say that's kind of a win but anyway guys enjoyed this video leave a like and until next time you Bill I got a haircut I'll see you later oh boy [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 703,641
Rating: 4.9169126 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: VzjnDhzlUdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 19sec (4279 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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